Dictionary of synonyms for generating the web. Reproduction of articles, Generating The Web program. We reproduce text using special programs

Quite often you can hear about the reproduction of articles. It would seem a completely understandable procedure, implying some mythical way of creating dozens or hundreds of articles from one single basic article, but for what purpose is all this happening...

Who benefits from reproducing articles?

This is done in order to obtain the required number of ready-made articles on similar topics. This method of obtaining a large amount of content is much cheaper for the webmaster than obtaining a similar number of articles using a copywriter. This kind of content finds quite wide application when it is placed in catalogs or on thematic sites (fortunately, there are quite a few of them now “spread” on the Internet!). The meaning of articles during reproduction, as a rule, is preserved, therefore, it is additionally possible to introduce suitable thematic links into the text, which purposefully point the user to a specific resource. Thus, the reproduction of articles contributes to an increase in traffic to the resource, and, therefore, to promotion of the site.

How does the article reproduction process work?

In practice, texts are reproduced simply. The whole process, as a rule, is built on a banal selection of synonyms with the help of special programs. That's all! Such a “dumb” selection of words that are similar in meaning, thanks to which the output is a text, is called nothing more than synonymizing. Meanwhile, the capabilities of programs for generating texts are somewhat wider than it might seem at first glance. The fact is that synonymizers have the ability to replace entire sentences, and this, you see, already presents certain technical difficulties, although doable.

Before the source text appears in the program, it is subjected to certain modifications. In other words, a certain formula is compiled from the text, as a result of which possible variants of synonymous words are selected for each word, and the places of some sentences are changed. The text undergoes significant changes.

Cost of article reproduction

Prices for synonymizing services can differ significantly from each other (approximately 3 times!), but site owners are still willing to shell out money, since this ultimately saves money significantly.

Review of synonymizing programs

As you understand, programs for generating texts can be completely free and on a paid basis. In addition, there are free text reproduction software built into some popular resources. For example, scripts Lieks, Content 1, Allsubmitter, etc.

So, I present to your attention the TOP 3 free programs for generating texts on the RuNet:

ANCHOR. After downloading and launching the file, 5 tabs will appear in front of you, with which you will have to work properly. The process of generating text consists of alternately filling out the appropriate fields.

SEO Anchor Generator. This program positions itself as a kind of generator of anchors or descriptions. However, it is also used to reproduce small texts. Due to the fact that the author of this masterpiece is in constant search improvements to the program, there is now a free online version with a text generator. The program menu is very accessible to study.

Generating The Web. A free program that has more features than those described above. By using it, it is possible to perform the most important tasks for generating texts - rearranging and enumerating synonyms using external dictionaries, correcting errors in the results and removing duplicates by adjusting the number of shingles, setting limits on the number of generated options, etc.

Article outline:

Article reproduction can be used anywhere and in any way, but is often used in the following places:

  • when posting articles on websites (using an article exchange).
  • when crossposting in social media and blogs.

Since now time is worth its weight in oil, articles are multiplied. Right duplicated articles are unique and readable.

How to properly reproduce an article? It's simple, we use: synonyms, phrases (2-3 words). A large number of options for a word will give you more uniqueness of the text. It is worth understanding that there is nothing shameful in this, the articles are readable and unique. Accordingly, Yandex eats the text without problems.

I also wrote about how to write articles correctly.

To download the program, search for GENERATING THE WEB and you will find a bunch of sites offering to download the program.

Now let's look at an example. I will show you how this is done in one phrase: “ Your organization needs written rules and guidelines for making expenses.” Just put sum brackets and a vertical separator and list the words. I got it like this:

Next, we choose which rules to use to leave text from all results. I choose not too harsh ones, but at the same time to preserve the readability and uniqueness of the text. To do this, go to the options => removal using the shingles method, set the ones you need or leave the standard ones (I leave the standard).

Check the box to delete similar ones. We can also place links in the finished text (similar to the auto link function in the Windows Writer live article writing program). And we see several articles in the output, for example this one:

“Your organization-company needs written rules and instructions for developing expenses. - 100% uniqueness of the offer.

I usually use the program like this - I reproduce the article and, using the cross-posting service, fill blogs and services that provide backlinks.

In this article I told you about reproducing articles using the Generating The Web program. He also told us why reproduction is used.

My readers, if you don’t understand something in the article or if you need something clarified, leave a comment and I’ll explain it to you. Please ask questions, share with friends, learn.

