Change password on Windows 10 profile

Password is the simplest thing and at the same time effective remedy protection personal account. Despite all the reliability, sometimes there is a need to change it. There are several ways to change your password. The main condition for success in this case is knowledge of the old combination. If it is forgotten, you need to reset it. We’ll talk about how to change the password on Windows 10 today.

Before you use one of the options below, it is worth considering that in Windows 10, both a Microsoft user account and a local one can be activated. If in a standard way the password is changed in both cases, the rest - only in specific types of profiles.

You can find out the account type in the OS settings. To do this, select the item. If an e-mail address is displayed in place of the user profile, the Microsoft record is activated. If, instead of email, only the username is displayed, the entry is local.

A universal and, at the same time, the simplest method is to change the code through the parameters of Windows 10 itself, because the developers have provided for this possibility in advance. In this case, the account type does not matter.

To implement this method, you need to perform the following set of actions with the system:

  1. Open it and click on the settings gear.

  1. Open the block.

  1. Go to the tab "Login Options" and click on .

  1. Write the current password in the appropriate window and click on .

  1. We write out the previous combination again, come up with a new one, repeat it and press .

  1. The system notifies that the procedure was successful and the next time you turn on the PC you will need to use a new combination. Click.

If the main purpose of the change was to open the system faster, then you can use a PIN code or graphic key. This is done in the same tab.

Let's look at how to change your Microsoft account password through the company's official website. It should immediately be noted that this method cannot be applied to local profiles.

Online Microsoft Record Password Change

If the OS uses a Microsoft account, you can work with its password not only through standard means, but also on the Microsoft website. There is no need to do this from a computer - you can use this method from any device.

In this case, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Go to and click on .

  1. To log in, use your current password. The email address will be entered automatically if the procedure is performed through the computer or laptop itself.

  1. Click on located under the address Email.

  1. We insert Old Password, we come up with and confirm a new one. Click.

Changes will be accepted without further confirmation or notification. Already the next time you turn on personal computer you'll have to use a new combination.

Let's look at the options for making changes on a local user account.

Changing the password on a local account

For such a profile, the solution described above will not work, but Windows 10 provides several methods for changing the password in this case. Let's look at their application in detail.

Using the Command Line

To change using the command line:

  1. Call it as administrator. To do this, click on the search sign next to the menu, enter the desired query, right-click and click on.

  1. Enter the command netusers in order to find out exactly what name the profile has. It is located to the left of the value.

  1. Writing a command netusers *profile_name required_password*.

  1. Press Enter and the combination to enter the selected profile will be changed automatically.

Let's move on to consider the next, no less effective, method.

Working with a password in the control panel

This option is as simple as all the previous ones. You need to use it according to the instructions below:

  1. Open the panel. To do this, enter the query in the same search and go to the first result.

  1. Expanding the section.

  1. Let's move on to .

  1. Click on the button.

  1. We register and confirm the new option, come up with a hint (it will be displayed if the user makes a mistake when logging into the account) and click .

The procedure is completed. Let's move on to the last solution.

Changing the password via PC Management

Using this method is as simple as possible:

  1. Right-click on “Start” and select .

  1. In the window that opens, in the left menu, open the item "Local users", move to "Users", select your own account, click on it and click on . We prescribe a new combination.

It is worth considering that this method will not work in every edition of Windows 10. If the line with local users is missing, you should use one of the other methods.

You also need to indicate that you can also use the hotkeys Ctrl + Alt + Delete to change, after clicking on them a window will pop up where all you have to do is select the line "Replace password".

Let's move on to the results.


We looked in detail at how to change the password on Windows 10. As you can see, this procedure you can do it in any convenient way, so do not neglect the security of the OS. You just need to find out in advance what type of profile is currently being used and apply the appropriate solution options.

Video instruction

For greater clarity, we have attached a video instruction that describes how to carry out all the methods described above.

  • 1. First things first
  • 2. Changing the password through the parameters
  • 3. Changing the login key for a Microsoft account
  • 4. Changing the login key for a local user
  • 5. Disable password upon login

The rapid computerization of the reality around us, in addition to the obvious advantages, also brings with it a number of problems, one of which is the security of information stored on a PC.

