Create your own webmoney wallet. WebMoney wallets and how to create them. Positive aspects of the system

Of course, to start working in the system, you will need to create a WebMoney wallet. Let us immediately note that the registration procedure for this service is not complicated, but it does take time. In addition, the system has its own rules, if you violate them, you will not be able to connect an online wallet and make payments. But, if everything is done correctly, you will get one of the most popular and secure wallets in the online payment system.

Registration: entry level

Even before you start registering for WebMoney, you need to register yourself mail, otherwise you will not be able to create a Webmoney wallet.

Remember that if you have already registered a wallet, then when registering again you cannot use the same data: cell phone number and email - they must not be “displayed” in the system, otherwise you will not be able to “register”.

In order for registration to begin, go to the website or find it through a search in your browser. Creation personal account It starts with you clicking “registration” in the upper right corner and you will be taken to the desired menu.

The creation of the wallet is almost complete. All that remains is to come up with a password and enter it in your personal account. At this stage, many users find registration difficult, since the Webmoney system has very high password requirements.

Instructions for creating a password:

  • use letters and Arabic numerals;
  • use capital and lowercase letters;
  • include uppercase characters in your password;
  • do not use Russian letters and lower case.

Example good password: Xhj@58MOpar#93

Choose security password. Repeat it. Enter the code from the picture and click “ok”.

If you do not understand the numbers in the picture, then click “change picture” so that the system changes the image.

After successfully creating a password, you will only need to confirm the address Email. A system message with an activation link will be sent to the specified E-mail address. Follow it.

On new page You will need to enter the code from the image and click “verify”.

If everything is done correctly, the email address will be confirmed, and the system will prompt you to log into your personal account. To log in, enter your username - the phone number specified during registration, password and enter the code from the picture. Click "login".

To log into WebMoney, you will need to enter a one-time code sent to your phone number. Usually, the code arrives in a few seconds.

Registration: creating a wallet

Many people believe that after they register with WebMoney, they will be able to start working with their wallet, but this opinion is wrong. Before you can use the capabilities of the payment system, you will need to open a WM wallet. The system itself will offer you this as soon as you do it for the first time.

  1. Click "Yes" to create a wallet for work.
  2. Select the currency in which you are going to work. If this is Russia, then choose WMR.
  3. In the new window, check the box to accept the agreement.
  4. Click “continue” to complete the wallet creation.

The creation of the WMR wallet is completed, and you can conduct transactions with Russian currency. However, the Webmoney service offers broader capabilities, including working with multiple currencies. More on this later.

Creating WM wallets

Electronic service Webmoney offers 9 currency options, which you can work with in your personal account. All that remains is to figure out how to open a multi-currency WebMoney wallet. Creating a current account in another currency is an extremely simple procedure:

  1. Log in to your personal account.
  2. In the options menu, select “add an existing wallet.”
  3. From the list provided, select the one whose currency you are interested in.

For example, you select “create a WMU wallet” - this is Ukrainian currency. You will see an agreement window. Read the terms of use and check the box that you agree to continue creating.

You will see a window where the number of the new wallet will be displayed. Set limits – if there is a need to set them and click “add” to open a Ukrainian current account.

To confirm, you will receive a message with a code on your phone - enter it in the appropriate field and press “ok”.

Now you have several current accounts, Russian and Ukrainian. Using the above scheme, you can make other wallets: WMZ, WMH, WMX, WMG, WMV, WMK, WME, WMB. They will all appear in top panel management or in the list of wallets if you use another Keeper.

Currency exchanges

If you create Webmoney wallets in different currencies, this gives you the opportunity to exchange your cash directly on the service. That is, if you want to receive dollars, but rubles are transferred to your account, then this situation is easy to change.

Now you can exchange rubles for dollars directly in your WebMoney account. To do this, open it and at the very bottom click on the green circle indicating exchange.

You will see an exchange window in which you must indicate how much money you want to exchange. Select the currency in which the exchange will be made and the service will calculate how much money you will receive and what the commission will be.

Click “ok” to transfer from one WM to another.

If all the data is entered correctly, you will receive a message with a confirmation code on your phone. Enter it on the site to complete the exchange.

Alias ​​certificate capabilities

Certificate in WebMoney this is your access level. Obtaining a higher certificate is completely free and gives users more opportunities and security. To view your certificate level, simply click on the avatar in your personal account.

