Formatting the entire document. Formatting documents in Word. Processing of text information. Word processors

After editing the text, you need to change its appearance, i.e. draw up a document or format it. Word 2007 allows you to format characters, paragraphs, tables, pages, sections, and the entire document.

Character formatting attributes include: font type, font size, font style (bold, italic, underlined), text highlight color, text color, case, spacing between characters in a word, etc.

Paragraph formatting parameters include: text alignment (left or right, centered, justified), paragraph indents, first line indents of paragraphs, line spacing, background color fill, bullets and list numbering, etc.

Elements of table formatting include: borders and shading (we'll look at it in more detail in the section Working with tables).

Basic page formatting (design) parameters: boundaries of the working area (margins at the top, bottom, left, right), page dimensions, page orientation.

Formatting sections includes creating new sections from the next page or on the current page, section headers, creating columns, etc.

Formatting the document as a whole means formatting page numbers, designing an auto-assembled or manual table of contents, etc.

In Word 2007, the main tools for formatting text, paragraphs, and tables are located on the Home tab. To quickly manually format characters (text) and paragraphs, you can use the commands in the Font and Paragraph group on the Home tab.


In addition, formatting commands are available in the Mini Toolbar, which appears when you hover your mouse over a selected piece of text.


It should be noted that there is another tool for quickly formatting text - this is the "Format Painter" button in the "Clipboard" group on the "Home" tab, which allows you to copy the formatting options of one fragment and transfer it to another fragment of text when you select it.


To quickly and simultaneously change multiple character and paragraph formatting attributes, you can use Quick Styles from the Styles group on the Home tab.


Styles are intended for designing document text and paragraphs. To format characters and paragraphs manually, use not only the quick formatting buttons, but also the Font and Paragraph dialog boxes, which are activated by buttons on the Home tab in the Font and Paragraph groups, respectively.

Step-by-step instructions for formatting text

Default new document is created in the Normal style, which means that all text looks the same. But with the help of formatting tools you can always change the appearance of the document. To do this, select a character, fragment or paragraph and click on the desired button to apply a different format.

Let's format the text document that we created and edited in the "Entering and editing document text" section, a screenshot of which is presented in Figure


Stages of document text formatting:

  • open the edited document and change the “Normal” style to “Without spacing”, to do this, click on the “Without spacing” button in the styles group;
  • set the font (font typeface) Times New Roman, size 12 points - select all the text, hover over it with the mouse pointer and in the Mini toolbar that appears, select the font: Times New Roman and size 12 points;
  • align the text to the width; to do this, select all the text and click on the Justify button in the Paragraph group;
  • set the first line indent, to do this, select the text, click on the Paragraph button and in the dialog box that opens, set the first line indent to 1.25 cm;
  • add a heading to the text (My first document), set its heading level: Heading 1 and align it to the center, to do this, select the heading, click on the Heading 1 button in the styles group (the heading is formatted using the built-in heading style “Heading 1”), and then on the Center button in the Paragraph group;
  • in the first paragraph, assign a text fragment (My first document) a style - italic, underlined, to do this, select the specified fragment and click on the Italic and Underlined buttons;
  • set the page margin sizes: top and bottom - 2 cm, left - 2.5 cm, right - 1.5 cm, to do this, on the "Page Layout" tab, click on the button to launch the "Page Settings" dialog box in the "Page Settings" group .

As a result, we get the formatted text of the document, a screenshot of which is presented in Figure


For large documents (abstracts, term papers and dissertations), in addition to formatting characters, paragraphs and pages, formatting of sections and the document as a whole is performed. We will consider these stages of formatting a large document in the section: Working with large documents in Word 2007.

Large documents (structured documents containing several pages) are typically divided into sections. Creating new sections from the next page or on the current page, inserting a header and footer for the previous and next sections, creating newspaper columns are all steps in document formatting.

Section breaks are made on the Page Layout tab in the Page Setup group, Breaks button. Inserting headers and footers is done on the Insert tab in the Header and Footers group, and working with headers and footers is done on the Design tab, which appears on the Ribbon when working with headers and footers.

Formatting the document as a whole means formatting page numbers, designing an auto-assembled or manual table of contents, etc. Page numbers are inserted on the Insert tab in the Header and Footer group. In the dialog box, you need to set the page number format options: Number Format, Include Chapter Number, Page Numbering (Continue or Start From). A table of contents is added to the document on the Links tab in the Table of Contents group, Table of Contents button.

