1 software GPU. Educational program on mobile hardware: graphic processors. Video card memory

Task Manager Windows 10 contains detailed monitoring tools GPU (GPU). You can view per-app and system-wide GPU usage, and Microsoft promises that the indicators task manager will be more accurate than indicators from third-party utilities.

How it works

These features GPU were added in the update Fall Creators for Windows 10 , also known as Windows 10 version 1709 . If you are using Windows 7, 8 or higher old version Windows 10, you won't see these tools in your task manager.

Windows uses newer features in the Windows Display Driver Model to extract information directly from GPU (VidSCH) and video memory manager (VidMm) in the WDDM graphics core, which are responsible for the actual allocation of resources. It shows very accurate data no matter what API applications use to access the GPU - Microsoft DirectX, OpenGL, Vulkan, OpenCL, NVIDIA CUDA, AMD Mantle or anything else.

That is why in task manager Only WDDM 2.0 compliant systems are displayed GPUs . If you don't see this, your system's GPU is probably using an older type of driver.

You can check which version of WDDM your driver is using GPU by pressing the Windows key + R, typing "dxdiag" in the field, and then pressing "Enter" to open the tool " DirectX Diagnostic Tool" Go to the “Screen” tab and look to the right of “Model” in the “Drivers” section. If you see a WDDM 2.x driver here, your system is compatible. If you see a WDDM 1.x driver here, your GPU incompatible.

How to View GPU Performance

This information is available in task manager , although it is hidden by default. To open it, open Task Manager by right-clicking on any empty space on the taskbar and selecting " Task Manager"or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc on the keyboard.

Click the "More details" button at the bottom of the window " Task Manager" if you see the standard simple view.

If GPU not showing up in task manager , in full screen mode on the " tab Processes"Right-click any column header and then enable the option " GPU " This will add a column GPU , which allows you to see the percentage of resources GPU , used by each application.

You can also enable the option " GPU core" to see which GPU the app is using.

General Use GPU of all applications on your system appears at the top of the column GPU. Click a column GPU to sort the list and see which apps are using your GPU most of all on this moment.

Number in column GPU- This is the highest usage that the application uses across all engines. So, for example, if an application uses 50% GPU 3D engine and 2% GPU video engine decoding, you will simply see the GPU column displaying the number 50%.

In the column " GPU core» each application is displayed. This shows you what physical GPU and what engine the application uses, for example whether it uses a 3D engine or a video decoding engine. You can determine which GPU qualifies for a specific metric by checking the " Performance", which we will talk about in the next section.

How to view an application's video memory usage

If you are wondering how much video memory is being used by an application, you need to go to the Details tab in the Task Manager. On the Details tab, right-click any column header and select Select Columns. Scroll down and turn on columns " GPU », « GPU core », « " And " " The first two are also available in the Processes tab, but the last two memory options are only available in the Details panel.

Column " Dedicated GPU memory » shows how much memory the application is using on your GPU. If your PC has a discrete NVIDIA video card or AMD, then this is part of its VRAM, that is, how much physical memory on your video card the application uses. If you have integrated graphics processor , part of your usual system memory reserved exclusively for your graphics hardware. This shows how much of the reserved memory is being used by the application.

Windows also allows applications to store some data in regular system DRAM. Column " Shared GPU memory " shows how much memory the application is currently using for video devices from the computer's normal system RAM.

You can click on any of the columns to sort by them and see which application is using the most resources. For example, to see the applications using the most video memory on your GPU, click the " Dedicated GPU memory ».

How to track GPU share usage

To track overall resource usage statistics GPU, go to the " Performance" and look at " GPU" at the bottom of the sidebar. If your computer has multiple GPUs, you'll see several options here GPU.

If you have multiple linked GPUs - using a feature like NVIDIA SLI or AMD Crossfire, you will see them identified by a "#" in their name.

Windows displays usage GPU in real time. Default Task Manager tries to display the most interesting four engines according to what's going on in your system. For example, you'll see different graphics depending on whether you're playing 3D games or encoding videos. However, you can click on any of the names above the charts and select any of the other available engines.

Name of your GPU also appears in the sidebar and at the top of this window, making it easy to check what graphics hardware is installed on your PC.

You will also see dedicated and shared memory usage graphs GPU. Shared Memory Usage GPU refers to how much of the system's total memory is used for tasks GPU. This memory can be used for both normal system tasks and video recordings.

At the bottom of the window you will see information such as the version number of the installed video driver, development date and physical location GPU on your system.

If you'd like to view this information in a smaller window that's easier to leave on the screen, double-click anywhere inside the GPU screen or right-click anywhere inside it and select the option Graphic summary" You can maximize a window by double-clicking in the panel or by right-clicking in it and unchecking the " Graphic summary».

You can also right-click on the graph and select "Edit Graph" > "Single Core" to view only one engine graph GPU.

