Automated information system: basic concepts, structure and classification. Automatic identification system AIS includes


ON THE TOPIC: Automated information system. The principle of operation using an example of a specific system.

Completed student of group EU-091-1

Buymov S. V.

Checked Art. Rev. Schmidt T.S.

Novokuznetsk 2012

Introduction. 3

1. Automated information system. 4

2. The principle of operation of an automated information system using the example of 1C:Enterprise. 18

Conclusion. 26

List of sources used. 27


Rapid development computer equipment led to the fact that information systems based on the use of information computing technology and communications, which are the main technical means of storing, processing and transmitting information, began to become increasingly widespread. Such information systems are called automated. They are based on use special means and methods for converting information, i.e. automated information technologies.

An automated information system (AIS) is a set of information, economic and mathematical methods and models, technical, software, technological tools and staff of specialists, designed for processing information and making management decisions. The creation of an AIS helps to increase the production efficiency of an economic entity and ensures the quality of management. The greatest effectiveness of AIS is achieved by optimizing the work plans of enterprises, firms and industries, quickly developing operational decisions, clearly maneuvering material and financial resources, etc. Therefore, the management process in the context of the functioning of automated information systems is based on economic and organizational models that more or less adequately reflect the characteristic structural and dynamic properties of the object.

Of course, there cannot be a complete repetition of the object in the model, but details that are not essential for analysis and management decision-making can be neglected. Models have their own classification, divided into probabilistic and deterministic, functional and structural. These features of the model give rise to a variety of types of information systems.

Automated information system

Automated information systems are a set of various tools designed to collect, prepare, store, process and provide information that satisfies the information needs of users. AIS combines the following components:

1) language tools and rules used to select, present and store information, to display a picture of the real world into a data model, to present the necessary information to the user;

2) information fund of the system;

3) ways and methods of organizing information processing processes;

4) complex software, implementing algorithms for converting information;

5) complex technical means operating in the system;

6) personnel servicing the system.

The main goals of enterprise automation are:

1. Collection, processing, storage and presentation of data on the organization’s activities and external environment in a form convenient for financial and any other analysis and use when making management decisions.

2. Automation of business operations (technological operations) that constitute the target activity of the enterprise.

3. Automation of processes that ensure the implementation of core activities.

AIS is currently very popular. What it is and why it is unique will be discussed in this article. It was created in the Republic of Bashkortostan to provide an integrated approach and automate numerous tasks.

Program functions

AIS will help solve many problems. What is it, what are its areas of application?

  • maintaining an electronic gradebook;
  • attendance control and recording;
  • provision of automated food accounting;
  • calculation of parental pay;
  • keeping an electronic diary;
  • introduction of a non-cash form of payment for food.

Indeed, AIS is multifunctional. What is meant by it and how it can help can be assessed by education staff. The result of fruitful work on the project was the card product “School Card”. It represents an electronic identifier.

Program functionality:

  1. Preferential travel on public transport.
  2. Electronic pass to school.
  3. Pay for meals in the school canteen or buffet using an electronic wallet.

Not everyone knows what AIS “Education” is. The system is practical in that it takes into account all the requirements for information security, which are defined by the Federal Law on Personal Data. It has been put into commercial operation since October of this year. Currently, the program has not yet spread so widely, and few people know what the AIS “Education” is. Those who connect to the product have the opportunity to receive advisory and methodological support and support.

Features of the "Electronic Journal"

The automated information system “Electronic Journal” is an absolutely free, practical and universal system. It is designed for maintaining an electronic journal and diary.

The electronic journal was created taking into account the state requirements of the education and development program to automate the school process. The product helps to create a common communication space where participants in educational activities receive information on issues of interest.

Advantages of the "Electronic Diary"

What was the main thing when developing the “Electronic Diary” section of the AIS “Education”? Specialists adhered to the opportunity to work closely with direct customers. The advantage of the product is its ease of use. Many times it has been recognized as a system in which you can work on an intuitive level thanks to simple interface. AIS “Electronic Diary” can be mastered by teachers of any age. It features high performance, accessible user support, and is reliable in operation.

Free version

There are a huge number of functions offered here.

  1. You can keep an electronic journal for complex educational complexes.
  2. The work of preschool units is provided.
  3. Educational institutions can completely switch to recording academic performance in in electronic format and forget about keeping a paper journal forever.
  4. The program provides the function of generating a printed version of the standard magazine at the end of the academic year.
  5. In the program you can fill in information about additional education, home and family education.
  6. Thanks to a flexible system of parameter settings, it is possible to maintain an electronic journal taking into account the numerous features of the educational process carried out in educational institutions of various types.
  7. In the parameters you can configure any assessment system, classification of types of work, methods for calculating subtotals and certification rules.

