How to download music from Odnoklassniki to your computer: description of utilities. How to download music from classmates: the best ways Program for downloading music from classmates

Today, each of us has our own page on some social network. Surprisingly, communication over the Internet is not the only desire of visitors global network. Many people simply like to look at interesting pictures, read some first-hand information in groups, easily find the right video or listen to their favorite song. That's why many people often ask the following question: how to download videos from a social network? Today we will try to look at a few examples of lungs and simple ways, how to save your favorite video from Odnoklassniki to your computer.

Ways to download videos from Odnoklassniki

Odnoklassniki is a certain very difficult social network, from which it is not entirely easy to download a video that you liked. Often, videos appear in the news feed that are shared by other users, and besides watching such a video, there is nothing else you can do.

In fact, downloading videos from Odnoklassniki is easy and simple. The most important thing here is your understanding and knowledge that videos on Odnoklassniki are divided into two categories:

  • the one that users “share with their friends,” that is, they post it in their news, and they take a link to this video from any other social network (for example, from YouTube. How to download a video from YouTube (YouTube)?);
  • one that was independently uploaded by the user, that is, he uploaded it to Odnoklassniki directly from his computer (or other device).

There are many ways to download videos and music from Odnoklassniki and other services and social networks, such as YouTube, VKontakte, Facebook, etc. You can download videos and music in three ways:

  1. Install the extension in the browser, namely in Google Chrome, Mozila, Opera;
  2. Download and install a special program on your computer or laptop;
  3. Enter the link to the video on a special website in the blank line and download it.

Now we will tell you how, using special programs and services, you can download videos or music from Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, YouTube, etc.

This application can be downloaded and installed for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Firefox Mobile, Yandex.Browser, Opera. This application is verified to be secure by Norton™ Safe Web. If you want to download a video or music from Odnoklassniki, then you download the application and now you need to hover over the track or video on the “Music” or “Video” page and a download button will appear.

GetVideo is an online service with which you can quickly and easily download music or video files to your computer or laptop. This service allows you to download from YouTube, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte and other video hosting sites. You can download videos in different formats and qualities. All you need to do is go to this service, enter the link in the required line and click the “Download” button. There is also a program called GetVideo, which is designed for Windows. Once you download and install it, you can download videos very quickly and easily.

VDownloader– This is one of the most popular tools that allows you to quickly and without any difficulties download videos from Odnoklassniki, YouTube, Facebook, etc. You need to download this program, install it and simply paste the video link into the interface and click the "Download" button. This tool works with various video hosting sites and converts videos to all popular formats.

As you can see, there are many different ways download videos and music from Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Vkontakte, YouTube and other services and social networks. You can choose any of the above methods and see for yourself that these programs, applications and online services are very easy to use and in just a few minutes you can download videos in any format..

Method 1. Download a video downloaded from YouTube

When you launch a video that has been saved to a social network from YouTube, in the upper right corner you can see a button that says “Link”. Click on this button and after the address for this video appears, copy it. Open a new window in your browser, paste the link into the address bar and press Enter. Next, you will be able to see the video you need in a wider window. Play the video, pause, and then copy the title of the video. Next, insert this name into the YouTube search. The video will appear in the first row, after which it can be downloaded using any convenient method of saving a video from YouTube, which we already wrote about in the previous article. (Enter ss in the address bar before the link name, download any convenient service, etc.).

Method 2. Download a video uploaded by a social network user

Most often, a video that was posted on Odnoklassniki by a user can be downloaded using a browser. But this browser should not be Google Chrome, but some other one (Opera, Mozilla Firefox, etc.). It's easy to download this type of videos using the Maxthon browser. So, you need to play the video, then after it starts playing, stop it. After that, depending on what browser you use, in the upper right corner above the video you may notice the “Save” button, select the folder in which your video will be placed and the downloading begins. Everything is very simple. After this, you can delete, move, place and do whatever you need with it from your computer.

Such simple tips Absolutely all users of the social network Odnoklassniki who want to download a video can use it.

