What is the frequency of requests. Search queries and their frequency. High-, medium- and low-frequency requests Determine the frequency of requests by a list

Hello dear readers!

There was an idea to combine all the articles related to the topic of the frequency of search queries. And here I am in a hurry to implement it.

Today we will talk about the analysis of the frequency of search queries, combining all the knowledge accumulated in the previous texts.

Request frequency

First of all, let's decide again how we will group requests. It is no secret to anyone that low-frequency (LF), mid-frequency (MF) and high-frequency (HF) stand out. But how do you determine which group a request belongs to? Previously, I suggested this scheme:

  • LF - up to 700 requests per month;
  • MF - up to 2000 requests per month;
  • HF - all the rest.

This scheme is still valid, but it is applicable for SEO topics.

In reality, most SEOs are guided by the following scheme:

  • up to 1000 - low-frequency;
  • 1 - 10 thousand - mid-range;
  • over 10 thousand - high-frequency.

This formula is also true, but it is considered general. If you work in competitive topics, where it is extremely difficult to break into the TOP of search engines, then these numbers are reduced.

Now you understand that it is better to determine the frequency depending on what subject your resource belongs to.

LF, MF and HF

I think it is not necessary to describe in detail each type of request, its features and nuances. All this has already been covered in sufficient detail in previous articles, you just need to read them:

This topic has also been repeatedly raised in previous articles (for example, in the article), but, as they say, repetition is the mother of learning.

So, there are three services that are suitable for analyzing the frequency of requests:

  • Google Adwords
  • Rambler.Adstat

The most accurate is Yandex.Wordstat, because. it covers more than 50% of the Russian-speaking audience (through the search engines Yandex, Mail, etc.), respectively, and the numbers here are the closest to the truth.

In second place is Adwords from Google. The coverage area of ​​the Runet is about 30%, so the accuracy of determining requests is lower here. But still, this service should not be discounted.

Worst of all determines the frequency of requests Rambler.Adstat, whose statistics cover about 10% of the Russian Internet. Read about Google.Adwords and Rambler.Adstat in the article "". Let's talk about wordstat in more detail.


You can access this service by following this link.

By entering a search query, you will get a picture of its frequency. Don't forget to use wordstat operators:

  • If a request is entered in the window (pvc windows), then it will be calculated how many times this request was typed in Yandex (pvc windows, the cost of pvc windows, buy pvc windows, pvc windows in Moscow, etc.)
  • If the query is entered in quotation marks (“pvc windows”), then it will be calculated how many times this query and its word forms were used (pvc windows, pvc windows, pvc windows, pvc windows, etc.)
  • If you enter a query in quotation marks and with an exclamation point before each word ("! windows! pvc"), then it will be calculated how many times this particular query was entered.

Therefore, if you need to know the exact number of requests, then use quotes and exclamation marks.

When determining the frequency, do not forget that a low-frequency request is not always low competitive, and a high-frequency request is not always highly competitive. Therefore, be careful, try to determine both the frequency and the competitiveness of the request.

Keyword frequency is the number of hits by Internet visitors with such phrases to the search engine during the month in order to obtain the necessary information.

In other words, these are search query statistics that allow you to evaluate the popularity of a query and, as a result, predict the number of potential readers to the site for a particular key, for a group of keys.

In Runet, information from the Yandex Wordstat service (Wordstat) is used to assess the frequency of keywords.

Types of request frequency

  • WC - Common frequency, without quotes. Shows the total number of search hits for all phrases generated by the phrase specified in the search.
  • “WC” – Phrase Frequency, in quotation marks. Changes in case and word order are allowed.
  • “!WC” – Exact Frequency, in quotation marks, and an exclamation point (!) is added before each word. Allows permutation of words.
  • “” – up to word order.

Working, when compiling the Semantic Core, is the phrase frequency “WC”. The fact is that the exact frequency for some phrases in Wordstat is not indicated. And the overall frequency is too approximate, and it is not recommended to rely on it.

In visibility services, it is also customary to work with phrase frequency.

