Creation of a top-level domain zone. What is a domain name and instructions for creating it How to open your own domain zone

If you are starting a business and want to make it profitable, you simply cannot do without a high-quality selling web resource. Once you have come up with a great domain name for your website, and it comes to registering in the domain zone, you need to choose the appropriate one from the dozens offered. In case you don't know what the difference is between, And, which is better for your web resource - .ru, .biz or .com Whether there is any difference at all between all domain zones, this article will be extremely useful for you.

1. What does “domain zone” and “first, second and third level domain” mean?

Surely you have come across the concept of “first (second, third) level domain” more than once. To make it easier to explain what this means, let's look at an example: - this is a second-level domain, where the first-level domain (and this is the domain zone) is the ending after the dot - com. When adding another word (for example, the result is a third-level domain (subdomain). The fourth level domains are formed using the same principle (for example,, however they are extremely rare.

2. What domain zones exist?

The domain zone determines whether a second (third, fourth) level domain belongs to the country or type of activity of the site. In this regard, the following are highlighted:

International domain zones (.info, .com, .biz, etc.)

  • .com— general purpose domain (common). It was originally intended for commercial organizations, but did not have appropriate restrictions and over time lost its purpose;
  • .net— as a rule, it is chosen by organizations providing network services;
  • .biz— previously its analogue was (before it lost its purpose). Today, sites on .biz are chosen by any commercial organization;
  • .info— suitable for reference and information portals, blogs and home pages;
  • .org— designed for websites of non-profit organizations.

Thematic domain zones (.tv, .fm, etc.)

Their choice is determined by the thematic focus of the web resource:

  • .tv— intended for websites of TV channels, television broadcasts, etc.;
  • .fm— in this zone it is customary to register web resources of radio stations;
  • .travel— intended for companies operating in the tourism sector.

Follow a simple rule: register a domain in the thematic zone corresponding to its purpose. For example, if you are creating an information portal, select the zone .info, and for the website of a commercial organization excellent option will become .biz.

Regional and subregional domain zones(.ru, .by, .de, etc. - indicate belonging to the country,, - to the region) :

  • .ru, .rf- Russia;
  • .ua- Ukraine;
  • .by— Belarus;
  • .kz- Kazakhstan;
  • .de- Germany;
  • .fr- France;
  • .su- (Soviet Union) - countries of the former USSR (today it is used mainly by the CIS and the Baltics).
  • .eu— European Union;
  • Moscow;
  • Saint Petersburg.

If the site will be visited mainly by people from Belarus or the organization operates in this country, then the best option for the web resource address will be If you want to emphasize your belonging to a specific city, for example, St. Petersburg, register in For a company whose activities are focused on people from Russia, zona.rf would be an excellent choice. Do you doubt whether it is worth registering in the domain Be sure to read our article on this topic.

Regional-thematic domain zones

  •— can be used to create websites for educational institutions in Russia;
  • (“pp” - “private person” or “private page”) - great for personal pages and blogs;
  • is an analogue of the Ukrainian, belongs to the general purpose category and is not limited to special requirements.

3. Can I choose any domain zone?

In general, yes. However, when choosing, it is worth considering that some first-level domains require compliance with the declared topic for registration, while others are available to everyone. Therefore, it is better to register a site in a zone that will help users understand what the resource is about.

4. International or regional first-level domain?

To resolve this issue, follow a simple rule: if your company's audience or activities are not limited to one country, you can register a domain in an international zone, for example, .biz. If you want to present a project to the population of your state, it is better to use the zone of your country, for

5. How to choose a domain for a site with a narrow focus?

When creating a website on a narrowly focused topic, for example, on gardening, you can search for a suitable domain zone on the Internet. It's very easy to do. Type keywords (“gardening”) into a search engine and see what first-level domains sites have on the first two pages.

We hope that in this article you have found all the answers to your questions on this topic. If you are the owner of a free website on the site and it looks like , we recommend that you buy a second-level domain, which will make your resource more representative in the eyes of potential clients.

Create a website in 5 minutes, choose a suitable domain and promote your business online!

As many already know, in the summer of 2011 the organization ICANN on the Internet, thereby predetermining the most significant changes in the global network in recent decades. The results forced the Internet community and experts to actively debate the topic “is this good or bad” and how new changes will affect the appearance of the entire network in the future.

