The best utility. Programs for cleaning your computer from unnecessary files. CCleaner functionality

Your computer is slowing down and you don’t know what to do? Don't know how to completely clean your computer? Nowadays, as we know, the solution is not so difficult to find. The Internet is always at your fingertips and makes life easier. He will help with this problem here too. The World Wide Web is filled with software that solves most problems that an ordinary user may encounter. But what is the best utility for cleaning your computer? Let's get acquainted with different utilities for solving such problems.

How to bring Windows to stable operation?

The most common problem is a cluttered system, which leads to lags and slowdowns. To get rid of this kind of problem, you should turn to cleaning the system, and without delaying it.

The following application options are freely available:

  • For regular maintenance and daily cleaning of your PC as it becomes clogged. In this case, the process occurs continuously, offline. You don't need to be distracted or change your planned work schedule.
  • For complete thorough cleaning of the system. These programs are more functional and often require a temporary break from working with the PC.

Let's figure out which utility is the best for cleaning a computer, and how to completely clean a PC.

Important! Cleaning procedures should be carried out regularly if you want to ensure stable operation of your computer.

Complete computer cleaning

So, let's look at ways to completely clean your computer of accumulated garbage using a variety of utilities. After reading the material in this article, you will be able to understand which program is best for cleaning your computer. Let's get started with the list of the most praised programs from the Internet.

Important! Do not forget that computer technology Cleaning from dust is necessary periodically. How to carry out this procedure? What is it for? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Glary Utilities

No lies this program It is considered one of the most convenient and has enormous functionality for cleaning a personal computer from information garbage:

  • The utility is not deprived of a number of useful functions: drive defragmentation, working with the registry, file backups operating system, search for duplicate files, remove viruses and optimize memory.
  • The best part is that you can clean your computer in one click. After pressing the appropriate key, the software will offer to perform a quick analysis of the problems. The analysis will be followed by messages containing information about cleaning the hard drive.
  • Glary Utilites will help you get rid of excess occupied space and will also point out those programs that need updating, carefully sharing links to sources.

Important! It is worth noting that the “cleaning” process occurs quite quickly and the entire procedure will not take more than ten minutes.

Is this the best computer cleaning utility? It's up to you to decide. The functionality can replace a huge set of utilities used to optimize and maintain cleanliness. One of the following utilities may suit your individual preferences.

Advanced System Care

It is famous for its ease of use and ease of operation for users who are just beginning their acquaintance with the world of technology. Cleaning the operating system and optimizing it becomes a matter of a couple of minutes. The advantages of the program are simply obvious:

  1. Russian-language interface.
  2. Supports all new versions of Windows.
  3. Speeds up the system.
  4. It has " fine settings” for more experienced users.
  5. Eliminates “gaps” in the operating system.
  6. Frees up a lot of space on your computer and works great against system errors and unwanted software.

Anyone can use this utility, which makes it a must-have.

Important! Do you have information that needs to be hidden from others? You can hide personal data on your computer by creating a .

Revo Uninstaller

Copes with the “correct” removal of software:

  • It can even remove programs that simply do not want to be removed using the usual methods.
  • The arsenal is supplemented by a startup manager and cleaners that deal with temporary files in the operating system.

Important! If you were looking for a release program free space, then you can add Revo Uninstaller to the list of your utilities.

Important! Tidy it up appearance your laptop! Clean it not only inside, but also outside. Read right now to see what means you can use.

WinUtilities Free

It is worth special attention and stands out very much among its “brothers”. Useful for all occasions when working with a personal computer. Here you can find everything that will help both experienced and novice users:

  • Cleaning hard drive, registry, working with shortcuts and deleting programs. This is only a small part of the list!
  • In the “security” section you can easily clear your browsing history in browsers and ensure that your programs are protected from prying eyes.
  • Permanently deleting files will save you from “paranoia” that may be caused by the fact that the files will not be completely deleted and someone will be able to use them.
  • Here you can set passwords for files and folders, and find duplicate files, empty the recycle bin, clipboard, and correct errors by analyzing them.
  • The program is very fast, which is also an integral advantage.


