Adobe photoshop practical exercises. Methodological recommendations for performing practical work on Adobe Photoshop. Self-test questions

Sections: Computer science

Comment for teacher: Exercises 1-2 are performed while studying the topic “Layers”. Exercise 1 is performed in a step-by-step mode (each action is described in detail in the task), exercise 2 is performed by analogy with the first. Exercises 3-5 are related to the topic “Layer Styles”. Also, exercise 3 is given in a step-by-step version, exercises 4 and 5 are performed similarly to the third. The appendices contain source files (jpg) and assignment texts.

Exercise 1

Task 1. Add new layers from other documents to the image

Open file Chess.jpg.

  • Select panel Layers.
  • Increase the canvas size (so that there is enough space to add other image fragments):

Figure - Outline size;

In the dialog box, set the width to 16 cm.

Please note that the panel Layers contains only one background layer Background.

Open file Kitten.jpg.

  • Select the image of the kitten.
  • Run command Edit – Copy.
  • Return to document chess.jpg and run the command Edit – Paste.
  • Without releasing the mouse button, move the selected fragment into the document window chess.jpg.
  • Release the mouse button.

In the document chess.jpg a new layer has appeared Layer l, which depicts a kitten.

Open file Mice.jpg.

  • Select the mouse image.
  • Copy and paste to file chess.jpg.

Task 2. Rename document layers

  • Double-click on the layer icon (for example, Layer 1) in the Layers palette.
  • Enter a new layer name Kitty in field Name.
  • Similarly rename Layer 2 V Mouse.
  • Rename layer Background V Board, thereby converting it into a regular layer.
  • Task 3. Move and scale the image within the layer

  • Select tool Moving.
  • Select layer Mouse.
  • Move the image to the bottom of the chessboard.
  • Reduce the mouse image a little by executing the command
  • Select layer Kitty.
  • Make the kitten image smaller by running the command Edit - Free Transform.
  • Select tool Moving.
  • Move the image to the top of the chessboard.
  • Comment. Scaling will be proportional if you hold down the key while moving the corner stops Shift.

    Comment. When a key is pressed Ctrl the image will be distorted rather than scaled, and the cursor will appear as a gray arrow.

    • Select layer Board.
    • Select the image around the chessboard using the tool Magic wand.
    • Invert selection.
    • Key Delete remove the white background around the chessboard.
    • Invert selection.
    • Make the chessboard image smaller by running the command

    Task 4. Change the order of layers

  • Select layer Board.
  • Click the mouse button.
  • When the button is pressed, move this layer up in front of the layer in the panel Layers.
  • The image will be placed in the foreground (background).

    Task 5. Saving the file

  • Save the drawing with a name Cat and mouse game.jpg.
  • Exercise 2: Working with layers

    Tenge.psd using files: Frame.jpg, 10000 tenge.jpg, 5000 tenge.jpg, 2000 tenge.jpg, 1000 tenge.jpg And 100 tenge.gif.

    Exercise 3. Working with layers

    Task 1. Adding and customizing photos.

    Open file baiterek.jpg.

    Open file Embankment.jpg.

  • Run commands Selection - All and then Edit – Copy.
  • Switch to file baiterek.jpg and run the command Edit – Paste.
  • Reduce the size of the added image using the command Edit - Free Transform.
  • Rotate the image using the command Edit – Transform – Rotate.
  • Using the tool Moving, move the image.
  • After adding the fragment a new layer appeared Layer 1, rename it to layer Embankment by double clicking on the layer name in the panel Layers.
    • Set Layer Style Embankment in the dialog box Layer Style by double-clicking on the layer in the Layer panel O And.
    • Perform similar operations with files 011.jpg, intercon.jpg.

    Task 2. Creating a layer with patterns.

    Open file Pattern.jpg.

  • Using the tool Magic wand, select the pattern.
  • Run command Edit - Copy.
  • Switch to file baiterek.jpg.
  • Run command Edit - Paste.
  • Execute the command four times Layer – New – Group via Copy.
  • Arrange the patterns in a line using the move operation.
  • Having arranged the patterns, for ease of work, combine these layers into one; to do this, select the layers with patterns using the key Shift and run the command LayersMerge layers.
  • Set similar layer style settings.
  • Exercise 4. Working with layers. Layer Styles

    Create a multilayer document Nomad.psd using files: 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg, p46a.gif And Camera.jpg. Adjust the shadow for the corresponding layers.

    Exercise 5. Working with layers. Layer Styles

    Create a multilayer document Aldar Kose.psd, using files: 03_ 01.jpg, CD 1.jpg.. Adjust the shadow for the corresponding layers.

