How to restore an Instagram page. How to recover an Instagram account: methods for all occasions. Recovering an Instagram account by phone number, email address, Facebook account

To understand consequences of losing access to your Instagram page you need to know the origins of the problem, i.e. the reason why it is impossible to log into your profile.

Today there are several of them, and because of this, decisions regarding data resuscitation differ.

Reasons why there is no login to Instagram:

  1. blocking of a user by the administration of a resource for exchanging photos and information due to violations of the main points of the service’s operation policy;
  2. sending spam;
  3. registering a page under the guise of another or non-existent person;
  4. the page contains offensive content and pornographic materials;
  5. self-deletion by the user of his profile with all content linked to the Instagram page;
  6. inability to log in due to fraudulent activities of third parties;
  7. the hacker uses the page in parallel with the owner;
  8. the fraudster deleted the information using a stolen password;
  9. loss of your registration data.

In the first three cases, the account cannot be restored to its original form, i.e. for the most part, all your previously published photo and video materials, with corresponding comments, and “Like” marks will be lost forever.

How to recover an Instagram account

Subscribers and friends list will also be impossible to restore. This, unfortunately, is the policy of the service. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with both the standard security measures prescribed to all users when working on the Internet, and not to cross the line indicated by the operating rules.

Returning a page after blocking by the administration

As with other resources, restricting access by moderators and administrators of virtual services, be it a banal forum or chat, to social networks leads to irretrievable loss of the profile and the inability to log in using the previous data.

Although there is a chance and you can convince the service administration to restore the profile, since the actions were accidental. But objective statistics claim that this process is quite long and the likelihood of returning credentials is almost zero.

Thus, the petition is granted and access is restored to only one user per 10,000 people. Sometimes the Instagram administration considers a user’s cassation complaint in just 2-3 days. And the second way out is to create a new profile, from the same device, but under a different login.

The recommendation in such a case is strict adherence to the rules put forward by the service and careful filtering of the material that is published in the feed. The fate of an Instagram account can be predetermined no matter how popular the page is or how famous the person who created it is.

An illustrative example in this regard is the famous Rihanna, whose Instagram was blocked due to the publication of explicit photographs.

Temporary access restriction

But in fact, not everything is so sad with the procedure for restoring access to your Instagram page. Sometimes, the inability to log in is not related to complete blocking. This means that entry was limited. But it is restored through the phone. However, the procedure and complexity of recovery for Android and iTunes smartphones differ.

For Apple, when an account is temporarily frozen, the ID is marked. Therefore, it is necessary to create a new ID linked to a new credit card. In this case, a backup copy of the photos is made so that later they can be uploaded manually, so that there is no link to the old Apple ID.

Afterwards, the application is deleted from the iPhone and rebooted. The next step is to install more earlier version instagram. Exactly old version Applications allow you to log in and then update.

On Android, the procedure for restoring access to a temporarily banned account is similar, but a little simpler. You need to link a new gmail address to another profile Google Play through your second credit card details in Google Wallet.

These manipulations allow you to download the Enable Instagram application on Android, which allows you to access your data.

But before you carry out such complex actions with your phone, you need to log into your profile using another device. Perhaps there is a trivial conflict with the current smartphone, and you still have time to make a full-fledged backup copy without allowing complete loss of information.

Inability to log into your account due to fraudulent activities of third parties.

A sign of hacking is the inability to log into your profile. In this case, the fraudster most likely deleted the profile forever and it is not possible to restore it.

There is a small way to restore access using the Instagram help center. About this last chance Few people know how to access an old account.

You can find the help center by visiting the official Instagram website and find the “support” icon at the bottom. After logging in, you need to find the page for submitting a hacking complaint.

This can be done using search string by typing in the appropriate request. Through this form Suspicions of hacking are sent to support.

Now we just have to wait for a solution from the support service. Based on the result of the check, there is a possibility that you will be given back access to your page after conducting a survey.

Self-deletion by the user of a profile with all content associated with the page

In this case, the content associated with the page will be lost forever. Before taking such actions, you need to understand that there will be no way back to restore your data.

