How to make a ringtone for iPhone from mp3. Maximum ringtone size for iPhone. How to make a ringtone for iPhone using iTunes. Some nuances when creating a ringtone on an iPhone via iTunes

Oh those iPhones! It seems that they are easy to use and there are plenty of applications in the AppStore, but as soon as it comes to downloading music or installing our own ringtones, we don’t know what to do and what to put where. And the point here is not that people are stupid, it’s just that Apple again played everything in its own way and we must “learn to live” by its rules.

In this tutorial I will clearly show you how to create a ringtone for iPhone and install it on your device.

The Internet is full of sites with ready-made ringtones for iPhone. At the same time, you come across both free and for money (albeit small ones). I categorically do NOT advise you to pay for ringtones, since this is designed for very narrow-minded people.

You and I can create a ringtone from any mp3 song on our own. This is done quite simply, you don’t have to be “ IT guru level 10“.

The essence of the process of creating a ringtone comes down to choosing your favorite composition, cutting out the required piece of the song and converting this piece into the format m4r. Files of this exact format are used by iPhone as ringtones.

Well, as we have already done, I offer you several options for creating ringtones to choose from. Today we will look at three of the most probable paths solution to the problem:

Create a ringtone for iPhone using iTunes

Not many people like iTunes, and even fewer have mastered it. But you can’t go anywhere without it, and the first way to create a ringtone for iPhone will be with its help.

This method is good because we do not need access to the Internet. This means that you won’t need to download any additional software (except iTunes).

A small caveat: you must already have an mp3 file with music for a potential ringtone on your computer and iTunes must be installed. These are the minimum requirements.

STEP 1 - Open the mp3 file in iTunes– Choose something at your discretion. Remember that you have to live with this ringtone and don’t have to blush in the trolleybus when your phone starts ringing.

STEP 2 - Choose your favorite passage– Listen to the song and decide on the time period for the ringtone. There's one thing here IMPORTANT condition - you need to limit yourself to 40 seconds.

It’s better to choose a segment a little less than 40 seconds, since you simply cannot transfer long ringtones to the iPhone. Remember at what second the required passage begins and ends.

STEP 3 - – Right-click on the track name and select Song information from the context menu.

Click on the tab Options, enter the start and end times of the ringtone in the corresponding “start” and “end” items, and ONLY AFTER check the boxes next to each of these items. Confirm OK.

STEP 4 - Creating an AAC version of the ringtone– now select in the top menu File – Conversion – Create ACC version.

A stripped-down ACC version of the ringtone will appear in your iTunes library.

STEP 5 - Copy the file and delete it from the library– drag the AAC version of the ringtone from iTunes to your desktop. Right-click on the AAC version in your iTunes library and select Delete. Confirm deletion in the window that appears.

STEP 6 - Changing the extension– go to the copied file on your desktop, click on its name and change the extension from m4a on m4r. Confirm changing the extension in the window that appears.

If you are using Windows and do not see the file extension, uncheck the "Hide extensions for known file types" option in Control Panels > Appearance and Personalization > Folder Options > View Tab.

OK it's all over Now! We've just created a ringtone for iPhone! Congratulations! If you want to download it to your device right away, proceed to STEP 7.

STEP 7 - Setting a ringtone on iPhone– open iTunes and position its window so that you can see the desktop with the ringtone you just created. Now simply drag the m4r ringtone from your desktop to the iTunes window and drop it over your device. This is all!

Now the ringtone can be selected from the menu Sounds V Settings iPhone.

How to create a ringtone for iPhone online

Now let’s look at what is, in my opinion, the easiest way to create ringtones for iPhone. This is an online harvester called Everything here is so simple that there is nothing special to write about. Well, okay, okay, here’s a short step-by-step plan of what, where and why.

STEP 1 - - Go to the website and press the big blue button Open file. Select an mp3 file.

STEP 2 - Specify the beginning and end of the ringtone– By moving the sliders, select the desired section of the composition.

STEP 3 - - Convert and download ringtone– Press the button Ringtone for iPhone, and then Trim. The program will cut and convert your ringtone. On the next page click Download.

If you forgot how download ringtones to iPhone, see STEP 7 - previous section.

iOS applications for creating ringtones

The AppStore has a huge number iOS applications to create ringtones in m4r format. I would divide them all into two categories: the first is for cutting your tracks (similar to the one described above), the second is for downloading ready-made ringtones (created by someone else).

