All about WhatsApp. Viber and WhatsApp - what they are, comparing Viber with WhatsApp and choosing the best one. Is it possible to install WhatsApp on an iPad?

With WhatsApp Web, you can use the corresponding messenger not only on your smartphone, but also on your computer. However, your phone must always be on the same network as your PC. You can do without a smartphone completely, but about that we'll talk in the next chapter, which is about the second option.

  1. When you open WhatsApp Web, you will be shown a large QR code just to the left of the center of the screen. If you do not want to log in again each time, activate the “Keep logged in” option.
  2. Now launch WhatsApp on your smartphone and find the “WhatsApp Web” item in the menu that appears after clicking on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  3. Click on “WhatsApp Web” and select the “Scan QR Code” option.
  4. Hold your smartphone camera up to your computer screen and scan the code. After this you will be logged in.
  5. Note: you need to log in to this computer now no more. However, the PC and smartphone must always be on the same WLAN network.

BlueStacks: use WhatsApp without a smartphone

If you want to do without a smartphone entirely, that is also possible. However, for this you will need phone number, which may belong to a landline telephone network.

First of all, download BlueStacks App Player for Windows or Mac OS and install this software.

  1. At the top left, click on “Search” and enter “WhatsApp” there. Then select the relevant search result.
  2. You must now log in using your Google account. If you don't have one, you can very easily get yourself a Google account.
  3. Download WhatsApp and wait until the installation process is completed. You can now launch the application.
  4. To register, you will need a mobile or landline number that has not already been used for WhatsApp. After this you will receive an SMS.
  5. If you cannot receive SMS, you should use a phone call. In this case, the code will be dictated to you by a computer voice.
  6. After all this, you can use WhatsApp as usual, but on your computer.

Whatsapp is the most popular instant messenger in the world in 2017. After its release, a bunch of imitators appeared who are trying to repeat the success to this day, but to no avail. Now the program for messaging, sound and video is available on all mobile and desktop platforms. Let's figure out how to use Whatsapp and what you need for it.

Requirements for the messenger

You can install the application on a tablet, smartphone or personal computer. This article discusses examples using a mobile device. For installation and correct use you will need:

  • iOS or Android device.
  • Account in Play Market or AppStore (depending on the operating system).
  • Mobile number.
  • Internet connection.

Before using Whatsapp, you need to download and install it. Let's look at the instructions for Android and iOS.

Installation on Android includes the following steps:

  • Connect to the Internet and go to "My Market".
  • Enter the name of the application in Russian or English in the search bar.
  • Click the "Install" button and wait until the download completes.
  • Launch the application and create a personal account.

Now you need to go through the registration procedure. If your smartphone already has a SIM card, then when you first start the program, enter its number in the appropriate field. After this, wait for an SMS message with a confirmation code to arrive. Copy the code into the application. Ready! Now all that remains is to provide your personal information and execute initial settings, put an avatar and start chatting with friends!

Installing messenger on iPhone smartphone not much different:

  • Go to the AppStore from a phone connected to the Internet.
  • Use search to find the application.
  • Click the "Download" button.
  • Wait for the installation to complete, launch the messenger and register.

The process of creating an account is identical to registering on Android.

How to use Whatsapp: basic functions

Using the messenger you can:

  • Send written messages.
  • Exchange photos and videos.
  • Communicate via voice messages.
  • Create groups and chats in which a large number of friends participate.

All described actions are performed easily and simply. Let's look at how to use Whatsapp on iPhone and Android.

How to add as a friend?

Initially, the application synchronizes with your contacts on your smartphone. For a contact to appear in the application's friends list, you need to pin it in notebook on the phone. All chats with contacts can be found on the main screen of the messenger.

Voice and text messages

To get started, open your contact list and tap once on the desired chat. At the bottom of the screen there is a field for typing text. Click on it once to bring up the keyboard. Type your text and click the send button.

Don't want to type out a written message? Then in the dialog box, click on the microphone icon and record a message with your voice. In addition, users can attach media files to messages. There is a paperclip icon next to the text entry field. Click on it and select one of the items: document, camera, gallery, audio, place or contact. To quickly add a photo from your camera, click on the corresponding icon.

How to use Whatsapp on a tablet?

On tablets under iOS control or "Android" you can also install the messenger. The functionality and interface of the program is no different from that installed in the application on a smartphone. To customize the messenger for yourself, click on the ellipsis icon in the upper corner of the screen, then context menu select "Settings". Here you can set your privacy settings and more.

To find out what it is, it is better to start with the meaning of the word “Whatsapp”.

What is WhatsApp and where is it used?

This is a cross-platform messenger that also supports voice communication.

The name comes from the English expression “What’s Up?” (in full – “What is Up”). It means “How are you?” or “What happened?” The general meaning is an expression of greeting to the interlocutor.

A program with this name appeared in two thousand and nine in the United States of America, although one of its “authors” was born in Kiev (according to some sources, not in Kiev itself, but in the Kiev region - in the city of Fastov) and until a certain time lived there. This is Jan Koum. Perhaps he is the only creator of the messenger masterpiece.

