Information volume of a text fragment. Word word processor. Technology for creating, opening and saving documents In a text editor, open the file deleting rtf

Practical work. Section 2 "Processing" text information»

Task 2.1. Entering characters

1. Launch the word processor installed on your computer.

2. Enter using the keyboard:

System unit, keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers.

Video card, expansion card, sound card, LAN card.

Enter, End, Esc, Delete.

Color printer, laser printer, matrix printer, jet printer.

2. In each group, find the extra word (phrase) and delete it. (Use rational ways to highlight words and phrases.)

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name No_stuff. doc.

Task 2.7. Moving fragments

1. In a word processor, open the file Move. doc:

RAM, CPU, video card, HDD, sound card.

2. Create pairs by placing its Russian equivalent next to each English term.

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Couples. doc.

Task 2.8. Copying fragments

1. In a word processor, create a new document.

2. Using copy and paste operations, type the text of the poem in English:

Meet me the morning.

Meet me at noon.

Meet me in September

Or the middle of June.

Meet me at midnight.

Meet me in the hall.

Meet me in the summer.

Meet me in the fall.

Meet me in the evening.

Meet me at eight.

I'll meet you any time you want,

But, please, don’t be late.

Copying a fragment:

· Select a fragmentà homeà Clipboardà Copy;

· Place the cursor where you want to insert a copy of the fragmentà homeà Clipboardà Insert.

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Verse. doc.

Task 2.9. Gluing and cutting strings

1. In a word processor, open the Lines file. doc.

You can't hide an awl in a bag. Every day is not Sunday. Finished the job, go for a walk safely. Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter. Steam doesn't break bones. You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty. Not all that glitters is gold. The word is silver, silence is gold. The sooner you get up, the sooner you finish your work. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. Time for business, time for fun. Think first, then start. Try it on seven times

cut once. Work is scary not for your hands, but for your eyes. The master's work is afraid.

2. Edit the contents of the file so that each proverb occupies exactly one line. To do this: place the cursor at the beginning of each sentence and press the Enter key. Evaluate the result.

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Proverbs. doc.

  1. Enter text:

4. Save the file asInput_rules_Last name.rtfto your class folder.

Exercise. Text entry rules

  1. Launch your word processor.
  2. Enter text:

When entering text, adjacent words are separated by one space.

Punctuation marks (comma, colon, period, exclamation and question marks) are written together with the preceding word and separated by a space from the following word.

Quotes and parentheses are written together with the corresponding words (group of words).

A dash is distinguished by spaces on both sides.

The hyphen is written together with the words it connects.

3. Enter the text, paying attention to the following rules:

Topic: “Rules for entering text”, hotel “Malachite”, chocolate “Alenka”, novel “War and Peace”.

Stages of creating a text document: input, editing, formatting.

Information in World Wide Web organized in the form of pages (web pages).

Still, Mamin-Sibiryak, Firebird, northeast, Rostov-on-Don, New York. I had to stay here for the night, willy-nilly. To be afraid of grief is to see no happiness. Moscow is a huge city, a city-country. The end of the 17th century - the first half of the 19th century.

4. Save the file asInput_rules_Last name.rtfto your class folder.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Development of a fragment of practical work for 6th grade students. Topic of educational practical work: Determining the geographical latitude of objects

Determination of the geographic latitude of objectsPrograms: Sample program of basic general education in geography "Geography of the Earth" (grades 6-7) / collection regulatory documents: Geography: Federal...

Development of a fragment of practical work for 7th grade students. Topic of educational practical work: Identification from maps of the location of large landforms, comparing the map of the structure of the earth’s crust with a physical map

Development of a fragment of practical work for 7th grade students. Programs: Sample program of basic general education in geography "Geography of the Earth" (grades 6-7) / collection of normative documents: G...

MS Word ([Start-Programs-Microsoft Word]).

2. Find title bar, menu bar, status bar. Use the View menu to find out which ones are installed. Remove all unnecessary panels, leaving only the Standard and Formatting panels. Remember the purpose of the buttons you already know and find out the purpose of the new buttons, lists and fields of these panels.

