How to send SMS messages in Skype? Skype text messages How to send a message on Skype

In this article we will discuss hidden possibilities Skype.
After reading the article you will be able to embed hidden emoticons, which are present in the program.
Learn to use admin and similar irc commands in Skype, as well as get other information about the call.
Let's start with the commands. All commands are entered in a chat window with another user or group of users.

The first and main one is:

Using it you will get a list of basic commands.

Chat commands:

/me- write text in third person (analogous to irc).
/alertsoff- turn off notifications (pop-ups) about messages.
/alertson- pop-up windows if the text you specify with this command is written in the chat (for example, your nickname).
/find- find text in chat.
/history- show chat history.
/htmlhistory- show chat history as html in the browser.
/clear- completely clear chat history.
/topic- change the name of the chat (if current chat permissions allow).
/fa or/- repeat the search with the last parameter. /eggy- there used to be something like eastern eaggs (Easter eggs), some kind of cool feature, but now they don’t work.

Commands for administering, adding and deleting chat users, as well as showing various information about the chat (accordingly, some require chat creator privileges to execute)

/add- add a user to the chat (by nickname in Skype).
/call- call someone by nickname in Skype.
/leave- leave the chat (impossible if you are the creator of this chat).
/clearpassword- remove password protection.
/goadmin- Places a "Creator" icon next to the creator's name in chat.
/info- show the current number of people in the chat and the maximum possible number of people.
/showmembers- show a list of chat participants and their privileges.
/kick- kick someone out of the chat by nickname.
/kickban- ban someone in chat by nickname.

Commands for obtaining information/get

/get allowlist- show people who have access to the chat.
/get banlist- show people who are banned in chat.
/get creator- show the conference organizer.
/get guidelines- view the chat rules.
/get xguidelines- reviewing some additional rules (the exact meaning is not clear).
/get options- view chat options.
/get password_hint- get a password hint.
/get role- find out your rights in the chat.
/get uri- displays a link to join your chat like: skype:?chat&blob=smth, by clicking on it in the browser you can immediately join the chat.

We set the parameters with the command/set

/set allowlist [[+|-]mask]- make a list of who can be added to the chat by mask.
/set banlist [[+|-]mask]- make a list of those banned by mask.
/set guidelines- set chat rules.
/set password- set a password (spaces in the password are prohibited).
/set password_hint- set a password hint.
/setpassword- set a password and password hint.
/whois- to know detailed information by nickname and his rights in the chat.
/setrole MASTER | HELPER | USER | LISTENER- transfer the chat user to a group (specify after setrole only one value at a time).
/get- show users by groups (specify after get only one value at a time).
/set usernames- transfer chat users to a group (specify after set only one value at a time).
/set options [[+|-]flag]- set various chat options.

Examples of /set options:(write like this: /set options option)
USERS_ARE_LISTENERS- mutes all users in the chat (who are part of the Users group).
USERS_ARE_WRITERS- in theory, cancels the action of silencing users (who are included in the Users group).
JOINING_ENABLED- users can be added to the chat, if disabled, they will not be able to.
JOINERS_BECOME_APPLICANTS- when this option is enabled, user approval from MASTERS or Creator is required to enter the chat.
JOINERS_BECOME_LISTENERS- everyone new to the chat will only be able to listen to the conversation.
HISTORY_DISCLOSED- when disabled, new users will be able to see messages added before they entered the chat (limit of 400 messages or a period of 2 weeks (depending on what is reached first)).
TOPIC_AND_PIC_LOCKED_FOR_USERS- prohibition of changing the conversation (chat) topic and chat picture for users.

More details about rights:

  • Creator— creator (administrator). Each chat can only have one participant with this role. The creator can appoint moderators and set options. All commands are available to him.
  • Master- moderator. Can remove participants from the chat, edit and delete messages, send to read-only mode, authorize.
  • Helper- "assistant". It is not affected by the USERS_ARE_LISTENERS option.
  • User- a regular chat participant, can send messages to it.
  • Listener- “listener”. Members with this role are allowed to read messages, but are not allowed to send.
  • Applicant— a participant awaiting authorization.
All roles on Skype are mutually exclusive (that is, a participant can only have one role).