Profile restoration if the user loses his registration data

This situation is common and in this case the possibility of not only returning data, but also completely restoring the tape with all photo and video materials is high. There are several solution options depending on how you registered in this service.

Most people prefer to log in via facebook or email. Then you just need to send a request via the password reset form to the email address to which your account is linked. After entering the captcha and clicking the “send” button, an email with a link will be sent to your email address. By clicking on it, a window for creating a password will appear.

This method is typical when restoring access via a computer.

There are three options for resuming access via phone: using Facebook, by receiving a link in the form of SMS, or through a linked email address.

Using the first two methods, it is possible to log into your account if a social network profile or phone number is associated with the owner’s Instagram.

When you receive an SMS, you must click on the link and then set a new password. Via facebook is an easy option. After selecting it, you will be redirected to a page where you can change your password. The method for recovering your password on your phone by using your email address is identical to the steps done on your computer.

If the range of problems associated with resolving the issue how to recover an instagram account, are beyond the standard set, it is necessary to solve them taking into account individual characteristics. This is done by searching for answers in the help center on the official Instagram page.

Instagram is a popular social network where the main content is photographs and short videos posted by users. Almost every smartphone user on iOS and Android is familiar with the official mobile application of this resource. Many people fill their accounts with their own or thematic photographs, use them for advertising/commercial purposes, and simply create them according to the principle “Everyone has it, and I will have it!” Users often have problems using Instagram, and one of the most popular questions is: “How to restore a page on Instagram if access to it was lost for certain reasons?” Further in the article we'll talk exactly about this.

What to do if you lost access to Instagram

The recovery action depends on the reason why access to the account was lost. It's actually quite simple. The account can be deleted, hacked, or temporarily blocked, which is usually done by the owner himself, and it’s also worth remembering about banal forgetfulness regarding login and password. It’s worth immediately discussing the question of how to restore an Instagram page after deletion, because it is often asked, and the answer is extremely disappointing, but there is a way out.

Return deleted account is not possible, since these are the privacy rules of the social network.

It will also not be possible to recover the username that was used for a specific page.

The only option on how to restore an Instagram account after deletion is to send a complaint of certain content to the network support service. The only reason for restoration can be that the network administration deleted a valid profile, which was simply hacked and aroused suspicion. Cases of such returns are rare, but they do happen, and therefore if the user belongs to the category of illegally “deleted”, then it is worth trying to achieve justice. The main thing is to persistently prove your innocence.

More detailed information about restoring Instagram after deletion, read below in the paragraph about hacking.

How to recover your password on Instagram

Anyone can forget their password, even at the stage of creating the account itself, and therefore you need to know the basic ways to recover it.
Method No. 1
The simplest option:

  1. You must follow the link: You can do this through a computer or through the browser of your smartphone. But it is worth considering that you need to know one of the data: phone number, email or username and have access to mail or phone number.
  2. Enter the required data into the form and click on the button to send the login link. Then the user will receive a corresponding notification that reset instructions have been sent to the email address to which the account is linked. Naturally, you must have access to mail.
  3. The following message will appear in the mail.
  4. By clicking on the reset button, you can be taken to a page where you will be asked to enter a new password, which this time you really need to try not to forget, but it is better to write it down somewhere and not forget where you wrote it.

Method No. 2
When working through mobile app You can recover your password using synchronization with Facebook, or also through the phone number or email associated with your account.

We proceed as follows:

Thus, you can recover your Instagram password through your phone number and Facebook page.

What to do if the email you entered does not arrive?

  • check your spam folder in your email;
  • Try sending the recovery link again;
  • wait a little and try again.

If you don’t have access to a phone and email, then you have the option of using Facebook if you link it to Instagram early, or try to solve the problem by sending a hacking complaint about it below.

How to restore Instagram if hacked

If you believe that you have been hacked or are being used by someone else, you need to take action immediately. First of all, check if you have received an email from Instagram. If you receive a message about changing your email address, you must cancel the change by clicking the corresponding link in the letter. If the attackers managed to change important information(for example, password and email), and you can’t restore your previous email address, you need to send a complaint to Instagram.

