Samsung galaxy note p600 64gb fake firmware. Firmware update for Samsung Galaxy smartphones. Firmware using third-party program Odin

For those who have just become a beginner or are not an expert in the vast world of Android and are not particularly familiar with the concept of how - Root Android , as well as why it is needed, what can be done after obtaining Root rights, or how to subsequently get rid of them if they are no longer needed, all this can be found in the detailed article -!

First of all!

There are no "left" links or unnecessary actions in this article! If you really need Root Rights, then read carefully and follow step by step, this is a guarantee that you will do everything right! This article on getting Root rights is divided into two parts: The first part is Required Components and conditions, the second part is Instructions how to use the received files and programs to get root rights. If in the process of getting root Android rights constantly rebooting or in the process of eternal loading (happens extremely rarely, but still), then it’s worth . Now let's start getting Root rights!

Android manufacturers sometimes release new firmware, on which it is not possible to get Root using one of the proposed methods, if the article also contains alternative ways, try them. Doesn't work anyway? Specify Android version and the firmware version in the comments (don’t write angry, shitty comments, it won’t do you any good or any harm to others). Android is frozen (will not load), read and re-read from the very FIRST PARAGRAPH, all the necessary links are present in the article!

Still have questions?

Do you have any questions or can’t get root rights to your Android? Leave comments about what worked or didn’t work for you, or what you did differently.

Unexpectedly for myself, quite recently I had the opportunity to encounter a powerful Samsung tablet from Galaxy series Note N8000 on 64Gb, or to be more precise, I happened to encounter a fake of this model.

About a week ago I heard phone call. A friend called me and told me that they were offering to buy him new tablet for only 250 dollars. At that time he was interested real cost of the tablet Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 N8000 64Gb 3G, to which I answered him with data obtained from Yandex Market - the price of a new tablet varies from 7.9 to 9.5 million Belarusian rubles ($800 - $970).

Out of curiosity, I looked at the characteristics of this model.

Characteristics of the Samsung Galaxy Note N8000 64Gb tablet

  • 4 nuclear processor at 1400 MHz
  • 2 Gigabytes random access memory
  • 64 GB of internal memory
  • 10.1 inch screen
  • High screen resolution - 1280 x 800 pixels
  • 2 cameras
  • Case with separate keyboard
  • Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and other gadgets
The model is more than solid, and then I even envied that someone would get such a toy for mere pennies.

According to my friend, this The tablet was purchased at the beginning of the month in Moscow, but now the owner needs money and so he sells it. A friend told me that this tablet even has warranty card and receipt from the store with the Euroet stamp, which in principle eliminates the possibility of counterfeiting.

Omitting details, he bought this tablet for $150, and he received such a discount after he said that he needed to connect it to the computer and check everything. Neither one nor the other had time, so they agreed on this.

A little later, a friend of mine brought this tablet to me for testing, but at that time I had work to do and I still had to go to training. In the end, I was able to start checking the tablet only late in the evening and that’s where all the fun began.

How to check the tablet?

When I got home, I tried to turn on the tablet, but it wasn’t possible for me to do it the first time. It turned out that the battery of the Galaxy Note N8000 tablet was completely discharged.

I connected it via USB to my computer, the charging indicator lit up on the screen and then I was able to start the device for the first time.

Cool - everything works, I opened applications, clicked settings, connected the tablet to WiFi, used the Internet and even played some games installed by the previous owner. During such work, the tablet turned off several times by itself, and the battery charge level constantly jumped in an incomprehensible way - this alarmed me somewhat. Later, I attributed all the problems to a dead battery, turned off the tablet and left it to charge.

When my friend returned for the tablet, he asked me to send him a couple of movies and imagine my surprise when, instead of 64 gigabytes, my computer recognized only 2.

In the tablet settings it was displayed and inner memory and another 64 gigs, but for some reason not all of them worked.

I decided that N8000 tablet lacks drivers. In the device manager there was indeed an unrecognized device labeled “Android”.

I climbed on Samsung official website, chose required device, downloaded and installed the program on my computer Samsung Kies 3 with drivers and immediately ran into a new mystery. The thing is that the device was not recognized by the program at all, at the moment when my Samsung Galaxy S 2 smartphone was perfectly detected.

I’m sitting at a dead end - I don’t understand what this tablet needs, what it lacks. In general, I fiddled with it for about 2-3 more hours before I began to think that it might actually turn out to be a banal fake.

I visited the legendary portal about mobile devices, in search of useful information, I tried to update the tablet's operating system, tried to reflash it and eventually even did ( full reset), but still didn't get any results.

The next day I called another friend who is also involved in computer equipment and tried to find out if he had encountered a similar problem. It turned out that it stacked and directed me in the right direction. He said it was fake.

How to distinguish a real tablet from a fake?