    Instructional – routing

    Practical work No. 11

    Subject: Processing technologies graphic information V personal computer

    Job title: Photo retouching.

    Goal of the work: learn basic image retouching techniques using the Stamp, Spot Healing Brush, and Patch tools.

    Acquired skills: create and edit graphic objects using programs for processing raster and vector graphics.

    Safety precautions: instruction No. 2

    Working hours: 2 hours

    Means of education:

      Equipment and materials:PC, projector, interactive whiteboard, photo clipping

      Technical training aids (TSO):Adobe Potoshop raster editor, text editor MS Word.

    Self-test questions:

      What is retouching?

      What types of retouching are there?

      What tools are used for technical retouching?

      What tools and techniques can be used for artistic retouching?

    Theoretical part

    Retouch– this is a change in the initial photograph in order to hide certain imperfections, for example, imperfect skin, unwanted objects in the photograph or various types of scratches and much, much more.

    Retouching can be technical or artistic:

    1. Technical retouching– it allows you to remove the so-called technical defects of photographs in the form of scratches and abrasions

    2. Artistic retouching– allows you to remove some unnecessary elements from a photo, as well as make various kinds of cosmetic corrections.

    Practical part

    Perform artistic retouching

    Work progress

      Open your original photo.

    Create a new layer, this allows you to use the retouching tools flexibly, because if something goes wrong, you can easily fix the problem areas by simply erasing the bad areas with an eraser, and then retouching again. In addition, you can change the blending mode of this layer, reduce the opacity, blur, etc. etc.

    To create a new layer, just click on the second icon from the right in the Layers palette.

      Take the Healing Brush Tool. Healing brush settings (make it active and right-click on the image): set the angle value to about 135 degrees, and the shape value to about 80%. We set the hardness to approximately 50-60%; if we use zero hardness, the work of the healing brush will be noticeable. Be sure to check the box " Alignment"and in the field" Sample" - "All layers". Now after setting up the brush, carefully remove all imperfections on the skin. While holding down the key Alt, click next to the flaw on the skin (take a sample), and then click with the tool on the flaw itself. The more often you take a skin sample, the better the retouching will turn out, and the sample should be taken from all sides of the flaw, and the size of the brush should be slightly larger than the flaw itself. Let me remind you that you can quickly change the brush size using square brackets ([ - reduce the brush size, ] - increase). The restoration brush can be used on any area of ​​the skin, with the exception of areas close to contrasting boundaries. In these places, when using a healing brush, the result is not retouching, but some kind of dirt. This is where you need to use the tool " Stamp» ( S). The technique for using it is no different from the technique for using a healing brush.

      To eliminate major flaws, it is better to use the " Patch". Since the patch on an empty layer does not work, we create a copy of the main layer, for which we drag it to the second icon from the right in the palette " Layers".

    Select " Patch"in mode" Source".

    Let's circle the big flaw. Moreover, it is extremely undesirable to make smooth edges; the less smooth the edges you make, the less noticeable the retouch will be.

    We left-click inside the selection and, without releasing it, drag it to an area of ​​smooth skin that has no imperfections. Release the mouse button.

    This is what the skin should look like after working with a restoration brush and a patch.

    Compare the before and after picture of the girl photo processing in photoshop.

    Note: To move from one instrument to another that are in the same group, you must hold down the key Shift and press the hot key one by one to change the tool. For example, to move from a healing brush to a patch, you need to hold down the key Shift and press the hotkey J. But you can do the same thing, but without the key Shift. To do this, go to Photoshop settings - " Editing - Settings - Basic" or press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K.

    On the "tab" Basic"uncheck" Change tool with Shift key" and press " Yes". That's it, now you can change tools hotkey without use Shift.

    Task 2

    Glamorous retouching

    Glamorous retouching- one of the photo processing techniques of professional designers and retouchers, which allows you to hide some imperfections on the model’s face, as well as give it a special charm, attractiveness and “glamor”.

    The secret of real glamor retouching is that defects are not removed, but only smoothed out (blurred), and, most importantly, the texture of the skin is preserved. The point is that if you simply blur out imperfections and roughness, you won’t get the glamor effect. The face will become doll-like and lifeless. Therefore, you need to return the pores using one of the image channels where they are most visible.

    Image 1: Before and after glamor retouching in Photoshop.

    Express retouching in Photoshop in two layers.