There is also a video on the topic that talks about reproducing articles using a similar program:

SEO site audit

Free site analysis

Internal website optimization. Tips for optimizing your website.

In the last post we talked about promoting a site with articles and, as I promised, in this post I will describe in detail how to reproduce an article?

IN website building Content has always been valued first; this is perhaps the most important component of success. Even if your site is in the top, but does not have interesting content, then, unfortunately, the visitor will not be interested in the site. And as a result, it will never return to him.

I'm going a little off topic...

Everyone understands that in order to promote a site with articles you need a huge amount of content and this is natural, since each published article must be unique in terms of search engines. Otherwise, the search engine will glue the articles together, and as a result, these articles will be perceived as one posted article.

In the vastness of our glorious RuNet, there are many programs for publishing articles, both free and paid.

I will not give a numerous list of these programs, since in this case there is no need. I'll show you the only one free program and how to use it.

My choice fell on Generating The Web, this software is absolutely free and multifunctional, and the quality of its work more than satisfies me.

Interesting: The most popular slot machines at BestForPlay.net are monkey slot machines. Don't be fooled by the frivolous design. Crazy Monkey- a hardened “one-armed bandit.” This is one of the first 5-reel slot machines to hit real gaming floors.

You can download this software from the website generating-the-web.com using the link: http://www.generating-the-web.com/downloads/gtw27ru.exe
So we downloaded, installed, launched... this is understandable.

Now find any article as an example and paste it into the main program window...
I took the beginning of my post and will try to reproduce it:

Before you can reproduce the text, you need to process it. What do I understand by the concept of text processing? This is a selection of synonyms.
Synonyms in Generating The Web must be written in a certain format, namely: (word by text|synonym 1|synonym 2|synonym 3), etc., the number of synonyms is unlimited.

When I processed part of the text, this is what I got:

These synonyms, as you can see, were selected not only for individual words but also for phrases.

Now we need to set how links will be automatically placed in the text. To do this, go to the links tab and click “Add multiple”

After we have added which links we will use in our articles, we return to the “source text” tab. At the bottom of the window we see the “general settings” area.

Specify quantity – “MAX”

Generation type – “random”

Check the box next to “delete similar” and “place links”

Then click on the “Options” button and in the window that opens, specify the generation parameters: shingles and % similarity.

I set 4 shingles and a similarity percentage of 5% - with these parameters, the output articles are very unique.

Next, click the “Generate” button and then the text is generated.

When the program has made approximately 200k generations, you can click the stop button and go to the “Results” tab

So I’ve already clicked “Generate” and I’ll go have a smoke.

Hmm... While I was smoking, the program went through more than 440k text variants... well, the more, the more articles.

So, as a result, we received 15 unique articles with links already placed.

There would be a lot more articles if there were more synonyms and the text had more characters. But the point of the post was to show how the Generating The Web software works, and not to generate more articles.

At the final stage, right-click in the results area and select “Save all”, set the name of the txt file and admire the results.

Quite often you can hear about the reproduction of articles. It would seem a completely understandable procedure, implying some mythical way of creating dozens or hundreds of articles from one single basic article, but for what purpose is all this happening...

Who benefits from reproducing articles?

This is done in order to obtain the required number of ready-made articles on similar topics. This method of obtaining a large amount of content is much cheaper for the webmaster than obtaining a similar number of articles using a copywriter. This kind of content finds quite wide application when it is placed in catalogs or on thematic sites (fortunately, there are quite a few of them now “spread” on the Internet!). The meaning of articles during reproduction, as a rule, is preserved, therefore, it is additionally possible to introduce suitable thematic links into the text, which purposefully point the user to a specific resource. Thus, the reproduction of articles contributes to an increase in traffic to the resource, and, therefore, to promotion of the site.

How does the article reproduction process work?

In practice, texts are reproduced simply. The whole process, as a rule, is built on a banal selection of synonyms with the help of special programs. That's all! Such a “dumb” selection of words that are similar in meaning, thanks to which the output is a text, is called nothing more than synonymizing. Meanwhile, the capabilities of programs for generating texts are somewhat wider than it might seem at first glance. The fact is that synonymizers have the ability to replace entire sentences, and this, you see, already presents certain technical difficulties, although doable.

Before the source text appears in the program, it is subjected to certain modifications. In other words, a certain formula is compiled from the text, as a result of which possible variants of synonymous words are selected for each word, and the places of some sentences are changed. The text undergoes significant changes.

