How to set up speed dialing on a Xiaomi smartphone? Third-party solutions for recording and listening to phone calls

Xiaomi, which has already filled the entire world of portable electronics, never ceases to amaze us with its new devices. Every person who more or less follows the modern world of technology has heard about the Mi Band 2 product, the main purpose of which is to regulate activity and track basic vital signs. But besides this, the tracker has a number of other useful functions:

  • Call and message notification (shows the number of the caller and the message sender, as well as their names);
  • Unlocking a smartphone at a distance (often the distance between devices should be from 3 to 5 meters);
  • Heart rate monitor, pedometer (calculates sleep phases based on basic vital signs).

Thus, Mi Bend 2 is a universal gadget not only for sports fans, but also a convenient accessory for ordinary users. The function of Mi Band 2 to display the caller's name is not only in great demand today, but also raises a lot of questions during the process of setting it up. The main difficulty is determining and displaying the caller's contact in Russian.

Setting up Mi Band 2 - setting the Russian language for the caller's name

As for the installation itself, it can be done using the Mi Fit application. Only the English version of the application is available in the Play Market and App Store. For Android, the Russian version can be downloaded, and how to install the Russian version of the application on iOS, read. The workflow after installing the application is as follows:

  1. Log in to the application and connect the tracker to your smartphone;
  2. In the application settings, enable “Call notification”;
  3. Remember which items you need to select to unlink and re-link your Mi Band 2 to the application and close it;
  4. In the phone settings (Advanced settings - Language and input - Languages, this is for MIUI) select Chinese language (see the screenshot of what it looks like). It is important to remember the path here or take screenshots so that later you can easily return the Russian language back;
  5. Open MiFit and wait about a minute. If it doesn’t start, try unbinding and linking the device again. In any case, you need to ensure that an update is installed on your bracelet containing the fonts needed for the Cyrillic alphabet;
  6. We return the Russian language in the phone settings and reboot it.

Now on Mi Band 2 the caller's name will be displayed correctly in Cyrillic.

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Mi Band 2 on iPhone

How to set up notifications for calls and messages on an iPhone running on the iOS platform?! Is this setting different from setting up smartphones running Android?!

Such requests appear on the Internet quite often, although Mi Band 2 is essentially no different in use on both Android and iOS devices. The only nuance that many users miss is the English language in the Mi Fit application. But you just need to change the language of use to Russian in the smartphone settings and in the application it will also be highlighted as one of the options for use. After which you can again return the language that is convenient for you on your smartphone, but at the same time the tracker application will already have Russian.

As a result, Mi Band 2 will be an excellent gadget that will not only provide constant and stable control over your health, but, in addition, will complement the functionality of the smartphone and facilitate the user’s interaction with it. Providing good quality and an affordable price of the device, as well as the function of setting the name of an incoming call on the Xiaomi Mi Band 2, it should be said that this device will be an excellent solution not only for people who care about their health, but also for those who simply would not like to miss calls that are important to you.

Due to the great popularity of Xiaomi gadgets, questions about setting them up are increasingly being asked on the Internet lately. One of the most common problems for an inexperienced user is the need to set up a “fast dialing” service or how to set up a speed dial on a Xiaomi smartphone.

This feature significantly saves time spent on dialing. This article describes the procedure for setting up the Quick Dial function and its features.

Quick number on Xiaomi (Xiaomi)

Previously, in the era of push-button phones, quick dialing was very easy to set up. The required number was attached to a button. Now, in the era of smartphones, the procedure for setting up a quick dial has changed slightly, as has the quick call function itself.

The first step in setting up speed dialing is to find the number that a person wants to link to speed dialing in the smartphone contacts list.

Speed ​​dial

After the above steps, a small additional menu will open. In it you need to select an option for what will happen if you click on the shortcut of this contact on the home screen. There are 2 options: opening the menu for this contact, or instantly dialing the number. We select the second option, and when you click on the shortcut, the number will be dialed immediately.

