Find out your life account. Checking Life balance - all existing methods. Which service should I connect so as not to wonder how megabytes are checked on Life?

Checking your Life account– this is one of the most frequently performed operations by number. It is very important to periodically check your Life balance, since due to lack of funds, the ability to make calls may be limited. Each subscriber is interested in how to find out the balance of funds on the main and bonus accounts, and in several ways.

Checking your Life account using USSD request

Probably the most popular and fastest way to find out your balance on Life is the USSD command *111# . It allows you to view the status of your main and bonus account. It’s very convenient to kill two birds with one stone with one request.

Also, in a pop-up message, you can see important information about promotions or interesting offers. If you are interested, you can respond by pressing the “1” button and find out more about the proposed event. In response, you will receive either a new pop-up message or an SMS with a detailed description.

There is also a second command - *121# . It shows the status of services connected to the number today. In addition to information about the remaining package data, you can see the validity period of the number, as well as other information beneficial to the subscriber. For example, an offer to receive 5 GB of Internet traffic as a gift, as well as a code for ordering bonuses.

Other ways to check Life balance

By inserting a SIM card into the phone, you can find an additional SIM menu. Among other features, there is also a function to view the balance of money. Once you select the “Balance” option, you will immediately receive an SMS notification with information about the status of your accounts. This method is, of course, less popular, but most importantly, no less effective.

The subscriber self-service system will help you find out the balance on the Lifecell Ukraine operator. It’s worth going to the appropriate category and looking at the necessary data. By the way, this service has a wide range of capabilities. We strongly recommend that you read it. There is also an analogue of this service - for devices based on Android and iOS.

And the last, probably the longest way to check the balance on Life Ukraine is. The necessary information can be obtained either using a voice informant, or directly by talking with a service center specialist. To find out how to quickly contact an operator, follow the link.

Other information about the service

Checking your account on Life is an opportunity that is provided, without exception, to all Lifecell subscribers, completely free of charge. This is a fundamental function that you cannot do without. Perhaps, today, these are all the ways to check the balance of money in your account. In any case, it is very simple, fast and convenient, no matter what method the client uses.

It is interesting to know that using the service Balance control, you can check the balance of money in another subscriber’s account.

How to find out your Life number?

Life- is a fairly popular cellular operator in Ukraine. However, compared to other mobile operators, Life does not provide many options for its subscribers to find out their phone number. In fact, there is only one way, and it involves dialing a USSD code.

How to find out your Life number on your phone?

You can find out your number on Life via USSD request. Just dial the combination from your mobile *161# .

As a result, the following message will appear on the screen of your phone: “Your phone number: +38ХХХХХХХХХХ”, the phone number will appear in international format. Sending a USSD command is completely free, even for those subscribers who are roaming.

If the code does not work, you need to contact the Life operator and find out phone number him.

You can also find out your phone number using a universal method - by calling the phone of a relative or friend, or a phone that has caller ID within reach. Your phone number will be displayed on the ID. In addition to the call, it is possible to send an SMS message or send a request to your friend’s number with an offer to call back (the “Call Me Back” service). However, this is only possible if you know your friend's number and he is nearby. In addition, when sending a message, the Nth amount of money will be debited from your balance. The method of using the “Call me back” service is suitable in case of a negative balance, but you will need to dial a rather long USSD code.

How to find out your Life number without a phone and SIM card?

To find out your Life ;) phone number without the phone itself and in the absence of a SIM card, you can look at your contract, ask friends, go to a communication salon, where they can tell you your phone number upon presentation of documents, for example, a passport.

You can also try calling the Life operator from another phone and, after answering several questions (passport details, security question or code word), you will receive your phone number.

In short, all ways to find out a phone number using another phone are quite inconvenient. But everyone has the right to choose what suits them.

I was faced with the need to find out my phone number on Life when I arrived in Kyiv and bought a local SIM card. As usual, when connecting, I immediately deposited a small amount of money into my account, inserted the SIM card into my phone, and began to actively use it.

But in a couple of days... Yes, yes. Then suddenly the money in the account unexpectedly ran out... But I can’t deposit it - I didn’t remember the number. This is where the problem arose: how to find out your number on Life?

