Change the top panel. How to set up a lid on a laptop. Removing menu items from a panel

Possibility to customize the panel quick settings appeared thanks to the System UI Tuner tool added to Android 6.0. This is an experimental feature. To enable it, you need to expand the quick settings panel and hold your finger on the gear in the upper right corner for a few seconds. After this, the system will inform you that System UI Tuner is enabled, and the corresponding item will appear in the settings.

To add your own elements to the control panel, you will need to install an additional application, but you should start by learning the System UI Tuner itself. This is a rather interesting thing, thanks to which you can forcefully enable or disable the display of certain elements in the quick settings panel, and also add a percentage indicator of the battery charge level.

Creating and adding your own elements is possible through the Custom Quick Settings application.

First, the user will be shown the process of activating the System UI Tuner, and then will be asked to create their own panel element.

The process is described step by step directly on the Custom Quick Settings screen. Let's try to go through it by creating, for example, a launch icon on the panel mobile application Life hacker.

Tap on SYSTEM UI TUNER. The Quick Settings panel designer appears. At this stage, you can specify the location of each element, and also select the option “Add a button quick access" at the bottom of the screen. Let's create a new button.

Tap on “Broadcast button” and give it a name. According to the instructions, each button you create must have a name in the CUSTOMTILEx format, where x is the serial number of the button you are creating. The countdown starts from zero, and therefore the first button created should be called CUSTOMTILE0.

The button will appear on the panel designer screen. Along the way, you can specify its location.

In the Custom Quick Settings application, return to the instructions screen, check the “I have done this” checkbox and click Continue.

A round icon with a plus sign takes the user to the screen for setting up a new button. First we set the name of the button, in our case it is “Lifehacker”.

Select an icon. There are many, many of them here. Life hacker is very useful, like a carrot, and therefore the carrot icon will be in the theme.

Now we set the action by tapping on the icon. The user can set the application to launch, navigate to a URL, custom action, or make a button that does nothing. In our case, this is launching an application, that is, Launch App. In the list that appears of all installed and system applications We find “Lifehacker”. It is not necessary to specify an action for a long tap, and therefore you can skip it.

All that remains is to click on the round icon with a check mark, confirming the button settings, and then open the quick settings panel. As you can see, there is now a Lifehacker Carrot here.

This feature is only available in Android 6.0.

Flexor 5

How to remove or change the top bar?

One of the most frequently asked questions WordPress related question is about removing or changing the top bar (WordPress Toolbar). This panel can be removed only for users, leaving it for administrators. You can remove it altogether for absolutely all users. You can also change it by removing elements you don’t need from it, such as links to WordPress resources, a link to a user profile, or a link to comments. But let's take things in order.

Easily hide the top bar for everyone

Add to file functions.php your theme has the following code:

add_filter("show_admin_bar" , "__return_false" ) ;

add_filter("show_admin_bar", "__return_false");

This code will hide the top bar from everyone, including administrators. This is the simplest way to hide the panel and this is its drawback - the “Show top panel when viewing the site” setting will still be available in the user profile, although it will no longer affect anything.

Completely hide the top bar for everyone

Add to file functions.php your theme has the following code:

//completely hiding the top bar from everyone start function hide_toolbar() ( ?> //completely hiding the top panel from everyone end

//completely hiding the top bar from everyone start function hide_toolbar() ( ?>

In this case, the top panel will be completely hidden from all users, including administrators. There will no longer be an option in the profile to customize the display of the top panel.

Easily hide the top bar for everyone except admins

Add to file functions.php your theme has the following code:

//hiding the panel for everyone except admins start function wph_del_toolbar($content) ( return (current_user_can("administrator")) ? $content: false; ) add_filter("show_admin_bar" , "wph_del_toolbar"); //hiding the panel for everyone except admins end

This code will hide the top bar for everyone except site administrators. Users' profiles will still provide an option to customize the display of the top bar.

