How to create 1 more email. How to create an email for free - instructions for registering a mailbox (email). Email registration

Reading time: 9 minutes. Views 3.3k. Published 08/15/2017

Hi all! Today there will be a quite useful post in which I will tell you in detail and show you how to do it email. In the world modern technologies, it’s already quite difficult to do without a personal email address. Because almost all account registrations on different websites, purchases in online stores, and subscriptions to news require an email address. This address is subsequently used to restore credentials, as well as to confirm your actions, for example, confirmation of purchase or registration on the site. Mail is also necessary for exchanging messages, documents, audio and video files. Of course, many will tell you that now there are a huge number that allow you to perform all the functions available in email. In part, many of you will be right, but as a rule, they are more susceptible to hacking than an email account, and they also initially have different purposes. Therefore, Internet users will not be able to do without mail. If you don't yet have your own email or want to create an additional mailbox, then I will help you with this.

How to make email on your computer for free?

Many people who keep up with the times have at least one electronic mailbox, because without it it is already quite difficult to get along. As a rule, the process of registering an email address on different mail servers is approximately the same, but each has its own nuances, so let’s consider registering an email on the most popular resources:, Yandex, Gmail, Rambler.

General process electronic registration mailbox as follows:

    Advice! It is advisable to immediately indicate your real data so that you do not have to edit them in the future.

    After filling out your personal data, the “Mail Address” field will follow; here you need to turn on your brain and come up with a postal address in Latin;

Note! Very often, invented addresses may already be occupied by someone. Then you can add a number or letter to an existing word.

Now I have told you in general terms how to make an email. Now let’s take a closer look at how to register a mailbox on Yandex, Mail and other popular resources.

How to create an email for free on

First of all, I propose to consider how to create an email on the oldest Internet portal called The creators of this resource are probably the very first representatives of a free mail server. At some point, the website was overshadowed by newer and more modern email services, but its developers did not stand aside and seriously improved the service. After this, became more attractive to users, as the interface was redesigned, new functions were added, and account protection was improved.

In order to register a mailbox on the website, do the following:

Note! When registering, there is a field to indicate the number mobile phone. I advise you to register it so that in the future, if you forget your password, there will be no problems with restoring it.

After completing registration, you can immediately use your mail.

How to make an email on Yandex

Now let's look at how to create a mailbox on the server of the most popular Russian search engine. Many users choose Yandex mail because it has high speed and a simple, intuitive interface.

To create a mailbox for free on Yandex, follow these steps:

Note! When you create a password, the system will clearly show you its complexity in the form of color indicators. I recommend making strong passwords to protect your personal information from scammers.

It is also not necessary to enter a phone number, but if you enter it, there will be fewer problems during recovery forgotten password.

Congratulations! Now you know how to create an email on Yandex.

How to create a mailbox on

If everything is filled out correctly, your account will be created. And you will be taken to the Google mail interface. Since Google has created a huge number of services: google photos, play market, translator, etc. Then by registering an email account, you automatically gain access to all popular resources.

That is, you will not have to register new credentials in the future, since it is the same for all Google services.

We create mail on Rambler.

Rambler mail is already a fairly old resource that appeared about 15 years ago. But for some reason it did not win the love of users. Perhaps this was due to the fact that the mail interface is somewhat simple and faceless. Although Rambler mail has all the necessary functions and should satisfy the needs of most users, it is still more suitable for ordinary correspondence between people.

If you are considering Rambler as corporate client, then, unfortunately, nothing will be offered to you here.

If you still decide to use this email service, then do the following:

Note! In order to fill out all the fields faster, you can use one of the accounts social network. The system will automatically take data from them.

Once your mail is registered, you can easily send letters to the desired recipients.

Pros and cons of email.

After we have figured out how to make an email, I propose to consider the pros and cons of email services.

Main disadvantages:

  • Possibility of hacking. Probably the most important danger that email users may face is having their mailbox hacked and losing confidential information. To at least somehow protect yourself, try to come up with the most complex password possible;
  • Flying spam. This is the second problem that bothers most users. Probably, many of you have already more than once encountered a huge number of advertising letters that arrive in the mail almost every day;
  • Not always a quick response to letters. As a rule, users do not always monitor incoming mail, therefore, if you write a letter, you may not receive an answer immediately, but after a few days;
  • The likelihood of infecting your computer with a virus. Since attackers very often send viruses in emails, I recommend opening emails from unknown senders with caution.

Positive points:

  • Ability to communicate and transfer files with an unlimited number of users;
  • The ability to communicate with people living anywhere in the world;
  • High speed of delivery of letters to the addressee;
  • Free opportunity to write letters rather than sending paper versions;
  • Ability to send mailings to a group of users.

