Rainbow TV what's after it. What should Rainbow TV subscribers do? Switch to Telecard package “Unlimited”

It's no secret that the operator Raduga TV stops broadcasting on 05/31/2015 (from 12/05/2014 a limited package is broadcast, in fairness we note that it is absolutely free). Our company offers special conditions for the speedy transition of Rainbow subscribers to the new satellite operator Telekarta!


1.Practically all receivers who worked with Rainbow TV, also support And TELECART TV.

2.Difference between these two satellites - only 10 degrees, so it's quite simple turn a little antenna, although this must be done competently and carefully.

3. When purchasing a TELECART access card, pay attention to its encoding - cards are available in both IRDETO and CONAX encoding. You need to choose Irdeto, although in most cases both cards will work.

4.If you have a DVB-S receiver (for example GI 1025), you can
watch about 30 channels, to view the full package you it is advisable to buy DVB-S2/ MPEG4 receiver, it’s inexpensive, but expands the list of channels 7 (seven!!!) times.

What is needed for the transition?

To make the transition, you will need to reconfigure your satellite dish to a new satellite of Telekarta, Continent - Intelsat 15 (85.2°E), or Express AM5 (140.0°E). Search for channels on your receiver, activate the card and watch up to 100 channels on the Standard package for only 1,200 rubles. per year, or up to 200 channels on the Unlimited package. Including up to 20 HD**. Up to 40 channels free***. For fans of local news, the channel packages also include the popular Novosibirsk channel 49.

And now in a little more detail: If the card and its subsequent activation on site does not cause any difficulties, then minor difficulties may arise with reconfiguring the satellite dish and receiver.

I’ll make a reservation right away if you don’t know why a satellite dish is needed, you don’t want to hear about transponders, frequencies, polarizations, you have absolutely no time, you don’t have to read the rest of the text, but , which will reconfigure your receiving equipment in a minimum amount of time. For those who want and can go further, we continue. Information on the Rainbow and Telecard satellites can be found on the Internet, for example, You can use special. computer programs. I liked the program for Android OS, for smartphones and . The program is called SatFinder, it is absolutely free and very easy to download from Google Play. This is what it gives out regarding the satellites we need.

As can be seen from the numbers and pictures the difference in the position of the plate is only 10 degrees in the horizontal plane. We move on to the important stage - rotating the antenna. If you need to set up the antenna from scratch, then perhaps this one will help you. So, carefully loosen the nuts securing the rotation of our antenna; you don’t need to loosen it too much, just so that the antenna can rotate.

It's no secret that the operator Raduga TV stops broadcasting on 05/31/2015 (from 12/05/2014 a limited package is broadcast, in fairness we note that it is absolutely free). Our company offers special conditions for the speedy transition of Rainbow subscribers to the new satellite operator Telekarta!


1.Practically all receivers who worked with Rainbow TV, also support And TELECART TV.

2.Difference between these two satellites - only 10 degrees, so it's quite simple turn a little antenna, although this must be done competently and carefully.

3. When purchasing a TELECART access card, pay attention to its encoding - cards are available in both IRDETO and CONAX encoding. You need to choose Irdeto, although in most cases both cards will work.

4.If you have a DVB-S receiver (for example GI 1025), you can
watch about 30 channels, to view the full package you it is advisable to buy DVB-S2/ MPEG4 receiver, it’s inexpensive, but expands the list of channels 7 (seven!!!) times.

What is needed for the transition?

To make the transition, you will need to reconfigure your satellite dish to a new satellite of Telekarta, Continent - Intelsat 15 (85.2°E), or Express AM5 (140.0°E). Search for channels on your receiver, activate the card and watch up to 100 channels on the Standard package for only 1,200 rubles. per year, or up to 200 channels on the Unlimited package. Including up to 20 HD**. Up to 40 channels free***. For fans of local news, the channel packages also include the popular Novosibirsk channel 49.

And now in a little more detail: If the card and its subsequent activation on site does not cause any difficulties, then minor difficulties may arise with reconfiguring the satellite dish and receiver.

