Soldier's office old version. Personal account of a military man. How does a military personnel's personal account work?

Login to your personal account is open to all military personnel. The Russian Ministry of Defense, as promised, launched electronic pay sheets for the military.

As promised by A. Kondratieva, who heads the Department of Social Guarantees of the RF Ministry of Defense at a meeting of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, it was put into operation on time (June), where every military man will be able to check his allowance using electronic pay slips. Before this, military personnel were forced to receive information about their allowances late through a system of closed channels.

What did the military personnel see in the mysterious office, what difficulties did they encounter and what were their first impressions of working with it?

Getting into the account, the first thing we see is the inscription that the section in which the personal account is located is at the testing stage.

ATTENTION It is possible that when you go to the page, the browser will display a message about the use of an invalid security certificate. In this case, you must agree to the security exception and click on the button and continue with the transition anyway.

ATTENTION if you do not yet have a username and password

*or you can enter your account without registering by indicating this personal number and date of birth

But it’s still better to register to try out all the features of the account. The registration wizard in the serviceman’s personal account will help with this.

To register in a military personnel’s personal account, you must fill in all user attributes. Namely, indicate the serviceman’s personal number and his date of birth in the required format DD.MM.YYYY. Then enter the desired password for the future account and confirm it again.


* do not enter simple passwords(the system will warn you that the password must consist of at least six alphanumeric characters, start with a letter and contain at least one number) and use a combination of letters and numbers.

* immediately write down the entered password or enter a combination that you will not forget. (the system provides for password recovery via email)

In the next field below you will need to repeat the password again (the password and confirmation must match).

To register in a serviceman’s personal account, you will need to indicate an e-mail to which the message necessary to activate your account will be sent.


*make sure you enter a correct and working address Email, to which you have access, otherwise it will be impossible to activate your account.

* if you don’t have an email account, you will need to create one. This can be done on such popular services as or

After entering your email address, all you have to do is enter the anti-spam code indicated in the picture and click register.

What's inside or first impressions and comments about a military man's personal account.

contract workers, the Ministry of Defense has created a service on its website that allows you to find out the amount of allowances and other payments online. Logging in without registering as a military personnel completely eliminates the need for trips to the accounting department to find out the amount of accruals. After creating an account, you can issue a certificate.

If you are receiving funds from the ERC MO and you know your personal number, enter into your browser. The page will open:

Click on the “Login without registration” button and fill out the form provided by the system:

After clicking on “Login”, the system will redirect you to the “Payslips” section, which displays all payments since 2012.

To be able to use all the features of the service, you must create a full-fledged account. On the page mark “Register”. You will be offered another form in which, in addition to your date of birth and personal number, you must enter your self-created password and E-mail address twice. After clicking on “Register”, go to your email and follow the link provided in the letter sent from the Ministry of Defense website.

Advantages of access to your personal account

Logging into a serviceman’s personal account using a personal number does not make it possible to order a 2-NDFL certificate via the Internet. After registering an account, a table of the Russian Ministry of Defense of all military districts with addresses and telephone numbers is available. You can fill it out and send it by email or fax. To receive a paper form to mail or submit in person, print the form on paper and fill it out.

Official site:

Technical support by phone: FKU "Unified Settlement Center of the RF Ministry of Defense": 8-800-200-22-06, Main Personnel Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense: 8-800-200-22-95, 8-800-200-26-96

Login personal account of a military man without registration and with registration: to come in .

1. Login Personal Area

Login to your Personal Account can be performed by both registered and unregistered users.

1.1. Login to your Personal Account without registration

When entering your Personal Account without registration, the user is authorized using the following data:

For military personnel: by personal number and date of birth;

For civil servants: by compulsory pension insurance certificate number (SNILS) and date of birth.

The appearance of the login form is shown in Fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Login form for your Personal Account without registration

To enter your Personal Account without registering, you must complete the following steps:

Check the “Log in without registering” checkbox at the top of the form;

Depending on the specified user category, enter the personal number of a military personnel (format: one or two Russian letters, not sensitive to case, a dash and six digits) or SNILS of a civil servant (format: 11 digits without spaces and dashes);

Enter date of birth (format: “DD.MM.YYYY”);

Enter the numbers shown in the picture;

Click on the “Login” button.

If all the data has been entered correctly, and the system has found information about the corresponding military personnel or government employee in its database, the main page of the site will be displayed on the screen. Otherwise an error message will be displayed.

1.2. Registration in your Personal Account

The process of registering a user in your Personal Account consists of two parts: creating an account and activating it.

