How to find out the motherboard model without disassembling the computer. How to find out the name of the motherboard Find out the model of the motherboard

How can I find out what motherboard I have? This is the question I received in the mail yesterday. It’s not for nothing that I started writing about how certain characteristics of a computer are recognized. Today I continue to publish information about this, or more precisely, the topic of today’s conversation is how to find out what motherboard is on your computer. I did not make one article in which I could tell how all the characteristics of a computer are recognized, since the letters that I receive usually sound like this: “Alexander, how can I quickly find out what motherboard I have on my computer?” If I give a link to an article where I talk about all the devices, then some people ask for a little help because they are confused. So the conclusion suggested itself - to write short articles about each device, so that each reader could do all the steps independently without any help.

Before you ask a question on the Internet, you can ask yourself. After all, when purchasing any device, you should be given at least some kind of documentation, or, as it happens now, a small piece of paper on which they manage to write not only the model of the device, specifications, but also tell how to use them - in pictures or in a short paragraph. If this document is not at hand, then this article will help in this matter.

Physical inspection of the motherboard

If your computer is disassembled or you cannot turn it on, you can open the system unit, then carefully inspect it from the inside.

In the image below you can see the mother ASUS board. After finding out the model motherboard, search in Google or Yandex detailed information about it (if required).

If you do not want to disassemble the system unit or you are afraid to do it, then you will need programs that can read and display this information.

Standard Windows tools and other programs

Next, I will tell you how to find out the information you need about your computer using programs, but now I suggest you try a standard utility from Microsoft, which sometimes does not show some characteristics. So, go to “Start” - “ ” or use the hot keys “Win” + “R”. Then type msinfo32 and press Enter.

A window will open in which you can view the characteristics of your computer.

As I said above, find out the motherboard model using regular funds Windows systems sometimes it is impossible, so I will talk about several intuitive programs that have a Free license. Finding and downloading them will not be difficult for you.

The first program I’ll tell you about is AIDA64. Displays detailed characteristics of all equipment connected to the computer, including the main board that interests us. We launch the program, select “Motherboard” in the left list, information will appear on the right side of the window, and the model will be written at the top.

This is what it looks like on my laptop:

The second utility is called Speccy. The meaning is the same, you need to perform the same actions (click on the “Motherboard” inscription on the left side of the screen), it will display the same data. There is no difference between these two solutions, use the programs that you like. AIDA64 shows more detailed characteristics, and the Speccy program will be convenient for a novice user.

Well, of course, I couldn’t help but talk about how to find out which motherboard is on a laptop or computer without a third-party software, but also without staff Windows tools. "Like this?" - you ask. And I will answer you: “During loading!” Yes. When you turn on the computer, information about the motherboard and, of course, its model appear on the screen for 2-3 seconds as it starts to boot. Disadvantages of the method: you have to read very quickly, in order to see the information you have to restart the computer several times and also this information may not be there. That's all for today. Thank you for your attention, read my blog, bye everyone!

Video about how to choose a motherboard:

Do you know what the black box hides? system unit your PC? Or a laptop case? Me not. Of course, I know what brand of processor is installed in my computer and how many gigs of RAM it has, but I just can’t remember the motherboard model. And I’m not trying, to be honest: why clog up memory if I can easily identify it?

Today we’ll talk about how to find out what motherboard is on your computer or laptop. Not only on the working one, but also on the faulty one, which does not start, does not load the system or refuses to display an image on the screen.

Windows Tools: Fast, Easy, Sometimes Useless

If the computer turns on normally and loads the operating system, it will take you no more than a minute to determine the mother model. Windows provides 3 tools for this (maybe more, but that’s enough for us):
  • Built-in System Information application.
  • DirectX Diagnostic Tool.
  • Console Windows program Management Instrumentation Command (WMIC).

To open " System information» go to Windows search and start typing the word msinfo32. The information you are looking for will be displayed on the first tab:

In my example, Windows was only able to recognize the manufacturer of the “mother”. The model on some cars, as can be seen in the screenshot, remains unrecognized. It turns out that this tool is not very reliable, so let's go ahead and use the next one.

For start " Diagnostic toolsDirectX"Open the Windows search engine again and start entering the command dxdiag. The information we are interested in is also located on the main tab of the application. This " Computer manufacturer" And " Computer model».

