World social networks. Detailed catalog of social networks. Demographic statistics of social media usage

Almost every modern person has pages in . It helps to keep in touch with the world, communicate with acquaintances, learn something useful, and, of course, be aware of everything that is happening. Most of all, social networks are popular among, but the older generation also does not stand aside from the benefits that it offers them.

Those who do not have pages on social networks seem strange to active users, because they do not post photos, do not make virtual friends, and do not receive information. But there is a simple explanation for this - people who do not use social networks either communicate offline and do not want to waste their time, or they are simply not interested - everything suits them in life, so there is no desire to look for something in the virtual world.

10. Circle of Friends

Communities of interest are also offered to users. Registration on the site is free, here you can chat, view the news feed, play - everything is the same as in other social networks.

Mostly older people sit on the site, young people choose other social networks for themselves.

Launch date: 2003

9. Facebook

The largest American social network in the world Facebook"continues to develop and improve. Often the site is abandoned by new Russian-speaking users, not having time to figure out its interface and rules, returning to VKontakte, but Facebook is indispensable when there is a desire or need to make international acquaintances.

After a thorough study of the site, you understand how many opportunities it provides: you can make your profile completely private, you can also hide friends, restrict other users from accessing your profile photo - it will be available only to friends.

Users can also create separate pages with advanced functionality under one account.

Launch date: 2004


Short blog posts are called microblogging. The service is free. Some use Twitter as a diary, some take notes, and others follow the lives of their favorite celebrities. You can change your profile, decorate as you wish.

Also, the social network makes it possible to earn on advertising in your feed, but for this you will have to try. The feed should be interesting to other users, and it is also very important not to forget to follow in response, otherwise all the followers will scatter.

Launch date: 2006

7. Habrahabr

Interesting fact: word " Habrahabr” arose by chance, and meant a greeting. At some point, it was decided to use it as the name of the project. It is believed that from some language it means "hair".

The website was created to publish news, thoughts, analytical articles related to information technology. Habrahabr is a very informative and interesting resource where ordinary people write fascinating articles.

On the site you can learn about news from the world of inventions, science and technology. There is information on the resource for every taste.

Launch date: 2006

6 LiveJournal

« LiveJournal"- a blog platform of the Russian and world Internet for keeping online diaries. On the site, you can publish entries, comment on others, maintain collective blogs (communities), add users as friends in order to follow changes in the feed.

In terms of expressing their thoughts, this is the largest Internet platform. A huge plus of this resource lies, in addition to everything else, in the fact that it does not have advertising.

Launch date: 1999

5. My World

Users have an indefinite attitude towards the social network - it is convenient to use it as mail, the interface is simple, but spammers are overcome in My World.

When viewing the page of a user, a person will see who visited him, but it is possible to send a paid SMS to hide.

From time to time, notifications about people who studied at the same school as the user come to the mail - for some, this is an opportunity to find those with whom communication was once lost.

Launch date: 2007

4. YouTube

It is hardly possible to find people who would not have heard of a video hosting site " YouTube". Users can view, comment, download and share videos.

Thanks to its convenience and simplicity, YouTube has become the most popular video hosting service, which is regularly visited by more than 4 billion people.

On the site you can find videos for every taste: documentaries and regular films, music videos, entertainment and educational programs, etc.

The only negative is inadequate comments, but you can ignore them.

Launch date: 2005 year.


« Instagram" - This popular app to share photos and videos. Many users cannot imagine life without this application, others, on the contrary, negatively perceive the idea of ​​flaunting their lives.

The application is suitable for people who like to take pictures and share news from their lives with their friends.

Some use "Instagram" as an income, for example, selling handicrafts. The main source of visitors and subscribers is provided by written hashtags.

Launch date: 2010

2. Odnoklassniki

Russian social network " Classmates» Convenient for chatting with friends, watching movies, listening to music and more. On the site you can find people with whom you once lost contact, as well as find useful contacts.

Odnoklassniki has interest groups, a video call, various applications, you can add photos to an album, comment on others. In a social network, you can not only communicate, but also work. The most popular social network among the older generation (50+).