Classic. There is nothing new to say here. Among the experienced users, CCleaner is a veteran in the field of system care issues. The most primitive GUI, they do huge functionality this utility an integral part of the programs installed on your Personal Computer. In a matter of minutes it cleans the system of almost everything.

Glary Registry Repair

If you only need registry work, you should turn to Glary Registry Repair. Knows how to restore the normal structure of the registry and removes entries with errors from it. The program also works in the oldest Windows versions, and in the newest ones. The analysis is performed in one or two minutes, the system is scanned very quickly!

As you can see, you can find any software to suit your taste and color. Perhaps the best computer cleaning utility is on this list.

Hello, friends. In this lesson I will show you how to clean your computer from debris and unnecessary files. It’s no secret that all the rubbish that is on our computers does not bring any benefit to our system, and in some cases, on the contrary, can be the cause of computer slowdown and various glitches.

Let me show you how you can clean your computer of junk and unnecessary files in a few simple steps.

Cleaning the Registry and deleting unnecessary files

Using the free CCLEANER program, we can remove a huge amount of junk. Download latest version from the official website:

Install CCleaner and run it. Go to the Registry tab, make sure all the checkboxes in the section Registry integrity installed and then click Search for problems.

After a few seconds, all unnecessary entries will be found. To clear them, click Fix and in the window that opens Correct marked.

Now open the first tab - Cleaning. Here you can see what checkboxes are in the section Windows and Applications. I usually leave everything by default and click Analysis.

Upon completion, we see a list of all files ( trash), which can be deleted. Their size is also indicated (almost 1 gigabyte). Click Cleanup to delete this whole thing.

System disk cleaning: TEMP folders, Disk Cleanup

On the way to the next step we need clear TEMP folders, in which temporary files are stored, and perform “Disk Cleanup,” which allows you to clean your computer of unnecessary files using standard system tools. Some functions have already been performed by the CCLEANER program, but I assure you that manual checking will not be superfluous!

Open the Computer section, then the system drive (C:) and the following folders: Windows – TEMP.

The contents of the TEMP folder can be completely deleted. Temporary files are stored here and are of no use. If errors appear, for example, " These files are used", then we just click " Skip all". Usually it is not possible to delete the minimum number of files!

There is another temporary folder in Windows, and the easiest way to get to it is in the following way. Click Start and type %TEMP% into the search bar. The Temp folder will appear as found.

In Windows 8 and 10, the search can be launched using a keyboard shortcut WIN+Q.

The found folder needs to be opened and the contents cleared!

After cleaning the TEMP folders, don't forget to perform a "disk cleanup" standard means systems. To do this, right-click on the system disk and select "Properties".

On the "General" tab there is a "Disk Cleanup" button. Click it to analyze unnecessary files.

After a couple of minutes, the program will offer to delete a certain number of files. Check all the boxes and click "OK".

If you have recently updated the system, then in this window you will see an additional “” button.

Click it to delete temporary files that were downloaded to update Windows.

Important! If you have little space on your system partition, then I advise you to read my lesson: . There I told you 10 cool tricks for cleaning the system disk

Scan your computer for viruses: Dr.Web CureIt

One of the important steps when cleaning your computer from unnecessary files– this is of course the same. To do this, you will not need a utility from Doctor Web! Download the latest version from the official website.

Launch Dr.Web CureIt ( does not require installation) and after accepting the agreement, click “Continue” and “Start verification”.

Within approximately 15 minutes, the system will be scanned for malware. If viruses are found, the program will offer to neutralize them.

To clean your computer of junk, it is not enough to simply delete old and unnecessary files. You should not forget about autoloading, which can also become clogged with various rubbish!

We return to the previously installed CCleaner program and go to the "" section. Here we will see all the programs that run with the computer. I advise you to select unnecessary software and click the "Turn off" button.