Completely hide the top bar for everyone except admins

Add to file functions.php your theme has the following code:

//completely hiding the panel from everyone except admins start function hide_toolbar() ( ?> "admin_print_scripts-profile.php", "hide_toolbar" ) ; ) ) add_action("init" , "wph_disable_toolbar" , 9 ) ; //completely hiding the panel from everyone except admins end

//completely hiding the panel from everyone except admins start function hide_toolbar() ( ?>

In this case, the top panel will be completely hidden from everyone except site administrators. The option to configure the display of the top bar in the profile will be visible only to site administrators.

Hide search in the top menu

Add to file functions.php your theme has the following code:

//removing search from the panel start function hide_search_toolbar () ( ?>

This code will remove search from the top bar for all site users.

Removing menu items from a panel

Add to file functions.php your theme has the following code:

//removing "comments" from the panel start function wph_new_toolbar() ( global $wp_admin_bar; $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu("comments"); ) add_action("wp_before_admin_bar_render", "wph_new_toolbar"); //removing comments from the panel end

This code will remove the "Comments" menu from the top panel. Full list of menus that can be deleted:

//remove start menu from the panel function wph_new_toolbar() ( global $wp_admin_bar ; $wp_admin_bar -> remove_menu ( "comments" ) ; //menu "comments"$wp_admin_bar -> remove_menu ("my-account" ) ; //menu "my profile"$wp_admin_bar -> remove_menu ("edit" ) ; //menu "edit entry"$wp_admin_bar -> remove_menu ("new-content" ) ; //menu "add" $wp_admin_bar -> remove_menu ("updates" ) ; //"update" menu$wp_admin_bar -> remove_menu ("wp-logo" ) ; //menu "about wordpress" $wp_admin_bar -> remove_menu ("site-name" ) ; //menu "site" $wp_admin_bar -> remove_menu ("my-sites" ) ; //menu "my sites") add_action("wp_before_admin_bar_render" , "wph_new_toolbar" ) ; //removing menu items from the panel end

//remove menu items from the panel start function wph_new_toolbar() ( global $wp_admin_bar; $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu("comments"); //menu "comments" $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu("my-account"); //menu "my profile" $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu("edit"); //menu "edit post" $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu("new-content"); //menu "add" $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu("updates" ); //"update" menu $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu("wp-logo"); //"about wordpress" menu $wp_admin_bar->remove_menu("site-name"); //"site" menu $wp_admin_bar- >remove_menu("my-sites"); //menu "my sites" ) add_action("wp_before_admin_bar_render", "wph_new_toolbar"); //removing menu items from the panel end

Leave in this code only those menus that you need to hide. A complete list of all menus that are displayed in the top panel can be found in the file " wp-includes\admin-bar.php"(from time to time, developers remove or add new menus to the top panel, so you need to look at the current list of menus in this engine file).

The taskbar in Windows is a component of a PC monitor in the form of a strip. It occupies any place on the edge of the desktop - most often from the bottom. The taskbar is needed to display icons of active and inactive components, various statuses, time and date, as well as access to PC functions. This component is available on all versions of Windows OS - the manufacturer does not deviate from the familiar taskbar and improves it.

So, with the release of the seventh version of Windows OS, the taskbar became more functional. It received several new adjustment options, expanded design options and other advantages. Comparing the Windows 7 element with previous versions, you can see that it has become more convenient for interaction. At the same time, for correct adjustment, before operation, you need to know about new functions and changes that affected old ones.

The first thing a user notices when interacting with Windows 7 is the external differences in the taskbar compared to the component in Vista, XP or version 8 of the OS. The personalization adjustments are also different - there are more options for the appearance of the element and the size of the icons, new colors and a transparent mode, the principle of interaction has changed slightly. Manufacturers took the best components from previous versions of the OS and combined them into the seventh.