In the meantime, the “caravan is moving on” and, according to the plan, very soon (as early as January 12, 2012) it will be possible to submit your applications for registration of new domains top level (newTLD) for consideration by ICANN. One of the largest national domain registrars, the company is ready to fully submit your application, right up to registering a new zone for “only” 20,460,000 rubles.

Moreover, this is the price of a standard application. In some cases (counter applications, etc.) additional costs may occur. Reg.Ru offers an all-inclusive package to handle your application from start to finish and handles the entire process in-house. What's included:

  1. Consultations
  2. Filing an application
  3. Payments to ICANN
  4. Implementation of a domain zone

As the registrar notes, Reg.Ru is the only company in Russia today that is ready to provide complete management of your application by program "New gTLD" at ICANN.

Alexey Korolyuk, General Director of Reg.Ru, said literally the following: “The New gTLD Program is a Breakthrough in Development modern Internet. It’s safe to say that the Russian Internet community is ready for new domain zones, as proven by the incredible popularity of the .РФ domain and the active attention to the.CHILDREN project. New gTLDs are solutions that meet individual needs, opening up unique opportunities for online business development. Reg.Ru intends to actively contribute to the process of introducing this innovation in Russia.”

Do you want your own domain zone? .brand? After all, first of all, this offer will be of interest to large businesses (.MICROSOFT, .APPLE, .BMW), funds and organizations (), cities (.MOSCOW, .NYC, .BERLIN), geographical territories (.SCOT), VIP clients and etc. Administrators will have the authority to set their own registration rules in their domain zone. It will be possible to make it public or private, set prices and sell domain names...

What's the next plan? Applications will be accepted until April 12, 2012, after which ICANN will review and approve them. By November 2012, a decision on the approved domain zones must be made and announced. It is expected that the first new top-level domains will go live in 2013.

In this article we will tell you where to register a free top-level domain for your website on free hosting. The first level is the domain zone, so there is no “first” as such, you can buy, sell and register only a second-level domain. The domain zones themselves are introduced by the international organization ICANN.

Free domains are not ranked well by search engines.

For a small project, a presentation site or a business card site, free options are quite suitable, or, so to speak, temporarily.

It also happens that the top level domain you you receive upon registration hosting is free, we do not consider this option. Each hosting has its own privileges in this sense.


The most affordable For us, a free domain is a domain in the .tk zone

Previously, the system was such that it was impossible to fully attach a name to a site by specifying a DNS server, you were only given a page with a redirect, now everything is different.

How do they treat search engines to the TK zone? It has already been written above that it is not the best way. I can’t say for sure whether Google and Yandex accept them at all; I myself have not seen sites with such addresses in search engines. If you have an answer to this question or opinion, write it in the comments.


Are there any other free domain zones besides TK? Yes, we found Freenom. Here, in addition to .tk, .ml, .ga, .cf, .gq are available for free registration

Names in these zones can also be registered here:

CF –

GA –

ML –

Unfortunately, three of these services are in English, but you can handle it

There used to be other projects for registering free names, but today many of them have ceased to exist. And we are afraid that those indicated in this material will sink into oblivion.

Free third level domains

The picture would not be complete if we did not tell you where to register a third-level name.

uCoz initially allows you to choose domains at this level, but some, let’s say from experience, are not satisfied and change their minds to soap or even worse. For some reason, some people choose exactly this path, creating a website in the uCoz constructor, hiding hosting, although in fact it is necessary just make a good website.

Here is a fairly large list of services where you can register the name you need for free. Basically, it’s clear from the names which domain is being offered to you:


As you understand, I am skeptical about free domains, and the saying about free cheese This is just the place. I advise you to study this issue more widely, because... I did not thoroughly examine this topic and much remained unsaid. Including registration is not shown, but since the services are in Russian, and with home page and registration begins, I think you can handle it, follow the instructions on the site.


Many beginners who decide to solve the problem of how to create Domain name, there is always confusion in the head, and concepts such as domain, server name, website address and other similar terms are combined together.

But do these phrases actually have the same meaning?

Is it that easy to name a personal online resource?

We will talk about this and much more today.