But what is it? Is this remedy also really useless? Alas, it happens. In the second example, it was unable to determine either the motherboard manufacturer or its model. If so, let's see what the third Windows tool can do.

Practice shows that the WMIC console utility produces much more informative results than the first and second ones. On desktop computers it displays the correct information almost always, and I’ll say a few words about laptops a little lower. So, to find out with its help which motherboard is in the system unit, run two instructions in the Windows command line (or in the PowerShell console, as in my example):

Wmic baseboard get manufacturer

Wmic baseboard get product

As you already understood, first we determined the brand, then the model. Everything worked as it should, which means this is the only Windows tool that is trustworthy.

Third-party programs: more information, more options

Advantages third party applications, in particular those that I included in this article - not only more informative, but also Possibility of use outside the installed HDD operating system . They can be launched when the computer boots from, in various Windows Live CDs, and even under DOS. All this can be useful in cases where the computer does not load the OS.


B free program HWiNFO32/64– one of the best, in my opinion, tools for analyzing and monitoring the state of PC hardware resources. As for information about the motherboard, it displays not only its make and model, but also the version PCI-e buses, USB, multicontroller chip (Super I/O), chipset and BIOS feature set, and much more. A knowledgeable user will receive almost comprehensive information about his hardware using HWiNFO.

If you are only interested in the “mother” model, you just need to open only the window in the program general information about the system ( Summaryonly). The data is indicated in the field " Motherboard" in the lower left half of the window. More detailed information is contained in the main section.

HWiNFO is released separately for 32- and 64-bit systems. You can choose to download the installation or portable version for Windows, as well as for DOS.


The second popularly loved utility that will quickly and free of charge show you basic information about the motherboard is CPU-Z, a product of developers from the Middle Kingdom.

The dossier on the “mother” is stored in the “ Mainboard" In addition to the make, model and revision (highlighted with a red frame on the screen), CPU-Z shows:

  • Northbridge chip ( Chipset).
  • Southbridge chip ( Southbridge).
  • Multicontroller ( LPCIO).
  • Information about BIOS (subsection BIOS).
  • Discrete graphics interface( GraphicInterface).

The program is released in portable and installable versions. Also on the author's website there is a release of CPU-Z for older versions of the system, in particular Windows 98.


AIDA64 is a paid and very expensive application, but thanks to torrent trackers, this fact bothers few people today. Moreover, for our task, its trial version is enough, which works for 1 month. Unlike the two previous utilities, Aida has a Russian-language interface, which is why users love it even more. In addition, the program functions not only as an analyzer and monitor of hardware resources, it contains several sets of tests that are used for diagnostics, assessing the performance of devices and comparing them with analogues (benchmark).

To find out with the help of Aida what model of motherboard is on your computer, look at its section “ Motherboard" The searched data is displayed in the list " Properties motherboard " Below is additional information about it as a device: FSB (processor bus), memory and chipset parameters. Data about the chipset itself, BIOS and ACPI subsystem are placed on separate tabs.

In general, AIDA64 provides more detailed information than HWiNFO32, but in the trial version some data is hidden.

The utility is available in four editions for Windows, the most inexpensive of which is Extreme, which costs $39.95. Installation and portable versions are available to choose from.

How to run HWiNFO, CPU-Z and AIDA64 in the MSDaRT environment

The Windows recovery tool MSDaRT (Microsoft Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset) is based on WinPE, a small operating system based on the Windows kernel with a minimal set of services that can boot from portable media. Programs installed on your computer's hard drive, with rare exceptions, do not run in the WinPE environment, so you can only work with their portable versions.
  • So, boot your computer from a flash drive or DVD with MSDaRT. Download any of the above utilities (or all three) on another PC and place them on a removable drive.
  • From the list of MSDaRT recovery tools, select " Conductor».
  • Open the drive with the program in Explorer and run the executable file.

Features of recognizing motherboards on laptops

In all of the tools discussed, and not only them, when running on a laptop, they can display information not about the motherboard, but about the model of the device. Or about a whole series of models, such as in this screenshot:

The name of laptop motherboards does not match the name of the models. The exception is Asus products, among which this occurs, but also not always. It is very common to determine the laptop motherboard model software impossible.