H TML on Skype— use of HTML markup in messages sent in text chats of the Skype messenger in versions ≤5.7 for Windows. Skype allows limited use of some HTML markup. In order for it to be displayed in a message, you need to hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys, and then send a message to a conference or private chat by clicking on the “send message” button.
In the Linux version, you need to hold down the right Shift and Ctrl keys, and then send the message by pressing Enter. However, the result will not be visible. Also, in the Linux version, designs sent through Windows clients are not visible.
On Habrahabr in January 2012, the ability to send via Skype was announced simple pictures, composed using valid tags.
In the new version of Skype it is no longer possible to send HTML. But at the same time, the code sent from a lower version is displayed normally in the new version. To send a code you need Skype version ≤5.7

Only certain tags are supported, including those that are not recommended for use according to modern HTML and CSS standards. Element CSS styles are not supported. When you send a message with them, they will simply disappear.
HTML markup that works in Skype:
  • strikethrough ( );
  • underscore ( );
  • text color ( ), you can only use parameters like #aaaaaa;
  • bulleted and numbered lists (, );
  • external links (;
  • flashing text ( );
  • changing text size ( final test);
  • bold and italic ( and respectively);
  • HTML comments ().
  • quotes ( DisplayedName: Quoted text).
  • horizontal line (
Non-existent tags (for example, ) do not affect the formatting of the message in any way and simply disappear.
If at least one of the paired tags is not closed, then Skype will not allow you to send a message (the “send message” button will not work).
Practical application: more beautiful design replicas, shortening links using tags . Also, using tags, it becomes possible to send empty messages.
Disadvantages: the design is not supported in all versions of Skype, does not work via the API, may not be displayed when using non-standard clients, it becomes possible to covertly replace the target of a link with the expectation of users immediately clicking on the link and not checking its real purpose.

Pictures in a message on Skype

Skype is one of the recognized leaders among Internet instant messengers. Calls between users and on landlines, video calls, group communication make the program so popular. But communication via text messages is one of the most requested features.


Launch the application. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields. After this, the program will connect to the server for your authorization. A characteristic sound will notify you that you have connected and entered the network. Now you can start writing messages.

Select the user with whom you are going to communicate from the list. Right-click on it and click “Start Chat”. The mouse cursor will move to the corresponding field in another part of the program window. In this field you can enter a message to send to the user.

You can also left-click on the selected user, after which information about this user will open in the right part of the program window. Then move your mouse cursor to the field to send messages yourself. It is located at the bottom of the user information window. You can identify it by the inscription “Enter your message here.”

Enter the desired message text in this field. To send it, press the Enter key, or the icon in the form of a blue circle with a quote located on the right side of the text entry field. After this, the message will be sent to the user.

If you don't have the person you want to send a message to in your contact list, use the search. Select “Add new contact” from the “Contacts” program menu or click on the “Add contact” link at the bottom of the contact list. After this, a window will open in which you can search.

Enter the available information about the user you want to add in the appropriate fields. This could be an address Email, mobile phone, first and last name, Skype login. If there are several users in the system with the data you entered, you can view them all and select the one you need.

After that, click the “Add” button. The selected user will appear in your contacts list.

You can then send an SMS message to any contact with your saved phone number.

Android 4.0.4–5.1

Skype for Windows 10 (version 12)

  • On the "Chat" tab. Select private chat, from the drop-down menu above the message window select By Skype, and then the phone number.

Note. If a contact has multiple saved telephone numbers, you can select the desired number.

If the recipient of the message is located in the USA, has a Skype number, and also has an authentication set up caller, he can receive and respond to SMS messages on Skype. . Otherwise, when you send a text message via Skype, the recipient cannot reply to you on Skype. However, you can. In this case, the recipient will be able to reply to your SMS and the response will be sent to your mobile phone (and not to Skype).

A "message not delivered" error is sent by the recipient's carrier and then forwarded to Skype. Check the recipient's phone number, make sure you have enough Skype credit, and then try sending the message again.

If you are sending a text message to someone in the US, Skype only supports receiving SMS the following operators: Alltel, AT&T, Cellular One Dobson, Cellular South, Centennial, Cincinnati Bell, Nextel, Ntelos, Sprint, T-Mobile, Unicel, U.S. Cellular®, Verizon Wireless, Virgin Mobile USA.

If you have many friends or business contacts in the Skype communication program, it is absolutely not necessary to allocate time for each of them. Just send a newsletter to your contacts.

Instant messaging made easy!

For those who use Skype not from a computer or laptop, but from a phone, this will not be difficult:
1. Create a group chat.

To do this, you must first log into Skype and tap the new chat icon, which looks like a blue cross (or the words “new chat”) and is located in the upper right corner.

2. Select all those groups or contacts that will receive your message.

3. Type your message as you normally would and click the send button.

If, after all the procedures described above, a message appears on the screen stating that one or more participants in this chat cannot participate in it, it does not matter. Send them a message outside of chat that their version of Skype is outdated and to participate in group communication they just need to download new version programs.

