How to completely remove gamenet from your computer. GameNet Thorn - how to remove? Uninstalling programs via the command line Uninstalling gamenet

Today we are going to find out what GameNet Thorn is. How to delete this process- this is another task that will have to be addressed. After all, if you have ever encountered this component, then, most likely, you were not able to completely get rid of it. This is quite difficult to do. Especially if you have no idea what Thorn.exe is, and why you should remove it from your computer once and for all. Let's try to clarify the situation.


Many people probably already know that most online games are launched using special applications. They are provided by the creators. So, for example, to play the toys offered on Mail, you will have to use the Mail Game Center service. It will download and update the products you have selected. Launching is also carried out using this method.

But many people are tired of the Mail games. And we have to look for other creators. And this is where GameNet comes to the rescue. What does this creator, as well as the application of the same name, do? It simply provides users with a service for downloading, updating and installing their software. Namely, new generation online games. As practice shows, GameNet has been competing with Mail for a long time. And some of their games are really worthy of attention.

Unfortunately, after you launch the GameNet application, you may notice a new process on your computer called Thorn. This is some kind of unpleasant “bonus” that all players without exception receive. But this surprise will only affect GameNet fans. Where exactly does it occur?

Meeting place can not be Changed

The Thorn process is found in almost all GameNet products. In any case, if you decide to try playing client-based online games, then familiarity with it is guaranteed. What products will trigger an annoying and difficult-to-remove process?

For example, an MMORPG called BS, or the recently popular Black Desert. These are colorful online role-playing games that attract more and more new users every day. In addition, you can encounter GameNet Thorn by downloading and installing Reborn Online, Aika 2, Rohan, and Dark Age.

Don't forget about shooters. Our current process now “sits” in them too. GameNet has provided games called Combat Arms, FireStorm, Metal War Online, as well as the sports RPG Football Legend with such a feature as GameNet Thorn. If you don’t want to deal with it once again, it’s better to refrain from launching the listed client games. But playing browser-based games from GameNet is not prohibited. It's safe for you and your computer.

What it is

But what is GameNet Thorn? How to remove it is another question. It is not yet clear what we are dealing with. If this is a virus, then why is no one blocking GameNet? The thing is that this process is actually not a malicious file at all, as you might think at first glance. Game creators call it their software.

What does GameNet do when it launches Thorn? Along with this process, protection of software and games from malicious files is activated. In other words, from various mods and cheats. It turns out that we will have to deal with a real anti-cheat. But the question arises - why delete it? This is a completely normal phenomenon when the creator does not allow their products to be hacked. Few people will take this kind of step. But users are still unhappy with this surprise. Why? Let's understand the hidden capabilities of Thorn.exe and look at its interaction with the computer.

Principle of operation

GameNet Thorn is, as we have already found out, a unique system for protecting games from hacking. It is activated when the software is installed. But the user will not see this anywhere. And the activation of the process is always automatic. Everything is done without your knowledge. Not very nice, is it?

In addition, the Thorn process is very CPU intensive and consumes a lot of computer resources. This, in turn, has an extremely negative impact on performance operating system. For example, some basic applications refuse to work, and games begin to slow down. In the same way, the work of the entire computer as a whole is “dulled”. The only way to end this nightmare is complete removal GameNet Thorn. And this is not such an easy task. However, owners of powerful computers may not notice changes in the operation of the operating system at first. But sooner or later the computer will start to sound the alarm about the process.

But this is not the most important thing. The greatest danger comes from hidden opportunity GameNet Thorn. We are talking about collecting complete information about the behavior of the computer, sites visited and other personal changes in the system. After receiving the information, GameNet sends it to the office of Syncopate, the main creator of all the games that we listed earlier. With all this, among the sent data there may be your logins and passwords for accounts on websites, as well as electronic account numbers and bank cards. Dangerous, isn't it? Plus, thanks to the information received, GameNet makes money on you even when you do not invest money in the game. Pure fraud! This is exactly what users think.

