Font in the Yandex search bar. Yandex font - Yandex Sans. Open the send mail window

If you often have to look closely and squint to read something on the computer, it makes sense to try changing the size of the letters. They can be either reduced or increased.

There are two options. The first one changes the font size partially, in certain programs. For example, in an Internet program (browser) or in a text printing program ( Microsoft Word).

The second option is more significant - it will change the size everywhere. On the computer screen, in all programs, in the Start button, in folders and in many other places.

How to change letter size in certain programs (partially)

In many computer programs in which you can open and read some text, you can increase or decrease its size. In fact, this is a change in scale, and not an edit of the file itself. Roughly speaking, you can simply zoom in or, conversely, move away the text without changing it.

How to do it . The most common way is to find this function in a separate program. But this is not very convenient and not always easy. Therefore, there is an alternative "fast" option that works in most computer programs.

Press one of the CTRL keys on the keyboard and, without releasing it, scroll the wheel on the mouse. Each such scroll increases or decreases the text by 10-15%. If you turn the wheel towards you, the font size will decrease, and if you turn it away from you, it will increase.

Once you are happy with the size, release the CTRL button. Thus, you will consolidate the result and return the wheel on the mouse to its previous functions.

By the way, instead of the wheel, you can use the + button to increase and - to decrease. That is, hold down CTRL, then press and then release the + or - key on the keyboard. One such click changes the size by 10-15%.

A few examples. Let's say I often use the Internet to search for information - I read news and articles. The text size differs on different resources - it depends only on the site itself.

For the most part, I'm happy with the size of the letters and I don't feel uncomfortable reading them. But sometimes I come across sites where the font is too small for me - I have to lean close to the screen and squint. It's inconvenient and unhelpful.

In such cases, you can quickly increase the font. I hold down the Ctrl button on the keyboard and scroll the mouse wheel several times, thereby changing the text size.

This works in 90% of cases: on websites, in mail, in in social networks. You can check for yourself by increasing the font size in the article you are currently reading.

By the way, to return to the original size, you need to hold down the Ctrl button on the keyboard and then press the key with the number 0 once. However, this “return” does not work in all programs, but only in browsers.

Another example. Let's say I'm printing a document in Microsoft program Word. The text in it should be a certain size, but for me it is too small. I can’t simply increase the font in the program itself - it would violate the design rules, and working with such small text is a pain.

By holding down the Ctrl button and turning the mouse wheel, I can zoom in on the document. By doing this, I will simply bring him closer to me, but NOT change him. The text will remain the same size, but I will see it enlarged.

The same applies to photographs and pictures that we open on the computer. In exactly the same way they can be “brought closer” or “farther away”.

Important! Some programs remember the size that was configured. That is, having opened something else in such a program, it will immediately be shown in a changed size.

Therefore, do not be alarmed if a document, book or Internet page opens at a non-standard size - too large or too small. Just change it in the same way (CTRL and mouse wheel).

How to change font size on computer (everywhere)

You can increase or decrease the font not only in individual programs, but also throughout the entire computer at once. In this case, all inscriptions, icons, menus and much more will also change.

I'll show you with an example. Here is a standard computer screen:

And this is the same screen, but with an increased font size:

To achieve this look, you just need to change one setting in the system. If suddenly you don’t like the result, you can always return everything as it was in the same way.

In different Windows versions this procedure is performed in different ways. Therefore, I will give three instructions for popular systems: Windows 7, Windows 8 and XP.

  1. Click on the Start button and open Control Panel.
  2. Click on "Appearance and Personalization".
  3. Click on the “Screen” inscription.
  4. Specify the desired font size (small, medium or large) and click on the “Apply” button.
  5. In the window that appears, click “Log out now.” Don't forget to save everything before doing this open files and close all open programs.

The system will restart, and after that the font will change everywhere on the computer.

  1. Open Start and select Control Panel.
  2. Find the Screen icon (usually at the bottom) and open it.
  3. Select the size you want (small, medium or large) and click the “Apply” button at the bottom right.
  4. In the small window, click “Log out now.” Don't forget to save all open files and close all programs before doing this.

