Examples of animation programs in various tourist complexes. Organization of animation programs in various types of youth tourism Youth animation programs abroad

Animation programs, along with purely entertainment events, include a variety of sports games, exercises and competitions. This combination makes these programs more intense, interesting and useful for strengthening and restoring health, therefore, in the interrelation of tourist animation and sports, the greatest restorative and health-improving effect is most often achieved. Real animation programs are most often complex in nature, and the listed types of animation are the constituent elements of these programs.

When organizing animation programs, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics inherent in different age categories. Young people are very active people, and the main thing for them is to spend their holidays as fun and interesting as possible. TO this period During the life of a boy and a girl, they become physically mature, their characters and worldviews are formed. The main activities of this period are study and productive work, which require great effort. But there is no shortage of energy at this age, so the leisure program for young people can include: KVNs, evenings and discos, festivals and shows, auctions, fairs, sports competitions, Olympiads and debates, theatrical performances, as well as various games.

Animation activities in the leisure sector must be carefully planned, regulated and organized both financially and methodologically.

The technology for creating animation programs is understood as a complex of work techniques of an animator, the organization of this work, the use of special technical means(objects, structures, tools and devices). This is a complex and multifaceted process, since it solves the following problems: the creation of animation programs, the economic calculation of the cost of each program, their implementation and, finally, the creative implementation of programmed animation events with subsequent analysis. This technological process is an integral system in which all components interact.

The technology for creating and implementing animation programs for youth as a system consists of several interconnected subsystems. Let's look at each of them:

Organizational– organization of joint activities of the animation team, economic, technical, advertising departments.

Instructional and methodological - creation and development of event scenarios, excursion texts, selection of sports games and competitions, drawing up hiking routes with subsequent development methodological recommendations based on generalization of experience.

Director's– distribution of roles, drawing up rehearsal plans, staging a play, a show.

Technical– preparation of technical means (objects, structures, tools, etc.), platforms (stages) for animation events, props, scenery, lighting, musical accompaniment, etc.

Technological process of creating animation programs

includes the following elements:

The object of activity is the tourists served, the population (groups and individuals);

Subject of activity – manager, animation service specialist;

The actual animation activity with all its components is the process of interaction between a subject and an object.

All operating elements technological process are in unity of interactions and form unified system. The main element of this system is the object of activity, people, program participants. Everything is designed to satisfy their spiritual and physical needs. Therefore, animator specialists need to know these needs, study the audience, moods, interests and demands of young people. Without knowing people, it is difficult to count on achieving the desired result and increasing the effectiveness of the intellectual and emotional impact on the audience.

The success of an animation program largely depends on a properly organized advertising campaign. Advertising, as you know, is information about the consumer properties of goods and types of services with the aim of selling them and creating demand for them. This is a tool with which the consumer is given information about the content, features, and attractiveness of a specific program in order to interest him, encourage him to purchase the advertised product and become a participant in the animation program.

Animation is seen as an activity of design and presentation. special programs spending free time. Animation programs include sports games and competitions, dance evenings, carnivals, games, hobbies, activities related to spiritual interests, etc.

The functions of animation programs are the organization and management of cultural, recreational and sports events, their further distribution among tourists.

During the formation of the animation program, its organizers should answer the following questions:

1. For whom is the program being made, where is it determined:

· age and gender of future viewers;

· social status and professional employment;

2. What is the basis of the animation program (the main idea and goals for achieving it);

3. How to build an animated event.

General program animation is prepared in such a way that entertainment and sports elements are varied in form, interesting to tourists and that as many participants as possible are involved in the events.

Creating an animation program project involves initially defining its goals, objectives, content, and implementation plan. A project is a pre-developed model of progressive actions, providing for the order, sequence, and timing of the implementation of planned activities for the organization, creation and implementation of a particular program.

The methodology for organizing this process depends on several factors:

First factor- social significance and scale of the event.