How to make email on different devices

Above, we discussed in detail how to create an email using the most popular and free services: Gmail,, Rambler and Yandex Mail. As you can see, there shouldn’t be any problems creating a mailbox. The main thing is to choose the right service and follow the instructions described here. You can create an email address from any device that has access to world wide web. Be it a tablet, smartphone, laptop or computer.

Let's summarize.

In today's article, I told you in detail how to create an email on different services. I hope this instruction will help you create your own personal mailbox, because without it modern world getting by is already quite difficult.

Step-by-step instructions - how to create an email

Email has become an integral means of business and personal communication. Young people can no longer imagine how to live without her. And all the memories of the older generation about how they had to go to a meeting point to communicate with family and friends seem like an anachronism today.

Let's not lag behind the times and just as quickly as we once mastered cellular telephone, in the same way we will conquer the wisdom of the Internet. And we will start with e-mail, which will allow us to be more mobile in communicating with friends and family, and will also introduce you to many concepts on this still mysterious Internet.

E-mail is especially relevant for our country, where the quality of regular postal services is depressingly low, and rates for international telephone calls are too high. Email is incomparably more reliable, cheaper and faster than regular mail. A paper letter across the CIS can travel for months, and from America it can take six months. In addition, there is never any certainty that the letter will not get lost in the long chain of transportation and flight of correspondence.

By email, a letter reaches anywhere in the world in a few seconds. If it happens that you make a mistake with the address, you will be instantly informed why the letter did not reach the addressee. The cost of sending is negligible and is the price of the minutes you spend on the Internet. The cost does not depend on the distance at which your recipient is located.

1.Create your email address

The most popular search engines in the vastness of Russia, or, as is commonly called, Runet, are Yandex, Mail and Rambler. You can set up a mailbox in any of them, and they will all work great.
Mailboxes can be paid or free. We will install a free email service using Yandex as an example.

Before you go to the post office and register your email address, let’s check again.

Electronic mail (English e-mail) is written in the form xxxxxxxxx (dog)xxxxxxx.xx
xxxxxxxx - your login (alias) e.g., sidorov
dog - @ - search engine,

Examples of email addresses in different search engines Oh: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

The @ sign, accepted in our pronunciation as “dog,” is the separator between login and search service. There are several versions of why it was called that, but none gives a clear interpretation. Let's accept the one that recognizes that the given symbol (@) looks like a curled up dog. In other countries, this icon is called differently, apparently depending on the associations.

I think you now have an idea of ​​what your email address and the addresses of your friends with whom you will communicate will look like.

The lesson was written at the request of the magazine "60 years is not age"

Many search engines and Internet services offer to create a free mailbox, each of which provides its own exceptional advantages, but not all can compare with email from Yandex.

Yandex mail provides the user with unlimited space for storing letters, various virus protection systems and malware, and also has intelligent anti-spam protection and allows you to access mail from almost all devices connected to the Internet.

Creating a mailbox

Nowadays, even a beginner can open a mailbox. Nowadays, many Internet services offer to create an email for free, and to create it, the user must come up with a unique email address and a complex password. The most popular email services are Yandex, Google, Microsoft and

Each of these email services provides web-based access in any browser, as well as email clients. As you know, all of the companies described above have search services and also provide access to their other services. Therefore, by registering a free mailbox, you can gain access to all other services of these companies.

How to create an email on Yandex

The first step to register mail in Yandex is to create a username and password. Creating a login must be done responsibly, as it must be simple and easy to read. Once registration is complete, your login can no longer be changed, and it will be permanently attached to your email address. For example, if your login is written “login” then your email address will look like this “ [email protected]”.

Creating a password should also be taken very seriously, otherwise your mailbox may be hacked by scammers.

To avoid such a situation, you should come up with complex passwords and not worry about hacking your mail, to create which you should take into account its length of at least 15 characters and consist of upper and lower case letters, numbers and contain various special characters.

Complex passwords are quite difficult to remember, so passwords have been developed to store them. special programs, where one of them is “KeePass Password Safe”. In addition to storing passwords, the program provides a password generator, which allows you to quickly create a complex password.

Registration 1 step

After you have come up with a username and password, you should begin to directly create an electronic mailbox.

  1. To do this, you should go to the web address and click on the “Create a mailbox” button, after which you will be taken to the mail registration page.

  1. On the registration page, you must enter your first and last name, as well as the username and password you previously created. Also pay attention to the “Security Question” item and the data you filled in there must be remembered; they may come in handy if you forget your password. After all the information has been entered, you need to click the “Register” button.