I’ll make a reservation right away if you don’t know why a satellite dish is needed, you don’t want to hear about transponders, frequencies, polarizations, you have absolutely no time, you don’t have to read the rest of the text, but , which will reconfigure your receiving equipment in a minimum amount of time. For those who want and can go further, we continue. Information on the Rainbow and Telecard satellites can be found on the Internet, for example, You can use special. computer programs. I liked the program for Android OS, for smartphones and . The program is called SatFinder, it is absolutely free and very easy to download from Google Play. This is what it gives out regarding the satellites we need.

As can be seen from the numbers and pictures the difference in the position of the plate is only 10 degrees in the horizontal plane. We move on to the important stage - rotating the antenna. If you need to set up the antenna from scratch, then perhaps this one will help you. So, carefully loosen the nuts securing the rotation of our antenna; you don’t need to loosen it too much, just so that the antenna can rotate.

Next week at the extraordinary meeting of shareholders of Raduga Holdings S.A. The fate of the satellite television operator Raduga TV will be decided. The company, which never received a license for broadcasting activities in Russia from Roskomnadzor, will stop broadcasting from December 5, 2014.

Anatoly Sosnovsky, member of the board of directors of DalGeoCom LLC (Raduga TV brand), reported this to ComNews yesterday.

“The shareholders will decide next week what will happen to Raduga TV’s equipment, people and the company itself in general,” explained Anatoly Sosnovsky.

The decision to stop broadcasting Raduga TV (the company has been broadcasting in Russia since 2009) was difficult for the operator’s shareholders, given the impact it would have on employees, customers, suppliers and all other business stakeholders, says the executive vice president of the Swedish holding Modern Times Group AB (MTG - owns 50% of Raduga Holdings S.A. since 2010), General Director of the division for Russia, the CIS and pay television in emerging markets Irina Gofman.

However, this decision does not affect MTG’s business related to Viasat’s pay TV channels (a company controlled by MTG provides 15 TV channels in Russia), she added. “Already next year, Viasat will launch five new HD channels in Russia,” emphasized Irina Goffman.

According to the press service of Raduga TV, the company “is making every effort to connect subscribers to another satellite broadcasting service provider and will additionally announce the final decision by December 6.”

According to ComNews Research, the subscriber base of Raduga TV at the end of the second quarter of 2014 was about 420 thousand subscribers - this is approximately 3% of the active subscriber base of direct satellite television broadcasting in Russia. Subscribers of National Satellite Company CJSC (Tricolor TV brand) occupy 75.7% of the entire subscriber base of NSTV, subscribers of Orion Express LLC (together with the Rikor TV asset acquired in November) - 16%, subscribers of NTV OJSC -Plus" are 5.3%.

Yesterday the press service of the enterprise did not specify which operators Raduga TV is negotiating with regarding the transfer of subscribers.

“At the moment, Tricolor TV is not conducting official negotiations with Raduga TV. However, we are ready to accept subscribers of any operator and provide them with high-quality content. Tricolor TV takes into account the preferences of the widest audience,” the press officer told a ComNews reporter in turn. Secretary of Tricolor Anastasia Sokolovskaya - Of course, we predict great interest in us from former users of Raduga TV. And since we are a commercial operator, it is important for us to develop our subscriber base and increase the number of connected households."

Another satellite television operator, Orion Express, in November of this year received 40 thousand active subscribers of the satellite operator Rikor TV, which ceased operations due to the fact that Roskomnadzor did not issue the company a broadcast license (see ComNews dated October 10, 2014 G.). "Other agreements concluded, in particular with the Raduga TV company, on this moment we do not have. Like any successful operator, we are interested in expanding our subscriber base, including by transferring subscribers of operators that have ceased operations,” said Orion Express General Director Kirill Makhnovsky in an interview with ComNews.

The NTV-Plus press service yesterday refrained from commenting.

Press service of OJSC Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), which in partnership with Sistema Mass Media (both companies are part of AFK Sistema, the license for satellite broadcasting belongs to the subsidiary of Sistema Mass Media - LLC Digital television and radio broadcasting") launched satellite television on November 12, refused to clarify to ComNews yesterday whether the company is negotiating with Raduga TV to accept subscribers of the satellite operator.

According to the head of ComNews Research, Evgeniy Evdokimenko, among all satellite television operators in Russia, the youngest and “hungiest” is Digital Television and Radio Broadcasting, which has been providing services under the MTS brand since November.

