How to reduce several photos at once in Photoshop. Batch photo resizing. When There Is More Than One

When working with a large number of photos, quite often there is a need for batch processing!
One example of this batch processing is when you need to resize multiple images at once. In this article I will tell you how to do this using the program - XnView.

For example, we have a specific situation: we need to send a certain number of photos by mail or upload them to social media(any other service) where there is a limit on the size of the downloaded file. Surely we won't manually resize each image? That's right, that's what they exist for special programs, one of which we will look at today. Viewer and editor graphic filesXnView. By the way, I wrote about how to quickly resize an image in the article “”. I recommend to read.

The program has a simple, understandable and convenient interface, high speed. To get started and launch (version).

This is what the program window looks like; on the left → all folders and files of the system, at the top → toolbar. In this case, we are interested in the Transform tool.

1. Using the Ctrl+O key combination, open the folder with the files that we will edit.

2. Now our files are in the program window → press Ctrl+A (select all files) → and click on the “Transform” tool.

3. A new “Batch Processing” window will appear in front of us. Here you need to specify the folder where to save the images after processing and click tab → “conversion”.

4. In the left column, select the desired processing parameter. In this case it is “Resize”. Next, the add button becomes active → click add. Now that the Resize tool is selected in the right window of the program, set the parameters.

The conversion parameters can be set arbitrarily (by specifying the width and height yourself), or you can let the program do this as a percentage. By choosing, for example, 25%, you will receive this percentage of the original. I leave the “Maintain proportions” parameter as it is, but uncheck the “change height with width” option.

5. After the settings have been made, click → “Run” and start the process. When the process is complete, open the final folder and check the result.

The first screenshot shows the result before batch processing; on the second → after

Good day, dear friends, acquaintances, readers, admirers and other individuals.

Digital camera, mobile phone with a camera, or something else capable of taking photographs, is now found in almost every home. In connection with this, a fairly significant number of snapshots, images and other picture-differences sometimes accumulate on the computer, which take up a significant amount of space on the hard drive (;)).

In connection with the above, I will share with you the most valuable program that I found on the Internet, which will help you significantly simplify the processing process, reduce the weight of photographs and images without much loss in quality, and also make it possible, say, to quickly work with a large number of add various “flavours” to your pictures (for example, highlight them with a frame or put your signature in the corner) or convert them into the format you need.

Let's get started.

FastStone Photo Resizer, - a program for mass photo and image processing

As you already understood from the title, the program is called “FastStone Photo Resizer” and is engaged in re-compressing, simplifying, signing, changing the format, adding a frame and doing other miracles with your photographs, not individually, but with all selected ones at once.

It is completely free, fast and its only drawback (if this can be considered a drawback) is English language. However, users in need will probably find a localization tool on the Internet, but for now I’ll tell you how to work with this happiness without any unnecessary installations and ideas;)

The installation is extremely simple and I won’t dwell on it (just run the file and click the “Next” button), so let’s quickly move on to setting up and using it.

To begin, using the good old Windows Explorer, take a few images and copy them to some folder. We will work with them, so to speak, in test mode, so that you understand what's what.

As a matter of fact, on the left, in this window, you can select a folder on the disk (to do this, click on the button with the image of three dots) where you have the images with which you will work. Select the folder with images that you prepared in advance (above in the text of the article).

If you did everything correctly, you can now select specific images in the list with which you will work and, by clicking the "Add" button, move the desired photo from the folder to the right window, i.e. into a window containing a list of photos that will be edited.

You can select several photos by holding down the "Ctrl" key (individually) or "Shift" (list) and clicking on the photo name. You can remove photos from the right list by highlighting their name and clicking the "Remove" button. Add everything at once by pressing the "Add all" button.

The "Output Format" column allows you to select the format in which the photos will be after editing. That is, if you need, for example, to change the resolution from .bmp to .jpg, then set “JPEG Format (*.jpg)” in this field. Next to this line there is also a “Settings” button, which will allow you to set optimization settings (quality, compression method, etc.) in order to save the maximum amount of space after converting/optimizing photos/images:

The "Output Folder" column allows you to select the folder where the program will save the photos after editing. Specify a folder using the "Browse" button.

