How to remove a mail search engine from your computer. How to remove mail ru from browsers. Photo gallery: how to remove email from the start page of the Google Chrome browser

It's no secret that the largest Internet companies are the owners of popular search engines. Vivid examples of this are Google and Yandex, which are huge corporations that largely exist at the expense of their search engines. There are also smaller players in this market, including Russian companies. The company, well known for its mail service, also has its own search engine, which it does its best to promote, sometimes resorting to “gray” methods. In this article, we will tell you what to do if your browser is automatically infiltrated. search string, and how to remove all software from your computer.

How and why the search string is installed

We noted above that the largest Russian and foreign IT companies are trying to make money with the help of search engine. It is an excellent springboard for selling advertising, but it is quite difficult to displace competitors in this segment using “whitewash” methods for less common products, even from well-known brands.

To popularize the Mail search engine, as well as some of its other products, the company created a special tool. It is distributed by “gray” methods, that is, together with other free applications. Users inadvertently install mail products, and then have difficulty removing them.

The product itself is not viral. At the same time, he is “on the brink.” The search bar from mail, as well as the Amigo browser, the Mail Agent program and other company products are most often installed in a single “pack” not at the user’s request. But this is not the main problem, since in addition to installation on the computer, they make changes to the way browsers work. After this, users have a problem with removing from Opera, Chrome, Firefox and other browsers.

What is the Mail app suite?

If you notice that the search engine and the start page for Mail have changed in browsers, and also programs that you did not install, in particular Mail Agent, began to launch on your computer from startup, then your HDD The entire application package was installed. It contains the following programs:

This is only a small part of what is installed when accidentally installing Mail programs. In addition to the applications listed above, new shortcuts appear on the computer desktop, both stand-alone applications and browser bookmarks. In particular, among them you can see the label VKonakte, Odnoklassniki, Amigo.Music and others., Comet, Amigo: How to remove an application package from your computer and browser

There is no program that would allow you to immediately erase all information about Mail group applications from your computer. When installed, the Mail software package makes a lot of changes to the way your browser and computer work, which must be corrected manually. Instructions for removing from the browser and related applications from the computer should be followed in the order in which they are given below.

Step 1. Removing Amigo, Comet and from your hard drive

The process of cleaning your computer from Mail company software should begin by removing programs that are installed on your hard drive. To do this, you need to run the Add or Remove Programs application:

  • If you are using Windows 8 or older, press the Windows + R key combination on your keyboard to go to the “Run” line, then write the command appwiz.cpl and click “OK”.
  • In others Windows versions follow the path “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Add or Remove Programs” (or “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs” - “Programs and Features”).

When the window for installing and uninstalling programs opens, you need to find all Mail applications in it. If they were installed recently, you can sort them by installation date to make it easier to find them all. Otherwise, we recommend that you carefully review the list for the presence of all the applications that we mentioned above in this article.

Each of the programs found that are related to Mail software should be removed.

Please note: When deleting Amigo Browser, you may be asked to confirm that it needs to be deleted along with all data. Don't forget to check the appropriate box and click "Delete".

Step 2: Clean your computer of remaining Mail programs

After going through the basic process of removing programs from your computer, some of them will leave their files on the system, and many will even continue to work. To erase them, you need to press the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination on your keyboard and go to the “Task Manager”. If it opened in the basic version, then it should be expanded by clicking on the “More” button. After that, go to the “Processes” tab and find all the programs that are associated with software from Mail. When is the next program from Russian company will be found among active processes, do the following:

After this, it is important to erase the file that is responsible for automatic download Mail applications on your computer and updating them. The file is located in the MailRu folder along the path C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local. If you can’t find it this way, use a search on your computer and find the MailRuUpdater.exe file. Erase it when you find it.

Step 3. Deleting temporary files Amigo, Comet, Mail

Files from Mail programs remain in the temporary data storage folder on the computer, that is, in the Temp folder. They need to be removed from there. To do this, go to the address on your computer:


Select everything in the Temp folder and delete it to ensure you get rid of all data that may relate to the Mail software. Some temporary files may be prohibited from deletion, which will be reported by the operating system.

Step 4. Removing Mail, Amigo and Comet from startup

The most convenient application that allows you to manage startup programs on your computer is CCleaner. Download it to your computer and install it, after which you need to launch it and go to the “Tools” menu. In it we are interested in the “Startup” tab. In it we look for files that may relate to Mail programs; the screenshot below shows some of them. We recommend that you carefully check the list of files in startup and delete all suspicious ones.

