It informatics. Informatics, information technologies as prerequisites for the development of the economy. Information technology industry

1. The concept of information technology. 2

2.Features of professional communication using modern means of communication. 2

3. Use of new information technologies at school. 5

4. Use of multimedia textbooks and Internet technologies in the educational process. 7

5. Distance education of a teacher as a way to improve the professional competence of a teacher. 8

6. Program - automated workplace "School". 9

7. Creation of a single information and educational space in an educational institution through the organization of a local network. 10

8. Literature. eleven

1. The concept of information technology

Technology when translated from Greek (techne) means art, skill, skill, and this is nothing more than processes. A process should be understood as a certain set of actions aimed at achieving a set goal. The process should be determined by the strategy chosen by the person and implemented using a combination of various means and methods.
Under the technology of material production is understood a process determined by a set of means and methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials or material. Technology changes the quality or initial state of matter in order to obtain a material product.
Information is one of the most valuable resources of society along with such traditional material types of resources as oil, gas, minerals, etc., which means that the process of its processing, by analogy with the processes of processing material resources, can be perceived as a technology. Then the following definition holds.
Information technology is a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).
The purpose of material production technology is to produce products that satisfy the needs of a person or system.
The purpose of information technology is the production of information for its analysis by a person and the adoption on its basis of a decision to perform an action.
It is known that by using different technologies to the same material resource, you can get different products, products. The same will be true for information processing technology.

2.Features of professional communication using modern means of communication.

Information technology is the most important component of the process of using the information resources of society. In modern society, the main technical means of information processing technology is Personal Computer, which significantly influenced both the concept of construction and use of technological processes, and the quality of the resulting information. The introduction of a personal computer into the information sphere and the use of telecommunication means of communication determined a new stage in the development of information technology and, as a result, a change in its name by adding one of the synonyms: "new", "computer" or "modern".
The adjective "new" emphasizes the innovative rather than evolutionary nature of this technology. Its introduction is a pioneering act in the sense that it significantly changes the content various kinds activities in organizations. The concept of new information technology also includes communication technologies that provide the transfer of information by various means, namely telephone, telegraph, telecommunications, fax, etc.

New information technology - information technology with a "friendly" user interface, using personal computers and telecommunications.
The adjective "computer" emphasizes that the main technical means of its implementation is a computer.
Three basic principles of new (computer) information technology:
-interactive (dialogue) mode of work with a computer;
- integration (docking, interconnection) with other software products;
-flexibility of the process of changing both data and task definitions.
The implementation of the technological process of material production is carried out using various technical means which include: equipment, machines, tools, conveyor lines, etc.
By analogy, there should be something similar for information technology. Such technical means of information production will be the hardware, software and mathematical support of this process. With their help, primary information is processed into information of a new quality. Separately from these funds - software products and we will call them a toolkit, and for greater clarity, we can concretize it by calling it a software toolkit of information technology. Let's define this concept.
Information technology tool - one or more related software products for a specific type of computer, the technology of which allows you to achieve the goal set by the user. As tools, you can use the following common types of software products for a personal computer: a word processor (editor), desktop publishing systems, spreadsheets, database management systems, electronic notebooks, electronic calendars, functional information systems (financial, accounting, marketing etc.), expert systems, etc.
Function implementation information system is impossible without knowledge of the information technology oriented towards it. Information technology can also exist outside the scope of the information system.
Thus, information technology is a more capacious concept that reflects the modern understanding of the processes of converting information into information society. The skillful combination of two information technologies - management and computer - is the key to the successful operation of the information system.
Information technology is a set of well-defined purposeful actions of personnel for the processing of information on

Information system - a human-computer system for decision support and production of information products, using computer information technology.
Used in the manufacturing sector, such technological concepts as a norm, standard, technological process, technological operation, etc., can also be used in information technology. Before developing these concepts in any technology, including information technology, one should always start with the definition of the goal. Then you should try to structure all the proposed actions leading to the intended goal, and select the necessary software tools.
Information technology, like any other, must meet the following requirements:
- provide a high degree of dismemberment of the entire information processing process into stages (phases), operations, actions;
- include the entire set of elements necessary to achieve the goal;
- be regular. Stages, actions, operations of the technological process can be standardized and unified, which will allow more efficient targeted management of information processes.
Equipping organizations, enterprises, firms with new hardware and software that increase the capabilities of a computer, the transition to the category of an anachronism of understanding it as a computer, gradually led to the replacement of the term "computer technology" by the concepts of " information Technology", which are characterized by the environment where they are carried out, and the components that it contains:
-technical environment (type of equipment used to solve the main problems);
-software environment (set software tools);
-subject environment (content of a specific subject area of ​​science, technology, knowledge);
-technological environment (instructions, procedure for use, assessment

efficiency, etc.

Changes in the social space have a significant impact on the content and direction of communication processes. There are opportunities for the accumulation and processing of information in new forms of communication. The ongoing change in the information field in the conditions of computerization affects the worldview of a modern person, creating a new type of thinking.
At the present stage, in the context of informatization of the life of society in general, management activities, including, can be carried out using computer technologies. What is presented not only as interpersonal communication using the Internet, but also as communication between a person and a computer, which acquires some human features. Thus, it is the human-machine dialogue that is the main difference between electronic communication and oral or documentary communication. As a result, in one way or another, all past types and forms of communication are transformed, actively functioning in a new qualitative unity with each other.
The manager needs to take into account the peculiarities of the activities of subordinates, whose work is directly related to the computer. The computer today is becoming an ordinary means of communication, and in the future it can become one of the main means of communicative interaction. If this really happens, then the logic of computer networks will inevitably begin to turn into the logic of communication of a modern person, who will inevitably experience a reduction in social interaction, narrowing social connections, the development of depressive situations due to loneliness. In this situation, the manager needs to take preventive measures against undesirable consequences. It is important to simultaneously develop two types of communication: real and virtual. What does application mean information media as the most important tool in management processes impossible without direct contact with the employee. Interpersonal communication continues to be the basis of managerial activity due to the lack of opportunities and intrinsic motivation for some managers and their subordinates to use technical means.
To solve the problems of more effective teaching of professional and business communication in the emerging qualitatively new informatized environment, it is necessary to acquire knowledge of the theory and practice of real and virtual communication in various fields and situations of professional communication.

