Where is the dictionary on the iPhone? Using T9 on iPhone. Customize for yourself

Often on various forums users ask, is there a T9 on the iPhone? How does this feature work? How to turn it on or, conversely, turn it off? After all, for some people typing text is more convenient and easier with the auto-correction mode, while others, on the contrary, experience discomfort. So let's figure it out together.

In fact, there is no T9 on the iPhone. This option was available on old push-button smartphones, where you had to limit yourself to just 9 buttons, which were responsible for typing numbers, letters and symbols. As for the iPhone, there is an auto-correction mode. But out of habit they continue to call it T9.

What is its essence? The AutoCorrect function is based on controlling what the user writes in a text message field. In addition to this, the program automatically corrects what you have written if it suddenly sees an unfamiliar word.

Autocorrection tries to predict your actions and suggests from its dictionary those options that it thinks you would like to type. Moreover, if the user does not react to the pop-up window in any way, that is, does not click on the cross, refusing this word, then an automatic replacement occurs. Just press the space bar and move on to typing another word.

In some cases, such a replacement turns out to be logical. But sometimes the result is sheer nonsense instead of a clear message on Viber, VK or WhatsApp.

Much here depends on the user. Some owners of iOS gadgets quickly adapt to this style of typing, when they need to keep track of what the program offers. As a result, they are able to quickly write SMS from a smartphone. But there are those for whom the so-called T9 only gets in the way. Due to automatic word substitutions, they end up with incomprehensible and even strange messages.

Therefore, if auto-correction does not improve your message typing speed, then it is best to disable it. Find out how to do this further.

For reference! The Auto Correct feature is enabled by default on iPhone.

How to disable and enable T9 on iPhone?

It’s easy to remove autocorrect words from the list of active options. This procedure will take you no more than a couple of minutes. And it doesn’t matter what iPhone you have – 4, 4s, 5s, 6, SE, 7, 8 or X. Everything is done in just a couple of steps:

  1. Go to the Settings menu on your iPhone.
  2. Go to the “Basic” section.
  3. Next, scroll down the page a little and tap on the “Keyboard” subsection.
  4. Disable the “Auto-correction” option by moving the slider to the inactive position.
  5. We are glad that T9 will no longer interfere with the process of writing SMS or messages in instant messengers.

On the contrary, we think it’s clear how to enable auto-correction. Just activate the switch so that it lights up green.

For reference! Try to get used to typing text with the auto-correct option turned on. After all, this function is very useful. Especially if you sometimes have to write cumbersome terms and various long words.

Customize for yourself

We recommend that you try setting up “Auto-correction” and generally speed typing for yourself, so that these options really help you when typing and correspondence. Moreover, it is easy to do. Open the “Basic” section in the settings of your iOS device and select “Keyboard”, and then “Auto-correction”. Here you can:

  1. Teach her new words. For example, in the “Keyboard” subsection, tap on the “Abbreviations” block. Then click on “New Shortcut”. Write down the full phrase and its shortened version - the same abbreviation. Click save. Now try to create a message and write an abbreviation. The system will offer you the full option - just tap on it or press the space bar.
  2. Ask to highlight misspelled words. To do this, simply activate the Spelling option.
  3. Activate a mode in which you will be offered options for continuing the phrase(the system takes into account your previous conversations, writing style and most common words). You can do this in the “Keyboard” subsection by enabling the option called “Predictive dialing”.
  4. Set words to be capitalized by default if they come first in a sentence. Just turn on the “Auto-Capital” function.

Finally, let's discuss another important point. Does it concern how to clear the T9 dictionary on an iPhone? After all, as you use it, a large number of accidentally added or misspelled words accumulate here, which interfere with rapid typing. Therefore, the iOS autocorrection dictionary needs to be reset periodically. To do this, go to the “General” section in the settings, tap on the “Reset” item and select “Reset keyboard dictionary”. By doing this, you will delete words (including erroneous variants - for example, “sleep” instead of “sleep”) added while you were using the device.

Have you ever thought that Americans never translate? I'm not talking about diplomats and Mexican border guards, but about a simple American child whose plump fingers do not know the “⌘Space” key combination. It doesn't need Punto Switcher, it doesn't need Lingvo, or even Google Translate. But you live in Russia, and Cupertino is only a dream for you.

You surf the Internet with a dictionary under your arm, and your English homework turns into an ongoing hell with second-by-second switching between programs. Today we will once again bring joy back into your life, save money on English courses and improve your karma. Because now you just need to touch the word to translate it.