Users very quickly understand how to work with the program and what AIS is. The product offers a huge number of functions that automate routine operations.

Compliance with the requirements

The program meets modern standards. It involves integration taking into account the services of a city or a specific region, meets recommendations for maintaining grade books in electronic form and requirements for the security of storing and processing personal data.

Information Products

Developers offer users a flexible choice of information system. It is able to ensure the full functioning of educational institutions and interaction with parents of students.

Educational institutions can purchase the AIS product. You can find out what it is and how to use the program free of charge after registration. It has all the necessary functions for full-fledged work in high school.

An automated workplace “Director of Principals” has been developed for the work of the administration. It will help make your work easier in terms of planning and monitoring learning activities. With its help, it will be easier to organize the certification process and solve other management problems.

The module for preparing printed forms of certificates includes additional functions and services. They will help more accurately solve specific problems in any educational institution.

AIS capabilities

To check an electronic or paper OSAGO policy, there is an AIS RSA database. It allows you to check the status of the form by its number. In addition, it is possible to determine the car insured under a specific form, its license plate number, body number, VIN code, and find out why the insurance is not valid.

It is popular to check the driver’s KBM using the AIS RSA database. Using the bonus-malus coefficient, it is possible to determine the cost of an MTPL policy. In 2013, it became impossible to enter a policy without requesting this coefficient using the automated system of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

Multifunctionality of the "Electronic Diary"

A free electronic diary has been developed for parents of students. Thanks to the system parental controls is given the opportunity to review all data regarding academic performance. Information can be presented in the form of an SMS message, a report on email about comments and new grades, school news, progress monitoring and statistical analysis of tests.

The school electronic journal represents a modern step in the field of information technology. Its main advantage is its ease of use, an indispensable aid in automating the educational process. The product is free to use. Before you start using the program, it is useful to find out the features about the system, products, and study the sections about the school, for parents, and partners.

Product advantages

Depending on the composition of the package, you can connect the school to a specific modification of the program. AIS "Education" "Electronic Diary" is a free electronic journal that contains everything you need for work. Modules are enabled after registration in the system.

The workstation "Head of Principal" is unique system to solve problems. With its help, you can manage and monitor the educational process. It is intended for the administration of an educational institution. An additional function was created for the needs of a specific educational institution.

Electronic journal/diary functions

Here are just the main ones:

  1. Give ratings.
  2. Adjust various assessment systems.
  3. Customize symbols and signs for assessment, double assessments as desired.
  4. Support job types and set of types.
  5. Fix methodological associations.
  6. Limit the journal editing date.
  7. Manually configure editing capabilities.

Definition of information-logical model (ILM). Architecture of a three-level data bank. Database languages.

Information Logical Model (ILM) is a set of information objects (entities) of the subject area and connections between them.

Architecture of a three-level data bank:

Internal is the level closest to physical storage, i.e. associated with methods of storing information on physical storage devices.

The external one is closest to the users, i.e. it is concerned with the ways in which data is presented to individual users.

The conceptual level is an intermediate level between the first two; in other words, this is the central control link, where the database is presented in the most general form, which combines the data used by all applications working with this database. In fact, the conceptual level reflects a generalized model of the subject area (real world objects) for which the database was created. Like any model, a conceptual model reflects only the significant, from the point of view of processing, features of objects in the real world.

Database languages ​​- SQL

The concept of a data model. Types of data models.

Data model is a formal theory of data representation and processing in a database management system (DBMS), which includes at least three aspects:

1) structure aspect: methods for describing types and logical data structures in a database;

2) manipulation aspect: methods of data manipulation;

3) integrity aspect: methods for describing and maintaining database integrity.

Logical data structure and operations on data in a hierarchical model.

Hierarchical databases can be represented as a tree consisting of objects of different levels. Top level occupies one object, the second - objects of the second level, etc.

Operations on data:

Add to database new entry. For the root record, it is necessary to generate a key value.

Change the data value of a previously retrieved record. Key data should not be changed.

Delete a certain record and all its subordinate records.

Retrieve the root record by key value; sequential viewing of root records is also allowed;

Retrieve next record (the next record is retrieved in the order of left-hand traversal of the tree).