I consider unnecessary software to include all programs that are not used immediately after turning on the computer. They can be started manually when needed.

Removing unnecessary programs. 2 ways

If you decide clean your computer of junk, then many programs may become unnecessary if you just take it and think about how often we use them? Some users install everything into their system without a second thought. It's time to analyze the software and clean your computer from unnecessary programs .

This can be done, for example, using standard system tools by going to Start – Control Panel – Uninstall a program.

After launching Revo Uninstaller, you will also see a list of all programs and clicking on any of them calls the “Uninstall” function.

But here, immediately after deleting the program, we are asked to search for remaining traces. Select "Moderate search" and click "Next".

First, the remaining items in the registry will be found. Select what is indicated in bold and click “Delete”.

And in the next step the program will find the remaining files and folders. They also need to be selected and click “Delete”.

Removing duplicates

From time to time, duplicate files may appear on your hard drive. Today you downloaded a movie, and six months later you forgot about it and downloaded it again, you download music and then lose it, you download photos from your phone to your computer several times. All this leads to an accumulation of duplicates on the computer.

It is very difficult to manually search for identical files, so let's use special programs.

We return to the CCleaner program we are already familiar with and open the Service section, tab Search for duplicates. There are many different parameters that you can customize to suit your needs. For example, I don’t configure anything, I just click “Find”.

After a few minutes, the search for duplicate files will be completed. After carefully studying, I see that I have a couple of identical videos on my computer that can be safely deleted.

I don’t go into detail here, because the program found a lot of files and to remove all the junk you need to spend a lot of time on analysis. But I think the essence of this function is clear!

Up to this point, we have figured out how to clean your computer from garbage in Windows itself, using standard and third party programs. But don't forget that Computers and laptops also need to be cleaned from the inside..

Don’t forget to look inside the system unit at least once a year and clean it of dust, as well as apply new thermal paste to the processor. Monitoring the temperature of components will also not be superfluous. On this topic, I advise you to read my lesson:. Using the knowledge gained, you will know whether your device is overheating or not!

Now you know how to clean your computer from unnecessary files, junk and programs. That's all, thank you for your attention, I wish you good luck!

Greetings dear reader. Today, almost everyone has computers, laptops, tablets and other gadgets. No matter how powerful your computer is, over time it begins to slow down and the further it goes, the worse. There are many reasons for this, but most can be easily fixed. Also, the method described below will be for Windows, since the majority ordinary users sitting on it.

To begin with, there are two ways to clean your computer so that it does not slow down. First- Call a technician to your home. This is the case if you are not confident in your abilities or simply do not have time for this. Second- clean it yourself, namely: clean it from dust, from temporary files, from information garbage, from viruses and malware, to optimize the system. This option requires time and perseverance, but you don’t need to be a programmer or hacker, all the steps are simple. But if not sure in your own strengths and actions - call a technician or take the computer to him.

It's certainly nice to work on a new PC or laptop, or if you've just installed a new operating system. Everything works quickly and does not slow down. But over time, “brakes” begin, something doesn’t open right away, gets stuck, sometimes freezes or even turns off, in due to overheating. There may be several reasons for this. The most basic:

  • Body contamination: dust, crumbs, wool...
  • The processor heats up
  • Not necessary programs score RAM,
  • Information “junk” has accumulated on the hard drive,
  • Viruses and various malware slow down Windows.

What to do about it? There is nothing wrong, anyone, even a novice PC or laptop user, can repeat what is described below. First, you need to clean your computer from dust. You will need a damp cloth, a dry cloth, cotton swabs, a vacuum cleaner, and if possible, a can of compressed air, but this is not necessary. And if you have a laptop, then most likely there will be no dust there, which means there is no need to physically clean it. The fact is that the laptop case is designed in such a way that dust practically does not accumulate there, and sometimes it is difficult to disassemble it, so it’s better not even worth it.

