Charge iPhone 6 for the first time. Correctly charging your iPhone. No need to replace the battery

I'm sure each of you charges your iPhone in a chaotic manner. Having a battery “power reserve” equal to one astronomical day, we always try to recharge on the go... even if by 10-20%.

On the other hand, almost every night our iPhones “fry” on charge for more than 7 hours. In this article we will find out how to charge iPhone correctly and how such erratic connections with the charger affect the life of the battery. Go!

Well, now some of you will say “ Wow, what the hell are you telling us...???" I agree... no one ever has any special questions about charging the iPhone.

There are a couple of interesting nuances that not many people know about. So, I tried to collect all these nuances and post them in one article... For your general development! Read – it will be informative and interesting!

  • If your iPhone discharges quickly -
  • If your iPhone won't charge at all -
  • iPhone won't turn on -
  • How to replace iPhone screen with your own hands -
  • Replacing the iPhone charging and power controller –

How to properly charge a new iPhone

There are many theories about how to charge correctly new iPhone. I'll tell you how I usually do it myself. There is nothing like that here, it’s just that if you think about it, it’s better to do the first couple of charging cycles according to the instructions below:

  1. After taking your iPhone out of the box, connect it to the charger
  2. After the iPhone is charged to 100%, feel free to use it and let it completely discharge
  3. After the battery is completely drained and your iPhone turns off, connect it to the charger again
  4. Charge your phone to 100% without using it while charging.

It will be better if you do a couple of complete charge/discharge cycles. After this, you can charge your phone as you are used to doing before. Read about other nuances below.

Should I leave my iPhone charging all night?

In order to answer this question, you need to clearly understand what happens to your iPhone after connecting to the power adapter. It’s worth saying right away that charging process iPhone batteries (as well as any modern gadgets) controlled by the iPhone's built-in charging controller.

This controller does not allow the battery to be overcharged, and at the same time tries to charge it in the shortest reasonable time. At the same time, up to 80% of the battery is charged at a fairly fast pace, and the last 20%, on the contrary, is charged in slow motion.

Once the battery is charged, the charge controller turns off the power supply. The battery is left alone, as it were, without transferring or taking charge from it. In this case, the phone itself is powered from charger.

In other words, during this period of time the battery is neither charged nor discharged. Therefore, the myth that after reaching 100% charge, the battery goes into a cyclic discharge/recharge mode is complete nonsense. If this were the case, the battery would be subject to additional wear and tear. Which, in fact, is NOT needed by anyone.

Okay... Now let's look at one more fact. Any battery is prone to self-discharge. This is a completely normal process of losing charge, provided that the battery is not connected to anything. Lithium polymer batteries have a self-discharge rate of 5% per month, which is essentially very little (compared to other types of batteries).

The charging controller, of course, periodically checks the remaining charge of the battery and if it detects a significant loss of charge, it will begin a new charging cycle. This situation will arise only after losing at least 2% of the charge, which in turn can happen no more than once every two weeks.

So, if you leave your iPhone on charge for an entire month, it's possible that the built-in battery will undergo a repeat charge cycle once or twice.


Which power adapter to use

Standard power adapter for iPhone(5V, 1A, 5W) fully charges an average phone in about 1 hour 30 minutes. I can't say anything more about this adapter. Well he's ordinary...

A little theory about Apple power adapters. They all have a voltage of 5 volts (V), but different current, which is measured in amperes (A) and power, which is measured in watts (W). These three quantities are related by a simple formula: V x A = W.

  1. Example 1: The 5V and 1A power adapter has a power of 5W (standard iPhone charging)
  2. Example 2: A 5V and 2.1A power adapter will already have a power of 10W (charging for iPad)

Can I use the iPad power adapter to charge my iPhone? The answer to this question YES YOU CAN. And here the smartest of you should say “ Why are you soaring again! This is harmful to the battery!" Good good! Let's look into this issue too...

