Where to get real followers on Instagram. How to get a lot of subscribers on Instagram: a review of methods, effective methods and reviews. Subscribe to other people's channels

How to gain followers on Instagram? When your journey on Instagram is just beginning, it's quite interesting to guess and anticipate how many followers your new account will eventually gain. However, the hard truth is that your first 10,000 followers will be the hardest to gain. Why? Because no one knows you yet. You have yet to prove yourself as a brand or influencer. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to become popular. Follow this guide and by the way, we also recommend studying our article:. And you'll learn how to get your first 10,000 followers on Instagram in just six months and...

Important! If you have no subscribers at all, then you look like no one needs you. Therefore, at first you can buy a small number of subscribers for the sake of appearance, I recommend the kwork freelance exchange for this, where you can buy from 1000-5000 subscribers for 500 rubles.

Join thematic self-help groups

For beginners, this tactic is ideal. Most likely, many are familiar with recently created Instagram accounts that were able to gain subscribers literally before our eyes. What did they do for this? They joined mutual aid communities.

And although it may initially seem that it is better to join large communities, a more optimal and useful option is to stick to your niche. Fortunately, you can find groups on almost any topic: weddings, travel, appearance, fashion and much more.

In such groups, you can get followers and likes from accounts with similar interests and focus. However, if you are serious about getting attention, you should also follow other accounts, like them, and interact with other followers in any way possible.

There are cases where completely new accounts managed to gain 2,000 new subscribers in just a couple of weeks.

Yes, it is unlikely that this will help with sales. However, this method allows you to gain your first subscribers. Still, several hundred or even thousands of subscribers inspire more trust than just 38. For beginners, the path is ideal. Therefore, this strategy is more short-term and is designed for the first few weeks of promotion.

Attention: On January 27, 2020, the course “” starts from a reputable online school with 5 years of experience - “ConvertMonster”. The course consists of 98% practice and 2% theory, two months and 32 hours of classes with homework and curators - not theorists, but practicing marketers.

You will learn the latest trends: a new principle for ranking posts, Shopping Tags, advertising in Stories, live broadcasts and videos for IGTV, polls in ads for Stories, Instagram business card, Story Highlights.


When I created an Instagram account for my store, my entire publishing strategy consisted of only one thing - reposting other people's content. The only way do it legally and not be considered a shameless thief - indicate the original owner of the image in the description of the post. By the way, Instagram recently made an innovation: now you need to ask permission to publish someone else’s content.

At the very beginning, I took screenshots and added them to my Instagram. But what really made my page take off was the app. It allowed me to repost video content. One of the biggest boosts to the account's development was the repost of the video, which received more than 52,000 views, and also received over 1,200 comments and 9,100 likes. Although at that time I didn’t have 10,000 people following me.

Why did I post someone else's content on Instagram instead of my own?

Because it's easier this way. Plus, videos and photos I take will never be as good as someone else's. Well, at least I'm honest!

How did I understand what exactly needed to be reposted? I analyzed the numbers.

I became quite an active user and studied the lists of hashtags I had selected. I tried to find the most impactful posts that were published by ordinary people, and not by large communities and competitors. Afterwards, I studied video and photo content, analyzing what received the greatest response. If I felt like reposting someone else's post, I did it. If you are still just a student in the science of gaining subscribers, this path can be a good start - it is easy to learn and gives a good return.

Promote your account on popular platforms

To significantly speed up your promotion, you need to find access to a huge audience. An example is articles on vc.ru.

One of the vc.ru participants published an article about how she promoted her personal brand on Instagram. Perhaps it was this article that helped her attract more subscribers. Vc.ru and similar sites have a section with communities where everyone can post their own content. However, to get views and trust, you will have to work hard.

Are sites like vc.ru not your option? This is great. Look towards tools like the foreign HARO; in Russia there is an analogue, the Pressfeed journalistic query service. Its members receive offers by email three times a day from journalists who need content and expert opinion for their stories. Most of them post a link to your website and social media account. This way you can kill two birds with one stone.

Ask your customers for feedback

When you are still at the beginning of your journey, it will be much easier to gain followers on Instagram if you post feedback photos of clients. For what? This is a social proof tool.