For subsequent cleaning we will use various programs to clean the operating system, so be prepared for the fact that you will need to install them.

Cleaning your computer from dust.

With the accumulation of dust on the internal parts of the computer, these same elements begin to heat up. Therefore, they cannot perform their functions 100%, which leads to the computer slowing down in games, programs, and so on. This is especially true with top-end computer assemblies; they are very powerful and often heat up. Moreover, if processors, whether central or graphic, often heat up, this leads to irreversible processes inside the cores, which is a serious breakdown and cannot be repaired.

I also note that the cause of strong heating may be drying out of the thermal paste. If you are new to this business, then in order to clean your computer well, you should also replace it. In general, thermal paste is, simply put, a paste that helps remove heat from the processor to the heatsink. And she is located between them accordingly.

And this is how to clean your computer from dust:

Ideally, of course, it is better to remove all elements and wipe them separately. But you need to do this if you are sure that you will put everything back together.

Removing unnecessary programs.

The next step is to clean your computer - find and remove programs and applications that you do not need. The fact is that over time, a bunch of programs are installed, they hang in startup and some are simply not used, and clutter up the RAM.

First, let's remove the programs:

You can use third-party programs. I recommend using them to clean your computer, since such programs usually remove the program 100%, cleaning out folders and the registry. For example, I use .

It is free, and weighs little, I have never noticed any problems with it. It’s easy to use, install it, and just as I described above, remove the programs. Afterwards it scans the computer, and if it finds folders and files, click delete them.

Cleaning startup.

Sometimes you have to leave some necessary programs, but they hang in startup, that is, they turn on with the computer. We may not use them, but they work and fill up the RAM. Then we need:

There are also third-party programs for cleaning startup, but they have more functionality and are for those who understand what needs to be disabled. For example, I use the program to clean my computer. It's free and works great.

Removing viruses and malware.

If you have an antivirus installed, run a full scan of your computer. This is one of the important factors in how to clean your computer well. What can I say about antiviruses? Many opinions, many programs. In my opinion, you need to install licensed programs and buy licenses. Some of the best: Kaspersky Lab, Dr.Web (Doctor Web), Eset Nod32 (Nod 32) and so on.

True, some of them put a heavy load on the operating system, and it turns out that you will not speed up the computer, but vice versa. But you won’t ruin your system with viruses and malware. Here, of course, it’s worth keeping in mind that if you have a powerful computer, then you don’t need to worry. Well, it is desirable that there is a constant connection to the Internet so that the antivirus is constantly updated.

There are of course alternatives. I, like many people, love freebies, I was able to choose a good antivirus for myself, or rather, it is a set of programs for cleaning unnecessary files, temporary files, optimizing the operating system and checking for viruses. This 360 total security. It's free and easy to use. And on personal experience I will say that it copes well with viruses.

The check or scan, as it is also called, can take a long time. It all depends on the size of the hard drive and the amount of information on it. Well, after that you should restart your computer.

Cleaning your computer from unnecessary files and folders.

This point is very important in order to clean your computer well. After all, what happens when there is a lot of information garbage in a person’s head? He's starting to get dumb. It's the same with a computer. He sees all the information on the computer, indexes folders and files, and when it’s a mess, it takes more time, and as a result the computer starts to slow down.

Cleaning the registry.

What is a registry? Simply put, this is a kind of operating system database with settings and various parameters. A very important element of Windows. And when it is cluttered, the computer also slows down, because all the programs that we install there also register their settings, and when we do something, the parameters in the registry also change. In general, to clean your computer, you also need to clean it.

This will help us now installed program, she does a great job with it.

  1. Launch the program and select the “Registry” tab.
  2. Here too, first we do the analysis.
  3. Now click “Fix”. A window will appear asking you to do backup copy We agree that the registry won't hurt.
  4. We wait until the end and reboot the PC.