Maybe someone doesn’t know that experts use the symbols WC to designate query statistics based on the WordStat database of Yandex PS. In some services, this value is denoted as YW.

Rambler statistics, for example, are designated RA, and LiveInternet - Li.

How and with what to collect frequency

To perform such an operation, all the same tools are used as for collecting requests. These are Key Collector or cloud services, Rush Analytics, Just Magic and others.

How, for example, the frequency is collected in Rush-Analytics:

  1. We create a project, assign a name.
  2. Set the region.
  3. Specify the desired types of frequencies to collect. Usually it is WC, “WC”, somewhat less often and “!WC”.
  4. Loading the list of keys.
  5. Press the "Get Started" button.

Where to use frequency

This data is used to evaluate potential traffic by key.

According to this indicator, search queries are divided into:

  • HF (high frequency)
  • MF (mid-frequency)
  • LF (low frequency).

Immediately after collection, requests with zero or very low frequency can be removed from the main list. The cleaning threshold is set for each site individually.

Based on the frequency data, the main keys in the cluster (group) of queries are determined, which affects the distribution of keys in important areas of the site page.

Having received a complete list of requests and removed the empty keys, we proceed to the next step -

It's no secret that most of the articles on the Internet are written with sharpening for certain keywords. Their use serves several purposes, the most important of which is the promotion of the resource on the World Wide Web, the desire for the first lines in the results of the issuance of sites by search engines, and the attraction of a large number of visitors, mainly the target audience. However, before writing an article aimed at solving these problems, you need to know which keywords to use. In order to help copywriters and site owners in solving this issue, there are special services. One of the most popular and authoritative is Yandex Query Frequency, or Wordstat.yandex. How to use this tool with the greatest efficiency, we will tell in this article.

What is "Wordstat"?

Most webmasters in our country use the frequency of Yandex search queries to select keywords. What is this tool? This is a service that combines various kinds of word forms entered by users in the search bar. A person who is interested in the statistics of any query can enter any word here and find out the total number of impressions on the Internet. In addition, all key phrases in which this word was used and the frequency of requests for each of them will be presented.

Information is given out by a specific word/phrase, their derivatives (in a different case, number, order, etc.), as well as by associative queries. That is, those that were used along with the word/phrase of interest to you. In order to see them, you need to go to the tab "What else people were looking for who were looking for ...". This feature allows you to significantly expand the semantic core of the site (a set of words that have a specific theme and are used to write articles and promote on the Internet).

Wordstat.yandex structure

The resource is a line for entering words with tabs below it. The first one is called "According to". Here you can check the frequency of queries in Yandex for specific words or phrases. Tracking this data for a certain period (say, a month or a week) is also quite simple - you just need to use the "Impression History" section and select the desired period of time. Your attention will be presented with a graph of changes in the frequency of impressions of certain words/phrases.

In order to narrow the search area, there is a "By regions" tab. With it, you can find out the frequency of requests in Yandex for the same words, but in a specific city / region. In addition, for the purpose of concretization, SEO-optimizers use the so-called operators. Let's see what they are and what they are.

"Yandex.Wordstat" operators

Let's say for some keyword we are interested in a specific word form and its frequency of requests. "Yandex"-statistics gives us this phrase in different combinations. To fix it in the desired form, the "quotation marks" operator is used. Here's what it gives us (for the "best bars" query):

  • it was: the best bars in the world, in the best Moscow bars, etc.;
  • became: best bars, best bars, best bars, etc.

Let's dwell briefly on other existing operators:

  1. "Exclamation point" - is used to get the exact meanings of keywords, placed before each word. For example, !best!bars.
  2. The minus operator - excludes certain words from queries. For example, the best bars in Moscow.
  3. The "plus" operator - using it, the Yandex query frequency can take into account prepositions and conjunctions in order to show query results only with their use. For example, + than to wash windows.
  4. "Parentheses" and "straight slash" - allow you to group several keywords in one query. For example, vouchers (buy | price | last minute). As a result, you will be able to receive information simultaneously on the following queries: "Where to buy tours", "Price of tours to Egypt", "Last minute tours for May", etc.

