Does iPhone 5s distribute wifi. How to distribute Wi-Fi from an iPhone - Reliable methods. USB connection

Summer is approaching, and more and more often you want to work not in a stuffy office or apartment, but in a country house or a cozy cafe. iPhone 4 can act as an access point that distributes the Internet to other devices. And although setting up a phone is easy, many people don’t use this feature. And in vain: after all, in this case it is not necessary to buy, say, an iPad with 3G support - it is enough to simply share the Internet from an iPhone to a tablet.

Only an iPhone 4 with installed firmware iOS versions 4.3.1 and higher. Go to Settings → General Network:

We enable 3G and “Cellular Data” here if these features were previously disabled. A new “Personal Hotspot” item will appear:

Here the iPhone will tell you the password for the WiFi connection:

The password is simple, but it can be changed to a more secure one. The created access point receives a name like “your iPhone name.” All that remains is to connect other devices to this WiFi connection - iPads, laptops, etc.

I usually use my iPhone as a hotspot when my ISP is having problems. In these cases, the phone acts as a backup channel.

This approach has one drawback - a phone with 3G enabled discharges very quickly.

Ability to transfer data wirelessly modern world neither innovation nor luxury. Wi-Fi has become a person’s everyday companion in almost all places wherever he is: at home, in the office, in the gym or in a store. But sometimes, according to the classical law of meanness, there is an urgent need for a source distributed internet connection personal computer exactly in the place where there is no Wi-Fi. What to do? An excellent solution in such a situation would be to use iPhone smartphone 6. With simple settings you can turn it into a mobile modem. So, how to distribute internet with using iPhone 6?

There are three ways to transfer data:

  1. using a cable;
  2. through creating a modem mode;
  3. using the Bluetooth function.

If using a cable does not require any special settings - you just need to install iTunes on your computer and connect it from your iPhone, then the other two methods can cause difficulties and require separate consideration.

Let's turn iPhone 6 into a modem, description of settings

So, to turn your iPhone 6 into a modem that can easily distribute wireless Internet around you, you need to:

  1. In the phone menu, find the “Settings” section and click on the “ cellular" In the window that appears, enable support for 3G or 4G networks. This will maximize the data transfer speed.
  2. In the same “Settings” section, look for the “Modem mode” item and activate its operation. From this point on, the iPhone 6 becomes a hotspot as a modem, providing distribution wireless Internet around you.

Click Settings

In the window that appears, enable support for 3G or 4G networks

Settings if there is no “Modem mode” item

If for some unknown reason there is no “Modem Mode” item on the iPhone in the “Settings” menu, then you should not be upset about this. There is another way that solves the issue: “ How to enable distribution Internet on an Apple smartphone?:

  1. In the “Settings” menu, find the “Cellular” item and click on it.

All basic information about cellular communications is reflected here. oniPhone 6 and its parameters. All this data can also be found on the official website mobile operator, which is used in the operation of the phone.

  1. In the dialog box that opens, we find three sub-items: APN, “Username” and “Password”.

The values ​​contained in these subparagraphs must be remembered or written down.

  1. Find the “Modem mode” sub-item below in the window that opens.

We copy into it the data from the previous paragraph that we remembered or wrote down.

  1. Go to the general “Settings” menu.

Here, after changes are made to the “Cellular Communications” item, the “Modem Mode” item we need will appear.

If you enter the item that appears, you will see that the activation slider will be in the disabled position by default. Below it there will be a window with instructions explaining how to distributeWiFi and the steps that need to be taken to achieve this.

How to set a security password

You can block outside connections using a password. In order to install it you need:

  1. In the “Modem mode” item, find the sub-item “ Wi-Fi password" and click on it.
  2. In the window that appears, using the pop-up keyboard, type a code word or number consisting of at least eight characters.

Now, in order to use the iPhone 6 modem on a computer, you will need to not only find the network, but also enter a secret word or number.

iPhone settings for data transfer via Bluetooth

Of course, this procedure Rarely used, but can be useful in some cases. So, to connect to your phone modem via Bluetooth A special module and drivers must be installed on the computer. Next, enable modem mode on the phone and perform the following steps:

  1. On the computer, in the “Devices” tab of the control panel, find the “Bluetooth” item.
  2. In the list of appeared names of devices operating within the radius of the module, find the name iPhone 6 and press the communication button.
  3. We confirm the request to create a connection on the smartphone screen.
  4. Enter the password on the computer.