3. Use of new information technologies at school.

New information technologies take root in our country extremely unevenly. How does this unevenness correlate with the opportunities and needs of a particular teacher? Can new information technologies give a new impetus to already established professionals? The answers to these questions are obvious. In the absence of an acceptable (adequate to labor costs) level wages new information technologies are one of the essential factors that, due to their novelty, objective interest and modernity, can attract young people to school and prevent experienced teachers from leaving the school. It attracts an interesting and modern case, both in essence and in content. At the same time, it is very important that new information technologies are used not instead of, but together with traditional educational technologies. Thanks, among other things, to the state informatization program modern computers appeared in almost all schools. For many educators it is obvious that modern multimedia computer- a reliable assistant and an effective educational tool in teaching various subjects. But the computer itself is useless if there is no access to modern electronic resources on the Internet or on CDs. And the use by the teacher of high-quality educational electronic resources makes it possible for students to receive adequate school history education, regardless of the location of the educational institution. At the same time, five levels of such a user can be clearly distinguished. Level one - high start. Using the computer as a "typewriter with memory"; more or less regular preparation with its help of the simplest didactic materials, lesson plans, planning, etc.; creation of lists and file cabinets; template forms, a calm attitude to the works of students created in computer form; elementary systematization of documents in a home computer. The second level is the discovery of opportunities. Achievement given level inextricably linked to the Internet. It is possible to single out an intermediate stage - acquaintance with thematic CD-ROMs. Despite the low educational and methodological level of the latter, they are able to impress a subject teacher who misses high-quality visual aids, and, first of all, with the richest animation capabilities of modern technologies. The use of a computer in the classroom and in extracurricular activities makes the teacher the glory of an advanced and progressive person. Schoolchildren begin to set him as an example to other subjects, and in the eyes of work colleagues, the authority of such a teacher increases. It is at this stage that the teacher begins to attract his students to participate in distance olympiads and competitions. The third level is on the way to creativity. The teacher begins to master the technologies of "creation": the main elements of the MS Power Point, MS FrontPage, MS Publisher programs become available to him. The teacher gets tools, using the animation capabilities of which he can significantly increase the effectiveness of his lesson. Things have not yet come to the use of these programs in the classroom, but the teacher is already beginning to act as an authoritative consultant in intra-school projects. Under the guidance of a subject teacher, students create their thematic Web pages, and a computer science teacher or network coordinator helps in publishing these materials on the Internet. The third level is also characterized by attempts to create an electronic teacher's library and projects by several teachers to write a common textbook.

Level four - the first lessons. Gradually, from extracurricular life, new information technologies begin to penetrate into “His Majesty the lesson”. It is important that for such a teacher it is hardly possible to move in reverse side. On the contrary, the problem arises of systematizing the created material already at a qualitatively new level. The fifth level is the search for a system. It becomes professionally necessary for a teacher to learn how to combine his own teaching style with those technical capabilities that provide him with new information technologies.

4. Use of multimedia textbooks and Internet technologies in the educational process.

One of the components of the informatization program is the teaching of informatics as a subject. It is necessary to use multimedia textbooks and Internet technologies in the entire educational process. But on the way to the implementation of these technologies there are problems:

  1. the lack of organized conditions in the school with the maximum free access to a computer - due to the presence of computers in the school only in the computer science room and intended mainly for teaching students;
  2. participants in the pedagogical process, students and teachers, are not given free access to a computer to work in global network and with multimedia textbooks;
  3. there is no interest of subject teachers in conducting lessons related to the use of electronic media in the educational process, due to the lack of support (material, organizational, methodological, etc.);
  4. teachers do not know how to integrate the project methodology, use computer technology with a fairly rigid class and lesson system.

To solve these problems, there is a program that allows you to use information technology in the educational process.

Program goals:

  1. creation of a unified information environment of the city, district, etc., ensuring the improvement of the quality of education;
  2. effective use of scientific and pedagogical potential;
  3. a gradual transition to a new level of education based on new technologies, using electronic textbooks.

Program objectives:

  1. formation of information technology infrastructure of the education system;
  2. providing educational institutions, participants in the educational process (students, teachers) with free access to computer technology, to global information resources, software (electronic textbooks, libraries, music libraries);
  3. the use of Internet technologies and multimedia textbooks in the educational process;
  4. training of pedagogical, administrative personnel of educational institutions that are able to effectively use the latest information technologies in the educational process.

Expected end results:

  1. creation of electronic libraries in schools;
  2. free access for students and teachers to high-quality and online educational resources, including a system of modern teaching materials in all subjects of a general education school;
  3. improving the quality of education in educational institutions.

Scientific and methodological support of the program:

  1. the program is provided with the currently existing scientific and methodological base and tools for creating electronic information, its recording, replication;
  2. the program is provided with software tools for automatic maintenance of information and the convenience of its use by subject teachers and students;
  3. The program is implemented within the framework of the federal and regional program “Computerization of rural schools”.

5. Distance education of a teacher as a way to improve the professional competence of a teacher.

One of the elements of the teacher's professional competence is the possession of information and communication technologies. One of the ways to improve skills is distance education at the municipal level. The means of distance education include:

  1. cases of subject modules;
  2. Internet resources;
  3. multimedia disks.