The thing is that the car electrical network is far from being a standard for voltage/current stability, and those cheap car chargers that many people use cannot protect the phone from surges in the car’s electrical network.

If you are faced with a problem when your phone stops charging, does not even accept the original charger and cable, takes a very long time to charge or does not charge completely - most likely the problem is a damaged charging controller. And believe me, in 90% of such cases, car chargers are to blame.

If you really spend most of your working day on the road and it is vital for you to charge your iPhone from your car's cigarette lighter, don't skimp when buying a car charger. It’s better to overpay a couple of dollars, but get a obviously high-quality branded item.

Personally, I like the company's products Ugreen, which I wrote about above. All the products I have purchased from them inspire confidence and really work. The simplest one at 5V and 1A (which is just right for charging an iPhone in a car) costs $6.99.

Long-term iPhone storage

If for some reason you decide to put your iPhone away for long-term storage, be sure to follow the rules below:

  • Charge your iPhone to about 50%. Storing the device with a fully charged battery may result in the battery losing some of its original capacity. Conversely, if you store the device with a completely discharged battery, it may go into a deep discharge state;
  • Turn off the device;
  • Store the device in a dry place with an ambient temperature of no more than 32C;
  • If your iPhone is going to sit on the shelf for more than six months, charge it to 50% every 6 months.

So how to properly charge your iPhone? As you probably understood from the article, there are no special rules. The iPhone has built-in foolproof protection (also known as a power controller) so that any user does not have to worry about charging the phone. As a personal example, I used an iPhone 4S for four years and charged it chaotically.

Most often it was fully charged overnight, but sometimes I had to connect it to the power adapter during the day. And what happened to the battery after 4 years? Yes, nothing happened... She still holds on, plus or minus one day.

So don't worry too much about charging your iPhone. Charge it whenever you want and for as long as you want. The main thing is not to use dubious Chinese chargers.

Most often, when comparing several top smartphones, users analyze the time battery life devices. However, sometimes the deciding factor can be the charging time of the smartphone. For example, if the device’s battery is low and you only have 15 minutes to recharge it. During this time, each flagship can receive a different amount of energy. One of the foreign publications decided to conduct a test on the charging speed of smartphones in order to identify the fastest charging phone.

The following people took part in the test: Asus Zenfone 2, Google Nexus 6, OnePlus 2, Samsung Galaxy S6, LG G4, Motorola Droid Turbo, Apple iPhone 6 . First, all phones were completely discharged until they turned off, then charged to the 5% mark. After that, several “races” were organized for gadgets. The point was to analyze how many percent the device will charge in 5 minutes, starting from the 5% mark. Then for 15 and 30 minutes. After this, we compared the charging time to 80% and to 100%. Here's what we found out during the experiment.

  • Charge level in percentage after 5 minutes (starting from 5%)

Asus Zenfone 2 noticeably pulled away from the rest in the first five minutes. During this time, he managed to charge 17%. The minimum figure was for the iPhone 6: the device was charged only 6%. The remaining participants have an average of 11.43%.

  • Charge level in percentage after 15 minutes

In this race, the leader was again Asus Zenfone 2. Its figure reached 32%. At the same time, the Samsung Galaxy S6, which was previously in the middle, jumped to second position. The iPhone 6 was again in the back rows - last place. It has the same score as the OnePlus 2.

  • Charge level in percentage after 30 minutes

At the thirtieth minute, the Samsung Galaxy S6 caught up with the main leader, Asus Zenfone 2. In half an hour, they were charged by 53% - that’s a little more than half. iPhone 6 took the second to last position - 36%.

  • 80% charge

In the fourth race, the Samsung Galaxy S6 took the lead. It took him 48 minutes to reach the 80% mark. This is the only phone that takes less than an hour to charge to 80%. For iPhone comparisons 6 took a little more than an hour— 1 hour 15 minutes.