The entire procedure for sending a complaint is done on Android device or iOS.

Once the app launches, on the login screen, tap Help signing in in the section below the Sign in button. Enter one of the username, email or phone numbers, then click Next. If you do not know your username, then ask a friend or your subscriber to remind you of your login, since people who follow you can see your username, they will be able to help you.

Once entered, click on Need more help? and follow the instructions.

After submitting your application, expect an email from Instagram with instructions on what to do next.

On iOS devices(iPhone) the recovery procedure is similar.

After sending the request, you will need to confirm your identity by providing a photo in which you are holding a piece of paper with a handwritten code that was sent to you. The email address or phone number you entered when you signed up and the type of device you signed in from (e.g. iPhone, Android, iPad, etc.).

If you have forgotten your password and have no access to your mail, try to restore access to your mail first. Officially, Instagram writes about this:

But by sending the request described above, you can bypass this limitation and successfully restore your Instagram account.

There is also a form for restoring Instagram in case of profile deactivation (blocked, deleted). You can fill out this form via computer

How to unblock Instagram if blocked

There are two types of blocking: temporary and permanent.

You can be temporarily blocked for exceeding the limits: subscription, unsubscribe, likes, comments. But before blocking, your password will most likely be reset at the beginning and more than once if the violation continues. All you need to do is receive a password recovery code and enter a new password. After blocking, you will not be able to perform the action for which you were blocked. But as a rule, after a certain period of time, Instagram removes this restriction and you can fully use the social network.

You can be permanently blocked without resetting your password if you violate the rules for using the social network (adding prohibited posts, leaving comments with extremist content, etc.). You could be blocked by mistake or you went a little overboard, in this case, see the instructions above about hacking Instagram. It is advisable to write in the description that the phone or other information was stolen, since support will look to see if there were logins to the account from another device and if they were not, they may not be able to unblock them.

How to protect your Instagram account

To avoid time-consuming (nervous) costly recovery procedures, it is necessary to first take measures to ensure the security and protection of personal data.

In this article we tried to write about how to restore Instagram or how to unblock a page. We have taken measures to ensure the security of your page and personal data. It is important to follow the basic security rules regarding personal data and the rules established for users by the administration of the social network. In this case, both the risk of hacking and the possibility of the page being deleted by resource moderators on suspicion of any dishonest actions on the part of its owner are minimized.

If Instagram reset your password or you forgot it, don’t worry! We will share all the ways that will help you regain access to your Instagram account from your iPhone or computer.

How to recover Instagram if you don't remember your password?

First reset Old Password: for this you will need the email address to which the account was registered or a linked account on Facebook (read how to link it).

In the browser version:

1. Click the “Forgot?” button in the login and password entry window.

2. In the next window, enter the username or email address that you used to create your account, enter the captcha (a code to determine that the action is performed by a person and not a robot) and click “Reset password.”

3. Instagram will send a link to reset your password to your email. Click on “Reset Password” and create a password. You can now log into your account online again using your new password. Ready! Now you know how easy it is to recover Instagram, even if you forgot your password.

In the application:

How to recover your Instagram password from an iPhone or Android? In the login and password entry window, click on “Help signing in.” Then select the method by which you want to restore access to your account:

1. Enter your username or email address and Instagram will send a link to reset your password to the email associated with your profile

2. How to recover your Instagram password with a phone number: enter the phone number associated with your account: the link will come as an SMS

3. Click on “Log in with Facebook” - if you have an account linked, you can restore access using this social network. After logging into your Facebook account, you will be automatically directed to a window to enter a new password.

Using an iPhone or Android, just like in the browser version, you will receive an email (or a message on your phone) with a link through which you can create a new password and log into your account using it.

I am not receiving an email to reset my password. What to do?

This does happen sometimes, and here's what to do in such a situation:

Check if the letter has gone to the Spam folder

If it's not there, try resetting your password again

Reset your password through your Facebook account if you previously linked it to your Instagram profile or using your phone number (how to do this is described above).