“If we take into account that MTS for satellite TV rented the resource of the ABS-2 spacecraft, through which Raduga TV also broadcast, we can assume that on December 6 the co-owners of the company will announce the transfer of its subscriber base to Digital Television and Radio Broadcasting,” summed up Evgeniy Evdokimenko .

The reason for the closure of Raduga TV is the operator’s lack of an appropriate broadcasting license, which Roskomnadzor never issued to the company.

“The decision to terminate and begin the company’s activities is within the competence of the joint-stock company,” Roskomnadzor press secretary Vadim Ampelonsky told a ComNews reporter.

On October 25, 2013, the Moscow Arbitration Court brought Raduga TV to administrative liability, fining the company 40 thousand rubles. And already in November last year, Roskomnadzor asked the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs to bring Raduga TV to criminal liability for operating without a broadcast license. Based on the results of the summer inspection, the department revealed that the operator did not have a universal broadcast license.

The company has tried more than once to obtain a license, but the department refused to issue it, a source at Rainbow TV previously stated (see ComNews dated November 27, 2013).

In January 2014, due to the company’s lack of a broadcasting license, Roskomnadzor demanded that TV channels stop cooperating with the operator (see ComNews dated January 13, 2014). The following month, due to the lack of a broadcast license from Raduga TV, the Swedish holding MTG wrote off 100% of intangible assets worth about 800 million rubles from its balance sheet. This is goodwill that was formed when Raduga TV was bought at a price higher than its book value.

A little later, also in February, Raduga TV received two licenses from Roskomnadzor for television and radio broadcasting of the Rainbow 24 and Select TV channels, the presence of which allowed the operator to apply to the regulator for a universal broadcast license. And already in August of this year, the court accepted an application from Roskomnadzor to hold Raduga TV administratively liable for the company’s activities without a broadcasting license. The absence of such a license, according to Part 2 of Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, entails a fine in the amount of 40 thousand to 50 thousand rubles. (See ComNews February 13, 2014).

In September, the head of Raduga TV, Olga Abramova, left the company for family reasons. A little earlier, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs brought Raduga TV to criminal liability for broadcasting activities without the appropriate license. According to Vadim Ampelonsky, in July of this year the department received a notification from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (GU MVD) for Moscow, which stated that, following the appeal federal service Law enforcement agencies have opened a criminal case against Raduga TV. “Investigative measures are now being carried out,” said Vadim Ampelonsky.

However, Olga Abramova denied information about any investigative actions against the company and emphasized that the operator continues to provide services as usual (see ComNews dated September 4, 2014).

Over the past few months, Raduga TV subscribers have been contacting our company with a request to set up TV channels and adjust satellite dishes. TV viewers ask why TV reception is unstable, the operator often changes broadcast parameters, and will Raduga TV continue to work in the coming years?
Let us recall that the satellite operator Rainbow TV began broadcasting in 2009, and at the moment its base has about 450 thousand subscribers. The offer of this satellite provider, in terms of channels and viewing prices, until 2012, was quite profitable. NTV Plus, at that time, offered its equipment at a higher price, and the subscription fee was much higher. But Tricolor TV did not have a large enough number of TV channels, and there were almost absolutely no foreign high-rated channels. The only drawback of the Rainbow was the need to install a fairly large antenna, with a diameter of 0.8-0.9 meters. But in 2012 it launched HD broadcasting and began broadcasting popular foreign channels. In addition, in 2010, Continent TV and its “budget subsidiary” company began to actively develop in the satellite television market, intersecting proposals with. And the operator NTV Plus came up with a favorable tariff of 29 rubles per month for 90 channels. But Rainbow’s main problems didn’t start because of favorable tariffs, active competitors, and shortly before the launch of the new satellite ABS-2. Last November, Roskomnazdor accused the operator of not having a license for satellite broadcasting. As the press service of the operator stated, at the beginning of broadcasting they had a license for TV broadcasting, but after changes in legislation the company was unable to obtain a license for satellite broadcasting. Representatives of Raduga TV informed the public that the company is trying to participate in a competition held by Roskomnazdor and obtain the necessary documents. This is from the area of ​​“paper” claims, and now let’s move on to the technical side of broadcasting.
After the launch of the new telecommunications satellite ABS-2 to the position of 75 degrees east longitude, and the transition of Rainbow TV channels from the old ABS-1 to the new transponders of the modern device, new problems were discovered. The signal strength and level not only did not increase, but decreased on individual channels. As a result, subscribers with inaccurately tuned or simply old, rusty antennas experienced unstable reception of TV channels. This also affected TV viewers who used certain models of satellite antennas with a small diameter of 0.7-0.8 meters. Then it’s even worse, the operator is simply haunted by failures. Some of the transponders of the new satellite, from which Raduga TV broadcasts, have ceased to function normally. The signal began to “float” and the operator was forced to change the broadcast parameters again. This had the greatest impact on subscribers. Imagine, a person has just called a technician who set everything up for him, and after a short time the channels are not shown again!