The "Advanced Options" button allows you to set photo editing settings (pictures or whatever you have):

Let's take a closer look at what's what so you have an understanding:

  • The first tab, called "Rezise", allows you to set the size of photos in pixels. It is optimal to choose something like 1280 x 1024, because it is unlikely that if you are not going to print these pictures, you will need a higher resolution. Just in case, check the box " Do not resize when original size is less than the new one", which will tell the program that there is no need to change the resolution if the file is lower (and not higher) than specified (that is, so that the photo does not stretch);
  • The second tab, "Rotate", allows you to flip photos horizontally or vertically, or rotate them by "90-0180%: If you need this, then check the “Flip / Rotate” checkbox, and then either the “Flip Horizontally”, or “Flip Vertically”, or “Rotate” checkbox;
  • The "Crop" tab allows you to crop your photos. I don’t recommend using it, because in streaming mode you can cut things off, which will be offensive later;
  • The "Canvas" tab allows you to add.. mmm.. something like fields/background, but why this is needed is personally not clear to me, because for this there are settings for the frame around the photo;
  • "Color Depth", "Adjustments" and "DPI". The first allows you to reduce the color palette, which, from the point of view of optimizing the weight of the file, can be very useful, but from the point of view of quality, it can lead to dire consequences;
  • "Adjustments" allows you to in-line change a bunch of goodies, such as brightness, contrast, gamma and other things:

    I would not recommend using it, because each photo should have its own parameters and massively redrawing them without looking at what happens is a rather controversial decision;
  • "DPI" allows you to set the number of dots per inch, which is useful when printing and is often not needed in our case;
  • The "Text" tab allows you to sign photos with text. One of my favorite options as a photographer, with which you can put, say, a tag on photos or the date of shooting:
    This is done very simply: enter the text in the upper right corner, then use the "Font" button to select the font, font size, etc. Next, set, if necessary, the background, shadow and their (background and shadow) colors with the "Shadow" and "Background" checkboxes (you can round the corners of the background with the "Round" checkbox), and the transparency of the inscription with the "Opacity" slider;
  • And finally, using the mouse or the “Position” option, we set where this very inscription will be located: You can make a preview (by the way, of any changes that we specified in the program) and see what our inscription will look like, using a button with a piece of paper and a magnifying glass;
  • The penultimate tab, called "Watermark", allows you to protect your photos with the so-called watermark, that is, attach an image of, say, a logo:
    This is done by selecting the image itself, using the button with three dots and, again, by setting up all sorts of options such as transparency, shadow, position, etc., which I described above;
  • Well, the last tab, “Border”, will allow you to create a frame for your photos, and even, if necessary, a multi-faceted one, so to speak:
    The setup is generally simple - simply tick the number of frame strips ("Frame 1-2-3"), set their thickness ("Width" parameter) and color ("Color" parameter) and, using the preview button, bring it to your ideal.

Having completed all the settings, click the “OK” button and, returning to the program window, making sure again that you have set everything you need, feel free to click on “Convert”.

Then all that remains is to wait for the conversion process, enjoying the numbers that indicate how much space is saved from each photo (the last column, which is called "Save (KB)"), and then go to the folder that was set as the save location ("Output Folder") and look at the result.

That's all for now. Let's move on to the afterword.


Here is such a tool for mass photo processing and rescue free space(I must say that sometimes you can save entire gigabytes), and it’s just a useful thing.

As always, if you have any questions, additions, etc., please feel free to comment on this post.


People upload photos to pages on social networks, to their websites, open topics on forums, send to friends and relatives via email, etc. Photos taken with modern cameras take up a lot of space on various media.

Users often face the question: “ how to compress a photo?", because the "large weight" of the image causes the following inconveniences:

  • The problem of traffic - there are still countries and cities in the world where you can only use wireless Internet, accordingly, it is charged according to the number of bytes downloaded, so photos need to be compressed so that a person can download them if necessary, and not spend all the traffic on one image;
  • Loading speed of web pages – even those users who are connected to a high-speed Internet will have problems loading “heavy” photos, that is, the entire page will be loaded, and the photo will still take some time to load. You also need to remember about loading the page on devices using Mobile Internet, the speed of which is low, and too heavy photographs slow down this process even more;
  • Size restrictions - social networks and various sites set restrictions on the size of uploaded photos - this is necessary for their normal functioning;
  • Original size - photographs that take up a lot of space on storage media are actually several times larger in size than the one in which they are displayed on the screen, which causes various incidents with downloading to/from the Internet.

