Technical means of information processing. Technical means for collecting, processing and issuing information. What threatens a PC with insufficient power supply?

A set of technical means of information processing is a set of autonomous devices for collecting, accumulating, transmitting, processing and presenting information, as well as office equipment, management, repair and maintenance and others. There are a number of requirements for the set of technical means:

Ensuring problem solving with minimal costs, required accuracy and reliability

Possibility of technical compatibility of devices, their aggregability

Ensuring high reliability

Minimum costs on purchase

Domestic and foreign industry produces a wide range of technical means of information processing, differing in the element base, design, use of various information media, operational characteristics, etc.

Classification of technical means of information processing

Technical means information processing are divided into two large groups. These are the main and auxiliary processing tools.

Auxiliary means are equipment that ensures the operability of fixed assets, as well as equipment that facilitates and makes managerial work more comfortable. Auxiliary means of information processing include office equipment and repair and maintenance equipment. Office equipment is represented by a very wide range of tools, from office supplies to means of delivery, reproduction, storage, search and destruction of basic data, means of administrative and production communications, and so on, which makes the work of a manager convenient and comfortable.

Fixed assets are tools for automated information processing. It is known that to manage certain processes, certain management information is required that characterizes states and parameters technological processes, quantitative, cost and labor indicators of production, supply, sales, financial activities, etc. To fixed assets technical processing include: means of recording and collecting information, means of receiving and transmitting data, means of preparing data, input means, means of processing information and means of displaying information. Below, all these means are discussed in detail.

Obtaining primary information and registration is one of the labor-intensive processes. Therefore, devices for mechanized and automated measurement, collection and recording of data are widely used. The range of these funds is very extensive. These include: electronic balance, various counters, displays, flow meters, cash registers, banknote counting machines, ATMs and much more. This also includes various production registrars intended for processing and recording information about business transactions on computer media.

Means of receiving and transmitting information. Information transfer refers to the process of sending data (messages) from one device to another. An interacting set of objects, formed by data transmission and processing devices, is called a network. They combine devices designed to transmit and receive information. They ensure the exchange of information between the place of its origin and the place of its processing. The structure of means and methods of data transmission is determined by the location of information sources and data processing facilities, volumes and time for data transmission, types of communication lines and other factors. Data transmission means are represented by subscriber points (AP), transmission equipment, modems, multiplexers.

Data preparation tools are represented by devices for preparing information on computer media, devices for transferring information from documents to media, including computer devices. These devices can perform sorting and adjustment.

Input tools are used to perceive data from computer media and enter information into computer systems

Information processing tools play a critical role in the complex of technical information processing tools. Processing means include computers, which in turn are divided into four classes: micro, small (mini); large computers and supercomputers. There are two types of microcomputers: universal and specialized.

Both universal and specialized can be either multi-user - powerful computers equipped with several terminals and operating in time-sharing mode (servers), or single-user (workstations), which specialize in performing one type of work.

Small computers- work in time sharing and multitasking mode. Their the positive side is reliability and ease of operation.

Mainframe computers- (mainfarms) are characterized by a large amount of memory, high fault tolerance and performance. It is also characterized by high reliability and data protection; ability to connect a large number of users.

Supercomputer- These are powerful multiprocessor computers with a speed of 40 billion operations per second.

Server is a computer dedicated to processing requests from all stations on the network and providing these stations with access to system resources and distributing these resources. A universal server is called an application server. Powerful servers can be classified as small and large computers. Now the leader is Marshall servers, and there are also Cray servers (64 processors).

Information display tools are used to display calculation results, reference data and programs on computer media, print, screen, and so on. Output devices include monitors, printers and plotters.

A monitor is a device designed to display information entered by the user from the keyboard or output from the computer.

The printer is device for outputting text and graphic information onto paper.

Plotter is device for outputting large format drawings and diagrams onto paper.

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1. Review and classification of technical means of data processing

1.1 Data processing modes

When designing technological processes, they are guided by the modes of their implementation. The implementation mode of the technology depends on the space-time features of the tasks being solved: frequency and urgency, requirements for the speed of message processing, as well as on the operational capabilities of technical means, and primarily computers. There are: batch mode; real time mode; time sharing mode; regulatory regime; request; dialog; teleprocessing; interactive; single-program; multi-program (multi-processing).

