How to tell about an event in contact. Why are VKontakte events needed? Test "3 seconds" for an event

Regardless of the type of occupation, position held and focus of activity, each person may need a tool such as the creation and promotion of events in VK. First of all, event managers and heads of various entertainment projects can resort to it. But this knowledge may be needed by a wider range of users. So, how to competently approach this issue?

How to create and promote an event in VK

The event in VK itself represents some kind of event - usually a live meeting, less often - in online mode". This tool can be used for various purposes: from organizing an alumni meeting to launching a large-scale event project or flash mob. This can be either an event for a narrow circle of people who know each other, or an event with a wide audience of certain social network users. A special feature of this tool is that it can be used by any VKontakte user. To do this, there is no need to be a leader - anyone can create and promote a meeting in VK.

But for successful promotion you need to approach this issue quite seriously. In general, the ability to create and promote an event through a social network allows you to literally simple clicks launch a whole process to attract an audience. The success of an idea lies in its correct creation and further competent promotion, which is worth considering in more detail below.

How to create events: step-by-step instructions

Perhaps, now that it has become more clear what an event in VK is, we can directly consider the process of its creation. For ease of understanding, it is suggested to use screenshots in which you can clearly see the entire process. But before you start creating an event, you need to clearly understand its purpose and desired result. Initially, carefully consider:

  • what kind of event it will be;
  • where it will take place;
  • date and time of its holding;
  • event participants;
  • form of the event;
  • the purpose of creating the event;
  • ways to achieve the goal;
  • methods of promotion (we will deal with this issue further);
  • the time required to achieve the desired result;
  • and other nuances.

These main and many other – minor – points need to be thought through in advance. This approach will help you clearly understand the goal and ways to achieve it. It is also worth immediately considering possible problems in the implementation of ideas and ways to resolve them. Once you have decided on the specifics of your idea, you can begin to bring it to life. First of all, you need to go to the “Groups” section and select the “Create Community” button in the upper right corner:

By clicking on it, another window appears in front of us, in which we are asked to fill out basic information:

  • Name. In this column, you come up with a name for the event you are creating - all users will see the event under it.
  • Subject. By clicking on this line, you will receive a whole list of proposed topics, from which you are asked to choose one that interests you.
  • Type of meeting. There are two proposed options - open and closed. The difference between them is that in the first one people can be added themselves, and in the second one only the organizer can invite.
  • Start time. In the proposed windows you are asked to enter the date and time of the start of the event. Below there is a button “Specify end date”, which will allow you to, if desired, mark the day and time the event ends.
  • Organizer. Here you can choose yourself or the communities you manage (for group administrators and people with such permissions) as the event organizer.
  • Contact details. By clicking on the corresponding button you will receive a field for phone number and email. This will allow interested people to contact you to clarify the nuances.
  • Address. By clicking on the “Specify address” button, you will see a new window indicating the country, city, address and location of the event.

As for the choice of organizer, in this case you need to think about this question thoroughly. Initially, decide on whose behalf the event will be held. If this event is from a specific organization that has its own group, or from your community, then it makes more sense to put them on. This will allow the audience to understand that the event is being held as part of a particular activity. In the case of a meeting of classmates, you can put yourself as the organizer. When you list yourself as the organizer and host the event from a community or company, you can cause misunderstanding on the part of an audience that doesn’t know you (unless, of course, your person has already become famous). In this way, the number of possible participants can be mistakenly reduced. And vice versa - you do not need to choose your community as the organizer when creating an event with your friends. These points need to be clearly distinguished.

Event decoration

After creation, you need to properly design the event page. There are three main directions in the design of the created event:

  • Description. Here, describe in detail and clearly what kind of event you created, what it is for, and what its participants will receive from it (you can).
  • Cover. In other words, everything that affects visualization. This includes an avatar of the event page, thematic photographs and other visual design.
  • . The event administrator can add applications and widgets that provide additional capabilities to participants. Their full list can be seen in the screenshot below. It is worth noting that it is imperative to connect a chat so that participants can discuss various issues and even simple communication. If the event requires admission by tickets, then the appropriate opportunity for participants should be used. You can also connect “Donations” for additional (or targeted) financing of the event.

Arranging a meeting is largely done on the same principle as.

