Overview of free software for publishing (creating a print layout). Printing house management system ASystem. Video programs for printing

Country support:
operating system: Windows
Family: Universal Accounting System
Purpose: Business automation

Program for printing

The main features of the program:

    You will form a single database of customers with all the necessary contact information

    Each employee will be able to plan contact with any client, marking it in the program so as not to forget anything

    By setting up a cost estimate for each type of work performed, you can speed up the process of calculating any orders as much as possible.

    Contracts, forms, order specifications and much more can be generated automatically

    Any files can be attached to each order, for example, with an order layout

    The program allows you to automatically divide the order into descents for offset printing

    A supplier can work in our system, noting the availability of the necessary materials for the execution of each order

    You will also get the opportunity to keep inventory records: receive materials, transfer to production and write off

    Even in the workshop, each employee will be able to take a certain work to be executed with his badge and mark the fact of its readiness

    All departments will interact with each other as a single successful mechanism

    You can easily analyze which products are popular with you

    The system will show order statistics for each client in the context of your products

    All payments made will be under your full control

    You will have all the detailed reporting for each cash register or account in any currency

    Each of your marketing decisions will be taken into account and analyzed by the number of new customers and payments

    The report will show which of the customers have not fully paid for their purchases or with which of the suppliers you have not yet fully paid

    All financial movements will be under your complete control. You can easily track what you spend the most money on for any period

    Your masters and managers can be easily compared according to various criteria: the number of clients, services rendered, profit and productivity

    You will have "at hand" visual information on pending orders for the current day

    The program will show all the statistics on orders for the selected period for the analysis of orders, staff work, deadlines and production

    You can easily find out which Consumables required for orders for any day

    Convenient list of paper cutting tasks optimizes the activities of your employees

    The program will tell you what goods you need to purchase and allow you to automatically generate an order

    At any time in any warehouse you can find out detailed information on the consumption, availability and movement of each product

    Integration with the latest technologies will allow you to shock your customers and earn a well-deserved reputation as the most modern company.

    The ultra-modern function of communication with the PBX will allow you to see the details of the caller, shock the client by immediately addressing him by name, without wasting a second searching for information

    The necessary data can be uploaded to your site to control the status of the order, display the cost of services - there are many possibilities!

    Special Program saves a copy of all your data in the program on a schedule without the need to stop working in the system, automatically archives and notifies you of readiness


    Communication with payment terminals so that customers can pay for their orders not only in the store, but also in the nearest terminal. Such payments will automatically be displayed in the program.


    The planning system allows you to set up a schedule Reserve copy, receive important reports strictly at a certain time and set any other program actions

    Reliable control will be ensured by integration with cameras: the program in the captions of the video stream will indicate the data on the payment received and other important information

    You can quickly enter the initial data necessary for the program to work. For this, convenient manual entry or data import is used.

    The interface of the program is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out.

We have completed business automation for many organizations:

Language of the basic version of the program: RUSSIAN

You can also order the international version of the program, in which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. Even the interface can be easily translated by yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

Printing should keep records for each order. Our printing software will help you quickly register and find orders. Each printing order is issued to a specific manager who can only work with his own orders. And the head will control the work of all managers. Moreover, the list of orders will be classified by order status. You can work with pre-orders and those that have been put into production. The printing program can be delivered in an extended or lightweight form. The extended version of the program will include order costing, which will allow you to easily calculate the cost for the required types of work. The cost estimate can be customized for different jobs.

The management of the printing industry is carried out on: printing, lamination, UV varnish, creasing, folding, die-cutting, embossing, hot stamping, VSHRA and other works. Automation of printing industry allows you to make your own list of work performed and fill in the calculation for each. Printing order transfer system, allows you to transfer the order to the next performer. This ensures the control of the location of the order at each stage of production. Printing management automates each stage of the technological chain. This chain will also involve: managers, head of marketing, operators and designers, production technologists, suppliers and other employees of the organization. Accounting in the printing industry can be kept up to the workshop, where each employee or foreman will be able to note who took what work, when and how he performed it.