Apple cares so much about its American customers that it even came up with a Dictionary program for them, which shows a pop-up definition of a word when you tap on it with three fingers (in iOS, a triple tap is replaced by highlighting the word and pressing the “Give Definition” button).

I don’t know where this need for an explanatory dictionary came from, but, on the other hand, you can’t expect miracles from people who know only their native language. Triple tap is grace in its purest form, grace at the fingertips, and it’s a pity to waste it on dubious things like definitions from the Apple dictionary. Let's use it for something really useful. Today we'll have a little fun and teach our Mac/iPhone/iPad to translate using Lingvo dictionaries. Yes, we know that Lingvo costs a lot of money, but who said that everything beautiful in the world is sold for money?

How to do it in OS X

First of all, we need to get the dictionaries themselves. You should search in Google for the query “Lingvo 12 dictionaries for Mac OS X 10.4+”. Download, unpack, nothing complicated. Dictionaries should be files with the extension “.dictionary” and a white Lego brick icon. Then open Finder and go to Macinstosh HD/Libraries/Dictionaries, and put all downloaded dictionaries into the “Dictionaries” folder. Done, we’ve loaded Lingvo dictionaries into the miracle program “Dictionary”. Now open the program, go to the settings and tick the box that we need.

I recommend leaving all the downloaded dictionaries, because you never know where you will end up in the next second: a Wikipedia article about Universal Orgasm or a collection of the dumbest quotes from George W. Bush. That’s it, from now on, translating any word comes down to pointing the mouse at it and triple tapping on the touchpad. Shine:

How to do it in iOS 7

Here everything will be somewhat more complicated, although the idea remains the same. The closed nature of the mobile system does not allow us to tinker with the internals of the Dictionary, so we will have to download another program that will act as a repository for Lingvo dictionaries. It will be “Dictionary.Appender”, which is free and available in the App Store.

After downloading the program, connect the iOS device to the computer, open iTunes and perform the following sequence of actions:

1. Go to the device menu.

2. Open “Programs”

3. Scroll down to “Shared Files”; our “Dictionary.appender” will be in the list of programs:

4. Click on it and drag all the dictionaries we are interested in to the right side of the screen, into the “Dict.Appender Documents” field (you can drag the same files that we used when installing dictionaries in OS X).

5. Then, without disconnecting the device from the computer, open the previously downloaded “Dictionary.appender” in it (iOS device) and scroll down until we find our dictionary:

6. Click on it and install:

There is one unpleasant moment here: the program allows you to install only one dictionary for free, and when you try to install a second one, it gives you this nasty message:

Even if you upload a bunch of dictionaries into it, as you did in OS X, it will still only allow you to use one. Therefore, I recommend installing a universal dictionary, the file of which is called “LVLingvo UniversalEnRu.dictionary”. Now let's check:

Let’s give a “definition” (Ha-ha-ha):

That's all. If after this article the servers of the English-language Wikipedia are overwhelmed by the influx of Russians burning with a thirst for knowledge, then we have nothing to do with it, so you know.

iOS's AutoCorrect feature can be annoying at times, offering us unimaginable and ridiculous words, but AutoCorrect is still a great feature that makes typing on iPhone and iPad easier and faster. In this article we will try to give you some useful tips to improve this function.

Resetting the keyboard dictionary

The built-in iOS keyboard dictionary may return incorrect word replacements after it learns an incorrect word entry. To get rid of this error, we advise you to reset the dictionary. To do this, go to Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset keyboard dictionary.

Write the words you want to add to the dictionary in Safari

Back in 2009, it was discovered that the iOS keyboard dictionary remembers the words you type into the Safari browser's search box. Oddly enough, this solution also works in iOS 6. Words entered in Safari search will still be underlined in the text as incorrect, although the dictionary will offer them as an alternative to the incorrectly typed word. This method, of course, is not very practical, because adding a word to the dictionary requires quite a lot of actions.

Add words to "Contacts"

This method of improving auto-correction is suitable only for particularly patient people, as well as for those who will not be bothered by various entries in the contact list. To add words to the iOS autocorrect dictionary, simply create a new contact and enter all the words you want in the field "Name".

Adding new words to the dictionary through settings

To add new words to the built-in dictionary, open Settings -> General -> Keyboard and scroll down the menu to the shortcut option.

Select an item add a new abbreviation, and enter the required word in the field Phrase.

Words added in this way will be synchronized via iCloud.