Batch mode. When using this mode, the user does not have direct communication with the computer. Collection and registration of information, input and processing do not coincide in time. First, the user collects information, forming it into packages in accordance with the type of task or some other characteristic. (As a rule, these are tasks of a non-operational nature, with a long-term validity of the solution results). After receiving information is completed, it is entered and processed, i.e., there is a processing delay. This mode is used, as a rule, with a centralized method of information processing.

Conversational mode(query) mode in which the user has the ability to directly interact with the computing system while the user is working. Data processing programs are permanently in the computer's memory if the computer is available at any time, or for a certain period of time when the computer is available to the user. User interaction with a computer system in the form of a dialogue can be multidimensional and determined by various factors: language of communication, active or passive role of the user; who is the initiator of the dialogue - the user or the computer; response time; dialogue structure, etc. If the initiator of the dialogue is the user, then he must have knowledge of working with procedures, data formats, etc. If the initiator is a computer, then the machine itself tells at each step what needs to be done with a variety of choices. This method of operation is called “menu selection”. It provides support for user actions and prescribes their sequence. At the same time, less preparation is required from the user.

The dialog mode requires a certain level of technical equipment of the user, i.e. the presence of a terminal or PC connected to the central computer system by communication channels. This mode is used to access information, computing or software resources. The ability to work in interactive mode may be limited in the start and end times of work, or it may be unlimited.

Sometimes a distinction is made between conversational and request modes, then by query we mean a one-time call to the system, after which it issues a response and turns off, and by dialog we mean a mode in which the system, after a request, issues a response and waits further actions user.

Real time mode. Refers to the ability of a computing system to interact with controlled or managed processes at the pace of these processes. The reaction time of the computer must satisfy the pace of the controlled process or user requirements and have a minimum delay. Typically, this mode is used for decentralized and distributed data processing.

Teleprocessing mode allows a remote user to interact with a computer system.

Interactive mode assumes the possibility of two-way interaction between the user and the system, i.e. the user has the opportunity to influence the data processing process.

Time sharing mode assumes the ability of the system to allocate its resources to a group of users one by one. The computing system serves each user so quickly that it seems like several users are working simultaneously. This possibility is achieved through appropriate software.

Single-program and multi-program modes characterize the ability of the system to work simultaneously under one or several programs.

Regulatory regime characterized by the time certainty of individual user tasks. For example, receiving results summaries at the end of the month, calculating payroll statements for certain dates, etc. The deadlines for the decision are set in advance according to regulations, as opposed to arbitrary requests.

1.2 Data processing methods

The following methods of data processing are distinguished: centralized, decentralized, distributed and integrated.

Centralized assumes presence. With this method, the user delivers initial information to the computer center and receives processing results in the form of result documents. The peculiarity of this processing method is the complexity and labor-intensiveness of establishing fast, uninterrupted communication, the large load of the computer with information (since its volume is large), the regulation of the timing of operations, and the organization of system security from possible unauthorized access.

Decentralized treatment. This method is associated with the advent of personal computers, which make it possible to automate a specific workplace.

Distributed method data processing is based on the distribution of processing functions between various computers included in the network. This method can be implemented in two ways: the first involves installing a computer in each network node (or at each level of the system), with data processing carried out by one or more computers depending on the actual capabilities of the system and its needs at the current time. The second way is to place a large number of different processors within one system. This path is used in banking and financial information processing systems, where a data processing network is needed (branches, departments, etc.). Advantages of the distributed method: the ability to process any amount of data within a given time frame; high degree of reliability, since if one technical means fails, it is possible to instantly replace it with another; reduction of time and costs for data transfer; increasing system flexibility, simplifying software development and operation, etc. The distributed method is based on a complex of specialized processors, i.e. Each computer is designed to solve specific problems, or tasks of its own level.

Integrated way of processing information. It provides for the creation information model managed object, that is, creating a distributed database. This method provides maximum convenience for the user. On the one hand, databases provide for shared use and centralized management. On the other hand, the volume of information and the variety of tasks to be solved require distribution of the database. Integrated information processing technology allows you to improve the quality, reliability and speed of processing, because processing is carried out on the basis of a single information array, entered once into the computer. A feature of this method is the technological and time separation of the processing procedure from the procedures for collecting, preparing and entering data.