There is also a program that I really like and use it all the time - Wise Registry Clesner. It doesn't even require installation. What are the advantages:

  • Cleans the Registry, also analysis, then cleaning.
  • Optimizes the Registry
  • Defragments the Registry

I do all three points, a powerful program.

Here, just like with the Registry, all files and folders should be in their places and shelves, and not scattered throughout the hard drive. This point is also important to clean your computer properly. After this, it is easier for the operating system to find files and folders, as a result of which the system does not slow down.

Now you can go about your business, because this process is long but effective. You need to do this with all disks on your computer.

But if you already have a modern SSD drive, then there is no need to do defragmentation, it’s simply pointless, since such disks are the same flash drives. And on regular disks there is a disk that spins up when reading files, and the head can read what is nearby. Well, if the files are scattered, then the head runs a lot, the disk spins faster, and a lot of time is spent. A flash drive eliminates all these moments and reads information almost instantly.

Optimizing the Windows operating system

Here we will look at a few more points to optimize the system itself.

  1. Disable visual effects. right click on my computer - properties - Extra options- performance - parameters. Here we turn off as much as possible, see for yourself, try it. If the computer is generally weak, turn everything off.
  2. Cleaning up the task scheduler. Go to C:\Windows\Tasks and we delete everything. Now the system won’t schedule anything without your knowledge :)
  3. Disable System Restore. From practice, this rarely helps to restore the system, but if necessary, then leave this item. Again, right-click on my computer - select the property - system protection (in other versions of operating systems, it may simply be called system recovery) - click on each disk and click configure - in the window that opens, click disable and delete all the points so as not to take up much space and OK.
  4. Optimize desktop. All icons and folders on the desktop load the system, so in order to clean your computer well, leave only the essentials on the desktop. Or is it better to create shortcuts on the desktop.

Well, I think this is the most basic thing you need to do to clean your computer. And it’s better to do this at least once every two months, and then your computer will live and breathe freely. Have a nice day.

And here is a video about how you can clean your computer so that it doesn’t slow down.

How to clean your computer so it doesn't slow down. updated: May 22, 2019 by: Subbotin Pavel

A modern computer with a Windows operating system on board begins to slow down over time and contains, mainly in the registry, unnecessary or unused material, which is just ordinary garbage. Therefore, it becomes so necessary Windows cleaning and registry. Most often, this is precisely cleaning the registry. But unnecessary files or duplicate files can also be deleted. To do this, use a computer cleaning program. Cleaning the computer and registry itself in most cases has auto mode. You can download a program to clean your computer and registry completely free of charge. This could be a computer cleaning program, a cleaning utility Windows registry, a program for cleaning your computer from garbage, a program for cleaning Windows, in general, who calls such a utility what. And there are many such utilities. The nice thing is that each of them can be downloaded for free.

The registry is cleaned first. The registry contains all the keys responsible for the performance of the system. For such a procedure it can be used special program to clean the registry or defragment it, which can be downloaded in this section. Cleaning the Windows registry speeds up system startup and improves overall performance. The registry is scanned for incorrect, inoperative or unnecessary keys, which are deleted. Free programs for cleaning the registry can be downloaded for free on the Internet - there are plenty of them there. They can also be downloaded for free in this section. Moreover, having decided to download this or that software from us, you don’t have to worry that in addition to the utility for optimizing your computer and registry, you will also download a couple of malicious elements. Each file that can be downloaded from us for free is thoroughly checked and is completely safe for your computer.

The computer cleaning program that you choose and decide to download usually contains many additional modules, which are either already included in the kit or are installed additionally. And such modules can be downloaded for free. There are not modular, but stand-alone cleaning programs, which can be downloaded for free for less experienced users. This applies to the registry, hard drive, etc. Your computer's disk and registry can contain a huge amount of unnecessary material. In Windows, cleaning the computer disk, and especially the registry, manually is a troublesome task. It is better to trust a specialized utility in the form of a hard drive cleaning program, which we offer for free download in this category. No less important is the fact that the registry is also cleaned at this time, since the corresponding keys are removed from it.

