How to clear your mailbox and create filters. How to clear your Gmail account of everything unnecessary How to clean your Yandex mailbox

Alert that you're about to run out of space in your inbox, loading weekly or even daily messages? Mailbox Cleaner is a one-time cleaning tool that can be used to trim the size of your mailbox.

If your mail is stored on mail server, such as Exchange, once your mailbox size limit is reached, your administrator can limit its functionality. For example, if you reach 90 MB you will receive a warning, if you reach 100 MB you will be unable to send messages, and if you reach 110 MB you will no longer be able to receive messages.

Here are some ways to manage your mailbox size.

You can use the tool mailbox cleaning, which lets you view the size of your mailbox and individual folders. You can also archive old items to a Personal Folders archive (PST) file and empty the " Deleted ".

    On the menu Service select item.

    Do one of the following:

    • To view the total size of your mailbox and its individual folders, click View mailbox size.

      To find old items, select find elements older than n days, enter a number from 1 to 999 and press the button find.

      To find large items, select the radio button find elements larger than n KB, enter a number from 1 to 9999 and press the button find.

      To move old items from your mailbox to a Personal Folders archive (.pst) file, click AutoArchive. By default, archiving PST files is set to c:\Documents and Settings: Settings\Data Application\Microsoft\Outlook.

      Deleted", click View the size of deleted items.

      To empty the folder " Deleted", press the button clear.

      To view the folder size " conflicts", click the " button View conflict size".

      To delete the contents of the folder " conflicts", click the " button Delete".

Reduce the size of a Personal Folders (.pst) file

If you delete items from a Personal Folders (.pst) file, the file is automatically compressed into background, if you are not using your computer and Outlook is running. If you want to immediately reduce the file size, you can force compress it. The data file compression process may take several minutes.

    On the menu file select item Data file management.

    Select the data file you want to compress and click the button Options.

    Click the button Compress.

Note: You don't need to exit Outlook after compressing the PST file.

Reduce Offline Folders (OST) file size

Reducing the Offline Folders (OST) file size can improve performance if you have deleted a large number of items. This procedure does not delete items stored on the server.

    Delete any items you don't want to keep, and then empty the " Deleted ".

    On the menu Tools select item Setting up accounts.

    Missing command Account Settings .

    Team " Setting up accounts"is in the menu" Service" at Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. The instructions below do not apply to more than earlier versions Outlook. Use the help available in the appropriate version. If the title of the program you are using shows an application Microsoft Outlook Express, a program that is not the same as Outlook is used. For help, see Outlook Express Help.

    Select from the list Microsoft Exchange Server and then click the button change.

    Click the button More options.

    Open the tab Additionally and press the button Offline Folders File Options.

    Click the button Compress.


    • To remove an item from your online and offline folders, select it and press DELETE.

      If you are using an Exchange account in Cached Exchange mode, only the selected folder will be cleared from the local .ost file. Items on the server will be downloaded to the OST file during the next synchronization if the folder is highlighted in the section Folder Options V sending and receiving parameters for account Email Exchange server.

      When you use Cached Exchange mode, Favorite folders are not synced by default. If you choose to sync public folders, the size of the Offline Folders (OST) file may increase significantly.

This means that if the total amount of space occupied by your letters exceeds the permissible value, the server will stop accepting letters and mail will stop working.

To avoid this unpleasant situation, you can use a mail program (The Bat, Microsoft Outlook, etc.) which will itself delete letters from the server, leaving local copies on your computer, or delete letters manually through the web interface.

Deleting emails manually via the web interface

First, you need to log into the site using your mailbox login and password.

There will be four folders on the left. The names correspond to the purpose. For example, the Sent Items folder is designed to store sent emails.

The assignment of folder roles can be changed in the Settings section (the link is underlined in blue in the picture), subsection Folders. Your incoming emails are saved in the Inbox folder. Enter it.

To delete letters you need:

The last two actions have the same result - the selected letters will go to the trash folder.

These actions are not enough to free up space on the server, because... we simply moved the emails from the inbox to the trash. For their complete removal You need to click the clear link next to the cart.

Setting up Microsoft Office Outlook

To configure settings for deleting emails from the server in Microsoft Office Outlook you need to edit your account settings.

To do this, go to the menu “Tools” - “Options”

To change your account, select “view or change existing Accounts" and click the "Next" button.

In the list that appears, select your entry that relates to our server (an entry of the form login@site.) and click the “Edit” button.

The account settings window will appear:

You need to click on the “Other settings” button and in the window that appears, open the “Advanced” tab.

There are three checkboxes in the settings:

  • Leave copies of the message on the server;
  • Delete from the server after... days;
  • Delete from the server when deleting from “Deleted”;

Disabling the first checkbox disables the other two (this is the best option for our server). In this case, when your mailer receives letters, it copies them to itself without leaving them on the server. Thus, the server uses a minimum of space for storing letters (only new letters are stored on it until your next connection). The disadvantage of this configuration is that mail can only be received once. If, for example, you have two programs (for example, at home and at work) and you received all the mail at home, then at work you will no longer be able to receive these letters (they did not remain on the server and, therefore, there is nowhere to get them from).