It can be held as a national state or religious holiday, as an anniversary dedicated to some historical event; like the Twin Cities Festival, etc.

Second factor- a specific venue (park, street, square, stadium, estate, ancient Kremlin, architectural ensemble, river bank).

Third factor- content of the event (artistic-historical, sports-technical, pop-dance, etc.).

Taking into account the listed factors is, first of all, taking into account the potential number of participants in the animation program, which is what you need to pay attention to when organizing it. There are limits to the number of people allowed in a given environment. The scale and specific conditions in which spectacular animation activities take place represent a certain specific environment. If the number of people in a given space exceeds the optimal level, and at critical moments - generally acceptable, a person ceases to perceive what is happening. His perception will be focused only on a large number of people, and he will strive to leave this environment.

This situation arises in cases where the event is held in the open environment of a street, square, park and is concentrated in one local place. As the environment changes, human behavior, experiences, reactions, and perceptions also change. Forming an optimal number of participants in animation programs in a natural environment is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of their implementation. The main tool for forming a mass audience, allowing to attract participants in mass entertainment entertainment events, is advertising. Psychologically based advertising is an effective channel for transmitting the right information to the right person.

When informing a person about an upcoming event, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics, tastes, habits, and value guidelines of the category of people for whom it is intended, and to see the addressee to whom you are addressing.

Therefore, advertising does not always have to be catchy and effective at all costs. It can be short, businesslike, humorous, that is, different depending on the addressee. Based on the selection, the idea of ​​the program and its creative development arise. The best idea will remain just an idea until it is put into literary form.

Thus, the next step is to write a literary script for the program. In the script when creating an artistic and animation program, it is necessary to achieve a fusion of social, philosophical, historical, life and aesthetic concepts.

After writing the script, the creative stage of developing the director's solution for the program begins, which is based on the director's plan, which sets out the main components of the performance, the sequence of numbers in the episodes and the sequence of the episodes themselves in the program. Then a spatial scenography is developed taking into account local conditions and the natural architectural landscape, i.e. the invented episodes of the script must be “fitted” into the natural landscape where the action will take place.

Next, a rehearsal plan is drawn up, which indicates the preparation time, performers, musical material, design, phonogram recording, and rehearsals are determined. After rehearsals, an installation sheet is drawn up for the implementation of the program - a graphic presentation of the director's plan. It accurately describes all the components of each number, all the means of providing it, and contains tasks for all services. The director of an animation program must develop an algorithm for creating a program project.

Preparing an animation program includes the following steps:

First stage- stage of creative design. It begins with preparatory organizational and methodological work and includes:

Determining the form of a future animation program with a focus on a specific audience and the specifics of directing;

Exact choice of location for the animation program, based on the preliminary script application;

Creation of a complete script for an animation program;

Drawing up cost estimates for the animation program;

Search for actors and creative teams at program locations.

Second phase- rehearsal and production. The stage includes:

Carrying out organizational activities at the site of the animation program;

Production of the necessary scenery, costumes, props;

Rental of sound and lighting equipment, other technical means, production or rental of a stage;

Production of soundtracks for animation programs in the studio;

Rental of transport for transporting technical equipment, artists;

Conducting rehearsals with groups and soloists, first indoors, and then several rehearsals directly at the site of the animation program;

Third stage- creative result. The stage includes:

Carrying out an artistic and historical program in a natural landscape at the appointed time;

Video and photography of the animation program.

Fourth stage- summarizing. During this stage the following occurs:

Informal discussion of the work of the organizing committee and animation team;

Payment of fees to artists and director and production team;

Production of a video film and photo album about the animation program.

Thus, the technology for creating an animation program involves a step-by-step solution. Since each animation program has its own theme, purpose and objectives, it is very important that the methods used ensure the implementation of the content of the program.

