Risks and barriers to implementing a software package. Expert of the week: the effectiveness of using modern IT solutions. PC "self-travel agent"

U-ON.Travel is a CRM system for the tourism business. Allows you to effectively manage a travel company and its business processes from any computer or tablet located anywhere in the world. Moreover, the system can significantly increase the level of integrity of managers and, as a result, increase sales volumes.

Managers will spend a minimum of time creating, maintaining and processing orders, and tourists will feel a significant improvement in service. The system allows you to calculate wages, create customer loyalty programs, conduct financial planning and much more.

U-ON features:

  • A single cloud storage with a data archive for the company’s work.
  • Operational recording of tourist requests with calculation of sales funnels.
  • Automatic calculation of the tour amount, management of tourist requests with detailing of services and automatic processing of documents.
  • Wide integration with websites, IP telephony and other used services.
  • SMS and e-mail mailings to the client base.
  • Payment accounting, accounting and financial planning system.
  • Calculation of the employee motivation system.
  • Formation of loyalty programs, discount systems and bonus programs for tourists.
  • High level of data protection using encryption systems.
  • Application of API and WebHooks technology.
  • And much more.

A free full-fledged franchise is available for the sale of the U-ON.Travel CRM system and additional services for its configuration and optimization.

SAMO-travel agent is a special solution for small travel agencies with a web version. Virtually eliminates maintenance costs, no travel agency required System Administrator, most tasks are performed through the developer's technical support. The web version provides all the necessary tools for effective agency work.

No more forgotten clients

The program will remind you about upcoming calls and tasks. SELF-travel agent allows you to plan an action for each application or communication. If a task is overdue, the system signals this. Working with the system of tasks and reminders is simple - you need to indicate when, what and to whom needs to be done, and the program itself will inform you about everything in a timely manner. Automatic system reminders will not let you miss any important events.

Everything is in full view

From the first call from a tourist to receiving feedback about the trip. SAMO-turagnet allows you to see the full picture for each client. This helps to choose an individual approach to everyone and choose the right conditions for working with them, which allows you to increase sales efficiency and increase the conversion of requests.

Job analytics

Analysis of travel agency performance indicators in sections. A whole set of reports for effective sales management. Using the data obtained, you can analyze the agency’s work in all areas: sales, marketing, finance.

Setting up access

Regulating access rights for employees. To clarify what data each manager sees.

Automatic mass and individual mailings to congratulate clients or send a special offer, inform about changes in the application or remind about the departure date.

Work with documents

A complete set of documents for the tourist, their own document forms. You can adapt all documents individually for yourself.

The SAMO-Soft company announced the long-awaited version of the SAMO-TourAgent 6.3 PC with new features and tools important for every agency.

Employees of travel companies, as direct users of this software product, a new version of SAMO-TourAgent 6.3 (SAMO-TourAgent 6.3) has been introduced. The developer tried to take into account and implement in this version the functions necessary to increase the efficiency of travel companies.

For additional features and tools in new version PC SAMO-TourAgent 6.3 includes:

1. Data exchange with the accounting program 1C Accounting 8.
This function allows you to automatically transfer the necessary applications and payments for them from the SAMO-TourAgent PC to the 1C program. This mechanism can be used to simplify the daily work of accounting and maintain dual control over payments.

2. Data exchange with the Bank-Client system.
This data exchange mechanism will simplify the process of transferring and filling into the SAMO-TourAgent PC payments from tourists based on requests, payments to operators based on sub-requests, and will also allow third-party payments reflected in the Bank-Client system to be automatically processed into the SAMO-TourAgent PC. All financial transactions carried out in the Bank-Client system easily enter the SAMO-TourAgent PC. This function will help eliminate mistakes made by employees who work manually with payment transactions every day.

3. All operators represented in the Andromeda search system are included in the relevant DIRECTORIES, a list of the main countries visited by tourists is presented, categories and types of hotels, meals, transfers, accommodation, and additional services are included.
Directories filled in by default will make it easier to initially work in the program, as well as their further filling and maintenance.

4. Added reminders for each country.
For each country, in the DIRECTORY BOOKS section, there is a memo attached that describes the main features of the country of the selected tour. This memo can be printed and provided to a traveling tourist if desired.