The system will restart and the font will change everywhere on the computer.

  1. Right-click on an empty area of ​​the Desktop.
  2. From the list, select “Properties”.
  3. Open the Appearance tab (top).
  4. At the bottom, in the part called “Font Size”, from the drop-down list, select the size you need - regular, large font, or huge font.
  5. Click on the “Apply” button and after a few seconds the system settings will change.
  6. Click on the “OK” button to close the window.

We often think of the browser's address bar solely as the place where we type Page URL, which we want to switch to. At the same time, with its help you can do a lot of actually useful things, which we’ll talk about today.

Use as a unit converter and calculator

If you urgently need to perform some simple mathematical operation, for example, convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, minutes to hours, or meters to miles, you should not look for a calculator on your computer or an online converter on the Internet. Chrome can do this for you; you just need to enter the operation of interest in the address bar. For example, 50 c = f will calculate the desired temperature, and 50 feet = inches will calculate the distance.

Turn your browser into a notepad

You are surfing the Internet, and then they call you and ask you to record some important information. Often a piece of paper and a pen are not nearby, and you have to search for Notepad for several minutes among the abundance of programs. Chrome will also help out in such situations, because you can simply enter an address like this: data:text/html, .

As soon as you press Enter, the browser window will turn into a regular blank sheet of notepad, where you can quickly write an urgent note. So that next time a similar situation does not take you by surprise, we advise you to immediately bookmark this page. By the way, if you want to personalize your notepad a little, you can add some CSS to the address, writing, for example, like this: data:text/html, .

Search specific sites

Google veterans are probably familiar with the old site: search operator. It has become much easier to use now. To do this, go to the desired website and, placing the cursor at the end of the address bar, press Tab. After that, we add what exactly we want to find. The search will be carried out exclusively within the required page.

Search inside Gmail or Google Drive

Going to a separate web application to find something takes several clicks and definitely won't faster search through the browser line. To do this, you need to follow the following instructions once:

The next time you need to search for something on one of the services, just type or into the address bar and press Tab.

Open the send mail window

Logging into Gmail or a third-party client and clicking on the “Compose New Email” button turns out to be much slower than typing mailto: into the browser line. If you need to send an email urgently, use this tip.

Learn more about site security

If the site you are visiting seems suspicious, then control what it does in your browser by clicking on the page icon located to the left of the website address. There you can find out information about the cookies used, as well as block JavaScript, pop-ups and much more.

Remove text formatting

If you often have to copy text from third-party sources, then the formatting problem has definitely not bypassed you. The address bar will help you quickly return the usual color, size and font of the copied text. We paste the text we need there, and then copy it from there. All formatting settings will be removed.

Try the file manager

It won't be the most popular Google function Chrome, but still use your browser as file manager also possible. Simply enter C:/ on Windows or file://localhost on Mac and Linux. On the latter two platforms, you can also use the convenient abbreviation file:/// .

Find something using drag-n-drop

If you hate using the familiar Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V key combinations as well as right-clicking the mouse, then in Google Chrome there is a solution for you. Any word from a web page can be easily found on the Internet. You just need to drag it into the address bar and press Enter.

Define a specific location for the new tab

If you're obsessed with the specific location of your browser tabs, simply drag any link or URL to the desired location on the tab bar.

What additional address bar features do you use? Share your tips in the comments.

Many people use computers, because they make us closer to the whole world around us, to distant relatives too, which is very important for older people. Not everyone has excellent vision, but if you don’t want to use glasses or strain your eyesight, then you can only increase the font in the browser. In this article we will tell you in detail how to increase the font in the Yandex browser and not strain your precious eyesight with small letters that webmasters love to use. So let's get started.

How to customize the font in Yandex Browser?

The main property of any operating system and application program is ease of use, because the skills of users vary greatly, so each program must be understandable and adaptable for any user. If this is not done, then the program immediately becomes surrounded by criticism and possible analogues, which are eager to save users from the mistakes of competitors.

