Business chat Bitrix 24. Bitrix24 launches omnichannel CRM and online chat. Planning and recording of working hours

At first glance, if you believe the instructions, everything is similar for JivoSite and LiveTex - simple integration in a few steps.


LiveTex - free application. To set up the integration, you didn’t even need to go into LiveTex, everything was extremely simple. It is enough to install the application, and then enter the LiveTex login and password into Bitrix24. And that’s it – you can work!

This is what the application looks like in Bitrix24 after installation

Based on customer requests in chat, leads are created automatically in B24. Only from the chat they are not transmitted in a second, you need to wait a few minutes.
A nice thing is that there is a check for duplicates. For example, if someone left their contacts in the chat twice, there will be one lead, the second message will simply be a comment in the same lead.

It’s even easier to set up the integration of LiveTex and Bitrix24 using the marketplace application “Livetex - integration of an online consultant with Bitrix24” from the Pinol company. It can be installed in 3 mouse clicks. Its main advantage is that if the application does not find the connection of the left phone number or address Email with a Lead, Contact, Company in CRM, then a new Lead will be created, and if a connection is found, then information about the communication will “fall” into the live feed of each of the entities.


  • convenient integration
  • for free
  • leads are generated automatically

2. JivoSite

JivoSite is a free application (there is also a paid application, it has not been tested).
To integrate, you must first install the application in Bitrix24, then go to JivoSite and enter the path to the portal in the admin panel.
After this, the “Link a client” button will appear in the application.
When you click it, you will be prompted to insert a link to the lead from crm. After linking to Zhivosite, the client’s contact information and a quick link to his card in Bitrix24 will be displayed.

And after the dialogue is completed, bitrix24 will receive information about the correspondence.

It turns out that the operator in the chat must initially link the lead from the chat to the lead or client in Bitrix24. Not happy at all.
In the paid application, we are sure, everything is much more convenient, but it costs 450 rubles / month + the paid tariff of LiveSite. It turns out that it is more profitable to use LiveTex.


  • the integration is a little confusing, but you can figure it out if you want
  • free (but there is also a paid application)
  • In order for information to be transferred from chat to Bitrix24, the manager will have to manually specify the link

3. Online chat from the Bitrix24 open line

Bitrix24 also has its own chat, which can be installed on the site. We couldn't help but test it too :)

You can learn more about Bitrix24 chats from this video:

Bitrix24 developers have provided free plan, thanks to which it is possible without the slightest financial investment.
To use chat, you need to select the Online chat connection channel in open lines and click the “Connect” button. Then you should specify the settings, and in additional settings you can change the design of the chat - upload a background image and add your own style sheets.

After this, the chat is ready for use; all that remains is to copy the widget code and paste it on the site.

Example open window chat on the site:

The operator will conduct correspondence in Business Chat directly on the portal


  • easy to install on the site
  • leads are generated automatically
  • for free
So, as a result, it turned out that the easiest way is to use Bitrix24 chat. The most confusing part was connecting JivoSite.

", inviting them to a chat to discuss a common current task. At the same time, employees can exchange messages that are available to everyone at once, quickly solving pressing issues. All chats are saved in history, which can be viewed later. The selection of participants is carried out using dialogue, just like and when writing messages to several employees at once in the Live Feed.

Remember : When a colleague joins the chat again, messages from group chat participants made earlier will not be available.

Conversely, you can exclude an employee from the chat if he is no longer needed in the discussion. Your own posts in the dialog window are highlighted with a different background. The avatar of the person who created the group chat will be surrounded by a green frame:

Note : In addition to group chats on the portal, it is also possiblegroup calls.

Contact context menu

In order to call context menu contact, you need to use the right button. Mice. It allows:

  1. to write a message

  2. Make a video call

  3. Open chat history

  4. Go to user profile

  5. Hide dialogue.

Notification Center

This center reports tasks and events on the portal.

For example, it displays pop-up messages from portal users and information about invitations to a group or meeting. In particular, it reports events on the Extranet network for employees who work with users in extranet groups. These messages are always displayed in the upper right corner of the page:

To see the notification history, you need to click on the notification panel button or in the window to the button " Notifications", then in the dialog window click on the button “ Read notifications":

Note : When sending messages from Live Feed, notifications are also sent to an employee if it is addressed to a group to which the user is subscribed, or he is specified in the recipients.

