Delete unread messages. How to delete messages on VKontakte - the right way! How to delete a sent VKontakte message from the recipient

Live communication is gradually being replaced by correspondence on social networks, instant messengers and email. But, as for conversation, the proverb “A word is not a sparrow…” and further according to the context is relevant for correspondence. One thoughtlessly sent message gives rise to hope - maybe the sparrow can still be caught? Let's figure out how to delete a message on VK so that it is not read, and whether this can be done in principle.

Is it possible to delete a sent VKontakte message?

Having removed the unnecessary preface, you can immediately answer - yes, you can. But there are some nuances. You can delete a letter in a new VK if:

  • it was sent less than 24 hours ago;
  • there is access to the account not through the application;
  • the interlocutor has not yet managed to open it.

To remove a message you do not want to view, you need to log into the social network through any browser. Official application does not yet give users the ability to hide a message from the eyes of the recipient if it has not yet been seen. But probably this function will be added to new version VC.

How to Delete a Message: Step-by-Step Guide

If you are the creator, then you can erase the letter from both yourself and your interlocutor, both in full and in mobile version site. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is log into your account from a PC or phone and find the message that you need to hide from the recipient.

  1. In a conversation, select a message by left-clicking. You can select not just one, but several at once.

If the message you need is difficult to find in the conversation lists, you can speed up the process by finding the recipient to whom the message was sent among your friends. Then you should open the page and click “Write a message.” You don't have to write anything in the window that appears. Here we simply click “Go to dialogue” (the button in the upper right corner).

  1. Click the delete button at the top of the page (the trash-shaped icon).

  1. In the window that appears, check the box next to “Delete for everyone.”

  1. All that remains is to confirm the action. Now the letters will be deleted from both user pages.

After this, you can be completely sure that the recipient will not receive a letter, even one that was not sent. Of course, unless the sender wants to restore it and send it again.

In the future, when you need to delete SMS again from both yourself and your interlocutor, the “Delete for everyone” checkbox will automatically appear in the required field.

What to do if the confirmation window does not appear

Looking at step by step instructions, the whole process looks quite primitive and simple. But sometimes users have problems, namely, the window to confirm the action simply does not appear. There are two reasons for this phenomenon:

  • the interlocutor has already read the message;
  • More than 24 hours have passed since it was sent.

If this is true, then after clicking on the cart the user will see the following:

In such a situation, there is no way to hide the text from the eyes of the interlocutor, since Contact offers to immediately restore the deleted message.

The same goes for editing. This function is available to users of the social network, for example, to correct a typo. Moreover, you can also change the text of the message only within 24 hours after sending. The only difference is that you can edit both read and unread messages.

Therefore, if the desire to get rid of the letter to the interlocutor is associated with the fear of being caught in illiteracy, you can edit it, citing a typo.

Let's sum it up

Until the recent update of the VKontakte interface, it was possible to delete messages using an interesting VkOpt extension. This is a tool that had extensive capabilities for managing personal pages and accounts for promoting communities, which is why it was often mentioned in video instructions. But because frequent updates it has lost most of its useful functions.

Now all users can only change a little appearance social network displayed on their computer. There is one more - the most reliable way– hide unwanted email so that no one sees it. It consists in not sending it at all. And to do this, you need to think carefully before creating a message, re-read it before sending, and only then click on the appropriate button. It's corny, but it works.

Video instruction

The video below duplicates the process described above.

It is not uncommon for users to send explicit or important messages absolutely not the right person. Or the text has not yet been completed, but was accidentally sent. There are several ways to erase an unread component, but they may not always work.

How to delete an unread message on VK? If the situation does not require sacrifice and it can be resolved by simply explaining to the person that this is not intended for him, then it is better to simply not bother and do so. But if you urgently need to clean up your correspondence, follow these recommendations.

How to delete an unread message?

