Recover Instagram by number. How to recover deleted Instagram. Your Instagram account has been blocked - what to do?

Instagram, like other social networks, has its own restrictions to combat spam, automation and other violations. If, in the opinion of Instagram, your account does not comply with the rules, it may be blocked - temporarily or permanently. If permanently blocked, your account is deleted forever and you can no longer use it.
Is it possible to restore Instagram? Yes, there is such a possibility. If your Instagram account has been blocked, then you can probably get it back using the instructions described below.

Why does Instagram block?

Instagram policy is such that your account can be blocked without warning or explanation if it raises suspicions of violating the rules.
What actions can lead to blocking an Instagram account?

  • Spam in comments or direct messages
  • Copyright infringement
  • Exceeding action limits (likes, subscriptions, unsubscribes)
  • Using unofficial applications (you can trust proven programs, for example, there is a secure promotion service on Instagram)
  • Mass cheating of subscribers (bots)
  • Publishing erotic photos

What are the types of blocking?

Most often, Instagram “punishes” an account - it limits one or more actions, for example, it prohibits liking and subscribing. But for serious violations you can get a ban (account deletion).

Officially, Instagram states that it is impossible to restore a blocked account, but in practice such a possibility still exists. Next, we will look step by step at a universal way to get your account back. This method can help you in the following situations:

  • your account has been blocked for violating the rules
  • your account was hacked and you lost access to it
  • you deleted Instagram yourself and want to restore it

How to recover an Instagram account

To restore your Instagram page, fill out the hack form. This method will help even if in fact the account was blocked for violations or you accidentally deleted it yourself.

2.”Whose account was hacked?”
My account

3.”Can you log into the email that is listed in your Instagram account?”

4. “Email address where you can be contacted? (and to which only you have access)”
We enter the email, but not the one registered on Instagram, but any other one available to you.

5. “The username specified in the account you are reporting about”
Enter the login of the blocked account

6. “The email address you used to register your account”
Enter the email to which your account is registered

7. “What kind of account is this?”
You need to select the item that best suits you, for example, if this is your personal account, then indicate “ This account contains my photos

8. “Did you create this account?”

9. “Who is logged into your account?”
I don't know

10. “How did this person log into your account? ”
We write I don’t know

11. Click Send

12. Next, we wait for a letter from Instagram. It will describe what you need to do to confirm that the account belongs to you.
For personal accounts Instagram usually asks you to write on a piece of paper the login of your blocked account, the number sent by email, and then take a photo so that your face can be seen with this piece of paper.
For commercial accounts, you may be required to provide scans of legal documents.

13. After this, you just have to wait for a response from Instagram. In most cases, the account is restored within 3-7 days.

If the need arises, users can stop using the service in two ways - temporarily freeze their account or deactivate it. What is the difference and how to restore an Instagram page after deletion, read this article.


Deactivation or complete removal page is available to all users. In order to deactivate your account you need to:

  • Go to the removal form.
  • Select a reason.
  • Enter your password.
  • Confirm the blocking twice.

After completing these steps, the profile will disappear with all information: publications, dialogues in Direct, subscriptions and subscribers. If you are wondering how to recover a deleted Instagram account, then there is only one answer and it is disappointing - no way.

For those who have used this function, the only option to return to using the service is to create a new page.

You can restore Instagram if the user has deleted everything in a new profile: publish the account link on your social pages. networks, ask friends to do the same, upload old and new photos so that they recognize you, etc. Gradually, subscribers will return and the account will regain its previous appearance.

Temporary freeze

To block temporarily you need:

  • Go to web version:
  • Open your account.
  • Click on the edit button next to the nickname.
  • Click at the bottom of the page "Temporarily block".

If you followed exactly this procedure, then returning your profile can be very simple.

How to recover a temporarily deleted Instagram account:

  • Open the mobile application or web version using the above link.
  • Enter your nickname or linked phone/email. address.
  • Click on the login button.

The profile will be returned with all the information.

  • Log in through a browser, not a mobile app.
  • Clear site cookies.
  • Please use another device.
  • Connect to a different network.

This will help restore access and continue to use the profile if the user has deleted it temporarily.

Before blocking or deactivating, carefully read the information on the page. It will tell you what the action will lead to. And before completely deactivating, it is recommended to save all important profile data so that you can access it.

We've sorted everything out possible options and now you know how to restore your Instagram account after temporary deletion. We talked about how to reset your password using a link in another article.

Not every user manages to immediately understand how to get their profile back on Instagram and how to restore the page if all the information necessary for this was irretrievably lost. That is why it is important to think in advance about the consequences of deletion and save important information in a safe place. If you adhere to these simple rules, then no problems or difficulties will arise with the use of a social photo network.