Information and communication technologies are understood by me as ways of receiving, processing, storing and disseminating information using modern machines and software products. Thus, the teacher who came to the advanced training courses has several tasks:

  1. mastering the basics of using a personal computer;
  2. study of the work of basic software products: text word editor, tabular Excel editor, programs - Power Point presentations, mail programs, programs for working on the Internet Internet Explorer;
  3. awareness of the goals, methods, ways, techniques of including ICT in the educational process, taking into account not only the specifics of teaching the subject, but also the personal characteristics of students, the psychological and pedagogical capabilities of the teacher, the material and technical conditions of the educational institution.

6. Program - automated workplace "School".

Nowadays many schools have computers. This makes it possible to use them in various directions, including to increase the efficiency of school management. The use of computers can dramatically speed up the analysis of educational work, facilitate the construction of various reports, graphs, charts, and at the same time save money. work time directors and head teachers of schools, subject teachers, librarians, as well as computer science teachers. It is also important that the possibility of accumulating and analyzing the data of the work of the school for long periods of time opens up. The creation of a database of all students and teachers will allow you to quickly track the dynamics of the processes taking place in the school. The project provides for the creation of a single school database with information about all students and teachers and the construction of a local area network to provide access to these data for the director, head teacher, secretary, teachers , organizers of extracurricular activities, librarians. The database will store the personal files of all students and graduates of the school, as well as preschoolers. This includes, among other things, quarterly, annual, examination, final grades of students, information about parents and their place of work, guardians, categories of families, home addresses of students, home and work phones of parents, characteristics of students. The storage of personal cards of school teachers with detailed information about each of them is provided: passport data, information about education and advanced training, dates of admission and dismissal from work, teaching load, etc.

When a student is admitted to a school or a teacher is hired, the secretary, simultaneously with the paperwork, enters the relevant information into the database. Marks are made based on the results of each quarter. The head teacher will be able, with the help of the program I am developing - an automated workplace - in automatic mode build reports on the progress and quality of students' knowledge by class, parallels, levels (elementary, basic, secondary school) and the total for the school, compare them with the results of previous years by building a diagram, find out the dynamics of changes in the quality of knowledge of each class or parallel classes in a given subject . You can also track the quality of knowledge and student performance of each teacher and compare these results with the results of colleagues. Reports can be presented both in text and graphic form. There is also the possibility of summing up the results of participation in subject Olympiads, competitions, events (school and city), building various lists students: by academic performance, by age, by category of families, by place of work of parents, arrivals, departures, class lists, etc. You can also quickly find information about the required teacher or build a report by summarizing the data. For example, a diagram of the qualitative composition of teaching staff (by category), a table of information on education and advanced training. For the effective use of the workstation, it is proposed to put computers in the director's and head teachers' offices, in the library and combine them into a local computer network among themselves and with the computers of the classrooms of informatics and computer technology. On a stationary computer or in any computer room, teachers could work with the database outside of school hours: make marks, correct changed information about students in their classes, print out progress sheets for the parent meeting, make adjustments to the characteristics. Thus, work with live data and efficiency of control when working with constantly updated information would be ensured.

7. Creation of a single information and educational space in an educational institution through the organization of a local network.

The organization of a local network of an educational institution and at home is the first stage in the development of a school:

  1. after the appearance of this local network, there is a desire to conduct a network in each class (put a computer in each class), so that the teacher can freely take information for the lesson, entered from the head computer or entered by students from the computer class, project it on the board;
  2. as a result, the student will have a desire to study, because this method learning is new and promising.

By combining all the computers in the school into a single local network, it is possible to access the Internet from all PCs with one modem. This connection option is very cheap, because. pay for one PC, and all work on the Internet. In this essay, all the material is collected together, a project has been created that is fully consistent with the topic, and is also a guide for inexperienced users in setting up a local network. This essay is equipped with an application, which greatly speeds up the learning process.

8. Literature.

1. Grigoriev S.G., Grinshkun V.V. Formation theoretical foundations creation and use of educational electronic publications and resources. // Electronic educational publications and resources. Theory and practice. Bulletin of the Center for Informatics and Information Technologies in Education of the ISMO RAO. Issue. 1. / M.: ISMO RAO, - 2006. S. 6-12.

2. Grigoriev S.G., Grinshkun V.V., Krasnova G.A. Features of preparing teachers for the use of Internet resources in education. // Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series "Informatization of Education". / M.: RUDN, - 2006, No. 1 (3) S. 14-19.

3. Grinshkun V.V. The needs of the education system in the use of electronic publications and resources. // Vestnik MGPU. Series informatics and informatization of education. / M.: MGPU, - 2006, No. 2 (7). pp. 52-57.


1 Information technology: definitions, concepts……………….….4

2 Information technology in the library……………………………..6

2.1 IT and preservation of library collections………..10

2.2 Using IT to ensure the availability of legal information…………………………………………………………………..12

3 Internet technologies……………………………………………………..14




The rapid development of science and technology at the end of the 20th century led to the widespread use of information technology in various fields of activity. Information and information technologies are becoming increasingly important. At the same time, the methods and ways of processing information must comply with two principles: accuracy and speed of receipt.

Information technology is an indispensable component of most types of intellectual, managerial and industrial activities of a person and society. Development of information technologies in modern conditions is based on the use of computer technology and related methods and means of automating information processes.

There is no doubt that the five main trends in the development of information technology at the end of the 20th century are personal computers, CD-ROM, the Internet, electronic libraries, mobile connection– significantly influenced the usual technologies of libraries.