If you need to remove a chat or a fragment of it from yourself, then:

  • Open the “My Messages” section in the left menu.
  • The search will display all available chats and correspondence with users. Place the cursor over the dialogue with the desired user and click on the cross next to it, which will appear on the right.
  • In a new window, you must confirm the action by clicking on the “Delete” button.

The interlocutor will keep all your correspondence and attachments. Previously, VK did not allow you to erase your messages from other users and people searched for this various programs and services that often turned out to be fraudulent. But now such a function has become available, as in Telegram and other instant messengers.

To delete an unwanted message before it is read, you need to quickly do the following:

  • Go to the chat where you stayed important information, which cannot be given into the wrong hands.
  • Select it so that a check mark appears on the side, and click on the “Trash” icon at the top.
  • In the new window, be sure to select the “Delete for everyone” option and confirm the action.

You can recover newly deleted entries. If you did not have time to refresh the page, then instead of the erased text fragments the words “Restore” will remain. Click on them to return the correspondence components back. Also see how to recover deleted correspondence in

Possible problems when deleting unread messages in VK

Nowadays, removing unnecessary messages from dialogs causes almost no problems, but it is worth highlighting the main ones:

  • The unwanted material has been removed from the general conversation, but the person has an attachment from it. Solution: the user simply saved a photo, video or other media file from the message before you deleted it. All that remains is to ask him to delete it or to come to terms with the fact that the person managed to see information that he should not have seen.
  • The message was deleted, but the person was later able to forward the text I deleted. Solution: The SMS was sent by him to a third party before you deleted it in a dialogue with this person, or you deleted it only on your page (you did not specify the “For everyone” parameter).

You need to check what you write carefully before sending it.


Dialogues with friends and family on VK should be joyful and warm, without bad phrases and thoughts, which will then have to be quickly deleted. If it does happen that unwanted information reaches the wrong person, it is possible to correct the error before the person reads what was sent.

Good afternoon, today I will write an article that will help you get rid of one little thing. It happened to you that there were no unread messages, but next to the inscription My messages (1). If you have such a problem, we will solve it.

Literally after the creation of the social network “Vkontakte” itself, the majority began to wonder: “how to delete an unread message.” This topic and today it is very relevant. Each person has their own reasons for deleting messages, some want to delete it so that their partner’s message is deleted, some want to delete all correspondence, and some want to delete only one message at a time. Today we will try to please everyone and answer all the burning questions.

I hasten to warn you right away that it is impossible to delete unread messages so that they are deleted from both you and your interlocutor. In order to delete your messages, you must first decide which mode you are in: in dialogues or in messages. If you are in the “Messages” mode, then you just need to move the cursor to the upper right corner and click on the cross. If you are in the “Dialogues” mode, then you need to perform the same actions without entering the dialogue itself. This is the only way you can get rid of unread messages.

If you want to get rid of the annoying number next to messages, then go to messages and above the messages themselves, find the “Show unread dialogs” button, click and see dialogs that have unread messages. Now you can read them or delete them, as I described above.

The methods we have given are the simplest. You definitely won’t find better information on the Internet, since it describes the methods that existed 2-3 years ago.

If you have your own method, which few people know about, then you can write it in the comments under this article and next time we will definitely tell you about it.

VKontakte messages

Is it possible to make it so that you can delete a message that you have already sent to another user, but he has not read it yet? You can, of course, edit the message. In the Actions menu, select Delete messages... I click... Opens write a new message... There are many messages sent and received in Contact. Find out how to do this here: how to delete a message in a contact.

You have the ability to mark messages as unread through the old messaging service. The interlocutor who sent you a message that you marked as new will in any case know that you have read it. Simply put, everything you do with received messages will not be reflected in any way by the sender. An unread message may appear if it was sent to you and you did not have time to open it, or if you sent it to your interlocutor and he did not have time to view it.

In this case, the sender's last sent messages will always have an unread status. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to delete unread messages without deleting the entire conversation. VKontakte removed the ability to show “as messages”, leaving only dialogues.