To make sure your computer is clean, in the CCleaner program you can go to the “Cleaning” item in the left menu, then click the “Analysis” button, and when finished, select the “Cleaning” item.

Step 5: Clear the registry of Mail files

Launch the registry editor, to do this, press the Windows + R key combination on your keyboard and enter the Regedit command.

In the registry window that opens, you need to select “Edit” - “Find” in the top menu and search for all files that contain a mention of “”. Found files must be deleted.

Repeat the procedure for searching and deleting files for the queries “Kometa” and “Amigo”.

Step 6. Removing from Opera, Chrome, Firefox and other browsers

The last step will be to remove the effects of running Mail programs on your computer from the browser. Depending on the browser, this process will vary, but the key steps are the same for all web viewers.

Let's look at the process of eliminating the consequences of malicious software using the example of the most common browser - Google Chrome. To remove from Chrome you need to:

Follow the 3 steps described in the browser you use to completely remove information about the mail software from it.

Upon completion of all actions to clean your computer from, restart your computer and make sure that in the list installed programs, information about Mail programs did not appear in startup and in the browser again.

First you need to know how unwanted applications can get onto your computer? One of the options - during installation free programs from the Internet. Dangerous programs can enter the PC system as additional files. Moreover, this method is practiced even by such reputable software manufacturers as Adobe and nVidia, although the additions of these companies are completely harmless.

As a rule, you can install a new application manually or use the quick automatic installation . It is better to use the first option, because... in this case you will see everything that is installed on your computer and you will be able to uncheck unwanted files

The first option will most likely give you a lot of unwanted programs, which are very difficult to get rid of.

What applications are installed on PC

First of all, it’s worth talking about Guard This is the main program that installs all the others, floods the PC with advertising spam and blocks the work of search agents such as Yandex, Google, etc.
Satellite. The toolbar just clutters up the appearance of the browser.
Search( Search engine for browsers.
Homepage. Runs every time you log into the browser.
Third party browsers, such as Amigo and others.

Removal malware can be quite problematic. But don’t despair, just follow the instructions and you will succeed.

How to completely remove mail ru products from your computer

To start needs to be removed all applications except Guard you need to open the menu Start" go to " Control Panel", then we go to " Programs" and after that in " Uninstalling programs". Select malicious ones from the list and click " Delete/edit».

After all the auxiliary files have been deleted, we proceed to uninstall Guard.

In order to get rid of Guard you need to right-click on “ Computer» — « Control» — » Services". Find Guard in this window, right-click on it and open “ Properties» — » Are common". After that, select the startup type " Disabled" and then " Stop» — « Apply» — » OK«.

Now call " Task Manager» using Ctrl+Shift+Esc. Find the malicious service there, right-click on it and then “ End the process". After that, remove Guard like other applications.

And the last stage - we search through Start using the request “” for the remaining files and delete them.

A friend called me and asked me to help solve a problem with my computer. Arriving at his place, I opened the laptop and saw the following picture: shortcuts appeared on the desktop Amigo, Search on the Internet, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Kometa, Kinoroom Browser, Amigo.Music; “Start” was modified; appeared on the right “Comet Launch” panel. In addition, when starting any browser, the start page opened with the address; has become the default search engine everywhere Mail.Ru.

In it, on the left, select the “” tab. Here in the first “Windows” tab we see what we have registered in the System Startup. We look here for records about software from Mail.Ru - then disable them and delete them.

I saw them right away - here they are:
If you haven't guessed, the top line is Satellite; underneath it is Comet; and the third line is responsible for the fact that in our browsers we have as home page opens website

Take turns turn off each of these lines (there is a “Turn off” button on the right), and then press the “ button Delete”:
Having deleted these three lines, I carefully look through the entire list again - there is nothing suspicious anymore.