Therefore, especially browsers are incredibly adaptive to the user, you can customize everything, or almost everything, in them, so in this article we will tell you how to increase the font in Yandex Browser, because this is a domestic browser, and yours needs to be supported with all possible forces .

Instructions for increasing the font:

  1. Open your browser and then wait for it to load completely. RAM, it will only take a few seconds.
  2. In the upper left corner there will be an icon with three horizontal stripes, click on it, then find the “Settings” item.
  3. Among the many fine adjustments, find " Additional settings».
  4. In the “Content” block, you can configure in detail the display of fonts in your browser, down to the encoding and size, which is what we actually need, as well as other parameters.
  5. Save and restart your browser.

If you are also tormented by the question of how to reduce the font in Yandex Browser, then it is worth noting that this is done in a similar way. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, you just need to explore the settings a little.

How to customize the font in other browsers

If you use several browsers, then this article will help you configure fonts in them, in the most popular ones, of course. It is worth noting that if you learn how to do this in the most popular ones, then in the less popular ones you will not have any problems, because many developers try to make their creations a little similar to those of their competitors, all for greater intuitiveness and ease of use.

How to customize fonts in Google Chrome:

  1. On the left side of the browser, click on the settings button, then go to “Options”.
  2. In the settings, find the “Advanced” item.
  3. This will be the line “Web Content”, next to it you can adjust the font size, as well as configure additional parameters for displaying characters.

How to customize fonts in Opera:

  1. In the upper right corner there will be a “Menu”, there will be a “Tools” button.
  2. Among the various settings, find " General settings", after opening the page you will see the item “Web pages”, there will be font settings.

Quick scale changes

In the topic above, about how to increase the font in Yandex Browser, we told you how to do this through the browser settings. However, not everyone knows that this can be done only with two actions: hold CTRL and scroll with the mouse. This method of resizing a page is suitable not only for browsers, but also for MSWord and Photoshop. We also strongly recommend that you review the documentation for the application programs that you use, because you will find many interesting functions in it, including working with fonts.


We hope that after reading this article you understand how to enlarge the font in Yandex, because this knowledge will especially help you if you have poor eyesight, or if you want to show any information to a person with impaired vision.

The display of information on a computer should not only be clear, but also comfortable in general. So that you don’t have to strain your eyes once again to read what is written on the screen. And so that all the information fits on the display. Therefore, you have to think about how to reduce the font on your computer. Top tips and recommendations on this matter will be presented to your attention below. In reality, there are a huge number of solutions.

System settings

Let's consider first system settings. In this case, the entire system font will change. In other words, the size of icons and inscriptions on a PC.

How to customize the font on your computer? This can be done after performing the following steps:

  1. Right-click on any free space on the desktop.
  2. Select "Personalization".
  3. Go to "Window Color" and " Extra options registration".
  4. Select the desired element, and then set the desired settings. For example, you can specify its size.
  5. Click on "Ok/Save".


How to reduce font size on computer? The following solution reduces or enlarges (depending on the selected parameters) all icons, inscriptions and elements of the operating system.

We are talking about changing the screen resolution. The larger it is, the smaller the font will be. For example, a resolution of 800x600 pixels will make Windows elements appear large. And 1366x768 is small.

How can I reduce the font size on my computer? Required:

  1. Turn on the PC and wait for the OS to fully load.
  2. Press RMB on any free space desktop.
  3. Click on "Screen Resolution".
  4. In the "Resolution" section, move the slider to set the desired parameters.
  5. Click on "Save". Then you will need to click on "Apply".

Important: Reducing the font using screen resolution usually occurs when you move the slider up. If you move it down, all elements of the desktop will increase. And the font too.

Font only

But that's not all. With the advent of Windows 7, users were given quite a lot of options regarding personalization of the OS. The fact is that, if desired, a person can leave the resolution the same and change the font. This is a rather rare phenomenon, but occurs in practice.