All. Internet access on the PC will be provided via Bluetooth.


Thus, with the help of easy and simple manipulations you can sixth Turn your iPhone into a mobile modem and solve the problem: how to distribute Wi-Fi from iPhone 6. The correct implementation of all the necessary settings will be indicated by the ability to access the Internet. worldwide network through mobile communications Wi-Fi.

It is worth noting that working as an Internet access point discharges the battery as intensely as possible. iPhone battery. The battery charge will also be affected by the number of connected devices. The more there are, the more it will be discharged.

Few people realize how functional the iPhone 5S can be. It's not easy chinese smartphone, and a real masterpiece is the result of the creative thoughts of the developers. No, you shouldn’t hammer nails with them, but distribution Wi-Fi he can do without receiving any damage or serious technical alteration, since the ability how to distribute wai file is included in it by the manufacturer.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that fi from iPhone is available only if you use network traffic in it that is not distributed by another Wi-Fi device, for example, a router. His smartphone will receive from a communication provider, namely telephone operator. Under ideal conditions, the provider should supply Internet traffic with 3G coverage, because, despite the presence of an LTE network, this Apple device will not be able to use it for obvious reasons.

At the same time, it is important to pay attention to another important detail - the conditions tariff plan. The best option Only a tariff plan with unlimited Internet traffic can be considered, since many operators charge exorbitantly high prices for a certain number of megabytes used. The following follows from this:

  • You shouldn't use an iPhone as a full-fledged router.
  • It's best not to use this method to watch high-definition streaming videos.
  • It is not recommended to distribute Wi-Fi to several third-party devices connected in parallel at once.

Not only your budget, but also the iPhone 5S itself may suffer from this. This is because the built-in modem will use the available system resources, not only software, but also hardware, as a result of which the device can significantly waste the power of the built-in battery and at the same time overheat. Knowing this, in the following models the developers hid this function, however, it can be unlocked and used in exceptional situations, for example:

  • If necessary, obtain a connection on another device (computer, laptop, tablet) that does not have the ability to communicate via other channels.
  • In case of lack of communication via wired data channels (in a village, outside civilization, during a centralized power outage)
  • In other critical situations.

How to do it

When connecting, the smartphone must be turned on and its battery charged, preferably to the maximum level, since wireless transmission data is an energy-intensive process. It should also be unlocked accessible on iPhone method and launch a menu with program icons if the settings shortcut is not placed on the desktop. Next, you need to find the same shortcut, externally depicted in the form of a gear, and “tap” (touch with your finger) it to launch it.

The next step is to find the “Cellular Communications” item in the list that opens and also “tap” it. Next, it is important not to get confused, How to turn it on in the new menu, toggle switches (switches located on the right side of the item) to the “On” position on the “3G” and “Cellular data” elements. When you select the latter, a list of options will become available for change, at the bottom of which there will be a “Cellular Data” item. By turning on the toggle switch on it, you will have access to its settings " Cellular network data transfer”, in particular to the last section “Modem mode”.

It may take time for it to appear, so be patient, and after updating the list of operations, fill in the appropriate lines; they can be duplicated from the “Cellular Data” section received from the provider along with the starter package or over the phone from technical support:

  • In the APN field - the address of the access point on the Internet.
  • Username (login.
  • Password – password (for most operators, both login and password are the same code word).

After this, a new item “Modem Mode” will appear in the main menu “Cellular Communications”, by clicking on which you can select its options indicating how to distribute:

  • Data transmission channel of your choice
    • Bluetooth.
    • Wifi.
  • Access password (by default, difficult-to-remember gobbledygook is generated from numbers and Latin characters).

To enable a new access point, you now only need to change the position of the toggle switch in the top line “Modem mode”.

Example of settings windows

How to get it all back

As noted earlier, dispenser iPhone fifth Do not use it as an access point for too long. This will lead to negative consequences and you won’t have to do much to turn it off. To do this, just return the position of the toggle switch in the top line under the “Modem Mode” menu from the “Cellular Communications” menu to the initial position, i.e. "Off."

It is worth noting that this menu item cannot now be removed from the settings, but thanks to this, next time you will not have to completely specify all the necessary settings. However, when replacing a SIM card, the set parameters will have to be rewritten with a new one.