Launch date: 2006

1. VKontakte

VK users can share instant messages, create interest groups, upload photos and videos, and play browser games.

In a personal profile, you can specify your data: hobbies, place of work, etc. The social network is convenient to use, but it takes a lot of time and causes addiction.

In order to find adequate and really interesting content, you have to “dig around”, as there is a lot of useless information in VK.

Launch date: 2006

Social media- this is a type of Internet resources with the ability to join different interest groups, discuss all sorts of links, videos, photos, etc. I do not know such people who have not heard of at least a couple of networks from the list below.

How did you find out about this site?
- I am a registered user.
- Is it true? Do you do this single thing?
- I'm a 32-year-old sysadmin who works in the basement. Yeah, I do this single thing.

Facebook has an audience of 750 million users in 200 countries. The service was born in 2004 as a site for communication between Harvard students, and what's next is a well-known story. Whoever has not seen Fincher's film, I highly advise - informative and 3 Oscars no matter how.

The founder of the service, Mark Zuckerberg, Forbes included in the list of the richest people in the world. Many independent programmers work inside the site, the programs they created brought the lion's share of success

LiveJournal is a blog platform that brings together a wide variety of people, whether it be age, social status, religious beliefs, preferences, and so on.

In 1999, American programmer Brad Fitzpatrick registered the domain and created a giant virtual diary service. At first it was his personal blog site, then his friends and acquaintances began to unsubscribe there, and off we go. Fitzpatrick founded Danga Interactive, sold in 2005 large corporation Six

Twitter is essentially a microblogging system where users can post short texts of up to 140 characters using SMS, pagers, and a web interface. Twitter was created in 2006 in San Francisco by Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass and Biz Stone. IT specialists worked on an R&D project with Odeo.

In October 2006, they opened their own company, Obvious, through which Twitter and Odeo were managed. There was nothing like this before, so immediately after entering the market, the number of users of the tweeting network began to grow very quickly. In April 2007, Twitter split from Obvious and became

Tom Anderson and Chris DeWulf met at XDrive Technologies, which they left to form their own firm, Response Base Marketing. The main task was to create a universal space for online activities. Initially, the guys focused on the interests of the creative part of users - photography, programming, music, cinema.

As of June 2006, the resource boasted 48 million unique visitors and 27.4 billion page views. Even the Pentagon decided to play on the popularity of MySpace: in the name of replenishing the ranks of the US armed forces, the official page of the US Marine Corps was created on the social portal, equipped with a button “Contract

Google+ is the social network of Google Inc. In 2010, there was information about the development of a new social network Google Me, but it turned out to be a duck. In the spring of 2011, information about the Google Circles social network was leaked, but when it began its Google's work+, it became clear that Google Circles was its foundation.

Circles divide the social circle into separate subgroups. The number of photos and videos is not limited by anything other than size, the duration of the video is a maximum of 15 minutes at a resolution of 1080p. There are Video Meetings where users can set up a video chat (maximum 10

The brothers Pavel and Nikolai Durov were inspired by Facebook and created Previously, Pavel made and Spbgu.Ru (by the way, it is now one of the largest communities for students in St. Petersburg and Moscow).

Due to the similarity of the interfaces, there were many copyright disputes, but for Vkontakte it was necessary to write your own code, look through the reference books of the Ministry of Education, university websites and do a hell of a lot of work. So be honest

Albert Popkov was on the team to create the social network Since 2000, he has developed a project similar to Classmates for his own money. This high-profile and at times scandalous network gained an audience of 1.5 million users in Russia in 7 months.

The British company i-CD Publishing, Popkov's former employer, accused him of using Passado's ideas and other terrible sins. They also said that Odnoklassniki is a project of the FSB, so they follow people and collect dossiers in leather folders. Or what is there

Social media - The best way keep in touch with your friends and / or relatives, look for new acquaintances, exchange music, films, photos. It's the end of 2016 and now there are several hundred platforms designed to build social relationships on the Internet. In this article, we will analyze some of the most popular in the world.