When I started looking for a solution, it turned out that I was far from alone in this. The mobile operator Life (although for some time now it would be more correct to call it Lifecell, but that’s a completely different story) is particularly popular among young people in Ukraine. However, older people are also happy to connect to Life. Which is not surprising, since Life has low tariffs and very good communication quality.

However, every barrel of honey has its own fly in the ointment. Due to the very low Life:), people often simply forget to top up their account, and remember about it when the balance is already zero. And often, at the very moment when you urgently need to call, it turns out that the money in your account has run out. And you need to top up your account on your mobile phone.

And to top up your account you just need to know your phone number. And this can sometimes become a serious problem, since not everyone remembers their phone number by heart.

So how do you find out your Life phone number?

There are two simple ways to do this.

1. Sometimes the number is simply automatically saved in the phone in phone book when activating the SIM card for the first time. It is recorded without your participation - this is a function of some telephone sets. Look, in your phone book you may have something like “ Your number", or "". However, this does not always happen, and this function does not work on all phones.

2. Therefore, there is another, more reliable way - a service from the Life operator, which allows you to find out your number using USSD request.

To find out your Life :) phone number, you need to dial a USSD request ✶161#, and press the call button. In response to this, a message will instantly be sent to your mobile phone indicating your Life phone number in international format.

3. As an option for the lazy - you can just call the Life operator to find out your number from him. But be prepared for the fact that you will be asked to confirm your identity by dictating your passport details. Therefore, if you don’t have your passport at hand, or you don’t remember its details by heart, the operator is unlikely to tell you anything.

4. The method is quite simple, but it doesn’t immediately come to mind. You can simply dial the phone number of any person who is ready to help you. It doesn’t matter who it will be - relatives, friends, or just someone who is nearby at the moment. The main thing is that this “someone” tells you the number that will appear on his screen when you call.

By the way, instead of calling, you can use the “call me back, please” service, but for this you need to enter a fairly large USSD request.

It would seem that Personal Area on the operator’s official website could also help you remember your Life mobile phone number, but in order to enter this very Personal Area, You will have to enter the number. And that’s exactly what we’re looking for, right?

It is quite easy to forget your number, especially if the SIM card has not been used by the subscriber for some time, or little time has passed since purchasing the kit in the salon. There are several ways to refresh your memory and remember your personal sequence of numbers. This article will talk about how to find out your number on Life.

Information options

There are several ways to obtain information such as a subscriber's phone number. In general, there are several main and most convenient options:
    call to mobile phone or a stationary device with caller ID; viewing documentation issued when purchasing a kit in a sales showroom; short command service; calling an operator; automatic voice system.
Let's take a closer look at each of the listed points and give an example of how to find out your phone number on Life.

View documentation or call another phone number

If the SIM card was purchased recently, then most likely the subscriber has not yet had time to throw away the documentation that came with the envelope with the SIM card. Here you can view information about your number. You can also call another number, this can be either a call to a cell phone or a landline phone with caller ID. The display will show a combination of numbers. Moreover, if the anti-identifier option is activated on the SIM card whose number you need to find out, then this method may not work.

Call to operator

How can I find out my number on Life in another way? For all questions, including such “banal” ones, you can contact the support line. The contact center consultant will provide the necessary information. For subscribers in Belarus, the toll-free call center number is 909 (or 920). Having selected the appropriate voice menu item, you must wait until the employee answers the call. For Ukrainian clients of the Life operator, the number is different - 5433. You can also call it free of charge and find out the information you are interested in.
The user has two options:
    call to operator; automatic voice system.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to wait for a specialist’s response; you can use the voice menu. By moving through its items, you can listen to the information of interest about the SIM card from which the call was made. Please note that for subscribers in Ukraine and Belarus, different phone numbers are used to dial contact centers. When connecting to a service subscriber services First of all, the client will be asked to select a language.

How can I find out my number on Life using the short command service?

Using the USSD service you can get any information about your number. The Life operator foresaw the need for subscribers to clarify their number and allocated a special combination of characters for this:
    *161# – this request will allow you to quickly clarify not only your number in international format, but also find out what tariff is activated on the SIM card on this moment. This combination is only suitable for residents of Ukraine. *115# is a similar request that can be used by subscribers in Belarus. The response message that will be sent to the SIM card from which the request was made will also indicate the tariff plan (its name).
These requests are carried out free of charge, their number is unlimited. For subscribers who are interested in how to find out their number on Life, it is recommended to save requests in the contact book. This will help in the future to quickly and without unnecessary actions remember the unique sequence of numbers.