In general, very few companies equip their laptops with boards of their own production - the same Asus, Apple, Samsung and MSI. The rest buy them from other manufacturers. Yes, brand motherboards Quanta are in laptops Sony VAIO, Acer, HP. "Mothers" Asus can be found in Dell and Samsung devices. Payments Wistron Lenovo, Acer, Dell equip their products. Foxconn found in Sony VAIO and Compaq. Compal installed in Acer, Toshiba, Lenovo and many more. Clevo can be found in DNS and DEXP. Inventec installed in laptops of HP, Compaq, Toshiba Satellite brands. These are only the most common manufacturers of mobile motherboards and only some brands of laptops in which they are used.

How to identify the motherboard of a non-working computer and laptop

The only way to determine the model of a device installed in a faulty device is to find information on the device itself. In the case of desktop motherboards, this is not difficult - the model name is printed large on their front side. Most often it is located in the area of ​​the PCI-express connectors or near processor socket. If it is not visible, most likely it is covered by the cooling system or video card.

On laptops everything is again mixed up and classified. Information in unencoded form is again found in Asus(thanks to them for that). The model and revision of the motherboard is indicated before the phrase “ MAINBOARD", in my example it is K72D.R. rev 3.0 . A company logo is placed next to or somewhere on the same side of the board.

Samsung labels its platforms as follows: the top line begins with the word “ MODEL", followed by its name ( BremenM). The bottom line contains revision information.

motherboards Compal International are identified by the characteristic two-letter marking “ L.A." followed by 4 digits. On some models there is a letter P after the numbers.

Platform marking Quanta, which indicates the model, is not easy to see. It consists of a single, inconspicuous line beginning with “ DAO" or " D.A." Next comes 8-9 characters. The model name is part of this line between DA (DAO) and MB. This example shows the markings of the Quanta LZ3A motherboard.

Platform Model Information Wistron are inside a small white rectangle. Shown here is a fragment of the Wistron LA56 motherboard. The two remaining lines with numbers are the version and part number of the motherboard (starts with 48). If the model has a verbal name, it is indicated in the first line.

Boards from other manufacturers also have unique identification marks, but I don’t see the point of listing them all here, since there are quite a lot of them. Then, laptop owners rarely need such information, because everything they need - drivers, BIOS, spare parts, etc. - can be found by knowing only the model of the device. And, as a rule, there are no problems with this.

The user’s question about how to accurately find out the model (revision) of the motherboard of a computer with Windows 7 arises for many reasonable reasons. Most often, this information is required to correctly update equipment software, fix problems, use additional devices and so on.

The easiest method

If for some reason the owner does not have the box, then the necessary information is often indicated by the manufacturer in the documentation for the computer.

However, unfortunately, often PC owners cannot find the included instructions for the devices they purchased, or they are simply too lazy to get up from the couch and dig through the papers. In this case, the following will help solve the problem: step by step guides programmatic in nature.

Using the built-in tools of Windows 7

You only need to perform a few sequential steps:

Using the console

In order to resolve the issue posed quickly and effectively, the “almighty” command line will help.

The following steps are required:

Through a special utility “Speccy”

For beginners and for users who have difficulty with the above methods, special applications have been developed that determine motherboard models. Below is an example of using one of the most convenient utilities.

You will need to complete the following steps:


It has expanded functionality compared to the above utility, but is not free. If you plan to use the program only once, then you can use the demo version for free, which is also available on the official website of the application creator.

The algorithm of actions is similar to the previous utility and all the data of interest is located in the “Motherboard” tab.

Visual method

If none of the above methods help, the most reliable option to accurately find out the answer to the question posed is a visual inspection of the board itself. To do this, you just need to open the PC system case and look inside.

The model of the motherboard is always marked.

This method allows you to accurately determine the model of the component equipment, but it is easy to implement only if you have a stationary PC. If you need to find out the model of the motherboard of a netbook or laptop, then the process is quite labor intensive when disassembling and then reassembling the device.

There are several ways to find out which motherboard is installed in your computer or laptop. Usually you need to look at information about the motherboard when you need to install . In this article, I will show you several ways in which you can accurately see information about your motherboard. So, let's begin...