In today's article we will tell you what SIP telephony is and how to use this service on Xiaomi smartphones.


This type of communication makes it possible to make calls via an Internet connection to numbers of mobile, landline or VoIP operators. This technology allows you to save a significant amount of money, due to the fact that the tariffs are much lower (and often free) than those of any of the mobile (or other) operators. This is especially true for international and long-distance calls, roaming and other options. In addition, this type of communication does not tie you to a specific place or phone number; you have the opportunity to use SIP telephony services anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection. In most cases, setting up such a connection requires additional software, but with the proprietary MIUI shell, they provide this opportunity using already pre-installed (standard) tools. So, how to set up SIP telephony on Xiaomi?

The first thing you need to do is register on one of the VoIP telephony services, get your credentials, which you will subsequently need to set up your smartphone and be able to make calls using this type of communication. There are a huge number of providers providing such services. By going to their websites and checking out the tariffs, you can find the best option for yourself. What should you pay attention to when choosing a provider? Basically, this is, of course, where (to or from which country) you plan to call the most. Based on this and the proposed tariff plans, you can easily choose the one that best suits your requirements. Don’t forget that most providers, when registering for their service, issue some kind of ID (number). When making calls from one ID to another (one operator), the calls will be absolutely free and all you need for this is a more or less stable quality 3G (4G) or Wi-Fi connection. When calling landline or cell numbers, you will be charged according to the tariff plan, so the account you created must have a positive balance, otherwise you simply won’t be able to call.

After choosing a provider, registering, receiving the necessary registration data and replenishing the balance (if necessary), you can proceed to setting up your smartphone.


There is nothing complicated here. It is necessary to register the data received from the provider in the appropriate section of the smartphone settings. Going to “Settings”, select: “System applications” - “Phone” - “Advanced settings”.

In order to enter your account data, click “+” at the bottom of the screen, enter your credentials (“Username”, “Password”, “Server”), and click “Save”.

If, for the service (specific provider) to work correctly, you need to specify additional settings (Proxy server, Port, Protocol, etc.), you need to go to “Advanced settings” and fill in the required fields, then “Save” the changes.

For the service to work correctly, you also need to select “For all calls” in the “Use SIP telephony” settings, and also activate the “Receive incoming calls” item

After all the settings listed above, when making a call, in the selection point from which SIM card * make a call, the option will be available using “SIP telephony”.

* In order to display the choice of which SIM card to make a call from (or using SIP telephony), the smartphone must have 2 SIMs installed.

Having talked about this opportunity when using a smartphone, it would be wrong to keep silent about the fact that this opportunity also exists when using the so-called “landline connection,” namely landline (landline) phones. There are a huge number of phones on the market that support this technology. In addition to the ability to make calls via a standard telephone cable, these devices (due to the fact that they have a special port for connecting to the Internet) can also make calls using SIP telephony.


Today we told you how you can significantly reduce the costs of making international (and not only) calls. And even if you don’t have a need for this all the time, then no one rejects the existence of this opportunity when going on vacation, for example. If you take care in advance and set up the ability to make calls to your friends and family using SIP telephony before your trip, then you will either reduce the cost of negotiations to “zero”, or you will communicate at rates that, in most cases, are much cheaper, than tariff plans of mobile operators provide (even when using a “local” SIM card), especially in roaming.

If the information voiced during a phone call is needed for later playback, it is recommended to write it down. For this purpose, the function of recording telephone conversations on Xiaomi is intended, which belongs to the built-in version. It is available for every type of MIUI shell.

It is worth considering that the legislation of the Russian Federation imposes certain restrictions on recording calls, because this action falls under Article 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. According to it, citizens of the country have every right to demand confidentiality of correspondence, conversations by telephone, mail, telegraph and other communications. Accordingly, the owner of a Xiaomi smartphone can record conversations, but only he has the right to listen. Please note that it is not permitted to disclose these records, otherwise it will be interpreted as a violation of the law.