Last week, a story became popular on the Internet, the heroes of which were an unknown Internet user and Apple's senior vice president of software, Craig Federighi. The first sent a letter to the head of the corporation, Tim Cook, in which he asked whether tasks should be removed from the list running applications to save battery power. “No and no again,” Federighi answered for his boss on his own Twitter.

Soon after this, foreign and domestic media began publishing a link to a special section on the Apple website, which talks about how to increase the operating time of an iOS device without recharging and extend the overall life of the built-in battery.

The page that has gained new popularity notes that the term “lifetime” in relation to a battery means exactly the period that elapses between two charges, and the definition of “lifespan” implies the time after which the battery needs to be replaced with a new one. Exactly how to extend both - translated by RG Digital.

1. Apple advises updating software promptly, as updates often include new energy-saving technologies.

2. You should avoid too high and too low temperatures when using gadgets - this applies to tablets, smartphones, and laptops. The range of comfortable temperatures is from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius, the upper limit is 35 degrees Celsius. Charging at higher temperatures may cause permanent battery damage. Use in cold conditions may reduce battery life, but this is temporary.

3. Remove cases from devices while charging. This will help them avoid overheating as charging can cause excess heat.

4. Keep gadgets half charged if you leave them for a long time. A completely discharged battery may completely lose the ability to charge in the future. In turn, a battery charged at 100 percent for a long time may lose some of its capacity. It is recommended to store devices at a temperature not exceeding 32 degrees.

5. Available for iPhone and iPad additional ways increase battery life. The first is to set automatic brightness, in which the device adapts to lighting conditions. The second is to keep Wi-Fi on all the time, since this access method consumes less energy.

6. iOS 9 introduced a power saving mode that warns the user when the battery is low and also reduces power consumption by disabling iCloud synchronization and AirDrop data transfer. At the same time, the ability to make calls, send SMS and access the Internet will remain. When the device is charged, the saving mode is automatically turned off.

7. According to Apple, iOS 9 has become the most energy efficient operating system, since it now offers the ability to find out which applications are the most draining of battery power. If desired, the user can limit the background activity of the most "gluttonous" programs.

You recognize this situation: after leaving for another city or traveling, you suddenly remembered that your iPhone charger was left lying on the coffee table at home. The situation, naturally, is not a pleasant one, because without a gadget in our time, it’s like being without hands. Due to the fact that the battery does not last forever, you need to think about how to charge iPhone 5 without charging.

How to quickly charge an iPhone via USB port

It’s good to have someone nearby who can lend you their charger, or to have an Apple service center somewhere nearby. But fate rarely gives such gifts. It would be strange not to start with the simplest - USB port. Surprisingly, for some users even this information may be a revelation. If you have an iPhone charging cable (without a power supply) and a laptop/PC at hand, you can quickly and easily charge your phone. You just need to plug the cord into the USB connector and wait for the treasured hundred percent of the battery.

How to charge an iPhone without a cord using alternative power sources

The problem of a forgotten charger at home can now be easily solved with the help of alternative power sources. You can replenish the required battery supply using external batteries. Portable storage devices have firmly established themselves in the market for essential and everyday goods. This small box, which can be ordered/purchased in an online store, is capable of delivering four full charges to your favorite smartphone. The choice of device depends on the capacity reserve expressed in mAh value, additional functions (flashlight), and design.

Thanks to portable battery You can forget about the dying battery for several days, although the charging process will take a little longer. Simply connect the accessory to the mobile cord and press the “turn on” button. A wide selection of these devices on the market allows you to buy them inexpensively - the price ranges from 500 to 5,000 rubles, depending on the capacity. As an alternative, inventors have come up with several other types of additional power sources:

  1. From a solar battery. In the catalogs of online stores around the world you can already find these simple devices at an affordable price. They look like external batteries with one exception - they need to be placed in a place where there is direct sunlight and the phone can stay afloat for a long time. Thanks to this method, you can quickly solve the following question: how to charge an iPhone without charging.
  2. From the fire. An unusual device whose job is to convert thermal energy into electrical energy. Special braziers are placed on the fire, a cable is connected to them, and the phone begins to quickly dial up interest. This charging method is ideal for hikers and those who don’t know how to charge an iPhone 5s without charging in nature.