How to view all unread emails on iPhone and iPad at once?

Even if your interlocutor was not online after sending the message, he could receive it in the form of SMS on mobile phone or by mail, depending on his account settings. Unfortunately, it is impossible to delete a message that has already been sent so that it is also deleted from your interlocutor. This social network has become a place for correspondence, dating and even business negotiations. In the heat of an argument, you can send your interlocutor a message, for which you later become ashamed.

First, make sure that the message has not yet been read: to do this, go to the “My messages” item in the left menu (from all correspondence, select the one from which you want to delete the message). If you are convinced that you have not yet read the message, then go to the page of the interlocutor and go to the “Send message” item, which is located on his page, immediately under the photo. You don’t need to type or enter anything - in this tab you need the “Dialogues” item.

How can I see the answer to a question asked earlier by someone if I have a similar problem? Click Messages on the left side of your home page. Open the conversation from which you want to delete a message. Check the boxes next to the messages you want to delete. Click Remove.

Keep in mind that deleted correspondence cannot be restored. After that, I decided to delete the correspondence (since he was offline and did not read it). If YES, how to remove it? There is an option! Before you write something, write it in Word, and after an hour read it yourself, and you will already know whether to send it or not. If you still want to send, send it.

No, the profile is in place. And if a user deleted it, he could only delete it on his page, no? They scare me here that someone came to my page and deleted my correspondence. And one more thing - check the archive. In a personal message, click on “More”, and then on “Archive”.

How to write and send a message?

The previous question was asked in June, perhaps this is not chatter and someone is already using this option. Block the recipient of the message and he will not be able to see you at all or the letters that you sent him earlier. I corresponded with a guy in my classmates. I came in yesterday. He is not in classmates and all correspondence with him has been deleted. How could he delete it - is it real?

However, final decisions on this are made by senior management, including Pavel Durov himself, the creator of the country’s main social network. Unfortunately (or joyfully), there is no such opportunity in VK and, judging by Durov’s decisions, there never will be. Many projects adhere to this policy. Well, well done, it's your own fault, you'll think about it next time. So no matter how much you would like to, there is no way to delete a sent message.

How to delete or cancel a message if you sent it to the wrong person?

Then an empty message will come. It's strange somehow. Maybe it would be possible to delete the sent message, and not just edit it? Someone rashly wrote to someone else that she was a stupid fool. An hour has passed, the fool has not yet read the letter, but the sender has already cooled down, calmed down and changed his mind. This can be done without going online. Connect your VK page there (using the “Login” button) and go to the site at any time to see if you have new unread VKontakte messages.

How to hide from your interlocutor that you have read the message he sent

It also shows other VKontakte events (comments, likes, friend requests, tags in photos, etc.). And if you are already on the VKontakte website, then you will learn about new messages by the icon next to the “My Messages” menu item. There will be a “plus” and a number indicating how many new messages you have - for example, +1. Click on "My Messages" and you will see them.

This way you can delete an unnecessary message. Usually, until a person appears online, he will not read your message. Then click "Send" and the message will be sent. You can delete a message from yourself, but the recipient will still receive it. If you are not his friend, then in this case you will not be able to write a message.

How to delete an unread message on VKontakte

An unread message occurs when, after sending, it has not yet been opened. Let's consider two cases:

  1. Sent to you.
  2. You sent it.

In the first case, you can delete without opening it by deleting all correspondence.

In this case, the sender's latest messages will always have the status of unread. It is no longer possible to delete individual SMS messages without opening them. VK removed the ability to show “as messages” 2 years ago, leaving only dialogues.

If the displayed status of your interlocutor is not important to you, then you can remove absolutely any SMS in your dialogue after opening it. Find out how to do this here.