The second option (the first and second checkboxes are enabled) deletes only those messages from the server that were moved to the “Deleted Items” folder and after a specified number of days.

The third option (the first and third checkboxes are enabled) deletes messages from the server only after they are deleted from the “Deleted Items” folder.

Setting up The Bat

To configure automatic deletion of letters from the server in The Bat, you need to edit the properties of your mailbox.

To do this, go to the “Mailbox” menu - “Mailbox Properties”. (or press Shift+ Ctrl+ P)

In the window that opens, go to “Mail Management”

There are three options for deleting emails:

  • removal from the server immediately after receipt;
  • deletion from the server after a specified number of days after deleting the letter to the trash;
  • deletion from the server after deleting from the recycle bin;

The first option is “delete received letters from the server” (this is the best option for our server).

In this case, when your mailer receives letters, it copies them to itself without leaving them on the server. Thus, the server uses a minimum of space for storing letters (only new letters are stored on it until your next connection). The disadvantage of this configuration is that mail can only be received once. If, for example, you have two programs (for example, at home and at work) and you received all the mail at home, then at work you will no longer be able to receive these letters (they did not remain on the server and, therefore, there is nowhere to get them from).

The second option (letters remain on the server and the retention period for letters is specified) deletes only those letters from the server that were moved to the trash bin and after a specified number of days.

The third option (“letters remain on the server” and “delete letters from the server only when they are deleted from the trash”) deletes letters from the server only after they are deleted from the trash

The fourth option (all checkboxes enabled) will act as the second and third options combined.

With this configuration, eventually the mailbox will still be full and mail will stop working.

Of course, this question does not arise if you regularly clean your Mailbox, and also if you do not subscribe to various mailing lists, do not use it to register on forums and social networks. If you at least don’t “expose” your address on the Internet, at least you don’t have spam, although large mail services have already learned how to deal with spam (by large services I mean,, , although there are other services that are equally protected from spam).

But how to quickly and effectively get rid of megatons of mailings from the category “actions of your friends in the past half hour”, even if you have already exceeded the limit of 4000 letters in a folder ( limit), after which letters continue to arrive and you can read them? but such a nice bauble as “sorting” no longer works? This is a technological limitation.

But hallelujah, such a convenient service as Search comes to the rescue, in which you can set a search template (for example, VKontakte or and delete all found letters wholesale. The method is as simple as a rail and I don’t see the point of describing it in detail. If you helped someone, thank God.

We'll look at another, more intelligent method called Filters. The essence of the trick is this - you have the opportunity to immediately sort out all sorts of mailings from personal or work correspondence, so as not to search through the entire mailbox every time for the desired letter.

It’s very nice that now on some services filters can be applied even to messages that were received before these same filters were created - before this was possible on free services there wasn't at all.

So let's get started:

We go to the mail and select Configure folder

After this we select Add folder

A window like this opens...

... and enter the folder name into it, for example, Newsletters and place it not in the root, but, for example, in the Inbox folder.

Although, of course, you can leave Folder position in position Folder on upper level , if, for example, you want to make many subfolders for each newsletter, but this can be done at any time and we will not focus on this. Here we will look at the principle, and then in the same way you can create such folders and set up filters yourself. So for now, let’s do steps 1 through 3 and move on to the next stage.

This is the kind of beauty you should have gotten, now let’s move on to the section Filters and forwarding.

And press the button Add filter

Here are marked in red important points, which you should pay attention to when creating a filter. Filters allow you to filter emails based on a fairly large number of parameters. If you need full review filter options, you can go to Help, or write in the comments about the need for such an article, and I will try to make a description as soon as possible.

Let's return to our sheep, i.e. creating a filter. In field "If" we choose From field, Further contains(when you click on this inscription, it changes to "does not contain") and write the mail domains, mail from which should be placed in the mailing folder. Don't forget to check the box Apply to messages in folders- this is done so that all letters that arrived before creating the filter are also moved to the mailing folder (or any other folder that you have defined)

After creating a filter and clicking on the button Save you see this line. There is no need to change anything else here, I can only say that I have more than a dozen such filters - for informational mailings, from couponers, thematic ones, etc., which I wish for you too.

In 2004, Gmail, with its gigabytes of free email storage, seemed like a fairy tale. No one would have thought that such a huge box would ever have to be cleaned. Today the storage has grown 15 times, but the desire to delete thousands of letters does not leave many of us.

The problem lies not in the available space, but in the countless number of unread and simply unnecessary messages. Checking your inbox becomes torture, and the search and tagging system become useless.

However, you can still give your Gmail inbox a second life.

Delete all emails

The first step is to completely empty your inbox. First it is advisable to do backup copy entire box using Google's data export tool. It can then be opened through an email client such as Mozilla Thunderbird. It may take several hours or even days to preserve the box, depending on its volume. But the process is carried out on Google servers, so you don’t need to keep your computer turned on.