Printing control can be carried out with the support of barcodes, then each worker of the workshop will be able to log in to the program using a personal badge. Accounting in the printing industry will be very easy with our specialized management accounting system. Special software for printing will be your indispensable assistant!

The program can be used by:

After watching the following video, you can quickly get acquainted with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you do not see the uploaded YouTube video, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo!

Possibilities of control and management of the printing program

  • Control in the printing industry begins with the organization of a single customer base in the program;
  • For each client in the accounting program, you can view his order history for any period of time;
  • Optionally, accounting for materials in the printing program is added;
  • Accounting managerial will help increase prestige;
  • Management of printing costing and technological processes will become easier and faster using our program;
  • You can easily generate a report on the results of activities in the program without special education, the program is simple and easy to use;
  • Our employees will be able to automate and install the program remotely via the Internet;
  • Improving the quality of manufactured products can be easily done with the help of the program;
  • The program will be able to keep records of balances, receipts and consumption of various materials;
  • Management of operational polygraphy includes work with the order of various employees;
  • Orders can be transferred with the fixing of the time of transfer and the order being in execution;
  • Accounting management with the USU program will help increase prestige;
  • Process management will become easier and faster using our program;
  • The planning program has a wide range of management tools;
  • You can easily generate a report on the results of activities in the program without having a special education;
  • Our employees will be able to automate the program remotely via the Internet;
  • A personnel motivation system in an organization can be easily created using a program that simplifies the work of employees;
  • Improving the quality of manufactured products can be easily carried out using a universal accounting system;
  • The development of a decision support system is a responsible matter, on which a lot depends on the enterprise;
  • It is easy to analyze the organization of management with us!
  • The time sheet in excel is inconvenient. In the program, you can make all accruals quickly and accurately;
  • The program prints out an order form for printing;
  • The manager's order form may differ from the technologist's order form, which will already be transferred to production in the form of a specification;
  • Printing management systems may include order estimating;
  • The manager simply describes the types of work, and software for printing, it calculates the cost for them;
  • You can download programs for printing from this page;
  • Printing software can automatically generate price offer and invoice for payment;
  • Printing software can also be used to create other required documents;
  • Accounting system Polygraphy automates the work of a technologist;
  • The technologists can change the manager's specification, divide the work by imposition, select the printing press, and make a list of required materials;
  • The printing program also keeps records of orders, taking into account the work of the supplier, who will note in the program whether all goods and materials are available to fulfill each individual order;
  • The printing program allows even TCP and shop workers to work in a single database;
  • The employees of the workshop select the work and, upon completion, enter the result into the printing accounting program;
  • Printing orders and color control in printing will be under the vigilant control of electronics when using our specialized program!

Download software for printing accounting

Below are the download links. You can download a free presentation of the software in PowerPoint format and a demo version. Moreover, the demo version has certain limitations: in terms of time of use and functionality.

The software for printing should conveniently and effectively solve the problems associated with the main production, that is, offer a convenient and correct description of the process of manufacturing printing products, calculate the order, automate the planning and collection of actual production data, provide tools for analyzing the results of work. And, of course, ensure the implementation of management decisions through the adjustment of the rules for the execution of automated business functions.

There are not so many specialized programs for printing on the market. Basically, some "universal" solutions are offered, for example, adapted versions of accounting systems, CRM systems.

Often there are programs that were made for a specific production and with a big stretch can be considered as a commercial solution for a wide range of printers.

Our company is engaged in the development and implementation of software for managing a printing company. Our main software products are ASystem and PrintEffect control systems.

Our programs solve the problems of automating the business processes of a printing house, as well as planning and economic analysis of printing production. These are specialized programs designed specifically for printing production.