Working with text fragments: selecting, copying, moving, deleting. Formatting characters. Initial letter. Formatting paragraphs. Page formatting. Headers and footers. Sections of the document. Formatting styles.

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Topic 2. Formatting documents.

  1. Working with text fragments: selecting, copying, moving, deleting.
  2. Formatting characters. Initial letter.
  3. Formatting paragraphs.
  4. Page formatting. Headers and footers. Sections of the document.
  5. Formatting styles.
  6. Formatting text in several columns.

2.1. Working with text fragments: selecting, copying, moving, deleting.

Fragment this is a part of the text specified (highlighted) by the user.

The minimum fragment size is one character, the maximum is the entire text of the document.

Selection can be made either with the mouse or with the keyboard.

Select using the keyboard:

Required to select

Keyboard shortcut

One or more characters

While holding down the key Shift , press the key right arrow until the required characters are highlighted.

A fragment of text from the cursor to the end of the line

Shift + E nd .

A fragment of text from the cursor to the beginning of the line

Shift + Home.

Word after cursor

With trl + shift + right arrow.

Word before cursor

With trl + shift + left arrow.

A fragment of text from the cursor to the end of the paragraph

With trl + shift + down arrow.

Fragment of text from the cursor to the beginning of the paragraph

With trl + shift + up arrow.

A fragment of text from the cursor to the end of the document

With trl + Shift + End .

A fragment of text from the cursor to the beginning of the document

With trl + Shift + Home .

Entire document

With trl + a.

Ribbon Home  Select  Select all.

Selecting with the mouse:

Required to select

Need to do


Specify the desired word and double-click with the left button.


Move the mouse pointer to the left margin so that it becomes an arrow, place the arrow next to the line and left-click once


Click on the desired sentence while pressing the key With trl.


Triple-click the left mouse button on a paragraph.

Double-click next to this paragraph in the selection bar.

Any fragment

Place the mouse pointer in the corner of the selected fragment and stretch the selection area.

Entire document

Triple-click in the selection bar.

To select a block fragment, place the cursor in any corner of the block, press the key Alt and, without releasing it, stretch the area. To select several non-adjacent fragments, you can use any method, but at the same time press the key Ctrl.

The selected text fragment can be deleted (keys Delete or Backspace ), cut or copy to clipboard.

You can copy or move a fragment using the clipboard or using the mouse.

Algorithm for copying (moving) using the clipboard:

  1. Select the fragment to be copied (moved).
  2. Place it on the clipboard. It can be done different ways:
  3. Place the cursor at the copy location.
  4. Paste cursor from clipboard:

The contents of the clipboard are saved during the work session or until a new piece of information is placed on it. IN Microsoft Word The 2007 clipboard contains 24 cells. You can view their contents by clicking the button Clipboard on the Home ribbon.

To move a fragment using the mouse, just select it and drag it to the desired location while holding down the left button.

To copy a fragment using the mouse, you need to select it and drag it while holding down the right mouse button. From the proposed context menu, select next Copy.

There may be cases where the selected text fragment may be mistakenly destroyed. In the editor Word has a button (Cancel) located on the panel quick access. By clicking this button, you can sequentially return to previous states of the document.

2.2. Formatting characters. Initial letter.

Any document can be represented as a collection of some interrelated objects. Each object has a certain, unique set of properties (attributes). Depending on the set values ​​of these attributes, the object may appear differently in the document.

Word allows you to format in two ways:

1) either after typing;

2) or set the necessary design attributes before the typing process.

The first option requires:

  1. indicate (select) a piece of text for which new design parameters will be set;
  2. set the values ​​of design attributes using section commands Ribbon font Home or by calling the Font window using the context menu.

The second option involves the following sequence of formatting operations:

  1. type text until special formatting of the next input fragment is required;
  2. set new design parameters;
  3. continue typing; the set character format will be applied to all entered characters, for a paragraph of text the set paragraph formatting attributes will be applied;
  4. After completing the set, disable the installed special formatting.

Symbol this is the main graphic unit of text. It is the sequence of characters that forms the text. The symbol has the following attributes:

  • type of font (typeface);
  • font size (font size);
  • style (regular, bold, italic or underline);
  • color (background and symbol itself);
  • index (position relative to the line reference line);
  • kerning (changing the size of letter spacing between adjacent letters to improve the appearance and readability of text);
  • visual effects (modification and animation).

All formatting operations apply only to selected objects.