Secrets of using chat

What else can you do in chat mode?

  • Sending an emoticon or moji.
  • Sending a photo or picture.
  • Make it and send it immediately new photo.
  • Send a video message.
  • Tell all participants about your location.
  • Send contact.

In addition, during communication in such a chat, it is possible to add more participants to an existing conversation. To do this, click on the chat title and select “add participants” or “invite”. You will also find commands in this context menu that allow you to:

  • Move this chat to favorites.
  • Work on notifications.
  • Enable or disable saving history for newly arrived participants.
  • Leave or delete an existing group conversation.

Universal mailing to contacts

This is a program that can work in tandem with Skype itself. She is engaged in mass mailing, and in some cases, also searching for contacts.

Depending on the version of Skype, one of the following programs may be suitable:

  • Skype Responder.
  • ClownFish.
  • Sendex.
  • Skype Magic.
  • Multi Skype Tools.

The third program from the list, Sandex, has proven itself quite well. “Clown Fish”, according to some reports, does not currently work on all devices, but “Responder” has the ability to quickly send a mass message, and this mailing is free.

Features of the program:

  • It is possible to search by different parameters among recipients. For example, by occupation or place of residence.
  • You can work with a group or groups of contacts rather than each mailing list member individually to save time.
  • After completing all the necessary settings and searching (if necessary), the message is sent with one button. It will be delivered in a second.
  • If old version the program stops working, you can download an updated version and install it again.
  • Judging by the reviews, “responder” is available to individuals free of charge.

So, to massively notify your friends, acquaintances or potential clients about something important, there are several ways to send the same messages. One of them is to create a group chat from your contact list. The second option is to install a special software compatible with the version of Skype installed on your device.

Skype offers a large number of opportunities for free online communication. In addition, using the program you can make calls and write SMS messages to mobile phones. Not all subscribers use this service, as they believe that it is expensive and inconvenient. In fact, this function can be useful, especially if you want to correspond with a person who is in another country.

How to top up your Skype balance

The service of sending SMS messages to a mobile phone via Skype is not free. Therefore, you should first top up your balance. If you've never done this before, don't worry - it's quite simple.

Note! If necessary, the money can be returned to your account if you no longer intend to use paid services, including sending messages. Done this action in accordance with the return rules published on the Skype developer website.

So, we will need to do the following.

  1. Let's launch the program.
  2. Click on the Skype menu at the top of the application window.
  3. Select the item " ".

After this, the web page will open in your default browser, which is correct, this is standard. On the open page you can perform the necessary operation and then send messages. First, select the amount that you will deposit into your Skype account. Please note that there are restrictions. The minimum amount should be 5 euros, the maximum – 25 euros.

You can top up your Skype account using: bank cards popular systems Visa and Master Card, and through electronic systems payments. In the latter case, WebMoney or Yandex.Money can be used. If you previously had a Yandex.Money wallet, but for some reason you did not, then you can restore the wallet or simply create a new one. It is impossible to say for sure how much an SMS on Skype costs. It all depends on where you are sending the message and the selected tariff. In any case, it will not be more expensive than your mobile operator.

How to send an SMS message

After the money arrives in your Skype account, you can send a message. To do this it is necessary to select desired contact. We click on it with the right mouse and from the drop-down context menu select Send SMS message. IN automatic mode A window should open to enter your mobile phone number (if you have not already entered it). Here you can select the phone type (work, home, etc.), region, etc.

Before writing an SMS on Skype, you can also enter and save your number. Thanks to this, the subscriber will know who exactly the message came from. But this moment you can postpone and do this action later.

Now a little about how to read SMS on Skype. Actually, this doesn’t present much difficulty, so it’s not difficult to figure it out on your own. Correspondence via messages is similar to how it is conducted in a regular chat. Please note that the length of the message should not exceed 70 Russian or 160 Latin letters. If there is more SMS, then Skype will count it as several messages, for each of which a fee will be charged.

Advice. If you want to send an SMS to a person who is not in your contacts, then simply add his phone number to the list in the usual way. Next, right-click on it and select the option that allows you to send a message.

Communicate via sms messages via Skype may be necessary. For example, if a person is not online, but his mobile is active. The average cost of a message is 5 euro cents, however, this figure may vary depending on the region and country where the subscriber is located. Anyway this form communication can be much cheaper than through an operator cellular communication. The fact that this is very convenient need not even be mentioned, since users Skype programs have long appreciated its merits, as evidenced by the popularity of the application all over the world.