We offer programs for printing houses of any scale. If ASystem is successfully used at the largest printing enterprises in the country, then PrintEffect Lite is a program for small productions at the level of a print shop.

We offer:

Printing business management system ASystem

Powerful management system for medium and large printing enterprises. The system is configurable for any composition of equipment, any technological processes and any types of printing products.

This is a very functional program, it has specialized interfaces for processing and calculating printing orders for flexible and cardboard packaging, flexo labels, hardcover book products. The technology for calculating and planning the manufacture of products manufactured using the technology of web printing from several roles is supported.

The price of the project is from 765 thousand rubles. The price includes implementation work and technical support.

Printing business management system PrintEffect

Control system for small printing industries. By its purpose, this program is close to ASystem, but has a number of functional limitations. The program is designed for printing houses engaged in sheet printing, the production of souvenirs, as well as large-format printing. This program is specially developed taking into account the self-implementation by the specialists of the printing house.

PrintEffect is a boxed product, the cost is from 105 thousand rubles. Implementation works can be ordered separately.

Printing house sales management system PrintEffect Lite

Sales management system for a small printing house. In fact, this is PrintEffect, which lacks the functions of planning and production accounting. The program solves the business functions of the sales department of the printing house. Accordingly, this program does not have the ability to calculate and analyze the actual cost. This is also a boxed product. The price is from 44,850 rubles.


All our software products are based on client-server technology. All data is stored on the database server. Client workstations access the server only when reading and saving data. This technology ensures high reliability and stable performance.

The main advantages of our programs are high quality, exceptional reliability and data security, the broadest functionality. More than 450 printing houses in Russia and neighboring countries use our programs.

Printing software

The program for a printing house should take into account the specifics of the printing business and the features of the technological processes for the production of printed products.

We draw the attention of potential users to the fact that the PrintEffect system is a specialized software specifically for a printing company. PrintEffect allows you to accurately describe the product, its production process, make all the necessary calculations for placing an order and fulfilling it.

Why is it important

A universal program that can solve all the problems of enterprise management, regardless of industry affiliation, is a myth.

If some software is positioned as universal, it is either a “constructor” that requires a lot of work to adjust to the needs of a particular production, or it is a system that solves a certain, rather narrow, range of tasks typical for most enterprises. And not only printing, for example, accounting systems, personnel records, personnel access control systems, etc.

We run into programs all the time. Pay attention to how you make purchases in a supermarket, pay for services home internet And cellular communication, buy train or plane tickets via the Internet, buy tours. It seems to be just a purchase, a typical task, a product or service is purchased. But everywhere their programs are used.

What program to use to manage typography

Our opinion is that you should use such software that will allow you to earn more money.

The printing house is a manufacturing enterprise. The main income of printing houses is obtained through the sale of products of the main production - printing products. To maximize profits, it is necessary to ensure the coordinated work of the main services of the printing house - the sales department, production departments, supply services.

The remaining divisions - administrative and economic, accounting, security, personnel department, etc., simply serve the main production.

Therefore, in order to ensure high-quality management of the printing house, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the features of the printing business and use software that is maximally adapted to the specifics of business processes and features. technological process printing company.

Printing technology has a number of features that are not found in other industries. For example, a description of a printed product uses concepts such as "type of product", "format", "number of stripes", "colorfulness", "printed material" and so on.

To correctly calculate and place an order for production, it is necessary to take into account the features of the technology, for example, formats, layout, the ratio of runs of product elements, technological waste, types of finishes and stitching, equipment parameters, material characteristics, and much more. A software product that is used in the printing industry must take all this into account.

Our software was originally designed taking into account all the features of printing production. PrintEffect contains interfaces for a competent description of the technology for fulfilling a printing order, uses standard algorithms in the calculation process. To register a fact in production, specialized interfaces and options are offered that allow you to collect high-quality production accounting data.

