Panchvidze sold MDK. How MDK became the most scandalous community "VKontakte Owner of mdk

MDK is "no longer a cake" since April 18, 2016. This day, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the founders of the public - Roberto Panchvidze and Dmitry Aladyshev, who owned almost equal shares in MDK LLC, each halved their part, and transferred 50% to Eldar Huseynov. He also became the general director of the company, while Panchvidze and Aladyshev each had 25%.

Eldar Huseynov is twenty-nine, he was born in Shatura near Moscow, graduated from Bauman University (Department of Informatics and Control Systems) and lives in the Presnensky district of the capital. Eldar from a wealthy family. One of his first jobs, ten years ago, was in the Tradewest company, which was led by his father Kamil Huseynov. The company is not particularly remarkable, it was founded in 2005, registered in the center of Moscow and was engaged in wholesale trade, organization of entertainment and gambling.

Until 2009, Eldar Huseynov had a 70% stake in the Nefteprominvest oil company, and his father managed it until 2009. The company managed to light up in criminal history: 370 million rubles were withdrawn from its "daughter" called Network Systems LLC.

This money was not received for work mobile operator MTS, which "Network Systems" attracted as a subcontractor. And the withdrawal of funds, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was handled by another co-owner of Network Systems Alexander Chesalov, he was convicted under the article "Fraud in the field of entrepreneurial activity" in 2014.

This is from my affairs, which have nothing to do with creative activity, a flashback straight from another life, - Huseynov said to Life, refusing to discuss this stage of his life.

In 2011, when Huseynov began to become disillusioned with the oil business, the scandalous humorous public MDK was created in the parallel world of Vkontakte, which was covered up more than once by both the network administration and the courts. He gained public his Jesuit fame, including cynical jokes about the terrorist attack on the Volgograd bus, the plane crash in Kazan, the death of Zhanna Friske and other things. Now the group has 7.5 million subscribers, MDK's current daily traffic is - around 600 thousand unique users per day.

Representatives of MDK in 2013 stated that the annual net profit of the project amounted to $ 1 million. Then why sell such a cow?

Financial performance of MDK LLC is not disclosed; Sarafanka LLC, which is owned by Aladyshev and Vladislav Ivashov, mentioned in legal processes, is in the process of liquidation. At the same time, Germes LLC (listed for Panchvidze and Aladishev), which also appeared in court cases, showed a net loss of 1.9 million rubles in 2014 with a revenue of 13 million rubles.

Roberto Panchvidze refused to comment on the changes in MDK. There is reason to believe that he had a desire to sell the public in the same 2013. Then a rather unpleasant story happened for him: the Hopes & Fears publication decided to describe Panchvidze's business in its rosy manner, which by that time had become quite public, but the founder of the Vkontakte social network, Pavel Durov in the comments accused the publication of "advertising denim".

To date, Roberto Panchvidze and his team are the founders of an entire empire of entertainment publics, including "Eaglet", "Institute for Noble Maidens", "Katavasia" and others - the amount of their subscribers exceeds 20 million people, and the cost of an advertising post is from 350 to 45 thousand rubles.

True, the founder of Liveinternet and Mediametrics services German Klimenko rates MDK extremely low:

- Zero rubles. Creating such a resource is not difficult, it only requires lowering the moral threshold. Owning such a resource definitely does not give bonuses to karma. Rather, minus. There are no special incomes. There is no point in buying. Yes, there is some revenue, but the cost of the resource is not only money. This is a whole complex, - said Klimenko.

The head of the satirical public "Lentach" Mark Shein also found it difficult to assess MDK and its income: “It is difficult to give exact numbers. The market is very closed.

Actually, why does Eldar Huseynov need MDK? As business analysts say, for a synergistic effect. To promote his main business, which is more fun than his father's - after all, Eldar's projects lack network support.

Friends call him Al. Eldar's friends include rapper Pavel Kravtsov (known under the pseudonym Kravts), artist Zorik Istomin, who, according to Huseynov, had a hand in the creation of the Hardcore film, Comedy Club residents Tair Mammadov and Alexander Nezlobin (Nezlob). In a conversation with Life, Huseynov noted that seven years ago, friends created an interest club. And in 2013, they registered the legal entity Presnya Family.