For some time I searched the Internet for any related information on how to distinguish a real tablet from a fake, in particular, how to identify a fake on the Samsung Galaxy Note N8000.

1. For the original tablet, the camera is in the center– on the fake it is moved to the corner.
2. A real Samsung Galaxy Note N8000 tablet screen resolution 1280x800– a fake has a much lower resolution. In my case, it was 960 by 600 - in other words, shortcuts and application icons were simply huge.
3. Fake tablet models do not have GPS. Try turning it on, and everything will immediately fall into place.
4. Original Samsung smartphones and tablets in “naked” mode equipped with special applications like Samsung Apps, ChatON, Group Cast, etc. at a time when the functionality of fake versions is significantly reduced.
5. IMEI code Of course, this is not an indicator, however, in new and real devices it is always present, and in fakes it is usually written “unknown” instead.
6. Fake Samsung tablets are not recognized in the original Samsung Kies program.

A little from myself and photos

I’m sure if you dig deeper on the Internet you can find many more ways to identify a fake, however, in this case, for me the very fact of the distribution of such tablets became a kind of discovery.

Okay, here my friend bought a tablet directly from his hands on the street, but it turns out that there have been cases when such models were quietly sold to clients in fairly reputable stores like Svyaznoy. Where is the world heading?

And yes, by the way, after realizing and accepting the fact that the purchased samsung tablet The Galaxy Note N8000 64Gb turned out to be a fake, I again asked my friend to show me the warranty card and the receipt from the store.

At first glance, everything is as it should be, the amount matches on all documents, the receipt is stapled to the warranty card, the stamp, as is usually done in stores, is applied to the corner - everything is according to the rules. But if you take a closer look, it turns out that for some reason the book for the tablet comes from Samsung Galaxy TAB and not from the Samsung Galaxy Note and for some reason that same IMEI code is not registered at all.

In fact, this is what the tablet itself looked like.

This is what the main application menu looks like. Note the huge labels that hardly correspond high resolution, which I talked about earlier.

And these are the settings of a fake tablet. The N8000 model, Android version and other indicators are the same, but where is the guarantee that this data is generally adequate?

This is what the back cover of the Samsung Galaxy Note N8000 64Gb tablet looks like.

And by the way, a friend whom I called to find out if he had come across such a fake, said that most often the inscription on back cover It was not made with paint, but simply pasted on, so this moment can also be used as a test.

Considering that today it was difficult for me to find any information about counterfeits of this nature on the Internet, I hope that few people fell for the scammers and did not get away with it.

In general, this is how things are. Good luck everyone and be careful.

If you were offered to buy a fake or, God forbid, you became a victim of these scammers and swindlers, tell your friends about it. Warn and protect your loved ones!

Law enforcement agencies are not interested in solving such problems, and judging by how actively the discussion is going on, it has already gained enormous momentum.

Let everyone know about this chaos - this is quite logical and correct.

Samsung, it’s important to get a little familiar with the device itself. This way you can learn some useful things that you didn’t even know about before. Therefore, let's take a short excursion into the cosmic world of Samsung Galaxy devices - such as n9005 Note, n900, S3, N7100 and others.

Galaxy devices are very popular, stylish and high-quality gadgets

Samsung's smartphone market today accounts for an impressive share. Mobile giant in modern world is the biggest competitor for another popular company that even children know about - Apple. And this is no coincidence, because Samsung presents to the public a large number of a wide variety of devices in all possible price categories. This, in principle, gives the company a certain advantage - the availability of devices for all segments of the population. If a person cannot afford a smartphone for 20,000 rubles, but he needs modern functions, then budget models can provide some of them. And Samsung is doing a pretty good job in this regard: the company’s devices in the budget price segment have a large number of necessary functions in their arsenal.

The most popular models are the Galaxy series. They include both premium smartphones S, S Edge, Note, and more affordable ones - A, Grand, Grand Prime and others. How do these devices differ from each other?

As you know, Galaxy S and S Edge are the company's top smartphones, which are released every year with new characteristics, functions and features, receiving a new number in the name ( latest version series - seventh). Note is positioned as a tablet phone (a fairly popular word today), a device for business people or creative people. For those who constantly need a large screen and main feature This device features the S Pen, which allows you to create quick notes, sketches and other types of handwriting directly on the screen in various applications.

Grand and Grand Prime are positioned in the budget smartphone segment as the most popular. And this is not without reason: the devices have two cameras - front and main, a touch screen, support for high-speed networks, access to the global network, the ability to install almost any program (except for complex games and applications) and use them.

Naturally, not all available ones were named above. mobile devices Samsung today.

What do you need to know before flashing your smartphone?