Cleaning Windows sometimes has another side to it. This is cleaning Windows memory. Most often, this term is applied to RAM. All unnecessary or unused dynamic libraries or drivers are unloaded or removed from it. It goes without saying that memory cleaning programs can also be downloaded for free here.

We have dealt with the basic utilities of this kind. Windows Registry Cleaner, disk or memory cleaner must interact with other modules. The computer and the operating system registry, of course, are a priority. But optimization and acceleration Windows systems It also involves defragmenting the disk or registry. In this case, if you download a free computer cleaning program and install it on your computer, you can achieve a significant increase in performance. Free programs that can be downloaded from us provide many possibilities. Accordingly, you can download the cleaning program without any restrictions. Moreover, the possibilities paid analogue Windows cleaning may be even weaker than free program for cleaning your computer, which you can download for free in this section.

Each cleaning program, which can be downloaded for free on any trusted resource, usually has two main modes in which Windows is cleaned - standard automatic and advanced for advanced users. It is better to use automatic mode in a computer cleaning program (especially in a Windows registry cleaning program). Without knowing the basics of working with the registry, you can bring the system to complete collapse. And the cleaning itself takes quite a lot of time. To download a program to clean all elements of the operating system, you can use search queries on the Internet using keywords. From the list where applications of this type are presented, you can select and download a free cleaning program at your discretion. It is better to pay attention to a free computer cleaning utility that contains all modules in one package. You can also download such software for free in this section.

The main task of CCleaner is to clean the user’s computer from waste products and Windows itself, or, more simply put, from computer “garbage”. It inevitably accumulates and, over time, begins to consume useful disk space. Regular cleaning also helps to erase confidential data, the main part of which is traces of Internet use.

The start window will open the interface of the main module of the program - “Cleaning”, before starting work with which we recommend that you carefully read the numerous parameters. The “Analysis” button will help show exactly what data will be deleted and evaluate whether something should be changed in the settings so as not to delete unnecessary information.

By default, the cleaning settings in CCleaner can already be called correct, because... they are the most loyal and will not erase important or useful user data. However, at this stage it is worth deciding whether you want to delete confidential data (traces of using programs, Internet surfing) or simply from accumulated temporary and cache files.

If you want CCleaner to be just a cleaner:

  • in the “Applications” tab, leave only the “Internet cache” items for browsers checked ( Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, etc.) and email clients (Thunderbird, Outlook, etc.)
  • in the “Applications” tab in the “Internet”, “Multimedia”, “Utilities”, etc. blocks, check the boxes at your discretion (if, for example, you do not want the “latest videos” to be deleted in KMPlayer, then uncheck the box)
  • in the “Windows” tab leave only:
    • line “Temporary browser files” in the “Internet Explorer” block
    • all lines in the “System” block
  • In the CCleaner menu item “Settings” → “Advanced”, we recommend checking the line “Delete only files older than 24 hours from the Recycle Bin”

If you want maximum cleaning, including private data:

  • We recommend creating your own files for browsers
  • in the “Windows” tab in the “Windows Explorer” block, look carefully at the marked lines, for example, “Thumbnail cache” there is no particular point in deleting

If you want to return to initial settings, then this can easily be done using the “Return” button standard settings"at the bottom of the same window "Settings" → "Advanced".

Cleaning process and results

After selecting the desired options, just click the “Analysis” button. CCleaner will prepare an interim report on the data that can be deleted, based on the available settings. Then you can immediately begin processing all found records using the “Cleanup” button or selectively remove results from the report using context menu right mouse button. This is roughly what the entire cleaning process looks like in CCleaner:

The main advice is that when making the tincture, do not check off those items whose names you do not understand. It’s easier to figure it out once (the search engine is always helpful) than to accidentally delete something you need. It is worth noting that cleaning your computer using CCleaner in hidden mode is also worth paying attention to the functionality of the module, which can also be useful.