5. Objectives and structure of the animation service

In the process of interaction between tourists and hotel staff, the guest’s attitude towards the hotel, the routine established in it, the service, the comfort created specifically for him, and therefore the mood for relaxation, is formed. The friendliness and professionalism of the entire hotel staff receiving guests largely determines whether a tourist will want to come to this hotel again.

It depends on the qualifications of the animation specialists: how long will the tourist remember this rather short-term vacation in this hotel.

It can be said without exaggeration that an animator is, first of all, a good psychologist who understands and feels people, who is able to come to their aid not only during the hours allotted for rest, but also at any moment when vacationers feel the need for his help and services. At the Heliopark Country Resort hotel, animators can be found everywhere. They are often the first people vacationers meet as soon as they cross the threshold of the hotel. Animators accompany vacationers when visiting restaurants and cafes, on walks and parties. Thanks to bright and recognizable clothes, they are always visible and ready to provide the attention that guests need.

The main task of animators is to organize interesting and varied leisure activities. Not only independently working professionals are involved here, but also entire animation teams that work with guests throughout the day: in the morning they invite you to game and sports programs, in the afternoon to theatrical performances, in the evening they organize various shows, birthday celebrations and discos. . Teams of professional instructors-animators conduct sports competitions, organize master classes, for example, in aerobics and oriental dance, and teach the basics of martial arts and horse riding skills. One of the important areas of animation activity is animation for children. There are special children's clubs on site: for children 3-12 years old and for young people 12-15 years old. It offers a variety of game programs, water attractions, excursions, horseback riding, competitions, demonstrations of feature and animated films, and various clubs. All these events are carried out by animators dressed as funny clowns, fairy tale characters or favorite cartoons. Evening performances, which are the main part of the entertainment program, are varied in content, staging, and costumes. Such events take place in different formats: from small everyday scenes performed by actors and animators to serious theatrical performances. In addition to the show, the evening entertainment program also includes various lotteries and various quizzes with educational themes.

I looked at the service structure of the Heliopark Country Resort hotel. It can be imagined as follows:

Hotel General Manager

General manager of hotel animation service


chief instructor

mini club

Choreographer – director of evening entertainment programs

Tour animators (7-20 people), decorator, DJ

The main person in the animation system is the animation service manager. He reports directly to the General Manager.

As a generalist, the manager of animation activities is called upon to identify, satisfy and develop the socio-cultural interests of different groups of the population, develop targeted animation programs and social technologies for their implementation, stimulate innovative movements in the field of tourism, manage the economic mechanisms for organizing animation activities, and introduce effective pedagogical methods. development of cultural and aesthetic creativity.

Each department has specific responsibilities, but there are events that are prepared by all members of the animation team together.

Sports department– headed by a sports chief instructor. The work of this department is the most active and intense. Throughout the day, animators are in direct contact with tourists, every 30 minutes they offer guests various sports activities (aqua and step aerobics classes, skating and skiing, paintball, fishing, shooting range). Each sports animator conducts a strictly defined number of classes and must be well aware of the rules of the games and competitions being organized, as well as be able to conduct safety briefings. All sports animators must have appropriate training, always be fit, slim, cheerful, and sociable.

Show animation department. Professional dancers, musicians, and artists are recruited. The department also constantly employs a professional choreographer, who often combines the duties of director of evening entertainment programs, DJ, decorator and costume designer. Other animators are involved in work as needed. Show programs most often include humorous skits, excerpts from famous musicals, and dance performances. A striptease show is sometimes organized to entertain guests. The show animation department is responsible for holding discos (for both adults and children), teaching vacationers dance movements, performing songs and conducting other musical and entertainment events.

Mini club– an important department of the animation service. The main responsibility of the mini-club animators is to organize an interesting, complete rest for children, giving parents the opportunity to find entertainment to their liking. For each age group, it is advisable to draw up a program in advance and select age-appropriate games and entertainment. The animators of this department bear great responsibility for the lives and health of children. In addition to the entertainment function, mini-club animators also perform an educational function, so they must know the basics of pedagogy and psychology, be able to answer children’s questions, explain the rules of the game, and tell something interesting.