1) As trivial as it may seem, the first thing you need to do is look for the box from “mother”. If you assembled a computer from components, then it should be there. It just shows the name and model:

2) If there is no box and it was lost a long time ago, then there is an option with other “spare parts” that can go together if you bought a complete system unit or a laptop. In particular, I mean the instructions themselves, or at least the disks. They also have a name on them:

3) If everything is really bad with the instructions, disks and box, then the last “physical” option to look at the motherboard model is to open the system unit. Of course this method More suitable for system specialists, but a laptop can also be disassembled. You just have to collect it later... However, the fact remains. Manufacturers write the name of their product on all motherboards:


4) Open it and enter it

wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber

If we decipher this line, then we display information about:
Product - Model
Manufacturer - Manufacturer
Version - Version
SerialNumber - Serial number

If you don’t need something, you can simply not include the lines in the query. For example, if you just find out about the manufacturer and model (which is most often needed), then the line will be like this:

wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer

5) Using special programs, which are designed to collect information about the computer. For example, I wrote about this in an article? or . There, at the end of the articles, I provided links to similar programs. For example, there are a lot of them in the article too.
You can even just use free program CPU-Z() and on the required tab you will see your motherboard

Finally, I want to note that I did not write in much detail about how to view information about the motherboard on a laptop. It is shown when you just turn on the beech and there is information on the black loading screen at the bottom. I just don’t think that you will remember the necessary information so quickly and will sit with a piece of paper (and reboot several times because of this) when there are much easier ways to find out what model of motherboard you have installed.

Welcome to my blog!
Very often, when you need to install drivers on the system, you ask yourself: “what model of motherboard is installed in this computer? This question may be relevant when the computer was assembled in a store and after a while, you have already forgotten which motherboard you have installed, and the driver disk has been successfully lost.
Or you bought a computer secondhand, which is often sold without drivers; again, to install them, you need to know which “motherboard” is inside the case.

In addition to the name of the board itself, you also need to know the name of the company that manufactured it, since it is not always possible to immediately determine the manufacturer just by the name of the model. And the drivers will need to be downloaded from the motherboard manufacturer's website.
In this article, I want to tell you how to find out the model of your computer’s motherboard and its manufacturer, in case you suddenly need it.
The methods are completely different, from the simplest to the most complex, so every computer user will find a suitable option for themselves.

View the box or instructions for the motherboard.

The easiest way to find out which motherboard you have installed is to look at the box it came in; there will definitely be a product marking on it.

If you did not save the box, then the model name can be found by looking at the instructions for the box; the model name will also be written on it.

When you turn on the computer or in the system BIOS.

If you don’t have a box or a book with instructions, then you can find out the name of the motherboard by looking directly at the monitor screen when you turn on the computer.

Different motherboard manufacturers display their model name differently and in different corners of the screen, but you can see it, you just need to look carefully at the screen.

Another option is to find out the motherboard model by going into the BIOS of your computer.
For example, by logging into Motherboard BIOS Gigabyte boards, you need to press the F9 key to open the system information panel.

Where you will see the markings of your motherboard.

And on new motherboards that use UEFI BIOS, the name of the motherboard model and the logo of the company itself are displayed at the top of the screen.

Look at the motherboard itself.

If you look closely at the motherboard itself, you will definitely see on it the name of the model and the name of the company that manufactured it.

Such markings can be applied in different places, but they are definitely there, you just need to look carefully at the motherboard.

Using special programs.

There are many programs that provide the user with complete information about the contents of the system unit. They show not only what model of motherboard is installed in the system, but also what processor, memory, hard drive and their characteristics are described.
For the purposes of this article, we are only interested in the motherboard and we will see what such programs tell us about it. For example, I have chosen four programs and one online service that will help us find out the markings of the motherboard of our computer.

It is not necessary to use several programs at once; it is enough to choose one or two that you like best or that will simply be at hand at the right time.

CPU-Z program.

The first program is the CPU-Z utility from CPUID, a very popular utility for checking the characteristics of a system unit. It works very quickly and does not need to be installed, and what’s important is that the program is free. A must have in any computer user's arsenal.

You can download the CPU-Z program from this link:

Speccy program.

The second program I want to introduce is the Speccy utility from Piriform, which is known to many for its .
This utility, like the previous one, shows all the information about the components of your computer. It is very convenient and easy to use, all information is divided into categories, there is free version, which is enough to find out what is inside the system unit.

To find out what model of motherboard you have installed, go to the “Motherboard” tab, where you will see all the information about it.
In the “Manufacturer” line, you will see the name of the company that produced the “motherboard”, and in the “Model” line, its designation.

To get information about the motherboard, you need to go to the “Mainboard” tab, where you will see the name of the manufacturer and the marking of the motherboard model.