1.3 Complex of technical means for information processing

A set of technical means of information processing is a set of autonomous devices for collecting, accumulating, transmitting, processing and presenting information, as well as office equipment, management, repair and maintenance and others. There are a number of requirements for the set of technical means:

Ensuring problem solving with minimal costs, required accuracy and reliability

Possibility of technical compatibility of devices, their aggregability

Ensuring high reliability

Minimum acquisition costs

Domestic and foreign industry produces a wide range of technical means of information processing, differing in the element base, design, use of various information media, operational characteristics, etc.

1.4 Classification of technical means of information processing

Technical means of information processing are divided into two large groups. This basic And auxiliary processing means.

Auxiliary equipment is equipment that ensures the functionality of fixed assets, as well as equipment that facilitates and makes management work more comfortable. Auxiliary means of information processing include office equipment and repair and maintenance equipment. Office equipment is represented by a very wide range of tools, from office supplies to means of delivery, reproduction, storage, search and destruction of basic data, means of administrative and production communications, and so on, which makes the work of a manager convenient and comfortable.

Fixed assets are tools for automated information processing. It is known that in order to manage certain processes, certain management information is needed that characterizes the states and parameters of technological processes, quantitative, cost and labor indicators of production, supply, sales, financial activities, etc. The main means of technical processing include: means of recording and collecting information, means of receiving and transmitting data, means of preparing data, means of input, means of processing information and means of displaying information. Below, all these means are discussed in detail.

Obtaining primary information and registration is one of the labor-intensive processes. Therefore they are widely used devices for mechanized and automated measurement, collection and data recording. The range of these funds is very extensive. These include: electronic scales, various counters, displays, flow meters, cash registers, banknote counting machines, ATMs and much more. This also includes various production registrars intended for processing and recording information about business transactions on computer media.

Means of receiving and transmitting information. Information transfer refers to the process of sending data (messages) from one device to another. An interacting set of objects, formed by data transmission and processing devices, is called a network. They unite devices designed to transmit and receive information. They ensure the exchange of information between the place of its origin and the place of its processing. The structure of means and methods of data transmission is determined by the location of information sources and data processing facilities, volumes and time for data transmission, types of communication lines and other factors. Data transmission means are represented by subscriber points (AP), transmission equipment, modems, multiplexers.

Data Preparation Tools are represented by devices for preparing information on computer media, devices for transferring information from documents to media, including computer devices. These devices can perform sorting and adjustment.

Input means serve to perceive data from computer media and enter information into computer systems

Information processing tools play a vital role in the complex of technical means of information processing. Processing means include computers, which in turn are divided into four classes: micro, small (mini); large computers and supercomputers. Micro computer There are two types: universal and specialized.

Both universal and specialized can be either multi-user - powerful computers equipped with several terminals and operating in time-sharing mode (servers), or single-user (workstations), which specialize in performing one type of work.

Small computers- work in time sharing and multitasking mode. Their positive side is reliability and ease of operation.

Mainframe computers- (mainfarms) are characterized by a large amount of memory, high fault tolerance and performance. It is also characterized by high reliability and data protection; ability to connect a large number of users.

Supercomputer- These are powerful multiprocessor computers with a speed of 40 billion operations per second.

Server- a computer dedicated to processing requests from all stations on the network and providing these stations with access to system resources and distributing these resources. A universal server is called an application server. Powerful servers can be classified as small and large computers. Now the leader is Marshall servers, and there are also Cray servers (64 processors).

Information display tools used to output calculation results, reference data and programs to computer media, print, screen, and so on. Output devices include monitors, printers and plotters.

Monitor is a device designed to display information entered by the user from the keyboard or output from the computer.

Printer is a device for outputting text and graphic information onto paper.

Plotter is a device for printing large format drawings and diagrams onto paper.

Technology is a complex of scientific and engineering knowledge implemented in labor techniques, sets of material, technical, energy, labor factors of production, methods of combining them to create a product or service that meets certain requirements. Therefore, technology is inextricably linked with the mechanization of the production or non-production, primarily management, process. Management technologies are based on the use of computers and telecommunications technology.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information technology -- is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological and engineering disciplines that study methods for effectively organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment. Their practical applications, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. Information technologies themselves require complex training, large initial costs and high-tech technology. Their introduction should begin with the creation of mathematical software and the formation of information flows in specialist training systems.

2 . Management Information Technology

The goal of management information technology is to satisfy the information needs of all employees of the company, without exception, who deal with decision making. It can be useful at any level of management.

This technology is focused on working in the environment of a management information system and is used when the problems being solved are less structured when compared with problems solved using information data processing technology.