How to reduce font size on computer? You will need to do the following:

  1. Right-click on the desktop.
  2. Click the cursor on the line “Personalization”.
  3. Find the “Screen” menu in the window that appears. It is located at the bottom left.
  4. Select "Other font size".
  5. Set the desired parameters. Moving the slider to the right increases the size of the letters, to the left - decreases it. It is also acceptable to use a percentage of the current parameters.
  6. Confirm changes.

Everything is extremely simple and clear. In addition to this solution, when going to the “Screen” section, it is possible to set the parameters for displaying the picture on the screen on the right side of the window that appears. They are not always there, this is quite normal.


How to reduce font size on computer screen? We have already become acquainted with the main layouts. Modern operating systems are not limited to them only.

It's hard to believe, but you can only change the display of individual applications. For example, browsers. In them, the scale is adjusted in just a few minutes.

How to change the font on your computer in the browser? The person will need:

  1. Open the program to access the Internet.
  2. Go to the main menu of the application. Typically this button is located in the upper right corner of the software. For example, in Google Chrome it looks like three dots standing on top of each other.
  3. Click on "Scale".
  4. Set the desired setting values ​​(in percentages). The larger the number, the larger the scale of the pictures and the font.

Usually no further action is required. All changes take effect immediately. The user will be able to change them at any time at his own discretion. The suggested steps will have to be performed in all browsers. Otherwise, page display adjustments will only occur for a specific program.


How to change the font on your computer? Almost all possible options We already know the developments of events. The last technique can be called universal. It allows you to adjust the image scale in most programs and applications.

How to reduce font size on computer? You will need:

  1. Open the desired program.
  2. Press Ctrl on your keyboard.
  3. To reduce the image, click on "-". To increase the scale - use "+".
  4. Release the keys when the desired result is achieved.

This is all the information about changing fonts and scales in operating system Windows. There is one more nuance that has not yet been mentioned.


This is about changing the font in text editors. For example, in MS Word. This will only change the size of the selected or printed letters. Other OS settings will remain untouched.

How to reduce font size on your computer in Word? This is done approximately as follows:

  1. Open
  2. Write the text.
  3. Select the part you want to edit.
  4. Press RMB.
  5. In the drop-down list, click on "Font".
  6. Select the type of writing and specific scale in the appropriate menu items.
  7. Agree with the changes.

In this way, not only the font is reduced, but also increased. The corresponding options are also available in the Word control panel.

Slide by Christian Schwarz shows the overlap of Arial and Helvetica

The undeniable advantages of Arial are its distribution area - it is pre-installed on almost every computer - and a huge set of symbols containing letters of all imaginable alphabets and, in general, almost everything you can think of: for example, the ruble sign. Otherwise, the designers always had a lot of questions for Arial:

  • The proportions and design of the letters raise questions in some places - especially in the Cyrillic alphabet, many of the letters of which look downright strange.
  • There is no variation in saturation (that is, the thickness of the letter lines). Only regular and bold (Arial Black also exists separately). For modern interfaces this is no longer enough; different degrees of saturation, light thin styles, bold, etc. are needed.
  • Poor readability in small font sizes. Due to the closed design of letters in sizes below 12px, characters begin to “stick together” and readability suffers. In the Yandex web interfaces, we type the smallest inscriptions using open Verdana, which is free of this drawback.

In addition to web interfaces, there are mobile interfaces. Yandex applications work on different platforms, which means that in terms of the font we inherit the visual language of the platform:

This is Textbook New, also known as the Bukvarnaya typeface, first developed in the USSR in 1958 by Elena Tsaregorodtseva at the NPO Poligrafmash for typing - indeed - primers and school textbooks. A good font, familiar to everyone whose childhood was spent in the Soviet (and a little bit post-Soviet) space. Your own, dear. But somewhat strange for a modern high-tech company in the 21st century.

We have lived with this set of fonts until now, but we have long felt its limitations. We felt that we:

  • insufficiently expressive and technical capabilities Arial and Textbook;
  • I want to have my own voice in the world of other people's platforms.