Registration step 2

After registration, you will be taken to the main web interface of the mailbox, where further setup of your account will be done in the “ window Quick setup mail” and in it you can set up your mailbox step by step.

  1. The first step is to set up labels, which will allow you to group your contacts with colored labels.

  1. The second step allows you to connect other accounts to your mailbox. This is done so that you can receive letters, for example, from in your Yandex mailbox.

  1. The third step will allow you to specify Additional information about yourself, and will also allow you to choose domain zone and upload a photo.

  1. The fourth step is final, which informs you that initial setup mail is completed. By clicking the “Done” button, you will be able to fully use mail through the web interface.

Mail settings

When you go to mail settings, you will see the following items:

  • sender information;
  • collecting mail from other mailboxes;
  • folders and tags;
  • mail processing rules;
  • safety;
  • mail programs;
    other parameters.

You can safely skip the first three points, since they were configured at the initial stage in the “Quick mail setup” window. The “Mail processing rules” item will allow you to configure a black and white list of contacts.

For example, if you receive a lot of spam from certain addresses, then you can add them to the “Black List” and their letters will never reach your mailbox again. The white list is used to ensure that all emails sent by your colleagues and friends do not end up in the spam folder.

“Security” item will give you the opportunity to replace Old Password new. In addition, you can specify additional email addresses and your phone number to restore access if your mailbox is hacked. The visit log makes it possible to track from which IP addresses you accessed your mail.

Paragraph " Mail programs allows you to configure the protocol through which your program will collect mail. Yandex mail can use the POP protocol and the more modern IMAP, which is installed by default.

Item “Other parameters” configures the webmail interface and editing, as well as sending letters.

Video: creating mail

Collecting emails on your computer via The Bat

If you use mail for regular correspondence with friends and relatives or to register for some service, then a browser will be enough for these purposes. But when you use a mailbox at a large company and process hundreds of letters every day, then an email client installed on a PC will become an indispensable assistant for you, where The Bat is the most popular!

What sets it apart from its competitors is its increased security, speed, and support for all operating systems Windows. Thanks to these qualities, the program is increasingly used in corporate environments, where security and speed are in the foreground.

The Bat! - is an independent product that can configure work not only with email services, email service providers, but also with Microsoft Exchange servers, which is extremely important in the business environment. The program covers an unlimited number of email boxes, processing and storing letters of a huge scale with provided means of automatic sorting and filtering of messages.

In addition, the use of IMAP4, POP3 and SMTP protocols ensures secure communication with mail servers and supports SSL and TLS cryptographic protocols of various versions for interaction with the client of all mail services that use encryption of network traffic.

Installation and configuration

To install the program on your PC, you should download the client by going to the download page. After downloading the client, launch it and click “Next”.

After this, accept the terms of the license agreement and click the “Next” button.

You will then be given the option to select a “Full” or “Custom” installation, and full installation All components of the program are installed, and in the case of a custom one, only those that you specify and click the “Next” button.

After selecting the components, a window will appear informing you that the program is ready for installation. Click the “Install” button and wait until it finishes.

After installation, launch the program. A window for creating a new mailbox will appear.

Enter your mailbox information and click “OK”. After this, you will be taken to the main menu of the program and will be able to fully use email on your computer.

Working with the program

To a user who is used to working with mail in a web interface, The Bat may seem like a rather complicated program, but this is not so, because creating and receiving letters in it is just as easy as in mail from a browser. To create a new message, you just need to go to the “Letter” tab and click the “Create” button. A new window will then open in which you can edit your letter.

Unlike webmail, email editing in The Bat is quite advanced. You can format text, check text for spelling, and encrypt emails using S/MIME, PGP and OpenPGP.

Receiving incoming letters is as easy as sending them; all you have to do is open the program and go to your inbox. The program also has an advanced protection system against viruses and various spyware. The Bat can check how graphic files, and executed by viruses. And if you receive an email with a malicious file, the client will definitely issue a warning.

If you use The Bat at work and other employees have access to your PC, then you can protect it by using a password to access your personal account. To do this, go to the “Box” tab and click the “Password to access the mailbox” button

One of the advantages of such a program is the use of autonomous address book. It provides additional security since many formats have been subject to various attacks that result in data theft. The book is also compatible with many modern formats, which allows you to store not only mail data in it.

Thanks to the use of plugins that provide additional email protection, which can be created by developers, The Bat has gained additional popularity in the corporate environment.

