Last 5 paid actions mts number. Numbers that may be useful to you. How to find out the latest actions on MTS - short commands

Mobile operators offer all their subscribers a variety of services that allow them to receive useful information about the company’s capabilities. Some options help clarify controversial situations. For example, it happens that money disappears on a SIM card. What does MTS offer in this case? It is not difficult to find out the cost of the last 5 actions from this operator. We will study this operation further. What do subscribers need to know? What kind of service is this anyway? How much does it cost? The answer to all these questions is much easier than it seems.


With MTS, checking the cost of the last 5 actions is not so difficult. But more on that a little later. First you need to understand how much it costs to use this option.

Today, obtaining information about the latest actions with a SIM card is absolutely free. All MTS subscribers receive the option of detailing without debiting funds from the phone number. The exception is when sending a corresponding request while roaming. In some countries, you may be charged for detailing. More accurate information can be obtained from the operator.

Function description

How to find out the cost of the last 5 actions? MTS offers subscribers several quite attractive and simple ways. But before that, it’s important to understand what exactly it’s about. we're talking about. The option being explored allows people to track their last 5 paid transactions. After processing the corresponding request, the person receives a message on the phone with paid manipulations performed over the last 2 days. If there were no operations, this will also be reported. This kind of detail sometimes seems quite useful. But how to use it? What should the subscriber remember?

Context menu

At MTS, the cost of the last 5 actions can be found using a special context menu. To do this you will need to follow a few instructions. The instructions for detailing the last 5 paid operations look like this:

  • On your mobile phone you need to dial *152# and press the call button.
  • In the menu that appears, click on the “1” button. It's called "5 Last Actions".
  • Wait for a message with information.

This method is not in great demand among users. All MTS subscribers can quickly obtain the information they are interested in about paid operations performed on the SIM card. How exactly?

Fast decision

MTS provides the cost of the last 5 actions after the subscriber sends a specific USSD request. The result of the operation will be exactly the same as in the previous case - an SMS report. The algorithm of actions here comes down to dialing the command *152*1#. After this, you need to click on the “Call” button. That's all. After a few seconds, a report on paid transactions performed will be sent to your phone.

Long time

What if you need to get information for a longer period rather than the past 48 hours? In this case, you will need to contact MTS and personally request details of transactions for a given time. It is best to take your passport, SIM card with your mobile phone with you and come to any operator’s sales office.

There the subscriber must write an application to provide details. In exchange for it, the citizen will be given a printout with all the operations performed.


How can you find out the cost of the last 5 actions from MTS while roaming? The answer is simple: you can use all the previously proposed methods. The USSD request and functional menu work equally well both in the Russian Federation and abroad. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the need to pay for the service. As already mentioned, some countries charge money for detailing the latest paid actions. In practice, such cases are extremely rare. Even a child can find out the cost of the last 5 actions from MTS.

Many subscribers, making various mobile options (calls, SMS, downloading applications and programs), do not notice how the account balance is gradually decreasing. One way to control spending is the “last 5 MTS actions” service. Using the option you can see which paid services were used, and also disable them if necessary.

One of the most convenient ways to control expenses is to use your personal account. You can check the last 5 actions in the “Cost control” section, after which you should select the “invoice detail” item. After the command is completed, you will receive a detailed printout showing the latest write-offs.

The subscriber can also check the last 5 actions on MTS by visiting the operator’s office. Please note that in this case you will need a passport to prove ownership of the number. An alternative is to call the hotline, where an experienced operator will inform you about the latest charges.

How to find out the latest actions on MTS - short commands:

  • mobile team – *152#. In the menu sent, you must select section 1, which allows you to determine the last 5 operations. Please note that this information service reports expenses incurred within the past 2 days. If no expenses were made during the specified period, you will receive a corresponding notification;
  • how to check debits from your account – *152*1# . Thus, the subscriber can identify unnecessary connected options on a paid basis and deactivate them.

Latest MTS payments - how to check in roaming?

MTS services abroad are very popular, as they give an idea of ​​current expenses and allow you to control them. As you know, charges for calls in roaming increase sharply, which can lead to a quick depletion of your balance. In order to find out the last five actions, you need to use the same command - *152#, which is available all over the world.

The cost of the service is absolutely free. The operator does not charge fees for itemizing expenses. This is relevant both within the regions of Russia and in foreign countries.