As a result, the system provides a detailed plan / fact analysis of the effectiveness of the printing house, including at each step of the order. When implementing the system, it is enough to set up directories of equipment, technological operations, materials, reflecting the specifics of a particular production. Everything else is initially included in the control system.

If you are leaning towards purchasing some "universal" software product, please note that you will have to enter all the printing specifics into the system yourself. This will either be a fairly complex setup, or you will have to write a detailed technical task and use the services of programmers.

Most commercial publishing programs are expensive. But don't despair, there are at least two great freeware programs that can help you with the specific task of designing a print layout. One of these programs is designed for small businesses and is a great alternative to Microsoft Publisher. The other is a serious high-class competitor, not inferior to multifunctional commercial programs.

Overview of Free Software for Publishing (Print Layout Creation)

Scribus is a multi-platform complete layout solution

The first, most advanced program - , with an open source code. Initially, Scribus was designed only for Linux systems, but over time it also began to support Mac OS X, OS2 and Windows.

Scribus is truly a program capable of creating professional creations that can be printed immediately without any need for pre-processing. The feature list is impressive. Everything you need, including support for CMYK colors, separators, ICC color profile management, pdf creation and more. The layout layout procedure is somewhat reminiscent of Gimp (a fairly well-known open source program). In addition, Scribus can import and export data from Open Office, a powerful alternative to Microsoft Office.

Although, Scribus is very, very functional application, yet user interface slightly behind its commercial brothers. Of course, the program allows you to use different display templates (shells), but still the difference is felt. Scribus has ample documentation, and its development continues to this day.

In general, Scribus places more emphasis on functionality than on beauty. Therefore, this program is more suitable for those who need to create printed layouts of any complexity.

PagePlus Starter Edition is a great product for start-up publishers and small organizations

The second program is from Serif, the creators of the famous free editor PhotoPlus images. PagePlusSE is a simplified version of the PagePlus X8. Of course, in free version it lacks many of the features of the commercial version, but the functionality is more than enough to create the relatively simple brochures, flyers, flyers, and newsletters often used by small businesses and charities. In fact, the lack of complex features makes PagePlusSE much more understandable and user-friendly for novice users with normal publishing needs.

The program comes with good set ready templates(additional templates can be downloaded from the Internet), so that even a novice user can create beautiful and presentable print materials in a short time. PagePlusSE has pretty good text and image processing tools (pasting, resizing, etc.). There is also basic set forms: folding flyers, business cards, letter forms, etc. Tools for managing the color palette are limited in places, but, however, they are quite enough for most needs. Restrictions also affected the available file formats for saving your work (for example, there is no PDF).

Note A: However, you can use pdf creation software to get around this limitation.

If there's one thing that truly sets the PagePlus SE apart from its peers, it's undeniably its ease of use. In fact, the program interface is designed in such a way that if you are at least a little familiar with Microsoft Word and similar office suites, then assume that you already know how to use PagePlus SE. In this case, it feels good that this product is based on commercial software.

Note: Of course, you should not in any way assume that free and open source products cannot be attractive, beautiful and convenient. And that all commercial products have by default best interface. In reality, this is not always the case. Simply, unlike free products, the main focus of commercial programs should almost always include appearance(interface, etc.). Otherwise, they simply cannot stand the competition.

Quick Guide (Free Download Links for Publishers)


Very powerful, can do anything you can imagine.
Perhaps too complex and powerful for normal users.
70MB x86; 82 MB x64 1.4.4 Unrestricted freeware Windows 2000 - 8 x86, Vista - 8 x64, Mac OS X, Various Linux distributions, OS2 eComStation.
Support for 64-bit OS
Before installing Scribus (for Windows), install Ghostscript. It is required to import EPS and print previews.

Page Plus Starter Edition

Easy to use. Lots of ready-made backgrounds, templates, swatches, styles, and more. Most likely there will be the best choice for everyday creation of relatively simple layouts.
Basically, basic functionality.
