What to do if the toolbar in MS Word has disappeared. The Quick Launch panel has disappeared, what should I do? Quick Access Toolbar not working

My panel is missing quick launch, along with all the icons, how to restore it now and whether it is possible to place more than three icons there. I saw it at our system administrator There are ten program shortcuts on the quick launch panel, when asked how to do this, the spell must be said. But seriously?

The quick launch bar is missing

You know Tatyana, it also disappeared somewhere for me, I really don’t use it, it’s probably the virus that steals it from everyone, let’s try to figure it out together.

Right-click on the taskbar, then the toolbar, check the Quick launch box and our missing quick launch bar appears where it should be.

I don’t know about you, but I didn’t get anything, let’s remember the settings of old XP, mastering seven and eight is good, but we shouldn’t forget old friends either. Right-click again on the taskbar and select properties,

Look in the Taskbar tab, there should be a checkbox Show Quick Launch Toolbar, if it is not there, then check it.

If in this case the Quick Launch panel does not appear, then the icons were deleted manually, we try to reboot and drag the icons we need with the mouse to the lower left corner of the taskbar, three program icons should remain in the Quick Launch panel.

It rarely happens, but the two methods described above do not help, then read on, and at the same time consider the question: How to place on the quick panel Windows startup XP is the number of shortcuts we need without a spell? After all, the allotted space is very small and instead of the icons we need, two arrows pointing to the right are displayed, which reveal the list of programs that do not fit into the quick launch panel.

Right-click on the taskbar and uncheck the Pin taskbar option.

as you can see, a delimiter immediately appears, point the mouse at it and it takes the form of a double arrow,

Click on it with the left mouse and without releasing it, move it to the right as much as necessary, release the mouse and pin the taskbar. That's all, now we drag the shortcuts we need into the launcher with the mouse,

let there be even ten of them. In this case, the Quick Launch panel will definitely appear.

If you cannot return the Minimize all windows icon, open Notepad and write the text and save it with the extension. scf, then drag it with the mouse into the quick launch panel.

In a programme Microsoft Word toolbar disappeared? What to do and how to get access to all those tools without which working with documents is simply impossible? The main thing is not to panic, just as it disappeared, it will return, especially since finding this loss is quite easy.

As they say, everything that isn't done is for the best, so thanks to the mysterious disappearance of the Quick Access Toolbar, you can learn not only how to get it back, but also how to customize the elements that appear on it. So let's get started.

If you are using Word 2012 or higher, you just need to click one button to return the toolbar. It is located in the upper right part of the program window and looks like an upward arrow located in a rectangle.

You press this button once, the disappeared toolbar returns, press it again - it disappears again. By the way, sometimes you really need to hide it, for example, when you need to concentrate entirely on the content of the document, and so that nothing unnecessary distracts.

This button has three display modes; you can select the appropriate one just by clicking on it:

  • Automatically hide the feed;
  • Show tabs only;
  • Show tabs and commands.

The name of each of these display modes speaks for itself. Choose the one that will be most convenient for you while working.

If you are using MS Word 2003 - 2010, to enable the toolbar you must perform the following manipulations.

1. Open the View tab menu and select Toolbars.

2. Check the boxes next to the items that you need to work.

3. Now they will all appear on the Quick Access Toolbar as separate tabs and/or tool groups.

Enable individual toolbar items

It also happens that not the entire toolbar “disappears” (is hidden, as we have already figured out), but its individual elements. Or, for example, the user simply cannot find some tool, or even an entire tab. In this case, you need to enable (configure) the display of these very tabs on the quick access panel. This can be done in the "Options" section.

1. Open the "File" tab on the Quick Access Toolbar and go to the "Options" section.

Note: B earlier versions Word has a "MS Office" button instead of the "File" button.

2. In the window that appears, go to the “Customize Ribbon” section.

3. In the “Main Tabs” window, check the boxes next to the tabs that you need.

Tip: By clicking on the plus sign next to the tab name, you will see lists of groups of tools that these tabs contain. By expanding the “pluses” of these items, you will see a list of tools presented in the groups.

4. Now go to the Quick Access Toolbar section.

5. In the “Select commands from” section, select “All commands”.

6. Go through the list below, having found the required tool there, click on it and click the “Add” button located between the windows.

7. Repeat the same step for all other tools that you want to add to the Quick Access Toolbar.

Note: You can also remove unnecessary tools by clicking the "Delete" button, and sort their order using the arrows located to the right of the second window.

Tip: In the Customize Quick Access Toolbar section located above the second window, you can choose whether the changes you make will apply to all documents or just the current one.

8. To close the Options window and save your changes, click OK.

Now the quick access panel (toolbar) will display only the tabs you need, groups of tools and, in fact, the tools themselves. By setting this panel correctly, you can significantly optimize work time, thereby increasing your productivity.