All this led to thoughts about what the Yandex font should be.

What should the Yandex font be?

We formulated the requirements for our font:

1. The font must have its own personality, be different from its competitors

Competitors are, first of all, Roboto, San Francisco, Segoe - Google, Apple and Microsoft interface fonts, respectively.

2. And at the same time be calm, neutral, not too characteristic

I’ll tell you about neutrality in a little more detail. In addition to the interface and communication texts mentioned above, the main use of the font in Yandex products is to convey information, news, and data. Here are striking examples of texts from this category:

One of our most important values ​​has always been the absence of editorial politics. News is selected by algorithms, without human intervention. We are a mirror of the Internet, we reflect what is happening, without adding our own assessment, position or any distortion. From this point of view, it is very important that the font also does not add any additional meanings and is extremely neutral.

It is curious that this requirement in some sense contradicts the previous one. We had to find a balance between maximum expressiveness and maximum neutrality.

3. Expressing our values

Neutrality is neutrality, but the font still has to have some kind of personality. If we try to describe what emotions can be embedded in a font, we usually formulate something like this:
  • open,
  • modern,
  • smart,
  • neutral,
  • local,
  • technological, but with a human face.
The last point is especially close to my heart. Although we are a modern, high-tech company, our products have always been characterized by warmth and humanity. We are definitely not a soulless android robot.

4. Made primarily for Cyrillic typing

As you know, most fonts are first created for the Latin alphabet, and only later they add the Cyrillic version. Sometimes this can be done more successfully, sometimes less so. It was immediately very important for us that Yandex spoke Russian without an accent. In relation to the font, this means that the Cyrillic alphabet should be created simultaneously with the Latin alphabet or even earlier.
And of course, the font must have all the symbols and letters we need, used in the countries where we work: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkey, etc., the ruble sign, etc.

5. Very readable, legible and applicable in all modern environments

Yandex interfaces and communications are found in a variety of environments. Here, for example, are some environments in which typography is found in Yandex.Taxi (this is not a complete selection):

6. Coinciding in basic metrics and proportions with Arial

This is a technical requirement that is important for web interfaces. When replacing the font from Arial to ours, the page layout should not diverge. It is also important that the font is not inferior to Arial in terms of capacity (that is, the number of characters in a line of average width), so that no less information can be placed in a block of text of a given size (for example, in search results).

7. Having several degrees of saturation

That is, the thickness of the lines:

Nowadays, even for web interfaces, simply “fat” and “non-fat” are no longer enough; gradations are needed.

You could look for a ready-made font that would satisfy all these requirements. But then our brand voice would not be unique. We would also have to pay a lot for licenses, given the size of the audience for our products and the range of applications. We decided to order our own font.


We needed a type designer with experience working on large typeface systems. He had to be Russian-speaking or work closely with a Russian-speaking designer.

Ira Voloshina, who started the project in Yandex, turned to Ilya Ruderman, who, in turn, recommended involving Christian Schwartz.

As a result, we were very lucky to work on the font with Ilya and Christian with his studio Commercial Type.

Christian Schwarz is a true world-class superstar in the world of type design. He collaborated with Font Bureau (they have a stellar lineup, including, for example, Matthew Carter, author of the Verdana and Georgia fonts), and worked with Eric Spiekermann. His work includes fonts for the American Esquire, Deutsche Bahn and a huge typeface system for the British newspaper The Guardian, which received international awards. Christian has been awarded the London Design Museum Award and was named one of Wallpaper magazine's "40 Most Influential Designers Under 40".

Ilya Ruderman is one of the most famous Russian type designers, a teacher at the British Higher School of Design. Ilya studied type design at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague, and later many Russian type designers studied with him. Worked on typeface systems for Afisha and many other clients. What is very important is that Ilya has been collaborating with Schwartz for a long time; together they have made more than one font.