To sum it up, we can say that an email inbox is an indispensable assistant that helps people communicate both at home and at work. As you can see from the article, even the most novice user can create an email. The use of email in our time remains very relevant, since this type of transmission is one of the main ones in the Internet world.

Often this question is relevant only for users who have recently begun to explore the Internet. To register a second mailbox in Yandex mail, there are several ways to choose, this is a personal matter for everyone.

Firstly, You can open another email in another browser. That is, if you have one mailbox in the Opera browser, then, accordingly, one more mail can be registered in one of any other browsers, their choice is wide: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and others.

Secondly, register again in the same browser where the first mail was created, and log in and out of your account if necessary, go to the second mailbox.

Third, set the parameter in the settings of one of the mailboxes "collection of letters". This is more of an auxiliary option that makes receiving and sending letters from different mailboxes more comfortable.

Several browsers for creating mail in Yandex

Work simultaneously in several browsers is the most popular alternative recommended by experienced users. This method is very convenient, you can install mail in two browsers at once, and using the parameter "remember passwords", upon entering home page search engine, the mail window will instantly display the number of letters sent.

Option to save passwords in browsers configured automatically and pops up instantly upon registration in the form of a small window with a question “Save password?”. If the window is not displayed when creating a mailbox, this function can be set manually if desired:

  • Go to browser settings;
  • Select the passwords and forms column;
  • Enable saving passwords.

How to create a mailbox?

Master this technology won't be difficult. To do this, proceed according to the following points:

  • Download two or three browsers. Most Popular: Internet Explorer,Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, as well as Yandex.Bar- applications from the famous search engine, with an impressive number of additional options for quickly finding the information you need, including making it easy to manage your mailbox.
  • In the two browsers you like most, register a mailbox by clicking on the button "Get mail".

To get started, click on the “Create a new” button

  • Fill in all the lines required to register your email: first name, last name, login and password (create at your discretion), mobile phone. You don’t have to link your phone to a specific mailbox in , simply specifying mail from another service, for example, or google mail, if available.

  • After receiving the required data, the resource will offer to do selecting a security question, having given preference to one, you should remember or write down the information in case of restoring the user’s mailbox (forgot your login or password).
  • The next action is to enter into a specific field captcha(letters and numbers drawn in the picture), check the box by clicking on the small window next to the phrase "Confirm the user agreement."

The mailbox is opened, you can select the background you like and read the welcome letter from the service with further instructions for using mail.

To reinforce the step-by-step steps of registering a mailbox in the Yandex system, it is recommended to watch this video:

Mail on Yandex

A short and clear video instruction that explains step by step how to create an email account on Yandex

In another browser, to register a second mailbox, you should carry out all the above steps, only with a new login and password, but for greater convenience, it is recommended to have one password for different mailboxes, this will help in case of mail recovery on different services. Best of all, all mail resource data (logins and passwords) write down in a notepad or on any digital media(phone, tablet, etc.).

Registering two accounts in one browser

Quite a popular scheme among Internet users. Multiple mailboxes- a very hot topic among those who like to have two or more profiles on one social network. For those who are developing in the industry of creating websites of various topics or users who need virtual wallets on different services for withdrawing funds.

You can create a second account on the mail service in this way:

  • Exit the first mailbox by clicking on the blue button, it will appear on the right, at the top of the mail page after clicking on the avatar (account photo).

  • The Internet portal will transfer the user to the main page of the search engine.
  • To register a new mailbox you need to click on the option Mail, then after switching to new page click on the blue link.

  • Fill out the registration form, you can leave your first and last name the same as in the first box. You need to come up with a new login; you can enter the same password as in the previous mail.

After completing the same steps as in the first case of registration, a second mailbox on the service.

This method of creating a box allows you to repeat this action repeatedly, the only problem— the likelihood of getting confused when logging into the desired account on this moment, which email is which password.

To avoid incidents and unnecessary red tape with restoring access due to a password change, for convenience, you can record mailbox data (logins and passwords) on paper or digital media.

Set the option “collect letters”

For convenience of working with the first and second methods, there is method of using several boxes at once without "jumping" different browsers. Also, this parameter of the postal service system is significantly alleviates the problem of endless login/logout to view emails from a specific account.

The “letter collection” option is intended for quickly viewing sent information in all existing mailboxes, including third-party mail resources such as like, google accounts, mailboxes and many others.

To configure the collection of letters:

  • Go to Mail Service Settings, press the button.

  • Enter the login and password for the email address from which you want to receive letters, then click on the button "Enable Collector".

If you want to not only receive, but also send letters from one mailbox on behalf of the second mailbox, when setting up "letter collector" Instead of login, you need to enter the full address of the second mailbox. For example, login: valik589, full name of the mailbox: [email protected].