At the same time, imprudent, thoughtless actions can lead to the final loss of the opportunity to return the account and the publications on it. The only salvation in such situations may be the support service, but often even Instagram consultants are unable to help the requester and return him earlier deleted page. Therefore, when deciding to deactivate, you should carefully weigh all the negative and positive sides conceived so as not to make an extremely offensive and unpleasant mistake.

The first thing that needs to be mentioned is related to the restoration completely deleted account. And in this case, nothing positive or positive can be said, since the developers of the social network have not provided a single effective way to restore the page.

The only way to solve this problem is to re-register and create a new profile. But all subscribers, likes, photos and publications will remain on the destroyed page, so the only way saving the necessary and important files is their timely transfer to a cloud drive, phone or computer.

In a word, in this case everything depends only on the actions of users and the foresight of the owners of photos and videos. The Instagram administration will not be able to help, no matter how much those who contact us might want it.

Restoring a temporarily blocked page

It is a little easier to deal with difficulties for those users who are looking for how to return a temporarily blocked Instagram profile and restore the page for further use. In such situations, you should take only 1 simple action: log in to the system using your account.

Naturally, this requires remembering your login and password, without which it is impossible to regain control of your account after temporary blocking. In order not to waste time restoring and remembering secret combinations, you should write them down on separate sheets of paper, which will be placed in a specially designated place.

Usually, after completing these steps, the profile is immediately returned to the rightful owners, and they again have the opportunity to publish new posts.

How to recover an Instagram page if you forgot your password from your phone

Sometimes even correctly entered combinations do not lead to the desired result. Often, those who want to return an account must admit that they have forgotten their login and password. In such cases, the most reasonable way to resolve the difficulties that have arisen is to restore the password.

To return to Instagram:

  1. log in to the website or open the mobile application;
  2. click on the sign offering assistance with logging in;
  3. wait for the new tab to load and select a convenient way to receive information (Facebook, email, cell phone);
  4. enter the information required for recovery (nickname or SIM card number);
  5. wait for the letter to arrive email; SMS messages or Facebook links;
  6. follow the received link;
  7. select a new combination for authorization;
  8. Log in by providing your changed details.

It should be noted that those who access the photo network through the application should do without email. Receiving help via SMS will be faster and easier. But most effective method is to use Facebook.

What to do if you forgot your phone number

No matter how offensive it may sound, sometimes users are deprived of the opportunity to regain control of the page because they cannot use the phone number associated with their account and have long forgotten email address. The situation is no better in situations where the SIM card is lost.

Those who want to figure out how to restore an Instagram page if they have forgotten their password and nickname should contact support specialists. Only they have the ability to restore profiles when everything existing methods regaining control turns out to be inaccessible and useless.

But it should be remembered that in order to get the desired result, people who ask for help will have to prove that they are the real owners of the page. This may require personal information, including a photograph. The full list of required information will be provided by the operators themselves.

It is worth remembering that situations where even consultants refuse to help are not uncommon. This happens especially often after deleting the application and permanently deactivating the account. Therefore, the utmost honesty and courtesy should be exercised. This is the only way to count on success.

Rules and nuances

Taking back control of your profile is not the most pleasant procedure and is best avoided. It becomes especially difficult if you forget your password and login. In such cases, the likelihood of success is sharply reduced, and to gain access you will have to seriously try, proving to the support operators that you are right. Therefore, in order not to encounter troubles, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • there is no need to delete your account if there is even a small chance that you will need it in the future, it is better to block it or simply not log into it temporarily;
  • you need to store authorization combinations in a safe place, preferably writing them down on a piece of paper;
  • important information must not be shared with strangers;
  • It is worth updating your antivirus promptly;
  • it is important to follow the rules of use of Instagram so as not to be blocked for violations;
  • You must be responsible when filling out your personal data, as they may be required later.

If you adhere to these rules, you won’t have to think about how to restore Instagram if you deleted a page. As a last resort, you can ask friends for help. They may have saved a photo that still contains the required data. Additionally, you can try to guess the nickname and receive an information message by email. But achieving what you want in this way will be extremely difficult.

Today, many smartphone owners have a registered Instagram account. The thing is that this is the most popular social network aimed at publishing photographs. Today we will take a closer look at the page restoration procedure for different situations.

Account recovery - the procedure performed to restore access to a profile in a popular social service. This procedure may vary depending on how access was lost.

Many Instagram users are fickle, and therefore, even if the account was blocked with their own hands, the decision may change dramatically, that is, it may be necessary to remove the block. Fortunately, this is not difficult to do.

Restoring a profile on a smartphone

To restore the page, you just need to launch the Instagram application and log in with your account.

As soon as these actions are completed, the blocking will be automatically removed.

Restoring a profile on a computer

The recovery will be performed on the computer in a similar way. You just need to go through and provide your credentials - login and password. As soon as this data is entered correctly, access to the page will be resumed.

Option 2: Recovering a deleted profile

Bad news: if you considered it necessary not to block the profile, but to delete it completely, then it will no longer be possible to restore the page here - it was completely deleted along with all the photos that were published. The only solution is new registration.

