How to find out your tariff plan on internet. How to find out: help from the mobile operator Yota. We request help from consultants via messages

In some situations it is necessary to change tariff plan on Yota, and here the question arises, how to find out the tariff on Yota that you use in this moment. What will you need to do for this?

Basic methods

This can be done in various convenient ways; the choice remains with the subscriber himself.

  1. Use your Personal Account. If you haven't registered yet, do so. With its help, you can view all the necessary information about your tariff plan, control your balance on your phone, manage tariffs and additional services, and disable unnecessary subscriptions.
  2. Call customer support at toll free number phone 8 800 550 00 07 (you can make a call from cell phone or from the city). The specialist will listen to you carefully and answer all your questions.
  3. You can get detailed advice via SMS. You have not reached the operator and do not want to register a Personal Account, then send a message to number 0999. In a few minutes you will receive a response SMS.

The three methods listed above will help you find out your Yota tariff quickly, at any time. Pay attention to valuable advice that will help you save time searching for the information you need. Make a separate contact in your phone for those commands that you actively use in life (technical support), so that you always have them at hand. Add these contacts to your favorites. This will make it easier for you to navigate your directory.

Help from an online consultant

In addition, each subscriber has the opportunity to contact an online consultant directly. This method Great for those clients who have Internet access. Please note that on the official website of the Yota company there is a special chat with an experienced specialist. In order to start a dialogue with a company employee, you need to take several steps:

  • enter name;
  • phone number;
  • city;
  • ask your question.

This way you can find out your tariff plan in just a few minutes. The consultant works in real time.

Contacting the cellular company office

Sometimes a subscriber needs to solve several problems at once. If you have a question about how to find out your TP on Iota, go directly to the company’s office. Experienced employees work there. They will help you figure everything out. Here you can enable or disable specific additional services on a specific Yota SIM. The company’s employees have complete, reliable information on any number, so it’s worth contacting them.

There is another way to check the tariff, but many people forget about it. When purchasing a SIM card, each subscriber receives a package of necessary documents. They contain important information.

Knowing exactly what tariff plan you have, you can carefully review it detailed description. If you wish, you can change it to a more profitable plan just for you, or connect existing options that allow you to save money. Commit this procedure realistically, for example, through a Personal Account, which opens up many opportunities for the client.

To summarize, it is worth saying that the Yota company has taken care of its subscribers. Now, in order to be aware of the necessary information, you can use any method convenient for you. Find out your tariff plan, manage it at your discretion.

Iota did everything possible to ensure that even a child could cope with its range of services and options. Everything is automated here, there are chats and good support, there are inexpensive tariffs. If confusion arises, the company comes to the rescue mobile app. In this review, we will tell you how to find out the tariff on Yota and configure its parameters. Let’s talk separately about smartphones and tablets, and separately about modems and routers.

Anyone can check their tariff plan on Iota, even if they are infinitely far from modern technology. The operator offers subscribers a basic customizable tariff, in which packages of minutes and traffic are selected, and access to social networks and instant messengers is enabled. To control it, a special mobile application is used - it is downloaded from Play Market, AppStore and Windows Phone Store.

To find out your tariff on Yota, just open the application and look at the main screen. The following data is presented here:

  • Current phone number – it changes at any time without leaving the program;
  • Amount of subscription fee for the current period;
  • Number of minutes provided and available;
  • Number of gigabytes provided and available;
  • Connected instant messengers and social networks are marked with icons;
  • Current balance.

There is no tariff name here - Yota offers a single tariff plan with a choice of the number of minutes and traffic. In the application itself, we can look at the balances of included services and guess which of the available packages is connected to a given number.

The application will also help you find out about connected options. Yota has very few of them - these are “Unlimited SMS”, traffic packages and minute packages. Therefore, the operator’s application is very simple and accessible. This is not MTS, Tele2, MegaFon or Beeline, where the abundance of options and services makes your eyes wide open - Iota makes everything so simple that even a child can figure it out.

Tablet PCs have a single tariff, controlled through the application. The maximum that you can find out there is until what date the Internet is paid for.

Find out the tariff on modems and routers

If you have a Yota SIM card in your modem, you can find out your tariff (or rather, the current access speed) Personal Area operator. There is a speed controller here that displays the data the subscriber needs. If you have any difficulties with your personal account, contact support via chat on the official website. It is not possible to check the balance on the modem by removing the SIM card from it and inserting it into the phone.

Other methods

It is difficult to find out the tariff on Yota from your phone. The command *101# works on the network, but it only allows you to find out the remaining minutes. It’s difficult to understand how many there were initially. But there is a way out of the situation - we take it into our hands mobile phone, call 8-800-550-00-07 and ask the relevant question to the support consultant. This method will help you find out about the connected options and find out your own tariff (as well as its cost).

The Internet will help you find out the tariff on your phone. We are not talking about a personal account, but about the simplest chat on the official Iota website. It is available to every subscriber. Go to the “Support” section, select “Smartphone/tablet”, in the menu on the left, click on the “Contact chat” link. In the window that opens, specify:

  • Name or personal account;
  • City of your location;
  • Your question.

Wait a few minutes - a free consultant will answer you. You can ask him any questions regarding the current tariff, balance and connected options. Call details are also requested here. To clarify the information, you may need a passport.

One of the most frequently asked questions Any mobile subscriber has always had a question about the tariff plan. You can obtain such information from large operators in several ways. It would be interesting to find out how this scheme works for the Yota company, which is famous for its lack of fixed tariff plans.

It would be more correct to formulate the question differently: not the tariff itself, but its parameters, since there is no name for what the mobile communications consumer himself creates. There are several options for this.