PC Wizard program.

The next program is called PC Wizard from the same author as CPU-Z. This program also shows which components are installed inside the system unit, but has a different graphical interface.

To find out which motherboard is installed in your computer, you need to select the icon with system board and on the right side of the program you will see its characteristics, where its manufacturer and model name will be indicated.

You can download the PC Wizard program from the link:

AIDA program.

Another program that can be used to find out the motherboard markings is AIDA. This program is also known to computer users under the name Everest and allows you to test computer hardware.
The program is paid, so it is not suitable for me for regular use, because there is a whole bunch of free software.
But in order to find out the markings of the motherboard, the trial version of AIDA, which works for 30 days, is enough.

To do this, install and run the program and select “Motherboard” in the menu on the left, then you will see its markings on the right side of the program window.

Using the online service and the Intel Detection program.

My list of programs that can be used to determine the motherboard model is completed by the Intel Detection program, which works in tandem with the Intel service.
This service scans the system using the Intel Detection utility and displays its characteristics on its website.
The procedure is as follows..
Visit the website:

You will see the following window with a description of the program.

Click on the “Software Identification and hardware on your computer."
You will then be prompted to download the Intel Detection program, save it to your hard drive and then open it, after which it will analyze your system.

When you see such a window, close it, the analysis of your system is ready.

To see what motherboard is installed in your computer, go to the intel website again. In the same window where you downloaded the program, you will see information about your system. In the line “Computer Manufacturer” you will see the name of the motherboard manufacturer, and in the name “Computer Model” its marking. In the “Basic level” tab you will see short information about the system, and in the “Advanced level” tab, more detailed information.

To re-analyze using this service, you will need to download the program again and run system diagnostics.

How to find out your motherboard model using the Windows command line.

The next way to find out the motherboard markings is suitable for more advanced users who know how to use.
The difficulty of this option also lies in the fact that you need to remember the commands that need to be entered or you simply need to write them down somewhere, since after a while you simply forget them.

So, first we need to launch the command line console.

To do this, press the key combination WIN+R and enter three letters in the input window: cmd.
A command window will open Windows strings, where we will enter commands. I will give two options for how you can find out the name of the company and the model of the motherboard.

The first option is simpler, the command is easier to remember, since it consists of only one word.
Enter in command line command:

And complete information about your system will appear in the window.

We are interested in two lines in this information, these are “System Manufacturer” - the name of the company and “System Model” - the marking of the board.

The second option is a little more complicated; you will need to enter two commands in turn:

wmic baseboard get manufacturer
wmic baseboard get product

The first command will show us the name of the manufacturer, and the second the name of the “motherboard”.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here, everything is extremely simple and no unnecessary information.

Using Windows information programs.

Windows OS has special utilities, with the help of which you can obtain information about the system configuration, they will help us find out which “mother” is inside the system unit.

The first program is Dxdiag, a diagnostic tool for DirectX components and drivers.
To open it, click:
1. On the “Start” button and in the search box, enter the name of the program.
2. Press the WIN+R key combination and in the “Run” window enter the name of the program.

The Dxdiag program window will open, where in the “System” tab we will see the information we need. In the line “Computer Manufacturer” and “Computer Model” the name of the company and the marking of the motherboard model will be written.

The second utility is called “System Information,” which can be opened in three quick ways.
1. Go through the menu:

Start – All Programs – Accessories – System Tools – System Information

2. Click on the “Start” button and enter the name of the program in the search window.
3. Press the WIN+R key combination and in the “Run” window enter the name of the program.

As a result of these actions, a program window will open, where you will immediately see the main characteristics of your system, including the motherboard. In the line “Manufacturer” you will see the name of the company, and in the line “Model”, its designation.

Using the Windows registry.

This method is suitable for more advanced computer users who know how to use. But beginners should not be afraid either, since there is no need to edit the registry here, you just need to look at it in the right place.
Open the registry window by pressing the WIN+R key combination and enter the command in the program window:

Then open the registry branch:


And in the BIOS section you will see two options:
1. BaseBoardManufacturer – Name of the manufacturer;
2. BaseBoardProduct – Board model name;

Write down the company name and motherboard model on a piece of paper and simply close the register.

How to find out the motherboard model in Ubuntu.

In Linux there are also many options for how you can find out the name of the motherboard; in this article I will give only one example of how this can be done in Ubuntu.