In order to find out which of them has been read and which has not, look at the color. White illumination means that it has been opened, pale blue - that it has not yet been opened. But even in this case, you cannot be sure that the interlocutor has not read the content. First, he could read the little window that popped up in the lower right corner, as long as it wasn't too long. Secondly, he could read it in the “Messages” section if it fits on 2 lines. Even if the interlocutor was not online, he could receive it in the form of an SMS on his mobile phone or a letter by mail, depending on his account settings.

What to do when it has already been sent but the action needs to be canceled?

It is impossible to delete such a message so that it is also deleted from the recipient.

In Skype, Viber, and Facebook, it is possible to either correct sent messages or remove them completely. But there are no such settings in VK yet. So think carefully before you write to your interlocutor :)

How to delete a sent message on VKontakte?

This question has been asked very often lately. Apparently many users mistakenly send a message that should not have reached the recipient.

Let's figure out how to delete a sent VKontakte message.

  1. If you delete a message from yourself
  2. What can be done
  3. Conclusion

If you delete a message from yourself

Let's look at it with an example. We go to the user’s page, and under his avatar, click the “Send message” button (see how to write to VK if your personal account is closed).

Type the required text and click the “Submit” button.

Now let's move on to this dialogue and delete the message (see how to delete all messages on VK). Select it and click the “Delete” button.

Even though we deleted the unread message, it still hasn’t gone away (see how to make a message unread in a contact). The user we contacted still has it in their dialogs. You can check. Buy 2 VKontakte pages (see buy a VK page), and send a message from one to the other. Then delete and check. The result will be the same.

We conclude that it is impossible to delete a sent VKontakte message using ordinary means.

What can be done

You will probably say that you can simply hack the page, go to it, and delete the desired dialogue. Of course you can try. But we have already discussed this point, and came to the conclusion that hacking a VKontakte page is extremely difficult.

  • Is it possible to hack a VKontakte page?
  • how to hack a VKontakte page

Hello everyone, friends!

Social network is a very convenient means of communication. But sometimes, when we correspond, we send the wrong thing or to the wrong place. Don't panic - the solution is simple. Let's look at how to delete a message on VK so that it disappears not only from you, but also from your interlocutor.

From computer

So far, VKontakte does not allow you to delete sent information from you and your interlocutor whenever you want. At any time, you can delete correspondence only in your dialog interface. After such manipulations, your interlocutor retains the data.

But if 24 hours have not passed since the moment of sending, the situation can be corrected. Moreover, if the user does not have time to read the message within 24 hours, he will never read it - it will completely disappear. At least on social networks.

Step 1. Go to the desired dialog and click on the sent message that you want to delete. Regardless of when the correspondence took place, a panel with a basket will appear at the top.

Step 2. Click on the cart. If 24 hours have already passed, the data will immediately disappear and you will be able to restore it. But in this case, you only play with one goal - the other user will have the data.

If the day has not yet expired, the dialog box will be slightly different. VK will ask you to choose whether to delete it for everyone or only on its side. Check the box so that the message disappears from the user on the other side. After this, recovery will remain possible for some time - until you close or refresh the page.

A day doesn’t seem like much. But it was impossible to do this before. And the simplicity of the scheme allows you to quickly send a thoughtless message to the trash, even if the user is online.

From phone

If you use the VKontakte application, then you will not be able to get rid of the letter from yourself and your interlocutor - the social network does not yet provide such functionality. You will be able to remove information only on your page. Perhaps the functionality will be expanded later.

The solution is simple - use it mobile browser. The actions are similar - select a block, check the box next to “Delete for everyone” and confirm your intention. The slight difference between the desktop and mobile versions is only in the interface. To get to the liquidator button on your smartphone, you need to click on the ellipsis.

Delete the dialogue

You can remove the entire dialogue with one click. To do this, on the block with the interlocutor in the “Messages” tab, you need to click on the cross. In this case, only your correspondence will disappear; the other user will still have it.