How to enable call recording on Xiaomi

By clicking on the “Calls” icon, you find yourself in the dialer submenu. At its bottom there is a “Menu” key.

After clicking, the “Settings” sub-item appears.

Then a menu will appear to your attention, the second item is “Call Recording”. Activate the function (the message “Enabled” will appear). In order for it to be carried out automatically, you need to select the “Automatic recording” item. If you want to receive information that a call is being recorded, then click on the slider located at the top of the screen on the right, which is responsible for displaying notifications.

For the convenience of users, there are 3 mode options: each phone call, exclusively selected contacts or unknown numbers.

Where is the recording of a conversation saved on Xiaomi?

You can access saved files in the following way:

Third-party solutions for recording and listening to phone calls

Thanks to the functionality of the Android OS on Xiaomi smartphones, you can use third-party programs, which are easy to find on Google Play. Their advantage is that you can select an application that best meets your needs in terms of interface and functionality, and also allows you to make individual settings.

There are also certain disadvantages, because downloaded applications cannot guarantee uninterrupted operation of the software. Another disadvantage is higher battery consumption.

Automatic Call Recorder

A positive feature is that the program is distributed free of charge. It can be easily customized and rarely causes errors in the OS. Please note that you will be constantly offered a variety of advertisements, which you can only get rid of by purchasing the paid version.

The user can automatically record conversations and then save them to Google Drive and Dropbox. In order to simultaneously receive information from the line and microphone, you need to select Voice Communications in the source settings.


It is characterized by an excellent level of sound reproduction, so there are no problems when listening to saved files. The information is saved to the cloud, you can protect it with passwords, and you can also choose to receive records only from selected contacts for free. For the convenience of users, it is possible to add text notes, as well as save formats: MP3 and WAV. The application is free.


It is recommended to download the program for devices with Android version 6 and higher. Among the shortcomings, I would like to note that there is no voice recorder, and the last updates were carried out more than 3 years ago. The advantages lie in truly flexible settings.

In order to listen to the saved information, you only need to go to the place where the recorded data is stored, for example, in the cloud or the internal memory of the phone.

Your smartphone does not offer a choice of which of the two SIM cards to make a call from? In this article you will find detailed instructions with attached pictures on how to set up Xiaomi so that when making a call you are always offered a choice of which SIM card to call from Sim-1 or Sim-2, as well as how to make sure that all calls are from only one SIM card. Perhaps this information will be suitable not only for Xiaomi smartphones, but also for other Android devices. Sometimes, after purchasing a phone with two SIM cards, the owner may encounter a problem when outgoing calls come from only one SIM card, even though the phone has two SIM cards. And it happens that by chance you or someone else, for example children, in the settings, instead of the phone asking which SIM card to call from, installed one specific SIM card. An experienced user can easily change the settings to ask which SIM card the call came from or only from the desired SIM card, but a simple user may not be able to find a solution to this problem on his own. I hope the information below will help in solving your problem. Good luck!!!

Let's see how to configure Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite with Android 8.1 and similar Android devices to always give a choice of which SIM card the outgoing call was made from. Open on Android. To do this, do a swipe, that is, pull down from the top edge of the screen and call up the menu for quick access to useful functions. In the menu that appears, select the gear icon.

In the menu that opens on the screen, select Network and Internet as shown in the picture below. Next, select the Sim card item and then go to the item Phone calls where do we choose Always ask. Look at the screenshots below and everything will become clear. If you need calls to Xiaomi to always come from only one selected SIM card, then select the one from which outgoing calls will always be made.

I hope the information on how to configure Android so that when they call you are offered a choice of which SIM card to call from was useful. Don’t forget to leave a review and indicate the model of the device to which the information above is suitable or not, so that other smartphone owners will receive useful information from you.

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