5 Tumblrs

The number of users of the Tumblr microblog reaches two hundred and twenty million. This social network is very popular due to its simple interface, the absence of restrictions on the content of posts and the ability to publish any images or videos. Registration is not required to view entries, but is required in case of publication. In many media, Tumblr is referred to as " in the simplest way keep a blog."

4 Vkontakte

The most popular social network in the former Soviet Union, the fourth in the world, according to SimilarWeb. In conversations, it is most often referred to as VK. According to Wikipedia, there are about three hundred and eighty million accounts. Registration is free. A social network of a general nature, with the ability to search for friends, read various publics, listen to music, watch videos, etc.

3 Twitter

The microblogging network, but, unlike Tumblr, has limitations (it is possible to write posts only one hundred and forty characters long). Around the world, about five hundred million people use Twitter. Registration is required to use. According to statistics from market research company Pear Analytics, forty-one percent of "tweets" (the title of posts on the web) are small talk, thirty-eight percent are conversations, nine percent are retweets (repeated messages), only four percent are news, and the rest is self-promotion and spam.

2 Google+

In second place in terms of the number of users - five hundred and forty million accounts. Registration is required. In announcing the emergence of the network, Google assured that the emphasis would be on users, privacy and live communication. The work of the social network is based on the so-called "circles", thanks to which a person regulates his communication. The user creates his own "circle" (for example, "Relatives") and adds there all the people that fit this category. There are similar details with blogs.

1 Facebook

According to all existing companies specializing in Internet marketing, Facebook is the most popular network in the world. The number of users reaches one billion and seven hundred million. This social network allows you to create your profile with a photo and a detailed profile. On Facebook, there are many ways to communicate with each other, including chat, a virtual wink, and a wall where you can leave messages for other users.

The number of social media users is growing exponentially. Some services are more popular than others. However, everything changes, and it is quite possible that while you are studying this rating, some previously unknown social network will break into the lead.

Facebook with the number of accounts exceeding 1.2 billion. The network, founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, has been holding the first place in the world TOPs since its inception.

Google+, whose number of users is approaching the 600 million mark. The social network, founded in 2001 by Google, moves up and down the rankings, however, it is consistently among the top ten most successful projects.

Twitter with half a billion users. The presence of a mini-blog in this social network has become a real trend, because the most influential people on the planet have Twitter accounts.

Sina Weibo with over 500 million accounts. This is perhaps the only social network from our rating that does not have a Russian-language interface. However, she does not need this, since she is designed for friendly residents of the Middle Kingdom who want to communicate exclusively with each other and have been successfully doing this since 2009.

In contact with is a social network created in Russia in 2006 and is one of the most successful domestic projects to date. The number of VKontakte users is rapidly approaching the mark of 300 million, which means that the social network is used not only in our country.

Badoo with almost 230 million followers is an international dating site with a full set of social networking features.

Classmates- Another notorious Russian project that has become a world leader. Since 2006, the number of Odnoklassniki users has increased from 0 to 210 million people.

Instagram is a social network that went out into the world in 2010 and quickly moved to the top of the rankings thanks to the ability to share photos and videos with many users.

pinterest is a social network whose 200 million users can share with each other a wide variety of ideas, from innovative business solutions to recipes for a festive cake.

flickr. Almost 70 million users of this social network share a huge number of photos every day.

myspace, created in 2003 has about 50 million accounts and is a social network in its classical form. Exchange of messages, opinions, photo and video materials, dating, a blog platform, in a word, everything that is required for a pleasant pastime.

MeetUp- a social network, the purpose of which is to unite people into groups for real communication. More than 40 million users have found friends of interest here and have a great time with them without the Internet.

Tagged. Almost 40 million users of this social network can get acquainted and communicate with each other.

Askfm- a place where you can get an answer to any question, because from more than 38 million answers you can definitely choose the right one.

ClassMates- An English-language prototype of Russian Odnoklassniki, created back in 1995, but did not achieve the same impressive results. The audience of the project is about 15 million people.