Now, using the same CCleaner, we’ll do a final cleaning, just in case:

Go to the “tab” on the left Cleaning” – then press the button “ Analysis” – and then the “ button Cleaning”:

After that, go to the “tab” Registry” - press the button “ Troubleshooting" - then " To correct” (you can save a copy of the register when offered) – “ Correct marked”:

5. Now let's get ours back browsers to the state they were in before “infection”.

In the browser Google Chrome Click the button in the upper right corner and select “Settings”. Next, select the item “ Open at startup” – “Specified Pages" - click " Add”:
Here we delete the line that is written:
And then enter the name of the site we need: for example,

We go further: “ Appearance ” – “Show button Home page ” – “Change”:

Instead of what is written here, we write our own (

Further: " Search” – change Mail.Ru to Yandex:

Website without asking, I created my own tab in the upper right corner of the browser: right-click on it - “ Unpin a tab”:

In the browser Internet Explorer go to “Tools” – “Browser Options” – “General” tab. Here we write the Home page -

In the browser Mozilla Firefox Click the “Open menu” button in the upper right corner - then select “Settings”. Here on the “tab” Basic” change the Home page to

On the “ Search” select the default search engine Yandex:

After that, at the top left, close the tab that the site created
After that, restart your browser and make sure that everything is now displayed as before.

In my case, in the Mozilla Firefox browser, even after all the steps done above, there is no I didn’t want to change the start page: instead of Yandex every time the website opened. If you have the same situation as me, then you need to do the following:

You need to go to the profile folder, which is located in the following path: C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\name using letters and numbers.default.

Having opened the folder, we find the file here user.js:
Let's open it using Notepad.

I had a line in it with a web address, which returned the site as the home page every time:
We don’t change anything in this file - we just we delete it:

Then we launch again Mozilla browser Firefox – in the settings, set the home page for the last time: After this, we restart the browser - now everything should be in order: Yandex will open.

If suddenly this did not help, then in the same profile folder, find the file prefs.js and open it with Notepad:
In the opened file, go to the menu bar in “ Edit” – “Find” – enter a word homepage– then press the “ button Find next”:
I have here after https The address is If you write some nonsense in this line, replace it with the same address as mine:
Well, that's basically it. Personally, the steps described above were enough for me to get rid of MailRu software. And it never appeared on the computer again.

Eat one more way get rid of traces of MailRu programs on your computer. But it is only suitable for experienced users, because... involves working with Windows registry. If you are familiar with the registry editor and understand all the possible consequences of working with it, then you can use this method. But I repeat, you shouldn’t go into the registry unless absolutely necessary.

To get into the editor Windows registry, go to “ Start” – “Execute” – in the window that opens, enter the word regedit and click OK. In the Registry Editor, go to the menu bar and select “ Edit” – “Find" Enter the word in the search bar
Click the “Find Next” button. When the search ends, folders and files of the same name will be found:
They will need to be removed. Having deleted one found folder, go to another by pressing the key F3 on keyboard. But this should not be done thoughtlessly: carefully look at what exactly you are deleting. And if you don’t know what this or that parameter or file is responsible for, it’s better not to touch it.

This is a well-known Internet portal. In order to get onto as many computers as possible and be installed as a home page and search engine, this portal sponsors many free programs, and also distributes a variety of free software itself. For example, agent, visual bookmarks, amigo browser. When installed on a computer, the installer of these programs can change the settings of all browsers present on the system. software is very actively distributed throughout world wide web, and although it does not particularly protect itself from deletion, you may encounter problems cleaning your computer from automatically opening the SEARCH mail ru portal and restoring your personal settings in Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.

Most often, software changes the settings of the most common browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox. But there are times when the installer or free program sponsored by also changes the shortcuts of all browsers installed on the computer, adding an argument of the following type “” to the object field. Thanks to this, every time you start the browser, instead of the home page, the SEARCH portal will open. Even if you set your favorite site as the home page, the first thing you will see when you launch Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox will be the intrusive page. Moreover, this site will open when you create a new tab.

In addition to replacing your home page, can set itself up as your search engine. But, obviously, this will not give you good search results, since they will consist of a large number of advertising links and only the remaining part are search results for your request from the search engine, which is inferior in search quality to Yandex and Google. Of course, the fact that you are faced with the inability to normally search for information on the Internet is an unpleasant moment. Moreover, may collect information about you and subsequently transfer it to third parties.

As mentioned earlier, software is distributed along with various free programs, as an add-on that is installed automatically. This is certainly not a very honest way to get into the user’s computer. To avoid infection of your computer and side effects such as changing your browser settings on, you should always carefully read the User Agreement and License. In addition, always select manual installation mode. This will allow you to disable the installation of unnecessary and often harmful programs.

If you yourself have not installed as your home page and search engine, then we recommend checking your computer for viruses, cleaning the system from various malware and thus removing from your browser.

