Tinyumbrella old versions. Why Tinyumbrella does not start: all possible reasons and solution to the problem

TinyUmbrella is a small program for saving SHSH keys. Using this application, you can roll back iOS firmware to earlier versions.

First, you need to understand what an SHSH key is. This is a unique digital certificate that is assigned to each firmware file. The key is issued by the Apple server with each update operating system. When an update is attempted, the unique device identifier and the version of iOS that the user wants to update to are sent to the Apple server. If the system version is up-to-date, the server issues an SHSH key and allows you to update. Otherwise, a refusal is given. This is why you cannot roll back the firmware to older versions. TinyUmbrella saves the SHSH key of older firmware versions, so you can downgrade the operating system without sending data to Apple servers.

To work correctly, TinyUmbrella on Windows requires Java installed. After starting the program, you need to connect your smartphone to your PC. When the device is detected, TinyUmbrella will automatically save all available SHSH keys to your computer. It should be remembered that the certificates of those firmwares that still support key signing will be saved.

Features of the program

Save SHSH keys in one click.
Intuitive interface.
Operating room support Windows systems and Mac OS.
Small program size (3 MB).

TinyUmbrella is freely distributed, so you can download it for free.

Recently, the developer Notcom released an updated version of the TinyUmbrella tool, and now we will tell you how you can use it to save SHSH certificates, which will be useful in the future for rolling back the firmware.

If you are already a jailbreaker, or simply put, cannot imagine your life without a jailbroken iPhone, iPad or iPod, then you should know how important saved SHSH certificates are. If you are just about to learn all the advantages (and disadvantages) of jailbreaking, we will briefly tell you. SHSH certificates are required in order to be able to rollback (downgrade) the firmware to more earlier version, which is supported by one or another hacking tool.

Several years ago, Apple introduced a “comprehensive verification check”, which made it impossible to roll back the firmware and now, when trying to restore or update the device’s firmware, iTunes contacts the Apple server and sends it there special code firmware and your device’s unique chip identifier (ECID), and in return receives a unique digital signature (), without which the device will not be able to boot. If this firmware is lower than the current one, then Apple does not sign it and the update process ends with an error.

To get around this limitation, hackers came up with several ways to save SHSH certificates, which later allow you to roll back to out-of-date firmware. Previously, they could be saved when logging into Cydia (a store of hacked applications and tweaks) or using the tool. However, after Apple released devices with new processors, it introduced a new verification method in which keys were randomly generated each time the firmware was restored.

However, a few years later, developer Notcom has again found a way to save certificates not only for previous iPhone, iPad or iPod models, but also for 64-bit devices. Last weekend, he released an updated and, as the developer claims, completely rewritten from scratch version of TinyUmbrella, allowing you to save SHSH certificates for anyone mobile device Apple, including for iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and iPad Air 2.

The updated version of TinyUmbrella has a lot in common with previous versions of this tool, so if you've used it before, you won't have too many problems. However, there are quite a few changes and improvements in it, so we decided not to update our previous manual, and instead publish new instructions, in which we will tell you how to save SHSH certificates for iPhone, iPad or iPod using the new TinyUmbrella.

How to install TinyUmbrella

Attention! To use TinyUmbrella, iTunes must be installed on your computer.

1. Launch TinyUmbrella.
2. Connect your iPhone, iPad or iPod to your computer, after which TinyUmbrella should automatically recognize your device and begin saving all available SHSH certificates for firmware currently signed by Apple.

Where are SHSH certificates stored?

SHSH certificates are stored here:


Why is only one file saved for my device?

Unlike previous versions of TinyUmbrella, the new version of this tool stores SHSH certificates for a single device in a single file.

If your device is currently running one of the previous versions of iOS, then TinyUmbrella will not be able to store SHSH certificates for that firmware. The fact is that TinyUmbrella allows you to save SHSH certificates only for those firmwares that are on this moment are signed by Apple.

How to clear TinyUmbrella history?

By default, TinyUmbrella saves the history of all devices that were connected to the computer while it was running. This is very convenient, but if you want to clear the history for any devices, go to the following folder:


Can I roll back the firmware right now?

Not yet. As mentioned earlier, at the moment the developer is only testing a new version of TinyUmbrella, but perhaps in the next version of this tool, he will add the ability to roll back the firmware to an earlier version.