Wireless charging for iPhone iQi Mobile

Recently, the gadget market has been replenished with another new product - wireless charging iQi Mobile for Apple iPhone, sold at prices ranging from 1,200 to 3,000 rubles. The principle of operation is very simple - electromagnetic energy is used, acting inductively on a special battery attached to the phone. It sounds complicated, but in reality everything couldn’t be simpler: this is a thin plate 0.5 mm thick, which fits under any case and is connected to the smartphone connector with a lighting cable. After this, the iPhone is placed on a special docking station and charged wirelessly.

iPhone charging case

A special battery case has become a very popular product of our time, after putting it on the iPhone begins to rapidly replenish the battery capacity. The device has a capacity of 2200 mAh, which is enough to extend the life of the smartphone by a good 1.5-2 days. Important point- this is to take care of charging the case itself in advance, otherwise it will turn into only a protective shell and, I would like to note, a very weighty one. The design of the accessory is laconic - one “turn on” button and an indicator panel displaying the remaining battery. The cost of the gadget is reasonable – it sells for between 800 and 2,000 rubles.

What to do if the iPhone does not charge from the original charger

A lot of people face a similar problem. The original wire, produced by a large American company, may break due to various reasons. This could be incorrect handling, ordinary technical problems, the malfunction of the connector on the phone itself, and much more. Let's consider solutions in cases where the standard factory charger does not charge the iPhone:

  1. A mistake in software. Sometimes malfunctions occur in the program that sends signals to a special charging controller (chip). If the software is in a “frozen” state, then the phone will not be able to recognize that the current has already flowed. There is a simple solution - simultaneously press and hold the Home and Power buttons on your iPhone for about 30 seconds before the reboot begins. After this, the smartphone should start charging.
  2. The port that helps charge the smartphone is dirty. A common problem that arises among those people who like to carry a mobile phone in their pocket. Debris particles fall into the lighting hole and prevent the flow of current. The solution is simple - take a simple toothpick and use it to get out the dirt, and then blow it thoroughly. That's it, you can connect/charge.
  3. USB port problem. If you don’t know how to charge an iPhone without charging and are using a cord connected to a PC or laptop, then you need to check all inputs for functionality. The problem is solved this way: just plug the wire into another USB port or use a regular 220V plug - you can charge.
  4. There is a fault in the cable. It happens that when the wire is connected, the phone does not show any signs. This means that somewhere in the cord there is a break that can only be repaired by a specialist. The best solution is to buy a new iPhone charger.

Check out the ways...

Charging your phone with another charger

If none of the methods described above turned out to be useful, then there is only one option left, which is better to resort to as a last resort - connect the iPhone battery directly to other chargers. It should be noted right away that using this method is dangerous for both the person and the device, which will have to be opened in any case. Take precautions - carry out the operation with rubber gloves, do not touch bare wires with your skin. Scheme of how to charge iPhone 4 without charging (original):

  1. Disassemble the iPhone and disconnect the battery.
  2. Take any charging device, cut off the connector to connect to the phone.
  3. Connect two exposed wires of different colors in series to the contacts on the battery, which has polarity indicators (blue to +, red to -).
  4. Press the wires tightly and secure with electrical tape.
  5. If you did everything correctly, then when you turn on the iPhone, it will show signs of life.

Video: how to charge an iPhone without charging

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Users of even the most modern gadgets sometimes blindly follow a rule that was widespread at the dawn of mobile communications: Before using, the device must be completely discharged, then fully charged.. The most fanatical users have developed this rule to the point of absurdity, proposing to fully charge and discharge the iPhone three times. Whether this makes any sense at all – we’ll look at it in the article.