Use jailbreak tweaks

There are a large number of tweaks that can improve the performance of auto-correction in iOS, as well as improve interaction with the keyboard. We advise you to pay attention to tweaks and

Dictionary is a very useful application for any owner of a mobile device. As for Apple gadgets, by default they already have quite a wide range of linguistic functionality, which allows their users to find out the meaning of any unfamiliar words. The only catch is that iOS does not have a function for interpreting Russian words, so many owners are interested in how to install additional dictionaries for iOS.

Dictionary for iOS without jailbreak

This method of expanding the linguistic capabilities of iOS is suitable for those users who want to acquire a good English-Russian translator. The method is relevant only for owners of iPad and iPhone with OS version seven and higher. In order to install a suitable iOS dictionary using it, you must:

  • Download and install the Dictionary.appender application. It is distributed through the App Store free of charge.
  • Download the Lingvo 12 image for Leopard Dictionary, which can be found on many torrent trackers. The images are distributed in DWG format, which can be opened on Windows using the UltraISO program.
  • Connect your iOS gadget to your computer, launch iTunes and find the previously installed Dictionary.appender in the “Programs” section.
  • Add the previously saved file with the dictionary extension to the application;
  • Disconnect the device from the computer and enter the program directly on it.
  • Click on the desired item in the list and select “Install”. Please note that the installation of the iOS dictionary may take several minutes.

You can check the functionality of the installed service in any application that supports this functionality: iBooks, Safari, and so on - select the word we need and click “Give a definition.”

Important! On a free basis, Dictionary.appender makes it possible to implement only one dictionary in iOS, and to use several more linguistic tweaks you will have to shell out 33 rubles.

Dictionaries application for iOS

In addition to the above method of expanding the linguistic capabilities of iOS, every user of an Apple device has the opportunity to use a thematic application from a third-party manufacturer.

Dict A-Z. This application contains several dictionaries: Russian-explanatory, synonymous, etymological, spelling, and some others. The program does not require an Internet connection to operate, and its cost is only 33 rubles.

Intelligent Dahl. A pretty good free application that has collected a huge number of Russian words in accordance with current spelling rules. For the application to work, the iOS device must be connected to the Internet.

iSmart. An excellent multifunctional dictionary for iOS, containing a number of useful dictionaries: several sensible different editions, synonymous, spelling and others. The program can search the clipboard and find similar words in the clipboard. The price is 99 rubles.

Imiwa- Japanese-Russian iOS dictionary, provides an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the writing of Kanji characters. Users can also view examples of the use of Japanese words. The program is free and works without an Internet connection.

Another useful utility in our knowledge base will be more... Dict A-Z for iPad (explanatory and spelling dictionaries) – this is the full name of the application. In general, before I tried it, I didn’t realize how necessary this thing was.

I rarely allow myself to quote iTunes, but here it’s probably worth listing the dictionaries that are built into the application. So, for 3.99 we have the following installed dictionaries (which is nice, you don’t need to buy anything in addition - this is a reproach towards Lingvo):

1. Complete spelling dictionary of the Russian language, edited by V.V. Lopatin (158,103 words), accents are indicated.
2. Dictionary of synonyms by N. Abramov (19,107 words).
3. New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, ed. Efremova (123,999 words).
4. Dahl’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language (43,460 words).
5. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, edited by D.N. Ushakova (88,279 words).
6. Vasmer's Etymological Dictionary (17,256 words).
7. Dictionary of foreign (borrowed) words and Latin expressions (16,627 words).

I don’t know what rights the application developer has to these dictionaries, but the fact that he made an excellent product out of them is undeniable. Let's look at the functionality of the Dict A-Z application.

We look for a word and get its interpretation from different dictionaries. Please pay attention to the formatting of the resulting articles. Everything is beautiful, but there are articles, from Dahl’s dictionary or in Vasmer’s etymological dictionary, which are continuous text...

The program excels at searching – you can search both words from the dictionary and words inside articles.

Another important feature of the dictionary is the ability to reduce or enlarge the font. This can be done either through the menu or with gestures (it’s much faster)…

In general, there is nothing more to add here, but finally, a fun fact. While looking through reviews of the program in the App Store, I came across a review from our regular reader lliel.

It's a small world! :)

Conclusion: Dict A-Z is a good program for the money. The developer cleverly used several electronic dictionaries, attaching a convenient shell to them. Competitors cost an order of magnitude more and it is not a fact that they have comparable characteristics.