  • Upon successful completion of all necessary actions a corresponding message will be sent to your main email address.
  • Next, you will need to configure the processing parameters for this option. "collections of letters".

Every network user should have at least one email account. Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to create a mailbox on

Registration on this email client is carried out in much the same way as on other popular services.

Creating a mailbox

To create Mailbox to mail ru, type in the address bar of any browser and press “Enter”.

In the browser you will see the main page of the service. Next, click the “Registration by mail” link.

Carefully fill out all fields marked with a red asterisk. During creating a mailbox on and registering your personal data (last name, first name, date of birth, city, gender), it is advisable to write your real data.

Of course, no one will check, but if you lose access to your mail (your mailbox gets hacked or you simply forget your password), this will simplify it recovery .

Users usually use their personal data to name their email. Ideally, the name matches your first and last name and is not yet used by anyone.

The uniqueness of the name will be confirmed by the green check mark that appears on the right.

If the address is already taken, the system will offer you several available alternative options.

Important! It is necessary to decide on the domain part of the mail; it is written after the @ symbol (dog). You can choose,, Choose any one.

As a rule, this information is open, it is easy to install it on your personal pages on social networks. This can be used by attackers to hack your mailbox.

Enter your login password and repeat it a little lower, demonstrating to the system that you remember it. A hint about the complexity of the entered password will appear on the right side.

Try to remember it, or even better, write it down somewhere.

In the last block, you must select your country of residence from the drop-down list, and also write your phone number (home numbers are not supported).

For Russia it will start at +7. Now all you have to do is click the “Register” button.

In a few seconds you will receive a message with a verification code, enter it in the field provided and complete registration.

If you need to create a mailbox on without a phone number, then select the “I don’t have a mobile phone” method.

After this, select or come up with your own secret question from the drop-down list, but try to remember the answer you entered (you can also write this down).

Also, do not be lazy to enter an additional e-mail (if you have one).

If you check the box next to “Create a personal page,” you will automatically have a profile on the social network.

In the “Code in the picture” column, enter the letters and numbers shown as in the picture. If the characters are illegible, click “update code”.

When green checkmarks appear next to each line, click “Register”.

Setting up Mail.Ru mail

If you have personal email addresses located on different servers, before redirecting you to your email inbox, the system will offer to collect all letters into the Mail.Ru inbox.

This will help you save a little time, because you will only need to check one mailbox for new emails.

The next step is to upload a photo and create a caption.

The last step is choosing a topic. Choose the one you like best. If you don't know what to choose, don't worry.

You can easily change your selection later using the Settings section.

That's all. Creation of a mailbox on is completed! The next window is your mailbox, in which three letters are waiting for you.

They are from The service welcomes you, thanks you for registering, and also tells you about the capabilities of the service. These letters can be deleted.

To set up your protection account In the upper right corner of the service, select settings. Then password and security. Check all the boxes.

  • Prohibit parallel sessions - if you log into your mailbox while the option is enabled, then all other users in your account will be logged out.
  • Show information about last login – when working with a mailbox, the login method, date and time of the last visit, and IP address will be displayed above the list of letters.
  • Session from one IP address – the system will check where the requests are coming from. If they come from a different IP, then the session is considered incorrect, and the user will be redirected to authorization.
  • Saving and displaying the last completed actions in your mailbox is a good tool for constantly monitoring your mailbox. The data will be displayed in the “Settings” → “Password and Security” section.

Note! When you create a mailbox on, you are given the right to set an additional password for each mailbox folder for free. This will improve email security overall.

In the menu on the left, click “Customize Folders.”

In the list of folders that appears, hover over the folder that you want to protect with a password and click on the gear that appears next to it.

Check the box next to “The folder is password protected” and enter all the required data.

Now, to access and work with this folder, you will need to enter a password each time.

To completely protect yourself from the destructive actions of hackers in your mailbox, you can set a password for the Trash folder.

This blocks emails from being deleted from your email inbox - you will need to enter a password to delete the email in the trash and empty it.

You also cannot delete folders that have passwords set through settings without entering a security combination.

The “Filtering Rules” section is intended for automatic actions with your incoming letters, this will make working with the mailbox as comfortable as possible.

Filters operate on the principle of comparing the properties of an incoming letter with the “If” condition and performing actions set to “Then” in the settings when the letter matches the “If” condition.

The instructions given for setting up an email account on are just an example. You are free to customize it the way you prefer!

How to create a new mailbox on MAIL.RU

How to create a new mailbox on - registration and setup