Protection system - agreement

In truth, complaining about GameNet and GameNet Thorn (the process) is useless. The fact is that this company has protected itself well legally. The future player independently agrees to install additional content as compensation for using the games. This is such a clever deception. More precisely, a cunning move that can protect GameNet in the event of a complaint about the installation of spyware software.

To verify the plausibility of what has been said, it is enough to carefully read the user when installing games. And pay special attention to paragraph 2.4. There it is written about Thorn, and about the collection of data with its subsequent sending to the Syncopate office, and about compensation for using the software. Everything is done in such a way that there is simply nothing to complain about. Therefore, always read the license agreement carefully before installing and running games. Perhaps you yourself allow your computer to be infected with a virus. But there is one small problem with GameNet Thorn - how to remove it from your computer? Many never knew the answer to this question.

No game - no problem

The first option that may come to mind is nothing else, which caused the computer to be “infected”. No software - no process. Well, try it. It is unlikely that you will succeed. And rightly so. After all, GameNet made sure that their process was written deep into the operating system.

What does it mean? Even if you completely uninstall the game client, as well as the GameNet application of the same name, Thorn will still remain on the computer and will continue to collect and send information about changes occurring in the system. It's like some kind of virus! But when scanning your computer, it will be shown that there will be no harm from this “application”. It is not perceived as a threat or a spy. Remember, you yourself gave permission to install content of this nature? But what to do then with GameNet Thorn? How to remove it once and for all?

Command line

For example, you can simply say goodbye forever to Syncopate products, as well as GameNet. delete everything installed games from production and then turn to the so-called in the computer. It will help disable startup programs and processes that interfere with system performance. Thorn is considered as such. Where should you start?

After deleting games using the usual method (via the control panel or the GameNet application of the same name), press the Win + R key combination. A command line will open in which further work will take place. Don't be afraid, the process is not as difficult as it might seem. Even a novice user can handle it by following simple instructions.

In the window that appears, type "d %LOCALAPPDATA%\THORN && thorn.exe -c 20 && thorn.exe -u". This process should completely remove the entire process from the computer. Press Enter to confirm your changes, and then check to see if everything actually worked as it should. To do this, type "sc delete THORN" at the command line. Look what will be written. In principle, if no errors were made, the process will be deleted. And they will tell you about it. But don’t rush to rejoice, this is not all.

Change access

What's next for GameNet Thorn? How to delete a process once and for all without harming your computer? After the actions done with the command line, you need to worry about changing access to the application directory. To implement the idea, you will have to turn to the command line again. Press Win + R, and then in the line that appears, write "%LOCALAPPDATA%".

A window will open with many directories. Find Thorn there and select it with the mouse. Next, right-click and select “Properties” from the list that appears. Ready? Then go to the "Security" section. At the very bottom, click "Advanced", then select "Change permissions".

A window will appear with a huge variety of markers. It is worth removing the bottom one, and then clicking on “Apply”. Afterwards you will receive a message asking about further actions. Select "Delete" - and all problems are solved. All that remains is to click “OK” in “Properties” and restart the computer. You can rejoice - GameNet Thorn has been removed. And now he won't bother you anymore. True, until the moment when you again want to play games from Syncopate.

For players

But is there any way to eliminate Thorn and still play games from GameNet? In general, there is such a possibility. But, as they say, it works from case to case. Nevertheless, it’s worth a try if you are really interested in the products of this creator.

Open command line using a hotkey combination or the Start menu with administrator rights. Now in the window that appears, write and run the search “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\Thorn”. A window will pop up with a huge number of different parameters. There is no need to understand them. Simply change the "Start" section from 2 to 4. This will mean that you are disabling the Thorn startup process. Confirm your actions and restart your computer. That's all the problems are solved. True, you may begin to be “thrown out” of games at the most inopportune moment. Or the method will not work at all.

When there's nothing to lose

Now we have learned how to remove GameNet Thorn. How to remove this infection if no methods work, and the performance of the computer has already dropped to the limit? Then only one thing will help - a complete reinstallation of the operating system with formatting hard drive. As many users note, this is not the best, but it is a reliable and sure way to clean your computer from all infections and viruses.

