Download a program that downloads any game. Programs for automatic installation of programs on a computer. Ways to install a game or application on an Android device

Sometimes you have a lot of Android applications? Would you like to learn how to Bulk Install APK Applications from a PC in One Click? Then this article is for you!

If for some reason you don’t like making backup copies of everything in order to restore it later, or you are an employee in a service center or a consultant in a store and have to install a lot of applications, then this article is just for you!

Necessary for work

Method No. 1

  1. Install Android drivers;
  2. Enable “USB Debugging” on your Android device;
  3. Download adb archive;
  4. Download the archive with the dirapk script.

Method No. 2

  1. Computer or laptop (Windows);
  2. Undamaged MicroUSB cable;
  3. Install Android drivers;
  4. Enable “USB Debugging” on your Android device;
  5. Enable installation of applications with " ";
  6. Download the ADB RUN program;

Instructions on how to bulk install APK from a PC

Method No. 1

In Windows, many actions can be automated thanks to bat scripts; in this article you will learn how to use them and be able to install APK applications in bulk.


1. You will need to enable the ability to show file extensions, to do this:

  • Go to Control Panel
  • Select Folder Options
  • In the “View” tab, uncheck hide extensions

2. Next, create an empty folder and move the archive there adb and extract the contents of the archive:

after which the archive can be deleted.

3. Move the required APK applications to the folder:
4. Create a list of applications that we have, to do this, unzip the archive with the script dirapk.bat and then run it, after which you will create a file apk.bat

5. Later you can open apk.bat in a text editor (Notepad) and you will see a list of applications that will subsequently be installed

This procedure should be performed only once or when you add new apk applications.

Installing applications on an Android device

7. Connect your Android to your computer

8. Make sure that device is unlocked

9. Run the file apk.bat(quick double click on the file) after which the installation process will begin, do not disconnect the device until the procedure is completed.

Method No. 2

  1. Run the program ADB RUN and go to menu Install Android App to Device;
  2. Select the item " Copy Program to directory app"and copy all APK files into the window that opens;
  3. Select the item " Mass installation APK" and mass installation of applications will begin.

This is how easy it is to quickly install large quantities of Android applications in a short time using your computer!

Do you still have additional questions? Ask them in the comments, tell us what worked for you or vice versa!

apk format (file name.apk) have all application installation files for Android OS. There are several installation methods: using a computer and directly from a mobile device. Remember that all applications that you download on the Internet do not pass anti-virus scanning; to do this, you need to check them on your computer or have an anti-virus on your device.

Ways to install a game or application on an Android device

  1. Manual installation of apk files downloaded to a PC
  2. Installing applications downloaded not from the market on Android
  3. Automatic installation.apk from computer

Install the application using the previous method. Then all you need to do is go into the program and it will automatically start searching for available .ark files on your Android device. When the search is over, you just need to click on the file or select several and click “install”.

The application will run the installation files on its own, you will only need to agree (or not) with access rights. Even if you close the program, the next time you start it you can easily select all uninstalled applications.

AirDroid Features

  • Installation is automatic
  • Full work with contacts, messages with the ability to create backup copies
  • Updating installed programs and installation files
  • Gives access to manage folders and files on the device
  • Shows all installed programs
  • Access to editing and downloading pictures, music, videos from the Internet

The time that a user spends searching and installing the necessary programs, for example, when changing the operating system, can be counted in hours. And if this is a local network with a dozen computers, then these procedures can take all day. Fortunately, there are programs in nature that can significantly reduce the duration of this process.

Such software is divided into two categories: programs for automatic installation of ready-made distributions and catalogs of applications downloaded from the Internet.

MultiSet falls into the first category. The program creates an application installation script using step-by-step recording of user actions. Then, on demand or automatically, it installs it on the computer.

The software's arsenal also includes functions for creating bootable media with assemblies recorded on them, including those containing the operating system.

Maestro AutoInstaller

The software is very similar to the previous representative. Maestro AutoInstaller also records the installation and then plays it back, but has a friendlier and clearer interface, as well as a smaller set of additional functions. The program can create distributions with application packages, but is not able to write them to disks and flash drives.


Npackd is a powerful catalog program. With its help, you can download and install applications presented in the list, update and delete already installed ones, and add your own programs. Software added to the Npackd repository has every chance of becoming popular, since it ends up in a common directory and can be used by all its users.


DDownloads is another representative of application directories, but with slightly different functions. The operating principle of the program is based on the use of a database containing a huge list of software with a detailed description of its properties and features.

Essentially, DDownloads is an information platform with the ability to download installers from official sites. True, here it is also possible to add your own applications to the database, but they will not end up in the general directory, but will only be contained in a local database file.

A large number of functions and settings allow you to use the program as a repository of information and links and as a general directory for users of your local network.

