Register two facebook pages for one number. Registering a personal page on the social network Facebook. Difference between login and registration

. For a fake profile, you cannot use your existing email address, it is better to create one new address, which will only be used when registering a new account.
  • This new email address should not be used for other sites or services that require an email address to be associated with you (such as logging into a bank account or for any subscriptions).
  • To create a new one email address use another email service (different from the one with which your main email address is registered). For example, if you used a Gmail address when you signed up for your current account, use Yahoo or Outlook for your new email address.

Consider new personal information. IN social network You shouldn't give away too much personal information, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Interests and hobbies- come up with a list of things that will interest your fake user. Think about hobbies, daily activities, favorite pastimes.
  • Date of Birth- select a date of birth that matches the approximate age of your imaginary user. Your date of birth may vary depending on the preferences and interests you indicate in your new profile.
  • Name- Choose a name that is common enough that it won't attract too much attention, but not so common as to arouse any suspicion. You should not choose common pseudonyms (for example, “Vasya Pupkin”). Think about the name that was popular among children in the expected year of birth.
  • Understand what the “less is more” rule means. It's okay to add a few believable details to your account that no one can confirm or deny, such as photos, interests, current location, but don't overdo it! By adding information that people can check (and realize is false), you undermine people's trust in your new profile, and it may even end up getting reported as fake.

    • For example, you shouldn't list a specific school or job on your account because it's fairly easy to determine whether you actually worked for that company or attended that school.
    • The less precise details there are in your new profile, the more believable it will look.
  • Try to minimize the similarities between your real and fake profile. This includes the fake profile's current location, age, name, interests, job, and so on. All these points should be noticeably different from your real profile. In addition, you need to change the way you communicate.

    • For example, if on your real page you always pay attention to correct spelling and punctuation, on a fake page, try not paying attention to the grammar.
    • Things like your age and interests cannot be verified by anyone, so feel free to make them up without fear of getting caught.
    • Also, on a new profile, you shouldn't add as friends more than one or two people that you have as friends on your real page, and never add two people that you couldn't know unless you were in a certain place (for example, at school or at some event).
  • Add real photos to your profile. Once you post a photo from Google or Yandex, you will probably be caught for stealing content. So make sure to take real photos and post them on your new profile. But first, make sure that these photos do not contain any details that would give away your actual location.

    • For example, instead of a photo of a street in your hometown, you could upload an image of a field or meadow.
  • Don't show your real face. Of course, you don't want anyone to match your real face with your fake profile. Therefore, you should not post photos with your own image.

    Like the pages. Like pages that the owner of your fake profile might like, and they will be added to your profile information in the Likes section. This is an easy way to add depth to your profile.

  • Show, don't tell. People rarely talk about their personality and other mundane things. Simply listing facts about yourself in hopes of filling in the blanks on your profile will only make people on your friends list suspicious.

    • Instead, you can show what kind of person you are by adding information to the About section, liking pages, indicating your interests, and so on.
  • Limit communication via Messenger. This is another example of the “less is more” rule: the more you talk about yourself or your activities, the easier it will be for another user to understand that your profile is fake. Unless you absolutely have to discuss something in private messages, consider not using Messenger at all.

    • If you do use Messenger, be aware of the grammar and other communication techniques specific to your posts (for example, if you write informally in your posts and do not pay attention to literacy, do the same in Messenger).
  • Be an active user. Most Facebook users are quite active throughout the day, so it's important to add friends, like posts, post occasionally, and update your job or contact information.

    • You can use incognito mode in your browser so that you can use your fake profile without leaving your real profile.
    • If you want to take a break from using a fake profile, consider posting a relevant status, such as “Going on Vacation.” When you log back into your profile after a break, you can even post a few “vacation” photos.
    • Publish posts from time to time - this way you can build trust in your page and your updates among users. For example, you can publish a post about your work anniversary.
  • The other day the thought occurred to me, why not develop the group into Facebook? It seems like there are good earnings there, and bands are sold for decent money.

    I scratched my turnip and decided that I could try it. Moreover, Misha promises to help me, I can’t cope without him ❤

    I’ve never used Facebook before, and so has everyone I know. Who even sits there when there is VC And OK, Well Instagram more? That's what I thought before I decided to create an account there.