If you haven’t had any clients yet, seek help from influential accounts in your niche with a number of followers below 5000. Yes, this number is not too large. However, influential companies with a small number of followers will not refuse to monetize their pages and will be willing to take photos with your products at a significantly reduced rate. In addition, it is possible to offer them an affiliate agreement, according to which they will receive a commission on each sale made through a referral link.

If your company has already had several sales, contact customers and offer them a gift or cash reward for a high-quality photo of the purchased product. Of course, you don't have to do this all the time. However, in the short term, this may contribute to growth.

As more customers see photos and reviews from other customers on your Instagram account, they will naturally start tagging you in their posts when they purchase something. And if you comment on their post, repost, and even subscribe, they’ll likely come back sooner or later for a repeat purchase.

Maintain a consistent post design style

Yes, this sounds like one of those “empty words” advice that fills most guide articles about promoting on Instagram and more. But the fact is that he is not so “idle talk.” Here's why: People rarely subscribe because of the content you've already published. They subscribe for future content. Hoping that it will be similar to the past.

Example: You have a corgi fan page. Every day you post cute photos and videos of these dogs. When someone follows you, they expect to continue to receive Corgi posts in their feed. People follow you with the expectation that you will always post the same type of content.

Maintaining a consistent style or theme is not just any . This is the creation of a thematic and reliable blog that existing and potential subscribers can count on. They signed up because they want to see the same content.

If you can implement this idea in every post, the speed of development of your Instagram account will increase significantly. It’s convenient to plan publications using the simple Zengram service, where you can create a plan for several hundred posts and see what your appearance will look like after publication.

Ignore hashtag rules

Many experts will advise you to use no more than 5 or 11 hashtags per post. Some will name other arbitrary numbers. When I was growing my store account, I ignored their advice. And nothing bad happened.

I simply copied and pasted the list of hashtags from my phone. Sometimes I experimented and tried using other different hashtags. But in the end, I understood which ones worked best. As a result, I finally came to the maximum number of hashtags: 30. This is the magic number.

In general, all these hashtags are added to the first comment. However, as the account grows, this first comment disappears from visibility - because everyone is too busy tagging their friend in the post.

Of course, when you're just starting out, people can see them. But if the goal is to increase the visibility of your Instagram account, the easiest way to achieve it is to add more hashtags. As you gain more followers, your posts will begin to rank higher. And this is where “extra” hashtags come in very handy.

If you have a specific niche, then the hashtags should correspond to it. This will increase the likelihood that your post will be found by the relevant audience. So avoid common hashtags like #love and #nature if you're selling jigsaws, for example.

Broadcast Instagram posts to your blog

If you have a personal or business blog, you can publish your Instagram posts there.

Let's say you run a fashion blog. In a style tips article, you can post Instagram photos of yourself showing off your layered outfits or fashionable looks. A special function built into Instagram messages allows you to insert a post from Instagram onto the website. At the bottom of the comments, you need to click on the “…” icon and select “Copy link”. This link is then inserted into the appropriate section of the blog.

Over time, the number of visitors to your site will increase. And for sure, when they see such an “insert”, some of them will want to go to your Instagram.

True, this is more of a long-term game. Especially if you're not getting any traffic today. However, don't miss the opportunity to increase your visibility over time.

Follow users who follow your competitors

To increase your follower count, study your competitors' followers. First, make a list of your main competitors in the fight for customer attention. Write them down. Then look at the messages on their posts to see who is commenting on their content. Follow these commenters and generally be active with them. The Zengram service is perfect for automating routine subscription actions and other activities.

Keep in mind that when choosing competitors, it is better to give preference to small brands. Why? Because large brands, as a rule, have a more loyal audience. And if, as a seller of makeup brushes from a little-known brand, you try to attract the attention of people who comment on Sephora, you will most likely fail. This is not your target audience.

However, if a competitor has about 100,000 subscribers, they most likely do not have this loyalty.

When commenting on messages from potential clients, try not to scare them off with advertising. And also don’t write the same thing to all people. Be natural. And if a person asks you something in the comments, give an answer. You can study the comments of others and use them as a guide.