Management information technology is ideal for meeting similar information needs of employees of various functional subsystems (divisions) or levels of company management. The information they provide contains information about the past, present and probable future of the company. This information takes the form of regular or special management reports.

To make decisions at the level of management control, information must be presented in aggregated form, so that trends in data changes, causes of deviations and possible solutions can be seen. At this stage, the following data processing tasks are solved:

* assessment of the planned state of the control object;

* assessment of deviations from the planned state;

* identifying the causes of deviations;

* analysis possible solutions and actions.

Management information technology is aimed at creating various types reports.

Regular reports are generated according to a set schedule that determines when they are generated, such as a monthly analysis of a company's sales.

Special reports are created at the request of managers or when something unplanned happens in the company. Both types of reports can take the form of summative, comparative and extraordinary reports.

IN summative In reports, data is combined into separate groups, sorted and presented in the form of intermediate and final totals for individual fields.

Comparative reports contain data obtained from various sources or classified according to various characteristics and used for comparison purposes.

Emergency reports contain data of an exclusively (emergency) nature.

The use of reports to support management is particularly effective when implementing so-called management, but deviations. Deviation management assumes that the main content of the data received by the manager should be deviations of the state of the company's economic activities from some established standards (for example, from its planned state). When using the principles of deviation management at a company, the following requirements are imposed on the reports created:

* a report should only be generated when a deviation has occurred

* information in the report should be sorted by the value of the indicator critical for a given deviation;

* it is advisable to show all deviations together so that the manager can grasp the connection between them;

* the report must show the quantitative deviation from the norm.

Main Components

Input information comes from operational level systems. The output information is generated in the form management reports V form convenient for decision-making. The contents of the database, using appropriate software, are converted into periodic and special reports that are sent to specialists involved in decision-making in the organization. The database used to obtain this information must consist of two elements:

1) data accumulated based on the assessment of operations carried out by the company;

2) plans, standards, budgets and others regulatory documents, defining the planned state of the management object (division of the company).

2.1 Selecting options for implementing information technology in a company

When introducing information technology into a company, it is necessary to choose one of two main concepts that reflect existing points of view on the existing structure of the organization and the role of computer information processing in it.

First concept focuses on existing company structure. Information technology adapts to the organizational structure, and there is only a modernization of work methods. Communications are poorly developed, only jobs are rationalized. There is a distribution of functions between technical workers and specialists. The degree of risk from introducing new information technology is minimal, since the costs are insignificant and the organizational structure of the company does not change.

The main disadvantage of such a strategy is the need for continuous changes in the form of information presentation, adapted to specific technological methods and technical means. Any operational decision gets stuck at various stages of information technology.

TO merits strategies include minimal risk and costs.

Second concept I focus on future company structure. The existing structure will be modernized.

This strategy involves the maximum development of communications and the development of new organizational relationships. The productivity of the company's organizational structure increases, as data archives are rationally distributed, the volume of information circulating through system channels is reduced, and a balance is achieved between the tasks being solved.

Its main disadvantages include:

significant costs at the first stage associated with the development of a general concept and survey of all divisions of the company;

the presence of psychological tension caused by expected changes in the structure of the company and, as a consequence, changes in staffing and job responsibilities

The advantages of this strategy are:

rationalization of the company's organizational structure;

maximum employment of all workers;

high professional level;

integration of professional functions through the use of computer networks.

The new information technology in the company must be such that the levels of information and the subsystems that process it are connected with each other by a single array of information. There are two requirements for this. First, the structure of the information processing system must correspond to the distribution of powers in the firm. Secondly, the information within the system must function in such a way as to sufficiently fully reflect the levels of management.

2. 2 Applied information technologies of market economy

To support new economic mechanisms, research and development technologies adequate to market relations must be developed. In particular, in modern conditions banking and investment activities are subject to changes, taxation is being improved, new types of management activities and market entities are emerging, which requires effective applied information technologies.

Banking systems. The development and improvement of banking structures creates a need for new services from financial institutions. Decentralization of the banking system leads to a fundamentally new organization, requiring the development of a concept for integrated informatization of individual institutions to increase the efficiency of their own functioning, as well as for interaction among themselves, with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and with foreign partners. Banking information technologies must ensure sufficient efficiency in organizing settlements. In addition, this area of ​​banking activity is the most labor-intensive, contains a large amount of calculations and is characterized as routine.