1.2.1. First part of the registration process (account creation)

To create a user account you must:

On the login page (see Figure 1), click on the “Registration” link. A page with a user registration wizard in your Personal Account will appear on the screen.

In the first window of the user registration wizard (see Fig. 2), click on the “Next” button.

Rice. 2. First step of the user registration wizard in your Personal Account

In the second window of the user registration wizard (see Fig. 3) you must:

Enter the password for the future account (the password must consist of at least six alphanumeric characters, begin with a letter and contain at least one number);

Re-enter the password;

Click on the “Register” button.

Rice. 3. Second step of the user registration wizard in your Personal Account

If all the data is entered correctly, and the system has found information about the corresponding military personnel in its database, an account for this user will be created (the account will not be active), and the third wizard window will be displayed on the screen.

In the third window (see Fig. 4), you must carefully study the instructions for completing the registration process and click on the “Continue” button.

Rice. 4. Third step of the user registration wizard in your Personal Account

Note: Login to your Personal Account under account, created in the first part of the registration process, is not possible until it is activated.

1.2.2. Second part of the registration process (account activation)

To activate your user account you must:

Open a message sent to the email address specified during the first part of registration (see Fig. 5);

Rice. 5. Sample email message sent
when registering a user

Remember the login specified in it;

Receive confirmation that the registration process has been completed (see Fig. 6);

Rice. 6. Confirmation of completion of the registration process

Only after receiving this confirmation the registration process is considered completed and the user can log into the Personal Account using his username and password.

Note: Completion of registration (clicking on a link sent to the user's email address) must be completed within the next 2 hours, starting from the moment the first part of registration is completed. Otherwise, the user will have to repeat the registration process from the beginning.

1.3. Login of a registered user to your Personal Account

To log into your Personal Account using the account created during the registration process, you must enter your username and password on the Personal Account login page. In this case, the “Login without registration” checkbox should be cleared (see Fig. 7). After clicking on the “Login” button, the main page of the site should load.

Rice. 7. User login to your Personal Account under your account

1.4. User password recovery

If the user has forgotten his password, he can use the password recovery mechanism.

The process of recovering a user's Personal Account password consists of two parts: checking the user's attributes and actually changing the password.

1.4.1. First part of the password recovery process (checking user attributes)

To check user attributes:

On the login page to your Personal Account (see Fig. 1), click on the “Forgot your password?” link.

In the first window of the password recovery wizard (see Fig. 8), click on the “Next” button.

Rice. 8. First step of the password recovery wizard

In the second window of the wizard (see Fig. 9) you must:

Depending on the specified user category, enter the personal number of a military personnel (format: one or two Russian letters, not sensitive to case, a dash and six digits) or SNILS of a civil servant (format: 11 digits without spaces and dashes);

Enter date of birth (format: “DD.MM.YYYY”);

Enter the numbers shown in the picture;

Rice. 9. Second step of the password recovery wizard

If the data is entered correctly, and the system has found in its database information about the corresponding military personnel or government employee, then a message containing a link will be sent to the email address of this user specified during registration, which will lead to the opening of a password change page.

In the third window of the wizard (see Fig. 10), you must carefully study the instructions for completing the password recovery process and click on the “Finish” button.

Rice. 10. Third step of the password recovery wizard

1.4.2. The second part of the password recovery process (password change)

To complete the password recovery process you must:

Open a message sent to the user's email address (see Fig. 11);

Rice. 11. Sample email message sent
when recovering your password

On the page for entering a new password (see Fig. 12), enter the new password, confirmation and click on the “Change password” button.

Rice. 12. New password entry page

Receive confirmation of successful password recovery (see Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Confirmation of completion of the process
password recovery

Only after receiving this confirmation the password recovery process is considered complete.

Note: Completion of password recovery (clicking on a link sent to the user's email address) must be completed within the next 2 hours, starting from the moment the first part of registration is completed. Otherwise, the user will have to repeat the registration process from the beginning.

2. Formation of a payslip

The pay slip generation mechanism is available to both registered and unregistered users after logging into their Personal Account.

To generate a payslip you must:

Go to the main page of the site (see Fig. 14) or to the “Calculation sheet” section;

In the “Payment Sheet” panel located on the left, indicate the year and month for which you want to generate a payslip, and click on the “Generate” button.