We looked at several programs that allow you to find, download and automatically install a large number of applications. You should not neglect this knowledge, since at any time you may need to reinstall the system, and with it all the necessary software. To do this, it is not at all necessary to collect a collection of installers: using MultiSet, you can write them to a boot disk along with Windows or create a DDownloads information database in the local area to quickly find the necessary links.

If you have just now decided to switch from a push-button mobile phone to a smartphone running Android, then some difficulties await you. It is quite possible that at first you will be thinking about how to install the program. Of course, you can limit yourself to pre-installed applications. But quickly enough you will exhaust their potential, you will want more. Therefore, we recommend that you read this article - it describes all the methods for installing applications.

Even at the dawn of its operating system, Google tried to make it easier to install additional applications. For this purpose, the American giant created a separate online store, called Google Play. It can be accessed using the program Play Market, which is available on almost every smartphone running Android. It is not available only on the cheapest devices from nameless Chinese companies that have not undergone special testing and licensing.

To access the online store you will also need Google account. Creating it will not be difficult, as you will see if you read our separate material. It is recommended to use the same account on different smartphones; in this case, it will be much easier to find and install your favorite applications.

Installing the application on Android via Google Play is very simple. To do this, do the following:

Step 1. Go to Play Market. You will find the icon of this client on the desktop or, as a last resort, in the menu.

Step 2. You will be taken to the Google Play home page. You can try to find the application you are interested in using it, or use the search bar located at the very top.

Step 3. When you get to the program or game page, click on the green button “ Install" The download process will begin immediately, after which the installation will begin. If you are going to install the game, you may be offered to download it via Wi-Fi to save traffic. Whether you agree with this is up to you to decide.

Using a computer and its browser

Not everyone knows about this, but Google Play supports remote installation of programs and games. This means that you do not have to access the online store from the exact smartphone or tablet on which the application you need will be installed. You can use a computer instead. It doesn’t matter which operating system is installed on it - Windows, Mac OS or Chrome OS. You just need to have an Internet browser on your PC. With its help you must do the following:

Step 8 Go to the folder " Downloads"(Download).

Step 9 Click on the APK file.

Step 10 Click on the button Install" Grant the app all permissions if it requires it.

This completes the installation. The icon will not appear on the desktop - you will have to look for it in the menu. Regarding the APK file in the " Downloads", then it can now be deleted.

Using a card reader and other methods

If the USB connection does not suit you, then you can use other methods to transfer the APK file. For example, you can remove the memory card from the device and insert it into the card reader. If you have it, then you should be able to use it, and therefore we will not describe the entire procedure.

You can also use a wireless connection. For example, the application is ideal for these purposes Airdroid, which is distributed on Google Play completely free of charge. You can read about this and other methods of connecting to a computer in the article “ How to sync Android with PC ».

Installing an application on a memory card

If you have a memory card installed, then many applications will automatically be installed on it. The exception is special utilities that should be located only in the built-in memory.

You can move applications to the SD card at any time. This is done as follows:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Go to the section " Application Manager" It may also be called " Applications" If you have a tablet, you must first go to the “ Are common».

Step 3. Go to the " SD memory card" All programs and games that can be moved to external memory are displayed here.

Step 4. Click on the application you want to move. In the menu that opens, click on the button " To SD memory card" It may also be called " To SD card».

All we have to do is wait for the result!

InstallPack is an innovative development for quickly installing the necessary programs without having to launch the browser. Using this application, you can download official distributions of various software without wasting time searching for developer sites.

The main window of the program presents a list of more than 700 programs, including antiviruses, browsers, media players, video and photo editors, converters and other useful software. You just need to check the boxes next to the programs that interest you - they will be downloaded as a package. And if you choose the “quiet mode” of the installation, then without any notifications.

Main characteristics of InstallPack:

  • a huge selection of programs for Windows from different developers
  • filter by category, brief descriptions of software functionality
  • all new versions of programs are checked for malicious code
  • Batch installation of software is especially important after reinstalling Windows.

The main window of the program presents a list of more than 700 programs, including antiviruses, browsers, media players, video and photo editors, converters and other useful software. You just need to check the boxes next to the programs that interest you - they will be downloaded as a package. And if you choose the “quiet mode” of the installation, then without any notifications.

For convenience, you can filter the search by category; initially it is displayed in alphabetical order. The developers also provided ready-made sets of programs, such as “Must have” - suitable after reinstalling the system, or “Patriot” - for those who are looking for software from domestic developers.

Download InstallPack - an application that downloads the necessary programs itself, will be a great idea for those who often update the operating system on their computer or constantly change laptops. In addition, InstallPack will be useful for those who work on large-scale projects and need several programs at once. The program saves a lot of time and eliminates a lot of unnecessary work.