"We have a group of friends, a creative association, and we did various creative things that we liked. First we organized stand-ups, Pashka Kravts rapped, then we started making sticker books, then we signed an artist, Zhenya Didur, that is, we began to develop a music label "Then they realized that all this should be called by one name, and called #presnyafamily. Therefore, we have the Presnya Family and Presnya Family Music sticker books. By the way, Aiza Anokhina is now signed to this music label, the ex-wife Gufa."

He confirmed to Life the fact of the deal and promised "not to change the face of the public."

Changes in leadership, however, are already reflected in the content - for example, on May 5, MDK and "Eaglet" almost simultaneously published an episode of the "Daring Pranks" mini-series.

This series is filmed and posted on YouTube by former KVN officer Idrak Mirzalizade, one of the main characters of Huseynov's stand-up club. Stand-Up Club is the main asset of the new owner of MDK.

On October 17, 2010, we had our first Stand-Up Party at the Beijing Hotel and have been partying there for several years. Nezlob was the permanent presenter there, and the permanent composition was small. Then Ruslan Bely, Vitya Komarov, Slava Komissarenko performed there, - Eldar lists. - In the same place we started to organize "free microphones". Then the producers of TNT drew attention to the activities of a small stand-up community and offered to transfer it to a television format. And we have always dealt with the club format, the club part of the activity.

According to Eldar Huseynov, at some point it turned out that the main artists left for TNT and began to appear less frequently at club parties, so there was a need to create their own collection point, which would be autonomous. So a year ago, their own “stand-up base” appeared on Arbat, 21. Performances of the main cast take place there, and the organizers also hold “open microphones” there - for beginner comedians. In 2015, leading figures also came there - Vadim Galygin and Yuri Stoyanov.

Then, last year, Huseynov founded two companies: Standup Club and Standup No. 1, they organize performances by young artists and experienced comedians. Among the first persons of the holding (in addition to Mirzalizade) is a resident of the Comedy Club and the host of the "Slaughter League" Konstantin Pushkin, twice champion major league, screenwriter of "Big Difference" Vitaly Kolomiets, Artur Chaparyan and others. There are about ten participants in total, who will not be superfluous with the MDK audience: moving to the Network, Huseynov and partners "drank" the YouTube program "Evening Evening" in the manner of the American comedy show "Between Two Ferns".

The District Court of St. Petersburg ruled to restrict access to information from the MDK community on the VKontakte social network. Now he is threatened with getting into the register of blocked sites, and MDK has already been on the “black list” of Roskomnadzor. Why is there such attention to him and how it all began - tells

What is MDK?

MDK is a community, a public that arose in social network VKontakte in 2011. Gained popularity thanks to jokes, pictures and demotivators, sustained in a teenage style, which were posted by the users themselves. Often beyond the bounds of accepted ethics: for example, jokes about the dead were allowed, obscene language was used, etc. And the very name of the community is consonants from an obscene word denoting a narrow-minded person.

The strategy turned out to be successful - the community grew along with VKontakte and became the most visited in the most popular Russian social network. So, at the beginning of 2013, more than a million people signed up for it, and by the end - 3 million. mobile version entered the very programs of the App Store. MDK now has nearly 6.8 million subscribers.


Despite their youth, the founders (in their early 20s) managed to turn the community into a business. Advertising posts almost from the very beginning.

At the end of 2013, a trademark was registered for the Sarafanka company. Dmitry Aladyshev, one of the co-founders, became the CEO. He owns 34 percent of the shares. His partners, Roberto Panchvidze and Dmitry Trachuk, got 33 percent each.

Panchvidze explained the trademark registration as a need to fight communities and companies that are trying to cash in on the MDK brand. However, he promised not to interfere with those who use the trademark not for commercial gain.

The community also has accounts on Twitter and Instagram, but both in total gained a little less than 200 thousand subscribers - VKontakte remained the main platform. By the end of 2013, the turnover was estimated at $1.3 million, according to the Russian Forbes. In an interview with, Roberto Panchvidze evaded a direct assessment of the current turnover.

Dear jokes

The reason for the jokes in the community was both current events and typical everyday problems. The public did not shy away from attacks against advertisers. We must pay tribute to the community: they did not fail to joke about their potential closure.