Advice: in many countries, the cost of the service is not written off immediately, but after a certain time. Therefore, it will not be possible to control expenses online, since checking the account will not provide objective information. And the command *152# will display the true state of affairs.

MTS last 5 paid actions - how to disable options?

Some paid services are simply necessary - calls, SMS, voice mail. And some - mailings, applications, paid ringtones and others simply empty the balance in MTS. There are situations when you have connected free service, but after some time it became a paid service. Which leads to uncontrollable expenses without your knowledge.

Modern mobile phones are equipped with various options to which you can connect a large number of different services. Naturally, you can use them only when the subscriber’s account is full, because most of these services are paid. In the case where there are few options and services, it is quite easy to ensure that they are all paid for and the subscriber’s account is not empty. If this cannot be done, you have to check the last paid actions performed, for example, when using the services of MTS.

In order to quickly check for which actions you were written off cash from the subscriber account, you must use the “latest paid MTS actions” service. It allows you to study in detail and find out exactly what paid actions you performed over the last two days, and for what exactly the fee was debited from your subscriber account. Having sent a request to the operator with a request to indicate the last five paid actions, the subscriber will receive information about them in the form of a response SMS. This is a great way to get an idea of ​​your expenses, although if you need more granular detail, there are other methods to consider.

This service is available to MTS subscribers not only when located in Russia, but also in international roaming. This allows you to quickly control your balance cell phone and always stay in touch. This is especially important, because in roaming the cost of many standard services is much higher than the cost of similar services in home region. About this, many subscribers cellular communications, unfortunately, they forget.

Basic verification methods

The last 5 paid actions of MTS can be checked using various options for sending a request. This is how they usually use it:

  • SIM card functional menu, go to your Personal Account or use the “My MTS” application;
  • USSD request;
  • submitting an application in writing at the company’s office (this service is paid).

The most common are the first two methods, which are easy to perform, fast and effective. In addition, there is Personal Area MTS subscriber, which is posted on the company’s official website. With its help you can also obtain the necessary information. It is worth separately noting that anyone can remotely receive a response to a request for paid actions, however, only the subscriber himself can make a written request. The fact is that providing information about the movement of funds in his account to third parties is prohibited by law.

This service is provided by the operator absolutely free of charge and is valid in international roaming. This allows you to control costs even abroad. Thus, you can save significantly by refusing those services and options that cost the most in international roaming.

As for the algorithm of actions for obtaining emergency information about expenses on a subscriber account, get the necessary information directly from mobile phone or smartphone, you can do this as follows: by typing the command - *152*1# and pressing the call button. In response, the operator will send the owner mobile device An SMS containing information about the last five paid actions performed by him. The same message will indicate the dates of debiting funds from the subscriber's account, as well as the time of this or that operation.

Submitting an application at the office

There are cases when a subscriber needs to receive information about account movements in the form of an official document. For example, the reason for such an appeal may be going to court. Write an application for this issue only the subscriber himself can personally, since the law prohibits transferring confidential information to third parties. Details of the subscriber's expenses, in some cases, can be ordered by government agencies upon request.

When contacting the MTS office, you will need a passport, without which it is impossible to provide any information about the subscriber. The application will need to indicate the reason for the application and the period for which information is required. Typically, information on such a request is provided immediately upon the client’s request, and he can request the necessary information for any period of use of one or another tariff plan. In addition, when using this method You can immediately determine which services and numbers are causing unreasonable expenses and disable them.

The disadvantage of a written request for account details is the long wait for a response, especially if the subscriber is in international roaming. Sometimes a written request may be refused.

Advantages and disadvantages

One of the advantages of the option under consideration is the fact that the detailing of the subscriber’s recent expenses allows you to quickly track where unplanned expenses go. In this case, you can take timely measures to stop the unnecessary “leakage” of money. Thus, claims against the operator will immediately disappear, since the picture of the movement of funds in the account will be clearly visible.

Usually, money abroad can be spent unmotivatedly in the case when the subscriber has any options connected that require increased expenditure of money. This could be an Internet option or a special service operating exclusively in Russia. Its timely disabling or changing the terms of provision is possible only upon receipt of account details. If you do this in writing, you will have to return to your home country and order a printout of the account movements there. In the same case, when the subscriber uses the service to check the last five expenses, he can avoid many complications.