Font a set of graphic images of the letters of a particular alphabet and all the signs and numbers related to it. Fonts are also called typefaces. They can be divided according to some characteristics into the following types:

1) Matrix (raster) fontsare created using the so-called bitmap method. A file with such a font stores bitmap images of each character inside a grid of dots of a fixed size. The disadvantages of matrix fonts include a significant deterioration in image quality when changing the font size or scaling it. The contours of the letters take on a stepped shape, creating the so-called staircase effect.

Scalable (vector) fontsdo not have this disadvantage. The way to create such fonts is to encode the outline of the character in the form of straight and curved lines. Very often scalable fonts are called fonts True Ture. Distinctive feature such fonts in the list of fonts in the Font field on the Formatting toolbar they are preceded by a monogram consisting of two letters T.

2) By appearance fonts can be with serifs (with serifs) and chopped . Serif fonts (such as T imes New Roman ) have small serif flags at the ends. The direct purpose of serifs is to increase the readability of the text, since during reading the eye is more easily fixed on the line. Chain fonts (for example, A rial ) have smooth, rounded letters and are designed to highlight headings in a document. In addition to those mentioned, there are so-called special typefaces that can be used to simulate handwritten text (for example, Freestyle Script) or recording notes, formulas of chemical compounds, etc. (For example, Wingding).

3) The width of fonts can be monospace (for example, Courier New) and proportional. All letters in monospace fonts have the same width, and therefore the same number of characters can always fit on a line. In proportional fonts, each letter has a different width (for example, the letter "F" is wider than the letter "A"), and therefore there can be a different number of characters per line. When using proportional fonts, remember that you cannot align text on lines using the Spacebar.

Not all fonts support Cyrillic alphabet display.

Font size (height, point) is the distance between the top of the tallest letter of the alphabet and the bottom of the lowest.

Font size is indicated in points (p t). 1р t = 1/72" = 0.352 mm. You can also use font sizes not listed (for example, 15 or 12.5).

In order to change the style of characters, there are buttons on the Home ribbon.

Buttons serve to change the color of the symbol and the background color on which the symbol is displayed.

When choosing a font for printing a document, the main criterion is its readability. The chosen font should not distract attention from the content of the document. Diversity can only be introduced by the text of the title inscriptions of the various components of the document (headings).

Initial letter is a beautifully designed letter at the beginning of a sentence, paragraph, or section. You can form a letter with the command Initial letter on ribbon Insert.

2.3. Formatting paragraphs.

The appearance of a document largely depends not only on the formatting of text characters, but also on the design of paragraphs. A paragraph is one of the main structural elements of a document.

In a word processor Word a paragraph is defined as the portion of text between two keystrokes Enter . Paragraph length may vary. It can consist of one word, or it can take up the entire page. When composing the text, you should keep in mind that very long paragraphs are difficult to understand.

The paragraph has its own parameters:

  • padding;
  • row alignment method (left, right, center, justified);
  • position on the page;
  • first line indent;
  • line spacing;
  • spacing between paragraphs.

Paragraph formattingsetting or changing its parameters. You can format paragraphs directly while typing or after you finish typing. Formatting can be done using the dialog box called up by the command Paragraph context menu, as well as using the section Paragraph feeds Home and Page layout.

In a text editor Word There are four ways to align text.

Left alignment.With it, lines start at the left edge of the page in the same position and end on the right in different positions depending on the number of characters in the line. This is the alignment that is best used when typing.

Center alignment.Centered text is useful for headings and very short blocks of text.

Right alignment.With this alignment method, the text is aligned to the right edge and each new letter moves the previous one to the left, so that the lines are perfectly aligned to the right edge. This type of alignment is used to achieve special purposes. Sometimes this method can be used for headings as well.

Width alignment.When using this alignment method Word aligns text both right and left, inserting additional spaces between words instead of missing characters. Text formatted using justification looks nice and neat. It is best to apply width alignment after all editorial changes, immediately before printing the document.

The formatting toolbar contains four buttons, each of which corresponds to one of the above modes for formatting text and any paragraph.

In order for a paragraph to be formatted as it is entered, you need to set the necessary parameters, and only then enter the text.

Alignment operations apply to the entire paragraph. However, there are two operations that only apply to the first line of a paragraph. These are the teams Indentation and Overhang . These commands are installed in the dialog box Paragraph in field First line . Paragraph and first line indents can also be set using the horizontal coordinate ruler.

Using the coordinate ruler, you can perform paragraph formatting operations such as adjusting the right and left margins, setting indents and protrusions, and defining tab stops.