Promotion – invitation to a meeting

When adding participants, there are two options to consider: a small event within a specific group of people and a large event for a wider audience. In the first case, the event administrator himself can add participants; this process will not take much time. When creating a large-scale event that requires as many people as possible, you should use all possible options promotions:

  • Invitation from your friends list. Pros - free, cons - relatively small coverage, low conversion (not all friends will be interested in participating in a certain event).
  • Invitation from the list of community members. The essence is approximately the same as with inviting from a friends list, but only the coverage is greater.
  • Inviting from third-party communities. This is a kind of advertising: you look for a public page that suits you (preferably with a similar topic) and negotiate with its administrator about the possibility of adding its participants to your event. The price tag for this service can vary from 400 to 15,000 rubles, depending on the quality of the community from which you are going to invite people.
  • The most effective method of all available in the arsenal (it is better to contact the audience in advance). Its advantage is that it reaches the target audience. The disadvantages are the need to study the settings and the high cost of the service - with a budget of less than five thousand rubles, you don’t even have to bother here.
  • Advertising the event through posts in third-party communities and opinion leaders. Opinion leaders include well-known people in the topic area. For example, for a business conference these are famous entrepreneurs. Thus, you can buy posts from them or in other thematic communities and blogs, which will provide your event with advertising from the target audience. You can also try to negotiate with someone about this service for free (on mutually beneficial terms).


It’s not enough to just invite people to an event and send out advertisements. We still need to whet the interest of those who took part in the event. This is usually done through thematic posts on the event page. It can be:

  • news reports;
  • humor;
  • thematic posts;
  • surveys;
  • on your personal page;
  • offers;
  • etc.

It is necessary to interest people, to involve them in active participation in the development of the event. Ideally, they should feel like they are part of what is happening.


Thus, now you know the necessary tools for successfully creating and promoting events in VK. With practice, these skills will make you more aware of the need to use certain methods.

One of the useful functions of VKontakte is the creation of events to which you can invite your friends or acquaintances. For example, this may be relevant if you are planning to organize some kind of large-scale celebration, such as a wedding, party, or alumni meeting. In addition, you can create events on a larger scale, reaching your city or even the country. For example, this could be a concert, a festive event concerning residents of a certain area or region, a fair, etc.

How to do it?

To do this, you need to go to the “groups” section and click on the “create community” tab. Next, you will be presented with a choice where you need to determine the type of community. Here you need to select the third option “Event”. In addition, in this menu you must give a name to the meeting you organized. For example, it will be a party at the Chulan club. Once you name your event, click on the “create a community” tab below.

Select the “My Communities” section and click the “Create Community” tab Select the type of community “Event”

In the next menu you should fill in Additional information about this event. Let's take a closer look at these points.

  • Description of the community. In this window, it is recommended to enter additional information about this event. For example, here it would be appropriate to describe where it will be held, who is invited to this event, in honor of what it is being organized, as well as what is needed and who can attend it?
  • Next comes the type of meeting. There are two options here. The first type is an “open” meeting, where anyone can join the community and attend the event. This is especially suitable for some large-scale events, where the more people, the better. The second type of meeting is “closed”. This means that you can accept an invitation only with the approval of the community administration. This option is more suitable for a narrow circle of people, where the number of invitees is limited, and it is chosen by the organizers. In our case, the meeting will be “closed”.
  • The next item is your event link. Numbers can be replaced with logical text. For example, this may be relevant if you are going to use promotional brochures or invitations for your event. This way, your community's logical address will be easier to remember and find. If this is not important, then the address can not be changed, but left as standard.
  • In the “community topic” section, you can indicate from the proposed topics the one most suitable for your event. For example, it could be active recreation.
  • If your event is strictly for adults, and there will be something inappropriate for those who have not reached this age, then you can set the restrictions to 16+ or 18+.
  • If you have a website, you can also indicate it in the next column. For example, this could be a link to the website of your sponsor, or the institution where the meeting will be held.
  • Next, indicate the contact of the community organizer. In this case, the organizer can be a VKontakte user account. This is usually the one who creates the event. Or the organizer can be some VKontakte group. To make another VKontakte community an organizer, you must be its administrator.
  • In addition, you can indicate in the following fields the contact information of the event organizer, namely his phone number and email. This is necessary in order to conveniently contact you and clarify the details of this meeting.
  • The start and end time of your event. Here you need to indicate the date and time the party starts, as well as the date and time it ends, so that participants can plan their time in advance.
  • Well, in order for your invitees to know exactly where all this will take place, it is better to indicate on the map the exact coordinates of this club.

After you fill out all the fields, you can click on the “save” tab, which is located at the very bottom, after all the fields. After clicking, you will be taken to the created event, where you need to fill the community with content. For example, you can add photos of the establishment where everything will take place to your photo album to spark interest among those invited. To invite friends to your event, you can use the special “invite friends” tab under the community avatar. After clicking, a list of your friends will be displayed, from which you can choose who to invite. When this invitation is sent to your friend, he will have several options to choose from. He can click on the tabs: “I’ll definitely come,” “I might come,” or “I won’t come.” This way you can determine how many people will take part in this meeting.