    All kinds of social media gurus present Facebook as a promising and attractive network, on a par with Instagram. The Russian-speaking FB audience is constantly growing, moreover, this audience is adult, financially secure and serious. We will check this statement.

    Well, let's start, at the same time, and see what's going on. Let's go to and there are immediately fields for registering a new user.

    We enter our data: first name, last name, phone number, come up with a password, indicate the date of birth. And we register.

    The profile has been created, and an SMS will be sent to the specified phone number for confirmation; in the upper right corner you will need to enter the code from the SMS. When we have done this, the profile is at our disposal:

    To fill out your profile as little as possible: add an avatar by clicking on the camera icon, upload a general background in the same way, and fill out the questionnaire information in this square below.

    While I was filling out my profile, Facebook was dull, offering strange options for answers to the questionnaire questions, did not allow me to download Favorite photos, in short, disgraced its creator in every possible way:

    But I managed to do it anyway and filled out some basic information about myself with great sorrow. In fact, if this is a work account and not a personal one, then it is not necessary to fill out anything other than an avatar and background.

    It’s good that Facebook does not require you to install your personal photo on your avatar, as in OK, for example. Of course, I could post a lot of glamorous photos with lips in the shape of a chicken butt, but I need this account for work and I wouldn’t want to show off my face there. I'll put this kitty, who, by the way, is much more beautiful than me.

    This is how the profile turned out:

    If you need to remove unnecessary information from your feed about the fact that you added a photo or changed the cover, then click on the arrow next to the event and click hide from Timeline.

    Some kind of Chronicles of Narnia, damn it ☺

    IN Facebook This is the name of the account feed and the group feed. And when you fill out information about yourself, inscriptions appear in your chronicle, even dated to your birthday.

    I am not kidding. Judging by my chronicle, as soon as I fell out of my mother’s womb, I already checked in on FB:

    Why this was done is not clear. And such entries cannot be hidden from the feed - only deleted, but then the data about you disappears. Well, okay, it's not that important.

    In general, the account is ready for work or entertainment, it all depends on your desires. In the next article I promise to tell you how I created the group and about my first experiments in recruiting subscribers. Keep your finger on the pulse.

    Very often, users ask how to merge multiple Facebook accounts. In fact, such a possibility in standard interface No. However, there are workarounds. Unfortunately, the method proposed in the article will not allow you to transfer and recreate absolutely all your data. But it's better than nothing.

    So, what kind of unification are we talking about? we're talking about? Let's say you had a Facebook account that, for some reason, no longer suits you. We created a new account, but what about the content, likes, friends, comments and everything that was “acquired through back-breaking labor”?

    Creating an archive

    As a first step, I recommend using the standard function to create and download an archive with account data. This procedure may take some time. The resulting archive will be useful to you in any case if you suddenly decide to delete your account or lose access to it (unfortunately, Facebook can consider you an intruder at any time and block your account).

    For creating backup copy data, go to account settings, tab Are common, button Download a copy of your Facebook information in the lower part.

    This will take you to a page where you can download the information and get a copy of what you've shared on Facebook.

    Now click on the button Start creating an archive. In addition, you can also download extended archive follow the corresponding link below. It is advisable to download both archives. The first is the data itself, the second is the history of account changes, which is also very useful.

    Now you have to be patient. Depending on how long ago and how actively you maintained your account, creating an archive may take a long time. Up to several hours.

    You will see a window like this on your screen. There is no need to look at it and wait for completion. When the operation is completed, you will receive a notification by email, after which all you have to do is download the prepared archive.

    Restoring Friends

    As mentioned above, you will not be able to restore or transfer absolutely all of your data, including your friends. You must manually add contacts in the new account. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn't yet have a feature for exporting and importing friends.

    However, you can import contacts from accounts such as Skype or Gmail. So if you have the contact details of most of your friends outside of Facebook, then this is not such a problem. Go to your new Facebook account and import contacts from any service convenient for you (even from a CSV file) through the standard function Invite friends.

    Be sure to read our long-standing article on the topic. Using this method, you can easily download the resulting CSV file and send out invitations to everyone in your new account.