Margin is the distance between text and the edge of the page. Paragraph indentation determines the distance of text from the margin. Indentations allow you to separate the text of one paragraph from another or visually highlight individual paragraphs in a document. Indent the first line of a paragraph (the first line is offset relative to other lines to the right) for paragraphs with a “red” line or with an “indent”. An indented paragraph is a paragraph in which every line except the first is indented, in other words, the first line is offset to the left of the other lines of the paragraph. This type of formatting is usually used in dictionaries, encyclopedias, and reference books.

The ruler is always associated with the paragraph in which the input cursor is located.

The dark part of the coordinate bar corresponds to the set page margins.

The upper slider in the form of a triangle indicates the amount of indentation of the first line of the paragraph.

The bottom slider in the form of a triangle indicates the left indentation of the remaining lines of the paragraph (except for the first).

The square slider is a control that is always located below the bottom triangular marker of the left paragraph border. When you drag it, both left border handles (top and bottom) move together while maintaining their position relative to each other. This special paragraph design can be used when designing epigraphs, quotes, etc.

The right slider indicates the right border of the paragraph.

The light part of the ruler indicates the size of the working field of the document. Sliders should be placed only within the light area of ​​the coordinate ruler.

To set additional paragraph attributes, such as line spacing and paragraph indentation, you need to call the dialog box Paragraph using the context menu.

Line spacing(or leading) is the distance between lines in a paragraph. Interval value equal to 1/6 inch or 12 p t.

Increasing the line spacing makes longer lines easier to read, i.e. allows you to use a smaller font size. The amount of line spacing is specified either in lines or in points for more precise setting.

When using text taken from the Internet, you should pay attention to the spacing between paragraphs (0 pt).

Also on the tabPosition on pageYou can enable or disable the following options: disable dangling lines, do not break paragraph, do not tear from next, from new page.

In long documents, most paragraphs are formatted the same. More precisely, there are usually several paragraph formatting options that are reused within a document.

It's inconvenient to manually format a paragraph every time you change text, especially since you most likely already have a paragraph formatted the way you want. Word processor Word solves this problem by allowing pattern formatting and by applying predefined formatting styles.

To perform formatting according to the sample, you need to place the cursor on the paragraph that has the desired formatting method and click on the buttonSample format(tape Home ). Next, click on the paragraph whose format you want to change, and it will look exactly the same as the format you selected as a sample.

2.4. Page formatting. Headers and footers. Sections of the document.

At the first stage when preparing a document in a word processor Microsoft Word you need to set page parameters. These include the size and orientation of the sheet, the size of the margins, etc. When specifying page size, refer to the printing device. Thus, a sheet of A4 format can be printed on any of the modern printers, while the A3 format is supported only by special modifications of printers. The page orientation can be portrait (the height of the sheet is greater than the width) or landscape (the height of the sheet is less than the width). To set page parameters, use the Page Layout ribbon command Fields  Custom fields. This opens a dialog box Page settings .

There are three sections in this window: Margins, Paper Size, Paper Source.

Fields These are the white spaces on the page surrounding typed text.

Their sizes can be reduced and increased at the user’s request (however, they cannot be completely destroyed, since each printer has an area inaccessible for printing, which is monitored by Windows ). The size and type of fields, as well as the position of headers and footers, are set in the Fields section. The paper size and orientation are set in the Paper Size section.

Header and footer the same text for a group of pages is called ( graphic image), located outside the main text of the document in the margins of the printed page.

There are headers and footers. Headers and footers include serial page numbers.

Page numbering is carried out either automatically or by user command Page number (Insert ribbon).

Headers and footers can be the same throughout the document, but they can vary: on even and odd pages (dialog boxPage settingsPaper Source tab), on the first and subsequent pages (dialog boxPage settingsPaper Source tab), in different sections.

Chapter this is the part of the document that has given parameters page formatting. To insert a new partition you need to run the command Breaks (tape Page layout) and indicate where the new section should begin (from the next page, on the current page, from the even page, from the odd page). Similarly, you can insert new page in section (tapePage layout Breaks  New page or Insert tab page break).

To open headers and footers, run the commandsPage header or footer(tape insert ). Document text will fade and header and footer areas and a ribbon will appear Constructor ( Working with headers and footers) . This panel contains the following buttons: page number, date (this field is automatically updated) and time (current time), page options as in previous, header/footer, go to previous, go to next (go between different types header/footer), close, etc.

You can create a background in headers and footers. To do this, in the header-footer mode, insert a picture with the set wrapping Behind the text onto the page or select a background on the ribbonPage layout.