Screenshot of the MDK community in Vkontakte

The most infamous MDK publication was a picture with lyrics parodying the words of Zhanna Friske's song, released on the day of the singer's death. In addition to the potential blocking, already familiar to the community by that time, even criminal prosecution was sought for its authors.

The current court case states that each of the 695 community albums contains 400-600 photographs that are pornographic in nature and can affect the mental health of children. Also, the community published texts with profanity, pictures that offend the feelings of believers. At the same time, very tragic events did not remain without comment - for example, the terrorist attack in Volgograd. This post has since been deleted.

Consequences of fasting

If the closure was threatened quite often (usually everything ended with the removal of the materials under jurisdiction), then in the case of the post about the singer, the sore point of MDK was affected - the community was disconnected from the advertising exchange, through which a significant part of the income was received. However, the community has not changed its concept.

Screenshot of the MDK community in Vkontakte

Often, after claims against the community, claims were also made against VKontakte, but social network employees usually took a neutral position, demanding a decision from a judicial or regulatory authority to take appropriate action. An exception was made only in the above case with a joke about Friske. Also, once a community was banned for posting a link offering to download a malicious application.

In November 2013, the public itself threatened to go on a counterattack, announcing against State Duma deputy Mikhail Markelov for his statements on October 23, 2013 about a post dedicated to the terrorist attack in Volgograd. However, no further information about the lawsuit has been forthcoming, and the post is not available at the link.

Any event, be it a lawsuit against the community or a response, MDK always strives to turn into self-promotion. It is difficult to expect that the next lawsuit will change something in this concept.

MDK co-founder Roberto Panchvidze commented on his view of the current situation with the community.

For insulting public servants Russian Federation and municipal employees
Article 130 like.
Here are her comments
Commentary on article 130
1. When insulting, the humiliation of honor and dignity is expressed in a negative
assessing the identity of the victim, which undermines his prestige in the eyes of others
and damages self-respect.
2. Insult as a crime must be expressed in indecent, i.e.
e. cynical form, deeply contrary to the rules of conduct accepted in society.
In our opinion, an insult is an offense that can be expressed
orally, for example, in the form of swear words or obscene nicknames; in writing in the form
notes or letters of indecent content; in the form of body movements - slaps,
spitting in the face, etc. actions.
3. Unlike slander, insult does not matter, it corresponds
whether the reality of a negative assessment of the identity of the victim. About delimitation
insults from slander, see also the commentary to Art. 129 of the Criminal Code.
4. Signs of insult are present only in cases where the actions of a person
directed against a certain person and there is no doubt that we are talking
exactly about him. So, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dismissed the criminal case on insulting
and slander due to the fact that the accused in his publications did not indicate the real
names of specific individuals, although the plots were taken from real specific cases (see Bull.
VS RSFSR, 1988, N 8, p. 6).
5. An insult is considered a completed crime at the time of its infliction,
when it is committed directly in the presence of the victim, and in some
cases - at the moment when it became known to the victim from other persons or, for example,
when listening to a magnetic recording given to him under one pretext or another,
e.g. for recording.
6. Subjective side - intent, as a rule, direct. The culprit realizes
that he inflicts an insult, and desires it, or, with indirect intent, relates
indifferent to the fact that he humiliates the honor and dignity of another person.
7. The subject of the crime is a person who has reached the age of 16.
8. A circumstance aggravating the insult and affecting his qualifications,
is its publicity, i.e. bringing the insult to public knowledge.
On the concept of publicity, see the commentary to Art. 129 of the Criminal Code.
9. Insult must be distinguished from hooliganism. When making
the last motive for the crime is hooligan motives, and when insulting
the motive is expressed in the manifestation of hostility to a person whose honor and dignity
humiliated. In addition, the object of encroachment when insulting is honor
and dignity, and hooliganism encroaches on public order; when insulted
there is always a specific person - the victim, with hooliganism he may not
to be.
10. In cases where the insult is accompanied by extortion, liability
should come accordingly under Art.Article. 130 and 163 of the Criminal Code, regardless of whether
whether these crimes are committed in a real or ideal aggregate.