To keep this window permanently displayed on your screen, click "Options" > " On top of other windows».

Double click inside the panel GPU again and you'll have a minimal window that you can position anywhere on the screen.

Hello, dear users and computer hardware lovers. Today we will discuss what integrated graphics in a processor is, why it is needed at all, and whether such a solution is an alternative to discrete ones, that is, external video cards.

If we think from the point of view of engineering design, then the built-in graphics core, which is widely used in its products Intel companies and AMD, is not a video card as such. This is a video chip that was integrated into the CPU architecture to perform the basic duties of a discrete accelerator. But let's understand everything in more detail.

From this article you will learn:

History of appearance

Companies first began implementing graphics into their own chips in the mid-2000s. Intel started development with Intel GMA, however this technology showed itself rather poorly, and therefore was unsuitable for video games. As a result, the famous HD Graphics technology is born (currently the latest representative of the line is HD Graphics 630 in the eighth generation of chips Coffee Lake). The video core debuted on the Westmere architecture, consisting of mobile chips Arrandale and desktop – Clarkdale (2010).

AMD went a different route. First, the company bought out ATI Electronics, a once cool video card manufacturer. Then she began to pore over AMD's own Fusion technology, creating her own APUs - CPU with built-in video core (Accelerated Processing Unit). The first generation chips debuted as part of the Liano architecture, and then Trinity. Well, Radeon r7 series graphics have been included in middle-class laptops and netbooks for a long time.

The benefits of embedded solutions in games

So. Why do you need an integrated card and what are its differences from a discrete one?

We will try to make a comparison with an explanation of each position, making everything as reasoned as possible. Let's start, perhaps, with such a characteristic as performance. We will consider and compare the most current solutions from Intel (HD 630 with a graphics accelerator frequency from 350 to 1200 MHz) and AMD (Vega 11 with a frequency of 300-1300 MHz), as well as the advantages that these solutions provide.
Let's start with the cost of the system. Integrated graphics allow you to save a lot on purchasing a discrete solution, up to $150, which is critically important when creating the most economical PC for office use.

The frequency of the AMD graphics accelerator is noticeably higher, and the performance of the adapter from the red ones is significantly higher, which indicates the following indicators in the same games:

A game Settings Intel AMD
PUBG FullHD, low 8–14 fps 26–36 fps
GTA V FullHD, medium 15–22 fps 55–66 fps
Wolfenstein II HD, low 9–14 fps 85–99 fps
Fortnite FullHD, medium 9–13 fps 36–45 fps
Rocket League FullHD, high 15–27 fps 35–53 fps
CS:GO FullHD, maximum 32–63 fps 105–164 fps
Overwatch FullHD, medium 15–22 fps 50–60 fps

As you can see, Vega 11 - the best choice for inexpensive “gaming” systems, since the adapter’s performance in some cases reaches the level of a full-fledged GeForce GT 1050. And in most online battles it performs well.

At the moment this graphics is only available with AMD processor Ryzen 2400G, but it's definitely worth a look.

Option for office tasks and home use

What requirements do you most often make for your PC? If we exclude games, we get the following set of parameters:

  • watching movies in HD quality and videos on Youtube (FullHD and in rare cases 4K);
  • working with a browser;
  • listening to music;
  • communicating with friends or colleagues using instant messengers;
  • Application Development;
  • office tasks ( Microsoft Office and similar programs).

All these points work perfectly with the built-in graphics core at resolutions up to FullHD.
The only nuance that must be taken into account is support for video outputs motherboard, on which you are going to install the processor. Please clarify this point in advance to avoid problems in the future.

Disadvantages of Integrated Graphics

Since we have dealt with the advantages, we also need to work out the disadvantages of the solution.

  • The main disadvantage of such an undertaking is productivity. Yes, you can play more or less modern games with a clear conscience at low and high settings, but graphics lovers will definitely not like this idea. Well, if you work with graphics professionally (processing, rendering, video editing, post-production), and even on 2-3 monitors, then the integrated video type will definitely not suit you.

  • Point number 2: lack of your own high-speed memory(in modern cards these are GDDR5, GDDR5X and HBM). Formally, the video chip can use at least 64 GB of memory, but where will all of it come from? That's right, from the operational room. This means that it is necessary to build the system in advance in such a way that there is enough RAM for both work and graphic tasks. Keep in mind that the speed of modern DDR4 modules is much lower than GDDR5, and therefore more time will be spent processing data.
  • The next disadvantage is heat generation. In addition to its own nuclei, another one appears during the process, which, in theory, warms up no less. You can cool all this splendor with a boxed (complete) turntable, but be prepared for periodic lowering of frequencies in particularly complex calculations. Buying a more powerful cooler solves the problem.
  • Well, the last nuance is the impossibility of upgrading video without replacing the processor. In other words, to improve the built-in video core, you will have to literally buy new processor. A dubious benefit, isn't it? In this case, it is easier to purchase a discrete accelerator after a while. Manufacturers like AMD and nVidia offer excellent solutions for every taste.