The use of simulation modeling to build banking technologies is one of the most promising approaches to solving strategic problems. A banker can simulate the bank’s financial performance, evaluate the effectiveness and consequences of decisions made, and thus determine his policy in the financial market. Closely related to this area is the development of expert systems aimed at both bank clients and banking specialists.

An extremely important issue of informatization of banking activities remains the organization of communications between Russian banks. Current paper technology usually requires 2-3 days to transfer money. In this case, the delay may be due to both the form of organization of payments and the state of communications. The introduction of BIT can help overcome this crisis. Since independently developed and modernized software systems are too expensive, the role of organizations specializing in the field of banking technologies and capable of solving banking problems in a comprehensive manner is increasing. The emerging products, called “banking platforms”, which, from the point of view of a single unified functional base, provide a common solution to all banking problems, will determine quality standards and functionality automated systems processing banking information.

Exchange technologies. Experience has shown that designing stock exchange computer systems is a logically complex, labor-intensive and time-consuming job that requires high qualifications of all specialists involved in its implementation. The design of such complexes is traditionally based on intuition, expert assessments, expensive experimental tests of the functioning of the complex and practical experience. In addition, with the growing number of users of exchange technology, the role of high performance of its functioning increases, which significantly depends on the design ideology.

The introduction of modern exchange information technologies into practice should help improve the economic efficiency of the exchange by expanding the scope of its activities in the regions of the country, accelerating the turnover of working capital, involving mass suppliers, intermediaries and buyers in the exchange process, providing the opportunity to actively carry out not only large-scale, but also medium- and small-scale transactions in mass quantities, automation of labor-intensive and time-consuming routine processes, collection and analysis of applications from brokerage firms for purchase and sale by computer, conducting automated trading (rate calculation, conclusion of transactions, execution of trading contracts and clearing settlements) for uniform rules ensuring the protection of the interests of the investor, equal rights of all trading participants, etc.

Management technologies. In market conditions, all production management procedures are filled with new content. Any production is associated with flows of both internal and external information. Among the variety of incoming information, a manager needs only strictly defined information to make a decision, and all the rest is information noise. In addition, most information does not appear where it is needed, so the ability to overcome this distance becomes of great importance for the successful solution of emerging problems. Resolving the communication problem affects the speed of information receipt and its timeliness, which contributes to more efficient work enterprises. This far from complete range of problems reveals the need to build a special management information system that contributes to their optimal solution. Currently, there are two main approaches to building such systems. These are MIS systems (Management Information Systems), which at the right time in “the most convenient form, taking into account the generally accepted principle of economy, provide the information necessary for the manager about the past, present and future in accordance with the situation that has arisen. The second approach is based on DSS systems ( Decision Support Systems), which are focused on intelligent support of decision-making processes and aim to support decisions made.

The principle of selective distribution of information involves systematizing information in accordance with the following requirements:

information must correspond to the management level, which is expressed in its enlargement and compaction when moving from the lower to the upper level;

information must correspond to the nature of management and correspond to the totality of management goals, i.e. For each management level, information is provided to enable all functions of the management process to be performed. For example, at the analysis stage, not only current, but also past and forecast data are used, actual values ​​are compared with planned ones, and the causes of deviations are identified.

Marketing technologies. A comprehensive study of marketing information flows requires the analysis of large amounts of commercial and statistical information. Marketing information technology is a set of procedures and methods designed to organize promising and current marketing research.

Tax information systems. The transformation of the tax system necessitates modification, and sometimes even a radical restructuring of the relevant information technologies. Since the tax system of modern Russia has no analogues, in solving the problem of informatization of the activities of tax services one cannot count on borrowing foreign software and mathematical products. Therefore, if effective technologies for collecting and processing the necessary information are created to implement official tax policy, then such a policy, no matter how successful and promising it may be, is doomed to failure. Reform ideologists who want to stimulate production and capital accumulation through a fair distribution of the tax burden need to have a clear understanding of the capabilities of BIT.

Among the main directions of the concept of informatization of the tax system, it is advisable to highlight:

creation of a unified integrated information and analytical system designed to serve tax services;

development of a modern communication network that ensures information exchange both within the system and with external objects;

training cedars in the new information environment.