Online service for downloading videos from Odnoklassniki and other sites

The most convenient way is to use special sites for downloading videos from Odnoklassniki - they do not need to be downloaded and installed, which will protect your device from harmful viruses.

Such a site is - here you can download videos not only from Odnoklassniki, but also from other social networks.

Popular sites supported by the service:

Take advantage of this online service very simple:

  • Go to the site and enter the link to the video in the search bar;
  • Select video format (for example, MP4 with 720 HD extension);
  • Click on the selected format.

The video will be saved in the “Downloads” folder on your device. If you have problems with playback, then this format is not supported - you can download another one or install a program to play the downloaded file.

You can also use a proven program for downloading content from the Internet - This application is compatible with all popular browsers (Opera, Google Chrom, Mozilla and others). Having installed this program, you can download videos and music from Odnoklassniki directly from this social network - a download arrow will appear opposite the content.

Today, there are many in various ways, with which you can download and save music from Odnoklassniki.

Here are several methods that are suitable for both desktop users and mobile devices on all platforms (Symbian, Android, iOS, Blackberry, etc.)

Music download extensions

The official Chrome online store has a special extension that allows you not only to download music from the website, but also to automatically rate the photos you are viewing (drawing attention to your page), before saving the track to your computer, you can view its size and a few more additional ones data about him.

In addition to all of the above, there is an excellent opportunity to download all songs at the same time (not recommended if the Internet connection speed is less than 50Mb/sec), search for a status or a beautiful congratulation, .

Using OkTools you can configure fast access to the “Settings” and “Help” sections, add the game to your profile or disable unnecessary elements on the site to optimize the performance of your computer’s processor.

For Google Chrome

If you use this browser, you can install a special extension for it and get access to all the functionality described above.

Follow this link: and click on the “+ Free” button to install it.

For Opera

This program for downloading music from Odnoklassniki is also installed in the Opera browser. No matter what browser version you have installed, you can install this extension absolutely free.

To do this, visit the official store:

Today, users who use to enter the site mobile devices much more than those who log in using their computer or laptop.

The developers did not stop at extensions for browsers - they also wrote programs for mobile OS. And so, instructions for downloading ringtones from the website to your Android.

Go to Android Market and install an application for downloading music from Odnoklassniki .

The application retrieves music from the cache (temporary file storage) music players social networks and saves them in the selected directory of your device as MP3 files. Cache files downloaded by media players of the social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte are supported.

Application size: 4.2 Mb.

Android version: 3.2 and below.

Detailed instructions for using this application and its full review: .

Immediately after installation, this application begins to read the entire incoming cache on the smartphone and extract music from it. To download music from Odnoklassniki to your Android, you need to go to your page and play the track you need. Next, enter this program and it will offer to save the downloaded song to your phone:

By selecting a social network, you will see all the tunes you have listened to recently. Among them, select the one you need and click “Save to MP3”. If there are too many songs, clear the cache memory on your device and play the song you already want.

Download music from Odnoklassniki to a USB stick

To do this, we will need to install one of the above proposed browser extensions (Google Chrome or Opera) on our computer.

With its help, you will need to find the song you want to download and click a special button (in the form of a green arrow) that will download the file to your computer:

After the song has been downloaded from the site, find it in the “Downloads” folder and connect the USB drive to your computer. Transfer the saved file to a flash drive and remove it from the USB port.

Thus, you can download not only your own, but also your friends’ music from Online mode. You can choose absolutely any track, any genre and direction for downloading.

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In this article you will learn how to download music from the Odnoklassniki website. Yes, this is possible, but to do this you need to install - a small extension that, in addition to downloading content, will allow you to download audio and video files from the largest social networks on the Internet.

Instructions for working with

In addition, along with the extension, unnecessary elements may be installed in your browser, which are very annoying. If you need something very simple, then pay attention to the downloader created for social networks - Skyload.

Skyload – free downloader for social networks

This extension is supported by many browsers except Mozilla Firefox (it is better to install the assistant for it - it performs all the same functions).