As you can see, there are not many development options. Read the user carefully - then and only then can you protect yourself from unnecessary problems with processes and the operating system. If you are not confident in your abilities, ask some computer technician or system administrator help you. For a fee, all your problems will be solved quickly and reliably.

Some users noticed strange activity of an unknown thorn.exe process, which takes a certain amount of system resources, loading the processor. The appearance of the THORN process is associated with software installation GameNet. This article will tell you about this software and the process, as well as how to remove Gamenet and clean thorn.exe.

General information about the Gamenet application

GameNet- a program that is a client for downloading, installing and launching a large number of games. The thorn.exe file and program belong to the publisher GameNet. Essentially, it is a control center for all games from the same publisher that owns the program. Games from this publisher include: Black Desert, BS, Aika 2, Firestorm, Golden Age etc. The client has a built-in chat in which users can communicate with each other, and there is also a news feed reporting changes and news related to the publisher’s games. The client provides free downloading, installation and, of course, playing it. One single account is used for all publishing projects. Thus, if you want to play another toy, you do not need to register again; you just need to click on the “download” button in the window of the corresponding game. You can use your account to log in to the system. social network, for example, a VKontakte account. Read on to learn about deleting GameNet.

In addition to social opportunities, the client has the ability to add other users to your friends list and the ability to create conferences and conversations in which many users participate.

Uninstalling GameNet

Having played enough games from the GameNet publishing house, the need for the client disappears, and in order for it to simply not take up space on the computer, GameNet needs to be removed and the system cleaned. There are no problems with deleting the client. This is done in a simple way, using the control panel. For this:

  1. Let's go to Start.
  2. Next is “Control Panel”.
  3. Then select the “Add or Remove Programs” section.
  4. We look in the list for everything related to the GameNet client and delete thorn.exe.

But remove the application that is automatically installed with the client thorn.exe It just won't work out that way.

What is thorn.exe

Thorn- is an “anti-cheat”. This is special software that ensures that players do not use cheats in games. Not only does this thorn.exe application automatically launch and eat up computer resources, according to some information, this program also sends various information about your computer, for example, the PC configuration, which programs are installed, which are running. This is certainly unpleasant, but remove Thorn simple methods does not work. Below are several ways to remove the annoying app.

How to remove Thorn.exe

  1. Open a command prompt with administrator rights (run as administrator), finding it in the list of standard programs.
  2. In the window that opens, enter the following line and press Enter: cd %LOCALAPPDATA%THORN && thorn.exe -c 20 && thorn.exe -u
  3. Now it’s worth checking that the service was successfully removed, this is done by entering the following entry in the command line: sc delete THORN
  4. Next you need to change the access to the application directory. To do this, open the Run window using the Win+R key combination and enter the following: %LOCALAPPDATA%
  5. In the folder that opens, look for the Thorn directory, right-click, click Properties and select the Security tab.
  6. At the bottom, click Advanced and in the new window, click “Change permissions.”
  7. After this, you need to remove the marker from below and click “Apply”. To the question that pops up, answer “Delete”. That's it, click OK and restart the computer.

The second method is removal using a program. You can learn how to remove thorn.exe using the program by watching the video.

In this article we will talk about an application called GameNet. The issue of removing this program will be discussed separately, because this is what most worries players who have ever had to run client online games from GameNet.

Experience shows that removing this application will require significant effort. What is the reason for this feature? And why might you even need to delete a program that is used to download games? Let's try to figure this issue out...

GameNet: what is it?

Before you begin uninstalling GameNet from personal computer, you need to decide what it is. We have already said earlier that this program is used as a special client that helps download computer games, update them, and also get acquainted with the news in a special feed. For using this application you can receive various bonuses. An analogue is “Game Center”

In order to start using the program, you only need to register on home page developer. As a result, you will have your own account with a certain level. Now you can simply download the application itself and go through the authorization procedure. When everything is ready, all you have to do is select the games, download them, update them and enjoy the gameplay. In this case we're talking about about the client version of the program.

Where can I find GameNet?