The following are proposed as the basic principles of informatization of tax services:

complexity and systematicity of informatization, its subordination to solving problems facing the tax service at present and in the future;

activity in meeting the information needs of users;

phasing and continuity in the implementation of informatization;

distributed storage and processing of information;

compatibility of system-wide and specialized data banks for input, output and basic tasks;

providing the user with convenient access to information within his competence; one-time input of information and its repeated, multi-purpose use; ensuring the required confidentiality of information

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When designing technological processes, they are guided by the modes of their implementation. The implementation mode of the technology depends on the space-time features of the tasks being solved: frequency and urgency, requirements for the speed of message processing, as well as on the operational capabilities of technical means, and primarily computers. There are: batch mode; real time mode; time sharing mode; regulatory regime; request; dialog; teleprocessing; interactive; single-program; multi-program (multi-processing).

Batch mode. When using this mode, the user does not have direct communication with the computer. Collection and registration of information, input and processing do not coincide in time. First, the user collects information, forming it into packages in accordance with the type of task or some other characteristic. (As a rule, these are tasks of a non-operational nature, with a long-term validity of the solution results). After receiving information is completed, it is entered and processed, i.e., there is a processing delay. This mode is used, as a rule, with a centralized method of information processing.

Conversational mode(query) mode in which the user has the ability to directly interact with the computing system while the user is working. Data processing programs are permanently in the computer's memory if the computer is available at any time, or for a certain period of time when the computer is available to the user. User interaction with a computer system in the form of a dialogue can be multidimensional and determined by various factors: language of communication, active or passive role of the user; who is the initiator of the dialogue - the user or the computer; response time; dialogue structure, etc. If the initiator of the dialogue is the user, then he must have knowledge of working with procedures, data formats, etc. If the initiator is a computer, then the machine itself tells at each step what needs to be done with a variety of choices. This method of operation is called “menu selection”. It provides support for user actions and prescribes their sequence. At the same time, less preparation is required from the user.

The dialog mode requires a certain level of technical equipment of the user, i.e. the presence of a terminal or PC connected to the central computer system by communication channels. This mode is used to access information, computing or software resources. The ability to work in interactive mode may be limited in the start and end times of work, or it may be unlimited.

Sometimes a distinction is made between conversational and request modes, then by query we mean a one-time call to the system, after which it issues a response and turns off, and by dialog we mean a mode in which the system, after a request, issues a response and waits for further user actions.

Real time mode. Refers to the ability of a computing system to interact with controlled or managed processes at the pace of these processes. The reaction time of the computer must satisfy the pace of the controlled process or user requirements and have a minimum delay. Typically, this mode is used for decentralized and distributed data processing.

Teleprocessing mode allows a remote user to interact with a computer system.

Interactive mode assumes the possibility of two-way interaction between the user and the system, i.e. the user has the opportunity to influence the data processing process.

Time sharing mode assumes the ability of the system to allocate its resources to a group of users one by one. The computing system serves each user so quickly that it seems like several users are working simultaneously. This possibility is achieved through appropriate software.

Single-program and multi-program modes characterize the ability of the system to work simultaneously under one or several programs.

Regulatory regime characterized by the time certainty of individual user tasks. For example, receiving results summaries at the end of the month, calculating payroll statements for certain dates, etc. The deadlines for the decision are set in advance according to regulations, as opposed to arbitrary requests.

The following methods of data processing are distinguished: centralized, decentralized, distributed and integrated.

Centralized assumes presence. With this method, the user delivers initial information to the computer center and receives processing results in the form of result documents. The peculiarity of this processing method is the complexity and labor-intensiveness of establishing fast, uninterrupted communication, the large load of the computer with information (since its volume is large), the regulation of the timing of operations, and the organization of system security from possible unauthorized access.

Decentralized treatment. This method is associated with the advent of personal computers, which make it possible to automate a specific workplace.

Distributed method data processing is based on the distribution of processing functions between various computers included in the network. This method can be implemented in two ways: the first involves installing a computer in each network node (or at each level of the system), with data processing carried out by one or more computers depending on the actual capabilities of the system and its needs at the current time. The second way is to place a large number of different processors within one system. This path is used in banking and financial information processing systems, where a data processing network is needed (branches, departments, etc.). Advantages of the distributed method: the ability to process any amount of data within a given time frame; high degree of reliability, since if one technical means fails, it is possible to instantly replace it with another; reduction of time and costs for data transfer; increasing system flexibility, simplifying software development and operation, etc. The distributed method is based on a complex of specialized processors, i.e. Each computer is designed to solve specific problems, or tasks of its own level.