Message archive

To get to this archive, you need to click the button in the upper right corner of the dialog.

A window will open "Message History", and there, in the upper corner, on the right, you need to click on the first letters, you will find all the messages where these letters are. A button will also appear "Delete all messages"- by clicking on it, you will clear the history of communication with a colleague.

Archive of a chat with an employee who has already been fired

To view this archive, you must enter the portal section " Employees", there go to the tab “ Dismissed" and select " Chating history":

You can also select “ Chating history":

After this, a window will open with an archive of chat messages with the fired employee.

Did you have any questions while reading?


Gone are the days when office memos “wandered” from one department to another, when you corresponded with some employees on Skype, with others on ICQ, and someone only read letters in Outlook. Now, thanks to the Bitrix24 messenger, you are in touch with all employees of your company in one convenient service.

How to write a message in chat

To start a dialogue, click on the “Chat and calls” line in the “Favorites” tab. A window will open in front of you in which you can write:
  • General chat. Your message will be seen by all company employees.
  • Private chat. Only those you add to the chat will see your message.
  • One on one chat. Your message will only be seen by your interlocutor, whom you add to the chat.

Remember, your chats aren't limited to just your company's employees. You can also invite your clients, partners and suppliers.

Unlimited video calls

Bitrix24 messenger has built-in video calls, which means that now you don’t have to spend money on expensive equipment for video conferencing and resort to help third party programs. Video calls to Bitrix24 are free and unlimited in volume. If you do not want or cannot communicate via video, you can stay in touch by limiting yourself to a voice call.


You have the opportunity to organize a general chat or video conference in which you can add up to four people. You can share your screen, as well as add files for ease of communication and understanding by all participants in the dialogue. The correspondence history will be saved and available to you at any time.

Mobile app

Having installed mobile app Bitrix24, you will always be in touch. No matter how far you are from the office, you can quickly respond to chat messages, as well as receive calls and participate in video conferences. All you need is access to the Internet.

Recently, customers have frequently contacted the company by telephone. But now, in addition to calling, clients contact us through social networks and instant messengers. Efficiency is important here. Open lines in Bitrix24 are designed to collect messages from all channels, distributing them in turn among employees and recording the results in real time. You just need to connect instant messengers and social pages so that your requests will come to Bitrix24 chat. VKontakte, Facebook, Telegram, Skype. The team promises to expand the list as other messengers open the API.

The entire history of conversations with clients is automatically entered into the CRM. You just communicate, and Bitrix24 does the rest for you: collecting messages, distributing them in turns, recording in CRM, statistics.

Online chat

If you don’t have a website, then create such a chat on the public page of Bitrix24 and share the link with clients, put it in the signature or write it on a business card.

CRM forms

You are probably familiar with web forms. But it’s difficult to take them and connect them with CRM, right down to analytics. Bitrix24 simplified the task a little by launching CRM forms - a form creation editor, a public page with a domain, integration with CRM, a queue for distributing results and analytics.

The system has 5 ready-made forms and 3 scenarios: simple, with conditions and with payment.

Online accounts

People are already getting used to paying online, but not all companies offer this option. Bitrix24 allows you to connect payment systems and create a public link to accounts.

Naturally, you can combine an account with a form and a chat; all that remains is to figure out these Bitrix24 innovations. But, as soon as you figure it out, you can teach others how to create forms with products from the catalog and send a link to clients. All they have to do is fill out the form and pay the bill online.

Email tracker

If you were waiting to work with several mailboxes in CRM, then Bitrix24 heard you. Connect the boxes, the history of communication with the client will automatically end up in the CRM.

  • Link with CRM mailbox each employee (IMAP).
  • Tracking incoming and outgoing emails in CRM.
  • Automatic lead generation from incoming and outgoing emails.
  • Saving correspondence with contacts in a card.

1C tracker

Offline sales should also be included in CRM. For this purpose, a 1C tracker appeared. It will allow you to upload contacts and companies from 1C to CRM and transfer data on offline sales.