The fact is that the action of links sent by email is limited in time. If you don't click on it within a certain time, it will stop working. In this case, simply send yourself the password reset link again.

How to restore access to your account if it has been hacked?

This is the most difficult method: usually, when an account is hacked, it is immediately disconnected from Email, phone number and Facebook account. Thus, you no longer have any options on how to recover your password.

The Instagram rules state “If you forgot your password and lost access to your email account. email, we will not be able to provide you with access to your Instagram account. This also applies to accounts that were registered with an incorrect email address. address".

But there is still a chance to restore your account! Follow our step-by-step instructions.

1. Using a browser, go to home page and click the “Support” button at the bottom.

2. In the window that appears, select “Privacy and Security Center”, then “Complaints” and “Account Hacking”.

3. Click “I think my account has been hacked” and “Tell us about it.”

4. A form will open in a new window that will ask you to answer several questions related to your account (sometimes you even need a scan of your passport if you are in the photos in a profile to which you have lost access).

When technical support will review the request (this process may take several days), and a response will be sent to the specified email address. If you do not receive a response, be sure to try sending your complaint again.

Now you know all the ways to recover your Instagram password if you forgot your password. Once again, we would like to remind you of the basic recommendations for the security of your account: set a strong password, link your account to your Facebook page, and do not lose access to the email address to which the account is registered.


1. Account hacking form.

Select “My account was hacked” - “Report this” (see screenshot).

2. This form will come out (see screenshot 2). Fill it out as shown in the picture.

3. Below we indicate our attitude towards the account - if it is an organization, then select the first item (screen 3). At the bottom, check the box “My account has not been hacked, I have other problems.”

4. Instagram will ask you to prove your connection with the organization you represent (screen 4). Attach one jpeg file there - any legal registration document. faces.

Screen 1

Screen 2

Screen 3

Screen 4

5. Click "send"

6. Soon you will receive an auto-response (screen 5) to the email address you specified at the beginning, in which Instagram will ask you to specify the essence of the problem in more detail and attach documents confirming your connection with the organization. Because If you already sent them when filling out the form, you don’t have to do this. But I did. Just in case.

Yes, you don't need to write in English if you don't speak it. They answer in Russian.

7. In your response letter, you need to describe in detail the essence of the problem and try to prove that you are a normal company and not some spammers. Tell us how it happened, what you used, what you posted, why you might have been blocked. Apologize for any possible violation of the rules. This letter (if you are lucky) will be read by a living person, who will have the power to decide whether to activate your account. So don't skimp on Nice words. If you were not a malicious spammer, did not abuse mass following and mass liking, then you have a good chance.

8. Now you have to wait. How much is not known. This usually takes from a day to a week. On average, 2-3 days. If your account is activated, you will receive a message by email from someone from the Instagram administration (screen 6).

After receiving such a letter, it may take another 5-6 hours before your account appears on the server again. So don't be nervous if you don't see it right away.

Screen 5

Screen 6

How to unblock an Instagram account

If there are no documents on registration of a legal entity, then in screenshot 3, you need to select item 3 (my account, but my photos are not on it)
Then you will receive a response asking you to indicate the date when you last logged into your account. Make no mistake. (screen 7) And your address, which was linked to your account.

Screen 7

Next, a request may come "Please reply to this email and attach a photo of yourself holding a hand-written copy of the code below."
This means that you need to write on a piece of paper the code that will be in the letter. Pick up a leaf and take a photo with it. This item works flawlessly if your account had your photos. If there were none, other evidence may be requested. (e.g. proof of domain name registration)

It may also be that at some stage you do not receive a response letter, this means that they have read it, but did not consider it necessary to respond to you.
You shouldn’t wait more than 2 days, write again, another person will read your letter and probably make a different decision and answer you. You can write as much as you like until your account is unblocked. But at the same time, give clear answers to requests in letters, use a translator and carefully check letters before sending.

First of all, calm down. The situation is unfortunate, but fixable. You often encounter this kind of thing on the Internet, so a non-working password is not a reason for frustration. What could have happened? What to do?