Operators are actually very useful and have a significant effect on the results obtained. So, for example, for the keyword "Buy a tea shop", the frequency of queries "Yandex" without an operator will be 2080 per month, and using "Buy! shop! tea" - only 67. When choosing keywords, be sure to consider these nuances, otherwise you risk stumbling on a large number of "dummy phrases".

In addition to Wordstat.yandex, there is another popular statistics service - Google Adwords. The frequency of Yandex requests may differ from the data obtained using the Google tool. Each of these systems has its own audience of users and, therefore, its own indicators. Therefore, in order to get the best results, it is recommended to check requests using both services, which are by far the largest used in our country.


In this article, we talked about what the Yandex query frequency is, how to find it for specific words and phrases, and how to get the most accurate and useful data on them. The correct selection of keywords is very important for promotion on the Internet and attracting visitors to your resource. That is why services such as "Yandex.Wordstat" are very popular with SEO-optimizers, copywriters, advertisers and site owners.

You can find out the frequencies of Wordstat manually, but this is long and inconvenient. To speed up the work, there are parsers: desktop programs, browser extensions, cloud services and scripts. All of them are similar - there are only differences in the nuances of work. Own appeared in the PromoPult system. We understand how it works and how it is better than analogues.

Key features of the Wordstat Parser in PromoPult:

  • mass check of frequencies from the left column of Wordstat for the specified phrases;
  • loading phrases as a list or using an XLSX file;
  • the ability to parse the frequency in any Yandex region;
  • accounting for the type of match when parsing (operators " phrase«, «! phrase" And [ phrase]);
  • saving all reports "in the cloud".

Service features:

  • unlimited number of search queries when checking at a time;
  • collection of frequencies online - no need to install software;
  • no need to create fake accounts in Yandex specifically for scraping or risk your own accounts;
  • no need to use proxy servers and enter captcha;
  • summation in the report of frequencies for the specified regions or a breakdown for each region;
  • high parsing speed;
  • easy-to-follow report in XLSX format.

A bit of theory: why do you need to know keyword frequencies?

The main reason for collecting frequencies is traffic forecasting. Knowing how many times users were interested in a certain phrase, you can roughly calculate how many clicks a site will receive if it takes the Nth position in the search.

How it works in practice:

  • you have formed a list of key phrases that you plan to promote;
  • for the phrase for which you plan to evaluate traffic, determine the frequency (for example, " buy an ottoman in Moscow"- 2852);
  • find out the CTR values ​​depending on the position in the search (approximate data on the distribution of CTR can be found in open sources, but if your site has been running for at least a few months, then more accurate data is available in the Yandex.Webmaster report "Search queries" / "History of requests » / indicator: «CTR on positions, %»);
  • make a traffic forecast for the TOP-10 (to do this, multiply the frequency by the CTR and divide by 100%; for example, if the CTR of positions 2-3 is 25%, then the predicted traffic upon reaching this position is: 2852*25/100 = 713).

The second reason to collect frequencies is sifting "garbage" phrases. These are phrases whose frequency tends to zero, and it makes no sense to include them on existing pages (let alone create new pages for them).

Which phrases are considered "garbage"? It all depends on the topic. For example, if the topic is narrow, there is little traffic (for example, for the keywords " purchase of an MRI machine" or " Vertu repair”), and each user is worth its weight in gold, then you can leave phrases with a frequency of 1. For mass-market stores, requests with a frequency below 5 are filtered out. And for information sites, a frequency of 10-20 may well be the lower limit. The main thing is not to overdo it with deleting unnecessary phrases, otherwise there is a risk of losing traffic for low-frequency queries, which sometimes amounts to 70-80% of the total traffic.

Another reason to refine the frequencies is building a hierarchy of requests on the page. More frequent queries are added to Title and H1, and sections and subsections are formed under less frequent queries.

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There are several services that allow you to predict frequency of search queries, but most specialists use a service from Yandex - Yandex Wordstat.