Becoming an animator is not easy. An animator must initially possess certain work skills and abilities, and must also be psychologically prepared for this work.

6. Development of animation programs for various categories of tourists

In my work I will try to develop an animation program for adults and children. Because most often tourists at the Heliopark Country Resort hotel are families.

So for the animator, the main task is to keep the child occupied as much as possible in order to give parents the opportunity to relax peacefully without worrying about him.

Animation program (for 1 day):

For preschool children:

After breakfast, parents take their children to the mini club.

10.00 – 11.00 – children sculpt various figures from clay under the supervision of teachers.

11.00 – 12.00 – a drawing competition is announced. The guys draw on a specific topic. Then everyone is given a prize.

14.00 – 17.00 – children go on a fabulous journey. Animators stage the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland.” Children take part in this, they are given roles and words. Parents are welcome to attend this event.

19.00 – children's disco, where animators hold various competitions, in which prizes are awarded for winning.

For teenage schoolchildren:

10.00 – 12.00 – sports games in the pool. For example, “Who's Afraid of the White Shark?”, “Floating Bucket” - two buckets float around the pool. At the “start” signal, all participants (two teams) begin to throw balls into their bucket. One player (on each team) stands next to the bucket and throws all the balls that do not go into the bucket back. The winner is the team that throws all the balls into its bucket the fastest.

14.00 – 15.00 – a “knight’s tournament” is held on the street. Participants stand on a log and fight with pillows. Whoever resists is the winner.

15.00 – 17.00 – game “Clever and smart girls”

19.00 – children's disco.

For young people:

10.00 – 12.00 – water polo and volleyball are held in the pool. There is a football tournament on the site. If you wish, you can form teams and take part in paintball.

14.00 - 17.00 – all participants are divided into teams, and KVN is held. A specific topic is given and the teams come up with performances with the help of animators.

19.00 – 20.00 – horse riding is organized.

20.00 – disco.

For adults:

10.00 – 12.00 – women can take part in aqua and step aerobics. The men go fishing.

14.00 – 17.00 – rock climbing training takes place in the hall. At the same time, people can take part in karting on the site. Or rent rollerblades/skateboards.

19.00 – 21.00 – literary evening in the hall by the fireplace. At the same time, animators perform a performance in the hall, and guests take part in it.

23.00 – disco. Animators organize competitions, such as “Miss Hotel”.

For families:

“Neptune's Day” in the summer, building a snow fortress, creating an ice sculpture, playing snowballs in the winter.

You can also prepare a program in the form of a ritual holiday “Russian loaf”. Wooden benches and tables are placed in the clearing. In the center there is a Russian stove, which is heated with wood. Girls in elegant sundresses with kokoshniks greet guests with bread and salt. Tourists prepare pies, bagels, gingerbreads, loaves, and try hot cakes

7. Conclusion

The global growth and development of tourism around the world has a great influence on the content and organization of professional tourism education.

According to experts, at present, the inclusion of animated programs of a cultural, educational, sports, tourist, and entertainment nature in the content of tourist routes and trips, and in the work of hotels increases their prestige and demand in the tourism services market.

While having fun, a person or a group of people satisfies their spiritual needs, evaluates their own personality, and analyzes their role on the scale of various subsystems. Entertainment processes are carried out both in natural and artificially created environments.

The entertainment industry, by solving multifaceted problems, inherently shapes and develops personality. By filling part of his free time with entertainment, a person restores himself as a work unit.

The entertainment industry acts as an independent, relatively isolated link in the economic system, attracting significant material, financial, and labor resources.

So, based on this work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    In the modern world, in conditions of fierce competition in the tourism services market, it is impossible to imagine a hotel complex without organizing animation activities in it.

    Animation in hotels plays a great role in creating a favorable psychological climate in the hotel, thereby creating the prerequisites for the repeated arrival of guests, which significantly helps to increase the image and income of the hotel.