Customer portrait - Omnichannel CRM

Bitrix24 combines channels of work with the client and creates a portrait, controlling the load and quality of service

Favorite channel, workload, sales data and other information on the client are included in the “Customer Portrait”.



It's not just about creating multiple funnels, but working with multiple lines of business. Create directions, customize forms, fields, funnels and get analytics.

Multiple connections

Now you can attach several contacts to a deal, or several companies to a contact. In this case, the system will remember the last one selected, so that when creating the next one and selecting the same company, CRM itself will select the necessary ones.

Collaborate with reports

Create a report and share with colleagues, specify people and access rights.

Email in Live feed

Write to an e-mail in the Live Feed, not only by specifying the e-mail, but also by selecting a client from the CRM. The people selection dialog will allow you to quickly find a client from CRM and send a post by email.

New problems


If you are actively managing tasks and it is difficult to assess the workload of your colleagues, then working on tasks will allow you to do this faster. And it will help you see problem areas where the employee is assigned several tasks.

Custom fields

Finally, you can create additional fields in the task. It seems like this has already happened somewhere.

Bitrix24 is everything you need for the proper operation of your company: CRM, task and project management, internal corporate network, chat, video chat and telephony, working with documents online, integration with mail and social networks, the ability to automate business processes, time tracking and work reports.

The goal of any company is to make a profit by creating some kind of value. To make this process easy and effective, order Bitrix24 implementation from us.

Free website builder

You can easily create a website yourself using a simple and convenient website builder. The site already has an online chat, back call, Application form. All customer contacts from the site are immediately entered into the CRM. You don't need hosting. The site is ready and working!

Business communications

Work in the corporate portal with pleasure - just like in a social network. Collaborate on projects and discuss everything in real time. Use familiar tools for communication, managing tasks, documents, work time and other services. All the tools are at your fingertips - in the interactive Live Feed.

Invite colleagues to a group business chat, communicate with them by voice and video, write messages, edit one document together. Contact a colleague who is offline - call him on his mobile directly from the portal. Call customers on a regular phone from CRM using built-in telephony. Collaborate with partners on the Extranet - on secure and neutral territory.

Task and project management

Busy by task Manage tasks and projects using convenient tools. Task functionality includes integration with calendars, a delegation mechanism, checklists, ready-made task templates, a filter designer and tasks on the Extranet for working with partners. Monitor the timely execution of tasks in departments, helping subordinates avoid violations. Consider the time and other resources required to complete tasks within the project.

Track the progress of project tasks using a Gantt chart - how many tasks are there, how many of them are completed and how many are in progress, which tasks are overdue and which ones have no deadline at all. Check your colleague's workload using a special chart before assigning him a new task. Evaluate your work with tasks by receiving reports by people/departments/projects. Summarize the work for the month - for the department and for each employee.

CRM: customers and sales

CRM forms Maintain a database of contacts and companies with which you cooperate in your CRM. Manage leads and deals from any device, including mobile. Use an email tracker to create leads based on new emails, and save all correspondence in their cards. Record all events (calls, letters, meetings), issue invoices to clients, build reports and a “Sales Funnel”. Plan things without leaving CRM. Create tasks, use business processes to process leads and deals, send emails and call clients directly from CRM on regular phones.

Turn on the 1C tracker, and your CRM will always have an up-to-date product catalog and a “fresh” price list. Integrate CRM with an online store, and your managers will conduct and “press” transactions to successful completion from the CRM itself.

Create a professional web form as easily as an MS Word document. Include fields from any CRM documents (contact, lead, etc.) into the form. Link any web form on the site to your Bitrix24, and the data from this web form will be automatically sent to the CRM.

CRM: Integration with 1C

The portal can be integrated with most popular editions of 1C:Enterprise. There are several levels of synchronization: Accounts and Nomenclature, Counterparties and full two-way synchronization, including transactions created on the Bitrix24 side and sales created on the 1C:Enterprise side

Open lines

Combine everything digital channels communications with clients in Bitrix24 (Vkontakte, Facebook, Telegram, Skype. Coming soon - Viber, Whatsapp). Communicate with clients in real time.