Yandex has a significant market share (a large sample of data) and a convenient tool for analysis (Yandex Wordstat). In the tool from Mail, you can get more advanced data for each keyword, but on a much smaller sample of data. The Yandex Wordstat service was created primarily for Yandex Direct, but is very useful for SEO specialists.

3 types of query frequency in Yandex Wordstat

Every day, SEO specialists use 3 types of frequency in their work. You need to catch the difference and learn how to correctly interpret the information, understand its value.

The total frequency is the predicted number of impressions per month of the entered phrase with any other words in any case/declension/number, etc. That is, if you enter the query [pizza delivery], you will get the number of impressions per month for such queries as: [pizza delivery], [pizza delivery around the clock], [inexpensive pizza delivery in St. Petersburg at 3 am], [pizza akhtynzan delivery to Yekaterinburg], etc.


The numbers next to each query in the keyword results give you a preview of the number of impressions per month you'll get if you select that query as a keyword. So, the number next to the word “phone” indicates the number of impressions for all queries with the word “phone”: “buy a phone”, “cell phone”, “buy a cell phone”, “buy a new speckled cell phone”, etc.

That is, Yandex tells us that the word "pizza" and any phrases with the word "pizza" will score 2,242,196 times a month, and the phrase "pizza delivery" and all phrases with the phrase "pizza delivery" will score 240,705 times a month. With this information, you can find interesting clusters of queries that users are typing and analyze the needs of potential customers. For example, here it is clearly seen that only 10% of users who searched for anything related to pizza are looking for pizza delivery.

Some users want to get pizza around the clock, while for the other part of the users it is very important that the pizza be delivered quickly. This is valuable information for your business, so experiment and look for interesting query needs.

2. Accurate query frequency

The exact frequency is the predicted number of impressions per month of the entered phrase without any other words, but in any case/declension/number, etc. That is, if you enter the query "pizza delivery", you will get the number of impressions per month for queries such as: [pizza delivery], [pizza delivery], [pizza delivery], etc.

To get the exact frequency of a request, the entire request must be enclosed in quotation marks:

Accurate frequency will help you find key queries that users actually type. Also note that only 6% of users who search for something with pizza delivery are limited to the query [pizza delivery], and 94% of users supplement (specify) their query.

3. Super accurate request rate

Super accurate frequency is the predicted number of impressions per month of the entered phrase without any other words and in indicated case/declension/number and so on. That is, if you enter the query "!delivery!pizza", you will get the number of impressions per month for the query [pizza delivery].

To get the exact frequency of a request, the entire request must be enclosed in quotation marks and precede each word with an exclamation point:

Super accurate frequency allows you to identify in which case, number and declension people are typing certain queries.

Prepositions in Yandex

Wordstat does not take prepositions into account when you analyze the overall frequency. If you need to look at the key query with a preposition, then you must put a “+” before the preposition.

Feel the difference:

Imagine that you want to know how many people want to buy air tickets to Moscow. If you type [flight tickets to Moscow], you will get 716,174 total frequencies, but this frequency also includes requests for [flight tickets from Moscow], [flight tickets Moscow], [Moscow Sochi flights] and others.

But if you enter the query [air tickets + to Moscow], you will see 66,841 total frequencies. The numbers differ by 10 times, I hope you don't forget to indicate "+"

The Yandex Wordstat service has the ability to analyze the frequency of requests for the required region. Sometimes this is very helpful.

In some areas of activity, you can find suitable queries that are found only in certain regions. For example, the names of geographical objects.

There is also a separate functionality where you can see the popularity of any keyword in different regions.

Seasonality (query history) is a very useful feature with which you can analyze the frequency of a keyword in different periods of time. Data is stored for 2 years.

For example, this is how the demand for air tickets to Moscow looks like at different times of the year:

Additional operators

There are some operators that are used by qualified professionals. If you are just starting to master search engine optimization, then you should not focus on them.

Operator "-"

The "-" operator allows you to remove unnecessary words (similar to direct).

Operator "|" (or)

Operator "|" (or) allows you to get the result for several conditions at once.

"()" operator (grouping)

The "()" operator (grouping) allows you to combine conditions.