This First level a certificate obtained without a passport and automatically assigned to all users who open a WM wallet. What opportunities does it provide?

  • transfer funds within the system, but with minimal limits and only to certain wallets;
  • deposit funds into your account through terminals and prepaid cards;
  • use the entire list of opportunities included in the “payment for services” section;
  • conduct correspondence within the network;
  • make exchanges between your current accounts.

In the “payment for services” menu, you have the following options: payment of mobile and utility bills, replenishment of any bank card, payment for online games, Internet and social networks.

Obtaining a formal certificate and its possibilities

To get a higher level of certificate, click on the “alias certificate” in the avatar section. The service will redirect you to a new window where you can read more about the certification levels. Click “get a certificate” at the bottom of the page to apply for a new one access level.

In a new window you will be told about the possibilities of a formal certificate - this is background information. Click “continue” after reading.

You will see a form in which you must enter your personal data:

  • last name;
  • surname;
  • date of birth;
  • city;
  • postcode;
  • address.

All information provided in the application form must be accurate, otherwise you will not pass the verification.

On the side of each field there is a “do not show” checkbox. This means that other users will not be able to see this data. If you clear the checkbox, you will make this data open to all WebMoney users.

  • citizenship;
  • passport data;
  • date of issue of the document;
  • branch where the document was issued.

After entering this information, click “continue data entry.”

After you provide this information, the system will ask you to download a copy of your passport and begin the verification. Having received formal certificate, you can:

  • use more translation opportunities;
  • link cards and electronic wallets of other systems;
  • withdraw cash from WebMoney;
  • use exchangers;
  • write reviews;
  • create statements of claim;
  • your limits will increase.

Obtaining a formal certificate is necessary if you work at WebMoney at least periodically. If this is not done, then managing your personal account will be problematic.

Information for those who have not read: any information sooner or later becomes irrelevant. If you notice that something we described below is not going as you see in practice, please contact us for support. We will definitely help and correct the texts with pictures. New recruits will thank you! Go...

WMID is a kind of your registration number in the system, which in turn may have several WebMoney wallets of various types.

Transfers can only be made between WebMoney wallets one type. That is, you can transfer money from your Z-wallet to the Z-wallet of another participant in the system. But you cannot transfer money from a Z-wallet to an R-wallet and so on. To convert you can use the link.

We're done with theory, let's move on to practice. Let's create the ones we need WebMoney wallets.

After registering in the system, we, as you remember, got into your account. If for some reason you closed the window, go to the page again and log in by entering your email address or mobile phone number, as well as a password (we came up with it during registration and remembered it. Or maybe they even wrote it down somewhere). Go to the tab Finance and click on plus.

On the new page that opens, in the right column we indicate what type WebMoney wallet we need. Read the text of the agreement and check the “I accept the terms” checkbox. Press the button Create.

If at creating wallets type WMU or WMR You do not see them among those proposed for creation, then you will need to obtain and upload a photo of the document to the system server.

Sometimes users encounter the error " This account already has the specified wallet type". In this case, simply log out of your account and log in again: the cached information will be updated and you will see the current status of the wallets.

Note, that when creating some WebMoney wallets Various errors may occur. For example, you may be asked to go to the certification center website and indicate your passport information. In other words: get it instantly and for free. If you have received a formal certificate, but you are still asked to provide your passport information, upload a photo of your document to the server and wait for the administrator of the certification center to verify the provided data. Document verification takes up to two working days.

We pay special attention to the fact that to create a WMB wallet, you must first obtain at least an initial certificate, otherwise you will constantly receive an error. We provide the procedure for obtaining such a certificate in the WebMoney system. Obtaining a certificate when creating this WebMoney wallet prescribed by the laws of Belarus, which require online payments to be made only by verified users.

If you need to create another type WebMoney wallet, then click the “Create” link again and repeat the procedure.

To find out the number WebMoney wallet and the balance on it, open the “Wallets” tab in your account. Numbers WebMoney wallets we have indicated in the screenshot below in blue and the amount in green.

Numbers WebMoney wallets If necessary, you can write it down somewhere; this is not secret information. In order to get the money you need WebMoney wallet, just give his number to your correspondent. You can withdraw funds from your wallet and receive cash (real) money later at.

Let's move on to learning the procedure that will often be required of you - on various services.