Integrated way of processing information. It involves the creation of an information model of a managed object, that is, the creation of a distributed database. This method provides maximum convenience for the user. On the one hand, databases provide for shared use and centralized management. On the other hand, the volume of information and the variety of tasks to be solved require distribution of the database. Integrated information processing technology allows you to improve the quality, reliability and speed of processing, because processing is carried out on the basis of a single information array, entered once into the computer. A feature of this method is the technological and time separation of the processing procedure from the procedures for collecting, preparing and entering data.

A set of technical means of information processing is a set of autonomous devices for collecting, accumulating, transmitting, processing and presenting information, as well as office equipment, management, repair and maintenance and others. There are a number of requirements for the set of technical means:

Ensuring problem solving with minimal costs, required accuracy and reliability

Possibility of technical compatibility of devices, their aggregability

Ensuring high reliability

Minimum acquisition costs

Domestic and foreign industry produces a wide range of technical means of information processing, differing in the element base, design, use of various information media, operational characteristics, etc.

Technical means of information processing are divided into two large groups. This basic And auxiliary processing means.

Auxiliary equipment is equipment that ensures the functionality of fixed assets, as well as equipment that facilitates and makes management work more comfortable. Auxiliary means of information processing include office equipment and repair and maintenance equipment. Office equipment is represented by a very wide range of tools, from office supplies to means of delivery, reproduction, storage, search and destruction of basic data, means of administrative and production communications, and so on, which makes the work of a manager convenient and comfortable.

Fixed assets are tools for automated information processing. It is known that in order to manage certain processes, certain management information is needed that characterizes the states and parameters of technological processes, quantitative, cost and labor indicators of production, supply, sales, financial activities, etc. The main means of technical processing include: means of recording and collecting information, means of receiving and transmitting data, means of preparing data, means of input, means of processing information and means of displaying information. Below, all these means are discussed in detail.

Obtaining primary information and registration is one of the labor-intensive processes. Therefore they are widely used devices for mechanized and automated measurement, collection and data recording. The range of these funds is very extensive. These include: electronic scales, various counters, displays, flow meters, cash registers, banknote counting machines, ATMs and much more. This also includes various production registrars intended for processing and recording information about business transactions on computer media.

1.1 Data processing modes

When designing technological processes, they are guided by the modes of their implementation. The implementation mode of the technology depends on the space-time features of the tasks being solved: frequency and urgency, requirements for the speed of message processing, as well as on the operational capabilities of technical means, and primarily computers. There are: batch mode; real time mode; time sharing mode; regulatory regime; request; dialog; teleprocessing; interactive; single-program; multi-program (multi-processing).

Batch mode. When using this mode, the user does not have direct communication with the computer. Collection and registration of information, input and processing do not coincide in time. First, the user collects information, forming it into packages in accordance with the type of task or some other characteristic. (As a rule, these are tasks of a non-operational nature, with a long-term validity of the solution results). After receiving information is completed, it is entered and processed, i.e., there is a processing delay. This mode is used, as a rule, with a centralized method of information processing.

Dialog mode (query) mode in which the user has the ability to directly interact with the computer system while the user is working. Data processing programs are permanently in the computer's memory if the computer is available at any time, or for a certain period of time when the computer is available to the user. User interaction with a computer system in the form of a dialogue can be multidimensional and determined by various factors: language of communication, active or passive role of the user; who is the initiator of the dialogue - the user or the computer; response time; dialogue structure, etc. If the initiator of the dialogue is the user, then he must have knowledge of working with procedures, data formats, etc. If the initiator is a computer, then the machine itself tells at each step what needs to be done with a variety of choices. This method of operation is called “menu selection”. It provides support for user actions and prescribes their sequence. At the same time, less preparation is required from the user.

The dialog mode requires a certain level of technical equipment of the user, i.e. the presence of a terminal or PC connected to the central computer system by communication channels. This mode is used to access information, computing or software resources. The ability to work in interactive mode may be limited in the start and end times of work, or it may be unlimited.

Sometimes a distinction is made between conversational and request modes, then by query we mean a one-time call to the system, after which it issues a response and turns off, and by dialog we mean a mode in which the system, after a request, issues a response and waits for further user actions.

Real time mode. Refers to the ability of a computing system to interact with controlled or managed processes at the pace of these processes. The reaction time of the computer must satisfy the pace of the controlled process or user requirements and have a minimum delay. Typically, this mode is used for decentralized and distributed data processing.

The teleprocessing mode allows a remote user to interact with the computing system.