Please note that the created access point will have the name of your phone as its name. It can be changed manually if desired. You can connect to this point using a key - password. It should be chosen for security reasons and must be at least 8 characters long. It is worth including not only letters, but also numbers and at the same time storing it easily in memory.

It is also worth noting an important detail. In some regions, roaming mode can significantly increase the cost of transmitting packet data over the network, so before turning on access point mode wifi, it is worth disabling the “Data Roaming” option in the cellular network settings.

Finally, we note that with the help of this tool you can view mail, news or other Internet pages on devices with a large screen, if they have USB port, built-in Bluetooth or wi-fi signal receiver. As you can see, understand how to distribute wifi from iphone 5s- not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and you will definitely be convinced of this after just rummaging for a couple of minutes in the settings of your own iPhone 5S, provided that it has firmware based on iOS versions installed 6 , 7, 8 and even 10.

Have you ever had a situation where you need to connect your computer or tablet to the internet without Wi-Fi nearby? If you have an iPhone with 3G or 4G internet connected, this problem can be easily solved thanks to tethering mode.

It's easy to set up your iPhone as a Wi-Fi tethering mode, sharing your internet with anyone close enough that has the password. In this article we will tell and show how to distribute the Internet from an iPhone (X, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4) using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and a USB cable, via modem mode.

Let's say you're traveling with your iPhone and MacBook or iPad with Wi-Fi, and you want to watch a movie on your laptop. At this stage, you have two options: watch a movie from your laptop, but it cannot connect to Wi-Fi; and go online to watch a movie or listen to music, since there are no free Wi-Fi. But at the same time you are connected Mobile Internet on your iPhone.

Making your iPhone to point Wi-Fi access(modem mode), allows a laptop and tablet to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

It's easy to turn your iPhone into a Wi-Fi hotspot, but you need to make sure you have enough data (some mobile operators May charge extra for modem mode).

In new iOS versions 8+ modem mode is hidden, here's how to find it:

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Click Cellular.
  3. Tap Cellular Data Options.
  4. Tap Cellular Data Network.
  5. Scroll down and find the modem mode settings.

In the APN field enter: internet

Then follow these steps to enable modem mode:

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Click Cellular.
  3. Click Modem Mode.
  4. Move the Modem Mode slider to the on/green position.

On iOS 6 or more earlier versions: Settings -> Network -> Personal Hotspot (Tethering Mode) -> move the slider to the On position.

You will now be able to browse the internet on your MacBook or iPad with only Wi-Fi, using the connection provided by your iPhone.

If you don't have a Wi-Fi icon in your Mac's menu bar, open " System Settings" and click "Network". Select Wi-Fi from the list on the left. Select a point iPhone access in the Network Name drop-down menu.

When you're done, tap Settings > Mobile > Personal Hotspot on your iPhone and set it to Off.

If you don't have Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or both are turned off, when you turn on tethering, a pop-up window asks if you want to turn them on or use USB only.

Read also:

If you don't understand what to do, watch the video:

⚠️How to distribute internet from iPhone? Modem mode disappeared

How to create a hotspot on iPhone? (Wi-Fi hostpost)

There is another way to enable tethering on your iPhone: Handoff. This is a feature of Apple devices that the company introduced with iOS 8 and Mac OS X 10.10 (or Yosemite). She allows Apple devices work together when they are nearby and share functions and control each other.

Personal Hotspot is one of the features that can be controlled on Apple products. Here's how it works:

  1. If your iPhone and Mac are near each other and you want to enable tethering, click the Wi-Fi menu on your Mac.
  2. In this menu, under Personal Hotspots, you will see the name of the iPhone (assuming Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are turned on on the iPhone).
  3. Click on the iPhone name, tethering mode will be enabled and the Mac will connect to it without touching the iPhone.

How other devices connect to Wi-Fi

Connecting other devices to your personal Hotspot via Wi-Fi is easy. Tell people who want to connect to turn on Wi-Fi on their devices and search for your phone's name. They must select your network and enter the password shown on the iPhone screen.

How do you know when devices are connected to your personal hotspot?

When other devices are connected to your iPhone's hotspot, you'll see a blue bar at the top of the screen. In iOS 7 and later, a blue bar displays a number next to the lock icon that lets you know how many devices are connected to your phone.