Option 3: Restoring a profile for which the login and password were forgotten

If you cannot access your page because you do not remember your login or password, recovery can be performed using the email address or phone number that was specified during registration.

Restoring access from a smartphone

Restoring access from a computer

If you need to access your page on your computer, then for this, again, let’s turn to the help of the web version.

Option 4: Recovering a stolen profile

Recently, owners of popular profiles have suffered from attacks from scammers who “hijack” pages. As a result, you, as a rule, cannot restore access yourself, as described in the previous method, since hackers change not only the password, but also contact information (email address, linked phone number).

Of course, you should never pay scammers - you should try to get the page back on your own. But this method It will only work if you previously linked a Facebook account to your Instagram profile.



Option 5: Restoring a profile blocked by Instagram moderation

If this happens, if you have posted a post that does not meet Instagram’s requirements, and it has received complaints from other users, restrictions may be imposed on your page. You can find out about this from an email notifying you of the reasons for blocking and how to restore access.

In this case, all you have to do is open the application and log in. Next, the screen will display instructions that will allow you to resume access to the page.

These are all the account recovery options. We hope these recommendations were useful to you.

Instagram is a convenient service that allows you to store memorable photos and share them with friends. Users who have lost access to their account first try to find out how to restore Instagram. This article will discuss 3 ways to solve this problem.

Re-login to your account

For users logging into the site with using iPhone or other Apple products, we recommend that you try to sign in with personal computer. Difficulties often arise due to the fact that the device identifier is rejected by the service. Problems also arise when updating the mobile system.

Password recovery

Quite often, users who have lost access to their account enter their login information incorrectly. How to recover Instagram if you forgot your password? To do this, you need to open the authorization page. At the bottom there is a “forgot password” link that you need to follow.

Then you need to choose a data recovery method. In most cases, the account is activated using email or Facebook. The client can choose the method at his own discretion.

How to recover your Instagram password via email

If the account owner registered on the site using mail, then he should enter the address email box or username. Next, you need to confirm sending the message. Then you need to check your email.

An email will be sent to your email address with a “restore” link. forgotten password"(Instagram). If the message does not appear for a long time, it is recommended to check the Spam folder. After clicking on the link, you must specify a new password that will not match the old data.

How to recover Instagram via Facebook

This procedure can only be performed using mobile application Instagram. In order to solve the problem, you need to download the application via Google Play. Next, click on the “log in with Facebook” button. Then you need to follow the “forgot password” link and log in to Facebook.

The user will receive an email with a special link. If the message has not arrived, then you need to check other folders mailbox. After clicking on the link, you must proceed in the same way as when restoring data via e-mail. If you were unable to reset old data, you should write to the technical service of your mail provider and clarify whether the service allows you to receive messages from the domain.

It is recommended to check the password recovery link. If it doesn’t work, then you should try to go to the site again. The link is valid for a limited period. If its validity period has expired, you must request the letter again. When copying a link, make sure that there are no extra spaces in the address bar.

Search for an account

How to restore Instagram if the above methods do not work? You should try to find your profile using your username or mailbox address.

The account owner can open links to Instagram photos that he posted on Facebook or Twitter. The username should be displayed on the image page. If you can’t open your profile, you need to enter your e-mail in the search bar.

Often, users forget which email address they provided when registering. If the result is negative, additional mail must be provided. If the account cannot be found, this means that the profile has been deleted.

Submitting an application

How to restore Instagram if your account has been hacked? To do this, you need to fill out the form located at The application is reviewed within 14 days. The technical service often asks for additional documents. The proof may be a photograph with a piece of paper on which the identification code is indicated.

It is recommended to attach official data (copy of passport with photo). After receiving the documents again technical service will send you a link to reset your password. Access to your personal page will be restored.

Instagram Policy

Please remember that deleting your account in the service is irreversible. According to Instagram policy, a blocked user page is permanently deleted. This problem occurs when you independently disable your personal profile, your account is hacked, or it is deactivated by site administrators.

If the user has not violated the rules, the service will not block the user’s page. Administrators cannot deactivate accounts at the request of a customer or third party. When you disable your personal profile, all pictures, videos, subscriptions, likes and comments are deleted forever.

If the account has not been blocked by the service or deactivated by the user, this means that an unauthorized person gained access to the page. Sometimes the account recovery methods described above do not work. How to restore Instagram in this case? Then the user will have to open a new page.

Account blocking

How to restore Instagram if the account was deactivated by administrators? A page is blocked only due to a serious violation of the rules. Therefore, the user will no longer be able to regain access to the account. It is necessary to comply with the site rules that the client has agreed to comply with.

The user needs to take care of the password. Attackers often use hacked pages to send spam and other illegal activities. Having lost control of an account once, a client may lose it forever. In order to account not hacked, it is recommended to set a complex password.