Today, the focus is on the problems associated with meeting the information needs of readers: identifying the needs of users, the completeness of the receipt of literature, the use of the Internet in library processes, the use of the electronic documents market.

The purpose of this essay will be to study the use of information technology in the library of SPI IzhSTU.

1 Information technology: definitions, concepts.

Information technologies are designed to automate the processes of routine processing of large volumes of information and provide a user of any rank with accessible and compact documents containing data, both in its original and processed form. The formation of information resources in almost all areas of human activity has led to the emergence and rapid pace of development of information technologies, including librarianship.

To ensure the logical integrity of the presentation, consider the definitions and concepts associated with information technology.

Information technology (IT) is a process that uses a set of methods and means for implementing the operations of collecting, registering, transferring, accumulating, protecting and processing information based on software and hardware, aimed at improving the efficiency and productivity of labor.

There are other definitions of IT, for example:

1 IT term referring to all technological means used to create, store, exchange and use information in its various forms (business data, telephone conversations, photographs, videos, multimedia presentations, as well as any other that may appear in the future .

2 IT or information and communication technologies - ICTs are technologies used to process information. In particular, they use computers and software to transform, store, protect, transfer and retrieve information anywhere and anytime.

3 IT techniques, methods and methods of using hardware and software in the performance of information processing functions. (2)

The above definitions show the complex and multicomponent nature of IT.

Technologies differ in the composition and sequence of operations, the degree of their automation (the proportion of machine and manual labor), and the reliability of their implementation. Reliability is realized by the quality of the performance of the main operations and the presence of a variety of their control.

Information technology copes with a significant increase in the volume of processed information and leads to a reduction in the time it takes to process it. Automated information systems for information technology is the main environment, the constituent elements of which are the means and methods for data transformation. IT is a process consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations on information circulating in information systems (IS), and depends on many factors that are systematized according to the following classification criteria (Fig. 1):

· The degree of centralization of the technological process;

Type of subject area;

· Degree of coverage of tasks;

· The class of implemented technological operations;

· User interface type;

· A method of building a network.

Fig 1 Classification of information technologies

Information Technology

The degree of centralization of the technological process

Domain Type

Degree of coverage of tasks

The class of implemented technological operations

User interface type

Network building method

Centralized technology;

decentralized technology;

Combined technology.


Insurance activity;


tax activity;

Automated data processing;

Function automation;

Decision support;

Electronic office;

Expert support.

Work with text editors;

Working with spreadsheets;

Working with DBMS;

Working with graphic objects;

multimedia systems;

hypertext systems.





Multilevel (hierarchical);


2 Information technology in the library.

We consider the library (library and information system) as a communication and social system(institute), designed primarily for information services for a specific range of users and providing them with the required documentary resource.

The world of the library and library workers has changed under the influence of the external environment and with the advent of new information technologies. Although, the functions of libraries remained the same: to collect documents and information, to store, to bring it to those to whom it is intended. And do it as efficiently as possible, quickly and completely. But the means by which they are implemented have become new, modern, corresponding to the new information age.

University and institute libraries have always been and continue to be the main source of information that ensures the scientific and educational activities of the university (institute), since the level and quality of educational and research work is largely determined by the library and information support of teachers and students, researchers and graduate students.

A feature of our library, like any other university library, is the fact that it does not exist as an independent institution, but is a structural subdivision of the institute. Therefore, the basis of library informatization is an automated library and information system (ABIS), integrated into a single information system of the university. All personal computers of the institute, including those installed in the library, are connected to a local network and have access to the working databases of the library and the Internet for communication through user interface. It is this task that the library has set itself, starting a comprehensive computerization of all library production processes, starting with the preliminary order of literature and ending with the issuance of documents to readers.

In the reading room of the SPI library, to ensure the work of the library and the educational process, eight computers are installed operating system Microsoft Windows XP with all office applications: Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, etc., as well as free Open Office analog office programs: Writer, Cals, Impress, Base, Draw ( graphics editor), Math.

And: Adobe Photoshop CS, Winamp, The BAT, Internet Explorer, Borland Developes Studio 2006, Corel Draw Graphics Suite 12, Mathcad 2001 Professional, Compass - 3D V8 / Compass autoproject V9.3, Borland Delphi 7, Promt, 1C: Enterprise 7.7, 8.0, Matlab V6.5, Maple 9.5 and above, P-Cad 2001, Statistica 6.0, Adobe Reader, SolidWorks, ADEM.

In recent years, in connection with the revision of the legislative framework for librarianship and changes in traditional library processes, the need has emerged to improve the management of the process of creating and using documents by the library administration.

The presence in the office of the head of the library of a computer and databases that reflect the current state of the main technological processes in departments, gives him the opportunity to quickly carry out remote control and monitoring the state of affairs in the library, especially in those areas that need increased attention.

The library of SPI IzhGTU uses the "Online: Library" configuration. It is not an independent program, for its operation it is necessary to have the platform "1C: Enterprise 7.7"


Automation of all sections of the library accounting:

Maintaining an electronic catalog (EC);

Printing of alphabetical and systematic catalog cards in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003;

Printing the back of the catalog card;

Book form printing;

Selection of the list of books by keyword and its printout;

Maintaining a systematic accounting of books by UDC and LBC indices;

Maintaining a directory of publishers.


Maintaining a directory of specialties;

Maintaining a directory of taught subjects;

Maintaining the current composition of the courses;

Maintaining a list of studied books on the subject;

Bulletin of book supply.

Operations with readers:

Maintaining a list of study groups;

Maintaining a list of readers: teachers, students by groups, dropouts;

Managing the issuance and receipt of books;

Control of books is in the hands of the reader.

· Accounting documents:

Acceptance of books to the library fund;

Exclusion of books from the library fund;

Book of total accounting;

Inventory book.