This article talked about how to find out your number on Life (Belarus). Tips and recommendations for obtaining similar information in Ukraine were also provided.

You can check your balance on Life using the “Check Balance” service. To do this, you need to send the USSD command ✶ 111 # from your phone, and after a moment a message will appear on the device screen with information about the status of your Life personal account.

The Balance Check service is available at any time and anywhere, even when roaming. Today this is the simplest and quick way find out your Life balance.

Another way to check your Life balance is to use the SIM menu. Select the option there "Balances". After this, you will receive an SMS message with information about the balances on your main and bonus accounts.

How to check Life Belarus balance

To check the balance on Life on a Belarusian SIM card, send the USSD command ✶ 100 # from your mobile phone. In response, you will receive an SMS indicating the amount on your Life personal account, as well as the remaining traffic, minutes and SMM for your tariff plan.

How to check the balance of another Life subscriber?

Using the “Balance Control” service, you can track changes in the balance on the phones of your loved ones - Life subscribers. After connecting this service, you will receive SMS notifications every time the balance on the main or bonus account of the subscriber you are interested in drops below the established limit.

To use the “Balance Control” service, you must add the number of the desired subscriber to the list of controlled numbers. To do this, dial a combination like ✶ 123 ✶ 31 ✶ number # on your mobile phone. Instead of the word “number” you need to indicate the phone number of the subscriber whose balance you will check.

Afterwards, this subscriber must confirm the request to verify his personal account. Only then will the “Balance Control” service be automatically activated. One subscriber can control up to 5 other Life numbers and receive SMS notifications about a low balance on their account.

It would be foolish to argue with the banal statement that it is very important to control your spending on mobile communications services. And from here follows a conclusion that is incredibly simple: every normal person needs to know exactly how to check the lifecell balance.

By the way, does anyone else remember that lifecell is the old name of the Life operator? Yes, yes, that's true. And if there are still such mastodons left, they will understand and forgive us for sometimes using the same name “in the old fashioned way.” It's simpler and shorter, right?

So how do you find out your Life balance?

Yes, very simple!

Dial the USSD request on your phone *111 # or *121#.

In response, you will instantly receive a text message on your phone with complete and up-to-date information about your account balance.

Absolutely all Life network users have this opportunity, this function is free, and you can use this service at any time of the day or night, regardless of whether your account balance is positive or negative.

As a backup option, if you suddenly forget the combination of numbers in the request, you can use the text menu items of your SIM card.

In this menu you need to select the “Balances” item and press the call button.

After which, as in the case of a USSD request, a text message with the necessary information will be sent to your phone.

How to check Life balance for Belarusian subscribers?

The lifecell operator operates not only in Ukraine, but throughout the entire territory of Belarus, providing cheap and at the same time first-class quality communications. And, of course, the Internet too.

So how can you find out your lifecell balance if you are in Belarus? Yes, almost the same.

The only difference from the Ukrainian version is that the USSD request has different numbers: ✶100#.

Everything else is unchanged. After sending a USSD request, you will instantly receive all the necessary information about the status of your accounts - main and bonus.

How to check the balance of another Life subscriber?

By the way. Sometimes a service that allows you to monitor the balance status of another subscriber may be simply necessary. For example, if this “subscriber” is your child, or a person who cannot top up his account on his own, but with whom you always need to stay in touch.

In this case, lifecell can offer you the “Balance Control” function, which allows you to receive detailed information about the account status of another subscriber. And, of course, find out how much money he spent and when he needs to top up his account again.

In fact, this is a very convenient feature that can make it easier for you to take care of your loved ones.

The subscriber is informed about the account status of another subscriber when activating this service in the form of incoming SMS messages, which are sent at the moment when the user of interest has less than 5 hryvnia left in his account, as well as repeated notification about the balance of less than 1 hryvnia in his account.

You can activate the “Balance Control” function only after the subscriber whose account you want to control gives you permission to do so.

To receive it, you will need to send a USSD request ✶123✶31✶380ХХХХХХХХХ#, where 380ХХХХХХХХХ is the same number whose account you will need to track.

The service is activated only after the subscriber confirms your access to his account status.

In total, from one to five different Life subscribers can be added to such a list in order to receive messages with information about their accounts.