The strip consists of three conventional parts - the “Start” button, as well as two areas to the right - for interacting with windows and the tray. “Start” is needed in order to:

  • Activate components;
  • Manage PC state (shutdown, switch to standby mode);
  • Run frequently used and fixed components;
  • Search files, folders and applications;
  • adjust PC settings.

In the middle part of the taskbar there are icons of all activated and pinned components. By left-clicking on them, the user can quickly launch what he needs now. Pinned icons are needed to make it more convenient to activate components, including when interacting with others.

The third conditional area, located on the other side of the Start button, is the tray. It includes language adjustment, volume control, clock and calendar, as well as status indicators for various function components. Among them are an Internet connection, antivirus, removable media, etc. By clicking on the small triangle, the user can view hidden icons - those that do not fit in the tray - and bring them to the main area. In the lower right corner of the taskbar (with a standard configuration) there is an area that minimizes all active components and sends the user to the main menu.

All three areas of the taskbar can be adjusted. Various functions, configuration and design options are provided to make it more convenient for the user to interact with the OS.

How to open "properties"

To activate the taskbar adjustment, right-click on any free area. Select “properties” from the drop-down menu.

Design of the taskbar

The user has three options for designing the taskbar. They can be turned on and off independently of each other and help to better adjust the monitor component for operation.

“Pin the taskbar” is a function that is associated with the space occupied by an element. If it is activated, the menu bar will not move. It will not be possible to change its position or size. Usually this item is checked by default. You can remove it in order to move a component or stretch it in height or width (depending on the space that the strip occupies). After you have unchecked or checked the box, you need to save the changes by clicking “apply”. The properties window can be closed. While doing things, it is advisable to keep the element secured - this way there is no risk that you will stretch or move it accidentally.

“Automatically hide taskbar” is an option that removes a component from the monitor when working with components. The strip appears at the moment when the user moves the mouse cursor over it - at its location. This option in some cases is the answer to the question about a missing monitor element. Enabling auto-hide helps you make more efficient use of space on your main menu or components.

“Use small icons” is an option that is recommended if your PC's taskbar shows a lot of activated components. By specifying a function, you can use the monitor component more productively - it will accommodate more icons.

Position of the taskbar on the monitor

This feature helps you move the component to any edge of the monitor - top, bottom, left or right. After changing the position, click “apply” and “OK”.

Another way to move a component is to drag the strip itself. First of all, to do this, you need to unpin the component - uncheck the corresponding box in the first item of the “properties” window. Move the element, then secure it again so that you do not accidentally change the position later.

Taskbar buttons

Thanks to this item, users who activate many files can regulate their display. Here you can also change activation parameters.

“Always Group, Hide Labels” - Selecting this option helps group activated components by their categories. They will be grouped into one cell, and the names will be hidden - this significantly saves space on the taskbar. If you activate several folders, browser windows or files (for example, photos) at the same time, the icons will be combined by type. The effect makes the elements on the taskbar even more compact if the Aero theme is used.

“Group when taskbar is full” - this option helps to show activated components in full size as long as there is enough space on the strip itself. As soon as a new window is activated, which does not fit on the taskbar, all icons will decrease in size. At the same time, they retain their names, so this mode is informative during interaction. Grouping of icons will only occur if the reduced ones no longer fit on the taskbar.

“Do not group” is the option that is most often the default. If it is active, all icons on the taskbar are shown separately - they are not grouped by type into one tab. Even if you have 15 windows of the same type activated, each of them will be shown separately. Icons that do not fit on the middle part of the taskbar end up in a special space. Click on the arrow link to the right of the activated windows to view them.

Notification area on the taskbar

This is a parameter that also takes up space in the “properties” window. By clicking on the “configure” link, select which status should be shown in the tray. This also helps solve the problem with missing buttons. For example, if you want to restore the language or volume level icon, select the appropriate item in the drop-down menu for adjusting a specific function.