Initially, WhatsApp increased the number of its fans, so by 2012, an average of about two billion messages were sent through this program every day. And already two years later it was bought out by another well-known Internet company, Facebook. Internet connection 2G, 3G, Wi-Fi is used.

The initially described software is intended for the phone. For example, in a smartphone running on Android, this application will be very useful to everyone who loves communication, which does not require large financial investments, as well as special registration (for the mentioned platform it is free).

The WhatsApp program can be installed on:

  • smartphone,
  • tablet,
  • computer.

The software can be installed for devices running on the platform:

  • android (Android),
  • Windows (Windows),
  • iPhone (IOS),
  • Windows Fawn ( Windows Phone),
  • blackberry (BlackBerry),
  • Nokia Symbian,
  • Nokia C40 (Nokia S40),
  • Windows.

Last propagation direction (for PC - personal computer) includes both the Windows and Mac3 operating systems.

Program benefits and other features

The additional Whatsapp phone application has the following useful functionality:

  • Fast exchange of audio files, video files (collectively called media files).
  • Transferring pictures and photographs to each other.
  • Message exchange.
  • Throughout the first year each New user can enjoy it multifunctional application absolutely free.
  • The second year, together with WhatsApp, will cost a very meager amount. The tariff will be ninety-nine cents (in US dollar currency).
  • Installs on all known and used platforms on which smartphones and other gadgets operate.
  • When you install and synchronize the program with your device (on which you are going to use WhatsApp), the contact information of your subscribers specified in the “Contacts” of your phone or other device is automatically simultaneously downloaded.
  • Appearance very pleasing to the eye, gives a mood on cloudy days (the interface is beautiful and attractive).
  • The file that needs to be sent can weigh up to nine megabytes.
  • You can call even the subscriber who does not have this application, but for a fee.
  • There is a “WEB” function, thanks to which you can make WhatsApp calls using your phone’s browser.

What do you need to do to install on your computer?

In order for the program to be installed on your computer, you must first download it from a reliable official source. Further:

1. Go to Google Play.

2. Log into your account and enter the user name (login, nickname) in the appropriate fields. This is needed for synchronization.

3. Find the application in the search engine of an open “store” or in special program Blue Stax.

4. Look for the “Install” button next to the found program. Click if it appears.

5. Skip the previous steps if the file has already been downloaded in any way. Then just launch it (open, double-click). If necessary, the opening will occur using the same program.

6. We accept the terms and conditions, which are best read first, because that’s why they are needed.

7. Specify the exact phone number to synchronize with.

8. Wait until the SMS arrives at the specified number. If this does not happen, there is a “Call me” button and wait for the operator to call. He will provide the information that should have come in the message.

Please note the following difference computer installation from mobile. In the first, synchronization with contacts does not occur due to their absence on the computer.

Another important distinguishing feature of installation on a computer is the presence of a mandatory auxiliary program. It was specially designed for such a case. Its name is: “BlueStacks”. It is with the help of Blue Stax that you can install and use on your computer or laptop in the same way all applications that were originally created for the phone.

Contacts and WhatsApp on the computer

How can I transfer contacts to finish setting up the program and create new opportunities for communication? You will need to enter all the contacts you need manually onto your computer:

  1. Go to the menu installed program.
  2. Find the contacts item.
  3. By clicking the “New Contact” button and entering contact information, enter each name and phone number separately, one at a time.
  4. At the end of the procedure, enter your address Email for contact at the end.

Benefits of using your phone

The interface when opening the installed program is very simple. It includes:

  • Favorite objects. Here are the contact numbers that you need to dial most often.
  • Your status. Here you can come up with various interesting thoughts and write them in the status line. By the way, you can choose it from the presented templates, or you can come up with your own, different each time.
  • Contact numbers.
  • Chatting.
  • Settings (management tools).

How to use Whatsapp

Download the program:

  • for iPhone - on ApStore ( App Store),
  • for Androil - on the Play Market,
  • for Windows - on the Internet.

To enter the program, you do not need to come up with any logins or passwords, since it uses your phone number for this. When using the application, on the right you will see a greenish window with messages written by you, and on the left - with messages written to you.

To send a message in text form, you must first type it in the field located below. You can use letters, signs and emoticons. To send a message in the form of sound, that is, audio, click on the microphone image and do not release it the entire time you are speaking or recording other sounds. When the answer comes, you need to click on the triangle indicating play (“Play”), and you will hear what they told you in response.

To use the WhatsApp program for communication, you do not need to have much experience installing or configuring complex programs. There is a version of this software for almost any platform.

Messengers are one of the most convenient ways to communicate. Thanks to these applications, we can always stay in touch with our friends and loved ones.

Instant messaging programs also help organize your workflow. Create a group chat, add colleagues there and stay updated on any changes to the project.

WhatsApp is one of the popular messengers. The application is completely free and works on any platform. There is also a Web version of the program that runs directly in the browser window.

Today, WhatsApp's audience is about one and a half billion people. The number of messages sent daily exceeds 50 billion.

Financiers believe that the popularity of the messenger greatly influenced revenue mobile operators. Experts predict that the number of SMS messages sent will fall in the same way that the number of international phone calls fell after the spread of Skype.