Greetings, dear friends! If you are reading my blog, then this means only one thing - you are actively looking for new types of income online. It is quite possible that you already have your own successful projects, working on the basis of social networks, or you have learned how to make money from referral programs. Regardless of what your sources of income are, it is very important learn how to withdraw your earnings, be able to use them. That is why, it seems to me, it would be most logical to devote today’s review to the creation of electronic wallets, with the help of which you can pay for various services or store funds earned on the Internet.

Since I have already talked about such payment systems as PerfectMoney , PayPal, Qiwi, Skrill , Okpay , then it is obvious that Webmoney will be on the agenda today. Despite the fact that many of you most likely already have accounts in one or another payment system, I simply cannot help but talk about how to register with WebMoney and give you the right to choose the most convenient and profitable payment method.

Service history

By tradition, I want to start the article with a small theoretical excursion, which will help us get to know the WebMoney payment system better. First of all, I would like to note the fact that Webmoney is recognized the most popular e-wallet in the CIS countries. The peculiarity of the payment system is that you can work with it both in all browsers and directly on your computer, after installing the webmoney keeper program on it. Each registered user can open a wallet in one of the following currencies - dollars, euros, rubles, hryvnias and even bitcoins. If necessary, wallets can be created in all available currencies at once, this function is completely free and only takes a couple of seconds to implement.

Depositing or, conversely, withdrawing money from your wallet is quite simple. We'll talk about input and output methods a little later. In the meantime, I would like to note why WebMoney electronic wallets can be considered the most convenient and functional. This is due to the fact that a huge number of companies and online stores support working with them. In addition, with electronic money stored in the system, you can pay for utilities, top up mobile phone or pay for the Internet.

Certificate system

The convenience and practicality of the wallet literally has no equal. However, in order to remove the usage restrictions that exist on it, you need to take care of receiving a certain webmoney certificate. Immediately after registering in the system, you are assigned a pseudonym certificate by default, which you can later change to a formal certificate, initial or personal. By and large, certificates are a kind of identity verification. The higher the level of the certificate, the more confidence the system has in you.

I admit honestly that webmoney was my first payment system, and when I registered with it, it seemed to me that I was going crazy. Many points were incomprehensible; it was necessary to save the keys in order to be able to restore the wallet, send a scan of my passport to the certification center, and so on. The system pays a lot of attention to the issue of safety, which, on the one hand, is very correct and healthy. But on the other hand, this creates difficulties for beginners when registering, forcing them to spend money on opening an account a lot of time and effort.

To make working with your wallet easier, I strongly recommend that you immediately install it on your smartphone Webmoney application. But for now, let's figure out how to register in the system and create a webmoney wallet.

Step-by-step instructions for registering and creating wallets

Since the Webmoney system does not require any money from you to create and maintain an electronic wallet, you can easily register it just in case, even if you do not plan to actively use it in the near future. In order to get an account in the system, you will have to spend a little more time than when registering a Qiwi e-wallet, for example. But don't rush to get scared, nothing super complicated is required from you. If you follow my instructions, the wallet registration will take place easy and relatively fast.

Filling in your details

Installation and configuration of the keeper

  • After you confirm the validity of your cell phone number and e-mail, the system will offer you to download and install Webmoney Keeper on your PC. If you use operating system Windows, then it is better to choose Keeper Classic, since it is the most convenient and functional to use;
  • When you first meet a keeper, you will need to “ Register with Webmoney" and confirm your intention by pressing the " OK»;
  • After this the program will ask you enter activation code, consisting of 32 characters, which you have already received in the letter;
  • As soon as the code is verified by the system, you will be asked to create one for your account. password. It must consist of at least 6 characters;
  • Now you will need to generate unique access key. To do this, it is enough to make several chaotic movements against the background of the opened dialog box, thereby filling the generation scale.


  • At the end of the key creation event, WebMoney will assign you personal number WMID, which will consist of 12 digits. Despite the fact that the WMID number does not carry any secrecy and is available for viewing by all users registered in the system, I still advise you to rewrite it, since this is the combination of numbers that will be used as login when you want to log into Keeper;
  • After generating the code in the program, a window will open in which you will need to set additional password to gain access to the file with your keys. Please note that this password must be much more reliable what you asked Keeper. The program will automatically prompt you to save the keys on drive C, but you can change the specified path at your discretion by sending the file to a more secure location

Activation code and wallet creation

Go to registration

Obtaining certificates (verification)

After you successfully register in the system, you will need to receive a certificate. If all the passport details specified during registration were correct, then the system will process your request quickly.