5. The reminder system has been improved.
Using the remind system settings, the program can remind you in advance at your discretion about the start of the tour, payment of the application by the tourist, your payment to the tour operator, the date of submission of documents, confirmation of the application by the tour operator, as well as unpaid applications and sub-applications.

6. The system for assigning access rights has been improved.
Thanks to an extensive and logical system for assigning access rights, you can quickly configure the operation of each computer and manager. The system will allow users to close and open for viewing, editing, and deleting almost any data in accordance with their responsibilities in the company.

7. A mechanism for calculating costs taking into account additional payments and discounts has been implemented.
Using the system for calculating discounts and surcharges, you can automatically calculate any tour costs for each tourist and group of tourists.
8. Added important printed forms and reports: receipt (notice) for payment, memo by country, agent report, balance sheet, financial report, cash book, list of clients.


Travel agency office automation program

In recent years, travel agencies have also become concerned about automating their offices. This is due, first of all, to the fact that there is a tendency towards a clearer division of travel companies into travel agencies and tour operators, and this, in turn, leads to an increase in travel agency sales. The emergence of travel agency networks also requires a unified information and technological space.
Until recently, there were no computer programs on the software market that were aimed exclusively at travel agencies. Now we can confidently say that such a product has appeared.
The software package "SAMO-Travel Agent", implemented at the most modern means development, provides for the automation of the entire cycle of travel agency activities. The most important thing that the developers managed to avoid was the labor-intensive and sometimes unnecessary filling out of numerous classifiers and reference books for a travel agency. Travel agency employees can begin maintaining records of vouchers in the program immediately after installing the program.
The main operation - filling out a client's application - can be carried out directly in the presence of the client, and immediately enter payment data, print out an agreement, a cash receipt order, a voucher form TUR-1, etc. At the same time, all information is stored in the database, which allows you to receive lists of tourists, statistical reports, track payments of tourists to the travel agency and travel agency to the tour operator.
Practice shows that a travel agency is not able to track (let alone enter into the database of its programs) offers and special offers from many dozens of tour operators. Therefore, the SAMO-Soft company supports the data exchange format in its programs TravelXM which will allow the travel agency to upload offers from tour operators directly into the SAMO-Travel Agent software package. An agreement has already been reached with the largest tour operators to provide them with information about price offers. In addition, SAMO-Travel Agent is combined with 1C accounting and leading Russian search systems and booking tours.
A comprehensive system for selecting tour operator offers will allow you to choose a suitable holiday option in a matter of seconds. The selection is carried out according to the criteria of price, hotel category, destination, tour operator, travel dates, etc. Then the program allows you to create an application from the selected offer and send it to the tour operator using the agreed exchange option: by fax or email.

The SAMO-TourAgent program operates on a separate computer, in the local computer network, as well as in a remote network via the Internet. All data is stored in a central database (MS Access and MS SQL Server DBMS are supported).

Main features of the program:

· creation of an electronic document “Application” with a description of the tour composition (hotels, transport, additional services are described);

· creation of an electronic document “Application” based on an offer from a tour operator (transfer of all order data from an offer to an application);

· printing of necessary documents based on the electronic document “Application” (agreement, TOUR-1 voucher, reservation sheet, client invoice, voucher);

· maintaining an archive of regular customers;

· accounting of payments on applications (receipts and expenses);

· managing access of various users to program modes;

· the ability to maintain additional directories - “Calls” and “Advertising” (accounting for telephone calls and accounting for the effectiveness of advertising).

· creating an application based on a proposal from the IMA Foros InfoTravel system;

· creating an application based on a proposal from the search engine "Tours.ru";

· the structure of the “Application” document allows you to describe moving tours;

· entering notes and marks for each application for ease of processing;

· flexibility in creating your own reports.

941 October 13, 2014

We presented a truly unique and universal product for travel agencies at the autumn exhibition “Rest”. This is our good old “SELF-travel agent”, but it has acquired new and important functionality. We tried to adapt the system to any size of agency business and create a useful and convenient program that is understandable to the user upon first acquaintance, pleasantly surprises those who are already working with it and becomes an indispensable assistant to the company’s management and executive team. Meet the new “SELF-Travel Agent” 7.2! Below we will talk about what changes have occurred in the program.