You can also transfer the most useful and necessary messages to another account through desktop email clients using the POP or IMAP protocols.

Be careful! Lifehacker is not responsible for important emails that you may inadvertently delete.

Deleting letters in itself is a simple process. Go to the Gmail page with all messages, check the appropriate box at the top left and to the right click “Select all threads in the “All mail” section.” After this, all you have to do is click on the cart icon and confirm the action.

The letters will appear in the trash can, available in the menu on the left. Go to it and click “Empty Trash”. Also check your spam folder to make sure your account is now completely clean.

Remove unnecessary contacts

Gmail automatically records the contacts of the people you correspond with. This is a big plus of the service, but there is also a minus here: if you handle the function carelessly, your contact list can turn into a jumbled mess. Quite unexpectedly in phone book A person to whom you wrote only once, and even then 10 years ago, may appear on your Android smartphone.

In this case, everything is a little more complicated than with letters, since contacts are synchronized between different Google services. Ideally, you want to remove all useless email addresses, keep important ones, and leave phone numbers untouched.

Gmail does a pretty good job of organizing emails if you set up an inbox. To do this, click on the gear on the right and click on the corresponding button. If the service sends a message to the wrong category, then drag it manually to the correct one: Gmail will remember your choice and will not make a mistake again.

From certain authors. The same article also contained information on how to set filters for unwanted mailings. But, as they say, time does not stand still! Modern technologies make themselves known. And, unfortunately, they are used not only for good, but also for the purpose of “black” promotion.

Why clean your mail?

What exactly are we talking about? The fact is that currently parser programs have begun to gain particular popularity. The task of such programs is one - to obtain as much contact information of Internet users as possible.

Let's say you joined a certain group of some social network (it doesn’t really matter here whether it’s Odnoklassniki, VKontakte or some other social network). Naturally, you fill out information about yourself on your personal page, and of course indicate your email.

That's it, the trap is almost slammed shut! You are already a potential victim! The parser program, at the command of its owner, makes a selection of addresses and submits a report to the owner. And this is where the paths of legal and illegal promotion diverge.

Those who use this program for the good, they use it to organize retargeting, having, in principle, an almost ready-made target audience. Such offers usually provide some benefit to the recipients. And for the most part there is nothing wrong with that.

Why do spammers attack your email?

Various types of attackers (so-called spammers) act completely differently. They simply flood your inbox with their annoying offers. You simply cannot remember whether you subscribed to this author’s mailing list, seeing that you were receiving crazy offers from him.

This is one of the reasons for a cluttered inbox. The second reason is the likelihood of hacking the account of one or another mailing list author and using his address database for one’s own selfish purposes. There are also those who trade both their own and stolen subscriber bases.

But let's be honest with ourselves! We often contribute to being inundated with junk mail. Almost everyone who wants to make money online goes through this. I’m now talking about a bunch of all kinds of mailing lists that newcomers subscribe to.

And if at first they still have enough time and desire to read all incoming correspondence, then gradually this process slows down, or even stops altogether. Heap unread messages growing. From time to time, when you log into your mail, you are surprised that first one thousand letters remain unread, then two, three...

The winners are those who stop in time in their pursuit of downloading all kinds of courses, gain courage and decisively unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings. Main .

I, too, at one time went through this stage of obtaining “useful” information, until I came to the conclusion that I needed to learn from professionals. Now the number of my subscriptions is a reasonable number, and I receive really useful and necessary correspondence, and also keep an eye on the information business in general.

But what to do if the fact, as they say, is obvious? There is a mailbox, there are the notorious thousands of unnecessary letters, diluted with desirable information in a ratio of 100:1. There are also several exits here. The first, as I already said, is to decisively unsubscribe from all mailings. But you still have to clean out your mail!

How to clear mail - video tutorial

The second way is to sift through mail receipts, separating the useful from the useless, while combining the removal process. This process can be lengthy! But let me introduce you to my algorithm for quickly cleaning your mailbox, which will significantly save both time and nerves. In general terms, all actions can be represented like this.

To dot the i’s, I suggest you look real video real mailbox cleaning. Having repeated what you saw in practice, you will only have to comply with minor formalities for maintaining mail in the future. Of course, it is better to make a commitment to no longer subscribe to right-wing and left-wing courses, free ones, without finally thinking through your decision.

This video, at my request, was recorded by my assistant Sergei. I am sure that you will not only like this video, but also benefit it. Well, I’m currently working on a new course on affiliate programs, which will be available to everyone in the near future, since its price will be very attractive.

So, watch the video on how to clear your mail.

This is how, in principle, by working on your mistakes, you can quite quickly bring your mailbox to a common denominator. The video was recorded using the service as an example. But the principle of operation applies to all mail services. They will differ only in the technique of creating the filter and, of course, in the location of the buttons.

As they say, every broom sweeps differently. I offer you my method, and I want to hear your opinion on this solution to this problem. If you have your own thoughts, share your information in the comments. Personally, I don’t have a bunch of unprocessed emails in my inbox, I try to avoid that.

Best regards, Evgeniy Vergus.