Personal Area

The easiest and most understandable option to find out any information on the current contract is to go to personal account. On home page You will immediately see information about the balance, the balance of voice, SMS and traffic packages and to whom the phone number is registered. Login to your Personal Account is available on the official website of Iota. In order to get there, you need to enter your username and password. If you log in from the browser of a smartphone in which the desired SIM is installed, the login occurs automatically. The company also offers alternative registration through its account social network. Your number must first be linked in the network settings. Only users of modems and routers can log into the self-service system from the site.

Iota application

Download and install from well-known online sites official application Yota. The program is available for all software versions. This is the only option for accessing your personal account for voice SIM users.

Contact Center

If you have a lot of patience and time, you can call the Iota customer support hotline at 8-800-550-00-07 . A living person will not answer you, but the necessary information can be obtained automatically.

Online chat

If you have already been to the operator’s official website, you probably noticed in the “Support” section a link to an online chat. This is a unique service for Russia, where support specialists respond truly online. You can ask not only standard questions, but also describe your problems. The expert will try to help you and explain the sequence of actions to resolve the situation. In order to speed up the identification process, immediately indicate your phone number and your full name in the chat form. If you enter the chat through the application or personal account, then identification is not required.


The operator provides a universal number to solve your problems 0999. Describe your request or the information you need, and a response will arrive within business days.

The most convenient way to find out the parameters of your tariff is a USSD request, but Yota does not provide such a service. This can be explained only by one thing: the operator does not have tariff plans. You set all your parameters yourself, so it’s better to find out all the data in your Personal Account or application. There you can change them, top up your balance and consult with an Iota support specialist.

Iota is quite interesting mobile operator. Still a young company, it already confidently ranks among the leading operators. In a relatively short period of existence, it has accumulated more than a million clients.

Many of them are interested in the question of how you can find out your tariff on Iota. In fact, everything is simple here - it’s enough to know simple recommendations to quickly find out the information.

There are several ways to find out which plan you are on:

  • using your personal account - if you are well versed in the Internet, this is a fairly convenient method;
  • calling an experienced company consultant is the most suitable option for those who find it difficult to understand the details on their own;
  • receive a response from a qualified specialist via SMS - you will need to ask your question and then you can go about your business without waiting for an answer;
  • contact the company’s online consultants - this method is also quite simple, but requires access to the network;
  • go to the nearest Iota communication salon - if the office is close, you can simply visit it and get all the necessary information;
  • check the data in the documents - it is also possible to obtain certain information from them.

Below we will consider each method in more detail.

We use your personal account

To take advantage of this, you need to register in the system in advance. It will take little time and does not require any payment. Next, you need to view all the information about you as a subscriber. Information about the tariff and current balance is provided in sufficient detail.

From here, certain management of the tariff for Eta is possible.

We call the operator

Are you interested in how to find out your tariff for Yota quickly and without problems? In this case, it is enough to call specialists for help. You need to call phone number 8-800-550-00-07 .

Please keep in mind: no funds will be charged for the call, no matter what region they call from. In addition, you can treat as mobile devices, and from stationary ones.

We request help from consultants via messages

Not every operator has such a convenient feature. This is the optimal solution for busy people. You just need to dial 0999 from your phone and send your question. After a certain time you will receive a response message. There you will find out what tariff plan you currently have.

Help from a Yota consultant online

If you don’t know what the SIM card tariff is, you can simply contact the company’s operators online. To do this, you need to visit the official website of Yota, where a qualified specialist in the field of mobile communication services works around the clock.

If you would like to start a consultation, please provide the following information:

  • what is your name;
  • what telephone number;
  • where do you live;
  • what you want to know – in this case, your tariff plan.

In the near future, a free consultant will appear who will help you resolve the issue.

We go to the operator’s communication salons

This method is preferable to use in cases where there are several methods/problems rather than just one. In addition, you will need to take your passport with you to identify yourself as a subscriber.

Let's look at the document

Check the documents for the SIM card. The Yota company, like other operators, provides information about the tariff and other data.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to change the tariff plan to Yota, but first you need to find out which one is currently in use. Let's look at how this can be done.


Yota entered the market cellular communications quite recently and has already become very popular. Many subscribers are interested in how to find out the tariff for Yota, by various reasons. Let's look at this issue.

How can I find out the tariff in my Personal Account?

Even if you have not yet registered in your personal account, it will not take long to do so. After registration you will be able to:

  • Monitor balance
  • Receive operational information about the tariff used, speed and traffic
  • Manage tariff and options
  • Pay for communication
  • Adjust and select a tariff, as well as select connection speed
  • Communicate with support
  • Order details and so on

This is the most The best way of all, since in addition to providing information about the tariff used, you can also manage it.

Call to operator

Call customer support at 8-800-550-00-07 . The call will be free, and from any region. You can make a call from a mobile or landline phone.

Get advice via SMS

If you cannot log into your personal account for any reason or reach the operator, then send your question to number 0999. After some time you will receive an answer.

Talk to online consultant

On the official Yota portal there is always a chat with a specialist in real time (marked with a pink arrow in the picture below). To start a conversation, enter your name and phone number, city and question. When a free consultant appears, he will immediately answer all your questions.

Visit the operator's office

This method is relevant if it is necessary to resolve several issues at once, and not just regarding the tariff used. In addition, here you can also connect or delete services, change the tariff or change the SIM card if it breaks.

By the way, another great way is to view documents on the SIM card. As a rule, all the necessary information is there.
These are the main ways to find out the tariff for Yota.

Video: YOTA All about the YOTA SIM card #Mobile Operator Yota