Cost of article reproduction

Prices for synonymizing services can differ significantly from each other (approximately 3 times!), but site owners are still willing to shell out money, since this ultimately saves money significantly.

Review of synonymizing programs

As you understand, programs for generating texts can be completely free and on a paid basis. In addition, there are free text reproduction software built into some popular resources. For example, scripts Lieks, Content 1, Allsubmitter, etc.

So, I present to your attention the TOP 3 free programs for generating texts on the RuNet:

ANCHOR. After downloading and launching the file, 5 tabs will appear in front of you, with which you will have to work properly. The process of generating text consists of alternately filling out the appropriate fields.

SEO Anchor Generator. This program positions itself as a kind of generator of anchors or descriptions. However, it is also used to reproduce small texts. Due to the fact that the author of this masterpiece is in constant search for improvements to the program, there is now a free online version with a text generator. The program menu is very accessible to study.

Generating The Web. A free program that has more features than those described above. By using it, it is possible to perform the most important tasks for generating texts - rearranging and enumerating synonyms using external dictionaries, correcting errors in the results and removing duplicates by adjusting the number of shingles, setting limits on the number of generated options, etc.

Often we have to face the task of one way or another reproducing or generating some content. These could be, for example, texts of links for promotion and purchase in exchanges like Sapa, or in auto promoters like. Especially the latter, as a rule, generate heresy themselves. You can read applications on sap endlessly :)

You may also encounter the problem of duplicating articles for posting on article exchanges or somewhere else. One way or another, it all comes down to synonymizing. The wonderful free program Generating The Web will help us curb this simple process.

Let's see what I mean. Synonymizing is the reproduction of content through synonyms. For each word in the presentation or link text, we select a bunch of similar ones in meaning, and then create new assumptions or link texts. It looks something like this:

As you can see, synonyms are separated from each other by the sign | and are enclosed in curly braces (). This is the format for presenting the source material for the program. If we now click the “Generate” button, we will get something like this:

As you can see, there are a ton of options. But many of them will be too similar. Fortunately, the developers provide an option to clean up the resulting phrases. You can delete phrases by specifying the maximum percentage of similarity allowed, or simply complete duplicates:

If we activate the filter indicated above, we will get only 5 options at the output. Naturally, you can reproduce not only phrases or link anchors, but also entire paragraphs and articles! To do this, you need to make a large, high-quality template, GTW will do the rest for you.

What else is good about this program? Convenient syntax highlighting, well, you've already seen that. You can set limits on the length and number of generated options. There is a convenient text auto-correction settings panel that allows you to do anything:

In addition to enumerating synonyms, you can rearrange them and, in general, pervert everything with text fragments. True, you will have to use more complex syntax. For more details, see help.

There is a convenient mechanism for using constants and working with files. Moreover, you can use constants in files too! In fact, this thing can practically work wonders :)

And we’re especially pleased with the convenient saving options that allow you to save received articles in the desired format or with the desired separator:

Together with and Generating The Web can become a powerful assistant in website creation.

You can download GTW yourself and familiarize yourself with all the functions of the program without any problems, fortunately it is free, there is a Russian interface and detailed help. On my own behalf, I will add that this thing will help every optimizer for multiplying link texts and copywriters for multiplying articles.

Happy synonymizing!

Hi all! Today I will tell you how to reproduce articles. Reproduction of articles is in great demand these days, and optimizers are willing to pay decent money for quality work.

Duplicating articles means getting multiple copies that will be unique in the eyes of search engines. Why reproduce articles? This is done to promote the resource! Article promotion is very effective way blog promotion.

How does article promotion work? You write or buy an article; it is advisable that its topic matches the topic of your site. Make several copies from one article. You insert the links you need into them and place them in various article directories and blogs on similar topics.

After such an article is indexed by search engines, it will give a good impetus to promoting your resource. But here it is important that the duplicated articles are complete, at least 1000-2000 characters, and each copy is unique. I wrote about how to check an article for uniqueness.

Article promotion is somewhat similar to link promotion, but the most important difference is that you can write an interesting, optimized article in which the links will look most natural to search engines and, accordingly, the effect from them will be much greater. Much will depend on the quality of the site on which the article will be posted. You can read about all the nuances associated with high-quality links, everything is described in detail there. That's it in a nutshell.

I will write separate posts in more detail about article promotion, so as not to miss anything. And we move on. As I said at the beginning of the post, you will have to pay a decent amount of money for well-reproduced articles. There are special article reproduction services on the Internet, where the average price varies from $5 per 1000 characters.