To prevent valuable information from falling into the hands of attackers, passwords are used, but inexperienced users often do not take registering their account very seriously, and then do not know how to change a password that is not strong enough or is difficult to constantly reproduce. Today we will talk about changing the password in Windows 10, the most current operating system at the moment.

First thing

Many people don’t even know what account they use the computer under, so first you need to figure it out. Click on the menu and go to parameters.

After that, go to the accounts section.

An account with a name should be displayed on the right; if the record was created by Microsoft, then next to it you will see the e-mail used, otherwise the inscription “Local account” will appear before your eyes.

Changing the password through the parameters

The most common method of changing a password in Windows 10. Go through the start menu to Settings, and then to accounts. Click on Login Options, where in the Password section we find the Change button.

In the password change window that appears, enter the old password. If the account is from Microsoft, then you must have access to the Internet to carry out all manipulations.

We enter a new password and a hint for it twice, make it not obvious enough so that an attacker cannot guess the correct combination of characters, but understandable to you, because even the most reliable memory sometimes fails and recovering a lost password will fray your nerves.

By clicking “Next” and “Finish”, we will activate the new settings, now your password has been changed. Sometimes it is necessary to give access to your computer to an unauthorized person, if you are far away, and you need the information located there right now, in such a situation, immediately after returning access to your PC, immediately perform the operation described above in order to protect the data from someone else’s intrusion.

Changing the login key for a Microsoft account

Change password account Microsoft can be accessed from any mobile device without direct access to your PC, but it must be turned on and have access to the Internet. We need to follow the link and enter your current security key in the window that appears.

Below your e-mail there is a button to change your password - click on it with the left mouse button.

A window has appeared in front of you in which you need to select the method of receiving a confirmation code - mail, SMS or call.

After the code has been received and entered, a password change window will pop up - enter the previous and new password, and then click the “Save” button.

Changing the login key for a local user

In addition to the “Options” option, there are other ways to change the password. One of them is the command line - click the start menu, type the first word in the search column and right-click on the icon.

In the window that appears, enter the command net users and press Enter.

Now we enter the command net user user_name new_password into the line, after which the security settings should be instantly updated.

Another method is to change the password through the control panel. Go into it and select User Accounts.

Click on the “Manage another account” button, which is located in the window for making changes to your account.

A list of accounts appeared before our eyes, from which we need to select the one for which we want to change the password, and then click on the “Change Password” button. Enter old key security, then new, and click done. That's it, your password has now been updated.

Disable login password

Sometimes users immediately set a password, but in the future its existence only brings them inconvenience, because no one else has access to the computer, and entering it yourself seems like an unnecessary operation. To finally remove the interfering security key, press the Windows + R key combination and enter the command netplwiz or control userpasswords 2. These are interchangeable commands that bring up the same account settings window.

Next, select the user for whom we want to remove entering a password at login and uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox. Click “Ok”, enter the current password and confirm it, now you can reboot and the window with entering your login/password when you turn on your laptop or computer will no longer bother you.

You need to change your password regularly, and this applies not only to mail and other services, but also to your operating system. We will tell you how to change the password on Windows 10 in a couple of clicks.

In modern operating systems There are some methods to protect user data. Among them, the simplest password is considered. And even though it is simple and reliable, it also has to be changed periodically. And some users are interested in how to change the same security code on Windows 10. The system has several methods for this. The user will only be required to remember the old combination. But even if you forget it, you still have the option of resetting.

Ways to change the password on Windows 10

Let's first list the methods that a person can use to change the current defensive combination:
  • In the standard way using system parameters;
  • Through the official Microsoft service;
  • It is possible to change the cipher for local records using some methods.
In most cases, you don't want to complicate your life and will probably want to use the simplest method. To do this, you will need to go to the system settings and enter the account settings. Here you will need to change your login settings. Enter the old combination and enter the new one twice. The system will notify you that the next time you reboot you will need to enter a new code.