Causes of login problems

Entering your login or password incorrectly is the simplest and most easily remedied reason. Check which keyboard language is selected. If you are trying to access Instagram from a computer, look at the status of “Caps...” and “ Num Lock" Calm down, focus, and try entering your credentials again. If it doesn’t work, you either completely forgot your password, or your account was hacked and the password was changed. Often, attackers steal other people's accounts, using them to make money.

If the password has been stolen or forgotten, there is only one way out - password recovery. This will not be difficult if reliable data on the postal address (electronic, not physical) was entered during registration. Linking will also help. account to Facebook. If you are reading this article and have not lost access to Instagram, check whether this data is filled out in your profile. Otherwise, if you lose control of your account, nothing can be done. You can check the pairing of Instagram and Facebook by going to the settings menu on the latter. If the Apps tab contains the Instagram icon or text, the accounts are linked.

How to restore Instagram without mail

Restoring access using Facebook is the easiest way. Only it allows you to restore an Instagram account when access to mail is lost or the mailing address is entered incorrectly (not entered). The only drawback of this method is that it can only be used from a mobile device. This method does not work from a computer (from a browser).


Try not to forget your new password. Either make it long but memorable, or save it in special program for securely storing passwords.

How to restore Instagram via email

This is the only thing possible way recovering your password from your computer. If mobile device does not work or it is more convenient for you to work with a PC, use recovery via the e-mail attached to your account.


  • open the Instagram website, click the login button;
  • select the link “forgot your password?” in the form of entering credentials;
  • enter your email address on the page that opens;
  • check your e-mail (the letter does not arrive immediately, so you have to wait);
  • follow the link;
  • enter a new password in the form;

How to restore Insta in case of a ban

When you register on the resource, you see the rules. Violation of the rules often results in a ban. In this case, it is almost impossible to restore the profile. There have been cases when well-known public people with millions of subscribers were banned by the administration and were forced to create a new profile. An example is the ban of singer Rihanna for explicit photos.

If you are sure that you have not committed any serious violations and the account is very dear to you (for example, if it is an organization’s page with many subscribers), you can try to convince the moderators to lift the ban.

To do this, use the following algorithm:

  • follow the link on the support page;
  • select “I think my account has been hacked” and “Let us know”;
  • fill out the form that opens;
  • indicate your relationship to the account;
  • check the box “Account is not hacked, other problems have arisen”;
  • attach a scan of a document proving your connection with the organization (for example, a registration document);
  • click send;

Next, you need to wait for an email from the administration with a request detailed description Problems. Try to highlight the problem as much as possible and argue that you are not a spammer. Write what was posted on the page, what you used and why you might have been banned. Apologize for any infraction established rules. If there have been no serious violations on the account, there is a chance the ban will be lifted. The administration's decision is not made immediately. You may have to wait a week. The administration's positive decision will be sent by e-mail. Don't worry if you can't log in to Insta immediately after reading the letter. Access is not restored immediately. Sometimes they wait several hours.

If everything went smoothly, write a letter of thanks to the administrator. The person made concessions to you, but was not obliged to do so.

Now you know how to restore Insta.

When it is impossible to restore Insta

  1. Account deleting. The resource policy does not provide for the possibility of restoring accounts that were deleted by the owners. Therefore, the decision to delete must be made carefully. Of course, the account can be deleted not by you, but by an attacker. But even then the intervention of the administration will not help.
  2. Lack of connection with Facebook and mail. As stated above, without a connection with Facebook or an email linked to Instagram, it will not be possible to restore your account. If access to the e-mail specified in the account is lost and there is no connection with Facebook, the only way- restore access to mail. To do this, contact the administration of the mail service or use the links to restore your account.

Remember: restoring Instagram - free service. You should not pay money to someone who promises to restore your account. If the latter is not connected to e-mail and Facebook, then only a fraudster can offer to restore it.

Programs that supposedly restore Instagram are also fraudulent. There is no need to download and install them, much less pay for them. Either nothing useful will happen, or you will simply introduce malicious software.