8. References

    Brymer R.A. "Fundamentals of management in the hospitality industry", Moscow, 1995

    Garanin N.I., Bulygina I.I. "Management of tourist and hotel animation", Moscow, 2004

    Gulyaev V.G. "Organization of tourism activities", Moscow, 1996

    Zorin I.V., Zorin A.I. “Professional education and career in tourism”, Moscow, 2005

    Kotler F. “Marketing. Hospitality and tourism", Moscow, 1998

    Fundamentals of tourism activities. Textbook for students of tourist lyceums and colleges, Moscow, 2001

    Self-instruction manual “Profession animator”, Moscow, 2005

    Chebotar Yu.M. "Tourist Business", Moscow, 2000

    Chudnovsky A.D., Zhukova M.A. "Management in tourism and hotel industry", Moscow, 2005 complexes and etc.), ... service V hotels and restaurants); 5. Mastering a new type of activity. To improve the organization of activities hotel complex ...

  1. Animated programs in the hospitality industry

    Abstract >> Physical education and sports

    Most of them are young people. Considering program tourism and animated service V hotels, we can conclude that... tourist services are impossible to imagine hotel complex without organization in it animated activities. 3. Sports and fitness...

  2. The role of cultural events in the provision of additional services in hotels and tourist

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    The impression the client receives from hotel complex. The task of the head of this service is to control... . In this chapter, looking at program tourism and animated service V hotels, we conclude that...

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    Shockwave, which provides streaming playback animated videos and sound (you can download... service guests, automates administrative, marketing, financial, economic and business activities hotels And hotel complexes ...

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Sports animation program “Spirit of the Forest”. Scenario