As for the minuses, the described option has only one negative side - the small amount of information provided, namely, the service does not make it possible to track the movement of funds in the subscriber account for a suspicious period. Naturally, in this way it is difficult to track the leakage of money from the account when it is written off in small amounts.

In this case, you will have to do full detailing, which is only possible at the MTS office. In any case, whether or not to use the option that allows you to clarify costs must be decided by the subscriber himself.

The need to check completed transactions on a number may arise for a number of reasons. One of them is an unreasonable decrease in the balance. If you are sure that you have not activated any additional services or newsletters, have not used the Internet, but funds have been debited from your account, then most likely you will be interested in the question of how to check the last 5 actions on MTS. It's about him we'll talk in this article. You will learn how to obtain such information about your number, what the cost of such a service is, and whether there are any restrictions.

Unexplained charges from a mobile phone account can occur for several reasons: additional options or newsletters are connected to the number, the subscriber makes calls without thinking about their cost (for example, long-distance), there is a connection to the Internet (it is recommended to turn off Mobile Internet, unless, of course, they are connected unlimited packages) etc. To figure out what caused the balance to change in a negative direction, you need to check what actions were performed on the number. To do this, you can send a corresponding request. MTS will send the last 5 actions in the form text message. The SMS will make it clear how much was spent on each transaction, be it a call, the Internet, sending a message or debiting for some service. The request is sent using the USSD command *152*1#. If it doesn’t work, you can enter *152#, and then select “1”.

This service is provided free of charge to MTS subscribers. With its help, you can easily understand what money was spent on. Please note that the message you receive in response to your request will only contain the latest account transactions. If they do not seem strange to you and write-offs for them are justified, then it makes sense to order details. This service is provided on a paid basis and allows you to receive data for the last six months (the subscriber can choose any period in this range) via the Internet, for three years - at the office of the mobile operator.

Terms of service

When answering the question of how to check the last 5 actions on MTS, one cannot fail to mention the terms of this service.

Information can only be provided for the last two days. Thus, if the last debits on the account were three days ago, then ordering data on the last five actions is useless - you will receive an empty SMS message. It’s more logical to contact the company’s office or get account details through your personal account on the Internet.

For overly sociable subscribers who constantly communicate on the phone, exchange test and MMS messages, this service will most likely be useless. After all, among the last five actions there will not be the necessary information on charges, for example, the subscription fee for some subscriptions activated on the number.


Now you know, thanks to this article, how to check the last 5 actions on MTS. The service of obtaining such information is quite useful and will help to recognize the reasons that led to a decrease in the balance. If the reason for this is the services activated on the number, then it makes sense to get rid of them, unless, of course, you do not use them. A full report on write-offs for the required period can only be obtained by using the “Account Details” service (the cost of providing information through your personal account for 1 day is three rubles).

Sometimes the user does not understand where the funds were debited from his account, in which case there is a need for detail. You can check the last 5 actions on MTS for the current day. The “Expenditures for Today” service will inform you about where you spent your money from 12 o’clock at night until the time of verification.

How to check the last five paid actions on MTS?

You can find out the last 5 paid actions on MTS as follows:

  1. Contact the service center and ask a company representative about the costs. The specialist will show you all the operations that you performed. You will immediately see the amounts spent on calls, internet and messages.
  2. A free service will also come to your aid. Here you can see the balance and time of all transactions. Debiting money from your MTS account will thus be under your control at all times. To do this, dial *152# and wait for the result. To see the latest activity, you should select the desired category.
  3. Dial *152*1# and call. Here you will immediately be provided with information about the last five operations in two days. Information is displayed quickly.
  4. You can find out the details in a few days on the company’s official website. You just need to have Internet access from a computer or other device. Next, log into your personal account and select the desired item. The time and costs of operations will be indicated here.
  5. Another way to find out the last 5 actions on MTS using your number is to call the hotline, where they will tell you everything in detail. The operator will also explain to you how to check the last 5 operations in other, faster ways.

How to check 5 paid actions in roaming?

No matter what country you are in, you can use the inquiry number 152 and you will receive the relevant information. Sometimes the message may not arrive immediately, so wait for the result before putting your phone away.

If you are interested in the cost of checking the last 5 actions on MTS, then keep in mind that this service is free, both in roaming and home network. You can carry out such a check at any time of the day and a huge number of times.

To save money, turn off all paid messages and services you don't use, go to favorable tariff or buy special packages that will significantly reduce your material costs.