Selecting and recommending any one application is a thankless task. I will briefly describe the principle by which all these applications work. Both types of applications save the ringtone in the phone's memory, but it still won't be accessible from the menu Sounds V Settings.

In order for a ringtone to be set to an iPhone call, you need to make a certain ritual with a tambourine and favorite iTunes:

  1. STEP 1 - Launch iTunes and connect the iPhone.
  2. STEP 2 - -In iTunes, click on your device, and then select the tab Programs.
  3. STEP 3 - Scroll down to “ Shared files" and select the application that you used to create the ringtone.
  4. STEP 4 - Select ringtones on the right side of the window and click “ Save to..." Save ringtones to your desktop or another folder.
  5. STEP 5 - Now you have ringtones in m4r format on your computer. What to do with them is written both above and below. Read attentively!

How to set a ringtone on iPhone

No matter how you create your ringtone, you should have a file with the m4r extension on your computer. Now you are probably asking " And what should we do with it now?" Everything is very simple. To set a ringtone on iPhone, follow three simple steps:

  1. STEP 1 - Copy the ringtone to your computer desktop. Then in the iTunes window, click on the iPhone image.
  2. STEP 2 - Now simply drag the m4r ringtone from your desktop to the iTunes window and drop it over your device.
  3. STEP 3 - On iPhone go to menu Settings > Sounds > Ringtone and select a new ringtone (it will be at the very top of the list).

The process of transferring a ringtone to iPhone is described in more detail.

Well, what was difficult? I think no! Having mastered this lesson, you will become a guru in making ringtones and will be able to put any song on your iPhone ringtone. Now the main thing is not to overdo it chanson. At least spare the ears of your loved ones.

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It's very simple if you know how to do it.

Exists some comfortable ways creation and ringtone downloads on iPhone. But most of them require the use of a computer, which users cannot always afford. How to make a ringtone directly on your iPhone and immediately set it as a ringtone is described in this instruction.

Note that this method of creating ringtones on iPhone without a PC has existed for a very long time. However, not everyone could use it. This is because the GarageBand application, with which we will create a ringtone directly on the iPhone, was previously paid for most users. But Apple made it relatively long ago free absolutely for everyone, thanks to which the method described in these instructions for creating a ringtone on an iPhone without a PC has become relevant for every user.

Also, before starting, it is necessary to note two disadvantages this method. Firstly, the GarageBand application weighs 1.44 GB, which is why not all users will be able to keep it installed on their device. And secondly, unfortunately, you won’t be able to cut a ringtone from a song from the Apple Music collection using GarageBand.

Step 1: Install the app GarageBand on iPhone and launch it.

Step 2. Go to menu " Audio recorder" by scrolling to it on the main screen of the application.

Step 3. Click on the button with the image of layers in the upper left corner (shown in the screenshot below).

Step 4. Turn off the metronome by pressing the button with its image.

Step 5. Click on the button + » to the right of the recording track.

Step 6. In the window that opens “ Song section» select the item « Section A" and activate the switch " Automatically».

Step 7. Click on the loop icon in the upper right corner of the screen, select the “ Music».

Step 8. Find the song you want to make a ringtone from, hold your finger on it and drag it to the track on the main screen of the application.

Step 9. Click on the imported track to enter edit mode.

Step 10: Change the length of the song by moving the start and end edges of the track. Please note that the duration of the ringtone should be 30 seconds.

To create a ringtone as accurately as possible, zoom in on the track by stretching it with two fingers.

Step 11. Once the ringtone is created, click on the triangle (or “My Songs”) in the upper left corner. You'll be taken to a list of songs you've created in GarageBand.

Ready! Your ringtone has become available for installation in the " Settings» - « Sounds».

Many people dream, others buy a fashionable and ultra-modern iPhone gadget, but few know how to install or download their favorite ringtone to this device. How to set music to ringtone on iPhone? Even close familiarity with Apple mobile devices does not always allow you to do this the first time.

For beginners, the process turns into suffering and can end in a burst of rage and damage to an expensive smartphone. To prevent this from happening, you need to explore three options for downloading your favorite song to your iPhone.

Fast passage

1. Put music on the call via iTunes

Initially, iTunes was a media player that was designed specifically for Apple gadgets; gradually the program was transformed and improved. Now this is an online store where you can download ringtones and songs for a certain price, as well as watch movies and listen to the radio.