Integrated Graphics – great option in 3 cases:

  • you need a temporary video card because you don’t have enough money for an external one;
  • the system was initially conceived as an extra-budget one;
  • you are creating a home multimedia workstation (HTPC), in which the main focus is on the built-in core.

We hope there is one less problem in your head, and now you know why manufacturers create their APUs.

In the following articles we will talk about terms such as virtualization and more. Follow to keep up to date with all the latest topics related to hardware.

We all know that a video card and a processor have slightly different tasks, but do you know how they differ from each other in the internal structure? Like CPU central processing unit), and GPU (English - graphics processing unit) are processors, and they have a lot in common, but they were designed to perform different tasks. You will learn more about this from this article.


The main task of the CPU, in simple terms, is to execute a chain of instructions in the fastest possible time. a short time. The CPU is designed to execute several such chains at the same time, or to split one stream of instructions into several and, after executing them separately, merge them back into one, in the correct order. Each instruction in a thread depends on the ones that follow it, which is why the CPU has so few execution units, and the entire emphasis is on execution speed and reducing downtime, which is achieved using cache memory and a pipeline.


The main function of the GPU is rendering 3D graphics and visual effects, therefore, everything is a little simpler: it needs to receive polygons as input, and after performing the necessary mathematical and logical operations on them, output pixel coordinates. Essentially, the work of a GPU comes down to operating on a huge number of tasks independent of each other; therefore, it contains a large amount of memory, but not as fast as in a CPU, and a huge number of execution units: in modern GPUs there are 2048 or more of them, while like a CPU, their number can reach 48, but most often their number lies in the range of 2-8.

Main differences

The CPU differs from the GPU primarily in the way it accesses memory. In the GPU it is coherent and easily predictable - if a texture texel is read from memory, then after a while the turn of neighboring texels will come. The situation is similar with recording - a pixel is written to the framebuffer, and after a few clock cycles the one located next to it will be recorded. Also, the GPU, unlike general-purpose processors, simply does not need cache memory big size, and textures require only 128–256 kilobytes. In addition, video cards use faster memory, and as a result, the GPU has many times more available throughput, which is also very important for parallel calculations operating with huge data streams.

There are many differences in multithreading support: the CPU executes 1 2 threads of calculations per processor core, and the GPU can support several thousand threads for each multiprocessor, of which there are several on the chip! And if switching from one thread to another costs hundreds of clock cycles for the CPU, then the GPU switches several threads in one clock cycle.

In a CPU, most of the chip area is occupied by instruction buffers, hardware branch prediction, and huge amounts of cache memory, while in a GPU, most of the area is occupied by execution units. The above described device is shown schematically below:

Difference in computing speed

If the CPU is a kind of “boss” that makes decisions in accordance with the instructions of the program, then the GPU is a “worker” that performs a huge number of similar calculations. It turns out that if you feed independent simple mathematical tasks to the GPU, it will cope much faster than the central processor. This difference is successfully used by Bitcoin miners.

Mining Bitcoin

The essence of mining is that computers located in different parts of the Earth solve mathematical problems, as a result of which bitcoins are created. All bitcoin transfers along the chain are transmitted to miners, whose job is to select from millions of combinations a single hash that matches all new transactions and a secret key, which will ensure that the miner receives a reward of 25 bitcoins at a time. Since the computation speed directly depends on the number of execution units, it turns out that GPUs are much better suited for executing of this type tasks than the CPU. The greater the number of calculations performed, the higher the chance of receiving bitcoins. It even went so far as to build entire farms out of video cards.

Many people have seen the abbreviation GPU, but not everyone knows what it is. This component, which is part of video cards. Sometimes it is called a video card, but this is not correct. The GPU is busy processing commands that form a three-dimensional image. This is the main element on whose power depends performance the entire video system.

Eat several types such chips - discrete And built-in. Of course, it’s worth mentioning right away that the first one is better. It is placed on separate modules. It is powerful and requires good cooling. The second one is installed on almost all computers. It is built into the CPU, making energy consumption several times lower. Of course, it cannot compare with full-fledged discrete chips, but at the moment it shows quite good results.

How the processor works

GPU is engaged processing 2D and 3D graphics. Thanks to the GPU, the computer's CPU is freer and can perform more important tasks. main feature GPU is that it tries its best increase a speed calculation graphic information. The chip architecture allows for greater efficiency process graphic information rather than the central CPU of a PC.

GPU installs location three-dimensional models in the frame. Engaged in filtering triangles included in them, determines which ones are visible, and cuts off those that are hidden by other objects.