Practical research on the issue of charging mobile devices someone was doing Eric Leamer - his experiments led him to unexpected conclusions. It turns out that charging your iPhone to 100% is not possible at all. harmful– the optimal charge level should be from 50% to 70%. When charged to 100%, the battery can withstand only 500 cycles, while when charged to 70% - over a thousand.

Where did the prejudice about the importance of a full charge come from? First Cell Phones were equipped with nickel batteries susceptible to so-called memory effect. Memory effect is that if the operating instructions are violated, the active substance of the nickel battery crystallizes - as a result, the maximum amount of energy that the battery can store decreases. The battery “remembers” that it was not fully used before, and therefore releases energy only up to a fixed limit - hence the name of the effect.

Modern gadgets are equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which There is no memory effect. Almost everyone who talks about the need before use completely discharge the phone, belong to the older generation and started with black and white “dialers”, for which this rule was relevant. Nowadays, a buyer will not hear such a recommendation from a competent consultant in a salon.

How long does it take to charge an iPhone?

iPhone charging time depends on a number of conditions:

Battery capacity. The latest modifications 6 and 6S have more high-capacity batteries, so it takes longer to recharge them.

  • power unit. There is one secret: If you use the iPad's power supply, charging time will be reduced to a minimum. There is no need to fear that this method will negatively affect the battery: by Apple this is not forbidden.
  • Parallel use. If the owner of the gadget uses the gadget while charging (for example, plays), more time will, of course, be needed.

A “healthy” battery does not need more than 3 hours to charge from 0 to 100%.

If the iPhone does not have enough night to fully recharge, it is better to contact a service or sales office under warranty.

Don't let your gadget overheat. Pay attention to this scale, which is posted on the official Apple website:

The ideal temperature for operating the iPhone is from 16 to 22 degrees. Using it at a different temperature will not degrade the quality of the battery, however, the device itself will hold a charge for less time.

Recharging is a different matter: if it is carried out in conditions of high temperatures, devastating consequences for the battery cannot be avoided. Statistics say: constant recharging at a temperature 10 degrees above normal leads to the fact that the battery drains by 20% in a year - within three years your iPhone will need expensive repairs.

Therefore, under no circumstances leave your smartphone “charged” on a windowsill or in a car, do not cover it with a pillow and blanket, or remove the case from it while it is charging!

Use only certified accessories . note that we're talking about not about original, but about certified USB cables and power supplies. The latter can be produced not only by Apple, but also by another company, which means they have a lower price. You can determine which accessory is certified by the “Made For iPhone” inscription on the packaging.

Certified accessories (like the iPhone itself) have special PMIC controllers that “monitor” that the current, voltage, and temperature do not exceed acceptable limits. If, for example, the iPhone overheats, charging will stop and a message like this will appear on the screen:

There are no controllers on Chinese “no-name” accessories, so the user uses them at his own peril and risk. Note the statistics: increasing the charging voltage by just 4% above normal will cause the gadget’s battery to wear out twice as fast.

Fully discharge your iPhone, but don't do it more than once a month. A monthly full discharge is needed to calibrate the power controllers. Many Apple users notice that their devices turn off when the charge is 2-3% - this is a sign of uncalibrated controllers. However, it is impossible to constantly “wear out” the iPhone to zero - this is extremely detrimental to the battery. Try not to force your gadget to turn off more than once a month.


Sooner or later you will have to spend money on replacing the iPhone battery - this is a given. Regarding the timing, the opinions of many experts and the author of the article differ: you can often find recommendations to change the battery every 2 years of intensive use of the gadget, however, the author’s iPhone battery is constantly in use and has not caused any complaints for 3 years now. It is important to monitor the quality of accessories and recharging conditions and then you will not have to enrich the service center technicians.