We perform all downloading and installation operations according to the instructions provided. When the extension is installed, you will see a download button in the playlist. If you simply hover your cursor over it, data about the file size will appear. To download, you need to click on the button and the download will begin immediately.

Download music without programs

When it is not possible to download a special program to your computer, but the music file is very necessary, then you can do it in another way. In the playlist on Odnoklassniki, right-click on the composition we need. In the menu we find the line “View element code” (you can use the key combination Shift+Ctrl+i).

In the pop-up window, find the word Network and click on it. Now click on play the selected music file. During playback, the table will begin to fill.

We are waiting for the phrase “audio/mpeg” to appear - this is a direct download link. Right-click on this link and click “Open link a new tab” - the download has begun.

Now, to find your file, go to the downloads folder. For convenience, it is better to rename the downloaded file. To do this, right-click on the file and select the “Rename” line from the menu. Or click on the file and press the F2 key on the keyboard.

This method downloads are a little more complicated than downloading from special programs, but its big advantage is that it always works on all browsers.

How to download a collection of music from Odnoklassniki - many users of the social network are interested in the question of how you can save several tracks at once to your computer or phone. In this article we will try to understand this issue and solve the problem.

On our website you can find step-by-step instructions on one song at a time.

How to download a collection of music from Odnoklassniki?

Installing regular browser extensions allows you to save songs on your PC, but only one at a time. If your goal is to get the entire playlist with one click, then this option will not work.

However, there is one extension that allows you to download all songs from Odnoklassniki at once. Its name is OKTools. It is worth noting right away that this opportunity is available only to users with a premium account, which, of course, can only be obtained for a fee. Let's figure out how to take advantage of this opportunity:

    • install the OKTools extension. You can find it in the browser extension store. You can read more about the installation process in the article on how to download music from Odnoklassniki to your computer;
    • click on the OK icon that appeared after installing the extension in the upper right corner of the browser;
    • you will be redirected to the social networking site. A notification about OkTools installation will open on the page;
    • go to the tools section, which appears in the top menu of the site;

    • then click on the “Get Premium” button;

  • You can use premium for free for 2 days and save the songs you need. You can also get permanent access for 100 rubles. To do this, click the appropriate link;
  • a large green button will appear in the songs section;
  • you must add the desired tracks to the playlist and save them through this section. Click “Select songs”;
  • Mark a lot of music at once and save it to your computer.

After that, you can enjoy the music you downloaded from your computer or .

Now you know how to download all the music from Odnoklassniki at once.

How to download a collection of music from Ok

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to download mp3s and videos from a social network using its own functionality. But we will help correct this annoying misunderstanding and tell you how to download music from Odnoklassniki to your computer using third party programs or even a regular browser. Also below you can read how this is done on the phone.

Program for downloading music to computer

In order to download media content from this social network, you can use the following programs:

  • OK Saving audio;
  • OkTools;
  • Skyload.

It will also be possible to download the song OK and without third-party software - we will also talk about this below. Let's figure out how to get content from your favorite social network to your computer using each of these programs.

OK Saving audio

This plugin can only be used on Google Chrome. You can download it from the browser extension store. We do the following:

  1. Open Google Chrome, click on the image of the three dots, then select "Additional Tools" and "Extensions".

  1. Next, scroll down the page and select the item.

  1. Enter the request OK Saving audio and press Enter.

  1. Click on the button.

  1. We confirm the installation of the plugin by clicking on the button indicated in the screenshot.

  1. The extension is installed. Let's move on to downloading music.

  1. Visit the audio recordings page and you will see that there is a button with a floppy disk icon. Let's press it.


This extension is capable of downloading not only songs from Odnoklassniki, but also videos, and from other social networks too. Below is step-by-step instruction, which will teach you how to properly download music from OK via There is also a button here where you can download latest version programs.

  1. When the program is downloaded, extract it from the archive and run the installer. This must be done as an administrator. First of all, we will have to accept the license.