Aero Peek

Aero Peek is a feature that helps you preview your desktop. If this option is enabled, you can move the mouse cursor to the lower right corner (with a standard taskbar configuration). All windows will become transparent and you will be able to view the main menu. This is convenient for seeing gadget readings, for example, OS loading or Internet speed. When you click on the area, all activated components will collapse - you will be taken to the main menu. This way you can quickly hide all windows without closing them.

Adjusting the Start Menu

It is available in the second tab of the “taskbar properties” window. Click “customize” to specify in detail the place that this or that icon occupies in the Start menu. In this window you can adjust the number of components that fall into the recently activated compartment.

Power button action

By clicking on the drop-down menu that occupies the space to the right of the inscription. you can set the action of the power button on your PC. Clicking it can be responsible for the usual shutdown or for putting the PC to sleep, rebooting it and other functions that are available on the main Start menu. Select an option and click “apply” and “OK”.


The category includes 2 options that are independent of each other. Activating first helps you save and display a list of recently activated features in the Start menu. The second option is responsible for saving and displaying items activated directly in the Start menu or on the taskbar.


This feature is not new for the Windows 7 OS. The adjustment takes place in the third tab of the “properties” window. With its help, you can add new tools to the taskbar - standard and personal. From the menu, select the icon you want to add:

  • Address - adds a search address bar through which you can access one of the directories on your PC or a website on the Internet. The second is preferable, since the file on a PC is much easier to find by entering the name in the search bar in the Start menu.
  • Links - adds URLs to sites that you need quick access to in Internet Explorer. The function is useless if you are accessing through another browser.
  • Tablet PC Input Panel - creates a link that you can click to quickly use the Tablet PC input window.
  • Desktop - adds a shortcut panel with all the tools on the main monitor.
  • Create a toolbar. The most convenient option, as it helps you add your own shortcuts. When you select an option, a window appears in which you can select a folder for quick access.
  • Language panel - an option, when selected, the regular panel will take a separate place.

How to change the taskbar color

To change the color and tint of the taskbar:

  1. Right-click on an empty space in the main menu;
  2. Select “personalization” from the drop-down menu;
  3. Click on “window color” at the bottom of the activated menu (in the Ultimate version of Windows 7, the name of the current color is indicated above the link);
  4. In the taskbar color adjustment window you will see 16 shade options - click on it to make a change;
  5. The hue (intensity) of the color can be set using the slider - drag it to the right to make the taskbar darker, and vice versa (in the Maximum version, the most subtle adjustment is also available, including 3 sliders);
  6. Click “save changes” and close the windows.

How to make the taskbar transparent

In order to make the strip transparent in the Ultimate version of Windows 7, just install the Aero theme, and then select the option itself:

  1. Activate the “personalization” menu;
  2. Select the “window color” link;
  3. In the menu, check the box next to “enable transparency”;
  4. Move the intensity slider to the left - this will remove the color saturation of the component and make the taskbar transparent;
  5. Save your changes.

If the algorithm does not work, make sure that the Aero theme is installed on your PC, and the item that allows transparency is activated in the color adjustment menu.

How to make the taskbar transparent in Home Basic and Starter versions of Windows 7

Unfortunately, this function is not built-in in other versions of the OS except Maximum. You will have to download the TransBar component. It also interacts with Windows XP and helps adjust the appearance of the taskbar. To download the component, download and activate the TBsetup.exe file. Click “next” until the “run transbar” option appears in the window - select it and click “finish”. The component is activated and you can start working.

There are several options to check in the TransBar app:

  • “Enabled” - helps to move the color intensity slider and set transparency;
  • “Auto apply” - the function is designed to monitor changes in the taskbar directly during adjustment;
  • “Run at Windows startup” - is responsible for automatically applying the specified settings when activating the OS.

Move the slider to adjust the transparency of the taskbar. It is not recommended to set the value below 50% - this will make it difficult to see the icons on the strip. After adjustments, click “apply”, then “OK”.