It doesn’t matter which channel the client uses - social network, instant messenger or chat on the website - all messages are redirected to Bitrix24. A free employee answers them in real time, and, if necessary, forwards the question to a colleague or top level support. The client now receives the answer in the same environment where he left the question.

Collaborate with documents

Connect Bitrix24.Disk and manage your work files both from your computer and directly from the portal. Connect folders with company files and group drives to your Drive, give access to your colleagues and work with files together. Share documents with colleagues, discuss them in Live Feed, get external links for them social networks and partners

Work with documents even without office software. Through external online services Google Docs and MS Office Online, you can open, view and edit any files of popular formats directly on the portal. Edit any documents on the portal using native applications installed on your computer. The entire history of changes is saved, you can always restore previous version document, and you can easily find the document you need using an internal search.

Planning and recording of working hours

Enable time tracking to increase discipline in your company. Employees will mark the beginning and end of the working day, breaks, absences, and plan tasks for the day. Based on this data, a working time report will be generated for management. These reports will also take into account the time spent on tasks.

Schedule events in Calendar. Download it to mobile phone or a tablet so that it is always with you, even on the road. Gather your colleagues for a meeting directly from Live Feed. Conduct it effectively using the internal meeting service. The service will help you quickly invite participants, automatically send out the agenda and discussion results, create events in personal calendars, and set tasks following the meeting.

HR: Personnel Management

Manage your company's structure visually. Just drag an employee to another department, add a new one, change the manager. Find out who this employee reports to, find him by searching, quickly get all his data on his personal page, contact through the portal, get a phone number in the directory. Synchronize contacts from the portal with your mobile phone, MS Outlook and other applications to always stay in touch.

Find out who is absent from the company, who is on a business trip, and who is on maternity leave. Distribute employee vacations using the absence schedule. Place advertisements in the “Live Feed” with the obligatory condition of reading. Create polls to get feedback from colleagues, approve a document, conduct research, or simply vote on something. Monitor the activity of using portal tools by employees and the entire company as a whole. Reward employees with “badges” and congratulate them on holidays.

Automation of company business processes

Manage a variety of business processes in your company through the portal - from shipping orders to interacting with affiliate network or clients. Take advantage ready-made templates business processes or create your own in the visual designer. Automate your routine operations: registration of business trips, vacations, approval and payment of bills, publication of official orders and instructions.

Automate document flow in your company using " Universal lists" Take into account all incoming documents and set up their step-by-step processing: from receipt by the secretary to approval by management and transfer to the archive. Automate the processing of Leads and Deals using business processes. Include everything in the business process possible actions above the CRM element: send out letters, assign responsibility, assign a task to an employee, etc.

Desktop applications

Install a desktop app (Mac or Windows) to communicate with colleagues, even if the portal browser is closed. Communicate with colleagues: call them through the portal and on their mobile phones, invite them to a group chat, including video, see message history. Receive the most important notifications about new events in the Live Feed, likes and comments on them, about assigned tasks and the progress of their implementation. Connect from the Bitrix24.Disk desktop application and work with files in your portal from any device.

Mobile applications

Install the mobile application (iOS, Android) and work with the portal from a tablet or smartphone: read and comment on the “Live Feed”; manage documents, tasks and files. Manage your CRM client base on a mobile device, make calendar appointments for colleagues, and confirm your participation in new events. Do a lot more, like send photos from your phone directly to your feed. Push notifications allow you to stay up to date with events in the company and always stay in touch with colleagues.

Integration with 1C, Microsoft, Google, Apple

The boxed version - "1C-Bitrix24" - integrates with many applications from leading software developers.

Safety and reliability

This is a safe product for collaboration. Your data will be stored securely and only you will have access to it in accordance with the user rights system. Your employees can safely open the corporate portal in the cafe, shopping centers, airports - in an unsecured environment, connecting via WiFi or mobile phone. Attackers will not intercept their passwords to use for their own purposes. All connections to the portal are made using an SSL certificate, which ensures the security of your corporate information and password protection. The product provides maximum protection against a wide variety of security threats. A proactive filter (WAF - Web Application Firewal) protects against most known attacks to web applications.

Just try it! It's free!