Relational data model. A query language based on relational calculus.

Relational Data Model (RDM)- logical data model, applied theory of database construction, which is an application to data processing problems of such branches of mathematics as set theory and first-order logic.

Relational calculus- non-procedural language. In relational calculus, a query is created by defining a query table in one step.

Designing a relational database structure based on normalization. The concept of normalization, decomposition of relationships. Relation decomposition with information preservation.


first normal form (1NF);

second normal form (2NF);

third normal form (3NF);

Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF);

fourth normal form (4NF);

fifth normal form, or projection-junction normal form (5NF or PJ/NF).

Normalization of relations– this is a formal apparatus of restrictions on the formation of relationships that eliminate duplication and ensure consistency of stored data in the database.

Relation decompositions– this is the elimination of excessive duplication in relationships.

Normal forms of relationships.

Normal form - a property of a relationship in a relational data model, characterizing it from the point of view of redundancy, which can potentially lead to logically erroneous results of sampling or changing data. Normal form is defined as a set of requirements that a relation must satisfy.

Entity-relationship method. Basic concepts of the method: entity, entity attribute, entity key, relationship between entities, degree of connection, membership class of entity instances, ER-instance diagrams, ER-type diagrams.

Entity-relationship method is also called the “ER-diagram” method: firstly, ER is an abbreviation for the words Essence (essence) and Relation (relationship), secondly, the method is based on the use of diagrams called ER-instance diagrams and ER-type diagrams, respectively.

Essence– represents an object, information about which is stored in the database.

Entity attribute– represents a property of an entity.

Entity Key– an attribute or set of attributes used to identify an instance of an entity.

Relationship between entities– implies a dependency between the attributes of these entities.

Degree of connection– is a characteristic of the relationship between entities, which can be of the following types: 1:1, 1:M, M:1, M:M.;

Entity instance membership class is mandatory if all instances of this entity are required to participate in the relationship in question, otherwise the entity's membership class is optional.

ER Instance Diagrams - The ER Instance Diagram shows which specific discipline (DBMS, C++, etc.) is taught by each teacher.

ER-type diagrams

Purpose and general structure Select operator. Options for recording conditions in row selection criteria.

SELECT - DML statement SQL language, returning a set of data (sample) from a database that meets a given condition.

Concepts of automated system (AS), information system (IS) and automated information system (AIS). Basic principles of AIS. AIS structure. AIS classification.

Automated system (AS) is a system consisting of personnel and a set of automation tools for their activities, implementing information technology to perform established functions.

Information system is a collection of hardware, software, organizational support, and personnel designed to provide the right people with the right information in a timely manner.

Automated Information System (AIS) is a set of information, economic and mathematical methods and models, technical, software, technological tools and specialists, intended for processing information and making management decisions.

AIS design principles:

· The principle of efficiency, i.e. the benefits of a new automated system should be greater than its costs

· The principle of control, i.e. the information system must have mechanisms to protect the company's property; its data should be reliable enough for making management decisions

· The principle of compatibility, i.e. the system design will take into account the organizational and human factors of the enterprise

· The principle of flexibility requires the system to be expandable without major changes

· The principle of systematicity allows us to study an object as a whole in the interrelation of all its elements. Based on the systems approach, a modeling method is also used, which allows one to simulate the processes being studied, first for analysis and then for synthesis of the systems being created.

· The principle of development is the continuous updating of the functional and supporting components of the system

· The principle of standardization and unification involves the use of already accumulated experience in the design and implementation of AIS and AIT through programming typical elements, which allows you to reduce the costs of creating AIS and AIT.

AIS classification:

From the degree of automation

Depending on the scale of the system or the method of automation of controls:

By system functions

By type of automated management functions:

By level of specialization:

By the nature of the relationship with the external information environment:

2. Definitions of a data bank (DB), subject area, database (DB) and database management system (DBMS). Basic requirements for BnD. BnD components.

Database is a system of specially organized data (databases), software, technical, language, organizational and methodological tools designed to ensure centralized accumulation and collective multi-purpose use of data.

Definition of the subject area is the most critical part of the project pre-definition and planning process.

Database (DB) – a set of organized information related to a specific subject area, intended for long-term storage in the external memory of a computer and permanent use.

Database management system (DBMS)- a set of software and linguistic tools for general or special purposes that provide management of the creation and use of databases.

Basic requirements for BnD:

Adequacy of information to the state of the subject area;

Speed ​​and performance;

Simplicity and ease of use;

Massive use;

Data protection;

Possibility of expanding the range of tasks to be solved.