Meaning of concepts or introduction to basics

If you are not just a “dummie” who has absolutely no understanding of the basics of creating a personal web resource, but a person who has some knowledge of how the Internet works, then you understand how sites are placed on the network on the disk space of hosting servers. Therefore, you understand why an IP address is needed, what it means, and how it relates to the domain name system. If you forgot, then I’ll remind you.

Every computer in virtual network(hosting providers are no exception) has a personal IP-adress, which is a specific sequence of numbers (for example, Also web resources to find a specific site in Global network, you will need to enter its exact address (or domain name).

A domain name is a unique combination of Latin characters that identifies (distinguishes) a personal resource from a huge number of other web pages. In simple words, this is a unique site name ranging from 2 to 63 characters long.

Creating a domain name involves hosting a web page on a server with a specific IP address.

On a note! The same IP (server) can own several domain names! Every time you enter a domain name into your browser, DNS service determines which email server it corresponds to given name, and which specific site you need to provide.

DNS server is software, which converts a digital address into a domain name and vice versa.

People, due to their capabilities, prefer to use domain names rather than digital addresses, since they are easier to remember. But despite this, the full site address is a URL (a standardized way of writing a specific web resource) consisting of 3 main elements:

  1. Protocol (for example, http://);
  2. Domain name (;
  3. File paths.

Let's talk a little about the levels (main parts) of domains

Each domain name consists of several parts, separated by punctuation marks (dots). The number of these levels is most often limited to 2 to 3.

Note! A long site name with a large number of levels is quite inconvenient to use.

In sequential order from right to left, the top and subsequent (descending) levels follow. The top-level domain or domain zone is the ending:

  • related to geographic location (for example, the domain “.UA” belongs to Ukraine, “.RU” to Russia and “.BY” to Belarus);
  • related to a specific type of activity (“.info” – informational, “.travel” – tourist and “.org” – non-commercial).

Second-level domains are names that are unique in their group (in the parent hierarchy) and are registered with registrar organizations.

Third level are unlimited names registered with intermediaries (organizations owning 2nd level domains). They look like this: name..

How to register a domain yourself?

Do you want to give a unique name to your site? Do you want to register a domain for yourself, and not for a third-party hoster who can limit your freedom of action? Then the algorithm proposed below will help you create a domain name from scratch!

Checking domain history before purchasing

A fairly common occurrence that beginners encounter is the purchase of a domain name that has been under the Yandex AGS filter (blacklisted) or caught by another filter.

How to understand that there is something wrong with the “name” of the site? It’s elementary – check the history! After all, you can get into trouble: buy an expensive, noticeable and easy-to-remember name, add a unique one to the resource, wait several weeks for Yandex and Google to index the site, and as a result get a blocked domain with a bad reputation. Soon it will have to be replaced with a new one.

So, in order not to become a victim of scammers, click on the attached links below and analyze the previous history of the domain.


Be careful, warn your friends about scammers - share this material with them via social media. networks.

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Today, there are already more than a thousand new thematic domains operating on the Internet - .CANON, .YANDEX, .MOSCOW, .LONDON, .BLOG, .ONLINE, .RUS, etc. RU-CENTER provides comprehensive support for projects to create top-level domains - corporate, geographical , matching commonly used words or abbreviations.

The next stage of accepting applications for thematic domains is planned approximately for 2020 - in currently rules are being developed for it. If you are interested in creating a top level domain, please contact us at Email.

What do RU-CENTER services include?

  1. Preparation of an application for a domain zone and its support in the international corporation ICANN, which oversees the implementation of new domains
  2. Creation of the necessary technological infrastructure
  3. Coordination of operational activities to maintain stable functioning of the domain after launch


The cost of projects for the implementation of top-level domains can vary significantly and is determined individually for each case. It is influenced, among other things, by ICANN dues, the domain's strategy and expected number of registrations, and the volume technical support which is required to ensure its operation.

Competencies of RU-CENTER

RU-CENTER is the largest Russian registrar, servicing more than 3 million domains. The company's specialists have many years of experience in developing domain name registration systems in accordance with ICANN requirements and procedures. RU-CENTER experts, in particular, successfully implemented the project for introducing the .MOSCOW and .MOSCOW domains, and also participated in the preparation of rules and infrastructure for the Russian domain zones .RU, .SU and .РФ.