Algorithm for creating different headers and footers for different sections:

2.5. Formatting styles.

Formatting stylethis is a collection of all design parameters that determine the format of a paragraph or character.

Available styles are listed in the drop-down list Change styles located on the tape home . When starting to work with the program Word this list contains a list of default styles. When you select one of the styles presented in this list, the format of the current paragraph (the paragraph in which the cursor is located) or the format of the selected fragment changes.

If you need to prepare a new style to use in a document, you should select the style that will change and execute the commandSave selection as a new Quick Style. In the dialog box Creating a style you need to name the new style and change the appearance defined by this style. If you enable the Add to list of quick styles checkbox, the created style will be added to the standard program template Word , after which this style can be used in other documents. Once you define a style for a paragraph type, you simply apply the new style and the paragraph will automatically be formatted according to the style's attributes. Whenever you change the formatting attributes associated with a given style, all paragraphs to which it is applied are automatically reformatted.

The advantages of using styles over simple formatting are revealed when working on large documents with a complex structure. The main advantages of these are:

  • the ability to format different parts of a document consistently;
  • the ability to quickly reformat paragraphs;
  • the ability to standardly design documents using previously created styles;
  • the ability to create an automatic table of contents for a document.

2.6. Formatting text in several columns.

To divide text into columns, you need to select it and run the command Columns (tape Page layout). In the dialog box that opens, select the number of columns. By default they are the same width, but this can be corrected, for example, using markers on the ruler.

If several columns of text are placed entirely on one page, then the command Gap  On the current pageyou can make the columns have the same length.

In the dialog box Columns You can specify the number and type of columns, their width, the space between columns, and also set a separator.


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Goal of the work: Obtaining practical skills in using the MS Word word processor in preparing, editing and designing text documentation, graphs, diagrams, drawings.

MS Word– powerful universal program preparation of text documents.

The basic techniques in a text editor are:

· Editing – typing (entering) text. Text operations: deleting, inserting, searching, replacing, copying and moving.

· Formatting - transforming the appearance of the text and its location on the page: selecting the font, its size, style and color of characters, setting the location of the text on the page (alignment to the left, right, center, width), indents, distance between lines, etc. d.

The formatting operation is preceded by the operation of selecting the required part (fragment) of the document.

Selection techniques.

1. Text block – moving the mouse pointer from the beginning of the selected fragment to its end while holding down the left mouse button;

2. Word – double-click the left mouse button on the word;

3. Paragraph – triple click anywhere in the paragraph or double click in the left margin of the page opposite the paragraph;

4. sentence – click on any word of the sentence while pressing the Ctrl key;

5. Line – click in the left margin of the page opposite the line;

6. Entire document - triple click in the left margin on any page.

Let's look at the basic concepts that are necessary when working with text editors.

A symbol is the smallest element that a text editor can handle (letters, numbers, punctuation, etc.).

A word is a set of characters delimited on both sides by spaces (empty spaces) or punctuation marks (periods, commas, etc.).

A line is a set of words or characters arranged in one line (without hyphens).

A sentence is a set of symbols and words, limited on both sides by punctuation marks (periods, exclamation or question marks, ellipses).

A paragraph is a section of text between two presses of the Enter key (enter, line feed).

A page is a piece of text delimited by page division lines.

Margins are areas of the page where text cannot be placed.

Indents – distances from the boundaries of the left and right margins to the text.

The red line is the first line of the paragraph, indented to the right.

Text attribute is a parameter that can be changed (character size, font, color, indentation, etc.).

A style is a group of user-selected text attributes, identified by a unique name, and stored together.

A footer is standard text that appears at the top (or bottom) of each page of a document.

A document is a set of symbols, words, sentences or pages that are logically interconnected and form a complete (finished) lexical (language, text) structure.

Text is a set of characters, words, sentences that is part of a document.

A fragment is a continuous part of a document.

A block is a selected piece of text.

Formatting is the procedure of giving the text of a document the desired form.

A font is a set of letters (symbols) that reproduces an alphabet. Based on their appearance, they are divided into 2 groups: serif and sans serif (chopped). Monospace – all characters have the same width; proportional – the width of each character is different.

Font type (typeface) - will determine the writing features of a whole set of characters.

Style is one of four styles for depicting characters.

Point size – the distance between the upper and lower descenders.

A point is a unit of measurement for font height.

Leading is the distance between the baselines of adjacent lines. It is measured in points and consists of the font size and the distance between lines.