How to remove from your computer and Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer browsers

The installer is potentially unnecessary software that can be difficult to remove from your computer. Fortunately, our team of computer specialists has developed effective instructions, which are given below. This instruction consists of several steps, some of which use the capabilities operating system and installed browsers, and the other part suggests using special well-proven free utilities. We recommend following these instructions step by step. If you are having trouble with anything, STOP, request help with this article, or create a new topic on our .

Uninstall the program that caused to appear

Windows 95, 98, XP, Vista, 7

Click Start or press the Windows button on your keyboard. From the menu that opens, select Control Panel.

Windows 8

Click on the Windows button.

In the upper right corner, find and click on the Search icon.

In the input field type Control Panel.

Press Enter.

Windows 10

Click on the search button

In the input field type Control Panel.

Press Enter.

The Control Panel will open, select the item Uninstalling a program.

You will be shown a list of all programs installed on your computer. Review it carefully and uninstall the program that you suspect as the cause of the infection. This is probably the last program you installed. Also, take a close look at other programs and remove any that seem suspicious to you or that you are sure that you did not install them yourself. To remove, select a program from the list and click the button Delete/Change.

Remove from Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer using AdwCleaner

AdwCleaner is a small program that does not require installation on your computer and is designed specifically to find and remove adware and potentially unnecessary programs. This utility does not conflict with the antivirus, so you can safely use it. Uninstall your antivirus program no need.

Download the AdwCleaner program by clicking on the following link.

In order to avoid infecting your computer in the future, please follow three small tips

  • When installing new programs on your computer, always read the rules for their use, as well as all the messages that the program will show you. Try not to install with default settings!
  • Keep anti-virus and anti-spyware programs updated to latest versions. Also note that you have automatic Windows update and all available updates are already installed. If you are not sure, then you need to visit the Windows Update website, where they will tell you how and what needs to be updated in Windows.
  • If you are using Java, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Adobe Flash Player, then be sure to update them on time. Group offers cloud services, free mail and a search engine.

It also offers a set of extremely dubious programs that, once on a computer, change browser settings, impose products, change the home page and default search. You have the right to choose.

And to use it, you will have to uninstall the software.

Instructions for removing software from your computer

Software solutions from are distributed via package installation. You are downloading the desired program, and Guard is built into it.

Also, during installation, by clicking “Install by default” or mindlessly clicking the “Next” button 3 times, you become the unfortunate owner of unwanted software.

Anti-virus programs classify products from as “Adware”, and classify them as “Potentially Unwanted” or “Potentially Dangerous” software. Partly due to the fact that the software is quite difficult to remove. But there is a way to completely remove from your computer. It will take 4 steps.

Uninstalling programs

After installing one of the products from Mail.Ru, you become the owner of a whole package of programs. To remove mail ru elements:

  1. Go to the Start menu.
  2. Select “Control Panel”.
  3. Go to the “Add and Remove Programs” tab.
  4. Now you need to remove from the list of installed programs those that are classified as unwanted software. This is quite easy to do if you click on the “Arrange” tab and select “By installation date”.

Removing tasks in the manager and deleting folders

Using the combination CTRL+ALT+DELETE open the “Task Manager”. Go to the “Processes” tab, look for running programs that have not been deleted. Right-click on the desired process, open the folder in which it is located executable file.

After this, we complete the process and delete the file in the folder that opens. If the file is in a folder, delete the entire folder.

This operation must be repeated for all malicious processes running in the task manager.

Some malicious files remain on the system even after processes are deleted. They are stored in the temporary folder "Temp":

Control cleaning of residues

Account deleting

If you used services from and connected your main mailbox to them, then you run the risk of regularly receiving fresh spam on it. To prevent this from happening, you will have to get rid of your My World account. It's not difficult to do this:

  1. Sign in account, go to the Settings menu. You can find this item by clicking on the “More” button in the menu.
  2. At the bottom of the page there will be a “Delete My World” button.
  3. When you click on it, you will get rid of linking your mail to the “My World” service. If you need this service, just change your main email to another one.

How to delete mail ru mail

Removal mailbox occurs at the discretion of the administration. To delete mail ru mail, log in to your account. Click “Settings”, in this tab go to “Personal data”. To delete your account, you will have to indicate the reason and re-enter the password. Removal takes up to 5 business days.

If you have any questions about removing the software, then ask us. Please indicate what problems you are having so that we can help.