By interacting with people, you increase the chance of getting even more followers.

Collaborate with popular media personalities

Another way to increase the number of followers is to order advertising from a popular Instagram character with a large number of subscribers. Or an influencer.

If the followers of such a character are loyal to him, they may listen to his words and follow you. And maybe even make a couple of purchases.

Be sure to enter into an agreement that prohibits sending you fake traffic. We once encountered a similar situation and ended up with 2,000 dead souls instead of living subscribers. It was obvious that they were bots. It is worth noting that if there is a large influx of fake subscribers, your account may be blocked.

If you're looking for a more effective approach to attracting new clients, ask an influencer to participate in your stories. This way, people will come to you to see the story. However, care must be taken to ensure that the audience is warned about this event in advance - preferably several days in advance.

Give gifts

If the traffic on the site is very small, then information about the sale can be posted in groups and public pages on other social networks. Or on blogs.

When I first started learning marketing, I turned to bloggers for help. In exchange for review posts, I sent them free products. Most agreed to such cooperation, although some asked for monetary payment. In short, a blogger posts a review article on a particular product, filled with photographs and demonstrations. personal experience. At the end, the audience is invited to win this product for free by simply following you on social media. As a result, we get hundreds of new subscribers. This is a great way to gain subscribers if you don’t yet have a regular audience or it’s too small.

When you're just starting out, this method can be a great help in promoting your Instagram account. However, as you gain more subscribers, you should not resort to this practice too often. Otherwise, you risk reaching the wrong audience. If the main goal is sales, giving gifts does not always help achieve it. If the goal is speed dial live subscribers, feel free to use this method.

Collaborate with other businesses

One day a brand reposted one of my photos. Since that brand had almost 300 thousand followers, some of them went to my account and ended up subscribing. I didn't have to do anything other than work directly on the content. I didn’t even have to look for new subscribers on my own. And this case was not the only one. So cooperation with other companies is beneficial.

Top 5 books on Instagram

  1. Instagram Administrator. Guide to making money. Authors: Evgeny Kozlov, Dmitry Kudryashov. The book is a bestseller and a bestseller. Liter rating: 4.46.
  2. The phenomenon of Instagram 2.0. All new features.
  3. How to promote a blog on Instagram: life hacks, trends, life.
  4. Pop art marketing: Insta-literacy and content strategy.
  5. Instagram: I want likes and followers.

Applications to increase the number of followers on Instagram

When I first created an Instagram account for my store, I used . And an application called Zengram helped me with this - a service for promoting accounts. It worked and allowed me to easily gain my first few thousand followers.

Having gained the required number of subscribers, I stopped. Because Instagram accounts are often blocked. So even though such applications may provide benefits, they are not worth the risks.

However, there are more “legal” applications that allow you to bring real subscribers. They can be safely used. These are marketing automation tools like Buffer or reposting setup and automation services like Repost.

Juanica Dildy is the founder of the popular website The Ladypreneur. Her Account Instagram received more than 16.1 thousand subscribers. Here's her advice on how to gain followers on Instagram:

How did you manage to get over 16,000 subscribers? What's the secret?

Interaction with people is extremely important. It's important to let your fans know that they are as valuable to you as you are to them. To increase the degree of interaction, you need to select hashtags that are successful and attractive to subscribers, look for those that stand out from other users, like and respond to comments. By doing this, you will generate more interest among your subscribers, they will follow your page and tag their friends in your posts.

Do you use apps to increase your subscription rate?

At first, tools such as Instagram were used. They were quite useful at first. However, with the advent of targeting and sponsored content, they are no longer needed.

What advice would you give when asked how to gain followers on Instagram?

Post, post and post! The more users who see your content, the more people will become familiar with your brand, like it, follow it, and share it with others. The more you post, the greater your visibility.

Imagine that you wake up in the middle of the night from noise in the kitchen. You run there and suddenly you see Oprah Winfrey drinking coffee. Why won't most people call the police? Because they've seen her so many times, they feel like they know her. This is the effect that constant content provides.

If you were asked to name one thing you do differently from other Instagrammers, what would it be?

My account encourages, inspires and, most importantly, informs. It is attractive to both popular media personalities and ordinary people.