Tools for working with documents allow you to organize the input of documents, their arbitrary distribution among journals and the search for any document by various criteria: number, date, amount, etc.

The online library includes a set of statistical reports that allow you to obtain information for an arbitrary period, in various sections and with the required level of detail.

An electronic catalog is, first of all, a computer database, a different type (method) of presenting information about a document, a non-traditional tool for opening a fund. Entering information into the database (DB) is carried out in accordance with GOST 701-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and compilation rules. Each entry is accompanied by keywords that facilitate the search for documents in the database by content and type of publication; indicate the number of copies and the place of storage of documents.

The electronic catalog consists of a set of directories, the main one being the "Books" directory. Without it, neither work on the analysis of the availability of books in the educational process, nor work with readers is possible. As books are entered into this directory, other directories will be filled in: "Authors", "Publishers", "Keywords", "Series", "Places of Publication", etc. For newly incoming or outgoing publications, it is necessary to draw up the documents “Act for the receipt of books” and “Act for the exclusion of books from the library fund”, respectively, which will allow the formation of a summary book. As the main number of books used in the library is entered in the Books reference book, it is possible to proceed to the analysis of the availability of books and automated servicing of readers.

An analysis of the availability of books must be done annually, in connection with changes in curricula, the composition of courses, types of taught disciplines and specialties.

The second moment in the field of penetration of information technologies into the library was CD-ROM, DVD, which brought a new type of document carrier and led to the phenomenon of electronic libraries (DL). For libraries, the development of DL means, first of all, scanning (digitizing) and forming part of their collection into in electronic format, its organization and maintenance of local and remote users.

What did they give electronic editions libraries?:

1 The ability to serve its readers with a variety of databases and other information products: bibliographic, abstract, factual, address and reference, thereby significantly expanding its user service and promoting greater accessibility to world information resources.

2 The ability to use a comprehensive, energy- and resource-saving, relatively inexpensive publishing medium that has many advantages over paper, microform, and magnetic tapes.

3 Multi-access to one document - simultaneous access of several users to one electronic resource using "CD-ROM Networking" systems

4 Preservation, creation of insurance copies.

2.1 IT and preservation of library collections.

Library funds are part of the national cultural heritage, historical source and information resource of the country. Meanwhile, thousands of documents are lost in libraries in the process of storage and use.

For libraries, systems that work in the field of protection against theft and unauthorized movement are of interest. Types of anti-theft systems using RFID technology are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Currently, anti-theft electromagnetic systems are most suitable for libraries. Their work is as follows: a special electronic pass-through system (detector panels) has a high sensitivity and reads information without contact from a carrier hidden in a magazine, a book, etc. One of the racks of detector panels is a receiver, the other is a transmitter. The transmitter emits a signal at a certain frequency for a strictly defined period of time. An electromagnetic field arises between the racks. If an information carrier is in the field of action of the system, and at the same time it is active, i.e. taking out a book, magazine, etc. not allowed, resonant oscillations occur in it. The receiver picks up these resonant vibrations and gives an alarm, which may include light and sound alarms that stop an unscrupulous visitor. With the authorized issuance of a document, the information carrier is deactivated, and when it passes through the electromagnetic field of the system, no response resonant oscillations occur.

Keeping records of funds in an automated mode involves the use of bar-coding technology for documents. It consists of three stages: creating a bar code, applying it to the label, reading the bar code with special equipment.

A barcode is a sequence of numbers and letters encoded in a certain way (there can be one thing). The barcode is developed using special programs. Most often, a bar code symbol is displayed as a light rectangle, inside which dark strokes are located.

The application of a bar code on labels can be implemented not only in a printing house (as a rule, they do not work with small print runs), but also in a library using both the most common and specialized thermal and thermal transfer printers. Barcode reading is performed by various optical systems - scanners, whose work is based on measuring the intensity of reflected light from black and white stripes of the code. The laser scanner reads the bar code from a greater distance and has low requirements for the quality of the read bar code. Even poorly printed and partially damaged labels can be read.

Practice shows that when implementing similar systems in the first year of operation of the library can reduce losses by at least 80% and automate the daily multiple processes of registering the issuance and return of books (3).

Currently, the SPI library does not implement the possibility of using existing systems.

2.2 Use of IT to ensure the availability of legal information.

The problem of citizens' access to legal information has two aspects. The first of them is determined by the physical ability to find and obtain the text of the desired document. The second is connected with the inevitable multiplicity of decisions on specific issues.

As for traditional media, the procedure for the official publication of legal acts of different levels is regulated in sufficient detail, so it would seem that there should not be any special problems with access to them. However, it is not. Of the entire volume of regulatory information, only acts of the President, the Government and the Federal Assembly are consistently available. Hard copy regional regulations are published only in the local press and are practically inaccessible to other consumers of legal information.

Society's need for access to complete, up-to-date and reliable information and timely information is extremely high. Adoption of federal law No. 1-FZ "On electronic digital signature» dated 10.01.2002 made it possible to translate into practice the issues of introducing official electronic publication of regulatory documents. This approach eliminated the problem of multiple sources of publication and the status of official publication in electronic form (5). Currently, almost every body of executive and legislative power, both federal and regional, have their own websites on the Internet in free access. For example, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties: www/

Providing students and teachers with legal information in SPI is carried out via the Internet, as well as with the help of information and legal systems "Garant-Maximum" Platform F1 Turbo with regional legislation.

The Garant system includes federal legislation and the legislation of 84 regions Russian Federation, including the Udmurt Republic, as well as 10 federal arbitration courts of districts. More than 8,000 new documents enter the system every week. Currently, it contains more than one and a half million documents and comments on normative acts.