BnD components:

1. Databases

2. Database management systems (DBMS)

3. Dictionary (directory) database

3. Basic concepts of databases: information, data, knowledge. Composition and roles of database users.

Information- information about something, regardless of the form of its presentation.

Data- presentation of facts and ideas in a formalized form suitable for transmission and processing in some information process.

Knowledge- a form of existence and systematization of the results of human cognitive activity.

DB composition:

Field name, Field type, Field size, Format, Input mask, Signature, Default value, Value condition, Error message, Required field, Empty lines, Indexed field.

Along with the concepts of “control system”, “management information system”, which were discussed above, there are also the concepts of “automated system, AS” and “automated information system, AIS”. These systems belong to the class of complex systems, as a rule, not so much due to the large physical dimension, but due to the polysemy of structural relationships between their components. Within the framework of systems analysis, complex systems are studied by breaking them down into elements: it is assumed that a complex system is a whole consisting of interconnected parts that cannot be determined a priori, but are built or selected in the process of decomposition (physical or conceptual) of the original system. Therefore, before moving on to the study of AIS, in particular economic information systems, we will consider the terminology and approaches to the classification of information systems (IS) in the general case.

It should be noted that IP, depending on the level of consideration, can be:

  • specialist analysts or informants;
  • information and analytical divisions of organizations;
  • information services or information institutes;
  • world information systems and information exchange networks.

Stages of development of information systems. The history of the development of IP and the purposes of their use at different stages are presented in Table. 3.1.

Table 3.1. Changing the approach to using information systems

Period of time

Information Use Concept

Type of information systems

Purpose of use

Paper flow of settlement documents

Information systems for processing settlement documents on electromechanical accounting machines

Increasing the speed of document processing. Simplifying invoice processing and payroll processing

Basic assistance in preparing reports

Management information systems for production information

Speeding up the reporting process

Management control of sales (sales)

Decision support systems. Systems for senior management

Development of the most rational solution

Information is a strategic resource that provides a competitive advantage

Strategic information systems. Automated offices

Survival and prosperity of the company

Properties of information systems(fundamental principles of construction and operation):

  • the first-person principle - determines the right to make decisions and the order of responsibility at various levels of management;
  • the principle of a systems approach - in the process of designing an IS, an analysis of the control object as a whole and the control system for it is carried out. Provides for one-time input of information into the system and its repeated use; unity information base;
  • comprehensive software;
  • principle of reliability - ensured different ways, for example, duplication of system elements or their redundancy;
  • the principle of continuous development - the system is expanded without major organizational changes;
  • the principle of economy - the benefits of a new information system should exceed its costs;
  • the principle of compatibility - taking into account the organizational structure of the enterprise, as well as the interests and qualifications of people.

Any information system can be analyzed, built and managed on the basis of general principles for building systems;

The following classification of IP is based on a number of essential features that determine functionality and construction features modern systems; the volume of tasks to be solved, the technical means used, the organization of functioning, etc. were also taken into account (Fig. 3.6).

Rice. 3.6.

By type of stored data IP is divided into factual and documentary. Factual systems designed for storing and processing structured data in the form of numbers and texts. Various operations can be performed on such data.

IN documentary systems information is presented in the form of documents consisting of titles, descriptions, abstracts and texts. Unstructured data is searched using semantic features. Selected documents are provided to the user, and data processing in such systems is practically not performed.

Based on degree of automation information processes In the management system of a company (organization), IS is divided into manual, automatic and automated.

Manual Information systems are characterized by the absence of modern technical means of information processing and the performance of all operations by humans.

IN automatic And C all information processing operations are performed without human intervention.

Automated And S involve participation in the process of information processing by both humans and technical means, with the main role in the implementation routine operations Data processing is assigned to the computer. It is this class of systems that corresponds to the modern concept of “information system” and the modern concept of “automated system”.

GOST 34.003-90 provides the following definition.

Automated system (AS) - This is a system consisting of personnel and a set of automation tools for their activities, implementing the information technology of the established functions.

Complex of automation equipment (CAS)- the totality of all components of the AS, with the exception of people. AC user - a person participating in the operation of the AS or using the results of its operation.

In its turn, automated information system (AIS) can be defined as a complex of automated information technologies included in the IS intended for information service - an organized continuous technological process of preparing and issuing scientific, managerial and other information to consumers used for decision-making, in accordance with their needs to maintain effective operations.