I agree that you can give this money when you need to make 2-3 copies, but when you want to get, for example, 100 unique copies from one article, you will have to fork out, which not everyone can afford. In this case, you can use another method that will allow you to reproduce articles for free.

I’ll say right away that this method takes a lot of time and effort, because... you will have to do everything yourself, but when the budget does not allow you to use third-party services, you have no choice. And now we will talk about it in more detail.

How to reproduce articles

For this method, you will need time, desire, the article itself and special programs for reproducing articles. And if you have the time and desire, then let's get started. First of all, we write a good optimized article, 2000-3000 characters. In it, you must provide several in advance, which will serve as link anchors leading to those pages of your blog that you want to promote to the TOP.

For those who don’t understand what I’m talking about, imagine that you are writing a regular post on your blog. Is everyone familiar with linking? If not, read it. So, while writing a post, you insert several links into it that lead to other internal pages of your blog. Each link has its own anchor, which we will change when publishing articles. I think it's clear now. If not, ask questions in the comments.

After the article is written, we proceed to its reproduction. I use two programs to reproduce articles. The first program I use to write a template is called SEO Anchor Generator. It can be downloaded absolutely free. And the second program, which is also distributed free of charge, is called Generating The Web. This program allows you to generate and select the most unique copies of duplicated articles. You can download it.

Launch the SEO Anchor Generator program and copy your article into the input field. The program works in such a way that when generating copies, it substitutes synonyms for words in your article, which you will need to choose yourself. And the more you select them, the better the result you will get.

For clarity, instead of an article, I wrote a few sentences, and I will show reproduction using their example. This is what it looks like initially:

Select the section of text for which you need to select synonyms. Click “Input Wizard” and enter all the synonyms that come to mind, each on a new line. It is advisable to do this so that the meaning of the sentence does not change. Just below you can see a preview of everything that happens. The more synonyms you select, the more variants of duplicated articles you will get as a result. So, you have entered the words, click “Insert”.

And in this way, you need to go through the entire text. I quickly reproduced my mini-article and this is what I came up with:

As you can see from the screenshot above, all the synonyms I entered are separated from the main text curly braces, and between each other with a forward slash (|). This is the principle of synonym separation in almost all programs designed for text reproduction. I think the meaning is clear.

This is very painstaking work and can take a lot of time. It sometimes took me a whole day to reproduce one article well. After synonyms for the entire text have been selected, click the “Generate” button. The program will give you all the generated copies, but the uniqueness of most of them will be very small.

To fix this, you will need to remove the most similar copies:

To do this, click the “Remove similar” button and set the following settings in the pop-up window. The uniqueness of an article is calculated using a special shingle algorithm. If you are interested, you can read about this algorithm on the Internet, and I will show you the most effective settings.

Place the roundels next to the “Shingle Method” item, set the shingle length to 5, the maximum % similarity to 7 and click OK. The program will give you the most unique copies:

In principle, we can stop there, but as I mentioned above, there is another program that is more suitable for generating unique posts. Open Generating The Web and copy the entire generated SEO Anchor Generator template into the input field:

And the last step that needs to be done is to make some settings:

  1. Set the required number of copies, I usually set it to 100.
  2. Set the generation type to “Random”.
  3. Be sure to check the box next to “Delete similar”.
  4. Go to the "Options" tab.
  5. Set the roundels opposite the item “Removal using shingles”, shingle length - 5, permissible percentage of similarity - 7.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click "Generate".

Now you can rest a little or do other things, because the program will fall into a long process of selecting unique posts. Generation may take 3-5 hours or more. But you can always stop the process by clicking on the “Stop” button. This is done if 10-20 replicated copies are enough for you. If not, you'll have to wait.

After completing the generation process, save the project and copy all the resulting copies into a separate document. Next, all you have to do is go through the duplicated copies to add the links you need. And you may have to correct some areas of the text that turned out to be difficult to read.

When everything is ready, look for sites where you can post your article with a link and post it. You can find them by entering search bar request "Free article directories". And if you want the quality of the sites to be high, then you can use the paid option for posting articles.

One of these is the famous article exchange Miralinks. You can read more about it. The principle of operation is similar to link exchanges, only articles are posted here. You can go and register on the exchange. You can also buy an article there if your budget allows.

Now you know how to reproduce articles yourself and what all this is for. I hope my post was interesting for you and reproducing articles will not cause you any difficulties. With this I say goodbye to you. I wish you a great mood and successful progress. Bye everyone and see you soon.