Now you know what GameNet is. Let's talk about how you can get rid of this program. Although you may need it. But what if you don’t want to play client applications from the creator? In this case, there is no need to rack your brains over such a difficult question.

Why is GameNet installed?

GameNet can be installed to support modern online MMORPG games. These toys include the currently popular Black Desert, Dark Age, Aika 2, BS, Rohan, Reborn. These games are the most popular. After launching games, you often have to think about how you can remove the GameNet program from your computer. Not everyone likes MMORPGs and fantasy. Many people prefer regular shooters, simulators or military-themed games. GameNet also has something to offer such users, for example, Fire storm, Metal War, Combat Arms. To run these games, the user will have to install GameNet on his computer. If you have played or are planning to play the above client-based online games, then sooner or later the question of uninstalling GameNet will interest you.

Beware, danger!

It would seem that what could be dangerous in the official application necessary for managing client games? Practice shows that in fact there is a danger. This applies when it comes to GameNet. How to remove this application? It's very hard. This question today interests many users. Why? First of all, as you may notice, when you launch GameNet products, your computer begins to slow down.

In this case, the line Thorn appears in the operating system processes. This process requires a significant portion of computer resources. This process is positioned as an anti-cheat. It is used to protect games from hacking. But Thorn can cause a lot of trouble for players. The question of removing GameNet from the system arises when the user learns that this application collects information about the user’s computer, about visits to web pages, and sends this data to the creator’s office. Thus, the manufacturer makes money even from those players who do not pay for the game. This is a well-protected deception from a legal point of view.

Your personal data and computer are at risk. In addition, players are often bothered by the GameNet application error. Most often, it means that your computer is infected with some kind of virus. Along with GameNet, various spies and Trojans can penetrate the system. It is also worth remembering that this application is annoying. After all, it will constantly appear after turning on or restarting the computer. Sometimes it's very unnerving. For this reason, many users decide to get rid of GameNet. How can I delete this application once and for all? Various methods can be used for this.

No games!

When deciding on deleting GameNet, the user will first have to decide on deleting all games from a given creator. We are talking about client options. The user will be able to use browser versions of games even after deleting the game center. They do not pose any danger to the computer. Client versions are deleted twice. First time using the Game Net app. To do this, after authorization in the program, you need to select the game you want and click on the “Delete” button. The next step should be to remove the game from your computer. This is done using the “Control Panel”. You need to find the necessary settings in the Add or Remove Programs service and get rid of them. After this, do not rush to restart your computer. This should only be done at the end of the GameNet removal process. This rule should be remembered.

How to remove an application

If you are thinking about removing GameNet from your computer, then first it is better to use the most familiar method - simply get rid of the application client. To do this, you need to uninstall the application as a regular program through the Control Panel. Go into it and use the “Add or Remove Programs” item. After this, wait a while. As a result, a list of software installed on the system should load. The GameNet program will also be displayed here. If you see it, simply highlight the desired line and select the “Delete” function. But the process of deleting GameNet cannot yet be considered complete. If you reboot, you will find that the application still continues to work, although in the list installed programs it is no longer displayed.

Working with processes

One of the problems that haunts users when uninstalling GameNet is the processes that occur while the application is running. These include the same Thorn. If you do not remove it, you will not be able to remove GameNet. You must remove all processes that the application created. Removing Thorn takes a very long time. Autorun can be cleared using the command cd%LOCALAPPDATA%THORN&þ.exe-c20$$thorn.exe-u. This command must be entered on the command line as an administrator. When the operation is completed, call the “Task Manager” and find the “Processes” tab in it. Here, end the Thorn.exe process. It is also worth ending the ThronHelper.exe process. Now your chances of successfully completing program removal have increased several times. What to do next?

The root folder

To permanently remove GamenNet from your computer, you need to clear the operating system from the root application folder. If you don't remove it, the whole process may be in vain. How to find this folder? When you click the "Start" button, even after uninstalling GameNet, you will be able to see a line to launch this program. You need to right-click on it and select “Properties”. Next, pay attention to the “Object” field. There is an address written there that you need to go to. Here you can find out in which folder the exe.file is located. You need to delete this folder. Now all you have to do is press the Shift+Del button combination and the problems associated with deleting GameNet will be solved.