To avoid such problems, you need to compress photos for the Internet. For personal use, that is, viewing on your PC or laptop, this is not necessary.

Online photo compression

Compressing a photo online is the easiest and most quick way solutions to the problem that the image weighs too much. To do this, you need to go to an online service that focuses on photo compression: basically, it is reducing the size of pictures by reducing the expansion.

Below are several free online services of this kind:

  • Image Optimizer - this service provides the ability to compress, optimize and resize images. The service's interface is easy to use: to get started, you need to upload a photo from your device, select the size and optimization option. You can also install this optimizer on your computer:
  • Web Resizer – using this online service you can edit a photo: compress, crop, add borders, change brightness, contrast, saturation and some other parameters:
  • PunyPNG – also free program, which works with various image formats and is effective in reducing the weight of images:

Photo compression programs

« How to compress photo size?“- such a question often appears before beginning photographers, and not only before them.

The biggest mistake is trying to make a photo smaller without changing the image size, but sacrificing the quality of the image. The result of such actions is a blurry image that does not fit on the screen. To get a good picture with little weight, you can use the simplest graphic editor called Paint:

Reducing the size of an image in paint is not difficult if you follow these steps:
  • Open an image using Paint;
  • Click on the “Resize” button, after which the window will open:
  • In the “change” field, activate “interest”, check the “ maintain proportions", we write down a number that determines how many percent the reduced image will be from the original one. In our case, this is 80%. After clicking “Ok” you can see the result:
  • Save the result by clicking on “File”, “Save as”. Next, you need to select an extension and enter a name. This procedure resulted in a reduction in size to half the original size.

You can also reduce the weight of a photo in the professional graphics editor Photoshop:

To reduce weight you need:
  • Open the photo in Photoshop;
  • Enable the " Save for web and devices» ( Save for Web & Devices), which is located in the “File” menu:
  • In the window that opens, set the settings: format and quality. Reduce quality ( quality) more than 50% is not recommended. At the bottom of the window there are settings for width and height, with which you can also reduce the size:
  • All that remains is to save the resulting image. Below is the result of the manipulations performed:

How to compress photos to send via e-mail or just for posting on the Internet? As mentioned above, before sending, you need to reduce the weight of the images. When performing compression, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  • The weight of the image should not exceed 100 KB, and the size should be 800 by 600 pixels - this is due to the fact that there are still monitors that do not work well with giant pictures;
  • When the weight of a photo is reduced, marks may appear on the photo, indicating that it has been compressed. To hide this, you need to blur the photo a little using the Blur tool in Photoshop, setting the value to 0.1 - this will be enough;
  • It is best to save images in JPEG format.

We compress a lot

How to compress several photos at once? Often there is a need to send someone a large number of photos or simply post them on a website. Naturally, first the weight of the photo needs to be optimized. This can be done either online or using programs installed on a PC or laptop.

How to compress many photos online at once? To solve this problem, there are specialized services, such as This service allows you to process a large number of photos at one time, but their total weight cannot exceed 10 megabytes.

For better photo processing, it is better to use applications that are installed on your computer. An example of such a program is Picture Combine - this graphic editor allows batch optimization of photos. The program is easy to use, so anyone can master it:

How to compress multiple photos in Photoshop

Photoshop also has the ability to compress multiple photos at once. To do this, you need to create an action – an action algorithm for batch processing of photos.