Working in the team with Christian and Ilya as the lead designer was Miguel Reyes, designer of the New York office of Commercial Type, who, like Ilya, studied type design in Holland.

Hinting and type assembly was done by Mark Record.

We were very lucky to be able to assemble such a stellar team for the project.

On the Yandex side, many wonderful people worked on the font at different stages. The project was started by Irina Voloshina. Taras Sharov, whom I already mentioned in this post, Danil kovchiy Kovchiy and Sergey Fedorov, Stas plkv Polyakov, Ivan Semus Semenov, Andrey karmatsky Karmatsky, Misha Milnikov, Roma Iskandarov, Andrey Los, Nastya Larkina, Seryozha 3apa3a Tomilov, more than actively participated. Nikita Brovikov, Dima Sereda, Sasha Volodin and many, many others. An endless number of times, an endless number of designers sent edits, comments and suggestions. I would really like to thank everyone, and I am very afraid of forgetting someone, so I will not list everyone.

How we worked on the font

I will tell you here very, very briefly and only about the main milestones of the work. There has been a lot of stuff in two and a half years, but it seems like this post is already getting too long. Ilya and Christian are going to write their own posts in the near future, which will probably contain more details about the process.

Having studied the brief and a large number of layouts for our interfaces and communications, the designers proposed two directions with the code names Flat and Round.

Flat - more contrasting and sharper, more characteristic:

Round - more friendly and soft:

After testing interfaces and communications in mock-ups, as well as comparative tests, the undisputed winner was Round.

The font, however, still looked quite scratchy, so in the next versions the endings of the strokes were softened:
/800/1*XWqkkUy888GRSMI2NsgD_Q.png" alt="image"/>

From the very beginning, we had two versions of the font in our work: Text and Display:

When you see the word Display, you might think that this version is designed for screens, but that's not the case. In typography, Text is used for the main set, small sizes, and Display is used for large ones, for example, for headings. You can see that the letters Display are more characteristic and artsy.

In italics, we have gone through a large number of variations of individual characters. It took a long time to choose the shape of the letters g, d, e, i, j, t, c, h, w, sch, f. In the end, after countless trials, we settled on this option:

The font was tested again and again, but still did not seem soft and kind enough to us. He certainly looked modern, but he lacked the warmth and humanity inherent, for example, in Bukvarnaya. Having tried a large number of variations of proportions and stroke endings, we got a kinder version, which was taken as a basis:

At the same time, an endless amount of technical work was going on, selecting kerning pairs, hinting, and working on several styles:

What happened as a result

The final (to date) version of the Yandex Sans font looks like this:

It seems to me that we managed to solve the main problem - to create a modern neutral font that is different from our main competitors and quite accurately conveys the image of Yandex and the “voice” of our brand.

And here’s what trying on a font in a natural environment looks like:

Yandex Sans in the search results layout. Author - Danya Kovchiy

Yandex.Music interface concept with a new font. Author - Danya Kovchiy

Concept of the Yandex home page with a new font. Author - Danya Kovchiy

Right now we are already using new font in the interface of our Launcher on Android and on the About the company page:

Now Yandex's mission and company history can be read in our “voice” - our new font.

And here’s what examples of phrases from the beginning of the post look like, typed in Yandex Sans:

Here, too, it is clear that the font manages to be quite recognizable and original, remaining at the same time neutral and without adding additional meaning to the text, without distorting the source material.

What's next

Many people ask if we plan to release a new font in open access. We are not planning this now. Yandex Sans is the voice of our brand, just like the Yandex logo. Therefore, it will only be used in our products and communications. Apple and Google distribute their fonts openly so that iOS and Android app developers can use them. We don’t have such a task right now, so we don’t plan to release the font outside.

The most interesting things are ahead of us. As you know, with the launch of a product, work on it is just beginning. We have yet to truly test Yandex Sans in products. And if it begins to appear in communications very soon, then home page You definitely shouldn’t expect Yandex or Yandex Sans in search results any time soon. However, a start has been made, and this, it seems to me, is the most important thing.