Talia Koren is the mastermind behind Lunch Break and has an astounding 114k followers following it. We asked her what The best way gain Instagram followers - here's what she told us:

What helped you reach six-figure followers?

I listen to my audience and give them what they ask for. I put effort, attention and time into them, and then they give it back to me. Also, consistency helped me. Every day I post valuable content that not only tells you something, but also helps. Finally, I pay close attention to platform innovations. Using new features and understanding algorithm changes also helped me grow.

Have you resorted to any tools to increase the number of subscribers?

No, I don't use any tools other than internal Instagram analytics. She is great. Analytics are important because they help you understand what is working and what is not. If you know the statistics, you will not have any problems gaining followers on Instagram quickly and in large numbers.

To gain followers on Instagram, what should you focus on first?

When you start with 0 or less than 1000 people, don't pay attention to the quantity. Still, the process will be slow. It's better to focus on ways to improve contact with users, think about how to become useful to them and get them to talk about you.

What do you think sets you apart from other bloggers?

Well, my blog is not much different from others. However, I don't post selfies. And the point here is not about me, but about my audience. I also often use stories, my subscribers really like it.

What did you do to get over 40,000 followers on Instagram?

I devote a lot of time to communicating with subscribers. Not only within the platform, but also across e-mail, on Facebook and on Pinterest. I take the time each week to respond to as many subscribers as I can. Through the partnership strategy, I have been able to collaborate with many bloggers and brands that I feel are on the same page as my own brand.

What has influenced your subscriber growth the most?

I put a lot of effort into creating and maintaining the authenticity of my account. I try to create as sincere a relationship with my subscribers as possible. Therefore, for example, I take on advertising only those companies and products that I myself believe in. After five years of running an Instagram account, it became clear to me how to choose the right brands that best suit my focus and style, as well as companies that my followers like. This led to success.

If someone asks you how to get a lot of followers, what would you recommend?

Be yourself and try not to give up. It took me years to develop my Instagram account. intensive work. If you are able to consistently project your brand image and stay true to yourself, your followers will notice and appreciate it. I would also like to give a recommendation not to be upset by failures at the beginning, because developing an account really takes a lot of time and requires practice.

What makes your blog stand out from others?

I try to share my real life. And although a lot of the content I post is sponsored, I strive to post real posts that help my fans get to know and understand me. I also try to give them what they ask for. Many bloggers become more businessmen. And although a blog is indeed a business, it is important not to lose your authenticity and remain real.


The most difficult thing in attracting subscribers is the initial stages of recruitment. Once you hit 10,000 followers, you'll still need to continue using some or all of the strategies suggested in this article to get past 100,000. Or even 1,000,000.

In the end, you will have to work on yourself and your image more than ever before, devoting most of your time to the virtual space of the platform. Perhaps posting three times a day on a regular basis will help. However, all that hard work will pay off in the end. And you will get an Instagram that you can be proud of.

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How to automatically gain followers on Instagram? There is a solution!


Hello everyone, friends! This article has been brewing for me for a long time, but only today for some reason I was ready to write it.

How to get followers on Instagram automatically? Good question, isn't it? And most importantly, it is very relevant now. Instagram is developing at a rapid pace and is attracting more and more audiences. Therefore, in this article you will learn step by step method, which I have been using for several months to gain subscribers to my personal Instagram page.

Next: I take this list of people and throw them into Instagress. There is such a function: follow the subscribers of a person. I pick it up and throw it away this list of 5-6 people. No more is necessary, because each person, as a rule, already has a certain base of subscribers. And the program begins to follow the subscribers of these people whom you have added to this service.

It costs about $10 per month, that is, the price is pennies. And this program does all this automatically. You basically don't need to do anything else. You need to diversify your feed, post content, and that’s it. And the program will do the rest. She follows people. If you have a new account, it will be a little difficult at first. Don't forget to read the Instagram rules before starting promotion. But then, when you have more and more subscribers, it will move faster and faster. Then people with a higher conversion rate will subscribe to you in a mutual subscription.

This is the standard scheme. And here I did not open America to you.