At the moment, the Rainbow TV broadcast grid looks like this:
Transponder No. 7 (11105, H, 43200, 5/6, DVB-S, QPSK;
Transponder No. 9 (11473, V, 22500, 3/4, DVB-S2, 8PSK);
Transponder No. 10-1 (11531, V, 22000, 5/6, DVB-S, QPSK);
Transponder No. 10-2 (11559, V, 22000, 5/6, DVB-S, QPSK);
Transponder No. 11 (11605, V, 43200, 7/8, DVB-S, QPSK);
Transponder No. 18 (11793,V, 43200, 5/6, DVB-S, QPSK).

satellite dish Rainbow TV

But the events around the Rainbow continue! In September 2014, following a complaint from Roskomnazdor, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs brought the satellite television operator Raduga TV to criminal liability for broadcasting without a license. Apparently, as a result of these events, Olga Abramova, who has held this position since just July, is leaving the post of general director of Raduga TV. At the moment, Inna Chernyshova, the financial director of Raduga TV, until recently, begins to perform the duties of the company’s general director. What will happen to the satellite operator Rainbow TV is not yet entirely clear. Whether the company will be able to obtain the necessary licenses and continue broadcasting as normal is currently unknown. As of today, the broadcast of television programs has been restored. TV viewers - subscribers, for now, have access to paid channel packages. But we would not recommend making large advance payments for subscription fees. If you are satisfied with the broadcasting and channels of the satellite operator Rainbow TV, you should wait until the conflict situation in which this satellite provider finds itself is resolved. And make a decision on extending paid services or refusing them, in accordance with the outcome of this difficult situation. In the end, as they say, “the subscriber always votes with rubles.”

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    01/27/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "9 wave" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12080, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    01/23/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "History HD" and "H2 HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12380, L, 30000, 5/6, DVB-S2.

    23.01.2019 Hot Bird 13C, 13E TV channel "Ukraina 24" appeared in the "XtraTV" package on 11219, H, 29900, 3/5, DVB-S2, open.

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    12/25/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Big Change" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12160, H, 28800, 3/4.

    12/24/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "Paramount Russia" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12149, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    12/18/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E TV channel "Fashion One 4K" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12054, R, 30000, 5/6, HEVC, DVB-S2.

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    12/12/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E TV channels "TNT International", "TNT4 International", "TV3 International", "Friday International" appeared on 11345, H, 30000, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    12/11/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E TV channel "Kinouzhas" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11785, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    12/08/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "STS HD" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11800, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    12/02/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Slavmir" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11920, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    12/01/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Tlum HD" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11800, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    11/30/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E TV channel “Under the Christmas tree HD” appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11958, L, 30000, 5/6, DVB-S2.

    11/16/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "LenTV 24" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12476, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    02.11.2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Start TV" appeared on 11605, V, 43200, 7/8, open.

    10.30.2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Match! Premier" appeared on 11605, V, 43200, 7/8, MPEG-4, open./p>

    10/23/2019 Horizons-2, 85E channel "Kazakh TV" appeared in the Telekarta package on 121200, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    10/21/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Khabar 24" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12080, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    10/21/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Big Asia" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11760, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    10/16/2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Multilandia" appeared on 11473, V, 22500, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    10.10.2019 ABS-2A, 75E channel "Fan HD" appeared on 11045, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    10.10.2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E TV channel "Maestro" appeared on 11230, H, 15000, 3/5, DVB-S2, open.