How do you like the article? Have you ever had to duplicate articles? Perhaps you know easier ways? I look forward to your comments!

In contact with

In this post I will talk about a wonderful program for high-quality reproduction of articles. The program is free, has a Russian version, and has many settings and functions.

I’ve been meaning to use article promotion for a long time, but I finally found the time and started. Writing a unique article for each directory is not serious, but articles should have a certain uniqueness. It was necessary to qualitatively reproduce several articles for publication. Tried several programs for reproducing articles and settled on the program Generating The Web. I’ll tell you about it in this post.

Generating The Web Program It can do a lot, even though it is free. Main functions of the program:

— generation/reproduction of texts;

- synonymize;

— placing links with the desired anchor;

Synonymize articles with Generating The Web program

Synonym databases

Let me start with the fact that the program already has a built-in synonym database and it is possible to use your own synonym databases. You can load up to 5 user synonym databases. There are 3 types of synonym databases:

— built-in database of synonyms (comes with the program);

— a database of recently used synonyms (self-learning database);

— user databases (up to 5 any synonym databases).

To select synonym databases that will be used for synonymization, select Dictionaries in the Synonyms menu.

The dictionaries window will appear.

Select the ones you need.

Synonymizer operating modes

Generating The Web has two synonymization modes. This is standard mode and group mode. Both modes are discussed in more detail below.

Standard synonymize

To add synonyms in standard mode, select Synonyms => Show synonyms from the menu. All synonyms will be highlighted in gray. Hover over the word you want to replace with synonyms and right-click. Select "Show synonyms" from the drop-down menu.

A window will appear with a list of synonyms to replace. Unnecessary synonyms can be removed. You can add your own synonyms. After editing the synonyms, click “Replace with synonyms” and the words will be added to the text in the form of the construction “(Word|Synonym 1|Synonym 2)”.

Group mode of synonymizer operation

To work in group mode, select Synonyms => Group mode from the menu. The group mode working window will appear. All synonyms will be highlighted in gray.

You can add synonyms to all found words, or you can add just some words.

To add all words, right-click in the program workspace and select “Add all found”.

To add individual words, right-click on the desired word and select add to list, or place the cursor on the desired word and press F3.

Added words will be highlighted in green. All selected words will appear at the bottom of the program window and they can be edited by adding new synonyms and removing unnecessary ones.

Click apply and all selected synonyms are added to the text.

Inserting links in texts

Automatic placement of links allows you to replace words in the text (aka anchors) with links during generation, in accordance with the set options.

To add links, you need to check the box “Place links” in the “Source text” tab. After this, the “Links” tab will appear.

The program supports two independent groups of links, for each of which you can apply different settings.

To automatically place links, you need to add a list of links in the format “URL [anchor1; anchor2; anchor3; ...]".

You can configure the number of links in the text, the frequency of links, the method of selecting links and other settings.

Text generation

To generate texts, the program uses the following constructs:

Generation of searches:

{ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 }

Generating permutations

Simple permutations:

[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]

Permutations with the same separator:

[<,> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]

Permutations with different delimiters:

[<,> 1 | 2 | 3 < и >| 4 ]

The program also allows the use of constants, variables and included files:

Using variables:

#set %VAR% = SomeValue

Using constants:

#const = (const1 | const2 | ... | constN)

Using include files:

#include "full path to file"

Generation results settings

The following generation settings are available:

— text length from and to;

— maximum number of output texts;

— generation in order or randomly;

— auto-correction of texts;

— deleting similar texts;

- placement of links.

Filtering by uniqueness of generated texts

Very useful setting programs. Allows you to configure the uniqueness of the output texts. Filtering can be done during generation or after generation.

Text filtering can occur in two ways:

— Removing exact matches.

Completely matching options are removed (no additional settings, removal occurs very quickly).

— Removal using the shingle method.

In this case, you need to indicate the length of the shingle (the number of words in the shingle) and the maximum allowable percentage of text similarity. The following rules apply here:

— The shorter the shingle length, the more unique the options remain after filtering.

— The shorter the shingle length, the slower the options are sorted.

— The higher the maximum percentage of similarity, the more texts remain after filtering.

Filtering using the shingle method does not take into account HTML tags. Filtration occurs quite slowly.

Hotkeys for inserting symbols

To insert the main characters used for generation, you can use hotkeys. To see a list of hot keys, right-click in the program workspace and select insert symbol. The symbols and the corresponding hotkey for inserting the symbol will be described there.