3. Open the document Error doc (My Documents\6th grade\Provisions). For this:

Task 2

1. Open the MS Word word processor.

2. On the horizontal ruler, set the first line indent marker to 1 cm.

3. Set the font to Arial, font size 14, justified. Enter the following text:

A text is a semantically and grammatically related statement in oral or written form. The main features of the text are coherence and integrity. The sentences included in the text are arranged in a certain order. This creates coherence in the text. Semantic unity gives integrity to the text. Each text contains a specific content, that is, it has its own theme. Sentences in the text are united not only by topic, but also by the main idea. Several sentences expressing one idea are written in a separate paragraph.

4. Use the Spelling button to check if there are any errors in the text you typed.

5. Break the text into paragraphs. To do this, use the cursor keys (arrow keys) or the mouse to place the cursor at the desired location (end of the paragraph) and press the Enter key.

Use the Non-Printing Characters button to display formatting marks on the screen and ensure that the characters that mark the ends of paragraphs are in the correct places. Make sure all paragraphs start with a red line.

A text is a semantically and grammatically related statement in oral or written form. The main features of the text are coherence and integrity.

The sentences included in the text are arranged in a certain order. This creates coherence in the text.

Semantic unity gives integrity to the text. Each text contains a specific content, that is, it has its own theme.

Sentences in the text are united not only by topic, but also by the main idea. Several sentences expressing one idea are written in a separate paragraph.

6. Remember how individual words and lines stand out. Complete the text formatting as follows:

A text is a semantically and grammatically connected statement in oral or written form. The main features of a text are coherence and integrity.

The sentences included in the text are arranged in a certain order. This creates coherence of the text. Integrity gives the text semantic unity. Each text contains a specific content, that is, it has its own theme.

Sentences in the text are united not only by the topic, but also by the main idea. Several sentences expressing one idea are presented in a separate paragraph.

7. Save the file in its own folder under the name Text and close the program.

Now we can;

> launch the word processor Word;
> open, edit and save documents in the word processor Word;
> use the spell check command in the word processor Word;
> set paragraph indentation and break text into paragraphs in the word processor Word;
> select a piece of text (any section, line, word, paragraph) and change the font style in the word processor Word;
> quit using the word processor Word.

Bosova L. L. Computer Science: Textbook for 6th grade / L. L. Bosova. - 3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: BINOM. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2005. - 208 pp.: ill.

Lesson content lesson notes supporting frame lesson presentation acceleration methods interactive technologies Practice tasks and exercises self-test workshops, trainings, cases, quests homework discussion questions rhetorical questions from students Illustrations audio, video clips and multimedia photographs, pictures, graphics, tables, diagrams, humor, anecdotes, jokes, comics, parables, sayings, crosswords, quotes Add-ons abstracts articles tricks for the curious cribs textbooks basic and additional dictionary of terms other Improving textbooks and lessonscorrecting errors in the textbook updating a fragment in a textbook, elements of innovation in the lesson, replacing outdated knowledge with new ones Only for teachers perfect lessons calendar plan for the year guidelines discussion programs Integrated Lessons

| Lesson planning and lesson materials | 7th grade | Planning lessons for the academic year (FSES) | Creation text documents on the computer

Lesson 22
Creating text documents on a computer

Practical work No. 9. "Creating text documents." (Tasks 2, 5, 8, 9)

Practical work No. 9. "Creating text documents." (Tasks 2, 5, 8, 9)

Task 2. Rules for entering text

1. Launch the word processor installed on your computer.

2. Enter text:

3. Enter the text, paying attention to the following rules:

4. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Input_rules.

Task 5. Automatic replacement

Attention! When entering text, inexperienced users very often make mistakes, placing extra spaces and “manually” moving to a new line within one paragraph. You are invited to edit such a document.

Search_and_replace.rtf .

2. Remove extra spaces before periods and commas, replacing consecutive spaces and punctuation marks with this one character.

3. Remove extra paragraph ending characters by replacing consecutive spaces and paragraph ending characters with a single space.

4. Remove extra spaces by replacing two consecutive spaces with one.

5. Remove extra blank lines by replacing two consecutive end-of-paragraph characters with one.

6. Save the document with the changes in a personal folder under the same name.

Task 8. Copying fragments

1. In a word processor, create a new document.

2. Using copy and paste operations, type the text of the poem on English language:


Task 9. Gluing and cutting lines

1. In a word processor, open the file Strings.rtf :

2. Edit the contents of the file so that each proverb occupies exactly one line.

3. Save the file in a personal folder under the name Proverbs.