Formal certificate

All you have to do is send copy your passport, having previously scanned it, and wait a little while until the service assigns your passport the status “ Formal" To do this, you need:

  1. Go to the profile tab or " Safety" and select the item " Get a formal certificate"or go to the tab for individuals and select the item " Get a certificate" Further - " Control Panel»;
  2. After this, the system will take you to a page where you will need to fill out the form required to obtain a formal certificate;
  3. First of all, you enter your personal data, not forgetting to check “ Do not show" This precaution is necessary in order to protect your passport data from public view;
  4. After that, load it to the form scanned copies pages of your passport and send it all for system verification.

Personally, I have been using it for many years, and it is quite enough for me. But if you suddenly decide to get a higher level certificate, then let's figure out how to do it.

Obtaining high-level certificates

Commission and limits

Each time you make a particular transaction in the Webmoney Transfer system, you will have to pay a certain fee to the service commission, which is withdrawn from your account for providing information and technological interaction between you and another participant in the settlement. The commission amount is only 0.8% of the transaction amount, and it is always rounded up to round to the nearest 0.01. It is immediately worth noting that commission cannot be less than 0.01 wm.

Maximum commissions

As for the maximum commissions, there are also limitations depending on the currency in which the transaction takes place:

  • For dollar transfers the maximum commission is 50 WMZ;
  • For transfers to Euro, the commission is limited to the amount of 50 WME;
  • If you commit ruble transfer, then WebMoney will not be able to charge you more 1500 WMR for processing the transaction;
  • In case of hryvnia transfers, the upper commission limit is 250 WMU;
  • For Belarusian rubles the limit is 100 WMB;
  • Transfers to Kazakh tenge may be subject to a commission of no more than 9000 WMK;
  • If you are working with gold equivalent and perform transactions in this unit of account, then the maximum transaction fee cannot exceed 2 WMG;
  • For those who work with, maximum dimensions Webmoney commissions can be 50 WMX.

Transactions without commission

There are several cases in which the system does not charge a transaction fee at all. Such operations include:

  • transfers between wallets with the same wm-identifier;
  • transfers made by participants with an initial or personal passport between wallets of the same type that belong to the same passport.


As for the limits, the maximum amounts of funds that can be stored in the wallets of users with a verified phone number and the option to confirm transactions via SMS messages are enabled are limited in accordance with the status of the certificate assigned to them:

In order to get acquainted with the limits and statistics of spending funds on your wallets, just click on the icon with three vertical dots located in the lower right corner of the tab " Wallets" In the drop-down list that opens, select the category " Limits", and the system will automatically show you the information of interest.

Input/output methods


Well, now let's figure out how replenish our newly made wallet. In principle, considering how wide a choice of methods WebMoney supports for depositing money into an e-wallet account, there should be no problems with replenishment. For example, if you want to deposit money into a WMR wallet, you can do this in several ways:

  1. With help bank card in online mode;
  2. Through self-service terminal;
  3. Bank transaction;
  4. Through the exchange of others electronic currencies;
  5. Cash at WebMoney exchange offices, bank branches and ATMs.

So that you have an idea of ​​everyone available options, could choose the most optimal one for you in terms of terms and commissions, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the following list:

In order to top up your email account, you need to know your wallet number. For those who are at a loss on how to find out the wallet number, I advise you to go to your WebMoney personal account right now and go to the “ tab Wallets" In the specified list of your wallets, opposite each of them there will be a capital letter indicating the account currency and a set of numbers. These numbers are the wallet number.

If you decide to top up your wallet with money that is on your bank card or account electronic money alternative payment systems, you need help online exchangers. Considering the fact that each of these services sets its own currency exchange rate, it is simply unrealistic for a person to manually find the lowest and most profitable one.

Use Bestchange services


For those who are deciding how to withdraw money from a WebMoney account and withdraw it, for example, to bank card or to an electronic wallet in another payment system, again you will have to use exchange services. In principle, you can cash out your electronic money in other ways, but in my opinion, online exchangers are the most universal, modern and convenient by receiving funds. If this option does not suit you, then the following alternative ways to solve this problem are available to you:


Perhaps this is our today's excursion into the world of payment Webmoney systems can be considered completed. A little later I will definitely return to this topic and tell you about how to use WebMoney.