To view a list of all numbers of other users you control, you need to dial the USSD request ✶123✶32#.

And then it will be possible to remove certain numbers from the list, or simply view it.

In general, checking your Life balance is not difficult. If only there was a desire!

When buying a SIM card from a mobile operator, the first thing you need to know is how to check your Life Ukraine account. No matter how beneficial it is to you tariff plan, in any case, you need life regularly so as not to miss the day when you need to top up your balance or extend the service.

How to check your life account status

Checking your life account is very simple. just dial the special combination *111# and a message will appear on your phone with detailed description account status and availability of bonuses. To close the information, you need to press the end call button. For convenience, there are a number of alternative methods for checking your life account.

How to check your Life Ukraine account

If you know your phone's menu well, then you know where the "life:)-menu" option is located. This item will allow you not only to find out the balance status, but also to manage your number.

Look through the phone numbers on your SIM card. You will certainly find a standard set of numbers, where they are designated as life.

The standard number sets include combinations that allow you not only to find out what is left on your balance, but also to fully manage the number, enabling or disabling promotions, receiving detailed information about new offers, and changing the tariff plan. To call the menu, dial the combination:

  • *123# - Ukrainian language
  • *124# - Russian language
  • *125# - English

To manage your account, select item 10. There you will also find out your account status.

How to check your life account for bonuses

Depending on what tariff plan you have, the operator provides you with a certain number of bonuses. You cannot find out how many of them you still have in your main account; there is a bonus account for this.

Bonus using the combination *121#. You will see what bonuses are currently available to you and in what quantities. The validity period of the number will also be indicated there.

If something is not clear

We don’t always see what we expect: either there is not enough money, or bonuses have not been awarded. In this case, you need to contact the operator at 5433. This way you can resolve the problem with a representative technical support operator.

Life is one of the most creative and modern operators in the communications market in the Republic of Belarus. For the convenience of subscribers, mobile operator suggests using short commands, allowing you to quickly manage communication services.

Life USSD codes are text messages, similar to regular SMS, but they are used only within the network and to perform certain actions. Each command is responsible for enabling or disabling a specific service. To activate the necessary service, get general information or disable an unnecessary service, just enter: *digital code# and press the call key.

Today there are a number of useful commands USSD Life, let's look at the most commonly used of them.

general information

TO general information include information about the balance, the current tariff, connected packages and additional services. Find out what quantity Money is currently on the account, you can dial USSD command Life *100#. If the balance needs to be topped up, this can be done using the request: *100* code of the card used to top up the account#. You can activate or deactivate additional services using code 120. USSD request Life 200 is responsible for connecting/disabling video services, navigation services and social services. You can find out the Life USSD number and current tariff plan using the digital code 115.

If the subscriber actively uses mobile communications, then he probably has one or more “favorite” numbers installed. If the client wants to change it, delete it or add a new one, then they should use Life USSD request - 150.

Don't forget before digital code enter special character“*”, and after the code - “#” and the call key, without this the command will not work.

Opportunities with a negative balance

If an unexpected situation arises and the balance is 0, this does not mean that the subscriber is left without communication. The operator offers many services that you can use and quickly solve the problem.

The promised Life Belarus USSD payment can be used by all subscribers. The service is a loan from the operator to the subscriber. The client can use the money at his own discretion - connect/disconnect services, make calls, send messages.

By making such a request, the subscriber receives an amount of 2 rubles to his mobile account. On the first day, no fees are charged for using the money, but each subsequent day of using such a loan will cost 19 kopecks. The loan must be repaid 5 days after connection; if this does not happen, the operator will deduct money from the Life card automatically.

To quickly connect the “promised payment” service, you need to use the command - *120# and follow the prompts in the window that opens. Using the same command, you can send a request to the subscriber asking to call back.

How to quickly activate services?

If a subscriber needs to quickly connect additional minutes, SMS and Gigabytes of the Internet, then the following USSD requests from Life Belarus should be used:

When going on a trip, activate roaming, this will help you spend your money more economically:

  • 8401 – Russia;
  • 8402 – Ukraine;
  • 8403 – Poland;
  • 8404 – world roaming.

Please note that shipping USSD requests Life Belarus is provided free of charge, but connection/disconnection of services, options, services is paid in accordance with current tariffs, which can be found on the operator’s official website.