Now I’ll tell you a trick that most people miss. Once the program has been signed up by, say, three thousand people, what do the majority do? They stupidly begin to unsubscribe from those who have not subscribed in return.

What am I doing? In this case, I do not unsubscribe from these people. In the same Instagress, I launch a liking function for their news, for their new photos. That is, when someone I follow posts a photo, the program takes it and likes it. This creates an imitation of the fact that you like photos, that you are active. And people subscribe, from those who did not subscribe. They sign mutually. The program is liked - and people subscribe to you. And only after you have liked it for about a week, that is, the program has liked all these photos of people for you, some have subscribed, some have not, only then do you begin to unfollow those who have not mutually subscribed. And the same program can unfollow people from you. That is, you don't have to do it all manually. Everything is done using the program.

Let's summarize this briefly: “How to gain followers on Instagram?”

First: you get those people where your target audience is into the program; the program begins to subscribe to their subscribers. After she has subscribed to a certain number, for example, a thousand people, you launch a liking program for new photos that these people post and on which the program has subscribed.

Great! She will start liking it in about a week. And after that, you launch the same program and it begins to unsubscribe from those who have not subscribed to you in return.

Yes, it's cynical, yes, it is. But there is no other way. If you sit and do all this with your hands all day long, you will waste a lot of time. Although this can be delegated to a freelancer. But with the help of a program, with the help of automation, all this is done in one, two, three times. That is, all you have to do is post new photos, sell some product, call people to action, and so on. You don't have to do it all by hand! Therefore, with the help this method you can promote your Instagram account.

How effective is it?

As I already said, I’m a lazy person, I don’t want to sit and subscribe, like, and comment all day long. Of course, this increases the number of return subscriptions; Of course, this increases conversion. But I don't want to do this. It’s easier for me if my conversion is lower, but then I don’t do anything and the program does everything for me. So start using this method. I assure you, it is much more effective than sitting and doing it all with your hands. You will save a lot more time.

Artyom Mazur was with you. I wish you a great day.

In World Wide Web More and more new social networks are appearing with new interesting features, beautiful design and attractive promotions. One of them is Instagram, where most Internet users like to post photos. However, a blank page will not bring you any joy or pleasure. Therefore, you should immediately ask yourself the question of how to gain subscribers quickly on Instagram. Of course, you should first get acquainted with this relatively new site for us.

Instagram application

This free application was developed in the USA to allow online users to quickly and easily share photos and videos. The more followers you have on Instagram, the more popular your photos and videos are, the more views and comments you get.

Apparently, the developers of Instagram were inspired by the old, but still in demand Polaroid - an instant camera that allows you to take photos measuring 6 x 6. The Instagram application also has this format, which attracted the attention of first progressive youth, and then everyone smartphone owners. At first, the service was available only to owners of Apple phones, but then the developers expanded the application's popularity, making it available for Android, iOS and Windows.

What is the Instagram site?

An important point: you can only upload photos taken on your phone to Instagram; there is no other way. However, you can view the profiles of your favorite authors or just friends and acquaintances from your computer. There are also many thematic communities where people post photos of countries and cities, favorite stars and dishes, etc. By the way, this is one of the effective ways to gain subscribers on Instagram. Let's consider other methods.

If you are a great photographer

This is the best and effective way, thanks to which Instagram followers will line up and give likes around the clock along with rave reviews. Another thing is that there are quite a few truly talented photographers, and most geniuses, as we know, were recognized only long after their death...

However, do not despair, if you have talent and your own unique vision of the world around you, the problem of how to gain subscribers on Instagram will not affect you. Your photos will take care of that! The most important thing on Instagram is to have high-quality photos, otherwise cheating will not bring you any pleasure. A huge advantage of having talented photos is that your subscriber base will grow tirelessly. The downside is that without other methods of cheating the process will be extremely slow.

Give more likes

An excellent, but slow way to gain followers on Instagram is to be active on the site. You can look for good or just active authors and give as many likes as possible. Some users agree in advance to exchange likes and comments, thereby helping each other promote the page.