Universal supply

You can choose the delivery option: cloud or box. You have your own IT specialist and a good reliable server - the boxed version is more suitable for you. Advantages:
  • Autonomy and independence
  • Hosting the database on your own servers
  • Internet access not required
Well, if you don’t want to bother with maintaining your hardware capacity, there is a “travel agency in the cloud” delivery especially for you.
  • Secure data storage in the data center
  • Saving on IT specialists
  • Free update within the paid period
  • Automatic daily backup data
There are no similar offers on the tourism market yet. More often you can find one or the other option, but we suggest businesses choose what is more convenient for their work and, most importantly, without loss in functionality.

Light version

We have released “SAMO-travel agent” with a lightweight interface, on the basis of which we are developing a web version. A light interface has become necessary for small agencies that do not use the entire specialized arsenal of tools in their work. Thanks to this feature, you can create applications in a few clicks; to create an application, “SELF-travel agent” does not need pre-filled directories, and for control there are already pre-configured filter folders. An intuitive sequence of actions greatly simplifies the implementation process and does not require large amounts of time spent on staff training.

Web version of the program (will appear in November)

It contains all the most important operations, such as: creating and editing clients, applications and payments. Users will be able to work in the program without installing software on their computer, using a web application that opens in the browser. We will continue to develop the cloud direction, and in the future we will move more functionality of the program to the cloud. Now about the new functions of “SELF-travel agent”.

“Tour Showcase” or “Site Offers”

Do you want to attract the attention of tourists and encourage them to buy? Start using the Site Offers feature. Add information about the special offer to the program, attach a bright photo and place it on the website in the most visible place. Applications will be provided to you, and most importantly, they will be immediately saved in “SELF-Travel Agent” in the “communication with clients” section.

Automatic loading of financial guarantees

For tour operators that are represented in the Andromeda search engine, we have done automatic download information about their financial security. You need to go into the program, into the partner directory, click on the “download” button - and you’re done!

Bonus programs

SAMO-Travel Agent has a system for calculating bonus loyalty programs. Simply put, the program will automatically calculate bonus points and discounts for your customers. Set the parameters of the loyalty program, and “SELF-Travel Agent” will do the rest for you.

Integration with OpenBonus

OpenBonus is a modern complex for solving marketing problems, built on the psychology of customer behavior. You will be able to implement and launch a bonus loyalty system together with OpenBonus, and integration with SAMO-Travel Agent will allow you to take into account accumulated bonuses when completing and paying for applications to SAMO-Travel Agent.

New reports: conversion of requests; financial and acquiring report

We have developed a new report “Conversion of Applications”, generated from preliminary applications, which shows: the volume of incoming applications for the selected period, the distribution of preliminary applications by stage and the conversion to closing a deal.
One important detail has been added to the financial report: now you can see the “average bill” in it.
The acquiring report will show data on card transactions and the bank's % for acquiring.

Updated section “Communication with clients” (at the end of October)

We have completely redesigned the section responsible for conducting pre-sales work. Now the program will record incoming and outgoing communications, which can then be transformed into a preliminary application, and then into an application. This logic will allow you to work more carefully with all requests.

Interested? We invite you to our seminars, where you can see with your own eyes everything that we talked about above, and you also have the opportunity to independently test the new functionality of “SELF-Travel Agent”. Feel free to ask our managers any questions about the program. And, perhaps, another interesting news for the tourism market. We have updated the design of the samo.travel search engine and expanded the functionality of the service.

The main participants will, of course, be ordinary people who want to relax, get vivid impressions, and see new countries. At their service:

  • Operational search on request and instant booking;
  • More than 5 billion offers of package tours to 50 popular destinations for 50 departure cities;
  • Guarantee of 100% relevance of the tour operator’s package tour price, taking into account all additional payments;
  • Wide choice of where to buy a ticket;
  • Trusted providers of additional services;
  • Instant confirmation of your application upon booking;
  • The ability to compare and book travel services in a package or individually;
  • Modern technologies of online sales and online interaction with tourists.
However, the professional community: operators, agencies, online booking services for individual services should become an equally important participant in the process. Operators, by joining us, will help expand the line of offers for tourists, and will also be able to use samo.travel as an additional channel for promoting their product. For travel agencies samo.travel - additional advertising platform to attract tourists to their sales offices and promote their own brand. The advantage of the service is integration with “SAMO-travel agent”. The application booked by the tourist will automatically be included in your program. All further operations: booking with an operator, exchange of statuses and confirmations, documents for tourists, are carried out according to an already verified chain. All automation principles are taken into account down to the smallest detail.