Official website of the system

In the meantime, I ask you to leave your impressions and feedback from working with the system in the comments under this post. Tell us what attracts you to this payment system and what doesn’t, what systems you prefer, and what methods of depositing and withdrawing funds you find most convenient. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates and stay tuned for the latest news. See you soon!

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Additional features include:

  • having its own exchange for buying and selling assets;
  • debt exchange;
  • private lending.

There are a huge number of ways to earn money on the platform and different types wallets. Reliability of storing savings, convenient online payments, versatility are factors that attract the interest of users who choose WebMoney.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the system:

  1. Variety of functions. The company's capabilities are wider than those of most similar services.
  2. High level of security. Protection is provided using secret keys, digital certificates, login and password, SMS confirmation codes, and the E-NUM service.
  3. Convenient mobile app and the browser version interface.
  4. High-quality integration with other payment services and banking structures. You can attach third-party wallets and debit cards from financial institutions to your WebMoney wallet.
  5. Wide selection of electronic currencies (dollars, rubles, euros, hryvnias,).
  6. Availability of payment for housing and communal services, taxes, fines and other government payments.
  7. Lending allows you to receive instant microloans to your wallet balance, and give other users money at interest in order to earn money.

To increase the number of available features, you must identify your account. An account verified by the company's moderators rises one level in status.

Disadvantages of the system:

  1. There is low demand for the service outside the CIS countries, so sometimes difficulties arise when making payments to foreign stores and counterparties.
  2. Lack of anonymity. Although the system provides, you will need to undergo identity verification to use it.
  3. Direct funds transfer is only available between accounts of the same type. When transferring money to a wallet in another currency, a third-party resource is used, which charges an additional commission.
  4. Low level of technical support. Many registered users speak negatively about their experience interacting with company employees. The main arguments: slow response to requests, concise answers that leave many questions, incompetence of some representatives of the organization.

The company is continuously working on existing problems. Technical problems are corrected as soon as possible, and the level of service gradually increases and approaches European standards.

WMID and certificate - what is it

  1. Go to the official portal of the organization
  2. Click on the orange “Register” button in the top right corner.
  3. Enter the phone number in international format without the country code.
  4. Enter the numbers from the picture in the required line and click on the “Next” button.
  5. Confirm mobile number by entering the code that will be sent via SMS.

Additionally, you will need to come up with a username, password and email. After completing the procedure in your personal account, you can link social network accounts for quick login. To start using the system, you need to open WMR or. The procedure for any type of currency is identical.

Step-by-step instructions on how to create a wallet in the systemWebMoney:

  1. You must log in to your user account.
  2. On home page In the line of wallets, select the “Add” button.
  3. Mark the desired currency.
  4. The wallet has been created.

In a similar way, you can create a WMR, link a wallet of another payment platform or a bank card. The attachment will simplify mutual settlements between money depositories and will allow replenishment, debiting and some other operations through the WebMoney account.

Having understood how to create a ruble WMR wallet, the user can easily open an account for any available currency. The account number required for financial transactions is generated automatically by the system. The wallet management window looks like the screenshot below: the number is indicated, there is a “Copy” button. The functions of replenishment, exchange and viewing limits are available. Under the main panel there is a history of account movements.

Before creating an electronic wallet in WebMoney EPS, it is recommended to study the classification of online wallets. Each type has its own capabilities and purpose. This will help you understand which wallet is suitable for specific tasks.

Types of webmoney wallets

The platform provides 14 title units, 10 of which are equivalent to real monetary units:

  • WMR - ruble of the Russian Federation;
  • WMZ - American dollar;
  • WME - single currency of the European Union (EURO);
  • WMU - hryvnia;
  • WMB - ruble of the Republic of Belarus;
  • WMK - tenge;
  • WMV - dong (Vietnam);
  • MDL - lei (Moldova)
  • WMC and WMD are United States dollar equivalents for credit account transactions.

Title signWMG- 1 gram of gold. The other three types are cryptocurrencies:

  • WMX - 0.001 BTC;
  • WMH - 0.001 BCH;
  • WML - 0.001 LTC.

Exchange transactions are only available between accounts of the same type. Other directions are carried out using third-party resources. WebMoney is not considered one of the parties to such transactions, and therefore is not responsible for the results.