So, if you are about to tackle this difficult task, then we hasten to make you happy. Because anyone can flash or reflash Samsung Galaxy (such as n9005 Note, n900, S3, N7100 and others). To do this, you just need to familiarize yourself with the initial data, some features, and most importantly, follow the instructions.

What might you need before you begin your mission?

  1. The Samsung device itself with a charged battery (at least 80 percent). This is necessary to prevent unexpected device stops and further program failures.
  2. Original USB cable for connecting to a computer. The cord is included, but if you don’t have one, you can use the one you have. However, it is worth remembering that such actions are performed at your own peril and risk.
  3. Internet connection with unlimited traffic. This is needed in order to download the firmware itself, which can weigh more than one gigabyte. In principle, tariffs with limited traffic may also be suitable if this does not cause you any inconvenience. If you are unsure about your tariff, be sure to check with your Internet provider.
  4. Desire and patience that will become your faithful companion. You may not be able to flash or reflash your Samsung Galaxy the first time. Don't be upset in this case. It’s better to try to carefully reconsider whether you did everything correctly and whether you could have made a mistake somewhere.

What are the firmware methods?

You can flash your device (Samsung Galaxy n9005 Note, n900, S3, N7100 and others) using both official Samsung tools and third-party utilities. Let's look at each of these values ​​and then move on to their instructions.

  1. Firmware update using official software. This can be done from the smartphone itself, without using a computer or using it by directly connecting the device via USB port. This is necessary for those who just want to update the version operating system, - for example, from Android4 to Android 5.0.
  2. Flashing or flashing using third-party tools. The most popular service in this matter is the Odin program. It can be easily installed on a computer or laptop and is provided to users free of charge.

Official firmware update

Without using a computer

  1. So, you have decided to update the operating system version of your smartphone without any cords or other devices, but only with the help of the device itself. Go!
  2. Initially we connect to Wi-Fi networks. Without this there is no point in going further. If access to wireless networks no, but there is a computer with an output to global network and a USB cord, then go to the next paragraph called “Using a computer.”
  3. Now go to the “Settings” menu and find the “About device” item. Here we will need a tab called “Software Update”. Click the update button.
  4. If your smartphone says that updates are already installed on your device, it means there are no available firmwares for your device. That is, the latest available version of the operating system is installed.
  5. Otherwise, you need to agree to download the updates and wait for it to complete. When finished, click on the install button. After this, your Samsung Galaxy will begin a system update, during which the device cannot be used. Do not turn off the phone under any circumstances, do not try to reboot it or remove the battery - you can get a “brick”, that is, a completely inoperative device.
  6. Only when you see the usual home screen and a message that you have successfully completed the firmware update procedure, you can use the device as usual.

Using a computer

  1. To work, you must have Internet access on a computer or laptop. Otherwise you won't be able to do anything.
  2. Download to PC software Smart Switch from the company's official website (
  3. Now we connect the smartphone using a USB cable to the PC and wait until the device is detected.
  4. The program itself will show you availability new version operating system for the device in a special small window. If the outcome of events is positive, the “Update” button will appear, which you will need to click on.
  5. All you have to do is wait until the updates are downloaded and installed. Installation may take a long time, so be patient.
  6. As in the previous option, do not turn off the device under any circumstances or remove the cord from the computer. Ensure smooth operation of both your PC and phone to avoid unexpected breakdowns.
  7. After a successful firmware update, you can continue to use your smartphone as usual.

What should you know after flashing?

Samsung, in its official manual (instructions) for upgrading the operating system, recommends resetting the data after such manipulations. Otherwise, Samsung warns of possible system failures. This will not necessarily happen to your gadget, but you can take it into account when you discover such problems in future work with your phone.

However, it is worth remembering that before resetting it is important to save all existing data: photos, contacts, videos, music, documents. This can be done manually, by simply transferring information to a computer, or using the Smart Switch utility, which allows you to backup smartphone data Samsung Galaxy n9005 Note, n900, S3, N7100 and others.

Firmware using third-party program Odin

First, familiarize yourself with the basic points that should never be violated. You have been warned about this several times, so that later you don’t grab your head and say to yourself: “What have I done?” Therefore, it is better to play it safe and carefully look at what needs to be done and what you are doing.

  1. You perform all operations at your own peril and risk. This is the most important rule, because after flashing the firmware using an unofficial method, you will lose Samsung's warranty.
  2. Do not unplug the power cord of your computer or laptop, that is, ensure unconditional operation of the PC.
  3. Charge your smartphone at least 80-90 percent so that it cannot run out of charge during the update.
  4. When connecting to a PC, use only the original cable.