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The Quick Access Toolbar is customizable and contains a set of commands that are independent of the tab displayed in this moment on the tape. You can move the Quick Access Toolbar to one of two possible locations, and you can also add buttons to it to perform various commands.


Suggested Action: Add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar
Add a command that is not on the ribbon to the Quick Access Toolbar

Click the button and select More commands from the menu.

In the Select commands from list, select Commands not on the ribbon.

Find the command you need in the list and click the Add button.

Tip: If you can't find the command you need for commands not included in the Ribbon list, try setting Select commands for all commands.

Removing a command from the Quick Access Toolbar

    Right-click the command you want to remove from the Quick Access Toolbar and select context menu item Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.

Change the order of commands on the Quick Access Toolbar

Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar.

In the Customize Quick Access Toolbar window, click the command you want to move and click the Move Up or Move Down arrow.

Grouping commands by inserting a separator between them

Commands can be grouped using a separator to make the Quick Access Toolbar appear to contain sections.

Right-click the Quick Access Toolbar and select Customize Quick Access Toolbar from the context menu.

In the Select commands from list, select Frequently used commands.

Select and click the Add button.

To place the separator in the desired location, use the Move Up and Move Down arrows.

Moving the Quick Access Toolbar

There are two options for placing the Quick Access Toolbar.

    The upper left corner of the window title. (default location)

    Under the tape

If you are not happy with the current location of the Quick Access Toolbar, you can move it to another location. If you feel that the area next to the program icon is too far from the work area, you can move the panel closer. When the panel is located below the ribbon, it somewhat limits the size of the work area. Therefore, if you want to expand it, it is better to leave the Quick Access Toolbar where it is by default.

Click the Customize Quick Access Toolbar button (on the right side of the Quick Access Toolbar).

Select Place Below Ribbon or Place Above Ribbon from the list.

Customize the Quick Access Toolbar using the Options command

Using the Options command, you can add commands to the Quick Access Toolbar, remove them, and change their order.

Open the File tab.

From the Help menu, select Options.

Click the Quick Access Toolbar button.

Make the necessary changes.

Restore default settings for the Quick Access Toolbar

Right-click the Quick Access Toolbar and select Customize Quick Access Toolbar from the context menu.

In the Customize Quick Access Toolbar window, click the Restore Defaults button and select Restore Quick Access Toolbar Only.

Export a customized Quick Access Toolbar

Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar settings can be exported to a file that other employees can import and use on their own computers.

Open the File tab.

From the Help menu, select Options.

Click the Quick Access Toolbar button.

Click Import and Export and select Export All Settings.

Import a customized Quick Access Toolbar

You can import a settings file to change the current appearance Ribbons and Quick Access Toolbars. Importing settings allows you to ensure the same appearance of applications Microsoft Office for all employees or simply on different computers.

Important: When you import a Ribbon settings file, all previously configured Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar settings will be lost. If you may need to restore your current settings, you should export them before importing the settings file.

Open the File tab.

From the Help menu, select Options.

Click the Quick Access Toolbar button.

Click Import and Export and select Import Settings File.

For more information about customizing the Ribbon, see Customize the Ribbon in Office.

Reasons for the appearance of the green ball icon

The green ball icon appears when a custom group or command has been added to the Quick Access Toolbar after customizing the Ribbon, but has not been assigned an icon.

This icon is used in the following cases:

    when adding a user group to the Quick Access Toolbar;

    so that you can distinguish the user-customized ribbon from the default ribbon.

Add an icon representing a custom group or team

Open the File tab.

In the Help group, click the Options button.

Click the Customize Ribbon button.

In the Customize the Ribbon window, in the Customize the Ribbon list, select the custom group or command you added.

Click Rename, and then in the Symbol list, click the icon.

In the Rename dialog box, click OK.

For more information about customizing the ribbon, see

"Quick Launch Toolbar" appeared in Windows versions XP. Windows 10 also has a Quick Launch Bar, but you need to enable it first.

How to enable Quick Launch in Windows 10

Right-click on the "Taskbar". In the window that opens, hover your mouse over “Panels” and select “Create a toolbar...” from the drop-down list:

In the “New Toolbar” window that opens, select the desired folder and click the “Select Folder” button. After this action, a pinned link to access the folder you have selected will appear on the “Taskbar”:

Customizing the Quick Launch Toolbar

To configure the created "Quick Launch Toolbar", you need to disable the "Taskbar" docking (you may have already disabled it earlier). To do this, right-click on an empty space on the “Taskbar” and uncheck the “Lock the taskbar” checkbox.

Now you can customize the appearance of the Quick Launch Toolbar, for example, change the name or move it to a different location on the Taskbar. After the settings, pin the “Taskbar” again.

Removing the Quick Launch Toolbar

To remove the panel, you need to right-click on the “Taskbar”, select the “Panels” section and uncheck the “Quick Launch Panel” you created.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, we will be happy to help you.