Rice. 14. Home page site and the “Payment Sheet” panel

A page with the serviceman’s pay slip will appear on the screen (see Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Serviceman’s pay slip

Additionally, the payslip can be opened or saved in one of the following formats:

Microsoft Word;

Microsoft Excel;

To do this, click on the “Export” button and select the desired format in the drop-down menu (see Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Selecting the format in which you need
open or save payslip

3. User changing their own password

This feature is available only to registered users. To change your password, you must click on the “Change Password” link located in the upper right corner of any page on the site.

Rice. 17. Password change page

A password change page will appear on the screen (see Fig. 17), on which you must perform the following actions:
. Enter the old password;

Enter a new password;

Enter password confirmation;

Click on the “Change password” button.

Note: The new password must be at least six alphanumeric characters, start with a letter, contain at least one number, and be different from the old password

Most recently, for all military personnel under contract by the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation was developed new program, with which each of them can view the amounts of money to be paid. It was developed in connection with the emergence frequently asked questions from military personnel about the calculation of the payment and its amount, and many others.

On the website of the Ministry of Defense Each serviceman is given the opportunity to enter his personal account, where he can view all information about the accrual of funds from 2012 to today. The received data can be printed or transferred to a removable disk.

Login page for a military personnel's personal account

Registration in a military personnel's personal account

Any user can register on the site and gain access to the account in a few minutes. This requires entering a login and password, as well as filling out personal data. This is data such as:

  • Serviceman's personal number;
  • Date of birth in the format DD.MM.YYYY.
  • Password;
  • Password confirmation;
  • Specifying your email.

The user comes up with the password independently. It must consist of at least six characters. For security, it is better to come up with a complex password.

To complete registration, the user will be sent an activation email to the specified address. email. After the serviceman clicks on the link, he will automatically be taken to his personal account, thereby confirming registration.

Personal account of a Soldier without registration

Unregistered users can also view information on the site; just check the checkbox next to “log in without registration” and enter the required data, but still, to receive all the services provided by the site, we recommend activating your personal account.

If the user forgets his login or password, it can be easily recovered. To do this, you need to find the “forgot password” tab in the registration field and perform all the actions requested by the site. If any difficulties arise, you can seek help from specialists by writing a letter to the specified address. Mailbox, or by calling one of the numbers provided.

How does a military personnel's personal account work?

After the first login, each serviceman can find out how a payslip is generated, which includes all the information about accruals and deductions.

To form, you must indicate the required date and year.

For subsequent viewing, the personal account allows each serviceman to save pay sheets to his computer or removable disk.

Ministry of Defense website: login
Login to the Serviceman's Personal Account: login
Phone numbers of the Main Personnel Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense:
Hotline telephone number of the IRC RF Ministry of Defense: 8-800-737-7-737

No registration by personal number. Questions and answers.

I can’t log into the “Serviceman’s Personal Account” to view my pay slip. I contacted the hotline of the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation about this issue, the operator said that the personal number or date of birth was entered incorrectly in the database. What to do?

To make changes to personal data, you must write a report addressed to the commander of the military unit containing the following information:

1. Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth;

2. Personal number of the military personnel;

3. Number of the military unit;

4. Brief content of the appeal;

5. Contact information (mailing address, telephone number).

The application must be accompanied by photocopies of the 2nd and 3rd pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and the 1st page of the military ID.

The commander of the military unit sends the specified information to the military command authority responsible for entering personnel information into a unified database for the military unit in which you are serving.

How to log into a military personnel's personal account? Why is registration required?

You can enter your “Personal Account” in two ways: without registering and by registering in it. Without registration, the user can log in by indicating the date of birth and the personal number of the military personnel (for civilian personnel - SNILS). After registration, the user logs into the “Personal Account” using a unique password created by him, which ensures the safety of personal data and protection from third parties.

I cannot log into the “serviceman’s personal account” due to the loss of my login or password. How to restore access?

In this case, you can use the password recovery service, which will send to the email specified during registration a letter indicating your login and a link to change your password.

If you do not have access to the specified email, you will need to cancel your registration, the procedure for which can be found in the answer to the question of how to cancel your registration to log into your “personal account.”

When you log into the “Serviceman’s Personal Account” using your personal number and date of birth, the system displays the error: “You are already registered in the system, log in as a registered user.” How to cancel registration to enter your “personal account”?

To cancel registration in the “Personal Account of a Serviceman”, you must send an application to the head of the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (at the address: 105066, Moscow, Spartakovskaya St., 2B or email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.) with the attachment of a report certified by the commander of the military unit and the official seal of the military unit. The report must indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, personal number of the military personnel (for civilian personnel - SNILS), name of the military unit (organization), contact telephone number, and also state the essence of the problem of canceling registration in the “Personal Account of the Military Personnel”.