Modern devices use a graphics processor, which is also referred to as a GPU. What is it and what is its principle of operation? GPU (Graphics - a processor whose main task is processing graphics and floating point calculations. The GPU facilitates the work of the main processor if we're talking about about heavy games and applications with 3D graphics.

What is this?

The GPU creates graphics, textures, colors. A processor that has multiple cores can operate at high speeds. The graphics card has many cores that operate primarily on low speeds. They do pixel and vertex calculations. The latter are processed mainly in a coordinate system. The graphics processor processes various tasks by creating a three-dimensional space on the screen, that is, objects move in it.

Principle of operation

What does a GPU do? He deals with graphics processing in 2D and 3D formats. Thanks to the GPU, your computer can perform important tasks faster and easier. The peculiarity of the GPU is that it increases the calculation speed at the maximum level. Its architecture is designed in such a way that it allows it to process visual information more efficiently than the central CPU of a computer.

He is responsible for the location of three-dimensional models in the frame. In addition, each processor filters the triangles included in it. It determines which ones are visible and removes those that are hidden behind other objects. Draws light sources and determines how these sources affect color. The graphics processor (what it is is described in the article) creates an image and displays it on the user’s screen.


What is the reason effective work GPU? Temperature. One of the problems with PCs and laptops is overheating. This is the main reason why the device and its elements quickly fail. GPU problems begin when the CPU temperature exceeds 65 °C. In this case, users notice that the processor begins to work weaker and skips clock cycles in order to independently lower the increased temperature.

Temperature range 65-80 °C is critical. In this case, the system reboots (emergency) and the computer turns off on its own. It is important for the user to ensure that the GPU temperature does not exceed 50 °C. A temperature of 30-35 °C is considered normal when idle, 40-45 °C with long hours of load. The lower the temperature, the higher the computer's performance. For motherboard, video cards, cases and hard drives- your own temperature conditions.

But many users are also concerned about the question of how to reduce the temperature of the processor in order to increase its efficiency. First you need to find out the cause of overheating. This could be a clogged cooling system, dried out thermal paste, malware, overclocking the processor, raw BIOS firmware. The simplest thing a user can do is replace the thermal paste, which is located on the processor itself. In addition, the cooling system needs to be cleaned. Experts also advise installing a powerful cooler, improving air circulation in system unit, increase the rotation speed on the graphics adapter cooler. All computers and GPUs have the same temperature reduction scheme. It is important to monitor the device and clean it on time.


The graphics processor is located on the video card, its main task is to process 2D and 3D graphics. If a GPU is installed on the computer, the device's processor does not perform unnecessary work, and therefore functions faster. The main feature of the graphic is that its main goal is to increase the speed of calculation of objects and textures, that is, graphic information. The processor architecture allows them to work much more efficiently and process visual information. A regular processor cannot do this.


What is this - a graphics processor? This is a component included in the video card. There are several types of chips: built-in and discrete. Experts say that the second one copes better with its task. It is installed on separate modules, since it is distinguished by its power, but it requires excellent cooling. Almost all computers have a built-in graphics processor. It is installed in the CPU to make energy consumption several times lower. It cannot be compared with discrete ones in terms of power, but it also has good characteristics and demonstrates good results.

Computer graphics

What's this? This is the name of the field of activity in which computer technology is used to create images and process visual information. Modern computer graphics, including scientific ones, allows you to graphically process results, build diagrams, graphs, drawings, and also perform various kinds of virtual experiments.

Technical products are created using constructive graphics. There are other types of computer graphics:

  • animated;
  • multimedia;
  • artistic;
  • advertising;
  • illustrative.

From a technical point of view, computer graphics are two-dimensional and 3D images.

CPU and GPU: the difference

What is the difference between these two designations? Many users are aware that the graphics processor (what it is - described above) and the video card perform different tasks. In addition, they differ in their internal structure. Both CPUs and GPUs have many similar features, but they are made for different purposes.

The CPU executes a specific chain of instructions in a short period of time. It is designed in such a way that it forms several chains at the same time, splits the stream of instructions into many, executes them, then merges them back into one in a specific order. The instruction in the thread depends on those that follow it, therefore the CPU contains a small number of execution units, here the main priority is given to execution speed and reducing downtime. All this is achieved using a pipeline and cache memory.

The GPU has another important function - rendering visual effects and 3D graphics. It works simpler: it receives polygons as input, performs the necessary logical and mathematical operations, and outputs pixel coordinates. The work of a GPU involves handling a large flow of different tasks. Its peculiarity is that it is endowed with great power but works slowly compared to the CPU. In addition, modern GPUs have more than 2000 execution units. They differ in their memory access methods. For example, graphics do not need large cached memory. GPUs have more bandwidth. To explain it in simple terms, the CPU makes decisions in accordance with the tasks of the program, and the GPU performs many identical calculations.