Join us!
We look forward to collaborating!

Main functions of the SAMO-TourAgent PC

  1. Maintaining a client base
  2. Working with applications
    Accounting for sold tours with the ability to create composite tours (individual, moving), based on offers from several tour operators, etc.
  3. Printing required documents based on electronic document"Application"
    Built-in printed forms for TOUR-1 vouchers, invoices, contracts with clients and other things.
  4. Motion Analysis Money
    Processing payments from clients and suppliers, monitoring mutual settlements, monitoring debt repayment terms.
  5. Reporting system
    Statistical and analytical data on the company's performance.
  6. Storing special offers
    Possibility of storing and loading ready-made travel packages offered by different tour operators.
  7. Information panel.
    A conveniently located panel helps the user obtain the information he is interested in (such as weather and time anywhere in the world, exchange rates, etc.), as well as quickly communicate via ICQ or Email with the SAMO-Soft service center to clarify questions of interest.
  8. Built-in on-line booking system
    Search and book offers from various tour operators without leaving the program.

Additional functions

  • Controlling user access to system modes
  • Register of changes made to a document or reference book, indicating the user and time
  • Flexibility to create and use your own reports
  • Automation of courier service work
  • Adding new parameters to any data table
  • The ability to add files of any format to applications, payments, directory elements and other documents.
  • Diagrams of interconnected electronic documents