Standard WebMoney Keeper (MINI)

WM Keeper is a general name for software designed to manage accounts in the system and access services. There are several varieties official programs. To understand which software is best to use, you should analyze the advantages, advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Keeper Standard is a browser version of the site, which opens by default after creating a WebMoney wallet. If the client does not upgrade the level of the certificate, there are significant restrictions on the number and volume of transactions in the account.

The MINI wallet version is available through any browser, including mobile. A special application based on the standard keeper has been developed for MacOS X.

A simplified version of Keeper WinPro (Classic), created as Alternative option classic desktop application. If the user cannot or does not want to use WinPro, Light keeper is an excellent replacement. Keeper does not require installation of computer software. Can work in parallel with standard and mobile versions. You cannot use WebPro and VinPro in the same account.

Login to the service is carried out in two ways:

  • through a personal certificate;
  • using your login and password.

You can register with WebMoney Keeper Light using 2 methods:

  • using a personal certificate;
  • through the E-NUM service.

The security of information transfer is ensured through a secure https connection.

Keeper Mobile is a convenient mobile application equipped with the basic functions of the system. The software is available for 4 operating systems:

  • Android;
  • Windows Phone;
  • Blackberry (App World)

You can download the application from the smartphone OS marketplace or via a direct link on the WebMoney website.

Classic Keeper WinPro

Classic version - computer program, which has the widest functionality. Requires software installation on PC. VinPro is more often used by experienced users, since the capabilities of the standard keeper are sufficient for beginners.

The WinPro program is installed on personal computers and laptops with Windows OS from XP SP3 to 10th generation. Protection is provided using a secret key, which can be stored in a separate file or in a special E-NUM service.

You can download the software from the official Internet resource in the “About the system” section - Keeper WinPro (Classic).

Creating a wallet in Keeper Classic

Instructions on how to create a wallet:

  1. Downloading and installing the program.
  2. Authorization in your personal account.
  3. On the control panel, go to the “Wallets” tab.
  4. Click on the “Create” button.
  5. Selecting the account type on the wallet.
  6. Enter a custom name.
  7. Agreement with the user agreement.

The new electronic wallet will be available in the “Wallets” tab.

Registration in the system

Instructions on how to register a WebMoney wallet are presented above. The procedure takes 2–3 minutes. The principle is similar to creating an account on a social network or other website. Provide your phone number, email address and password. The system generates nickname and WMID automatically.

Without registering with WebMoney, you will not be able to use the platform's capabilities. To access the wallet functionality, create an account in the desired currency. To increase limits and open new services, you can upgrade your certificate.

Specifying personal data

For an anonymous wallet, you do not need to enter information about yourself. When registering, other than your phone number, no personal information is requested. More detailed information about the user is entered when requesting to upgrade the wallet status.

Personal data and scans of documents are required to confirm your identity. Verification is necessary to combat money laundering and fraud. New features are available to verified accounts. You can find out more about how the service works in the “Help” - “Registration” section.

Email verification

An email is added when the client wants to receive formal wallet status.

To enter data, you need to click on the “Enter your email address” tab in your user account.

A form for obtaining a new wallet level will open in a new window. If the client has a verified account on the State Services portal, they can raise their status using it. To confirm your email, you need to follow the link that will come in the letter.

Phone check

Before registering, you need to prepare your smartphone, since a message will be sent to the gadget. Secret digital code, received in SMS, you cannot tell anyone. To protect your account, it is recommended to remove the notification after use.

To confirm the phone number, enter the numerical value sent by the system into the required line in the registration window. If the SMS does not arrive for a long time or the code is entered incorrectly, you can request a new message.

Creating a Password

The security password should consist of randomly arranged letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers. The number of characters is from 7 to 30. A strong password contains uppercase and lowercase letters. To make hacking more difficult, it is not recommended:

  • put numbers in a row;
  • put letters into words;
  • indicate important dates, names of celebrities, friends and relatives, enter significant places, landmarks, etc.

An example of a good password is 1Glncy39Cyd2648fhyF, a bad one is Anastasiya1998.

WMID management methods

Other options are available in the “Settings” section of the user account. 6 blocks presented:

  1. “Linked accounts”, where the client can connect or disconnect profiles on social networks from the account for quick login and integration.
  2. “Security” - setting and changing the password.
  3. “Restrictions” - setting permissions to receive messages, payments and invoices from unauthorized users.
  4. “Applications” - connecting mobile software for synchronization.
  5. “Interface” - adjustment of various control-related parameters.
  6. “Notifications” - setting commands to play sounds when receiving messages, invoices and transfers.