Aprosh is an interletter space.

Tracking – adjusting the density of the character set, shifts and spreads all letters by the same amount.

Kerning – manually adjusting the distances between letters.

Document formatting.

Can be done in two ways:

1. parameters are set, then text is entered;

2. The text is entered, then the parameters are set.

Formatting characters in the Font dialog box:

· “Format” → “Font”;

· Context menu;

· Click on the arrow in the Font group of the Home tab;

The “Font” window has 3 tabs: font, spacing, animation.

When formatting characters, the following parameters are set:

1. setting the style – choosing a font;

2. setting dimensions. Size (point size) – indicated in points 1 pt = 1/72 inches≈0.035 mm. Sizes can be set from 8 to 72. 28 pt=1 cm, 72 pt=1"=2.54 cm.

3. Set the style: regular, italic, bold and bold italic; ways of underlining;

4. Specify color – any depending on the printer’s capabilities;

5. Definition of effects (modification) - strikethrough, superscript, subscript, recessed, raised, outline, with shadow;

6. setting the horizontal distance between characters - normal, sparse, compacted;

7. setting the position of the symbol relative to the reference line (above or below the reference line without reducing the size as in step 5).

General formatting method:

1. select a fragment;

2. open the “Font” window and set modes and parameter values;

Cancel formatting:

1. pressing Ctrl+Z;

2. Click on the installed button.

We have already written more than once about tools for working with text in MS Word, about the intricacies of its design, modification and editing. We talked about each of these functions in separate articles, but in order to make the text more attractive and easier to read, you will need most of them, and done in the correct order.

Exactly how to properly format text in a document Microsoft Word And we'll talk in this article.

We have already written about how to change fonts in Word. Most likely, you initially typed the text in the font you liked, choosing the appropriate size. You can find out more about how to work with fonts in our article.

Having chosen the appropriate font for the main text (don’t rush to change headings and subheadings just yet), go through the entire text. Perhaps some fragments need to be italicized or bold, something needs to be emphasized. Here is an example of what an article might look like on our website.

Header selection

There is a 99.9% chance that the article you want to format has a title, and most likely it has subheadings as well. Of course, they need to be separated from the main text. You can do this using built-in Word styles, and you can find out more about how to work with these tools in our article.

If you are using latest version MS Word, additional styles for document design can be found in the tab "Design" in a group with a self-explanatory name "Text formatting".

Text alignment

By default, text in a document is aligned left. However, if necessary, you can change the alignment of the entire text or a single selected fragment to suit your needs by selecting one of the appropriate options:

  • On the left edge;
  • Centered;
  • On the right edge;
  • By width.
  • The instructions presented on our website will help you correctly position the text on the pages of the document. The text fragments highlighted in red in the screenshot and the arrows associated with them show which alignment style is selected for these parts of the document. The rest of the file content is aligned according to the standard, that is, left-aligned.

    Changing intervals

    The default distance between lines in MS Word is 1.15, however, it can always be changed to larger or smaller (template), and you can also manually set any suitable value. More detailed instructions You will find information on how to work with intervals, change and customize them in our article.

    In addition to the spacing between lines, in Word you can also change the distance between paragraphs, both before and after them. Again, you can choose a template value that suits you, or set your own manually.

    Note: If the heading and subheadings that are in your text document, designed using one of the built-in styles, the interval of a certain size between them and the following paragraphs is set automatically, and it depends on the selected design style.

    Adding bulleted and numbered lists

    If your document contains lists, there is no need to number or even label them manually. Microsoft Word provides special tools for these purposes. They, like the tools for working with intervals, are located in the group "Paragraph", tab "Home".

    1. Select a piece of text that you want to convert into a bulleted or numbered list.

    2. Press one of the buttons ( “Markers” or “Numbering”) on the control panel in the group "Paragraph".

    3. The selected piece of text is converted into a beautiful bulleted or numbered list, depending on which tool you selected.

      Advice: If you expand the menu of buttons responsible for lists (to do this, click on the small arrow to the right of the icon), you can see additional list design styles.

      Advice: If during the execution of a document, when performing one or another operation to format it, you made a mistake, you can always correct it, that is, cancel it. To do this, simply click on the rounded arrow (pointing left) located next to the button "Save". Also, to cancel any action in Word, be it text formatting or any other operation, you can use a key combination “CTRL+Z”.

    We can safely end here. Now you know exactly how to format text in Word, making it not just attractive, but highly readable, designed in accordance with the requirements.