All songs that will be used as a ringtone on the iPhone must be recorded in a special M4R extension, and the track duration must be exactly 40 seconds. In reality, this process is simple, the main thing is to follow a certain procedure:

Step 1. Select and download the file from the desired melody in iTunes. To do this, we open in advance installed program iTunes, go to the appropriate section - “Music”, click on the note icon in the upper left corner. Then click “File”, and in the window that appears, select the line “Add file to library”. The last step is to check the downloaded file directly in the media library.

Step-2. The playback of a musical composition must be reduced to the standard 40 seconds. If the duration of the melody even slightly exceeds the stated limit, then it will not be able to be installed on an iPhone call. You can trim a song using special programs available in the smartphone’s memory or in iTunes itself.

To do this, click on the file name, information and select settings in the window that opens. In it, the required segment of the composition is selected with a given interval, and everything is “ok”. You can also further increase (or decrease) the volume of the track itself.

Step-3. Convert the file to AAC format. To do this, click on the file menu, select the option to convert and create a version in AAC format. After the manipulation, a new, trimmed track appears, which you need to click on again and change the extension from M4A to M4R. For maximum convenience, it should be moved to the main folder where all ringtones are stored.

Step-4. Save the converted ringtone file to your mobile phone iPhone device syncing with iTunes. Connect your smartphone to your PC or laptop, go to iTunes, select “Sounds” on the left side, check the box next to “Synchronize sounds,” and click “Done.”

Step-5. The finale is setting a ringtone for your iPhone. The hardest part is over, now open the folder “Settings” - “Sounds” - “Ringtone” one by one. As soon as the created melody will be the first in the general list, put a tick on it and enjoy your favorite ringtone during an incoming call.


You can install your favorite unique song on any subscriber. To do this, select the desired entry in the contact list and press the ringtone at the end of the list.

2. Download through the Chinese equivalent of iTunes – iTools

The simple, understandable iTools program has seriously supplanted the Apple application, and has deservedly become popular among owners of expensive iPhone gadgets. Its advantages are:

  • minimum size MB
  • fast loading, which gives 5x time savings
  • ability to download videos, photos in various formats
  • ability to set your favorite ringtone without synchronization and in a matter of seconds

Before you start setting up a call on your iPhone using the iTools program, you need to download it to Personal Computer. Current version for Mac OS and Windows can be found

Installation procedure:

1. Open the program, select “Tools” in the upper left corner, then click on the bell icon on the right - “Create ringtone” (or you can click on the shortcut directly on the first screen of the program);

2. In the new window, the last column on the right is “Select from phone or computer” (1) - click and select the composition on the basis of which the ringtone will be created. You can listen to the track, set the beginning and end of the ringtone in the box below (2). Select the desired section of the melody, trim and save the new track to your desktop (3);

3. The iPhone is connected using a USB cable to the PC, “Media” is selected in the iTools program, then the “Ringtone” tab opens in the right column and the saved melody is dragged directly from the desktop into it. Or, before starting the operation, you can connect your iPhone to your computer and immediately click on “Import to phone.”

4. Ready! All that remains is to go from your iPhone to the “Settings”, “Sounds”, “Ringtone” folder, select the last added file and install it for a general incoming call or for a specific subscriber.

The ease of installation and extraction of ringtones on iPhone using the iTools program compares favorably with iTunes, but, as they say, the choice is up to the user.

3. Conversion and WALTR 2

Progress does not stand still; programmers work tirelessly to make life easier for owners of Apple gadgets. They managed to bypass the standard software for installing ringtones - iTools and iTunes. Main iPhone problem– a non-standard format for playing M4R melody, but it can be solved. It’s worth using an online audio converter or a special program; there are many services.

Conversion is the most common method, which will change the usual MP3 format to M4R in a few seconds. Using this application, you can get a ringtone in two steps:

1. Open the audio converter, download the full composition.

2. Convert using the “Ringtone for iPhone” insert and save the new track.
Next comes installing a ringtone on a mobile device, similar to previous versions: “Settings”, “Sounds”, “Ringtones”.

There is another popular program that works with operating systems MAC and Windows are WALTR. You can download it. With its help, you can not only download ringtones, but also media files in various formats. The program is free for 24 hours, which is enough to download hundreds of melodies and ringtones. Its beauty is in its simplicity. You can connect your iPhone or iPad even via Wi-Fi and transfer multimedia files in seconds.