AIS processes, components and structures. Figure 3.7 displays the structure of a typical overall AIS technological process, or the representation of AIS as a set of functional subsystems - collection, input, processing, storage, retrieval, distribution information.

Obviously, many elements of the circuit are alternative:

object model may be absent or identified with a database (DB), which is often interpreted as information


tional model of the subject area, structural (for the case tabular, factual databases) or meaningful (for the case documentary databases). In expert systems (ES), the object (subject area) model appears knowledge base(BZ), which is procedural development concepts of a database (by its essence, a database is a non-procedural object);

  • object model and database may be absent (and, accordingly, the processes of storing and retrieving data) if the system dynamically transforms information and generates output documents without saving the original, intermediate, and resulting information. If There is also no data conversion, then such an object is not an information system (it does not perform information activities), a should be classified as other classes of systems (for example, an information transmission channel, etc.);
  • data entry and collection processes are optional because everything necessary and sufficient for AIS to function, the information may already be in the database and in the model, etc.

Depending on the nature of data processing AIS are divided into information retrieval and information decision.

Information retrieval systems enter, systematize, store, and issue information at the user’s request without complex data transformations. For example, information systems for library services, reservations and sales of transport tickets, hotel reservations, etc.

Information-decisive The systems also carry out information processing operations according to a specific algorithm. By nature of use of output information Such systems are usually divided into managers And advising. Resulting Information managers AIS is directly transformed into human decisions. These systems are characterized by computational tasks and processing of large volumes of data. For example, AIS for production planning or orders, accounting. Advising AIS produce information that is taken into account by a person and taken into account when forming management decisions, rather than initiating specific actions. These systems imitate intelligent processes of processing knowledge rather than data (for example, expert systems).

Depending on the scope of application The following classes of AIS are distinguished.

Organizational management systems - are designed to automate the functions of management personnel of both industrial enterprises and non-industrial facilities (hotels, banks, shops, etc.). Main functions similar systems are: operational control and regulation, operational accounting and analysis, long-term and operational planning, accounting, sales management, supply management and other economic and organizational tasks.

Process control systems(TP) - serve to automate the functions of production personnel to control and manage production operations. Such systems usually provide for the presence of developed means for measuring parameters of technological processes (temperature, pressure, chemical composition, etc.), procedures for monitoring the admissibility of parameter values ​​and regulating technological processes.

Computer-aided design systems(CAD) - designed to automate the functions of design engineers, designers, architects, designers when creating new equipment, structures or technologies. The main functions of such systems are: engineering calculations, creation of graphic documentation (drawings, diagrams, plans), creation of design documentation, modeling of designed objects.

Integrated (corporate) AIS - are used to automate all functions of a company (corporation) and cover the entire cycle of work from activity planning to product sales. They include a number of modules (subsystems) operating in a single information space and performing functions to support relevant areas of activity.

Analysis current state The IS market shows a steady upward trend in demand for organizational management information systems. Moreover, demand continues to grow specifically for integrated systems. Automation of a separate function, such as accounting or sales of finished products, is considered a completed stage for many enterprises.

In integrated AIS there are functional And providing subsystems. Functional subsystems provide information services for certain types of activities characteristic of the structural divisions of an enterprise or management functions. Integration of functional subsystems into unified system is achieved through the creation and operation of supporting subsystems.

Functional subsystem is a complex of tasks with a high degree of information exchanges (connections) between tasks. In this case, a task is understood as a certain information processing process with a clearly defined set of input and output information. The composition of functional subsystems is determined by the nature and characteristics of the automated activity, industry affiliation, form of ownership, and size of the enterprise. The division of IS into functional subsystems can be based on various principles: subject; functional; problematic; mixed (subject-functional).

Table 3.2. Functional subsystems allocated according to the subject principle


Functional subsystems



Strategic level

New products and services. Research and development

Production capacity. Technology selection

Material sources. Commodity forecast

Financial sources. Choosing a tax payment model


Analysis and planning of sales volumes

Analysis and planning of production programs

Analysis and planning of purchase volumes

Cash flow analysis and planning

Operational level

Processing customer orders. Issuing invoices and invoices

Processing production orders

Warehouse operations. Purchase orders

Maintaining Accounting Books

Rice. 3.8.

Using subject principle there are subsystems responsible for managing individual resources: sales management, production management, financial management, personnel management, etc. At the same time, the subsystems consider solving problems at all levels of management, ensuring vertical integration of information flows (Table 3.2).

Application functional principle }