Working with legal documents begins with a search, which is carried out by details: document name, type, number, date, issuer, in addition to the main details, there are additional ones, such as the territory of regulation, type of information, significance, status; search by situation (if the details are unknown), the user can describe his question in the usual terms, choosing the situation of interest in a convenient two-level list.

The result of the search is a list of documents containing regulatory documents of the federal and regional levels, judicial practice and analytics. Depending on the specific task, the resulting list can be sorted by publication date, by date last change or the legal force of the documents. You can also integrate any document into an office application Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.

The texts of individual documents may contain embedded objects - various illustrations, forms, tables, graphs, etc. At the bottom of the main window there are tabs: help; annotation; arbitrage practice; comments, explanations, diagrams; warnings that provide additional information about the document.

The Garant Platform F1 Turbo system implements an ultra-fast contextual search mode, which allows you to quickly find the document you are looking for.

3 Internet technologies.

The emergence of the Internet and its rapid entry into library life can be regarded as the main result, the main component of information technology of the past decade.

The Internet in the library is a tool widely used in user service. This is access to catalogs and resources of other libraries, to full-text scientific publications, databases, scientific journals, the ability to receive copies of articles through the document delivery system.

Among other results of the development of the Internet by libraries, we note the following:

1. The complete victory of the Internet over other networks has actually left the Internet today as the only communication medium for interlibrary cooperation, integration and communication;

2. WWW-technologies and the http-protocol practically “crushed” other alternatives and became the only standards for presenting library resources on the Internet;

3. The Z39.50 protocol has received powerful development in terms of building corporate library resources on the Internet;

4. The principle of public access to information by library users has been implemented, which, however, led to two types of negative consequences:

Absolute access to information leveled a number of positions on the necessary protection of information required in any information institution;

Distribution through free access to the Internet erotic-porn graphic information, sites that sow national discord, distort history, etc.

5. For a wide range of library readers, primarily scientists, specialists, teachers, graduate students, students, the Internet has opened up new opportunities for serving a variety of information, including reports, articles, books, bibliographic indexes, encyclopedias, grant programs and much more.

6. Libraries have been able to work with Internet catalogs and online stores of various publishers and book-distributors, Internet exhibitions, Internet subscription agencies and other forms of new Internet business.(6)

Separately, it should be said that many libraries, not having the funds to collect collections, find an opportunity to organize access to their users to full-text electronic resources through the Internet through Electronic Libraries (DL). For example, full text versions provide: - Russian Humanitarian Internet - University - Electronic library, help for humanitarian specialties - Library of Maxim Moshkov - EUNnet Virtual Library ( study guides and scientific publications) - Electronic catalog of dissertations

– Union of Educational Sites - Classical poetry and prose - University Electronic Library - Knowledge without borders – electronic lectures, textbooks and manuals, laboratory and term papers, spurs for exams

Reference and Bibliographic Service / Periodicals: - Information and reference portal - Catalog of websites of periodicals - virtual help desk"Ask the Bibliographer" - Bibliographic search system"Bookinist" – Delo i Servis publishing house - Accounting Publishing House - Thematic information magazine

In addition, electronic document delivery is becoming more widespread, which allows users to order and receive an electronic copy of an article, brochure, book fragment using Email.


E-mail is one of the main services and the standard service of the world. computer network Internet. Connection and maintenance is carried out through organizations - providers. Providers work with individual and collective users, providing them with a set of services. The user's computer receives an individual address for the connection period and " Mailbox» in accordance with the Internet Protocol (IP address). The client part must be installed on the user's computer software Email. The server part of the software corresponding to e-mail is located on a remote, more powerful computer (server) serving the nearest local network. When exchanging information via e-mail, all computers on the network must use uniform agreements (protocols) on how messages are generated and transmitted. The basic protocols are TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). Except basic protocols email application protocols are used. There are e-mail systems compatible and incompatible with Windows. Among the most famous are packages email programs E-mail Connection and Eudora Pro, designed to work in a Windows environment.

The active introduction of Internet technologies has made it possible to implement another functionality libraries - informational and technological through user access to the SPI website -

The scientific library on its page reflects the following sections:

· general information: history of the creation of the library, work schedule, library today;

· Professional activity: exhibitions, events;

· Terms of use;

· Issued periodicals;

· Bulletin of new arrivals.


Automation of library and information processes, systems (ALIS) and networks is due to the continuously increasing volume of various information in all branches of human activity and the corresponding needs of users to quickly, fully and efficiently receive documentary and electronic primary sources.

The introduction of computers into everyday life and activities of the library has changed the traditional forms and methods of preservation and processing of the collection. EBook unlike the traditional one, it provides text accompaniment with the movement of a video image, sound, analyzes and evaluates for the reader, makes it possible to compose the text depending on the needs, get Additional information in the relevant databases, international information.

The positive changes taking place with the introduction of Internet technologies convincingly show how the processes of acquisition, processing and issuance of documents, import-export of virtual resources are being transformed.

Barcoding technology has great potential for use in libraries to safeguard library holdings while they are in use.

Taking care of the informatization of educational and scientific processes, focusing on the needs of its users (teachers and students), the library masters new information technologies. This creates the prerequisites for obtaining a high quality education.


1. Brezhnev, V.V. Information service: products and services provided by libraries and information services of enterprises: educational and practical guide /V.V. Brezhneva, V.A. Minkina. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2004.-304s.- (Library).

2. Voroisky, F.S. Modern information technology and its development / F.S. Voroysky // Scientific and technical libraries. -2006 - No. 8. - P. 66-79.

3. Grigorieva, I.I. Information technologies and ensuring the safety of library collections / I.I. Grigoryeva // Scientific and technical libraries. -2004 - No. 7. - P. 46-52.