Working with the application is easy, you just need to do three simple steps:

  • open file in WALTR;
  • connect iPhone to PC via cable or Wi-Fi, and wait for connection with mobile device. Then add a file in M4R format to the program, wait for a notification about adding a new ringtone to the gadget;
  • go to the “Settings” folder, select the latest ringtone and set it to ringtone.

All of the above programs: iTools, iTunes, conversion, WALTR are designed with one goal - to save time on setting a ringtone to branded iPhone smartphones. Which one should you choose? You decide. WALTR is the most convenient, but it is paid, but iTools has wide functionality and, in addition to downloading ringtones, can do a lot of things with your iPhone 4 5 6 7 8 Plus and iPhone X.

We hope now you know how to put music on your iPhone from absolutely any format.

Hi all! To be honest, I try not to write about things that have already been described many times on the Internet - it’s boring to repeat the same thing several times. But sometimes exceptions still have to be made: firstly, someone will ask about creating ringtones (it’s much more convenient to give a link to your article than to send a person to “Google”), and secondly, there are never too many instructions - maybe it will be useful to someone.

But the main reason for the appearance of this article is different - I recently came across a cool song, I wanted to set it as a ringtone, but in the iTunes Store all the ringtones of this song are as stupid as possible. What to do? That's right - create a ringtone yourself. And since such a drinking spree has begun, why not write about it?

No sooner said than done. Let's go!

Attention! If something doesn’t work out, feel free to ask questions in the comments - I’ll try to help.

But first, at least try to create a ringtone yourself by following these instructions. Believe me, there is nothing complicated about this. Now let's go for sure! :)

And remember right away:

The duration of the ringtone cannot exceed 40 seconds.

If your music file fits within this framework, then steps 2 and 3 can be safely skipped. If not, then follow all the steps strictly in order.

Step 1 (decide on the iTunes version)

In the latest versions of iTunes 2018 Apple company removed many features from the program. Including such important ones as full interaction with ringtones and the games and application store.

After this, the world was divided into two camps:

  1. Those who use the “old” and “correct” version of the program (with ringtones, App Store and blackjack). Do you want the same one?
  2. Those who are completely satisfied with the changes - they calmly updated to iTunes 12.7 and will always use only new versions of this program.

There is no fundamental difference in the process of creating ringtones between these versions. The only difference is “Step 6”.

Spoiler: it will be a little easier for those who have iTunes 12.7 and newer installed :)

Well, it's time to start!

Step 2 (let's get started!)

Since my song is longer than 40 seconds, it needs to be trimmed first. To do this, you can use any program, or the same iTunes.

We launch iTunes (we don’t connect the iPhone yet), open the “Songs” tab and simply drag and drop our “blank” ringtone there.

Step 3 (cut the song)

Right-click on this song and select “Information”.

A window opens in which we need to go to the “Options” tab.

Do you see the two lines “Beginning” and “End”? This is exactly what we need. You need to select the fragment of the song that you want to play on the call. Let me remind you that the duration is no more than 40 seconds.

In my case, I leave the very beginning of the track - from 0 to 40 seconds. That's a really good guitar there :)

Click "OK".

We return to “Music” and see that nothing has changed. In fact, this is not so - if you try to play this track, its duration will be exactly 40 seconds.

Step 4 (convert ringtone)

Now select our future ringtone and in the top iTunes menu click “File – Convert – Create a version in AAC format.”

Oops! Another track with the duration we need has appeared in the list of songs!

By the way, you can now return the original file to its previous length or delete it if you no longer need it.

Step 5 (change the file extension)

We're almost there! We take the resulting 40-second excerpt and simply drag and drop it onto the desktop.

Now we need to change the parameters of this file from .m4a on .m4r. But there is a small catch!Standard Windows setup hides file extensions by default. What should I do?

That's it, now we see that the ringtone file at the end of its name has the extension .m4a

Right-click on it, select “Rename” and change one letter. Instead of .m4a should be .m4r

We do not pay attention to system warnings.

Step 6 (transfer ringtone to iPhone)

Instructions for iTunes version

Connect the iPhone to the computer and:

  1. In the top menu of iTunes, select the “Sounds” section.
  2. We drag our file (already with permission .m4r) in this window.
  3. Click on the phone icon.

The phone content management menu opens. What are we interested in here? That’s right – again “Sounds” :)

Select this item - click synchronize - selected sounds - mark the ringtone we need. With a feeling of accomplishment, click “Apply”!