However, there are some restrictions on the site: you can like no more than 200 photos in a row, that is, after reaching this limit, you will have to wait a little before the resource again gives you the opportunity to express your sympathy to someone. Getting followers on Instagram will become even more effective if you like photos that are close to your topic. For example, if you live in Minsk and like to photograph the city, join the appropriate community, where you will definitely find like-minded people and fans of your work.

Write more comments

A comment means that the user actually looked at your photo and took the time to write a review or compliment about it. Of course, flattery always works, and you may get a new friend in return. Therefore, one of the effective ways to gain followers on Instagram is to be active on other accounts.

Don't skimp on nice words. However, you should write in the native language of the person whose profile you are viewing. Basically, it is English, the whole world understands it. Comments should be detailed, not just " Beautiful photo“or “I like.” To achieve success in deciding how to get followers on Instagram, you need to show your imagination and at least explain what exactly attracted you to the photo. Then a response will follow with 100% probability.

Take part in competitions

There are a lot of competitions on Instagram, and most of them are organized by users themselves. Try to participate, because sometimes the prizes are quite significant. Even if you are not among the winners, you can still get a lot of likes or even gain new fans, because free Instagram subscribers are now worth their weight in gold.

As an example, let's take the page of one of the most popular Instagram users - Josh Johnson. His account has 200,000 followers. What is his secret? The fact is that Josh is truly a master of his craft and knows everything about how to gain followers on Instagram. Not only does he post great photographs, demonstrating his skills by example, he also publishes posts with practical advice from photographers, and organizes daily competitions on any topic. The winner is posted on Josh's feed and all of his 200,000 followers are yours for a while!

Buying subscribers

The easiest way to gain followers on Instagram is to simply buy them. This method is good for those who simply do not have the time or desire to tinker with previous methods, since they require methodical daily work on the account. On the ebay website there are a lot of offers to publish your photo in some popular community or account with a large number of subscribers.

However, this method is not effective enough, as it attracts non-target audiences and spam accounts, which Instagram is full of, to your account. Getting subscribers for free is possible if you follow the previous steps. And even if it takes more time, readers will be really interested in your work.

Use tags

Most users are not yet clear about the true purpose of tags and their value for any social network. The fact is that this is one of the ways to gain subscribers on Instagram who will be truly interested in new items on your profile. There are a great many tags on Instagram, as well as the topics of user photos.

For example, you are interested in the life of a star. In addition to following her or his page, follow the tag and you will see all the photos of that star posted by other users. This applies to absolutely any topic. Tags are convenient not only for authors who need to build a subscriber base, but also for ordinary users interested in photography on a specific topic. Thanks to them, you won’t need to sort through tons of uninteresting photos. By clicking on a tag, you will immediately go to a page of thematic images.

Let's sum it up

So, now it has become clear that it is very difficult to gain subscribers not only on Instagram, but also on any other social network. If you are really interested in doing this, devote a few hours a day to your favorite topic and be sure to leave common comments on at least those photos that resonated with you the most.

To gain even more followers on Instagram, be patient and try to participate in competitions. Perhaps you will be lucky and receive a valuable prize, and with it the respect of the entire Instagram community!

In addition to competitions, do not forget about the benefits of tags. Be sure to attach a tag to each photo you post. English language. This way, many more users can find you. See what topics people are most interested in right now and just go with the flow, photographing first what people like to look at. All these methods together will bear fruit after a while, and your account will become really popular!

We present to your attention a translation of an article by famous marketer Neil Patel on effective promotion on Instagram. Original taken from www.quicksprout.com: The Science of Instagram: How to Get More Followers and Likes

It so happens that I had not used Instagram before, but once I found out that it has over 100 million users, I had no choice but to pay attention to it.

"Why?",you ask.

And all because you can use this platform not only to promote your own brand, but to promote your entire business.

When I first started using this resource, in the first few days I got up to a hundred followers, but then this figure gradually stopped growing. Although I added new subscribers every day, their number was insignificant. My hundred followers only gave a dozen likes to any of my posts.

In the end, I decided to learn more about promotion on Instagram: what makes users like images, what makes them become followers and follow other users, and most importantly, what can you do to get more followers who would like your photos more often.