Author: Anna Viktorovna Nosova, teacher of the Syktyvkar Humanitarian Pedagogical College named after I.A. Kuratova".
Description of material: Scenario of leisure program, tasks. This material will be useful for class teachers, organizers of student leisure, and organizers of weekend trips.
Target– activation of cultural and leisure activities of students
Fostering mutual respect, group work, and responsibility for a common cause.
Introduction to culture and national traditions.
Introduction to healthy image life.
Equipment: rope, map of the area, keys, jars with marked numbers, props for building a slingshot (you can take ready-made ones), combination lock, compass, alphabet with serial numbering, Q-codes with tasks, water pistols, plastic flasks, plastic ball, encrypted alphabet , containers for placing hints on paper.
Progress of the event:
Our land of Komi is large and all hidden by forests. The forests are deaf, dark, and stand like a wall. And there are so many animals and birds in the forests that you can’t count them. For a long time, Pera the hero lived in those places - the defender of the homeland, the owner of the taiga.
Pera's main rival was the evil forest spirit, the goblin - Vorsa. Because of him, people wandered through the forest and could not find their way home. Cattle disappeared in his forests. Sometimes he would exchange babies for a piece of wood or his own deformed child.
Pera helped the people fight all his atrocities, but this time Vorsa went far. And so somehow they challenged each other to a competition, whoever wins will rule the forest. But Vorsa cheated, and at night he stole a bag of earth from Pera, which his mother, Parma herself, gave him at random.
He confused all the traces of Vors, locked the bag in an iron chest, and hid the key among other similar ones, and scattered them in different places, and also came up with different tests so that no one would find the treasured key.
So Pera turned to you, the residents of Komi, for help. You have to go through a difficult path, show ingenuity, strength and team spirit! Overcome all the challenges, find the keys and pull the bag out of the chest. But many people volunteered to help Pera; whoever reaches his goal faster, he will thank him!
Your journey begins!
3 teams of 7 people. Each team is assigned a specific color. At the start, participants are given a map with a route corresponding to the color scheme. The route can be built using the Yandex.maps service. The team’s task, following the route, pass all the checkpoints (10), complete the task, as a result of which they receive the “key”. In total, participants must bring 8 “keys” to the bivouac site. When determining prizes, the location of all checkpoints and the number of tasks completed, as well as the time taken from start to finish, are taken into account.
At the end of the day, participants will be awarded cups, diplomas and badges. Everyone can enjoy gatherings with songs around the fire and dinner.
1 CP: Tree with keys
There is a rope stretched between two trees, with a “key” hanging in the middle. The participants’ task, using available means, is to build a device to get the “key” and open the container with the code.
2 CP: Vorsa's Chest
There is a rope hanging on a tree branch, tied in various places. To get the key, the participant will need to completely free the rope from all knots. After this, the key and container with the code will be free.
3rd CP: Shooter
The team's task: to shoot down with shots from a slingshot (you need to build it yourself) all the cans with numbers written on their bottoms, add up the code for the lock and take out the container with the KP code.
CP 4: Vorsa Trail.
The team's task: to walk along a sling stretched at a height of 1 to 4 meters, holding only the vines hanging from somewhere above. At the base of each vine there are numbers, adding which will form a code, with which the participants will open the lock holding the rope (chain), free the container with the CP code and props for completing the next task.
5 CP: Cardinal direction
The task of the participants is to correctly identify the opposite sides. Compare the first letter of the designation with a serial number in the alphabet, adding up the resulting numbers, the team will receive the number of steps to the place where the auxiliary props are hidden to complete the task at the next checkpoint. (auxiliary details - alphabet with serial numbering).
A) If you stand facing north, there will be __________________________ behind, __________________ to the left, ___________________________ to the right.
B) If you stand facing south, then behind you there will be ______________________, on the left - __________________, on the right - ___________________________.
C) If you stand facing west, there will be __________________________ behind, _________________ to the left, _______________________ to the right.
D) If you stand facing east, there will be _________________________ behind, _________________ to the left, ___________ to the right.
Answer: If you stand facing north, the back will be south, west on the left, east on the right.
If you stand facing south, north will be behind you, east will be on your left, and west will be on your right.
If you stand facing west there will be east behind, south on the left, north on the right
If you stand facing east, there will be west behind, north on the left, south on the right.
A) S (32) + W (9) + B (3) = 44 * 4 = 176 – steps to the location of the auxiliary props.
6 CP: Mathematics Vorsa
An intellectual task that only a friendly team can do: it is necessary to solve a logical problem, but first of all, decipher the Q-code with the task, compose the CP code, and mark it on the map.
5555 = 0
9313 = 1
8193 = 2
8096 = ?
Answer: 3. The number of letters “E” in the name of the numbers.
9313=1 (nine)
8193= 2 (eight, nine)
7 CP: Vorsa Cipher
The participants’ task is to establish on what principle this sequence is built. Make up words that mean code numbers, mark the checkpoint on the map and move on.
3 6 16 14 19 28
10 18 20
6 19 20 26 28
17 20 28 33
Answer: All numbers follow each other in accordance with the alphabetical order of their names (six, three, sixteen, etc.). By matching the numbers and the letters below them in the alphabet, make up a word and open the lock.
(Eight) 3 6 16 14 19 28
(Three) 10 18 20
(Six) 6 19 20 26 28
(Five) 17 20 28 33
8 CP: Slingshots
At the checkpoint there is a large flask, at the bottom there is a ball, inside of which there is information about the key. The participants' task is to use water pistols to fill the flask and raise the ball to the surface. The ball contains the checkpoint code, as well as a hint where the auxiliary props are located to overcome the next checkpoint.
9 CP: Morse code
Participants need to, with the help of a hint, decipher the location of the container with the CP code and instructions for completing the next task, mark the checkpoint on the map and move on.


10 CP: Azimuth
At the last checkpoint, participants need to mark the checkpoint on the map, then determine the azimuth, direction and distance from checkpoint 10 to the finish point using a map or compass. Write down the results on paper, place it in a container at the checkpoint and proceed to the finish.