Sharing the Internet from an iPhone via USB is the easiest way to connect your phone. As long as you have tethering enabled, all you need to do is connect your phone using a USB cable.

On Windows network adapters we see that we are connected via "Apple Mobile Device Ethernet".

On our Mac we can see in the network settings that our iPhone is connected via a USB connection.

How to share the Internet from an iPhone via Bluetooth in Windows

Wi-Fi and USB are faster than Bluetooth, but if you preferred to use Bluetooth to connect to your Wi-Fi hotspot, you can do it like this.

1. To connect via bluetooth computer Windows, first click the Bluetooth icon on the taskbar and select "Join Wi-Fi".

2. Then click "Add Device" in the top left corner.

4. Like any other Bluetooth connection, you will be shown a pairing code (Pari) on your computer and your iPhone. Compare the two passcodes, and if they are the same, tap "Pair" on your iPhone screen and "Yes" on the Windows pair screen.

5. Let your Windows computer install necessary files on your system.

6. Once you're done, you can right-click on your iPhone to connect it as a hotspot (tethering mode). Now you are ready to surf the Internet, check email, chat, etc.

How to share internet from iPhone via Bluetooth to Mac

1. On a Mac, go to System Preferences > Bluetooth, find your iPhone in the list, and click Pair next to your iPhone.

2. You will be shown a pairing code on the screen of your Mac and on your iPhone.

3. If the codes match, click the Pair button to confirm the connection.

4. Now from the line Mac menu Click the Bluetooth icon, highlight your iPhone in the list, and click Connect to Network.

5. You will now be able to access the Internet through your iPhone's Bluetooth connection. When you want to disconnect, tap Bluetooth again, select your iPhone, and then Disconnect.

Which method is best for distributing Internet on an iPhone?

Of all the methods, USB is the fastest but inconvenient, requiring your iPhone to be physically connected to the computer. However, it is very easy to set up.

Using and running some basic tests, we saw speeds of 3.7Mbps, 4.3 times faster, with a ping time of 60ms.

Bluetooth is more secure than Wi-Fi, but is the slowest of the three and also requires setup, although once that's done you won't have to worry about it anymore.

We saw speeds of around 0.8 Mbps and 60 ms ping.

Wi-Fi will be the most popular connection method, but is insecure unless you use a strong password, so make sure you set one at all, otherwise your data may quickly dry up. It's also very easy to connect to, you only need to enter the password once and it's almost as fast as USB.

Overall, speeds for our Wi-Fi hotspot were 3.7 Mbps, 2.7 Mbps, and 30 ms.

With that said, if you don't want to tether your phone to your computer using a USB cable (which gives you the added advantage of charging the battery), Wi-Fi is definitely the clear choice for connecting via tethering. There is little reason to choose Bluetooth because of its slow speed, unless of course it is your only choice - for example, if your wifi adapter is broken and you can't find the USB cable.

How to properly set up modem mode on iPhone?

What should you do if someone tries to hack your connection by wasting your traffic?

You should rest easy because the iPhone's hotspot is password protected. (Also, don't choose the word "password" or anything else that's easy to guess.) And you'll see a little notification at the top of your iPhone screen when a device connects to its hotspot, so you'll get a warning if someone in your train carriage will be able to guess your password.

A more important warning concerns traffic limits for your own surfing. We recommend avoiding downloading large applications and files.

One important thing Something to remember: Unlike regular Wi-Fi, your personal hotspot uses data from your data plan iPhone data, which offers a limited amount of data. Your monthly tariff Data can be quickly used up if you watch videos or download large files.

iPhone as Wi-Fi and USB modem

There is often a situation when you need to distribute the Internet from your iPhone or iPad. And there is such a possibility. This is called modem mode, it allows you to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi, USB cable, and Bluetooth. By launching modem mode, our iPhone or iPad turns into an access point and performs the functions of a Wi-Fi router.

It works like this: turn on mobile network on iPhone (if necessary, select 3G or LTE), then we turn on the modem mode, and the phone begins to broadcast a Wi-Fi network to which you can connect other devices, and they will receive the Internet from the iPhone. You can also share the connection via Bluetooth (not a very popular way), or by cable (convenient for desktop computers, which do not have a Wi-Fi receiver).