I tried to put my new knowledge into practice in my account. Now my number of subscribers is steadily growing - more than 200 per day! Now my photos easily get over a hundred likes. The best part is that I was able to achieve this result by following just 5 people (I know I should follow more J users).

If you want to get more followers and therefore more likes for your Instagram photos, here's what you need to do:

Link your Instagram and Facebook accounts

This is perhaps the easiest and most obvious way to increase the number of your followers on Instagram - 20% of all users of the service are also on Facebook.

By linking two accounts to each other, your Facebook friends will notice your Instagram account and start following you on Instagram. For example, 3% of my Facebook friends have also subscribed to my Instagram account. If you post a status update on Facebook and ask people to follow you on Instagram, that number could increase by about 5%.

Use popular tags

  1. #love
  2. #instagood
  3. #cute
  4. #photooftheday
  5. #instamood
  6. #iphonesia
  7. #picoftheday
  8. #igers
  9. #girl
  10. #tweegram
  11. #beautiful
  12. #instadaily
  13. #summer
  14. #instagramhub
  15. #follow
  16. #iphoneonly
  17. #igdaily
  18. #bestoftheday

Use popular filters

Just like with popular tags, users prefer photos with certain filters. Here are the 10 most popular filters you can use:

  1. Normal
  2. Earlybird
  3. X-Proll
  4. Valencia
  5. Amaro
  6. Brannan
  7. Lomo-fi
  8. Hudson

Instagram users prefer to like rather than comment!

If you want your images to get more likes or comments, you need to start interacting with other users. Before you do this, it is important to understand that people are more likely to like rather than comment. The average user leaves only 81 comments for every 575 new likes.

So, if you take the time to comment on someone else's profile, that person will most likely visit your page. Not only will people comment on your photos, if you comment on them, the likelihood of them following you will increase by 401% if you do so.

By liking other people's photos, you will get more followers and likes yourself.

For every hundred likes I gave on random photos of other users (I didn't follow them), I received 21.7 likes on my photos and 6.1 new followers. And the main thing is that I myself did not subscribe to people in order to achieve such a result.

By analyzing my data on Statigr.am, I learned that by liking hundreds of photos of other people who were not my followers, I not only increased the audience of my followers, but also got people outside my circle of friends to like my photos.

Because I was liking hundreds of photos a day on random pages I didn't follow, 43.26% of my likes and 31% of all comments on my photos came from people who weren't following me.

Timeliness is everything

After analyzing 46 users and over 1,000 photos on Statigr.am, I determined that Monday at 5 pm is the best time to post photos. This is the time when you are most likely to get the most comments and likes on your photos.

The second most popular time for posting photos is Wednesday or Thursday at 3 pm.

Additionally, photography is most active during the first three hours. 46.15% of all comments were received within the first hour, and 69.23% of all comments were received within the first three hours. So if you can't get feedback within the first three hours of posting a photo, it probably won't get any traction at all.

Do you brag and share personal things?

After analyzing likes on over 1,000 photos, I found that images that show lifestyle (fashion cars, houses, luxury living, etc.) or that are personal tend to receive more likes. Photos that lack either of these two elements tend to receive 11.4% fewer likes.

Combine images

Drawing. Make collages from your photos

The photo shown above is a composition of several similar images. You can create this with free applications, for example Diptic. My business partner Hiten Shah posted the image shown here and quickly received 75 likes and 5 comments. These types of images typically receive 19.41% more likes and 22.4% more comments than simple photos.

If you want to get the most out of your photos, take a little more time and create these collages from multiple photos.


If you want to increase the number of followers on your account, the best way to do this is to like thousands of random photos of other users yourself. It's tedious, but believe me, it will give good results, as in my case. This tactic works very well. The biggest disadvantage of this model is that 16.6% of your followers will be fake: they will either not be active or will be bots.

Based on the information above, you should ideally:

  • create a multifaceted image and post personal photos;
  • combine multiple images into one using Diptic;
  • do not use filters (any) on images;
  • use tags like #love;
  • Post at 5pm on Monday or Wednesday and Thursday at 3pm.

If you follow my advice, you will be able to increase the audience of your followers on Instagram, get more likes and comments faster than just posting your photos haphazardly. In addition, you can engage and redirect visitors to your social network.