SAMO-TourAgent PC version for network agencies A special version of the SAMO-TourAgent SQL Net software package for network travel agencies unites sales offices into a single network, which are in constant communication with each other and the central office via Internet networks. In remote offices, only the client application is installed, and the central database is stored on a server in the main office and accumulates information coming from them. If necessary, you can access it at any of the network offices. A single database reflects the most up-to-date information, and can be accessed from any workplace. Integration The SAMO-TourAgent PC is integrated with the Andromeda and Bronni.ru search engines. The PC is also combined with the accounting complex “1C-Rarus: Travel Agency”. Combining the SAMO-TourAgent PC with other software greatly facilitates the work of staff, since the execution of many actions becomes much faster. For example, integration with the accounting complex “1C-Rarus: Travel Agency” allows you to import and export applications and payments, so managers do not need to re-enter information; they just need to load it into a PC. Built-in search engines Bronni.ru and Andromeda are another advantage of the SAMO-TourAgent PC. The convenience of this function is that agency managers, without leaving the in-office program, can find offers from various tour operators, compare prices, and, having chosen the right one, book it with the supplier. Information retrieval server Andromeda is one of the developments of SAMO-Soft specialists. The main functions of the system include searching for proposals from suppliers based on specified criteria, the ability to send a booking application to a tour operator (in this case, the application is not only automatically sent to the supplier, but is also saved in the back-office program of the agency PC SAMO-TourAgent), the ability to track the status of the application, and It is also possible to download an application previously booked on the supplier’s website. The search engine lists about 30 leading tour operators. Offers are accumulated by the search system simultaneously for all suppliers. Information on tours is taken from tour operator databases, therefore, the selection results contain only relevant and reliable information, those offers that are valid with the tour operator at the moment. When submitting an application, you need a login and password, which you use when booking through the tour operator’s website. The presence of built-in search engines is another step towards improving the quality of service for your tourists and reducing the time spent by managers. You do not need to keep several tour operator sites open at once or remember account parameters, since most of them are already presented in the Andromeda system; you just need to enter the login and password to access the data once and the system will remember them. The time to find a suitable offer is reduced several times. The online booking function saves you from the need to make paper requests, from waiting for a response, from unnecessary worries due to the relevance of the offer. On the contrary, you gain confidence that nothing will happen to your application. Automation of the tour booking process is a key parameter for the successful operation of a travel agency, since it is a serious advantage over competitors in the quality and efficiency of work. For managers
From the point of view of work of managers, this software package may be of interest for the following parameters: Firstly, it is the prompt receipt of any information of interest, for example, tour details or tourist contact information. Secondly, this is the ability to instantly issue documents based on data entered once into the PC. Built-in printed forms of documents allow you to avoid wasting work time employees to prepare documents manually, the entire process of issuing documents is fully automated. Thirdly, the possibility of on-line booking of tours, and now hotel rooms, through the built-in search engines Andromeda and Bronni.ru. Fourthly, the software package greatly simplifies control over applications and payment status. Without wasting extra time on reconciling dates of sale and receipt of payments, tour dates, etc., you can immediately identify unscrupulous payers and the relevance of the tour, thanks to a convenient system for visually presenting this information. Depending on the relevance or payment status, applications are displayed in a different style on the PC. Fifthly, the SAMO-TourAgent PC serves as an additional tool for managing relationships with clients. The CRM module provides for recording communications with clients, viewing the history of tourist requests, and a system of reminders for managers. This module will be of interest to those who adhere to a client-oriented policy in their work and want to receive more in-depth information about the preferences and tastes of tourists, as well as develop strong and long-term relationships with clients. Sixthly, the software package allows you to automate courier service, You will always know which couriers went where and on what assignment. The user-friendly and intuitive interface of the program will make your work much more convenient; no special skills are needed to work with the SAMO-TourAgent PC. For managers
For the head of the PC SAMO-TourAgent will be able to provide a wide range of statistical and analytical information regarding the work of the agency. The reporting system of the software package will answer the main questions, such as the most popular directions, the number of applications made for a certain period, the profit received, the company's turnover, the work of each employee and much more. Obtaining this information does not require any effort from the manager, all the necessary information accumulated during the operation of the PC is contained in the database, it is enough to make a few simple manipulations, generate the report of interest and you are done. Here is information about applications, debts, etc. Thanks to the reporting system, managers can analyze the company’s activities, make forecasts regarding its further development, see strengths and weaknesses, and therefore make informed management decisions in a timely manner. For control current work The head of a travel agency does not necessarily have to be in the office; the database can be accessed remotely, which is also very convenient for business and energetic people. The information stored in the database is completely confidential and no one except your employees and you have access to it. By deciding to implement specialized software, you will optimize the work of your subordinates, reduce operational and time costs of employees, take the company to a higher quality and automated level, and therefore receive loyal clients ready for long-term cooperation. Efficiency of use
Introduction of specialized software will relieve travel agencies from routine work associated with manually filling out various documents, and will allow them to process tourist requests much faster. The SAMO-TourAgent PC automates all intra-office work and speeds up interaction with suppliers and clients. It is also the most important information resource companies. All the information you have accumulated and already at your disposal is accumulated and systematized using this software package. With a little mental activity, you can make decisions based on reliable information obtained directly from the work of your agency. But it's worth saying that effective work A PC depends not only on what set of functions it has, not just what development tools are used. It is very important how correctly it is operated and how interested users are in learning how the software works and mastering the functionality that is built into it. As the famous saying goes: “You can’t catch a fish out of a pond without effort”, and here too. In order for your PC to work for you and ultimately relieve you of unnecessary burdens, you will have to make some efforts to study its capabilities, and our company’s specialists will help you with this. Support
The SAMO-Soft company has a special department that develops and supports the SAMO-TourAgent software product. Qualified specialists will always answer your questions, tell you how to work correctly with this or that section of the program, and fix errors that arise during PC operation absolutely free of charge (if they are our fault). They will also make the necessary improvements, for example, adding new printed forms or reports to the PC that you use in your work. Quite recently, we had the opportunity to conclude an agreement for technical support of the SAMO-TourAgent PC. The line of offers includes several options, depending on the size of your company and the activity of using the software, you can choose the option that suits you. Service technical support will free you from unnecessary worries associated with setting up the PC, will help you modify the program to suit your needs, and will advise you on any issues related to the operation of the SAMO-TourAgent PC. Trust experienced specialists, and your work will become more comfortable and understandable. We are always happy to answer your questions.