Orkut- Another project from Google, which did not become a hit in the US and Europe, but is very popular among residents of Latin America, India and a number of other countries. Currently, the project is closed and rebased on the Hello social network platform.

Since the invention of the Internet by man, and it would not hurt to erect a monument to the first person who did it, the attitude towards marketing and advertising has changed, in addition, people have become much closer, although they have forgotten how to write letters. Despite the lack of live communication, we are increasingly communicating through social networks designed so that you can always be aware of changes in the lives of loved ones and friends, even if they live on the other side of the Earth. It is unfortunate that in Ukraine the nationalist elite canceled the popular Russian networks, meanwhile, all of them entered the rating of social networks in 2018. We are offering it to you now.

What indicators to consider

There are 251 countries in the world today, although there is a high probability that their number will increase in the near future (at the expense of the same Ukraine), and each state lives by its own laws. This applies, among other things, to the relationship to world wide web» and social networks. The Chinese, for example, completely abandoned American and Russian networks and created their own. They are very popular here and the Chinese seem to be quite happy with that.

We will not take into account the exception in the form of countries where the Internet is completely prohibited. In any case, we will not impose our opinion and question the popularity of this or that project, especially since the opinion of Russians, Belarusians and the same ordinary Ukrainians differs significantly from the opinion of Americans and Australians, for example. The main thing is that communication should be sincere and the special services should not interfere with it, and it is no secret that communication via the Internet is under increased control.

world ranking

Analysts, and these, fortunately, are not always politicized people who conduct independent research, have identified the top five, ranking the social networks in the world. Perhaps this will not please the Russians and residents of other countries, but you can’t argue with the facts, and these projects are indeed the most popular, and the experts placed them in this order not by chance.

  • Fifth place. Despite the bans and anti-Russian sanctions, the Russian project VKontakte entered the TOP of popularity. Created in 2006, today it is very popular, and the fact that the number of users is approaching 300 million indicates that VK is used not only in Russia. It is in demand in many countries, and especially where the Russian language is still considered native for many.

  • Second place. In the near future, perhaps, Google+ will claim the title of the best social network in the world, but today it is only “silver”. Created in 2001, the network already has 600 million accounts, while its popularity is an ambiguous question, but it is always in the top ten.

If you are an active Internet user, then there is nothing surprising in how social networks are ranked by popularity. Perhaps many have not heard about the Chinese project "Sina Weibo", but most of them do not need it, in fact, if you do not want to establish contact with the Chinese, of course (to organize a joint business, for example). The Russians, on the other hand, have their own understanding of the issue, so Russian sociologists have compiled their own rating of social networks in Russia in 2018, which we propose to familiarize with.

Russian rating

If we talk about projects that are respected among Russians, then it is worth paying special attention to domestic products. I would not like to mix simple communication between people with geopolitics, although this is often the case. We are interested in sincere communication without politics, although it is present, but how else, because it is not fashionable today to be apolitical. Russians, being educated people, which Americans cannot boast of, cannot ignore political processes, and how else can they express their opinion better than through social networks.

  • Third place. “My World” is the domestic answer to “Google+”, which is very popular in the world. Every month the number of Russian-speaking users increases by 15-16 million, while Moi Mir cannot yet compare with the world leaders.

  • Second place. While most projects use young people to communicate, people of all ages communicate on Odnoklassniki. Many even consider that this is the best social network for dating in Russia, but the facts are a stubborn thing and therefore at the moment it is an honorary "silver".

  • First place. The popularity rating of social networks in Russia in 2018 was topped by the Vkontakte project, which has already united almost 300 million people from different countries. Through the Vkontakte group, you can not only get to know each other and communicate, but also advertise your business, for which unique tools and opportunities are provided.

Perhaps the TOP of social networks in Russia in 2018, in your understanding, looks different, and many would prefer to put Facebook and even Lenkedln among the leaders, which is not recommended for communication to Russians. In any case, it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern young person without such distance communication. The main thing is that communication should be sincere, and try to avoid communication for political reasons - remember Professor Preobrazhensky, who did not recommend reading newspapers before dinner.