The ringtone we created has moved to the iPhone!

Instructions for iTunes version 12.7 and older

In new versions of iTunes, everything is much simpler - just drag the ringtone you made to the left side of iTunes (the “On My Device” section) and it will immediately appear on the iPhone.

Step 7 (install ringtone on iPhone)

On the phone, open “Settings – Sounds, tactile signals – Ringtone” and at the very top we find the melody we need.

All. We were able to independently install our own ringtone music on the iPhone.

Honestly, I can imagine what feelings you are experiencing right now, probably something from the series...

Hooray! Victory! Finally! Damn, Apple is smart! Tim Cook, are you crazy? Thank God it's over! :) These were the thoughts I had at the moment when I made and installed my first ringtone on the iPhone. But in reality... Believe me, the main thing in this matter is to “get your teeth into” and subsequently everything will happen “automatically”. Maybe:)

P.S. Did the instructions help? Put "likes" and click on the buttons social networks, write in the comments! I will be very grateful - thank you very much in advance!

P.S.S. Having problems? I understand that creating ringtones is not an easy task and some questions may arise. What to do in this case? Again, write in the comments - we’ll figure it out together!

The situation when you are trying to answer phone call, and then you realize that the standard ringtone is ringing at the next cafe table or in a television series, this has happened to every iPhone owner. That’s when most of us thought about making ourselves a unique ringtone. The selection of music or sounds for it is a matter of taste, and instructions about necessary actions is given below.

Download ringtones for iPhone 4, 4S, 5, 5S online

A universal method to change the ringtone on your iPhone is to download a ready-made ringtone online. On the Internet you can find many sites devoted to this topic. Find, listen, download. All that remains is to correctly transfer the downloaded ringtones to the iPhone. This must be done through iTunes - special program interaction between iPhone and computer.

Moving a ringtone from PC to iPhone

It is impossible to transfer media files to iPhone from a computer in any other way than through iTunes. Synchronizing your phone will transfer new ringtones to your mobile device. But to do this, first place them in your iTunes library.

  1. Menu “File” - “Add file to library”. This way you can add not only a single file, but also a folder. Ringtones have their own specific extension; iTunes will immediately place them in the “Sounds” folder.
  2. Move ringtones using the Drag - and - Drop function. Select them in the folder, grab them with the mouse, and drag them into the “Sounds” folder in the open iTunes.
  3. By default, all music library files are located on your computer at C:\User\…\Misic\iTunes\iTunes Music\. You can change the path for this library manually. Go to “Edit” - “Settings” - “Add-ons” and enter the desired address.

How to make a ringtone for iPhone yourself

By following these instructions, you can make a melody for both later and earlier models. To create an original track, we’ll use the built-in capabilities of iTunes; it turns out that it has such options. So, to make a ringtone from your favorite song:

  1. Right-click on its name and select the “Information” submenu. Go to “Options” and activate the “Start” and “Stop” windows. You need to understand that the ringtone cannot be played for longer than 30 seconds, indicate the start and stop time of playback taking this into account. Then click the “OK” button
  2. Next, right-click on the music track again and select the submenu “Create a version in AAC format.” The program converts the melody, and next to the original recording a file will appear that had to be trimmed.
  3. Right-click on a short song to turn on the “Show in” submenu Windows Explorer" You will see that the file extension is *.m4a. Rename it so that the extension becomes *.m4r. Don't close this folder yet.
  4. Go back to iTunes and delete the short song you created.
  5. Launch your ringtone from the folder opened in step 3. It will appear in the “Sounds” tab.
  6. All that remains is to connect the iPhone 4S to the PC, enable synchronization, go to the “Sounds” tab and mark the ringtones intended for synchronization. After the process is completed, the ringtones will be transferred to the iPhone.

Applications from the AppStore that help you make ringtones

Does the method of creating your own ringtones through iTunes seem complicated? Do you want to make a ringtone directly on your phone? Check out the App Store online app store. The choice of offers of this type is large. IN this review We will describe only one of them - Any Ring.

The program will offer you to listen online and download ready-made ringtones. There is a convenient search function by name and a rating system. Well, if you want to get creative yourself, then with Any Ring you can easily trim the melody to a standard size in the section of the song you select.

In addition, it is possible to make a gradual decrease or increase in volume either at the beginning or at the end of the call. A short video instruction will help you visually familiarize yourself with the process of installing a ringtone on iPhone 4S...