How to delete all correspondence

If you need to clear the entire history (for example, if you want to delete fake messages), then either manually delete all the dialogues, as in the screenshot above, or use a special bot for VK, which will do everything automatically. For example, Sobot.

Download and install the program on your PC, add an account.

Enter your VKontakte profile information. If you are not using a proxy, drag the slider to the “On” position.

The “Clear dialogs” functionality we need is hidden in the “Functions” tab. Move the slider to the “On” position and click “Continue”.

The bot will clear all dialogs. In this case, the information will remain with the interlocutors.

Questions on the topic

Despite the simplicity of the scheme, in some situations you may have some difficulties and questions. We answer them in advance.

  • What if you deleted a message without checking the “For everyone” checkbox?

In this case, you need to find, select deleted messages and click on the “Recover” button. After this, the data will appear again - now you can repeat the procedure, but according to all the rules.

This method works if you immediately came to your senses and did not close the page. As soon as the page is refreshed, the ability to restore anything will disappear.

  • What should you do if you click on the trash can, but there is no “Delete for everyone” option?

If this item is not present, it means the message is old - sent more than 24 hours ago. To clear the email field for yourself and another user, you can try the spam scheme. There is no other way yet.

  • Will the recipient know that the email has been deleted?

In the recipient’s dialogue itself, after your manipulations, there will not be even a hint of the previous data. If the user has not read the letter, then there is a chance that he will not know about it. But perhaps the person has incoming notifications set up - either email, or via SMS. Therefore, you shouldn’t hope to completely cover your tracks.

  • Will correspondence disappear after the VK account is liquidated?

No, it doesn't work. Even after deleting your account, all your messages will remain visible to another user. Only in front of your avatar there will be a dog, and the recipient will no longer have the opportunity to correspond with you.

  • Is it possible to destroy correspondence if you are on the interlocutor’s blacklist?

No, in this case you will be able to remove the message only on your side.

  • What if your message was forwarded to someone else?

Correspondence between you and your interlocutor will be lost. The third recipient will keep the letter. For it to disappear, it requires the efforts of the user with whom you personally corresponded.

  • Is it possible to delete an unsent message?

Sometimes, due to technical glitches, the message does not reach the recipient. If this happens to you, you will know about it by the red and white circle exclamation point opposite the letter.

To ensure that the information subsequently does not end up in the hands of another person, click on the round icon and do what is true for a normal situation.

  • Are there special applications or services for removing “stale” messages?

No, there are no working tools - neither from VKontakte nor from third-party developers. If you are offered to use the help of any program, be on your guard - it may be a scam. At this point, it is impossible to completely remove messages that are more than a day old.


It’s easy to remove information from correspondence from both you and the recipient. But you need to hurry - 24 hours after sending, the possibility of cleaning disappears. If you don’t have time, the user will be able to read correspondence at any time. All other methods either do not guarantee results or do not work.

Have you ever deleted a message sent by mistake? Did you manage to do it before the other party read it? Share your story with blog readers.

It happens that you accidentally sent a message to the wrong person. Or sent the wrong thing. Or he wrote something in the heat of the moment, and then changed his mind and wanted to take back his words. How to delete or cancel a sent message in VK so that a person does not read it?

This instruction is current for 2020.

What should I do to delete a sent message?

The message can be deleted within 24 hours after sending. Later - no way (more precisely, later you can only delete it from yourself, but not from the recipient).

To delete a sent message:

All! You deleted the message from both yourself and the recipient.

Be careful: VK remembers that you checked the box "Delete for everyone" and next time it will be installed immediately. That is, if you do not remove it, messages will again be deleted from both you and your interlocutor’s correspondence.

If the deadline has already passed, VK will write “Message deleted,” but this means that only you have deleted it. In this case, you can simply write a second message and apologize for sending it to the wrong place. And next time, be more careful, take your time and watch who you send what to.

And the sent message can be edited or made empty.

How can I edit or make a sent message blank?