The interactive mode assumes the possibility of two-way interaction between the user and the system, i.e. the user has the opportunity to influence the data processing process.

Time-sharing mode assumes the ability of the system to allocate its resources to a group of users one by one. The computing system serves each user so quickly that it seems like several users are working simultaneously. This possibility is achieved through appropriate software.

Single-program and multi-program modes characterize the ability of the system to work simultaneously using one or several programs.

The scheduled mode is characterized by time certainty of individual user tasks. For example, receiving results summaries at the end of the month, calculating payroll statements for certain dates, etc. The deadlines for the decision are set in advance according to regulations, as opposed to arbitrary requests.

1.2 Data processing methods

The following methods of data processing are distinguished: centralized, decentralized, distributed and integrated.

Centralized presupposes availability. With this method, the user delivers initial information to the computer center and receives processing results in the form of result documents. The peculiarity of this processing method is the complexity and labor-intensiveness of establishing fast, uninterrupted communication, the large load of the computer with information (since its volume is large), the regulation of the timing of operations, and the organization of system security from possible unauthorized access.

Decentralized processing. This method is associated with the advent of personal computers, which make it possible to automate a specific workplace.

The distributed method of data processing is based on the distribution of processing functions between various computers included in the network. This method can be implemented in two ways: the first involves installing a computer in each network node (or at each level of the system), with data processing carried out by one or more computers depending on the actual capabilities of the system and its needs at the current time. The second way is to place a large number of different processors within one system. This path is used in banking and financial information processing systems, where a data processing network is needed (branches, departments, etc.). Advantages of the distributed method: the ability to process any amount of data within a given time frame; high degree of reliability, since if one technical means fails, it is possible to instantly replace it with another; reduction of time and costs for data transfer; increasing system flexibility, simplifying software development and operation, etc. The distributed method is based on a complex of specialized processors, i.e. Each computer is designed to solve specific problems, or tasks of its own level.

Integrated method of information processing. It involves the creation of an information model of a managed object, that is, the creation of a distributed database. This method provides maximum convenience for the user. On the one hand, databases provide for shared use and centralized management. On the other hand, the volume of information and the variety of tasks to be solved require distribution of the database. Integrated information processing technology allows you to improve the quality, reliability and speed of processing, because processing is carried out on the basis of a single information array, entered once into the computer. A feature of this method is the technological and time separation of the processing procedure from the procedures for collecting, preparing and entering data.

At any stage of the process, information collection technology involves analyzing the data obtained and assessing its relevance to the topic of the issue. There are a number of factors on the basis of which the collected information is reviewed and analyzed.

  • What information needs to be collected?
    The collected information should cover the range of interests of the target audience.
  • What are the sources of information?
    People: for example, student participants; support staff - teachers, consultants, program staff; faculty; parents, administrators; It is allowed to use previously obtained data.

Technical means of collecting information: documentation, accounting, observation

  • How much information is required?
    Whole population, population examples
  • Technical means of collecting information
    Analysis of documentation, web interface, scanned forms; focus group

Interviews and surveys conducted both face-to-face and by telephone

Observations: e.g. events, behavior, participant activity levels

Document analysis: e.g. policy documents, activity logs, student work

Analysis of regularly updated data (for example, accounting system, attendance records)

  • Pre-testing and post-testing
  • Literature review
  • Other existing data sources (such as archives and current documentation)

Technologies for collecting and processing information and the use of various data collection techniques are indispensable in solving a number of issues. For example, research may involve collecting information that involves a large number of participants. Subsequent surveys and interviews or focus groups are conducted with a selected number of respondents to obtain more detailed and accurate information. Using several different sources of information helps to make the most informed conclusions possible. For example, from the point of view curriculum, the data collection strategy may include survey and/or focus group work with students, survey and/or interviews with faculty, and analysis of student behavior and attendance records. Triangulation, or the use of multiple strategies to collect data from different sources, allows evaluation issues to be more fully explored.

Although the methodology provides most algorithms for collecting and processing information, a practical approach should also be taken into account. The time, cost and scope of the assessment must be justified. The amount of time required to develop data collection tools (for example, a survey, analysis of the data obtained, their subsequent processing based on previous ones), directly collecting information and checking it for compliance with the real state of affairs. Budgetary funds must be comparable to the information value of the result obtained. The scope of a particular study often depends on time and budget. For example, if the methodology involves interviews of twenty participants, and financial resources are limited and time is pressing, the feasibility of the project is questionable.