The first version appeared in February 2009. Five years later, Facebook bought ownership of the software. At first, users had to pay 99 cents a year to communicate on WhatsApp, but since 2016 there is no need to pay.

WhatsApp - what does it mean?

Jan Koum, the author of the program, did not choose this name by chance. In English, the phrase “What’s Up?” means "How are you?" It is a part of American slang that is used every day by millions of citizens of the United States and other English-speaking countries.

The word "Up" has been replaced with "App", which is short for the word "Application".

Thus, the name of the messenger literally translates as an application in which you can find out how your friends are doing.

How does WhatsApp work?

Messages are sent using a modified version of the XMPP protocol. Application registers account on and substitutes the phone number as a personal identifier.

The program scans the records phone book, searches for registered users by ID numbers and compiles your personal list of contacts in the application. If your friends have WhatsApp installed, you will be able to chat with them immediately after installing the messenger.

The application supports the exchange of media files: photos, videos, music and other documents. The files are uploaded to a separate server, where they are encoded and transmitted to the recipient in an optimized form to reduce traffic consumption.

Users can back up private messages and upload them to Google Drive or iCloud cloud storage. This allows you to save important messages, even if the phone was lost or broken.

A backup of correspondence is also saved to the memory card. Archiving occurs every day at 2 am. Databases of messages for the last 7 days are stored.

It is better to learn what WhatsApp is and how to use it in practice.

  1. Open the app store and search for WhatsApp. If there are no results, go to the official website of the developer and download latest version programs from there.
  2. Launch the messenger, accept the terms of service and confirm your phone number. You will receive a code via SMS - enter it in the appropriate field.
  3. If the program has already been used, there may be some remaining files on the SD card. backups. Old messages can be restored during the first launch - the corresponding button will appear.
  4. Enter a name and select an avatar. Personal information can be changed later in your profile settings.

When the installation is complete, in your contact list you will see all your friends and acquaintances who also use this messenger. Choose a person and start communicating.

Once you understand what WhatsApp is and why it is needed, you will probably want to send messages not only from your phone, but also from your computer. There is a desktop and web version for this. However, they will not work if the phone on which the messenger is installed is disconnected from the Internet.

  1. Download the installation file from the official website of the developer or find the program in the application store.
  2. Install following the installer's instructions.
  3. Launch WhatsApp on your computer or browser and wait for the QR code to appear.

To scan graphic key, you need to launch the messenger on your phone, go to “Menu”, select “WhatsApp Web” and point the camera at the screen.

Important! When you log into your account on your computer, do not turn off Wi-Fi or Mobile Internet on the phone. Otherwise the program will not work.

Thanks to WhatsApp, we can continue to use the SMS service, but in a completely different way. Now available for sending not only text messages, but also photos, music and other multimedia files. This application works on Android, Nokia and BlackBerry gadgets, and is also suitable for Windows Phone. We offer you the following link.

It’s easy to download and install the program on your gadget, and in the end you get access to sending an unlimited number of free messages, be it traditional text messages or files with audio or video. The main thing is to be constantly connected: it doesn’t matter whether it’s Wi-Fi or 3G. It is also pleasant to use the WhatsApp program on your phone because it does not take up much space in the device’s memory.

What is WhatsApp on a phone?

Why is it needed if there are traditional social media? Indeed, this service for free communication is mega-popular; its army of users already numbers several million people. And they all preferred a more efficient and modern program to the usual and intrusive social networks. Using WhatsApp on your phone is easy and simple, which is why it has become so widespread.

How to use WhatsApp on your phone: instructions and videos

Installation of the program is carried out in several simple steps, the main of which is choosing the place where to download it from, and then carefully following the installer’s instructions.

Before starting the installation, make sure that your device supports this software (we mentioned this and listed it above).

You can download the messenger on the official website or on our portal, because we provide the original version for fast and high-quality downloading.

You also need to make sure that the person with whom you are going to correspond also has WhatsApp installed on his phone, otherwise there will be no point in your actions. In addition, please note that this moment the program is not intended for tablets, and in the near future the developers are not going to change their position on this issue. In particular, the creators plan to stop support on some devices that, in their opinion, are not suitable for the further development of a number of functions in WhatsApp. Of course, we understand them, because they want to provide us with more modern and effective options for communicating with friends and family. And it wouldn’t hurt the user himself to switch to more recent versions of Android, iPhone or Windows (for the latest operating system, see also the material “ “). The updated WhatsApp was announced for the end of June 2017.

In order to start communicating in a new, cutting-edge format, click on the “new chat” picture and select the contact name for the conversation. If something goes wrong, read the article and be fully armed against bots or spam.

Analysts predict that such software will eliminate texting in the same way that Skype revolutionized international phone calls.

We hope that we were able to give you an idea of ​​what WhatsApp is and how to use it on your phone (smartphone). Now you can communicate unlimitedly with family, friends and colleagues, paying only for Internet traffic at the rate of your operator. You will have many settings and functions at your disposal, and you can find out about that, for example, in the material of the same name on our website.