To properly regulate parameters, you need to understand what a wallet is and how to use it. In Russia, the set of settings may differ slightly from those used in other countries.

Editing your profile

To change your personal information, you need to:

  1. Click on the check mark next to your avatar.
  2. In the window that opens, click “More” - “Edit”.

The editing form opens in a new page. Here you can find out: wallet certificate level, BL, registration date. Available for correction:

  • Date of Birth;
  • SNILS;
  • postal address and zip code;
  • citizenship;
  • Contact details;
  • passport information.

Before opening an account, you should carefully check that the information in your profile is filled out correctly.

Security service E-NUM

To start using the resource, you need:

  1. Go to the section “Individuals” - “Security” - “E-NUM: secure authorization”.
  2. The user will be redirected to the service website
  3. To register, you must enter the email associated with your account in the WM system.

The resource allows you to use a QR code for secure authentication when entering your account and confirming transactions.

For a client using a standard keeper, connection to other versions is available:

Change instructions:

  1. Go to the security service website
  2. Select the “Control methods” section.
  3. Mark the appropriate option from the list. A formal certificate or higher is required to proceed with the procedure.

If the participant registered via social network, you will have to come up with a password and click on the “Change control method” button. The procedure takes no more than 5–10 minutes. If difficulties arise, you can contact technical support company, outlining the essence of the problem. Experts will explain what needs to be done.

Financial organization WebMoney is one of the most popular online resources for storing and using personal savings. Before you start working with the platform, you need to figure out how to create WebMoney - the instructions will help you avoid mistakes and set the necessary parameters for more efficient use of the wallet's capabilities.

In contact with

One of the main problems that a person working from home faces (he can do graphic design or create websites), - withdrawal of funds into the “real” environment. If the customer, caring about the convenience of the performer, immediately transfers money to the card, no special problems arise: just come to a bank branch or go to an ATM and receive your income. If direct transfers are not provided, the freelancer will have to create an electronic wallet, into which the earned funds will be received; they can later be displayed on the map.

One of the most popular payment systems in the world is WebMoney; You can create a wallet in it, including for residents of Russia, completely free of charge. How to create a wallet in the WebMoney system and what you will need for registration will be described in more detail below.

What is needed to create a WebMoney wallet?

Since WebMoney is an online payment system, it would be logical to assume that in order to create a wallet in it for free, a user, earning money or otherwise, will need any sufficiently powerful electronic computer ( Personal Computer or laptop; You can also register on a smartphone) connected to the Internet. In addition, according to the terms of the WebMoney service itself, a site visitor, whether he lives in Russia or abroad, must be the owner of a cell number of any operator operating in his country. And in order to be able to transfer funds to a bank card or account, you will also need to send the system a scanned image of an identity document (for Russians this is usually a passport).

Important: before starting registration, it will not hurt the user to make sure that there is a stable connection to the Internet; however, if he specializes in, the available channel will most likely be enough to perform several simple operations on the WebMoney website. The system is not too demanding on connection speed, however, constant interruptions and the prospect of spending half an hour or an hour on a relatively simple process are unlikely to please the future owner of the wallet.

So, to create an electronic wallet in the WebMoney system for free, you need to have:

  • computer or laptop;
  • stable Internet connection;
  • any number mobile operator, registered in Russia.

Having everything you need in hand, you can begin the registration procedure; it is quite simple and will not take much time.

How to create a WebMoney wallet - step-by-step instructions

To create a free electronic wallet in the WebMoney system, from which you can later withdraw money, a resident of Russia will need:

  • Go to the website of the international payment system via the link It is highly likely that the English home page will load by default.

  • To switch to Russian, a site visitor will need to scroll the mouse wheel, scroll the page all the way down and in the left corner find a small rectangle with an English flag and the inscription English.

  • By clicking the left mouse button on the pop-up list, a visitor to the WebMoney website can select their native language by clicking on the corresponding inscription.

  • After waiting for the page to refresh, the future owner of the WebMoney wallet can begin registration by clicking on the yellow button of the same name in the upper right segment of the window.