Everything is set up very simply. I tested all three methods, and now I will show you in detail how to start distributing the Internet from an iPhone. I tested everything on the iPhone 6. But, this method is suitable for all iPhone models: 5, 5S, 6S, etc. In the same way, modem mode will work on the iPad if you have the 4G version and a SIM card is inserted.

Please note that devices that connect to the network you create will will use mobile internet. Therefore, if you don't have unlimited tariff, traffic can run out very quickly. Or there will be an additional charge depending on your plan.

Well, when an iPhone distributes the Internet to everyone, its battery, of course, runs out very quickly. Therefore, it is better to put it on charge.

The most popular way is, of course, creating a Wi-Fi access point. When can I distribute the Internet and connect different devices By Wi-Fi networks. Other phones, tablets, laptops, etc. Therefore, we will consider this method first.

How to share the Internet via Wi-Fi from iPhone 6

Go to settings and go to the "Cellular" tab (if your mobile Internet is turned on, you can immediately select “Modem Mode”). Turn on “Cellular Data”, if necessary, select 3G, LTE, and click on the “Modem Mode” item.

Then everything is very simple. Activate modem mode. If your Wi-Fi is turned off, the phone will prompt you to turn it on. You may agree, depending on how you want to distribute the Internet. That's it, our iPhone, or the same iPad, distributes the Internet via a Wi-Fi network and cable. I don’t even know if anyone needs this function, but via Bluetooth you can also connect to the Internet via iPhone.

In the modem mode settings window, a password will be specified. By default, it's a little complex. A complex password is good, but you hardly need such a complex password on an access point running on an iPhone. Therefore, by clicking on it, you can change the password. This is optional.

All we need is to connect to the Wi-Fi network provided by the iPhone and use the Internet. You can connect laptops, smartphones, tablets (Android), and other equipment. For example, I connected a laptop on Windows 10.

Just enter the password that is set in the modem settings on the iPhone, and you're done.

iPhone (iPad) in modem mode via USB cable

The next method you might use is using iPhone in modem mode, but not via Wi-Fi, but via a USB cable. The method is perfect for connecting to the Internet computers that do not have the ability to connect via Wi-Fi.

As far as I understand, iTunes must be installed on the computer. I tried on one Windows 10 computer that does not have iTunes installed, and the computer was unable to see my iPhone 6 and use it to connect to the internet. And on Windows 7, where iTunes is available, when modem mode was turned on, another network connection appeared, through which the computer gained access to the Internet.

I didn't open iTunes. I just turned on data transfer on the iPhone and modem mode (as shown above), and connected the phone to the laptop.

The computer immediately had an Internet connection.

Everything works very cool and stable. By the way, at the moment when the iPhone distributes the Internet via cable, you can still connect devices to it via Wi-Fi. The number of connected devices will be displayed at the top.

We distribute the Internet from iPhone via Bluetooth

After starting the modem mode, go to the computer. Go to the control panel, tab "Devices" - "Bluetooth". Our iPhone or iPad should appear in the list of available ones. Select it and click on the “Link” button.

On iPhone a request to create a pair will appear, click “Create a pair”, and on Windows 10 we confirm the code matches.

The connection will be established. Next, you need to use the Bluetooth connection as an Internet connection. To do this, right-click on the Bluetooth icon in the notification panel and select "Show Bluetooth devices."

According to the idea, after these steps, the Internet on the computer should already work. But for some reason the sites did not open for me. I solved this problem by replacing DNS addresses. Go to "Network Connections", right-click on the "Network" adapter bluetooth connection", and select the "Properties" item. Then, highlight the "IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" item and click on the "Properties" button.

Register static DNS:

As in the screenshot below.

After these steps, the Internet on my laptop started working. The iPhone began to act as a modem via a Bluetooth connection.

If there is no “Modem Mode” option on your iPhone

It is not uncommon to encounter a problem when on an iPhone or iPad there is no “Modem Mode” section in the settings. Then the question arises, how to distribute the Internet. In the comments, Maxim suggested a working solution. I decided to add it to the article.

Go to "Settings" - "Cellular" - "Data Settings" - "Cellular Data Network" and in the "Modem Mode" section, in the APN field enter the word "internet". But provided that you don’t have anything specified there. In general, it seems to me that this is wrong. There should be information there, depending on your operator. You can check them with your operator's support. Like in my screenshot on the right:

After this, “Modem Mode” should appear in your iPhone’s settings.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments. I will definitely answer!