Preparing and configuring services

As you may have noticed, these rules do not differ from the requirements when updating with official Samsung means, so it will be easy for you to comply with them. Now let's move on to the most important thing:

  1. First, download the Odin utility. It can be taken from the website (http://androidpru/odin-firmware-samsung/).
  2. Now download the firmware file for your device to your computer. If you don't know where to do this, you can use Samsung program Firmware Linker, which allows you to find and download firmware specifically for your device.
  3. Download the driver for your device to your computer. This is necessary for proper detection and configuration of the smartphone when connecting it to the PC. You can use the resource (
  4. Be sure to save all important data from the device to any other media, just in case. Because when flashing, partial or complete loss of information from the gadget is possible.
  5. The preparatory work is over now, and we are moving on to the main process. We put the phone into firmware mode. If you don’t know how to do this, then we try this option: turn off the device, hold down the volume down, center and lock (off) buttons at the same time. If it works correctly, you should go to a special menu, where using the volume up key you will agree to start in firmware mode. If you do not get to such a menu, then find this information specifically for your device.
  6. If everything worked out for you, you can connect the device to your computer via USB. Wait a while until the necessary drivers are installed.
  7. After this, you can launch the Odin application on your computer. In the left corner you will see that the gadget is connected, which means we are moving on.
  8. Now you need to add the firmware files in the correct order. If for single-file firmware everything is very clear (insert the firmware into the AP or PDA field by clicking on the corresponding button), then with multi-file firmware you will have to tinker a little longer.

Multi-file firmware

Let's figure out which files need to be inserted into which field:

  1. PIT is inserted into the PIT field.
  2. tar.md5 - in BL or Bootloader.
  3. File CODE_xxxxx.tar.md5 - in AP or PDA.
  4. File MODEM_xxxxx.tar.md5 - in CP or PHONE.
  5. tar.md5 - in CSC.


  1. Please note that you do not need to check any boxes on the left if the firmware itself does not provide for this.
  2. After the correct installation of the firmware files, press the START button and wait until the program completes. After finishing, the word RESET or PASS will appear on the left. The device will now reboot and be ready to use again. You can disconnect your smartphone from your computer.


If after flashing or flashing your device you cannot turn it on (the so-called “perpetual reboot”), then try doing a reset. It is also known by its other name - Wipe. We hope that you can still flash or re-flash your Samsung Galaxy n9005 Note, n900, S3, N7100 and others without any incidents. Good luck, dear readers!

The very first thing you need to do to flash the tablet firmware is download firmware for Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 SM-P605. You can take it. Then download and install the Samsung Odin v3.09 firmware program

After downloading, the firmware will be located in a folder, access to which does not contain Cyrillic characters. To check - MD5 using the latest SER firmware:. One important point: those archives where the firmware file at the end has the extension .m5 - need to be deleted, because only “tar” should remain - like this (P605XXUBMJ9_P605SERBMJ3_P605XXUBMJ4_HOME.tar)

To flash, you need to use a computer or laptop running through a UPS to be protected from power outages. During the firmware installation, it is necessary to disable all firewalls and antiviruses, remove mobile modems and foreign devices from USB ports, and temporarily disconnect from the network.

How to flash Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 tablet - sequence of steps:

Install ADB driver("Samsung_USB_Driver_1.5.29.0.exe"). It is advisable that you do not have the “Kies” program installed, but if it is installed, uninstall it and reboot, or simply call the task manager and stop all procedures associated with Kies (that is, all processes where “Kies” is mentioned in the name) .

Turn off your tablet.

Press and hold the “Volume -” key on the tablet (this is the closest part of the volume “swing” to the “Power” key) and then immediately press and hold the “Power” button. Wait until the tablet turns on. After a text request appears in English, press the “Volume +” key on the tablet (now this is the farthest part of the volume “swing” from the “Power” key). Finally, the tablet can download the firmware via ADB.

Connect the tablet to the computer via the original USB cable (that came with the tablet). Wait until Windows recognizes the device and installs additional drivers that are needed specifically for your tablet.

Run the Odin program as an administrator, then press the PA or PDA key in the program (in different models program it is called differently) and select the file with the firmware.

Make sure that Odin has “noticed” the device: the port number will appear in the ID:COM cell and its color will change. And don’t forget to make sure that only sections “F. Reset Time" and "Auto Reboot" (this should be the default).

Press the “Start” key in the Odin program and wait for the process to complete. To confirm that the process is complete, a large blue square will be visible in the Odin program with the word “RESET”, and in the “Message” window the last entry will be “ Removed!!” (in which X is a single digit). Disconnect your tablet from your computer.

The tablet will then reboot. After it boots, do not make any settings - you need to turn it off again. Now press and hold the “Volume +” key on the tablet (the farthest part of the volume “swing” from the “Power” key) and immediately press and hold the “Power” button. Wait until the tablet turns on. You are in Recovery. Do factory reset and wipe cache t there. If you want, you can do it twice to be more sure. Reboot.

The work is finished, you can enjoy the new firmware!