Below are the steps to create such an algorithm:

  • Create two folders. First, save the images that need to be reduced. The second will store already processed photographs;
  • Next, you can start recording the photo processing algorithm. In the "Window" menu ( Window) you must click on the item “ Creating a new operation» ( Create new action), enter a name for the new action and click on “OK”;
  • Recording actions will begin after clicking on the “Start Recording” button ( Degin recording);
  • To reduce a photo, you need to open the file from the folder in which the images for processing are stored (File -> Open) (File -> open). In the "Image" menu ( Image) choose " Image Size» ( image size) — the extension and size settings window will open. After making changes, you must click on “Ok”. You can now save the thumbnail image to an empty folder using the Save As command ( Save as);
  • Next, you need to stop recording the algorithm by clicking on “ Stop recording» ( Stop recording);
  • To automatically process the remaining photos in the File menu, select “Automation" ( Automate). Inside this menu, use the function “ Batch Processing» ( Batch);
  • To process the entire folder at once, you need to go to the “Source” menu ( Source) select “Folder” ( Folder), then click on “Select" ( choose) and specify the folder with photos. You also need to determine where the processed photos should be sent, to do this in “ Location" ( Destination) select “Folder” ( Folder) and using “Select” ( choose) indicate the created empty folder. To fully automate the process, you need to activate the “ Overwrite, Save Command As» ( Override action “Save As” commands), otherwise you will need to approve the saving path for each individual photo. To start processing, click “Ok”.

Compressing an entire folder

How to compress a folder with photos? This question usually arises when you need to save photos on a medium with a small capacity, for example, on a flash drive. Or when you need to send a large number of photos by email.

In which you need to select the option to reduce the image (by percentage, for example). After changing the numeric value, click OK and save the file.

Thus, not only the size of the picture will change, but also the size of the file itself.

Video on the topic


  • How to reduce the weight of a photo in Paint-Technical section-Site operation

Web design involves working with a lot of images, and some of this work begs to be automated. It's so boring and monotonous. In particular, the process of reducing photo sizes can be automated using Adobe Photoshop.

You will need


Create a new folder and place the photos you are going to reduce in size into it. Launch Adobe Photoshop and press Alt+F9 to open the Actions window. Click on the “Create a new operation” button, which is located at the bottom of the window that appears. In the new menu you can specify the name for the operation and the key to start it; other parameters are not so important. Then click “Record”.

Follow the steps you need to take to make the photo smaller. Open in one of the photos that you prepared during the first step of the instructions: click the menu item “File” > “Open” (but it’s faster and easier to press the hot keys Ctrl + O), select the file and click “Open”. Click the menu item “Image” > “Image Size” (or use the hot keys Alt+Ctrl+I) and set the necessary parameters in the “Width” and “Height” fields, and then click “OK”. Go to the "Operations" panel and click on the "Stop Playback/Recording" button, which is shown as a square. The template for batch resizing photos is ready.

Click File > Automation > Batch Processing. In the window that opens, in the “Operation” field, select the one you created in the first step of the instructions. In the drop-down menu located in the “Source” field, specify “Folder”, then click on the “Select” button and select the directory in which the photos awaiting reduction are located. Check the box next to “Prohibit color management system messages.” In the “Output folder” field, specify the path to save the reduced photos (if you specify the source folder as this path, the files there will be replaced with the reduced result).

When finished with the settings, click “OK”. The photo reduction process will begin. The result can be observed in the output folder.

Video on the topic


  • how to reduce a photo to 2019 size

When installing a new image on your desktop, you may encounter the problem that the resolution of this image does not match the screen size. This can be corrected by Adobe Help Photoshop.

You will need

  • - Adobe Photoshop.


Launch Adobe Photoshop and open the desired photo in it: click the menu item “File” > “Open” (Open) or use more quick option– hot keys Ctrl+O. In the window that opens, select the desired file and click “Open”. The image will appear in the program work area.

Open the Image size window. There are two ways to do this. First, click the menu item “Image” > “Image size”. Second, press the hot keys Alt+Ctrl+I. A new window will appear in which you should be interested in the topmost area – “Pixel dimensions”, or more precisely – the “Width” and “Height” fields. These are the very parameters that directly affect image resolution. To the right of these fields there are drop-down menus in which you can change the units of measurement - pixels or percentages.

Pay attention to the “Constrain proportions” item, it is located at the bottom of the window. If there is a checkmark next to it, then next to the “Width” and “Height” fields there will be an emblem in the form of a chain and square bracket. This means that if you change any of these parameters, the other will also change.

Don't forget to use the "Interpolation" setting (Resample Image), with its help you can maintain the clarity of the image. Check the box next to it and click on the drop-down menu below. When increasing the resolution, select the item “Bicubic smoother (best for enlargement)”, when decreasing – “Bicubic sharper (best for reduction)”. Once you are done with the settings, click OK.