“Events” are one of the types of communities in social network"In contact with". They can even come in very handy when the user is planning to organize an interesting party, mass meeting or concert to which a certain number of people need to be invited.

You will not have to send messages to each of those whom you would like to invite to this event; to do this, it will only be enough to create a community with “Event”, filling it with information about the upcoming event and adding desired friends to the list of invitees.

How to create your own “Event”

You do not need to have any rights to the site or special skills to create it. Everything is actually outrageously simple and very clear. All you need to do is:

– Go to the “My Groups” tab;
– Click “Create a community” at the top right;
– Select the type of community – “Events”;
– Enter the name of your “Event”;
– Click the “Create Community” button. Now your “Events” are ready!

By the way, you don’t have to think about the name of your event for a long time; you can change it at any time.

In order to find the “Events” that you created, you need to go to the “Groups” tab, then select “Communities” and at the top, in the “Upcoming events” block, you will see a list of your current “Events”.

To proceed to managing the “Event”, you need to do the following:

– Go to the “Events” page and select from the list what interests you;
– Under your avatar, in the right “Menu”, click “Community Management”.

In “Events” management, you will have access to four groups of settings:

– Full information about your “Event”;
– List of participants in the “Event”;
– “Black list” section;
– Various “Links”.

Let's take a closer look at the “Event Information” settings:

– Community description, address and name:
here you can indicate basic information about the event that is to take place.

- Event organizer:
Usually your “First Name” and “Last Name” are indicated here, and you can also indicate here in the form of your number mobile phone and E-mail addresses - additional information.

– What time does your event start and end?

– Place where the event will be held: here you can indicate all geographical landmarks, even attaching a map indicating the route.

– Possibility of setting “Privacy on the wall”: open, closed, disabled and limited. On the “Closed” wall, any comments will be disabled, and only entries can be made on behalf of the “Group”.

– Ability to Configure “Privacy of Videos, Photos and Audio Recordings”.

– Section “Materials”:
By connecting this section, on the main page of your “Event” you can place a block with absolutely any material, these can be pages with some texts, recordings, songs and much more, at your discretion.

– Possibility of Setting “Privacy of your event”: the meeting is held open or closed. Only after an invitation from the community administration will it be possible to join a closed meeting.

Now let’s look at the “Participants” section.

This lists everyone who has joined your community and will take part in your “Event”.

Here you can remove any of the participants from the meeting or appoint someone as the organizer of the meeting.

It will be possible to block users in the “Black List” settings section, for example, for spreading spam or some other sins.

How can you delete an “Event”

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely delete the “Event” you created on the site. However, it is possible to make sure that this “Event” is no longer displayed in “Upcoming Meetings” for all participants. To do this, you need to go to the “Meeting Information” Settings and change the start and end dates of the event to one that has already passed a long time ago.

You can also manually clear the name of “Events” and complete information about this community.

How to create an event in a VKontakte group? This question interests a number of users, together we will understand all the stages. The article will suggest detailed instructions for reference.

  1. It is aimed at young people.
  2. This audience is highly active on the Internet.
  3. The site has a simple interface, you can quickly understand the management.
  4. The portal works stably.
  5. Failures are very rare. Usually they are short-lived, and technical faults are quickly eliminated.
  6. You can use many useful features.
  7. I manage to communicate comfortably with friends.
  8. Create communities and gather people of similar interests.
  9. Listen to music and watch videos.
  10. The site is constantly improving and actively developing.

Among the many features is the ability to create events. But why are they needed?

  • It is possible to invite people to a specific meeting.
  • Invite them to a concert or performance, performances by interesting people.
  • Organize a meeting with subscribers.
  • You can invite members of your communities up to 5,000 people per day.
  • It is possible to notify people in advance about the event.
  • Spread the word as much as possible.
  • On the page you can report the latest news and make adjustments.
  • This function is very convenient to use.

Standard event creation

To create a new event you need:

  1. Go to the groups page.
  2. Click on the “Create Community” button.
  3. Select “Event” from the options.
  4. Indicate the name, topic, type of meeting, date and time, organizer, address, etc.
  5. After filling out the form, check the details carefully.
  6. If the information is correct, confirm the creation.
  7. A new community will appear in which you will be the administrator.

What features are provided:

You have successfully created a VKontakte event on behalf of a group. A week before the specified start date, public participants will receive a notification. They will definitely be notified of this event.

What to do if the meeting fails?