Extreme measures

If all the measures described above do not bring results, you can reinstall the system and format HDD. This way you can quickly and surely get rid of GameNet. Practice shows that if you have nothing to lose and you keep a copy important information on removable media, it is better to immediately reinstall the operating system. This method also helps to get rid of all spies and viruses. Now you know how to remove GameNet. All you have to do is decide on the appropriate method.

GameNet is a client for downloading and running games. After installing this software, owners of weak computers noticed a decrease in performance. If you play games from GameNet, then you will have to put up with it. Otherwise, you can remove GameNet from your computer.

This article will tell you how to completely remove GameNet from your computer. Since many users claim that after installing the program, four applications hang in the processes, which load the system and cannot be removed in a simple way.

After completely uninstalling the program, do not rush to relax. Since not all components are installed with the GameNet program, they are removed in this way. The last step will be to manually clean the system of GameNet software tails.

Manually open the following locations and remove any remaining software:

  • C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Vebanaul- This is where information about account and other application data.
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\QGNA- this folder stores the WebGames application, which appeared along with GameNet, but was not removed.

As GameNet developers state: Thorn is not a virus at all, but a monitor for monitoring activity when GameNet is running. And also one of the components of the GameNet protection system.

The developers claim that Thorn does not work without the GameNet program. As you can only find out in practice, for some users it really does not put a bad load on the system.

Only if there is a Thorn folder in the path C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local will the cleanup process begin. The current command deletes quickly deletes the folder. The user similarly has the opportunity to launch the task manager, stop the Thorn.exe process and delete the folder manually.


The GameNet program and all its components are useful only to users who prefer their products. If you no longer need the GameNet program, then using our instructions you can completely remove GameNet from your computer. And also in our article you learned how to remove Thorn and why it is needed on your computer.

In this situation, to more completely clean your computer from program tails, we recommend using the Malwarebytes AdwCleaner utility. The program will help you get rid of unnecessary software and clean the registry.

Today we will have to introduce you to an application called GameNet. How to delete this program- this is another topic that we will touch on. Why? This question, as a rule, worries many players who have ever launched online games (client) from GameNet. However, as practice shows, deleting an application requires enormous effort. For what reasons? And why even remove the program that is used to download games? Let's try to make sense of all this.

What is this

Before you remove GameNet from your computer, it’s worth clearly understanding what we have to deal with now. As already noted, this program serves as a kind of client that helps download the creator’s games, update them, and also read the main news in a special news feed. Of course, you will receive various bonuses from time to time for using it. Perhaps GameNet is a kind of analogue of the Game Center application from

All you need to use the program is to register on the developer's main page. After this, you will have a separate account with a so-called level (the higher it is, the better the “surprises” from the administration). Now you can download the application itself, install and log in. Ready? Next, select games, download them, update them and enjoy the gameplay. True, we are talking only about client options.

Where is it found?

So we found out what GameNet is. How to remove this program? It's too early to think about it. After all, it is still unknown whether you will need it or not. Maybe you won't play the creator's client games. Then there is no need to rack your brains over such a difficult question.

Why should you install GameNet? For example, for modern ones these include Black Desert, Aika 2, Dark Age, Rohan, BS, as well as Reborn Online. It is these products that, as a rule, attract the majority of users. And after launching games, you often have to think about how to remove the GameNet program from your computer.

But not everyone likes fantasy and MMORPGs. Some prefer military themes, simulators and shooters. GameNet also has its own offers for such users. For example, Combat Arms, Fire Storm, Metal War and Football Legend. GameNet installation is also required to run these games. As a matter of fact, if you have ever played or are planning to play the listed client online games, you will eventually have to think about deleting GameNet. But why?

Danger is near

There doesn't seem to be anything dangerous official application, which is necessary to manage client games, does not carry. Only practice shows the opposite. At least when it comes to GameNet. How to remove this application? This is extremely difficult to do. And this question, as already mentioned, worries many users. For what reasons?