To save the result, click the menu item “File” > “Save as” or the key combination Ctrl+Shift+S. In the new window, select the path for the modified file, specify the name and format, and finally click “Save.”

Video on the topic

Resizing an image in a graphics editor is not a difficult task. However, if you need to process one hundred or two hundred files, there is a desire to automate this process. Batch processing mode can help with this Photoshop programs.

You will need

  • - Photoshop program;
  • - files for processing.


Prepare your photos for processing. To do this, create a new folder and move the files you are going to shrink into it. Create another folder in which you will save the processing results.

Start writing down the sequence of commands that will be used to process each . To do this, use the Create new action button, which is located at the very bottom of the Actions palette. If you do not see this palette in the program window, open it using the Actions option from the Window menu.

Enter the name of the action you are recording in the Name field. This is not necessary; by default, the program will name the created sequence of actions Action 1, but more specific name will allow you to subsequently freely navigate the created actions. Click on the OK button.

Start recording the action itself by clicking on the Begin recording button. It's a round icon at the bottom of the Actions palette.

Follow the sequence of commands needed to resize a photo. In other words, open one of the files whose size you need to reduce using the Open option from the File menu, call the image size settings window using the Image Size option from the Image menu, enter new values ​​for the image size and resolution and click OK.

Save the file to the folder you created for the processed photos using the Save As option from the File menu. Close the saved image window.

Stop recording the action by clicking the Stop recording button in the Actions palette.

Configure batch file processing options. The processing settings window is opened by selecting the Batch option from the Automate group of the File menu. In the window that opens, select the name of the just recorded action from the Action drop-down list.

Specify the files that need to be processed. To do this, select Folder from the Source list, click the Choose button and specify the folder where the photos are located.

Specify a location to save processing results. Do this by selecting the Folder option from the Destination list and clicking the Choose button. Check the Override Action “Save As” Commands checkbox. Without this checkbox, you will have to manually confirm the file saving settings for each image.

Start batch processing by clicking the OK button.


  • Automating image processing processes in Photoshop
  • How to reduce the weight of a photo in Photoshop

The number of pixels per inch is one of the indicators of image quality. You can reduce their number different ways, however, this does not have the best effect on image quality.

You will need

  • - graphics editor.


Open the image in which you want to reduce the number of pixels using an advanced graphics editor. Select from the editing functions to resize the image and select a smaller pixel value.

Please note that reducing the number of pixels graphic image leads to loss of quality. It is best to save the image separately in its original size, since it is impossible to improve the image quality by increasing the number of pixels.

In case you need to reduce the size of an image to a certain size while maintaining quality, open it through Paint program, which is a standard tool operating system Windows. Next, save a copy of the image and check if its size has changed. In this case, Paint simply erases from the file Additional information about him, which occupied a certain share in its overall size.

In the case when you need to change the number of pixels down without changing the image size, use the compression function in graphic editors. note that this action will lead to quality losses, but will reduce the weight of the file itself. In this case, it is also not recommended to have only one copy of the image, since it will no longer be possible to restore it.

Hi all. Today I decided to tell my readers about how to resize several images at once. I think you all know that I recently changed the design on my blog and the images that were inserted did not fit into it due to different sizes. Manually changing the pictures in each post is a hell of a job, so I decided to find a way to resize photos and images for several files at once.

And I found it. It turns out that you don't need to be a professional photo editor or anything else to resize multiple images. You just need to concentrate and read my instructions, according to which you can resize several images.

I spent several days looking for different programs to complete this task. I scoured a huge number of sites, but in the end I still came to one tool - Photoshop. It’s like with shoes, I was looking for a normal store for a very long time until I came across

Yes, Photoshop is a very powerful tool, I like it - after all, someone doesn’t know what it’s even needed for. However, in addition to processing, you can do other useful things in it. Well, for example, resize several images.

To do this, save all your images in one folder on your computer. For example, on the desktop. Next, launch Photoshop and select “File” - “Scripts” - “Image Processor” in the top menu, as shown in the screenshot below:

Now we select the folder we need, set the image quality and indicate the size we need.

Click the execute button. That's it, ready - all images are the same size. Good luck to you 😉