  • On the first page of the registration form, the user will be asked to enter their cell number, which will subsequently receive an SMS with a confirmation code for the action. Having indicated the phone number, the site visitor can click on the olive “Continue” button located just below to proceed to the next stage.

  • If the number specified by the future owner of the wallet is already registered in payment system WebMoney, on the next page he will be offered several options for the development of events - from using a different phone to deleting the number from the system. The best option is intermediate - “Continue registration to the specified number.” This link should be clicked with the left mouse button.

  • Next, a site visitor who decides to use the same number will have to make another choice - how exactly to use it: to overwrite data or to restore access to the wallet.

  • If the number has not previously been registered in the system, the user will immediately be taken to the next page of the form, bypassing the steps described in the previous paragraphs. On the new page you will need to indicate:
    • date, month and year of birth;
    • valid email address;
    • security question and answer for it (necessary for subsequent data recovery).

  • Further, without leaving the page, the future owner of the wallet can refuse the WebMoney newsletter by unchecking the top two checkboxes, and must consent to the processing of personal data by reading the terms and checking the bottom one. Now he can press the “Continue” button again to move on to the next page. If the visitor wants to correct previously entered information, he should use the “Return” button located to the left.

Important: consent to the processing of personal data is an indispensable condition for registration in the system. If a site visitor does not check the appropriate box, he will not be able to open a wallet on WebMoney.

  • On a new page, still related to the second stage of creating a wallet, the user will be asked to once again check the information provided to the payment system. If everything is correct, he should click on the “Continue” button; if the data needs correction, click on the familiar “Return” button.

  • At the third stage of registration, as is clear from its name, the almost successful owner of the wallet will need to verify the previously specified cell number by entering the five-character one-time password received in SMS in a single text field and clicking the “Continue” button.

  • Registration is almost complete. Remaining on last page form, set your password (the longer and more secure it is, the better), go through protection from robots by entering the code in the lower field, and click on the blue “OK” button located below.

  • Great! The user has completed registration in the WebMoney payment system; Now, on the main page of his personal account, the service will offer him to create his first wallet - ruble, dollar, euro and even.

  • To start creating a wallet, click on “Yes” in the pop-up window or simply click on any of the “Add” boxes at the top of the page.

  • In a pop-up window, which for some unknown reason is attached to the lower left quarter of the screen, the user will be asked to select the type of wallet by left-clicking on it.

  • The next step is to read the agreement on how the system works with finances, check the checkbox and click on the “Continue” button.

  • The wallet has been successfully created. In a similar way, the user can add new ones (in any currency supported by WebMoney), as well as attach virtual payment cards.

Now, by clicking on the selected wallet, the user can top up the account, withdraw money to the card or request funds as a loan.

Limits, restrictions and rules for using the wallet

In the WebMoney system, there are several user statuses, or certificates, differing in the method of confirmation and functionality of the personal account.

The following options are available to ordinary users:

  • pseudonym;
  • formal certificate;
  • elementary;
  • personal;
  • salesman.

The largest amount that can be stored in a WebMoney ruble wallet is:

  • for a pseudonym certificate - 45 thousand rubles;
  • for a formal certificate - 200 thousand rubles;
  • for beginner - 900 thousand rubles;
  • for personal - 9 million rubles;
  • for a seller's certificate - 9 million rubles.

Limits (monthly, weekly and daily) for transferring and withdrawing funds from a WebMoney ruble wallet for residents of Russia:

  • for a pseudonym certificate - 90, 45 and 15 thousand rubles;
  • for a formal certificate - 200, 200 and 60 thousand rubles;
  • for beginners - 1800, 900 and 300 thousand rubles;
  • for personal - 9, 9 and 3 million rubles;
  • for a seller's certificate - 9, 9 and 3 million rubles.

The user can familiarize themselves with the rules for using wallets in the WebMoney payment system when creating a new account, as well as using the rich WebMoney reference tool. The main condition is not to use the system to commit illegal actions; if the owner of the wallet acts within the law, using the service is unlikely to cause him any inconvenience.

You can improve your certificate and get new opportunities by going through the personal identification procedure: by uploading scans of your passport using account on the State Services website or any other method offered by the system.

Let's sum it up

To create a wallet in the WebMoney payment system, you need to register on the site using your cell number, indicating your email address and some other personal data. After confirmation, the user will be on the main page of his personal account, where he can create his first wallet.