    10/02/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E TV channel "Formula" appeared on 11230, H, 15000, 3/5, DVB-S2, open.

    10/01/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "HSR24" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12111, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    09/30/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E TV channel "CNC World English HD" appeared on 11500, V, 5786, 3/4, open.

    09/27/2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Science HD" appeared on 10985, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    09/17/2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Luxury" appeared on 11473, V, 22500, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    09/05/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Shayan TV" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12341, L, 27500, 3/4.

    09/03/2019 Hot Bird 13B, 13E TV channel "Sterk HD" appeared on 12520, V, 27500, 5/6, open.

    09/02/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Nano HD" appeared in the "Telecard" package on 12160, H, 28800, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    09/02/2019 Intelsat 15, 85E TV channel "Nano" appeared in the "Telecard" package on 12640, V, 30000, 5/6, open.

    08/30/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E “Cinematheka” service appeared in the “Tricolor TV” package on 11996, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    08/30/2019 Hot Bird 13B, 13E TV channel "CNBC Europe HD" appeared on 12360, H, 29900, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    08/26/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "LenTV24" Appeared in the "Telecard" package on 11920, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    08/26/2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Pobeda Int." appeared on 11045, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, Irdeto2.

    08/01/2019 Hot Bird 13B, 13E TV channel "DW English HD" appeared on 11727, V, 29900, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    07/18/2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channels "Super and 2x2" appeared in the MTS package on 11860, V, 45000, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    07/03/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Bollywood TV" appeared in the "Tricolor TV" package on 11804, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/28/2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Nano" appeared on 11473, V, 22500, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    06.26.2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Mama" appeared on 10985, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, Irdeto2.

    06/23/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "Wild" appeared in the "NTV Plus" package on 12322, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06.06.2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E TV Center Europe channel appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11977, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/06/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Udmurtia" appeared in the "Tricolor TV" package on 12303, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/05/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "TV-21 M, Russian Illusion and CBS Reality Europe" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12245, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/05/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "RTG TV HD" appeared in the "NTV Plus" package on 12399, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/04/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E BBC World News channel appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11900, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/04/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels “Izvestia, Eurokino, Dikiy” appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12245, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/04/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Malysh TV" appeared in the "NTV Plus" package on 12322, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/04/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E TV channel "Mezzo Live HD" appeared in the "NTV Plus" package on 11938, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/04/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "A1, A2, Amedia Premium and Amedia Hit" appeared in the "NTV Plus" package on 12284, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/04/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Dialogues about Fishing" appeared in the "NTV Plus" package on 12437, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/02/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Captain Fantastica HD" appeared in the "Tricolor TV" package on 12418, L, 30000, 5/6, DVB-S2.

    05/28/2019 Hot Bird 13C, 13E TV channel "NHK World Japan HD" appeared on 11373, H, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    05/22/2019 ABS-2A, 75E channel "TV3 Russia International" appeared on 11473, V, 22500, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    05/15/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "CNN International Europe", "First Channel HD" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11900, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/15/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "Hollywood HD", "First Channel HD" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11938, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/15/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Russia HD" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12015, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/15/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "Prosveshcheniye", "Nashe TV", "Top Secret", "Moscow 24" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11977, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/15/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "2x2", "Meteo TV" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11977, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/15/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels “Science”, “History”, “My Planet” appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12245, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/14/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Ani" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12437, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/08/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "FAN" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12437, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/29/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Volgograd 24" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11747, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/24/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channels "Bolt" and "Star Cinema" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12284, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/16/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "History Russia" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11977, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/16/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "History Russia HD" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12207, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/12/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Key" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11720, H, 27500, 3/4.

    04/11/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E Pobeda TV channel appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12149, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/01/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Secrets of the Galaxy HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12190, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    04/01/2019 Horizons-2, 85E channel "Shayan TV" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12120, H, 28800, 2/3.

    03/29/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channels "Paramount Comedy" and "Nickelodeon" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12040, H, 28800, 3/4.

    03/28/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Children's" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12160, H, 28800, 3/4.