Firstly, after launching GameNet products, you may notice how your computer begins to slow down. And in operating system processes a line such as Thron appears. At the same time, it requires a lot of resources from the computer. In fact, this process is positioned as an anti-cheat. And it is necessary to protect games from hacking. However, Thron brings a lot of inconvenience to players.

Secondly, the question of how to remove GameNet from Windows 7 and other operating systems arises when the player learns that GameNet is collecting users using this application, as well as about visits to web pages, after which sends the data to the office of the main creator. This move allows you to make money even from those players who do not invest money in toys. A kind of deception, but from the legal side it is well protected. So your computer and personal data are at risk.

Thirdly, the GameNet application error is a message that bothers players quite often. And this means that your computer is most likely infected with some kind of infection. Often, various Trojans and spies penetrate the operating system from GameNet.

Don't forget about the annoyingness of our today's application. It will constantly pop up after rebooting or turning on the computer. And this is sometimes very unnerving. So we'll have to get rid of GameNet. How to remove this application once and for all? Let's try to do this using several methods.

No games

The first thing you need to do when resolving the issue of exterminating GameNet is to rid your computer of all the games of this creator. True, we are talking about client options. Browser games will be available in normal mode even after the “game center” is removed. And they do not pose any danger to the computer.

Client options are deleted twice. The first time - using the GameNet application. Immediately after logging into the program. Select the desired game, and then click on “Delete”. You wait for some time - and all problems are solved. You can proceed to the next stage.

Which one exactly? The usual way to remove the game from your computer. Using the "Control Panel". In the service, find the games we need, and then get rid of them. However, do not rush to rejoice and restart your computer. This should be done only at the very end of the entire process of exterminating GameNet. Remember this rule.

Removing the application

Of course, if you are thinking about how to remove GameNet from your computer, you will have to first go the most reasonable and familiar route. Get rid of the application client. This is done in the same way as uninstalling any program - using the Control Panel.

Go there, then go to the “Installation” item. Now wait a while - the list of content installed on the system will load. The GameNet program will also be displayed in it. When you see it, highlight the desired line and then select the “Delete” function. However However, this is not an action that will help you get rid of GameNet once and for all. If you reboot, you will notice how the application still works, but it is no longer displayed in the list of installed programs.


One of the problems that plagues players during the GameNet extermination is the processes that arise during the application's operation. For example, the same Thron. If you do not remove it, then there can be no talk of permanently removing GameNet. So you should terminate all processes that the application created.

In the case of Thron, this can take a long time. Clear startup using the command cd %LOCALAPPDATA%\THORN && thorn.exe -c 20 && thorn.exe -u. It must be entered on the command line with administrator rights. Otherwise, you can forget about getting rid of GameNet. Ready?

Then press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Del and call "Task Manager". In it, go to the "Processes" tab and end Thron.exe, as well as ThronHelper.exe. The chances of successfully resolving the problem have now increased significantly. What to do next?

The root folder

In order to finally get rid of GameNet (how to completely remove this “nasty” will now become clear), you need to clean the operating system from the so-called application root folder. If it is not removed, the entire process will fail.

How to get to this place? In Start, even after uninstalling the GameNet application, you will still have the corresponding line to launch the program. Right-click on it and then select "Properties". Pay attention to the "Object" field. Go to the address written there and see in which folder the exe file is located. This folder must be deleted. Press Shift + Del - and all problems will be solved. As you can see, nothing difficult.

Extreme measures

The last move that can only be used is a complete reinstallation of the system with formatting of the hard drive. This is how you can quickly get rid of GameNet. We already know how to remove this application once and for all using more humane methods. However, if the above steps did not help, then you will really have to think about formatting the hard drive.

As practice shows, if you have nothing to lose (all data is stored on removable media or there is simply no important information), then it is better to immediately reinstall the operating system. This move will also help get rid of various dangerous viruses and spies. Now we know how to completely remove GameNet different methods. Choose the one that suits you and act.