      BLUR. Duplicate the Backgrownd layer. Now let’s use the Blur group filter – Gaussian Blur (Gaussian Blur) with a radius of 25-30 pixels to make the outlines fuzzy. Don't worry about the image being blurry. This blur will be the basis for smoothing out skin imperfections. True, it completely destroys the skin texture and pores. The face becomes doll-like, but we don’t need that. For now, hide the blurry image behind a mask: Layer Layer mask Hide all...

      RETURNING THE TEXTURE TO THE SKIN. Go to the Background layer in the tab – Channels. Select (Select all) the red or green channel. Select the channel where the pores are visible. Go to the Layers tab and copy the background, pasting it onto a new layer above the blurred one. Now apply the Other High Pass filter to the layer with a radius of 3-5 pixels to highlight the skin pores and other texture elements. Assign the blending mode to Soft Light to the layer, you will see how the contour sharpness has increased. Join this layer to the mask layer below by pressing Alt + click between layers. The sharpening effect was hidden behind the mask.

    LET'S BRING GLAMOR. Take a soft white brush – hardness 0%, opacity 30% and begin to carefully brush over the mask in the required places. Blur will appear, and the attached channel will reveal texture and reduce the appearance of gray in the shadows. You can reduce the blur effect by adjusting the layer transparency. And increase the sharpness of the texture, for example, using the blending mode (Overlay).

    Independent work

    Perform portrait and glamor photo retouching yourself (files: retouch1 and glamor retouch).

    Report assignment: The report shows all stages of the work in the form of screenshots.

    Homework: perform a glamorous retouching of your own photo.

    1. New document 500x500 pixels.
    2. New layer. Using an elliptical selection (use the “Add to selection” options button) and the fill tool, draw the body of the penguin. Remove selection.
    3. Draw the forehead. Fill the elliptical selection with a gradient (tool in the Fill group), colors - black and white.
    4. We also draw the stomach:
    5. Draw the eyes on a new layer (elliptical selection area, fill, stroke of the selected area, move tool). Duplicate the eye layer with the command Layer - DuplicateLayer (Layer - Duplicate layer). Merge all layers except the background.
    6. Mouth. New layer. Draw a red oval. Using a rectangular selection, select the upper half of the oval. Edit - Transform - Scale (Editing - Transformation - Scaling). Deform it by the upper middle square (pull it down), confirm the transformation by checking the box in the parameters bar. Stroke with yellow color. Transfer to the penguin's head and combine with the body layer.
    7. Paws and wings. A new layer below the body layer. On a new layer - an oval selection, fill it with yellow or black. Transform by rotation: Edit - Transform - Rotate. Duplicate layers, expand horizontally:Edit - Transform - Flip Horizontal, move it towards the body, merge the layers except the background.

    Practical work No. 1. fire inscription

    Goal of the work: learn how to create an inscription with a fire effect.


    1. Launch the program Adobe Photoshop CS3.

    2. Set the background color to black

    3. Create a file of arbitrary size ( File → New) with settings as in Fig.1.1. note that dimensions files are specified in pixels, and color mode must be installed Grayscale 8 bit .

    4. Write any text in white using the tool. Try to use a massive font, for example, Arial with bold and italic settings (Fig. 1.2)

    5. Right-click on the text layer and select the “Rasterize Text” command.

    6. Merge layers using the command Ctrl+E. There should be 1 layer left (background) containing text (Fig. 1.3).

    7. Rotate the image 90° counterclockwise using the command Image → Rotate canvas → 90° counterclockwise. The result is presented in Fig. 1.4.

    8. Apply a filter Wind (Filter → Stylization → Wind) with settings: method- wind, direction– on the right (Fig. 1.5).

    9. To increase the flames, the Wind filter can be applied several times. Instead of repeating the described sequence of actions, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+ F. The result is in Fig.1.6.

    10. Run the command Filter → Stylize → Diffusion with normal setting mode (Fig.1.7). This filter creates the effect of diffusing colors: the colors from the flames penetrate into the background color and vice versa.

    11. Return the image to its original position: Image → Rotate canvas → 90° clockwise.

    12. Apply the ripple filter to the resulting image: Filter → Distort → Ripple with the following settings:

    - ripple size: average; - degree: 50% (Fig. 1.8).

    13. Set the image to indexed color mode: Image → Mode → Indexed Colors.

    14. Run the command Image → Mode → Color Table. Select the table “Absolutely black body” (Fig. 1.9).

    15. The fire inscription is ready  (Fig. 1.10)

    If you are not satisfied with the result of your work, then try going back a few steps and changing the degree or size of the ripples.