    03/18/2019 Eutelsat 36B, 36E TV channel "World of Basketball" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11785, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    03/06/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Motorsport TV HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12190, L, 22500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    03/06/2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Pobeda Promo" appeared on 11045, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    03/04/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Outdoor Channel International" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11760, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    03/04/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channels "NTV Pravo", "NTV Serial" and "NTV Style" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11880, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    03/04/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "A2 HD" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12120, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    02/25/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Our Cool SD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12149, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    02/25/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Our Cool HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12034, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    02/19/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "STS Kids" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11760, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    02/03/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Cinema and Comedy" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12111, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    02.02.2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Promo Kino" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12226, L, 27500, 3/4, MPEG-4.

    02.02.2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Promo UHD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12054, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    02/01/2019 Horizons-2, 85E TV channels “KVN” and “Tochka Otryva” appeared in the Telekarta package on 11880, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    01/24/2019 ABS-2A, 75E TV channels "Moscow 24" and "Moscow Trust" appeared on 11045, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    01/20/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E package of TV channels "Tricolor TV" appeared on 12418, L, 30000, 5/6, DVB-S2.

    01/14/2019 Eutelsat 36C, 36E radio stations Vesti FM, Radio Russia and Mayak appeared on 12245, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    01/10/2019 Hot Bird 13C, 13E TV channel "World Fashion International HD" appeared on 11373, H, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    01/09/2019 Hot Bird 13C, 13E TV channel "NASA UHD" appeared on 10727, H, 30000, 3/4, DVB-S2, HEVC.

    12/28/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "I Concert HD" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11800, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    12/28/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Mezzo Live" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12040, H, 28800, 3/4.

    12/17/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Travel+Adventure HD" appeared on 10985, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    12/17/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "360°" appeared on 12653, V, 43000, 5/6, open.

    12/10/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Yolki TV HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12226, L, 27500, 3/4, HEVC.

    12/07/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Fan HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11747, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    12/06/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Fan HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12380, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    12/03/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Udmurtia" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11840, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    12/03/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Secrets of the Galaxy" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 12284, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    11/30/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "Secrets of the Galaxy" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12149, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    11/25/2018 ABS-2A, 75E channel "Dog and Co" appeared on 10985, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    11/20/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "FAN" appeared on 12653, V, 43000, 5/6, open.

    11/20/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "FAN HD" appeared on 10985, H, 35007, 3/4, DVB-S2, open.

    11/19/2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E package of NTV Plus radio channels appeared on 11900, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    11/14/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Our Tema" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12600, V, 30000, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    11/06/2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "Romantic HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 112190, L, 22500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    11/06/2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "Romantic" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12034, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    01.11.2018 Hot Bird 13C, 13E TV channel "Belarus 24 HD" appeared on 11566, H, 29900, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    01.11.2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "Shocking" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12034, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    10.31.2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "Shocking HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11766, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    10/30/2018 Horizons-2, 85E channel "TV 3" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12560, V, 30000, 5/6, MPEG-4.

    10/19/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channels "Ren TV +4", "NTV +4", "Home +4", "Star +4" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12120, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB- S2.

    10/11/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "M-1 Global TV" appeared in the NTV Plus package on 11785, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2

    09/24/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Belarus 24" appeared on 11665, V, 44922, 5/6, open

    09/12/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Mystery" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12080, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    09/11/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "World HD" appeared on 11559, H, 27500, 5/6, open

    08/23/2018 Horizons-2, 85E channel "Krik TV" appeared in the Telekarta package on 12080, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    08/21/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Match! Planet!" appeared on 11531, V, 22000, 5/6, DVB-S2, open

    08/09/2018 ABS-2A, 75E channel "MuzSoyuz" appeared on 12160, V, 45000, 2/3, DVB-S2, open

    08/09/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E TV channel "KITCHEN TV" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12380, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2

    08/09/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Dorama" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12456, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2

    08/01/2018 ABS-2A, 75E TV channel "Russkij Extreme" appeared on 12100, V, 45000, 2/3, DVB-S2, open

    08/01/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Nano HD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12380, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2

    07/20/2018 Hot Bird 13C, 13E channel "Abu Dhabi TV HD" appeared on 11747.H, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    07/18/2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "MTV Russia" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12190, L, 22500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    07/17/2018 Eutelsat 36B, 36E channel "Eurosport 4K" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12054, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    07/17/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channels "Bridge HD" and "Kinomix HD" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11880, H, 28800, 2/3, DVB-S2.