The sent message can be edited (changed) or made empty within 24 hours after sending. But the recipient will still see that something was sent to him and then edited.

You can edit a message in a personal message within 24 hours (24 hours) after sending. This can be done in the full or mobile version of the VK website, but not yet in the application on the phone. Click on the message or hover over it, then click the edit button. It looks like a pencil. .

To make a message empty, erase its contents and paste any of these codes in its place - after saving, it will turn into empty space. First you need to select it and copy it, or just type it from the keyboard. Any of these five:

The code needs to be inserted, because a completely deleted, empty VK message will not allow you to save it. The space character will not work.

Click the checkbox to save the modified message. If something doesn't work out, edit again. Now the recipient will only see that you something sent, but the contents will be empty. He will also see the time of sending and the note (ed.)- "edited":

Read more about editing in this manual:

Questions about deleting sent messages

Why is there no “Delete for everyone” checkbox?

The reason is one of these:

  1. You delete your message, which was sent more than 24 hours ago (you can no longer delete it for everyone).
  2. You want to delete someone else's message, not your own. You cannot delete a message that he sent to you from another person’s correspondence. You can only do this on your own.
  3. The interlocutor has blacklisted you (emergency). However, you cannot delete a sent message from everyone, even if 24 hours have not yet passed. But if he removes you from the emergency, then it will again be possible to delete the sent message for everyone, as long as the 24-hour period from the moment of sending has not expired.

Will the person find out that I sent him something and deleted it?

A deleted message in a correspondence disappears without a trace, but it is still possible. The person may have time to read the message before you delete it. In addition, he can have notifications of new messages enabled by email or phone, and your message will be sent to him as a letter or SMS immediately after sending. Then he will be able to read the message, even if you immediately deleted it.

Is it possible to delete a sent message if it has already been read?

Yes, like unread. There is no difference for deletion if the deadline has not yet passed (24 hours from the date of sending).

Is it possible to delete a sent VKontakte message if it has not yet been read?

Yes, sure. At the beginning of this instruction we tell you exactly how to do this.

If I deleted a message only from myself, can I delete it from the recipient?

No you can not. Should have been deleted immediately with a tick "Delete for everyone."

If I delete my page, will my sent messages be deleted?

No, they will not be deleted, the recipient will read them, only instead of your main photo there will be a dog and it will be written that the page has been deleted.

How to delete a sent message if you are in an emergency situation?

The interlocutor has no way. You can only delete it yourself.

If my message is forwarded, will the copy be deleted?

No. If the person to whom you sent the message forwarded it to someone else, then you cannot delete the forwarded copy of the message.

How to delete a message that was not sent

A message can be deleted if it was not sent due to communication problems. In this case, there will be a red roundel with an exclamation mark next to it. Click on it - a menu will appear - then click "Delete message."

You can delete this message without the recipient seeing it:

Is it possible to delete a sent photo on VKontakte?

Yes, you can! Find it in your correspondence, just click on it and select "Delete". The photo will not disappear immediately - as long as you haven’t closed it, you still have the opportunity to cancel the deletion. And if you refresh the page, you will see that the photo has been removed from the dialogue.

What programs are there to delete sent messages on VK?

There are no such programs. If it says somewhere that it exists, or that you can delete messages after 24 hours have passed, it's just a scam. You will either have to give money and not receive anything, or your page will be hacked and you will not be able to access it. Be careful. We recommend using the reliable “Login” start page to log into VK.

How to delete a sent message from yourself?

After this, the message will be deleted only from you, but the interlocutor will keep it.

How to save the original version of a message in case a person deletes it?

If you are worried that your interlocutor will delete his message for personal interests, select it and forward it to yourself (by clicking "Forward" find yourself in the dialogues by starting to type your name). Now, even if a person deletes it, you will have a copy of the original with the date and time.

Fast and convenient login to VK

Start page “Login” - for logging into the VKontakte website and other sites. Try it, there are many new opportunities for you.