4. Information technology management: textbook. allowance for universities / Ed. G.A.Titorenko.-2nd ed., add.-M.: UNITI, 2005-439s.

5. Khurgin, V.M. The use of information technologies to ensure the availability of legal information / V.M. Khurgin // Scientific and technical libraries. -2004 - No. 6. - P. 7-16.

6. Shraiberg, Ya.L. libraries and information technologies: 10 years later / Ya.L. Shraiberg // Scientific and technical libraries.

7. Shraiberg, Ya.L. Basic provisions and principles for the development of automated library and information systems and networks: educational and practical guide / Ya.L. Shrayberg. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M .: Liberia, 2001 - 104 p.

Information and information technologies. Applications

Information(from lat. informatio- clarification, presentation) - originally meant information transmitted by people orally, in writing or in another way with the help of conditional signals, technical means, etc. Information increases the level of human awareness of the world around,

Since the middle of the XX century. information - a general scientific concept, including the exchange of information between people, a person and an automaton, an automaton and an automaton, the exchange of signals in the animal and plant world; the transfer of signs from cell to cell, from organism to organism, is one of the basic concepts of cybernetics.

The word "information" is translated into Russian as information or messages. This information can be transmitted and recorded as data by a sequence of various characters, for example, letters of the Russian and other alphabets, numbers, punctuation marks, arithmetic operations, etc. At the same time, it is known that any messages can be transmitted and recorded by encoding them using only two characters , such as dots and dashes in Morse code, zeros and ones in computers.

The physical environment in which information can be recorded or accumulated for subsequent reading, analysis and processing is called the information carrier.

Information types:

  • 1) according to the way of perception: visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory;
  • 2) according to the form of presentation: textual, numerical, graphic;
  • 3) by social significance: mass, everyday, socio-political, aesthetic;
  • 4) special, scientific, industrial, personal.

Information is the primary concept. It can be argued that this concept implies the existence of a material carrier of information, a source of information, an information transmitter, a receiver, and a communication channel between the source and the receiver. The peculiarity of this concept is that it is used in all areas without exception: in philosophy, natural and human sciences, biology, medicine and physiology, human and animal psychology, sociology, art, technology and economics, in Everyday life. Therefore, the specific interpretation of the elements associated with the concept of "information" depends on the method of a particular science, the purpose of the study, or simply on our worldly ideas.

When talking about quantity (a lot of information, little information), we cannot say what the volume (or amount) of information received is. From the computer's point of view, the answer is simple: one bit (yes or no, 1 or 0). But a person is not a computer, and for him the amount of information received is related to the "coefficient of surprise", which, in turn, depends on the person's prior knowledge. The amount of information received varies depending on the probability of the event, which also depends on many factors.

Data - see section 1.2.

The difference between the concepts of "information" and "data" is that information is dealt with by a person who is interested in its content, meaning, and data is usually dealt with by a technical system that processes them regardless of content, meaning. Information is encoded with data.

A person processes information at least at three levels: at the physiological level (with the help of the sense organs), at the level of rational thinking, at the subconscious level. The processing process is extremely complex, it depends on a person’s life experience, erudition, profession, interest in certain information, etc.

A special problem is the process of developing new information (scientific or artistic) by a person. New information is useful not only for general development, it helps to understand how the processes of information processing by a person and a computer relate to each other and how a person himself is connected with the global information space. In the process of obtaining new information, we are already talking about obtaining knowledge.

Knowledge - see section 1.2. Knowledge can be empirical, theoretical, everyday, pre-scientific, scientific, etc. (see also Chapter 6).

Information process - the process as a result of which the reception, transmission, transformation, protection, search, storage and use of information is carried out. Information processes: search, collection, storage, processing, transfer, use, protection of information.

Technology- this is a complex of scientific and engineering knowledge embodied in labor methods, sets of material, technical, energy, labor factors of production, ways of combining them to create a product or service that meets certain requirements or standards.

Information technology - see section 1.2.

The purpose of information technology is the production of information for its analysis and the adoption of a decision on the basis of it to perform an action.

In modern society, the main technical means of information processing is a personal computer. The introduction of the PC in the information sphere and the use of telecommunications determined a new stage in the development of information technology, which from that moment is called "new", "computer". The definition of "new" emphasizes its radically innovative rather than evolutionary character. Its introduction significantly changes the content of various activities in institutions and organizations. The scope of the new information technology also includes communication technologies that ensure the transmission of information by various means, such as telephone, telegraph, television, fax, etc. The definition of "computer" emphasizes that the main technical means of its implementation is a computer. There are three basic principles of computer information technology:

  • interactive (dialogue) mode of work with a computer;
  • integration with other software products;
  • flexible change of data and assigned tasks.

The technological process of material production is implemented using various technical means: equipment, machines, tools, conveyor lines, etc. By analogy in information technology, the hardware, software and mathematical support of this process acts as the technical means of information production. With their participation, primary information is processed into information of a new quality.

Toolkit information technology is a set of software products that are used to achieve the goal set by the user. All known general-purpose software products (word processor, desktop publishing systems, spreadsheets, database management systems, etc.) can be classified as tools.

The most common information technologies include:

  • treatment text information;
  • processing of numerical information;
  • processing of graphic information;
  • databases and data banks, including educational ones;
  • application software packages;
  • expert learning systems;
  • multimedia;
  • systems virtual reality, including simulators;
  • artificial intelligence systems;
  • telecommunication systems, including the Internet.

Information technology is widely used

in various fields of human activity. Often they are used in automated information systems.

Information system - an interconnected set of tools, methods and personnel involved in data processing.

Information systems are open and closed.