    06/14/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "First Channel UHD" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12054, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    06/07/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Ultra HD Cinema" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11958, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/23/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Moscow 24" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12149, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/19/2018 Horizons-2, 85E TV channel "Premiere Show" appeared in the Telekarta package on 11920, H, 28800, 2/3.

    05/15/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Visiting a Fairy Tale" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12456, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/03/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "360 TV" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 12149, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/03/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "NNT TV" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11747, R, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

    05/03/2018 Eutelsat 36C, 36E channel "Playboy TV" appeared in the Tricolor TV package on 11919, L, 27500, 3/4, DVB-S2.

Dear readers of NskTarelka.ru, based on the title of this article - What should Raduga TV subscribers do? - I think it’s clear what’s in it we'll talk. The operator has ceased to exist, where to go?

I have previously written a publication on this topic -. Today we'll look at everything possible options transition from an operator that closed against its own will.

What should Raduga TV subscribers do after the cessation of broadcasting or where will Raduga TV subscribers go?

In Novosibirsk, the snow has not yet melted, and many of the “lucky ones” who have chosen the well-known brand of DalGeoKoma LLC as a summer cottage option do not even suspect anything. I'm talking about those who never set foot in the countryside in winter. In a week or two, calls will begin from the hacienda - Where did Rainbow TV go? I will talk about the fact that she is no longer beloved. And offer all existing options. Which? Let me tell you.

Rainbow TV channel update

We leave everything as is. A significant advantage of this option is that it is free if you do everything yourself. We update the channel list using scanning, and look at the available FTA channels. These are the ones that are not encoded and are freely available.

The list of FTA channels available for viewing from the ABC-2 satellite, and their parameters can be viewed on special services:
lyngsat frocus.net If you don’t know what to do about it, then read the article about.
We update the data in the receiver using automatic scanning or blind search, and watch available channels without a subscription fee.

The downside to this option is that there's not much to see. Then again, maybe this is enough for some.

If desired, you can purchase a multifeed (mount for several converters), two converters and a disc. Free channels from neighboring satellites can be added to FTA channels from ABC-2 for viewing.
Doing this yourself, without an installer, is not so easy. And if you resort to the services of a specialist, it is easier to switch to a Telecard for the same money that you would spend on additional equipment and payment for the installer’s work.

Who will replace Rainbow TV or switch to Telecard

Sometimes they ask me on the phone, exactly like this - Who will replace Rainbow TV? The answer is simple - Nobody. You, as a former user of Rainbow TV, decide for yourself which option to switch to another satellite TV is more acceptable for you. Either you leave everything as it is and watch FTA channels from ABC-2, which I already wrote about above, or choose another option that is more acceptable to you.

To make the channel list that opens more readable (larger), hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click on the + key.

Tricolor TV - people's operator

Thank God, they have already stopped “shouting” that they are people’s people.

Tricolor TV broadcasts TV channels from two satellites, from 36 and 56 degrees. One satellite covers the European part of the country, the other Siberia and the Far East. In some regions in between, both satellites are available.

You can view the list of channels on the official website tricolor.tv.

To switch from Rainbow TV to Tricolor, you will need to purchase a recommended operator receiver with an access card, replace the converter, reconfigure the antenna yourself, or call a specialist and pay for his work.

Satellite TV NTV Plus

The oldest satellite television operator. Broadcasting also comes from two satellites, from 36 and 56 degrees. NTV equipment will cost from 8,000 rubles. Next, we either reconfigure the antenna ourselves to the desired satellite or pay for the services of an adjuster.

In addition about the transition from Rainbow TV

When choosing the most suitable option for you to switch from Rainbow TV, I first recommend focusing on the list of channels offered by operators for viewing.
It is quite a common situation that even on official websites, information on the channels offered for viewing is outdated. If you are interested in a specific channel(s), do not be lazy and check whether it is available by calling the operator’s technical support.