    What do you have to lose

    The worst part is that there is no automatic import of information that you have downloaded as an archive. The archive contains photographs, correspondence, videos, publications. But you will have to download all this and place it on your new timeline. manually. Re-set privacy, re-place friends in photos, re-set content access markers, subscribe to pages and join groups. Because there will be no usual chronicle and news feed. Everything will have to be created manually from the archive. And this is a huge piece of work for any active user.

    Disable or delete old account?

    If you decide to disable or delete your old Facebook account, then be sure to add the new account to the admins of all your pages and groups, if you have one. Otherwise you will lose access to everything. In addition, the services and applications where you registered with your Facebook account will no longer be available. You will have to manually register/log in with a new account.

    After you complete all the preparatory processes and make sure that you no longer need the old account and that no important services are tied to it, it is no longer listed as an administrator anywhere, etc., you can safely send a request to delete the entire account .


    Even though Facebook allows you to download an archive of your account, there is still no standard or normal third party solution to “move” from one account to another.

    If you have had experience moving data, share your experience in the comments. What tools did you use, how long did it take to set up, how painless was the move?

    Facebook plans to introduce fees for using the service

    Facebook is free service , and will never require payment of fees for further use of the site. However, you can purchase Facebook credits, which can be used to send gifts or to purchase goods, applications and games.

    Also, if you want to use Facebook on your mobile phone, Please note that fees may apply for internet use and/or text messages in accordance with the tariffs of the mobile operator.

    Minimum age to register on Facebook

    User age, creating an account on Facebook must be at least 13 years old.

    Is it possible to create one Facebook account for several people?

    Facebook accounts are intended for individual use. This means they do not allow joint accounts. In addition to one email address, you can only register one account on Facebook, since each account belongs to one person, the social network management requires that each account be represented under a real name. This allows users to always know who they are talking to. When you create an account, you can use data from third-party services to see your contacts with any of your friends in one place.

    Why did I receive an invitation to register on Facebook?

    This message was sent because someone is inviting you join Facebook. Facebook allows its users to send invitations to contacts by entering their email address or adding contacts.

    If you're already using Facebook, this may mean that your friend has given out their email address, which is not currently associated with your Facebook account. If you want, you can add an email address for your Facebook account to ensure you don't receive invitations in the future register on Facebook.

    If you are not yet a member and want to join Facebook, you can use this email address to begin the registration process. If you do not want to receive invitations from friends, you can use the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of the email messages you receive.

    How do I know if I have a Facebook account?

    If you created Facebook account earlier - you can find it. You will need the email address, phone number or username associated with your account. You can also find your account using your friend's Facebook name. Once you find your account you can reset your account password. You can then resume using your account or delete it.

    Create a new Facebook account

    How do I register on Facebook?

    create a new account

    After filling out the registration form, you will receive a message to the specified email address. Simply click on the confirmation link to complete the registration process.

    Difference between login and registration

    Facebook Registration

    If you don't have a Facebook account, you can create one in a few simple steps. To create a new account, fill out the registration form at by giving your full name, date of birth, gender and email address. Then choose a password.

    Login to Facebook

    If you already have a Facebook account, you can log in to it on the same page. Simply enter your email address and password in the appropriate fields at the top of the page and click the Login button.

    Facebook Password Requirements

    The generated password must contain at least 6 characters and consist of a sequence of numbers, letters and punctuation marks. If the password you enter is not strong enough, try mixing it with large lowercase letters, or simply making it longer.

    Ideally, the password should be easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to figure out. For security reasons, the password should also be different from other passwords you use on the Internet.

    How do I add a security question?

    The security question is in a useful way confirmation of rights to your account if you lose access to it. The security question for your account can be set to Security settings:

    1. Click the ↓ button in the top right corner of any Facebook page and select account settings.

    1. Click Safety in the menu on the left.
    2. Select the Fund Management section and follow the instructions.

    Note: This section will not appear if you have already created a security question.

    Tips for choosing a good security question:

    • Choose a question and answer that you can remember;
    • Keep your secret question and answer safe;
    • Try to make the answer so specific that it is impossible to guess.

    Create a Facebook account using your mobile phone

    How to register on Facebook using a mobile phone

    Using a mobile device:

    1. Go to