How to pin and unpin an icon on the taskbar

You can place icons of components that are currently inactive on the taskbar. This is necessary for quick access. For example, it will be convenient to pin a text editor or calculator so that you don’t have to activate them every time through the main menu or the Start menu; you can launch the components in one click, being in any window. To pin an icon, activate it, then right-click on the tab. Select "pin program".

To unpin an icon, select “unpin program” from the same menu. This can be done with windows that are inactive at this moment.

What to do if the volume icon on the taskbar disappears

Many Windows 7 users encounter this. The reason is bugs in the operating OS version. In order to solve the problem, you can resort to one of 4 methods.

  1. Activate the task manager (using the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete and clicking the corresponding button in the menu or right-clicking on the taskbar);
  2. In the “processes” tab, find and select “explorer.exe”, then end this process;
  3. In the “file” menu, click “new task” - in the activated window, enter “explorer.exe” without quotes and click “OK”.

In this case, all activated components on the taskbar do not close.

Icon adjustment:

  1. Click on the arrow in the tray, then on “configure” in the window;
  2. Check if the “show icon and notifications” option is selected for the volume control;
  3. If the checkbox is checked and the icon does not appear, click “turn icons on or off”;
  4. Click "on" opposite “volume”, then “OK”.

Editing local group policy:

  1. In the Start menu, find and activate “gpedit.msc” (without quotes);
  2. Go to “configuration”, then to “administrative templates” and “start menu and taskbar”;
  3. Click “hide volume control icon”;
  4. Disable the item, click “apply” and “OK”;
  5. Restart your PC.

If none of the methods help, try the most difficult one:

  1. In the Start menu, find and type “regedit.exe” (without quotes);
  2. Navigate to the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER - Software - Classes - LocalSettings - Software - Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - TrayNotify;
  3. Remove the "IconStreams" and "PastIconsStream" entries;
  4. Restart Explorer as described in the first method;
  5. Restart your PC.

If the icon does not appear or continues to disappear, update the sound card driver. The problem could also be caused by a third-party volume control app. Confirm the sound adjustment so that it occurs through the taskbar tray (the icon provided by Windows).

Bottom line

The taskbar in Windows 7 is a more functional and useful element of the monitor than in previous versions. At the same time, it has its own characteristics during adjustment and operation, as well as bugs.

The compact size, functionality and technical power of laptops captivate information technology users. All the positive qualities of a laptop computer also include the ability to vary the parameters of the top panel of the laptop according to the individual wishes of users.

The top panel of the laptop - the lid - performs different functions: when closed, it serves as a protective barrier for laptop devices from external influences; when open, it acts as a laptop computer display. Even novice users can independently adjust the contrast of the laptop display. The brightness of the monitor is adjusted, as a rule, using special buttons with the image of a “sun”. These buttons are activated when they are pressed simultaneously with the “Fn” function key. When you close the top panel of the laptop, the operating system goes into the mode that is specified in the default settings. Options for modes into which the system can go: for Windows 7 - “sleep” / “hibernation”, for Windows XP - “standby” / “hibernation”. Changing the action when closing the top panel should be done according to the following scheme: menu “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Power Options” - “Action when closing the lid”. Select a mode that will become active when closed.

In the “Power Options” menu, you can set parameters that are activated not only when you close the laptop panel, but also when you press the power button, when the laptop is running on mains power and on battery power. You can configure identical actions when closing the top panel of a laptop computer for all power management schemes, or you can configure different actions for different schemes.

Regulating the time for turning on the energy-saving monitor screensaver after stopping work is another parameter for adjusting the laptop lid. Menu “Start” – “Control Panel” – “Display” – “Screensaver”. Here set the time after which the splash screen will appear.

Constant turning on and off leads to wear and tear on the laptop system devices. Activating energy-saving settings and setting the appropriate mode when closing the laptop lid will help keep the computer functioning at a user-friendly pace for as long as possible.