Changing your password through the official portal

If you use your official account to log into the OS, then you can change the password for Windows 10 directly on the portal of this company itself. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to use even your mobile device, not PC.

Please note that in this case the data will change for both, and for, and for all other services that are in some way connected with Microsoft. Therefore, if you use a Microsoft account for third-party services, be prepared to be asked to sign in again.

Change via command line

For those users who are used to logging in using local accounts, it is worth knowing about some options for changing the code. For example, a multifunctional tool such as the command line is suitable for these purposes.

You must run it with administrator rights and then enter the “net users” command. This will give you the opportunity to find out the name of the current profile. To change the login code for a specific account, enter the command “net users *profile-name required-password*”. Then press “Enter” and that’s it.

Control Panel

You can also change the login code using the Control Panel and the Computer Management menu. In these settings everything turns out to be quite simple. It will be easy to understand even for beginners.

In the PC management section you will find a separate field with accounts. It will contain information about your account, and there will also be a button to change your password. Please note that you will definitely need to enter your current one, otherwise the change will not go through. This is done for security purposes so that attackers who gain access to your PC will not be able to make such changes.

Now you know 3 simple ways, how to change the password on Windows 10. We hope that you will not neglect the security of your device and will make changes regularly. We recommend using complex combinations that contain large letters, symbols, and even a different keyboard layout. After all, the degree of safety of your data also depends on the complexity of the “pass” that you selected.

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  • Useful programs for Windows 10

Once you set up an account in Mail for Windows 10, you don't have to enter your password every time you open the app. If your email account password has expired or you've changed it for security purposes, you may need to update your password in the Mail app.

Password update

If you changed your email password, you can update the password saved in Mail for Windows 10.

    Select an item Options > Account Management, and then select the account you want to update.

    If you choose an account, you can change or update your password by selecting Change account settings. You'll be taken from the Windows 10 Mail app to an account web page where you can change your password. Once you update your password on a web page, the change will be transferred to Mail for Windows 10 automatically.

    After you update your email provider password for other accounts, you can update your password in the Account Settings and press the button Save.


    • If your password has expired or you think your account has become insecure, you will need to change your password with your email service provider - such as Gmail and iCloud€ -€ before updating your password in the dialog box Setting up accounts.

      If the new password isn't accepted in the Windows 10 Mail app, make sure CAPS LOCK is turned off, and then reenter your password.

Consider the situation when we sit down in front of our computer or laptop and want to log in. We try to find a combination of letters and numbers to no avail, and then the question arises of how to change the password to Windows computer 10. The process of restoring access to your account in Windows 10 is almost the same as in Windows 8.1. In the latest system build 1803, developers from Redmond added something to simplify the process with a linked Microsoft account.

How to change the password on Windows 10

  • The most obvious solution is to use the new options. At the same time, having an Internet connection is a prerequisite for synchronizing server data with the device, otherwise nothing will work.

  • Did not work out? Then let's try to use the standard reset available on the Microsoft website using this link We need the very first item from 3 options, and then the menu duplicates the functionality from 1 method.

Now you can easily change the password on Windows 10, just follow the tips above

Changing data for other users

Here's how to change your password to Windows computer 10 for other registered local users, if we remember it initially and can log in:

  • Click on Start, Settings, Accounts, Sign-in options. In the settings we see a button Change under the word Password, click on it. This method works for a local account and a Microsoft account.

  • Opening Command line on behalf of the administrator, enter net user name password, where name- username, and password– a new set of symbols and letters. After executing the command, you need to restart the PC and log in with a new character set. This solution only works for local account.

  • This option is suitable for owners of Windows 10 Pro, since home assembly there is no such. Opening Computer management via the right mouse button on Start, go to Local users, Users. Select a local user Set and agree to the notification.

In this short article, we looked at some issues related to how to change the password on a Windows 10 computer. Yes, there are instructions describing how to hack the system, but most of them are already outdated, since Microsoft is now closely monitoring security, and, like other companies were able to close many vulnerabilities dating back to the days of Windows XP. Nowadays, even many sites remind you when you log in to your account that the data is out of date, but it’s better to keep an eye on this yourself.

Have a great day!