  1. Now you need to place the checkboxes as we did in the screenshot. Otherwise, you will download a lot of unnecessary junk onto your computer or laptop.

  1. The installation is complete. In the program window, click “Finish”.

  1. A notification will appear in the browser (in our case Chrome) that you need to enable installed extension. Let's do it.

  1. Now you can go to the music page and download any song. When you hover your mouse over it, a green arrow and information about the quality of the composition appear.


Here is another effective option for downloading songs from Odnoklassniki. Let's look at an example of installing the extension and working with it.

  1. Go to the official Oktools website and click on the button indicated in the screenshot.

Depending on the browser from which you accessed the download site, you will be automatically redirected to that browser's store page Oktools downloads. Press the button.

  1. Confirm the installation of the extension by clicking on the indicated button.

  1. Now you can go to and download music from there. Each song will have a download arrow.


This is another extension for downloading music from OK. Let's take a closer look at how to work with it, using Google Chrome as an example.

  1. Open the extensions menu (we described how this is done a little higher) and enter search bar request: "Skyload".

  1. In the list of found results, select the one we need and click the installation button.

  1. Confirm the installation by clicking on the button pointed to by the arrow.

Ready. Now you can download music in just one click. A green loading arrow will appear next to the name of each song.

How to download music to our desktop

To download songs directly to your desktop, simply change the save path in your browser. However, if you do this, then not only the music, but also all other downloaded files will begin to be saved to the desktop.

Download music without programs

Yes it is possible. You can download music from OK using one browser. And anyone. This is done like this:

  1. Go to the music page, but don't play any songs yet. Next, right-click anywhere on the page and select "Examine Element"(depending on the browser you are using, the name may be different. For example, in Google Chrome it is - "View code").

  1. Now we need to go to the “Network” tab and, having launched the song we need, sort the files by size. It is mp3 that will be more than others.

  1. Next, you need to right-click on the line with the largest file size and mpeg type, then open it in a new tab.

  1. The song opened in the browser. Right-click and save it in a convenient place. After this, the mp3 file will be on your computer.

How to download music to your phone

If we talk about downloading music on iOS and Android, it can be noted that users of the latter are much more fortunate. After all, you can download music on iPhone only through iTunes, but on Android you can download any files from anywhere.

You can download songs to your phone in three ways:

  • via PC;
  • using cache;
  • using the program on your phone.

Let's look at each of these methods in more detail.

Download on Android via cache

This method works on Android OS due to the fact that it is on it that you can install programs with access to the file system.

Just like on a computer, when listening to music online, the file is still downloaded to the phone into the so-called cache. We will track this cache and download it as a song.

To do this, follow our step-by-step instructions:

  1. First, let's install it on our gadget file manager X-Plore. You can download it at Google Play by entering an advice request.

  1. Now open mobile app Odnoklassniki and listen to the song you want to save in it. Then follow the path:
Device memory/Android/Data/

This is where the tracks we need will be cached.

  1. We hold our finger on the track and thereby call context menu, in which we press "Copy to clipboard".

  1. Go to the directory that will become the destination for the mp3 and click “Insert”.

  1. The file we pulled out from the cache does not yet have an extension. Rename it by adding . mp3. To do this, call up the context menu again by holding your finger on the file name.

  1. Ready. Our mp3 file can be played. Any music player will do this.

After we have learned how to download music from Odnoklassniki, we can move on to the second method. It will be no less interesting.

Phone program

Using the program, you can listen to songs in OK or download them, and do this even where there is no Internet connection. You just need to click the green plus sign and download the mp3 cache.

If the application does not suit you, you can solve the problem differently. Simply download music from Odnoklassniki to your computer and transfer it to your phone via cable, infrared, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. In the same way, you can download any music from Odnoklassniki to a flash drive.


Each of you received an answer to the question that everyone was so interested in: “How to download music from the Odnoklassniki website for free to your computer from my page?” To top it off, we also suggest watching a thematic video.