In an open information system, the information received by the consumer is used freely. In a closed information system, there is a close connection of information with its structures and the consumer.

The structure of any information system consists of a set of supporting and functional subsystems. Supporting subsystems include:

  • 1) technical support;
  • 2) software;
  • 3) software;
  • 4) information support;
  • 5) legal, organizational and other support.

The presence of functional subsystems depends on the target

system destination. Currently, automated information systems are widespread.

Examples of implementation of automated systems.

ACS - automated control systems - a set of hardware and software tools that, in interaction with a person, organize the management of objects in production or the public sphere. For example, ASU-HIGH SCHOOL, etc.

APCS - automated process control systems. For example, controlling the operation of a machine with a numerical program management(CNC), spacecraft launch process, etc.

ASNI - automated systems for scientific research - a software and hardware complex in which scientific instruments are interfaced with a computer, automatically enter measurement data into it, and the computer processes these data and presents them in the most convenient form for the researcher.

AOS - automated learning systems. Help students learn new material, to control knowledge, teachers - to prepare training materials, etc.

CAD - automatic design systems - a software and hardware complex that, in cooperation with a person (designer, engineer, architect, etc.), allows you to design mechanisms, buildings, components of complex units, etc. as efficiently as possible.

Diagnostic systems in medicine, systems for organizing ticket sales, accounting and financial activities, editorial and publishing, etc., are widely used.

The process of transition from an industrial society to an information society began in the second half of the 20th century. and was called "informatization", i.e. the process of creating, developing and universally using tools and technologies that ensure the achievement and maintenance of the level of awareness of all members of society. At the same time, informatization becomes a strategic resource of society and occupies a key place in the economy. The information society must have a highly developed information environment, which includes human activities in the creation, processing, transmission and accumulation of information.

The main characteristics of the information society:

  • 1. 80% of employees are employed in the production, storage, processing, exchange, sale of information and information services.
  • 2. Any member of the society is provided with access to the information he needs in accordance with the law.
  • 3. Information is the most important strategic resource that occupies a key place in the economy, education, culture, i.e. in all areas.

The information society is a society of structure, the technical base and human potential of which are adapted for the optimal transformation of knowledge into an information resource and the processing of the latter in order to transfer passive forms into active ones. In the information society, the majority of working people are engaged in the production, storage, processing, sale and exchange of information.

Computer science- a branch of science that studies the structure and properties of information, as well as issues related to its collection, storage, search, transfer, processing, transformation, distribution and use in various fields of human activity.

Another definition of informatics.

Computer science is an area of ​​human activity associated with the processes of converting information using computers.

Close attention to computer science is associated with the rapid growth of human knowledge, which is called the "information explosion". The total amount of human knowledge used to change very slowly. Then the process of acquiring new knowledge was noticeably accelerated. So the total amount of human knowledge doubled every 50 years by 1900, every 10 years by 1950, every 5 years by 1970, and annually by 1990.

Informatics studies the technology of collecting, storing and processing information.

In various production structures, the computer, if not a substitute, then greatly facilitates the work:

Heads of enterprises, giving them free access to all necessary information;

Planners, technologists, merchandisers, accountants, taking upon themselves the calculations of production plans, the analysis of the labor intensity of manufacturing parts, the implementation of budgetary operations;

Secretaries-typists, by simplifying the preparation, reproduction and editing of documents.

The purpose of information technology is the production of information for its analysis by a person and the adoption of a decision on the basis of it to perform an action.

Technology(from the Greek word techne - art, skill, skill) from the point of view of computer science - this is a set of methods and means of processing information used in the process of solving problems on a computer.

Information technology (IT)- a system of methods and means for collecting, accumulating, storing, searching, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).

Trends in the development of modern information technologies at the present time:

· combined use of distributed and centralized information processing, client-server architecture;

use of efficient algorithms for information processing;

Widespread implementation network technologies and modern means of telecommunications;

· the use of multimedia technologies and virtual reality technologies in the organization of the human-machine interface.

The newest and most progressive technologies of our time are referred to as high technologies (English high technology, high-tech). The transition to the use of high technologies and the equipment corresponding to them is the most important link in the scientific and technological revolution (STR) at the present stage. High technologies usually include the most knowledge-intensive industries: microelectronics, Computer Engineering, robotics, nuclear energy, aircraft manufacturing, space technology, microbiological industry.


Information - a set of knowledge about various objects and the relationships between them; i.e., these are data to be entered into the computer memory, placed there and available for automated processing, as well as for perception by the user.

The following requirements are imposed on information: accuracy, reliability, efficiency, etc.

Information Accuracy ensures its unambiguous perception by all consumers.

Reliability of information determines the permissible level of distortion of both incoming and output information; while maintaining the efficiency of the system.

Efficiency reflects the relevance of information for the necessary calculations and decision-making in the changed conditions.

Data is information presented in a form suitable for processing by automatic means with the possible participation of a person.

Business information - a set of data (information) used in the implementation of the function of managing legal objects.

The information process is a cycle of information formation and its immediate storage in the form of new data. Information exists for an extremely short time, but the information process itself lasts as long as there are data carriers representing information.

The many links between man and society are also based on information processes. Thus, all political, economic, legal and many other relationships are based on informational character

Economic information is a transformed and processed set of information that reflects the state and course of economic processes. Economic information circulates in the economic system and accompanies the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services. Economic information should be considered as one of the varieties of management information.

Economic information can be:

manager(in the form of direct orders, planned tasks, etc.);

informing(in reporting indicators, performs the function of feedback in the economic system).

Information can be viewed as a resource similar to material, labor and monetary resources. Informational resources- a set of accumulated information recorded on material media in any form that ensures its transmission in time and space for solving scientific, industrial, managerial and other problems.