Saving breeding results

In addition to all of the above, the program has a good help document, which describes in detail all the features and settings of the program with examples.

Using this program for duplicating articles, the output can be high-quality duplicated texts of the specified degree of similarity with minimal time expenditure. It's rare to see free software of this level. Thanks to the developers.

Download latest version programs for reproducing articles can be found on the developers’ website

Generating The Web is a program that may be useful for some authors involved in rewriting texts. Using it, you can somewhat automate work processes and speed up writing.

Enough interesting feature GTW is an opportunity automatic check syntax of the source text. In other words, it is able to analyze the linguistic structure of sentences and, if there are errors, report them to the user.

Displaying synonyms

It's no secret that any rewriter sometimes has to replace certain words with reasonable synonyms. With the help of the program in question, the user no longer has to constantly search for them on the Internet: here they are displayed automatically.

However, although the program files contain a standard dictionary containing a database of synonyms, for some reason they are not displayed. You can only add your own custom dictionary, but this is a rather time-consuming and unnecessary process, because there are many other services that do not have similar problems.

Text generation

In addition to the standard display of options for replacing text fragments, you can use the automatic generation of all possible options with all the words from the dictionaries.

But it's obvious that this function not suitable for authors who are engaged in writing meaningful articles for readers.

Plus, there are additional functions after generation: remove similar options or mix them.


  • Free distribution;
  • Russian language.


  • Some functions work poorly or incorrectly;
  • Not updated since 2012.

The result suggests itself - if you use the Generating The Web program to rewrite articles for sites that people will read in the future, then it is best to turn to other similar programs. However, the functions implemented here may be useful for other text-related purposes.

In the last post we talked about promoting a site with articles and, as I promised, in this post I will describe in detail how to reproduce an article?

IN website building Content has always been valued first; this is perhaps the most important component of success. Even if your site is in the top, but does not have interesting content, then, unfortunately, the visitor will not be interested in the site. And as a result, it will never return to him.

I'm going a little off topic...

Everyone understands that in order to promote a website with articles you need a huge amount of content and this is natural, since each published article must be unique from the point of view of search engines. Otherwise, the search engine will glue the articles together, and as a result, these articles will be perceived as one posted article.

In the vastness of our glorious RuNet, there are many programs for publishing articles, both free and paid.

I will not give a numerous list of these programs, since in this case there is no need. I'll show you one and only free program and how to use it.

My choice fell on Generating The Web, this software is absolutely free and multifunctional, and the quality of its work more than satisfies me.

Interesting: The most popular slot machines at BestForPlay.net are monkey slot machines. Don't be fooled by the frivolous design. Crazy Monkey- a hardened “one-armed bandit.” This is one of the first 5-reel slot machines to hit real gaming floors.

You can download this software from the website generating-the-web.com using the link: http://www.generating-the-web.com/downloads/gtw27ru.exe
So we downloaded, installed, launched... this is understandable.

Now find any article as an example and paste it into the main program window...
I took the beginning of my post and will try to reproduce it:

Before you can reproduce the text, you need to process it. What do I understand by the concept of text processing? This is a selection of synonyms.
Synonyms in Generating The Web must be written in a certain format, namely: (word by text|synonym 1|synonym 2|synonym 3), etc., the number of synonyms is unlimited.

When I processed part of the text, this is what I got:

These synonyms, as you can see, were selected not only for individual words but also for phrases.

Now we need to set how links will be automatically placed in the text. To do this, go to the links tab and click “Add multiple”

After we have added which links we will use in our articles, we return to the “source text” tab. At the bottom of the window we see the “general settings” area.

Specify quantity – “MAX”

Generation type – “random”

Check the box next to “delete similar” and “place links”

Then click on the “Options” button and in the window that opens, specify the generation parameters: shingles and % similarity.

I set 4 shingles and a similarity percentage of 5% - with these parameters, the output articles are very unique.

Next, click the “Generate” button and then the text is generated.

When the program has made approximately 200k generations, you can click the stop button and go to the “Results” tab

So I’ve already clicked “Generate” and I’ll go have a smoke.

Hmm... While I was smoking, the program went through more than 440k text variants... well, the more, the more articles.

So, as a result, we received 15 unique articles with links already placed.

There would be a lot more articles if there were more synonyms and the text had more characters. But the point of the post was to show how the Generating The Web software works, and not to generate more articles.

At the final stage, right-click in the results area and select “Save all”, set the name of the txt file and admire the results.