Many people know about the existence of events/meetings/meetings on VKontakte, but often underestimate all the benefits they could get from this tool. In today’s article we will talk in detail about the topic of meetings, and also tell you how to create an event in a VKontakte group. To conduct online promotions, you can make an appointment, this way you can find new people. Scheduling online meetings VK is an interesting business tool that is still little used, because you need to be able to organize an event or meeting.

Let's start with a definition. A VK event (or meeting) is a separate type of community designed to attract people to certain events. For example, a meeting, concert, birthday, training, etc.

Recently, events are increasingly used for promotion in the online sphere and information business (conducting various webinars, trainings, online courses, etc.). But also, people use them in other areas of activity, in particular to attract attention.

Many people still use public pages or groups for all this, although it would be much more effective to create a meeting. But we hope that after reading our article you will realize the usefulness of this tool and find applications for it in your work.

Your options when creating a VK meeting

By creating an event page, you can take advantage of the following benefits:

  • Unlike groups, you can invite members of your communities here - 5,000 invitations per day. Quite a bit of! Is not it?
  • But if you invite your friends, then everything is according to the standard - no more than 40 invitations per day.
  • As your event approaches, everyone who clicked “Going” or “Maybe Going” will receive a notification. This way, you don't have to worry about reminders or anyone forgetting.
  • VKontakte users will be much more willing to look at information on the internal pages of VK than on other third-party sites (fear of getting a virus, spam, etc.).
  • Very convenient in situations where your event is held repeatedly. Since it is possible to change the date to a new one. This way, you won't have to create the appointment again, and people will be notified again.
  • Everything that is posted on the event wall will also appear in the news feed. Everything works here as in regular groups.
  • The interface is tailored specifically to the holding of a particular event. It's quite convenient. In public it would look like a regular post.

As you can see, there are a number of advantages here that no other tool has. This is why meetings are one of the most effective ways attracting people to a particular event.

How to create a meeting or event on VKontakte

The process of creating an appointment is quite simple. It is no different from creating an ordinary public page or group.

Let's move on to the instructions themselves:

  1. Go to “Groups” and click the “Create Community” button.

  1. In the window that appears, enter a name and select the type - event.
  2. Please select a topic below.

  1. Click the "Create Community" button.

After completing the steps, the meeting will be created. Now our task is to set it up and start inviting people.

VK meeting settings

If you followed all the steps in the instructions above, you should have been redirected to the settings page for the created event.

On the right are the main sections: settings, sections, comments, links, working with the API, participants, messages, applications.

The main section is “Settings”. It looks like this:

All the necessary information is configured here. Let's talk about this in more detail:

  1. Name. Here you can change the name of your event at any time.
  2. Description. You will need to add additional information in this field. For example, write in more detail what will happen at the event, conditions of participation, etc.
  3. Type of meeting. You can choose one of two types:
    1. Open – anyone can participate;
    2. Closed – participation can only be done by invitation from the administrator. This function is mainly used in situations where it is necessary to invite a limited number of people.
  4. Community cover. By clicking the "Upload" button you can add a cover image for your meeting. Everything here is like in a regular group.
  5. Page address. Here you can edit the address of your meeting page. Instead of a numeric ID, enter a nice name.
  6. Community topic. You specified it when creating it, but you can change it at any time if you wish.
  7. Age restrictions. This item is intended to limit access based on age. This function plays the role of a disclaimer.
  8. Web site. In this line, you can add a URL to a site where people can get more detailed information, buy a ticket, apply, etc.
  9. Organizer. You can specify either a user or a community as the event organizer. Also, by clicking the “Contact Details” button, two fields will appear: one for phone, the second for e-mail.
  10. Start time. Here you can specify the start date and time of the event. It can also be edited. And by clicking the “Specify end time” button, you can specify the end date and time of the event.
  11. Location. This item is necessary for real meetings (not online). By default, the city of the event creator will be indicated, but it can be changed.

For all changes to take effect, click the “Save” button.

When working with meetings, some managers often make mistakes and encounter certain problems.

  1. Be proactive about your event: add and update content. Don’t assume that creating an event and inviting people is enough. The more active and interesting a community is, the more people will be interested in it.
  2. Add media content from your past meetings (if any). For example, videos or photographs.
  3. If there are additional sites or groups, then add links to them in the “Links” block.
  4. Invite new members daily.
  5. Fill out all the fields possible in the settings so that people have as few questions as possible. There are situations when people are afraid or embarrassed to ask for the date, place and other information. As a result, they do not attend the meeting.

Bottom line

So, we looked at the topic of events on VKontakte: how to create, how to set up, what are the advantages and what capabilities do they have. Now you know a great way to attract people to a particular event.

We hope our article was useful to you.
